HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-18, Page 3TIIE SAPPHIRE RING,
Why itis Treaeared by the Vallancay RAM-
ily—The Story pia Teepee.
Idea* Menet, Warwickshire, ie a eilow
place. Whited noticea wern the *monde
of excUreierilate Who. Pour into Deify Mount
-once 4 Week of the thine they ought not to
do liat theydo thenn ell the seine they
pick the **ere, then chap the deer and
'eairrY off Igled antlerin remembrance of the
e4cureiens.- Oa *Me occasions the plao is
thoroughly perneeeted Liy the public. But
though the publig Ornate ita ioo OW4
eFerYWherc at .144anty Mo -int it ban never yet
succeeded, in neinthe mansoleurn of the
Valimcy fa mily, trill leo toe it eeer had
the slightest lathing of the etrange story ecee-
neetod with it.
The mmocdetun le a Joey gray stone
building ; it it smothered in ivy, and, but
for the, hootipiton Over ita Meesiate door,
Nerajortuo vita, it loke ratherlike an fee-
heinie than the It reatiog pleoe of a great
family. Greet yew-treem ovembadow it, the
gravel path in front of the entrance is
Woo With Mose,
It is nearly. fifty years ego thet the maims
incident about to be detailed OeCurred. The
Earl bad been married but one eliort. year
to a limply girl. and he adered hie young
wife, 13 it to be womlered at that he ant
bleasaf up with Me beide in Me earthly
parutiise at Leafy Montt Their honey.
=en lead prolonged iteelf fee 04 whole year
for theirs had been a /eve marriage; and no
01ond had at Tet disturToed the trequillity
of the relealle4 of their lies.
The Cestinteee pato% as Islet WM the
beer in the clrewiog.room Led Metnet
dresmy.eyed bloode full of mutt -
meet awl •geece, the remota or gold= heir
inaided Mx in the rether tome' bedtime of
the cloy, The taper .he ere toyieg with a
beech et white eanielliev, _Ara en the
gegereeet Seger a meteulicent ring of
eapphlrea find diemorde 4 contmouome
Thee: upphiee rieg now treuureel heir-
becen inthe Vellmay Utility, and to the
rieg there le a btillory---ta true bleteey,
etraeger than Wien,
lead Valleucay's affection for hie wife WM
an her Redden Indlepozeitlen wee
Autumn forging owed him considereble
alerne TbetAntuteita had complabeed toher
huelend,of faintheee; the color had dime).
pored feomber my lipe, the heed whieh
be bad Weed la Me Patera' axeciety beemee
ley cold, end the fallen Ude lad the iceealx
"00c4 hensi" *hooted the Ruiz as be
teenfee aldstertees "elle bee feinteel."
Wee maul lamely ruteretbrell were *A-
nilaieteeed la vela, The modieel attendaut
wm beetlly evereutezed, tut to the.Ettere her-
ror. and aetaniehreant ha prounuced titbe
Couatees of Valimely WS.74 iNsy0tia All melt-
ly halp--thet she wee deed.
Hie friende and relativss warted %het
Lord Vallazoity beloved like =amen, He
&elated Oat the family attendant wee Mitt,
aIea; he ineeted that the Counteav WWI
merely In a imam The physician from the
nearest lawn was oelled in. He took hie fee
and elm* hie head. Bat Lord Whiney de-
ellozel to be convinced. He refused to Allow
the body of the Countess to he in any way
&tubed or to bo removed from the couch to
the great dwell:eve= whereit lay. Re
sat dity end nlehe ha the darkened room b
the Ode of the cold, Inalmete body of lz
yours wife, whieb 47 °tattled 133,14 delay
morning dlicliebille at filmy Honi on Neo;
and ever ond *eon he would stoop, Lie eye
filled with blinding leers the whileto kits
the poor qold little band, upon which still
bloated hit loveetoltea--the engegement ring
of sapplairea.
For a whole week did Lord Vallencay
atebbytho side of the buzeimate figure of
the Countese ; be refused to leave bet side
even for an instant. At the end of hie long
watch young Lord Vellancey's heir Wu
*freaked with gray. The friends and role -
Uwe came end looked their Jut; ape° the
lovely form; end of emit cue the Seel
would ask the question, still hoping against
(Yon done) think that the le really dead,
do you? No, surely not deed ; ain't only
But the only answer Lord Tellencay got
was a melancholy shrug of the shouldere or
a portentous shake of the head.
