HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-11, Page 5EVEREST'S COUGH STRII CANNOT BE EXCELLED. i'rq it aRtl. Aa eoavinced of lie woaderful,curative properties. Price 25 Punta. The Dlost Successful Remedy ever dieeor. sued, as It 1s errtain lane ottectaaad 6a stet blister, Read Mot be1QW, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURET} OFFICE oR Cutaiss L S i DEE. 1 irknot t ,sr CItvELiED Bay AND Taorrlso Baan, iiossEat.. ELxW00D. IL,t., 2frer4ii,1)2. D.. B. a•Itasnitz. Co. Dear Sirs; I have always pnrcbsled Tear ilen- da11'a a avlm Cure by the half dozen bottler, I would lice prtcesln terser guanttty. I ibink It!' one of the beet liniments on earth, I have used It on my stables for three years, Yowl truly, Cslaa, A- fixxnzte, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE,. BLOOMY; MY; 11 '1.,Ifovember1, lea Ds B. J.BsteaLa.00. Pear sire ;1 desire to 8lve yon testimonialof a,y Rood opintenof your Hendau.sispavinliisxe. abate used, tt for Jre Lameness.. 1.Lsowetnend.. Sg,tvias,ana havefoucllsasure cum. Icmr!aa, aatyrecommend It to elihoraeeaen. lours truly. A. 11. Darman. ManagerTrof Laundry Stables-: KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Vat: wrh,,it(war, oule, POO. 12,1@ R, B. M, 1znsll �a t:o- taN11tR:1 fee 11 iy tent$ to as what11tlrved1'r -Ith your Kendall* Spavin enso, I two cured to •ave ltwreea.that had l ga_vla tete of ttngRone,nlrie atllteted,vath iii nee.d.anft venter Mit 3�'trw rant'eI vo1.tancame}year ka aid renew ILo direcucies, I have never est a casae} any and, , 7.Qtlrs1trult, A>•1rxl;l11r llo<'T{R:OA KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL Prise el p+erbottle. or*ix bottle* ter Wall DrUs. 1 e slstNliave torcaalaet tterrIi'.. . lama€ . to any ML Dale f r+t'Or zzt,..ur tela 1„ terve Dale J.Rsasnr1.1,CP,..�trltrghy'a� 5. SOLD 13r° ALL DEUGGISTSe Try Everest's Liver Regulator ger Diseases of the Lives $liras. he,. end reser asset of the Bleed. Prise nil. ix bottles for s6. Yror Bale by ALL DRIiGIA er& Manufactured dray by Olf.A. li, EVEREST, Coats; Foastr, 011. ENNYROYAL WAFERS( Prescription of a: pbysiefw who hashed a life long experience art treating female d,seases, is used monthly with perfect saeceaa by ever le,010lather.;. Pleasant, ante, effeetnal. I..adice 44_1. alrelrug gist ter Pennyroyal Wafers acid tote tap substitute, Or teelem ppat. age tor sealedperticulara. field by au dr11ngd att St _. r boar, I IREll.AGiiEliicAr1 o.,Arramr Sold. in Exeter by Dr, Latz, and druggist verywilere- Jan. l-1 STOP ANIJ READ! There is a Machine OU caU e.. IT IS � aza.AcT���,r.,.Yex McOhkBROS., TORONTO, ONTJ - e Tlnde 1I 'i , LAR INE See that Bart -els ale branded with thV spurious oilthey If not, do not take t, as it is onl� put hey are offering you s,A.. as to make more money out of yoii. July -26:S SS, FOR SALE BY EiSSett Eros., :f.AzTet:In, MEDICAL Cioarty. THE =MATED DR. LE CA RRON, OP PARIS. PRANCE. HAS ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY IN TORONTO POE THE SALE, OP HIS ¥PDICiXES, WHICH ARE A POS- ITIYIC. GORE FOR ALL CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES LONGSTAT.'T,DONtl i ALSO. YOUTHP1L"LIIDISCRFTION,EARLY DEC" ETC., SHOULD WHITE TE FOE IN- POTiIfAT1IQN. CORRESPONDENCE C N- 'IDENTIAL. Anlr$EES AIX L.ATTAR♦E TP 9C1ilU F, B.CRANE F,GENCR, CAHERON PDACFr, a „ TORONTO. tocarivasfoktitesale of Nursery Stock Dai Lir Z ARY A Il.F3CPJfNSESorCWlili l,SIO'� Ste;dy emp1eynient. Apply at once, stat* ing age. Refer to tide paper. I a, S. NEWS & Co.. Rochester, N. Y. dune ti,—St 1 and}tlili4Tr avers Eeee coming out of the tlonse,ss Ytor1 CAIMAiGE AND DITTO.—"I IOv0 YOU 1 it is nresemed, seas the thief, and Ai., like }anything," said a ,young g:taxlelier' ed for seeds dis:auce, ho to Ilia sweetheart, resits her hind.