HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-18, Page 1VOL I The Mo'sons Bank. (Chartered by Pltiliaara owls 18554 PAM up Capital ... — . $2000 000 Ite.et Fund.... .... , — . — 1 000 000 / / / Heed office Montreal. P. WOLPERSTAN THOMAS/ Esq, GAS:Bean MANAGER. Twenty. Arancli offices in the Dominion. Agencies an 1 he Dominion, 17. S, and Europa, =Q=, Open every lawful day from 'PO a. m.to 3 p. m.,, Saturitcys DS a. an, to i IN ut, A general banking business transacted Three per callt, ptr anWout allowed for money Ont Deposit litecipts and SaVings lialtic. R. H. ARCHER, Exetev Jan 2R, W. Manager ----- THE tez Abvorair, ueery Thursday Morning, itt the Office, MAIN.STREET, — EXETER. Ay thOSANDERS, PVOLISIIINO COMPANY, TERMS Or SUBSORIBTION. Q11012ellor per anfitira if paid hi Advaucc, 114010 if Wit so paid. 4.1.1rMr",s4'rc Z*C.o.ton can, 4147$441.,7,a.,, tt,wa. ...---... NO paper discentinteed UMW an art ges are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be priblished till forbid end tiliarged accordingly. Wirral diticountmade for transcient advertisements inserted for Iong _periods. Every description of 3013 rum. Vert tUr41041 *atilt rho finest style. And At moderato rates. Cliespeesononey ord. ars, &c., for advertising, subsuriptiOns. ete. to Ito made payable to W11110311 Sill/ACM, Editor t r TRiVIrs MAO/Gat CrtrItrn.,Bev, S, l'o. Robinson, Rector. Sunday Serviecs, 11 4. IA i axoll P.M. SAhboth SOltool. 241 e, ta. 1 litattemIST enrRen--,Tainesolt., Rev. 0. ( Olemett t. Pastor. Stinday Services, too 4. m. and 640 p.m. Sabbath Scheel, itp. Mr 1 MAIN 5T4E4T.4teV•X• Wilson, Pastor. Sun A day Services, 10.30 A.m. and 0,S1 p.m. SWAM 1 8011001 U.W p. tn. ( TenSintvinzIAN Ottintell.-.Rev. W. Martin, $ Pastor. Sunday Services, It a. ra. an 00) p. / m. Sabbath School. SA A.m. 1 i, rrofessIniant Cart10. t ---------- BILLINGS. e IL.L. ' II 8 Office over (Moira Batik, Exeter, Ontario, 11 Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extraction. i II Wi. XINSMAN, DENTIST, 141). S.,, ex. 1' tracts teeth without pain by giving A Vegetable Vapor, or using the new t Anaesthetic on the gums. Makes Gold EMI Inge and a therden tal work the best possible. t Goes to Zurieli last Thursday in each month, 1, East side of' Main street. Exeter. " b a T B. WHITELY, M. I), 0.M., PHYSICIAN C/ • and Stirgeon. Mice and residence— Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderiab, ti Ontario. 'I D..7. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE-3fAIN ST. .., Itesidence—Corner Andrew and. North IP Streets, Exeter, Ontario. S C T A, A.MOS, 3f.D., O. M. T., ,. O.P., EDIN.; X,, C J... ILC. S., Bain.; L. F. P. & S., Glasgow; R L. M., Etlininugh and Glasgow M. C. P. & S.. Ontario; F. T. M. S., Toronto. Night bell at V office. Crediton, Ontario. JY12-S DJ -,,, DR. COWEN. OFFICE --MAIN STREET, D Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centro T Hotel. Side entrance on south -James street leading to the Methodist Church. ln le T W. BROWNING, M. D,, M. C. P. S. CJ • Graduate of -Victoria 'University. Office and E residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. A . -earmaAar SWEET, VETER- ill VY inary Suro•eon.. Graduate CI `W i If Toronto. Offic% and Residence jam E i ,.. ell &, one block east of Samw_ ••••=.; --._....• Pickard's store. Opposite skat- 1061 ing rink, Exeter, Ontario. T A 'VETERINARY DENTISTRY.—A.H. Erman, R - v Veterinary Dentist, graduate ofProf.H. H. Davidson's bental School, Toronto. All T, work in connection with horsos' teeth prom- ptly attended to. Examination free. Office with Wm. Sweet, V. S. A.11. EITCII, Y.D. br H. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR le. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- So L veyancer, Commissioner, &e. Money to loan Office—Fanson's Block, Exeter. fo LLLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- dc itors, Conveyancers, &o. Money to loan el st 6 per cent. f' ... in B. V. ELLIOT. 