Ono, and once only, did Lord Vallettes.y's
grief °cue for an inetanb and give way to
violent indignation. A cadaverous little
men respectably dressed in shiny bleak,
had 'Wendy entered the room with a low
obeisance; he was the son of the principal
undertaker in the neighborhood, young Mr.
Vesper. He slowly advanced to the bob of
the cowls upon which lay the inanimate
body of the Countess. Be stared at it for
a few moments, and as his eye fell upon the
eapphire ring it wee lib up with a baleful
glitter; then he again made a low rever-
ence and was about to retire se quietly as
bad td entered.
"Who is that man?" Bald the Earl to the
old holisekeeper who bad accompanied
young Mr. Vosper. The housekeeper whie-
pered in his ear the nature of Mr. Vesper's
burliness. Lord Vellancay sprang from his
chair with a furious oath, but the under-
taker had disappeared.
For two whole daysbeyond the traditional
week the Countess of Vallancay had
remained unburied. At length, at the
remonstrance and entreaty of his relatives,
he Earl reluctantly gave way and consented
to the interment. But his COMMA was
coupled with two curios stipulations: she
should be laid in her ocffin just as she was,
midenorated by the touch of hireling and
unloving hands, and thp only pieces of
jewelry she wore, her wedding ring 'and
keeper and the great sapphire ring, should
not be removed. '
The Earl's demands were carried out to
the letter. The C_unteae was placed in
her coffin, the funeral nervier, was read
over her, and the was carried to the. family
mausoleumin the private ground of Leafy
Monet, and there buried. By special direc-
tion of the Earl of Vallanoay the cc ffin Wan
not ecrewed down ; for, to the disgust and
indignation of his relatives'he had declared
that he would daily visit the body of his
young wife in the mausoleum until he him-
self was donvinced that she was actually dead.
• How he managed it nobody knows, but
young MG Vesper, the undertaker, had
secretly caused a duplicate key of the
mausoleum to be fabricated.
A little after midnight young Vosper,
Wrapped in a long cloak, quietly proceeded
to the entrance of the tomb; he placed the
key in the massive lock, which opened with
considerable difficulty. From the nature of
his trale young Mr. Vosper had no fear of
the dead. As soon as ho was within the
door he produced a dark lantern and pro-
ceeded straight to the niche which contained
the polished oak affin of the Countess of
Valiancy. He placed the lantern upon the
ground, and proceeded to remove the ocifin
lid with its great silverplate. •
; He threw the light upon the body,, and
his greqdy eyesiastened a t once upon the
great eapphire ling, which glittered in the
etrong ray Of ' the lantern, for the hands
were reverently orossed upon the breast.
The robber se"z ed. the ringand attempted to
remove it. Retailed. Bat young Mr. Ves-
per did not etop at trifles. Prancing a file
from his pocket, he set to work upon the
inside (f the hoop of the ring, In /lie haste.
he Wounded the deliote finger of the Coma.
teas. Tiaere wee a 'gush of blood. The
Connteas suddenly roge, to Veaper's horror,
sat bob uNigi'M 4I1 her"M30 and' WPI1 ot the perk Cent/trent E agland, *3)=4.
European Nat Was Illiddlug ter TerritorY--
Cowen/ewe ia Eutaw or the Dark
The avidity with which the Earepoaofla
tieste are now webbing for enema ofAfetce
delneeetratea gettarleg belief in the foeure
geetie :deb, she opened her lovely eyes. Germany. ugly, 13sagom easa 1144rtogel are
Then Ironer dr(1)11ed• bit Ilk and f14(1 with engeged ia the ettuggle„ The experience
an unearthly acreem, evelaint Orestes fled or Grew, Britalx, vith inch, how, out see
when pursued by the Funes, rtotn th?t,.. hope of prodt for like enterprises in Africa,
day Mr, Vosper WO heard of no nlore and each nation is trying to get e eat an large
the nelabboTiletat.
