HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-11, Page 4THE eget"u t + WM. SANDERS, Zditor. Thursday,July 13th, 1889. {".TONE TO RL'ST The anaiauneenlent of the sudden death of the Ron. John Norquay, ex - Premier of the Province of MauReba, not unnaturally created surprise to Loan Societies, 1888,,,.,, .$18,251,422 44 1877 • ,, , .., ,... 8,269,2e5 Increase in nine years.... .. $9,982,127 These figures 4temonstratc the truth of our contention, that the condition of the people of Canada is one of growing prosperity under Conservative rule - and they are only' a small portion of the;, evidence that might be adduced; they disprove the allegations est arule or ruin" party; owl they prove beyond diose who knew hien. A amen in the question that the National Policy has prime of life, possessed of as splendidly f not produced the ruin predicted --by developed physique, few imagined that pressimistie prophets of the Free Trade the ,days of his usefulness would be F s,llool-that on the contrary, it has seen cut short, He is dead, however, I largely contributed towards the getter - and, thonudseudfi who had him, to re. al welfare of the poeple ,spec. will not soon forget his mann excellent qualities and the untiring efforts put forth by him in the interests of his native prov- ince. The man who hes no enemies, seldom has many warm friends, and Mr. Norquay was no exception to the rule. From the first hour responsible k Government was enjoyed by Manitoba, the lamented gentleman held a seat in the Legislature. Step by step he umlauted the ladder, until the highest; honors cozferable by the people, were, accorded to him. Naturally enough. 1 Izcrtle who wanted office, struggled to l tall hint dawn, and the petty artifices and i demo ogle intrgues of such, az eventually prevailed, after which, al- though leader of the Oppositiou, the ex-Premiervirtually retired from public life, to devote himself to business, prov- ing the manliness of his nature by the philosophy with. which he accepted the inevitable. The Lemented gentleman, was born on the 8th of May, 1841, and was tluertivre in itis fort-nizzeh year x wizen railed .away. He tool; a promi- nent ttart in all diseussious relating to este Reel River Rebellion of '69.70, his moderation, practical common sense' atsa*L undoubted eloquence, securing for him a foremost place in the ranks of public men in his province. His advancement was rapid; he became a inenaber of the Executive Council, Minister of Public Works and Agri- culture, Provincial Secretary, need in 1878 formed a. Government as Premier. Subsequently, he became Treasurer of the Province, resigning on the 27th of August, 1$86, and becoming a Railway Commissioner. Ile after- wards went into opposition with his party. upon Air, Greenway attaining power. Mr. Norquay was indefatig- able. in his efforts to bring about the best possible feeling between the Pro- vincial and Federal authorities; and nearly all the principal measures re- lating to municipal law drainage, railway extension and general dev el. opment, were either initiated or aadvo eated by hint. A Conservative, his loss to the party will be severer felt, for men possessed greater abilities, or were better adapted to political life. "He sleeps, and life's poor play is o'er;" a brilliant ettreer is nipped in the bud, a vacancy created for some new man to fill. It will be long, however, ere the name of John Norquay is forgotten; death will .ensure to him his proper place in the history of Manitoba, and envy, ceasing to disparage, will record upon dull, cold marble, what was de- nied to a worthy ma,i, when in the full flush of life. The statement has been made by Op- position organs that the increase in Post Office Savings Bank deposits has been at the expense of other sitvings institution -that is to say, deposits have been withdrawn from other backs and placed in the Post •Office Savings Banks. This is . notoriously untrue. There has been a remarkable increase in every case. By way of comparison we draw attention to the amount at the credit of depositors in the Pot Office Savings Banks, in the chartered banks, in the Government Savings Bank -which has nothing to do with the Post Office Savings Banks -for the two periods of 1877-78 and 1887-88, and in the loan societies in 1877-78 and in 1886-S7, the latter being the last year for which we have returns, cents being omitted, and the returns being to the 30th of June. Post Office, 1588 $20,689,032 4' 18782,754,484 Increase in ten years 917,934,548 Chartered Banks,1888..... $112,860,699 u LI 1878 65,069,525 Increase in ten years..:.. $47,791,173 GovernmentStivixigsBat lis 18888. .... ..... .