4 . ELLIOT ill EDWARD N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, NOT- ary Public, Proctor in Maritime Court, os Conveyancer, 8ze. Solicitor for Huron Land Agency. Goderich and Bayfield. Bay -field office at Swartz's Hotel, open every Thursday. Money to loan at very low rates. Po TARES ORE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed ,. 0 Auctioneer for the County of Huron. me' Sales promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. Lo Ha mar BROWN, Winchelseci. Licensed Auct- Lo I I . ioneer for th e Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of TJsborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reason able. Sales arranged at Post office, Wincholsa On On ins 130SSENBERRY, Henson Ontario. Lic- ..U.i• wised Auctioneer for the County of Cli . Fluron. Charges moderato and satisfaction Jul guaranteed. Pal TNT HOLT, IChiva, Ontario. Licensed auot- V V . 1.0110er for the Counties or Middlesex and Lambton, and the town ships of Stephen Ma, and Hay. All sales prom ptly attended to, Col Ier EIMER, Liconsdd Auctioneer for -Flay i.. Stephen awl MoOdlivray to,,vm,hipB. v. Dinclatin Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing betvreen the iimplersigned, as Flax and I.um her merchants, doing busi- ness in Shipha, Township of StepheO,county of Ruron, wider the funi and name QrSwitz.. er and Zwiker, was disolved, tbe ?nth day of June, A. D., ISSO, by ro lanai consent. Mr. Christian Zwiker retiring_ from said firm and business. width will be eoutinued by Samriel Ana .3folin Switzer. who have :sun.. ed all liabilities and will collect all out. standings of the Tate firm - Dated ot the Township of Ste/glen this 13th day of July. A. P- lE$O, Christian Zwilser Witnese Signed Samuel Switzer Henry Eiltcr debit Switzer aluablo Parma for Salo. Two Farms for Sale in the township of Cril. beruel County ef kittrouiedjoi mug tho thriv. ing of Exeter. comprising lots 38.. Ord eon, flild lots 18 aold half of le, tintl con. of said township. Lot 18 contains 1,00 AMA o comfortable briek dwelling oull con* samara on .bulldings. Tu• other lets half of 11) n it It good ont.luildings. This pro. nOrtv will It gioln aetaratt•ly or onhlook.. wernts to bait 1 ureliasers. JAS. IIODOSON, Exeter, Oat. 10197911•XMite IIE GLORIOUS =E7211,0 CROWD= 121000 People Present About 40 Lodge In tine. A$ announced by Posters some WCOUS go, the 199th annwersary of the Bat - le of the Boyle) was celebrated here u Friday last. Early in the morning the crowd be - in to twee:nide. Drums could be heard rom hit directions ns the various big - s gathered from every quarter, and oon every available space of atinulin oom for a horse ned buggy was mu - Hp till min treble were nrriY- tg from the north and south crowded to their 'utmost capacity. The town was beautifully decorated, Wry store being decorated with Ilag,s nd bunting of various colors and the tact presented a very lively appear. nee with five beautiful arches. All he hotels And eating houses were well lied by crowds of eager people await- ig to supply the inner man. butte& tely after the arrival of the special edit from Goderieh which conveyed he Coded& base -ball club, a game of ase.ball took place on the race CO11110 etween the above mentioned team ud Exeter club, which resulted in vor of the latter. The following is te score:— G oonnieu. arnbull 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0-3 raton 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-3 ok 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0-2 ampaign 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0-8 abertson 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0-8 inkling 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0-2 alcolimson 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0-2 onough 0 0 0 1 00 00 0-1 tails 2 0 2 8 5 1 0 1 0-19 Base on ba11,9; base on hit by pitched 11, 1; passed ball, 3; wild pitches, 2; t on bases, 6; struck out by Tait 8. icrett 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0-4 tderson 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0-5 Donell 0 0 1 1 1 0 1. 