share as potable, Zugland, Ir4 come,
OPMEIS in for the iion'a share. She is ruling
The young Oeuatees did not at firet real e Rgept and Z weber up to the Ziralaol, thus
her eittration, but the cold air which, paseessieg he:roger aterritory whicb,ieolud-
tug the Dotcli Reinhiice, now elairned by the
Scitieh uuder tne latex of settlers, is equal
Si five tiros the area of Franet ;
streamed from the eeen deer, and the blood
weieb Sewed from her Weended Seger, re-
vved her as if by magi°. She etepoed ham
her open Palle. and, faking the t.nteen
in hee kande qeitted the ohemel-house in
trepidatica east eateniehment, Once side le the cold nigizt air, she reara d ter
poeition ; she wr4Pped her liendkerchief
round her wounded hand end preceeded to
the great house as rapidly an "her trembling
limbs weuldearry her. Hereell Was wrapped
la darkeees from otze Telere IlsiOne Upon the
first firer there glimmered a light The
countess 40144a handful of gravetand tieing
it at the window, The easement was °pow,
ed instantly, It Wal ene el the maids whom
she had, ateneed girl wee, haedeheeded,
Wget'AwmfrY wernane and at once hUreled
to ber mistress' ansistance, Restoratives
were scirninistered, and the Countess was
eeett little the worse for her long sleep.
The tfonotees of Valloneay here atteur en
her Anger, and wore her eaPplaire ring till
the 447 of her death, end ehe UM lt4P9Y
There is no better or cheaper way to berri
at rAti, are steamed aed beet in the reugb. I M
wood than by steaming, Guescocke, if bent I
The trimmings are put on after the steak is •
SRO Reward for an incurable ore of
ehronie Catarrh in the Head cffered by the
mapufeeturers of Dr.5 'neat Cetarrix R needy.
Sold by druggiets, at 50 Off,
Same persons never gee berther out of
their eWe little eiesle then On TioPclera horror
in a merry go-rourid,
DA Pieren Pellets are anteeillool and
IAxative er Detbartio emerdieg to e ex of
The nem who bath oe mule be hie -S91.11
eellorigraege:trlobatite4eintyprg!W whee mtanle,
A. 459.
Parties wishing to perch:tee beproyed, ainnirase
Farms, freta 80 acres upwards, with immediate
possession, call or write to G. L MAIILSON* Ne•
Arthur's Block, Slain st., Winnipeg. Intormatlee
turaished free, et caws. and settlers assisted to
;own eelectioo.
WC 0 "X' 0
ea cumin, Rem or ivreieeir.
5. Patetsw comeexc
elehee poseescrion of eta upper valley 0
Niger, a. gecond it prerendlog to rule from
Mon:014mo to Lake,Tanganyika , and a third
is 040' to peeeeee itself of the country
stretching fore the middle of the bes
pp to the corner of Teake Tanganyika, a
erdtOry as lerge as Spain, and beaeoilee of
the eievated gonna Bald to be especially
adapted te European eettlement. 1sly is
trying t greb Abyssinia. .Wance has to
vaded the Met 00aat and OOTZsi DeY Shee-
ler°. le addition to its posressices in Algeria,
while the Germane have lowed new and
revised reap! EX':ending their claims in the
South and Etst so as to take la a vast
territory between Reohnemaland and the
Zatrainmi. In feet, there doe -4 not Wm. to
he much of Attlee left excepting the great
Sehara &oat that is net elelmaii by genie
wet* mid motile:tar runy a log yerze ititOr at these Revere:in pewere and ewe% the
ehe was buried alive, deeert it cleinied by Turkey.
WON 131C A 011111sD'O Uaxn,
rko TO4WIfing Lliclinn at OM In a r °het
There arrived in Pbilledelphie from SAll
Free_eet_ste the ethee morning yraW
men, acoompanied by a tnisidie•aged Woman
and tWO ehildren. They went to the Grend
Contra. Hotel, where they regletered as
Dalin Bayeweter, slitter end children,
and were moped rooms, Daring the day
the party mut tato the gauntry aucl retitra,
eel toward eveniag, emompaeled by William
Chyle/eon, who tor the eau two pus has
beta foremen for OEth
r, elman, The two
Yowl tnert wero &renal the hotel togetior
in the evezelne, and *hoot 9 clock went
upto the room of Ura, BaritrateF, wbo
regietered as the /Ater et the Tweezer
AUMAtt 11 00104/4 the guile of the hotel
were meow), by a torah% melee la tbe
ledfe zoom, and. le wate!dizzoovered that the
brothers were tightly& tor brother; the two
meg reten proved to be, Otte of them,
e eldette was taimel to jelland the yevetget
ouo was Allowed to rernete at the hoed.