— tllnll t, 11 tract, {o D tt fl she re lir I While playing the other tle,y the youngest son of Mr. Richard. Ciidmore, of Tllckersmith, had the lnisfortllue tt> fall anti break his collar bone; dander the care of the doctor tie is doling as well as can be expected.. FREELY USED. Mr. Wm. D�Iann, of Otiiw.l,Ont.,tlrrites I hive used Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry in my faintly with the very best results. I recommend it to nay family. and think it the best inedi- cine in use for all summer complaints, wilalrrhy oea, dysente , etc. On %%eduesda�r night 1,st, the sum of $lora was stolen from a, bureau .dr�a wer in the house of Mr. Ilea Switzer, G0(1 - rich til. The robbery is :a most mys- terious one. The money ,had just been paid to hind that duty, and no one was aware of its presence in the house Ben has hid "a hard roar to hoe"lately; but he hes plenty of pluck, and will vee come oast on top of the pile..AL matt „ t llin+� the iCl'Fi• e1 utt4d hes Ituaslete. 1 0, vel . , r, During Monday's storm about :a doz- sure, The ardent lover, w b0 was aid li1 was sorely puzzled to under- r en teleg'ruPh poles oil the Clinton r.a til 3s c oar, o r between the, laoalndlary 111H1 tine Tulse_. t d the - f 1�t o T11e else'. A TER5 LTTIl. IVER PILLS. This Yer's 14YRTLE Cut & Plug T P 0 s )oiat of RPORATED, AUG. Imo. Mee room I Dread}'. RTO, ONTARIW2 ,ifs, Department aria A se1- ,Iroviflfis iudelnuity for SIOk- nd Accltletlt, alai sutlstautirtl as - re to thct relatives of deceased. ernes available to all.. ltock Department, two- y lar loss'of lire attack �^,S1e`ndT�ffo�r particulars, Meneoi\t+ Dina lin THA. EVER, See CURE ssca slaulaohearid relieve all the trouble. dent too billows state at the ayatsrn. such as Diadems, Nausea, Droi,xlaels. D strew *11er earls; Patn In the Snic. *,e. White their,noit. remarkable tucceat Us been shows+ lamming SICK Headache. yet C&R1Za'a Lit= Tema P1111 are squally valuable 1n Constipettoa. curio; and preventing this annoying complaint, while they nalso ulata She liver and rdregulat �tbe bonwels.. ICvw It they only cured HEAD Acle the would. IA almost prieelem N triose who suer from Ws, distresainC complaint: but fortunately their goodness dole not end beta, d those who once try them will end, Mem t�e pills valuable it1, so moue -raja the% they will not be willing to do without them, But atter all skit bead ACHE I. Theban* of so hairy !Ives that here Is wpm(' we make out' great boost. Our pills curs it while others do not. fame LIVER PlLtss are vary small and eeryeasyto take. Ono or two -pale hake a dose, They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who are them. In vials at A'S cents; five for $t. Sold everywhere, or sent by null: . CATs% lurid Ni co., leash Toter. VI ENT nitre and Undertaking. -Gene T(a— ball mal Doss ballleasee 84 Andrews' 1:11 ANI? PARLOR SUITS, n DARDS AND EXTENSION i.GIiNGF rc' AND EAST CHAIRS. i4tt'gest Warei.'ooius I town. 1c-tnn outside of the L'ialticrtaL nig, as all its Br.luehes. antnight north of 'lifolsoli Malek. ,'111 le llie..1lIl!rk o t a , . l eemeter4, were :soft'• t'1 le S dillaa'a;p4:al, y belles at what Death his father,nnhe . b lightning. Some two or three id, "Flitlaer- chat is the meaning of �' tars -T -o 14'hy,e said the OId nous this ; ar-ere split open from the top to within la is Vere is one Cabbage-bend,alin't, it,"" few fret of the gr and, Reeving tire witx',, laallgiilg abrupt fvo :feet jaunt thn •" i'es, fat itV'"¢js 1�`tted tIti et ig din• Rrou .tl: ti a9 Srepnrrecl }lest 11 ester 1111' " 4*Dr:itituil tte:lttIi,.r igll:lnt ; %nu,.,tno5.h wa50lneR'lzet dilrnzged. u ai then. stile called stats u aMabb�•latiail i" Carter's Little Liver Pills if they will Qlsebec I have been troubled with vely cure itu People who have help steak fr=al;leli► of their }north 0 email and case; to take. It SOLID MOT. rs ago I had liver CO plaint and indigestion. Nothing did 1110 any gaud until 1 tried 13. I3. 1). as U1 medicine, Jo1111 Flawd, Barnesville N. ii. 1R! 13. B. regal ;tris the: liver. If sick 1 eadache is miser t•, s=hat are THE ACCIDENT CAPITAL. indigestion for file Ila,,} two years and If you once; try Carter's Y,ltile .iv::: ills for sick heatlael;e, billiousuese or oustiption, yon Will ;;ever be 'n ithout, Tiley are purely vegetables, nd eesy to t.t1►e. Don't forget; Tl:inoese -A. Indy having :ae. y broken her smelling -lend} baled, who wan 'ser` petulent, r,' 'I declaims, m} dear, every - t belongs that belongs to you enure or Tess broken." "True," re- plied tele 1*dy#linear even you are slittle achene." LONDON', ONTARIO. r dl THE LIGHT RUNNING SEWING MACHINE HAS NO EQUAL. 