0 0-4 g 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0-4 ssett0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0-3 It 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0-3 derson 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0-3 ight 0 0 1 2 0,0 0 0 0-3 tals 1 1 5 117 0 6 0 0-30 Base on ba11,2; base on hit by pitched 11, 1; passed balls, 6; wild pitches, 2; t on bases, 5; struck out by Robert - n 2. After dinner the procession was rned at the race course and marched wn the main street to Pickard's ove. The procession was over a mile length,about 1,500 Orangemen being line. Following is the ORDER OP PROcDSSIoN: rriage, containirm Grand Master. of. Ont- ario West, W. W. Fitzgerald; District Master Smith of London • County Master Floohy, of Clint'on,and J. L. Hughes, of Toronto. Forest City True Blue Band. est City True Blues, No. 11, john Looney, Master oath Battalion Band, under Sam. Charl- ton. don Lodge No. 762, F.H. Wright Master. °keit Lodge,No. 805,Lond on, W. )3roidson Master. don Preeeptoryj Royal Black Enig,hts of Ireland, Maurice Baldwin, County Master. Oneida Brass Band. ida Lodge, No. 953i Isaac Walker Master. ida Lodge, No.6,029, William Cornelius, , Master' Clinton Fife and Drum Band. ton Lodge No.71.0,Williaim Smith Master iIoe Preceptory, No. 161, Clinton, A. M. todd, W. P. Parkhill Fife and Drum Band. kbill Lodge, No. 297, James Gathers, Master. Dayllekt Fife and Drum Band. field Lodge, si, Voting Britons, "Wm. LI award, Master. Colborne Fife and Drum Rand. borne Lodge, No. 168, Andrew Master, Varna Fife and Drum Band. no Lodge, No. 1,035, W. Bothwell, Mostar. Piper tford Lod SaltfSa ord Lodge No. 2.,Yamea VVelIs, Master. Fife and. Dram Band. Centralia TrAidge, NO. Gio Geo. Essery, t,r. Fife and Drum Band. Parkhill La dgeLlgo. 1,997,Jas. Ca thers,Master. rentaoa sewage. No. 343, JAS. Wilson, Nester. vit'e Azad Dram Band. Bryanston Lodge, N0-792, Tlion1a4 Burnett, Master. eoderieb. Dross nowt Goderich lodge, No, ni$,Itioliard Tiebboarne, Master. godezioltDrecootoxydtavol moo( itniente or Irolond, W Nurnoy. _ Fob and:Divan nand. Grond13end Lodge,NO. 6,4t; WIAL. Kaagart Naster, Fifo and Prama Bond. Blade] h Lodge No Oa Robert I.aa-ro Master. Fife and Drum Band. Ilikidulph Lodge, No, Rufnsi -Wits PiI'Aloster. o an Pram nand, 1.Ofl4,U11 Township Longa No, O'N Moitor. Vit'o o,nd Drool nand, tanley Toodge, No. K1.3,, 1totiort :Nicholson Master. Fir') and .1)Tuai Penn. Irceittivray 1..engot_tio. LW% Wm. Pottice, Master. Fife and Drum Band. Ifillsgreen Lodge, No, 3" Joseph Fes ter. Mastc3.. Fife Alla iirum Bann. Biddul ph Ledge, NO. 410.3, WM. Turptey,314stog, vide 10(10. No. 1.4414 obn Filo and Drum Bond. ropier Hilt Lenge, Q. Zia, bavol Bashervillo Master. Exeter Braas nape, Exeter Lenge„ No. Ws. Wm.snnslero, Master, Vste and Drum nand, Lneon Lodge, No. 604T.11. Voursey, Master, Deyneld Lutige No. UJOTrin Pollook, Boater. 04XIATIT 1,04ga Vs% Samuel Mara 3t0ster. 11rgc0 .1-49dgel No.112Joba Mo.5tor. SPRECII4S, After a march *0 about ono nd half Mika the procession reached the beautiful grove of Mr. Jamea Pickard, Edwerd Floody, 1Vorshi1iful Conn- ' Master, after calling the assemble o order, said he took nuttelt pleasure in ppointing Nr. W. W. Fitzgerald, G. rd Master of Ontario West, OS chairman. Upon taking the chair Mr. Fitzge ald said in Mese steaming times it w highly satisfactory to see so many o on all OCCOSiOtt like this. The chat man was usually required to kee order, so Ito would not detain the an feriee by any speech, but just call 'ape the ROY, Mr. Roblueen to make a she address. The Rev. Mr. Robinson, of Exete extended a moat hearty 'welcome to tit visiting Orangemen and their Mem UO paid a high. tribute to the late W. Canner, °DO Of the West Oran 111011 in this section, who died last wee Ho had no apology to offer for the loy itity Of Ole Orange Order. Ire close his speech by welcoming Rural pea Cooper and Mr - Hughes. Mr, F. NV, Johnston, of Goilerich, said there never was in the history of Can- ada it time when the need of wnteltful- nese on the part