Cemplainte were filed against both boys
for diteurblog the pogo before R'corder
Prince, and next morning at IQ o'clock they
had their tadno testimony develope. d
s sad story of domeatio strife, end inbrloi
It we; AA follows : The names of the yanug
men are 'Williamad DullessClubmen and
that of the woman Bayswater. Some eight
years ago William Chrienaza met het and
fell le love with her. She wes a gnu widow,
her divorced hubaud Wog Wa04eea04vrhen
Chrismen and Moe Beyewater went to pet
married thoy told their etory, being
Catholice, and the past refused to merry
them, Cethelles not allowing the norriage
of a divoreed meteor %soma. This Apparent -
17 node no dill -mono to Mn. Byawater
and Chriernan, and they went to llvieg to-
gether as man and wife. She bore /elm two
childreniboth girls'mad they lived hap -
pity together entil two years age, when
Chrietman late her,
Mae lisyswater keep; a tavern in Town -
sent Street, Prezeboo. Alter looming her,
Chriarnen went to work for Dr. Eshelman
en11 hes oontintied in Ithi employ. Oe one or
two amnions the women has gone to hint
begging Chris:nen to go bank to her, and
this wee tho purpolo of this vhit, the
brother acoompaying her to beg his
brother to do right and return to hie
children, In a Omuta which arose the line
was posed and a fight ensued.
In °putt WI liana Chriaman lamed to
be bitter againet hie brother and the mo-
ther of the children. He accused her of
keeping a dive andel:le denied it vehemently,
retorting with other aocusetions. This was
kept up until finally the mother acid, in
answer to some charge made by Chrinman,
"Don't believe him, Judge. I have raised
my children es they should be."
This wise all Recorder Ptince wanted, and
he said: "I'll test it, madame," and turning
to the youngest girl, a little tot no mare
then 3 years old, he said: "Can you 55.y
your prayers 1' .
Then ensued a most tonehiog seone. The
little girl, without a word, climbed from her
'chair, knelt on the firer of tbe courtroom.
with the policeman, epectatore, Judge and
her father and mother around her, and fold-
ing her tiny hands and lifting her eves to
heaven, she made the grandest defence of a
mother'e word possible. Slowly, but dir-
tinctly, and without a tremor in her voice
the innocent little darling, born with the
stain of shame upon her and discarded by
her father, lisped in childish accents the
"Lord's Prayer."
As she proceeded, utterly oblivious to her
surroundings and thinking only of Him who
said : "Suffer little children to come unto
me and forbid them no," as she uttered
that prayer which many in the room had
nob heard for years strong men bowed their
heads and eobbed aloud. Finishing her
prayer she added: ".God bless papa and
mamma- and Uncle Dalin, Amen," and rose
from her knees.
The case was settled, and bad Virilliam
Chrisman Morn a thonaand oaths that Ms
wife was bad he would not have been be-
lieved. It was several minutes before any-
one spoke, and then the Recorder fined the
two brothers 915 each and dismiseed the
There is no retwoo to regret this leeremble.
Africa, left to 'teen, will never ehelte off.
the ignorance oe superstition that caw
ocha vainable territory to bo melees to
eivil'aetion. Bet the rivalry ot Eueopeen
powers may elvillee is and
nillerneee.f5 YAW' IS,850LIAOLS.