'THE LADIES' FAVORITE. THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE (�- THAT GIVES -� !Pa ffCT. SAT/37I7C0/I NEW HOMES .NINE MACHINE EREGE,MASS' CHICAGO — 28 UNION SQUARE N.Y. .DALLAS, El411" IS i e. ATLANTA GA"SANFRANdCc0.0AL a. George Vickers, Kirkton Unlocks illi the °lord srenuee et the Bowels, iitidneys and Liver, aurling off graduoily'without 'treakenilug tbo rate• tem, all thelnpurities and 'foul humors of the ;tendons; at the slime time Cor - rooting Acidity of the Stomach,. curing Biliousness„ Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Drysless of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of. Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas Scro- Vie, Fluttering of the Hear tie .. vousnoss, and Oenerai Debill tell nits those and many other similar Com �'1aid to the ha intluenoe of BiIRts K BLOOD BITTERS. For 8al4 by alt neater+. T.II1LBURir&CO„ Propristorsl Toronto. LADIES ONLY.. FRENCH REGULATION PILLS: Far superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide. Endorsed by tate thousands of ladies who use them MONTHLY. Never fail, relie- ve pain, INSURE REGULARITY, Pleasant and.Ef£ectuaL, Price $2. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. Noe -29.8 rite Great English Preseriptten. A succeeefut Medicine used over JD years in thousands of cases. r Cures Spermaierrhea Nervous +► Weakness. Emisttons, Impotesiey and all diseases caused by abuse. fjintrome, indiscretion, or over-exertion.[Arvind }Six packages Guaranteed to Cure +Menai other* Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Great Englisi Preaerlptlsn, take no substitute. One package $1. Six $5, by mail: Write forPamphlet. Address Estrella Chemical Co.,„ Detroit. 1Uieh. Sold in Exeter byDr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan. -1-8 �. 3141110, Friprietori;. The Grand Union Hotel, '`TWO r — 0St7 S• C Enlarged and Improved 80 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies. of the season. 8 convenient sample' rooms. House heated With hot air. Electric bolls throughout. Si PER DAY. R. J, TUFTSI PROPRIETOR. CI•HRISTIE'S ANY Y AN Who is Weak, Nervous, Debi litated,who in his Foley and Ignorance has Trifled away his Vigor of Body, Mind and Manhood, causing exhaust- ing drains upon the Fountains of Life. Head- ache, Backache, Dreadful Dreams, Weakness of Memory, Bashfulness in Society, Pimples on the Face and all the effects leading to Early Decay, Consumption or Insanity, will find in our specific ATo.28 a postive, Cure. It, imparts Youthfu (Vigor restores the Vital Power in old and youn, strengthens and invigorates the Brain and Nerve, builds up the Muscular syst- tm le physic thowlc t actionY ino darouses tilt an. il our human frame. With iylenergy 'ofthe o specificNo.23 the rriostobstinate case can be cured in throe months, and recent ones in less than, thirty days. Each package con- tains two weeks treatment, Price $2. Cure 0 n infall- ible Our specific No -•i is a ibleCureGuarantep able for all Private Diseases no matter of how long standing. Sold under our written ,Medicine Cu , Toro to Ont. Price $5. Toronto MEN OUR GILDED PILL CURESNo.e NERVOUS DEBILITY Lost Manhood, Seminal Weakness. sperm. atorrbeO, Vuricoeole end all diseases re. suiting from the Errors of Youth, Indiser°. tionI,Easeeses, Overwork or Espinoza. price B1.00perbox, postage scentsextra;.. six boxes for $5.00, postage 11 tents WXtre. Why pay so celled specialists froth $1010 ese,when you eau beau:calorOSP _ ._N ONo ono.r2a1Cub eiES, Np Mo L [HWhr E Prise .oper 00x,o 5centsextra; illi boxes tor ur postage 15 extra big boxes cures the worst case& No. 3 INSURES REGULARITY Ie sato ma always reliable. Better than: Ergot, Oxide, Tansy or Pennyroyal Pills. Pries $2.00 per large box, postage 5 bents- extra ; e boxes $5.00, postage 18 conte extra.. gI0 0 PILIICO Pl1 KING on S „. TORONTO CUMMERCIAL) LIVERY 1) ino.noraniommonmearnin•MallM 11•10101•••••••i• First Class RIS And "HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK- SHAW AWK-SII AW HOUSE OR AT THE • STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Ter= c Rearooan.a,'bie. Telephone Connection. 