of Orangemen was needed snore than at present. The time is coming wbee we may have to assert our rights. This is one of the most favored lands under the sun. We want no annexation or setesslon, but our duty is to sustain the good. old flag, under which this prosperity has been attained. The time is coming when thore will have to be a change. In closing he said we could not all be Conserea dyes, Grits or Third Party men, but the time may come when we will have to band. mu -selves together in the defence of our priviledges. Ilev. RuralDean Cooper said it was not necessary for him to say what King William said to his enemies when arrayed against him, "Gentleinen, I'm glad to see you," for all present were his friends. He referred at length to editorials in the Toronto Globe with reference to his remarks at the Synod on the School Commission question. That paper had accused him and the whole Synod of infracting the Ninth Commandment. He was glad to know that the Globe had been studying the Bible, for he never knew it before. (Laughter.) He wondered how far it had progressed in the catechism He didn't think it was past redemption yet but was very nearly there. (Renewed Laughter) When he referred to these political Commissions as "whitewash- ers," he did not say that the "Washing- ton" Ross Commission was of that char- acter, although he believed it was, and by quoting from the Globe's report of his speech'', proved that that paper had been mistaken, which it very often was. Annexation would not solve the CathOlie question, for the States were in a worse condition than Canada in that respect. There might be some philanthropic Jesuits, but there were far more of them who served God with the help of the devil—they advanced what they called the kingdom of God by any means in their power, whether good or otherwise. The Roman Cath- olic Church had countenanced these Jesuits in the past, and it was as un- scrupulous now as ever. He thought Sir John was right when he maintain- ed that these Jesuits were not outlaw- ed under the Ecclesiastical Titles Bill, but the government should put a stop to all sectarian grants in the future. When Mr. Charlton was going around the country with his pitable tale about how the Reformers bad been duped by Sir John, he felt like taking an onion in his pocket to one of those meetings So that he might weep tears of sym- pathy for him. (Laughter). If the Oran e'emen left Sir John, to whom could go? Not to the "Thirteen," because they Could never agree upon a platform. Mr. Charlton would want annexation,and another one something else, and so on. Not to Mr. Laurier, with his little musket. The only third party that would succeed would be one formed by the ladies. (Cheers). II Umerated the many privileges being greeted to the Catholics by Mr. Mowa width were denied to Protestants, an closed splendid speech. with a Etter ulog,y of the Orttnge Order, Mr. James la Hughes, School Inspee tor of Torontesand the opponent of Hen Geo, W. Ross In West Middlesex at the LIU election, was received with weeds f applause. The devil couldn't tell he back from the front of many a fashionable bonnet, aceordines to metlern fable; ueither could, he t where there was a better conntry tha Canada on the Skce of the earth, e, where on the face of the glebe is n I e ect S. Ford certain. zenununications read and disposed of atter passing the fol - t Bicias:itlelgr,°reqdtet rwsatlheen:towulcnidiollilePII:nlet4tbotios cl meet again the 1st Monday in August. t T. Sweet, COTO., $8.13; 3. Pickard, blast- ing material, $1.10; J. Hemmen, 12,50; - a H. WIWI), expeediture S. B., $21,50; . J. Roesler, eulvert 0 and 7 con., $8; Jas $32.25; P. Link, brick bats, c. r., $1; Elias Link, breaking stones, $4; C. 1,Vil son 22nd con., 2; T. Mollard. ditch a , Across road,2.2nd con. $2; R. Armstrong CU rep, bridge, 1st e. r., $6; J. Lawson, tett 1 n vets 10th con., $0; Wm. Wintz, obit or ' hemmer handles $8, niiiroad iuteres at lemon Cathoiteisin trying to overthrow I retest:tensile. mei where IS not ileinne Catholicism trying tu destrey liberty of the press and the liberty of conscience and the liberty of educatiou? Soule $ ty that Roman Catholics are becoming MOTO littera Cardinal Manning says this is impossible. The Pope recently M&(1 that if he had the power to drive out of Catholic counties all Proteatant churches and Fvhools he would do SO, and, if possible, he would do so here in Canade. It has been saidtbat Orangeista was started Ireland—for where eottld it be started to better advantage?