The natives' ere eapeble of beteg made v
hie In tide werk, to la 4140Wil titO
Wh4t X311414'011101, bed eccompliebe
le the heart of the coutineut.
recognition of the cast peetileill-
u gratification, Relieved% aro being
bzsUt certele dug and rhea WOOS opened
The Leende lembelaRellroad, which. be -
lug built by native Leber will de molder.-
Able In developing the 'Contek rice Sintee
and another read is firejeoted, Whit* Iletne
Americans -ere latemeod, thatpeombag greet
melte. Tele react is to °emerge the eh -
true*** to. Ueda by the catarects end
of the Lewer cone. It; will bo f;933,
longs and it le eetbretee dot it Ciall be
c efig,(1.000, With the eld of this'
of the oteeteens neetly on *dirt
gamut wholly Uodcreeloped, 'will
p to tio commerce of the world,
mien of nevigable /n44'00=104
xed, running through a eerritory
40.000,00 ponuletion, Tble
w exerted out Can not f ail t
mankind awl heleteld Africa of the
lova trade.. Suomi themsend, Atricaus
along the lino of tbe proposed reed are now
engeged an omelet*, end WOnderbli stories
aro told of their trautformetion from Idle
wage* to fairly Industrione worktrien.
This would zoom to make it clan that they
on he ntil'exd In other incluatelel enterprieee.
It be fortunate if this road hullo, and
an impetus thus furnished to the develop-
ment of the Data Contbaent. If all the
powers who are gre'bbing for territory will
"in the work of elvillution Africa will
perhaps bolero nony yenta hue
governments of its awn,
ore for thet country he lo cote a
Atter spending. Ten Winters Soutlep
was Cured ley Seott's Penulsioa.
IA% Centre St., New Tork,1
6TUMI 25*, 1$ei. j
The Winter after the great tire
in 1 c entracte* Bronchial
affections, and since* than have
been oblIgedto spend nearly/wary
Winter South. Last Havant to r was
ACNIGPCII tes try Scott's Emulsion of
gotikiller Oil with tlypophosPhIteS
and tomy surprisewas relieved at
once, and by continuing its 1340
three months was entirely cured,
gained tleah and strength and
was able TO stand even tits Wiz -
Xstdand attend to business every
day, O. T., clitiR01111.1.,
A504 fig Ort;g00$4,4141c, aTi4 $1.00.
ITERSW.I.NVVD nsTr,tollaiV triatdde their
preaeat systems, ta Yisit the reroute Cutting
land pro-ine 00r 1,0411140 Inallaildo for prodne-
- 411444g -inn 541%12 Garmellta
4 A0041480, West, Torent0.
ACElfiltS can
mbi snzey doting vacation
ezma,ialeT far One o 020/0 our last
ue, 0,71,1koll;skssakeeiitliettlistary et Creed*, by
W. 04 44a
palish es
illIntrAtn end terms. . WU, BRIGGS,
Miter, Terent0.
wet a etiquette zetexe tee *nese Cornea:cal
end Et0sIdand C0Ilege Inconads, Over *lose trn.
dud polls lotyear, 1dgate9alsig ttottiinr Ssp.
Ond. '8 a11tEI1
Tiio Prfilleafn.' Set rani wed Manager.
• h/dra-447, Mad And desnleitas**,
cousellta VA:rater Works, Peter aret /goo streets, fitock,
11414111TON, 0 arm Bultlinge,
Osten Homes,
Town lc Tillage
Pumping for
Selene, Hints
Low Lands,
thus cele -
bud ed
mills are mode
f roue one men to
fortyhorie-pow.-- -
TonoNTo, Ot,T., Canute,
Iteatioa this lever.
Nom G. W. ALLAN - - onesmerne
zilomuercohlt,zetaetiagtth, e_oicti,sat=exc:ifitzt:vccaiteaateevuo4:
mEl:.utFise4LTanii..,,enwolage;.,vi'qcoliallo.lcarehopmtgips, evaartiadetetesclurdiPels-s.
Next F,-...0,.ergan students, besides the use of several
doselete caurch orn•ans. can hew lessens. eractice oral
realm:a:.,cno Otalkirs CONCERT *ROAN, built
expressly far the Conservatory, in Associatioo
Steeelefign filorreaut TED/V1, JelySteAcg.na
FALL TERM OPENS Sept. 4. Sena Or free
Cotc-idar. Addre-s. EDWARD EIS -ER, Director,
ear -Tone St., on.1 'Wilton Ave, Texo:Ito„
Fr lident Life and Li
A Mutual Benefit Association,
SOLID, INVESTMENT—By paytag to the above
Association ON5 GP,ICT PEA. DAY, a persae wield
teenty-two, and two cents per day a, perean aged
tom tear eau woes rim) DotArti per week while ...„ „ ,_ , ,
04440 through eickneas or guldens, gap tot two neva au tee easest improvements_ and Are =enrolled
eamiecuttarro teuzatueeeteix reed;ellyitp,, Purazrertilgetidesciwalaboaavenocaa lc41701" dizatuaebvirgrAelY440.44r.tbdemo,Ale . 4 ,, 41 4. , -t e ri 0 43 7. . .At riem j....,....?.c,
(Neat of death. BUY NO MOM
at tatv rates, noesinterested, yet for zateyeatezets aleygoyn k
LIVE STUCK OWNillta can earovide against lees — - ' - "
by death ihreaeh dlsease or aaeldent et teeir stock.