12 Pounds OF WHITE SUGAR For $10 The SRbi erilx'rs w15hes to inform t Farmeirs,and Omend Public trete} 7lle IILI'repered to furnish all Sizes and Kind of Well Digging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Elates. tsideiaco andShop oa elan SEW, behind , Christie's Uresil Sable. A CALL SOLICITED. JOHN MOORE Herel" If you want Bargains in n(IRollers, Gates, Fray Raeks, or Rakes, Ms. Raw Sage FOR $1. AT THE --call at the— :Ito Turning %dory. Handles of every description always on hand. Turning done to order on the shortest notice. Repaiilpg neatly and cheaply done. Circular and band sawing done. A number of bee hives on hand. They are the best and handiest bee hive made. A quantity of excellent machine oil for sale. Dry wood taken in exchange. J.D.VASEY EEM North In. S4ore, JI MATHEISON1 hlvQ tried many medieines wltituut AVAIL 1 tried B: 13, 11. a14 eau secs there is no equal to it. Thos (a'Briew. .1.13. B. cures dyspepsia, billiowsueesc end constiptatiQn. A plc-nh was held at Kipper' OR Dolniuioll day. During, the progress of the big storm that came tip,:st l uee- of htliesgot lute a buggy to protect it B,ist I4 t'S 11 )1 l thea 115111, '1 iefd the, her`+, w..1'( knocked down by ligi tSiug, giving them a had s1.tr.1 but no dun - age was done. The naouoton4 of 1 htminioll day in. r1:1.u11, was broken by the mar:Sop.' John Zeiler, of Cbndebsy e, iso ey ser, of Exeter. The cineenQUy tedonned by Rev. Mr. Freemen. r. Goa Sho0bottcanee„ after n bic'h happy couple left on their wedding rip dr. Z. will be remembered here- heats emllauts by his excellent flute playing It Psif, Both's string baled, width ex - ed herecouple of , sass ago. A CLOSE CALL. Coring for three weeks forrrl. Lauren' so that I W{18 llot ex peeted to live, fend eft the time would even lave been glad had death called me, so great was lily }suffering, a fr1estll recommended. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, winch acted like magic on Illy spsteul, But for thismed ielue 1 would not be alive now. JOHN BRADSIIA\F, 333 St. Paul Se, llioutreal, P. Q. On Saturday afternoon Ids, tits youngest daughter of Mrs. R. Brown- lee, of Blyth, met with n serious acci- dent while paying croquet with some of her playmates, by the head of the mallet of one of the players coaling off and striking her in the forehead inflict- ing a serious tut. About 2 p. m. on July 1st, lightning, struck the house of ,?firs. Morrow, at the south-east end of Goderich, and completely shattered it. A little girl 'who was it the house at the time had her shoe and stocking torn off one of her feet, but fortunately escaped further injury. KEIsLY'S CROSS, .i"i . E. 1:: Kidney complaint and bad stotnnch troubled me for years, but 1 was curets by teking less than one bottle of E. 1R.' B. For my present good od health I owe my thanks to B. 13. 1, writes Jaynes' Gorman, Sen. Will be foutad an excellent remedy ter sick headache. Otter's Little Liver Pills. Thousands of lettere from peo- ple who delve need them prove thisftiaet Try thorn. RATHER eo 1Uui1T.--"Oh, dear 'Air S.,;y ou jest when you say rmy" baby is the 'handsomest yon ever saw; you urea} be soft-soaping." "Well, madam,,, returned the blunt old gentlemen, °I. think it ue+:ds :leap of some kind" I know from actual trial that Ever - crest Cough Syrup is good.—J. F. Lis- ter, M, Pe Sarnia I', 0. Tlllr wourry HISI.nxisix.—Au Iris11• man was riding with a rough, who, as they trotted by it gibbet,asked his com- panion where he would be if that gal- iows had its due, and received the cap- ital reply, "I'd be riding by myself." I really believe I would not be alive at this time hid I not used Everest's Liver Regulator. -B. Schoular, Forest 1?. O. THE LAW OF CObIPENSATION.--JOe being rather remiss in his Sunday school lesson,thc teacher remarked that he hadn't a very good memory. ''No, ma'am," said he,hesitating,"but I have got a first-rate, forgetters.!" Everest's Liver Regulator has prow test by a sick child s erlua- and oryinS With Beth IC so s d at Once and impure blood andlivercompiaznt.