— nod he was not ashamed of it. Ile would he aShamed of it though had it stayed there and not eome to Canada. He did not believe in eetabliahiug' a third party, bat believed in trying to elevate the present pelitical organizations. The Roraan Cathol Ila ve started a crusade agaiust the ethication of every Protes. tant country, Everv div $18,000 of 12 a • pultlic feuds go to Roman Catholics. r. Mal going to try to help stop this. It as Boston recently, teacher in a publi Id school was dismiased for teaching Ilia r. the selling of indulgences had once bee p practice, which we all know to be d. historical fact. This was done througi /I Roman Catholic influence. Indulgence rt now he bought in Toronto if yin go to the right place. In closing r, woukl refer to tsvo subjects, French o ehools and French language. The Is. separete school system WAS wrong thro 17, lif.rhent. Sem believe that AO 0 e. the French language WAS blended it k. the French treaty. Dalt& MeCartie. - slays .,titie was not so, and ovenif itwere d it Ws uneonstitutional min shoUld not n be permitted. We can never be a great nation unless we have one language for the whole of the Dominion. The The sante love of liberty that makes me want rights for myself prevents me from taking the same rights front any other man. The Catholics have legal rights in their schools that Protestants have not-roligious instruetion aed the right of appointing a priest on every high school board where there are •Catholie sehools. He closed his hour and a. half speech by calling upon the Protestants to go to the polls next election prepared to vote, not party, but Anti -Aggression and Right. Immediately after the close of the speaking the lodges reformed and marched back to the town, some going to the station to depart by the first trains, while others remaining to at- tend the eresvorks. After all had re- ceived supper, a game of foot -ball was played on the race eourse between the Exeter and Eden clubs, and, after play- ing the specified time,one hour, neither club secured a goal. At about 7,30 the crowd could be seen wending their way towards the Agricultural grounds where the fire- works and band contests were to take place. The Brass Band contest did not take place, no bands entering. The prize for fife and drinn was awarded to the Clinton Band. As soon as it be - Came dark the fireworks took place, and all were well satisfied with the night's performance. Professor Hand deserves much praise for the way in which the fireworks were carried out. This performance closed one of the most successful 12th of July celebrations ever held in Western Ontario. Usborn.e. On Friday night last, the barn and contents lbelon wing to Thos. Balman, of Usborne, was totally destroyed by fire. It is a mystery how the lire originated but is supposed to be the,work of an in cendiary. The shock was so great up- on Mts. Balman, that it is doubtful whether she will recover or not as Mrs. Balman, has been ill for some time Mr. Raman cannot as yet estimate his loss. Bidclulph. On Friday last, some parties entered the residence of Mr. Jas. Atkinson, lot 5, eon. 3, and stole therefrom, a ladies gold watch razor tobacco cothrs &c b 7 7 '7 1118 supposed that a tramp was the guilty party. The same parties enter- ed the residence of Mr. Rd. Quance and took a silver watch, valued about $25. Should Mr. Tramp be 'caught, he will be made to suffer the fullest penalty of the law: Stephen Council. Connell met on Sth,July, all present, minutes of previous meetings read and sigma. Council agrees to comply with corporation ,of Exeter suggestion reg aid ,fieneail. Mrs. Moir has returned from Mann. toba, Mr. McArthur has gone Am trip to the .Soo." 