ere, lielleeleAgeots sInI4ed In userepresentcd cliso
saligg Weekly tetw en MOIg
tTlf and
iLISTEPQUE. Salome Tickets, 0.0a east
$60, Return VieltetS SSA) $9C s.od accordbing to,
A A A ,
steamer and acconou
Rouod Trip Tickets, 00, Steerage. $30. Apply, to
51.1.. MUER Geeeral Manager Caned* nistipsq-
ping co., 1 Cueing Henna &Wane., MONTa',404,ar
t9 PRA AgetttS in all Towail end Clties.
stAd tor Price Lists and Olsoeunts.
oNE y *Urge amonnt erTRU
IDS to loanat a
loW rate of interest on,
IMMO flasSSOCIarilYe -4OPly tat
Barristers as, I Solicitors,
Wellington St, oor. c,,ihureb, (over Berl. of Teresa*
The Penbelth
Automatic Injector
I0:W.311u eFt ezeada ; z.000
fa rive to the Visited States. They
ore elenee cud ecet itia taut
-et. whide pertereung the Eagle work- TheY
start cesy at 25 lbi. steno, and work La J.tOlbs; tat
watert to t'e ft. aria work from a bean co,
A.utctscatie cud rest,utlegwhen ele.rrent to beiler to
broken. Seed tovescrear to Main eiliee.
feuberilit DritetOr Coo Detroit,: Nitir•
Facterice, Windeor, Okni aati Petrel% Miele
eeefeetite Ulla paper, ,
WiLIGIAII Jana. Iteeseln Director.
playing conatintly pee
the tolerate; purposes,
Manufecturers wad dealers la Itaohnt Motile
eilluleilex 'Risme-rte. erase: 4 Adelaide+
. East, Toronto, Proprietors at IMMO' hlat
Silted Root, Telephono511.
&Per Bete On His Own acres.
They telt *good storyof a man who Bu
fondness for fast hotel. A year or two ego
hated one that was odd to be it ofiyer," and
meridiem* stories wine told about whet she
had done, end was capehle at doing. But an
intimate friend noticed that the owner of the
'medulla 'horse etevei staked any money on
her. -
"Why don't you be.ek her for a poosi,round
enuelf She ton do what you claim oho can 1"
he asked, "That would prove that you had
(madame in her, Int at 10
"See here my friend," seta the other,
with a tvelale In hie eye, "don't yonknow
me well enougb to know thatI'm too modest
to bet on my own nag, especially when Ifeel
ante thet she met come out ahead?"
Mena men knows he can accomplish
what he undertakes Ito doesn't feel too
modest to say so. When Dr. Pierce put his
Mxvorito Ptescription before the public as a
hemain remedy for all female diseases, with
"acitiafaction gaaranteed or money refundred"
on every bottle of it, it proved that he had
entire confidence in the preparation. He
felt sure of its merits, arid the testimony of
thousands of women who hem been cured*
it of "weakness." "irregularities," and all
the distressing diseases fromwhich.their sex
suaers so much, proves that his faith. Was
well founded.
Just What She Wanted.
Lady Jane Apostle to the Rev. Drawlish
Bore —"Might I help you to a little more
of this pie?"
"Oh, thank you, my dear Lady Jane; not
any, I thank you. It is excellent, indeed
but I really am afr cid you would hear no
sermon from me this afternoon were I to
eab the least bit more."'
" Oh, do have a little more—let-Ms per.
made you."
To Oure a Com.