$20,582,02.5 Government Savings Bauiks 1$78.. 5,742,529• Increase in ten •years . 14,939,496 The sateen talked of Sullivan -Kin- rain tight took place one hundred miles from New Orleans on Monday last, resulting in favor of Sullivan• Kilrain was not in first-elass condition it is claimed, but he fought seventy- five round, and would not have given up had his seconds not done so. The tight lasted over two hours. Neither w 1s punished bzd1v, Zurioh. We aro glad to see that IArtlinap l Hess is able to be up agent. Next Reek the Foresters of this town. intend having a picnic. :Miss F. Latta is at present the guest of Mr. S. J. Latta. Next Sunday some of the Evangelical Sunday schools intend celebrating Children's Day in Mr. England's bush near the Goshen. Some good speakers are expected. These will be English and. Germans.. On Saturday thet has 0 Sa rd u sc base- ball SIIe Ender e ball club were in Crediton playing a zuateh with the team there, The playing on both sides was good het the Crediton team Seemed to be too strong for the team` that went front here. The score was 11 to 19 in favor of Creditor'. After the the boys were well used was over ALLAN LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL AND QUEI3EC SERVICE. FROM LIVERPOOL. STEAMER. April 16.,,,.r *CIRCASSIAN,,,,. Thursday, "' 25 PARISIAN...., .. POLYNESIAN. 16... , SARD NI ANNIAN Thursday, Friday, " 24..:*CIRCASSSIAN . Friday, Thursday, i4 30 PARISIAN Thursday, June 6.... POLYNESIAN, Friday, 44 14 $CAItTHAGENIAN Thursday, " 20.... SARDINIAN.. -, . Thursday,. Friday, 4c 28 *CIRCASSI AN .... Friday, Thursday, July 4 PARISIAN....,,. Thursday, 4t 4c li POl4YNESIAN ,, c4 Friday, There ay, May 2..., Frost QUEBEC. Friday May 10 Thursday µ 16 23 6 14 20 44 Friday, 4a 19 .. eC.A.1tTHAGENIAN Thursday, '. 25 .... , . SAItDINIAN .... Friday, August 2.... *CIRCASSIAN , Thursday, " 8 PARISIAN POLYNESIAN. f CA1.THAGENIAN SARDINIAN... , ,. CIRCASSIAN .... PARISIAN., POLYNESIAN. RATES OF PASSAGE BY lair L1 ao'ba to T..5.o-or ,aoo1, Cabin, $60, $70 and $80, cecordiug to aecommedaition. Servants in Cabin, $50. Inter- mediate. 331. Steerage. $20, uaetUrn Tickets, Cabin, VI% Basal, stse, Intermediate, $09. Steerage. $40,00., *By Circassian orother extra than. Steamers. Cabin,e50,$G0,and $TD,according toaccomads- an. lntermodiate , $90. Steerage, , $20. Return tickets,. $00,$1a,znd $tea,. Intermediate, 300. Steoray. $40. tTh0 0AftTlIAGEM.A.N will not carry passengers from this aide. Tiler* will be no. Steamer carrying passengers from Quebec • May 51st, July 5th, iugaststh, September 13th, rassengera Can sail from Montreal. - 14 15 .. Friday, 44 23, , .. Thursday, S4 29 . Friday, September 6 ..... Thursday, to 12.. , t4 44 19 Thursday, Friday, 44 Thursday,. a " September 44 Rile 44 44 27 Jnly 11 4_ 19 August 44 4' Friday, 44 Thursday, Qetobor t4 44 sT ice► a RS, 25 1 15 23 29 19 27 3 10 JOHN, SACK .. $ the only authorized agent for Exeter, Ont. Parkhill. Messrs. W. F. May and J. W. Rogers,s of the Parkhill High School, are in Strathroy this week presiding at the Teacher's exam. ination. Rev. J. S. Lochend is absent this week on a visit to his mother's in East- ern Ont:trio. Rev. Mr. O'Neil will oc- cupy the Presbyterian pulpit next Sunday morning during Mr. Lochead's absence. The Rev Mr. Russell's fanilty left here on Tuesday morning last' for Sparta, where Mr. Russell lakes.eharge of the Methodist church. The depart- ure of the Misses Russell's from this place will be much regretted, they having made a large number of friends during their stay here, Miss Melissa Baird loft yesterday on a visit to friends in Detroit. Mr. Sandford Tudor has opened up a well stocked liquor store in Mr. T. i4lulvaney's old .stand. His son, Willie, has charge. A sad drowning accident occurred in West Williams last:Friday, by which a boy named Dougall McIntosh, aged 13 yerrs, son of Mr. Angus McIntosh, lost his life. It appears the boy was attending the promotion examination at the 12th con Separate Scheol, he'left school at the usual hour.for home, and went with others to bathe in a pond once a gravel pit.,His companions' left him bathing anitis supposed he was seized with cramps and was drown- ed.. Not coming home a search was instituted. His clothing was found at the edge of the pond,which Lead to a search being made in the water, where his body was found at 8 p. m. that evening. A hard specimen of cruelty to ani- mals was witnessed on a certain farm on the 16th con., Hullett, one day late- ly and we suppose can still be seen. It