'The farmers are busily engaged haying. The new schools aro being erected; slow but sure. Our flour mills promise to be the best in Western Ontario. Mr. W. C. Charterias, of this place his procured a lucrative position in • Duluth. $52o; T. Lampert, gravellitigs ExeterS, $15; Mathew Ginter; Stene hammer, $1; 'I'. Harken, ditch 2 s. ra$2; N. Heist Exeter, Exeter s. ra $3; M. Winer, brick bats and stone, $01.10; If. Willert, ditch 1201 eon., $8; Itl. Link, breaking stones *3; N. Boundry,expenetture by C. Pratt ty, $1.25; part ettlany official, 4150; M. Hertzel, blasting stone $$.25;., Barry & I,1leCormick gravel contoteted 8238.7U; Berry hauling gravel s. b. $34,00; C. , Ellber, Com. C. R., $11,25; J. Roll, band. Ile for stone hammer. $145; A. MeCor. ' Wein Com. C. R., $18.76; W. Anderson, 1 grevel breaking stone coutract $125.60 V. Waiver, corn, expetaliture N. 13, 8,38„.. 42; Kraft and Martom, $3.75, atatlate I labor returned; J. Kestie, culvert Ex- eter s, as $2; E. King, gravel contracted ra b,, $11.80; NV, Suns, contract s, b., gravelling, $15.20; J. McKeever, a b., como $8.12; J. Doyle, g. contract, s. b.. WM; j. Wilson, Can. 0, $7; p. smith, g-,: ea $15;J. 'Martine, culvert $8.75; I'. Heist 13. 13, $10; J. Steeper, $41.87; W. McCann, damages aml, gap., 81; O'Brien, culvert, $2; 0, Krause, brae ing stones, $9.25; A. Ewald. b. as $7.2. , J. Allister, culvert, 02;J. Senders, rep. Triebncr bridge, $9.75; J. Walkenstone $30.25; M. Klump, rep. bridge, e. s. r.2$0 0. MAIM, tile contract $14.88; J. Ver. mon, cos, $5.75; II. Emery, contract, $6.75; Mrs. Ranson, relief, $5; W.Down, rata bridge, I. ra $11; J. Grain, blasting stone, $14.26; J. Rollins, work in pitgel, 50. C. PROT/TY, Clerk. Kirkton Mr. Hall, of Toronto, is the guest of J. 'McCurdy Esqi The "millionaire", of Kirkton is still existing. His routine isa walk of 20 miles and two meals per day, The Misses. King, of Detroit have left Kirkton for Blyth trhere they will spend a few weeks with Irieuds. Wedding bell or at leilat wedding events are expected to take place in the village shortly. laeep a sharp look out. A camping party consisting of the families of Messrs. Brown. and Road- house left for the Grand Bend the he ginning of this week. We wish them an enjoyable time. Numbersfrom Kirkton celebrated the glorious 12111 in Exeter. They return- ed with glowing accounts of the pro- ceedings giving especial praise to the speech of Mr. Jas. L. Hughes of Toron- to. Clinton. Mr. Arthur Cantelon intends taking a trip to the Worthwest in a very- few day. Mr Chas. Wilson has returned from the Northwest and he likes the country Mr. A.1Iolloway intends going into business in Blyth,that is what we under stand. Messrs. Lough, Perry, Detlor and Ir- win have gone 012 3. trip to the Pacific Coast. Rev. J. Livingston was one of the speakers at the Wingham celebration on 12th July. Rev. Mr. Smith, of the Baptist church preached a sermon on the Jesuit ques- tion in the Town Hall on Sunday last. Rev. W. F. Wilson, of Toronto,passed through here on Thursday night on his way to Wingham to speak on the 12th. Rev. J. Livingston was away in Southampton on Sunday last preaching opening' services of a new Methodist church there.- Clinton fife and drum band came home well pleased with the way they were used at Exeter on the 12th July, they having takem first prize. Messrs. Geo, Hanley, E. Floody, W. S. Swaffield, T. M. Carling, H. Beacom, J. Sheppard, T. Walker and W. T. White- ly attended the funeral of Mr. W. Con- nor at -Bayfield last week. Mr J: L. Hughes, of Toronto, deliver ed an address on the market square to erowd of over 600 people on Thurs- day evening last on the subject of "equal rights." He dealt ininutely-with the Jesuit Estates Act and the French school in Ontario,and kept his audience deeply interested for a hour and a half At the close a cordial vote of thanks was tendered him by