There is no lack of so.oalled cures for ti e
common ailment known as coins. The vege-
table, animal, and mineral kingdoms have
been ransacked for cures. It Is a simple
matter to remove corns without pain, for
if you Will go to any druggfat or mull:sine
dealer and buy a buttle of Putman's Pain.
lese Corn Extractor and apply it as directed
the thing is done. Get "Putman's," and no
Imade of teeihnony as follows:
have used $t Leon. Believe it lobe both attritive
and refee.iiIng..—Rav Jong Pons, D D.
Bea*, alissole, doh nod bleed—nothing en the
'Ecropsan continent to equal this buildsr.up of
Pdlosed-Wealtd hamatelty; St Loon Is to mulct/otter
IS!d*--Dr. Wats%
turset otelyareezte Weir i‘slolatoo; om ram .at
*ad etrong,—.W 3 Pawls, Q
Send In or orders or go to the Sp:Ingots Quebec,
the fountain at ',reds lite, vigour anti joy.
Toronto, Montreal luta Quebec.
,The Book of laiboit.
Man Without Wisdom Lives in a Fool's
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Diseases of Man, containing Facts For Men
of All Ages I Should be read by Old,
Middle Aged and Young Men. Proven by
the Sale of Half a Million to be the most
popular, because written in language plain,
forcible and instructive. Practical prement
'ation of Medical Common. Sense. Valuable
to Invalids who are weak, nervous and ex
balloted, showing new means by which they
may be cured. Approved by editors, critics,
and the people. Sanitary, Social, Soience
Subjects. Also gives a description of Speci-
fio No. 8, The Great Health Renewer;
Marvel of Healing and Koh-i-noor of Medi-
cines. It largely explains the mysteries of
life. By its teachings, health may be main-
tained. The Book will teach you how to
make life worth living:. If every adult in
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world of Physical, intellectual and moral
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The book of Lubon the Talisman of Health 1
Brings bloom to this cheek, strength to the
body and joy to the heart.It is a message
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Who are Broken Down from overwork or
other causes nob mentioned in the above,
should send for and read this Valuable
Treatise, which will be sent to any address,
sealed, on receipt of ten cents in stamps, to
ply postage. Aare,* all orders to M. V,
Lubon, room 15, 50 Front Street E., Toron-
to, Canada.
CANONand Tumor* CURED ; noluxIfe;
.. free, De, mcMICUARL,
No on Niagara Et, Latta. N.Y.
Ae,, LANE,
)ornitask (zee
Dan Line Royal ititul Steamships
Sidling during winter from Portland every Therstlo
and ,listltaX evenrSaturdayto Liverpool, and In sum,
mer from Qualm every Saturday to Liverpool,callins
at 1. Adonderry to land mails and passengers for
Scotland and Ireland; also front Baltimore, via Ball
tax and St, John's, N.F.. to Liverpool !fortnightl
during suer onths, The steamers of the Ghee.
row Isr .sail during winter to and from vaunts,
Portland, Boston and. Philadelphia and during sem.
veer between Glasgow sued Montreal weekly,- Glee
gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Ditlladel'
phis fortnightly.
For freight, passage or other Information apply to
A. Schumacher & Co., Baltimore; S. Canard k Co
Halifax Shea k Co., Ek. John's, Nfld.. Wm. Thomp
eon k Oa., St. Zahn, IL B.; Allen & Co., Chtegao;
Love & Alden, New York; l3eruller, Toronto;
Aliens, Rao en Co., Quiebec ; Wm. Brookle, PhIladel
phla A. Allen Portiand Beaton Montreal.
Many summer dreams for street wear are
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They ate finished instead with a fait of lace,
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Sand or Illustrated Catalogue and
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An Empire Opened for Settlement,
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surpassed. Made easy of access by the Sr. PAm.„
Umnaeromn Jr MANITOBA RT., which places in
service, beginning Nov. 10th, a train equip-
ment unexcelled, furnishing splendid Day
Coaches, Palace sleepers, Free ()oboist Sleepers and
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For Maps and generaiinformation inquire of your
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Tk't Act., St. Paul, Mien.; M. llookbas, ;4 Pal-
mer House Block, Toronto; or, V. C. Russell, 8
Masonic Temple, London.