-John m r til s r en Jones, Hillsboro P. 0. BISSETT BROS LIVERY.. First Class horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMA 'fERCIA . MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS. ;" b g r e�� Ent/£� C� �!I WORM POWDERS — 4re ' leasani to take: Contain their mon s�rca,ade c easel t'vc. Is r sae 2 r<r a z , g .f destroyerofworrras in Children or4dults. ams�a�-^x~�r�ara.rms The silver medal for the second year students at the Model Farm, at Guelph,. has been gained by F. E. Linfield, of Leeburn. .A. large number of friends there congratulated Fred on his suc- cess. Old No. 5 scholars abroad are ever to the front in whatever course of study they pursue. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are Son disturbed atnightaadbroken of your ed the best medicine I ever tried for alt pa o eu n Set a bottle of ae.Wntst0W'9'SOOTHINGSlav} PAT AND THE JUDGE.—An American judge was once obliged to sleep with an Irishman in a crowded hotel, when the following conversation ensued:— "Pat, you would have remained a long time in the old eo-antry before you could have slept with a judge, would you not, Pat?" "Yes, yer honour," said Pat; 'and I think yer honor would have been a long time in the ould country before ye'd being a judge too." Catarrh, Catarrhal, Deafness, I3ay Fever. FOR CHILDRiZN TEETHING, ICS TEEM is inoalcnl. able. Itwilirellevethepoorlittlesulfererimme- diatoi Depend upon It, mothers, there is no mistake about it. 1teuree dysentery and dials rheas, regulates the stomach and bowels, enter windcolio. softens the gums, reducesinfloanma tion, and_ gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mus. WIxeLoW's SOOTHING Snu)p EOM CHILDREN TEETHZIIGISpleasant to the taste,anlal is the preseription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and pbyaioians in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists through. santtho world. "Priori 36 dents abottle. About $40 dollars worth of proposed addition to the Collegiate Institute library, Clinton, has arrived, and the books are meeting with the student's hearty approval 'SW are glad to notice that Miss Lydia Edwards, of Seaforth, passed a highly successful sxamination at the Normal school, Toronto, recently. HOSPITAL. REMEDIES. What are they? The growth of intelte genoe in medical matters has given rise to a demand for S glass of genuine, reliable medicine. The opportunity of the ignorant quaok, who grew rich curing everything out of a single bottle has passed. To supply satisfactorily this demand this list of reme- dies has been created They are the favor ite prescriptions of the most famous medical practitioners of the day, gathered frons the hoapitals of London. Paris, Berlin and Vien- na. Prescriptions which cost the patients of these specialists from 425 to $100 are here t offered prepared and ready for use s the nominal pride of oat Altar each. Not one of them is a cure all; each one has only the reasonable power of curing a single disease, and each one keeps is contract. ' Sufferers from Catarrh, Diseased Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption,t loe Rheumatism, Dys- pepsia, Liver and Sidney Complaints, Fever and Ague, Neuralgia, Female Weakness, Leucorrhaeaor NervousDebility,9hould send stamp for descriptive catalogue to Hospital Remedy Co., 304 West King St., Toronto, Canada. If your druggist floes not keep these remedies remltprice and we will send direct. A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or. that they are due to the presence of jiving parasites in the lining mem- brane of the nose and eustachian tubes Microscopic research,ho•tvever, has prov- ed this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formu- lated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deaf - Hess and hay fever are permanently cured in' from one to three simple ap- plications inade at home by the patient once in two weeks. N. B.—For Cater rhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treat- ment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A.. H. DlxoN & Sox. 803 West King i St:, Toronto, CaLiada.— Sc entific Amt.1i can. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should carefully read the above.