the audience. Mr. E. Moody occupied the chair. know from actual trial that ElVer- erest Cough Syrup is good,—J. F. Lis- ter, M. P., Sarnia P. 0. MeLean Bros. of Goderich, shipped two tine cerloads of cattle from here on Saturday last. The Misses Henderson, of Glenallen, are at present visiting their brother, Rev. J. Henderson, of this place. A picule in etettleetiall with die Mettualist church WAS held in Oilehrist's fi,Tove on Thursday last and proved to be a sueeess. Mr. James Coxworth visited his railer, east of 'Toronto, for a few days. Mr. a, who i$ an enterprising main brought home a tine 2.year-old thor- ough -bred heifer, which a few daye ofter arrivul Mrtit tco tine heifer calf. refortunately the calf died which is a great loss as it was pure-bre& A young boy with a rathershuilling gait, downcast look, black hair and black eyes, who for the past few NVOIAS haS been hostlering for Mr. E. Bossen- berry, left rather suddenly Oti Sunday vetting for perts unknown. Mr, Celt', • 1, having lost a liair of cutT buttons Issued a warrant for the boy's arrest. and 'Mr. Bossenberry, anxious that he should not escape, telegraphed Exeter. Seaford', Mitchell and other places to be on the lookout for the boy, Other things have been raissedaed the rather sudden disappearance of the boy, who had retired far the night, casts a strong spicion that he is the guilty one. Tramp! Tramp! Trampt How the tramps do tramp. les, and the other ay one of these detestable, saucy, thieving fellows entered the house el . Mr. Blair a short distaece from Hensall and stole a silver watch. He also had stolen a revolver and havin„o• watch No. 2 no doubt it was a stolen one. Not content with stealing silver he next bethought himself of "the inner Man" and consequently p trtook of a good hearty meal at the Mansion House promising to pay for it as soon as be got change at the jesveller's whither he was going to have his trate!' repair- ed. Now our jeweller is a very oblig- ing young man an.1 always tries to oblige a customer, so Mr, Tramp wished to exchange the watch for -a good chain for his other one, which was soon done. The final part of the affair is that Mr. Blair claims his watch, Mr. Stoneman wants his chain and Mr., Reynolds, of the Mansion House, thinks it takes ;kir. Tramp a long time to get his watch repaired. Orediton, Mr. Wm. Lewis was in Goderich Tuesday on business. Miss Emma Zwiker is visiting at Dr. Cowen's, Exeter. Miss Snyder Mildmay is visiting friends in this vicinity. The boys' base -ball club played with Zurich and were defeated by tworuns. Some midnight prowler entered the apiary of Mr. Toby- Feltner the other night and abstracted a large ainount of honey. Mrs. Samuel Wooll leaves for the North West Territory to -morrow, (Fri- day) where she *ill meet her husband who left here some few weeks ago. The upper crust of the village had a pic-nic to the Bendon Tuesday. A very enjoyable time wns spent, and we hope soon to have it repeated. Mrs. Adam J. Geiser died on Sunday morning after a lingering illness of seven months. Her remains Were in- terred on 'Wednesday. in Crediton cem- etery. Mr. A. H. Fitch, horse dentist, did lucre business here on Saturday. Mr. Fitch is an expert in his profession and everyone should have their horses' teeth examieed and treated.. A large number attended the opeal- in o• services in the Methodist church o:Snnday. The interior of the Church is very much improved, and reflects notch eredit on the Ladies' Aid. A base -ball club was Organized On Monday evening, when the following officers *ere elected:7-Di'. Amos; Pres; Ben Eilber, See; S. Eilber,' Trees; H. -Wentzel, -C. Kibbler and A. Switzer, Managing Committee. The club assumed their former name,' the "Stars," A challeng-e was sent to the &frith base -ball dab to play' on Satin, day next. KELLY'S CROSS P E Iiatiney complaint and bad Stoma ch 110)113104 1128 for 0i$,ybut I wns etred by takirig leSS than one bettle of 13. 13. B. For ray present good health I oWe my thankS to 11 B. -s)?,.; 'writes James German, Sep.