Wen t
er. Thy an
foxily (se.
ble legates
uniform in
red Mint
Ar ebkd cutting
roes polpicg,
threshing, PM.
log wooe.grini-
ine cOre,
etc. Also menu-
facture:eel feed
Es IrCII and
Use al
t +Sway, Town,
'arm, and Oro*,
metal Weter
Supply Meted -
o. tlatalogua
nd Prim Lade,
NOD% references,
maned tree on
ilication to
ern IA kin,11 o
to the IIWNSON
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and MEW;
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Tear.' Oorantee. fiend pr,
ter 11144440 catelegee ;
810 Terge St.
Hair Magic
_estOcesGrr3 Tier, Rept
Falling Out et the /fur,
moves .Dandruff; in
oeos where the acocs meet
6, Magic:el I modoce a
as gym ch. 1* is it:Aaiun
y it. All dregglAs every-
Sole Alnputaoturer,
Towne, Ca -r., Canna.
TERESEINa BELTS harantesit not to orackl
split put break/ or part botwoon tho iii
Sena' for descriptive circulars and prioes. The
W atcous Engine Wokrs Co 1 mall Brailtforct
The Only Appliances
A New Lease of Life1 A Oure Without Medicine,
All Diseases aro Cured by our Medicated Electric Belt and Appliances. On the principle that
Eleetricity is Life, our appliances aro broughtdirectly into contact with the diseased past.
They act as perfect absorbents, by destroying the germs of disease. andremoving all
impurities from the body. Diseases are successfully treated by correspon-
dence, as our goods can bo applied at home.
HENRY CONWAY, 44 Centre Street, cured of interroittont fever in ten days, ono year's stand-
ing; used Aotina and Belt. lM
ifirS. i. WHITEHEAD, 578 Jarvis St., a sufferer for years, could
not be induced to parl with our Electric Belt. MR. J. PULLER, 441 Centre Street, coughed.
eighteen months, cured in two treatments by Actina. 3. lilettUAIG, grain merchant, cured of
rheumatism in the shoulders after all others failed. JAS. WEEKS, Parkdale, sciatica. and lame
back, cured in fifteen days. WM. WELLES Thessalon, cured of lame back, Detain breast and
dyspepsia, afterheing laid up all winter. MRS. J. SWIFT, 87 Agnes Street, cured of sciatica
basis weeks. D. K. BELL, 135 Simcoe Street, cured of ono year s sleeplessness in three days by
wearing Lung SMeld and using Actina. L B. MILAN, Queen Street tobacconist cured of heade
ache after years of suffering. DIMS ANNIE WRAY, Manning Avenue, music teacher, finds
Actina invaluable. MR. GREEN, Thessalon, cured of pain in the back and kidneYsi.
said to be Bright's disoase. 11, RIGGS, 220 Adelaide Street West, cured of catarrh
IV Actin% G. S. PARDEE, ad Beverley Street, cured of lame back after all medicines
had failed. lifisS DMA CLAYTON, Toronto, cured of 'paralysis after being in the
hospital nine months. MRS. ANDREWS Thessalon, cured of rheumatism and hip disease;
could not walk 'without a cane. JOHN TII0IIIIPSON, 109 Adelaide weet, cured of a tumor is
the eye in two weeks by Actina. Miss 0.10, FORSYTH, 18 Brant Street, reports, a lump draws
from her hand 12 years' standing. MRS. HATT, 042 St. Clarence Avenue, Toronto, oured
BLooD poisoN.
"Your Belt and Suspensory have cured me of impotency," writes G.A. "I 'would
not be without your Bolt and Suspensory for $50," writes J.
McG. "For general debility your Belt and Suspensory are
cheap at au y price," says 1V1r.S. M.G. These letters are on file.
MR. lIcELINCIFY, Thessalon, cured of rheumatism in back
and leg, very bad case; laid up a long time. Many more
such testimonials on filo.
Catarrh impossible under the influence of Actina
Actine will cure all diseases of the eye.
Send for Illustrated Book and Journal giving full list, Free.
No Fancy Prices.
Combined Belt and Suspensory, only $5.00—Certain Cure.
Guaranteed Pure.
Ellis & Keighloy, - Toronto. IKENTION THIS PA;ER:r °
BA.ER, •SL 00.
155 Queen Street West, Torentee