is a cow with her front foot strapped to her body so that it does not touch the ground and the animal is only a living skeleton. What has become of the humane society? During the severe thunder storm last Thursday, two valuable colts be- longing to Major John. McCleod, near Brooksdale, were struck by lightning and killed. Thursday 'morning last the third st+rry of Mr. T. Bell's furniture factory Wingham, was completely destroyed by fire, "and the second flat floor was part"- hilly 'irt=Tally burned with the material therein. The loss will be heavy. There was some insurance. Mr. Bell had just re• turned from Manitoba the previous evening with heavy orders for immedi- iate filling. Over forty men are thrown out of work. Robt. Thompson, reeve of the tp. of Huron, brother of Jahn; Thompson of the. Bayfield line, was struck on the leg the other day by ape wielded by his son flying off the Handle. The in- jured man may possibly lose the limb from the effects of the unfortunate ac- cident, Mr. Jas. Broadfoot.. of Gladstone, Man. and a former Huronite,'is visit- ing friends in Tuekersmith just now. Mr. Broadfoot has. been a resident of Manitoba for seventeen years, and he is more enthtisiastie over the country; now than ever he was. oo befor� Leap. AND BEFORE YOU BUT YOU ' Building Hardware, Binding Twine, Harvest 'Toa, OR ANYTHING IN SIVVES or TINwA '611 and see BISSETT BROS: large `stock and get prices. TURNIP and other fieldseedsaspecialty- Cash paid for HJdes, Skins, and other'farin 'produce. BISSETT BROS. QUALITY IS THE TRUE TEST OE CHEAPNESS. J. H. NORTIICOTT -o-I NOW OFFERING--o- BREAD, BUNS, CAKES Etc., OF 2' IE asES'I' .ZS•.TCK-3M Of Every Description Made to Order. J. H. Nor cot, ONE DOOR NORTH OF FA:NSON'S BLOCK. Main -street Fader.. THE BEAUTIFUL ARD BLEAR CIT • --TYP:--- from which this paper is printed was supplied by the TORONTO TYPE F!!!!! Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies: J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 & 82 Welliington S. west TORONTO, ONT. ATTENTION 1 Eyes Front Quick March ,,-_TQ- W:SOUTHCOTT'S Clothing and. Gents F'ETRI'ISIIING STORE. EXETER, - ONTARIO. Some. of the finest goods that can be secured, are arriving every day. GENTS' FURNISHINGS IN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICES, A CALL SOLICITED. W. SOUTHOOTT3 Corner Main. and John Street, EXETER, ONTARIO.' MARKET SQUABS GENERAL STORE The undersigned would inform the Public that ale has just reeeiv eco SUMills .E. ■ t STOCK, INCLUDING A FULL LINE OF DRi GODS, EATS AND CAPS, AND CROCK- ERY, ROOTS AND .SHOES, Those wishing. anything in nay line will find it to their advantage to call and inspect nay goods and prices. Best Rosier Flour always on hand. Highest Price .paid for Butter and Eggs, and 'alt hind of Produce, J. P. ROSS. (10.22-`88.) J. G. NAME, jllerokaiit TalIor. Up stairs, over H. Spackman's Hardware St re. Re has In stock some of the finest summer goods to be 'fwd. On the market. A CALL SOLICITED. `. G. SECALLACOMEE. London Huron & Bruce Railway GOING NORTH -TIME TABLE-Pass'nr. London, depart ....8.05 A. as ..4.25 p. M. Lnean Crossing...8.47 5.20 Clandeboye 8 52 5,28 Centralia . . 9 05 , 5.45 EXETER.... . .....,..9.i65.57 Hensall 928 6.09 Kippen 9.34 6.17 Brucefleld .. .... 9.42. 6.26 Clinton.... ..10.006.45 Londesboro' 10.19. 7.03 Blyth 10.28 7.12 Belgrave ........10.42 7.27 Wingham 11.00 7.45 GOING SOUTH. Passenger. Wingham ........7.05 A.M3.40 ran. Belgrave ........ 724 4.00 BIyth. ........... 7.38 4.15 Londesboro' 7.47 4.25 Clinton . 8.07 4.45 Brucefield ....... , 8.23 5.04 Kippen .... 8.345.12 Hensall.: 8.41 5.19 EXETER. 8.56 5.33 Centralia.... ... 9.07.-- 5.45 Clandeboye .......948.,.. 5.56 Luca]) 'Crossing .. 9.24 ` 6.02 London, arrive ...10.15 6.45 FOS SALE_ Farmers, Gardeners and Florists, A fair sized brick cottage containing dining -room, sitting -room, 8 bedrooms, en- trance hall, with two _ good cellars under- neath, large kitchen 14x20 feet, with wood- shed attached, two large greenhouses, small stable, good well of water; with 1',4 acres of hand, alt wdll fenced and in 'fair condition. '131s roperty is within five minutes' walk. of the Exeter post office. The land will be sold on easy terms. Apps, to A. ALLEN, Exeter, Ont: April 11, 6 rn. Pp THE, DEAF. -A person ;cured of -Deaf- ness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing, by a simple remedy, will send a description of it rano, to any person who ap- plies to NICHOLSON, 80 St. John St. Montreal 12 -22 -'88. -iv.. For -Sale or to Rent. The subscriber offers far Sale or to Rent, that desirea.ble residence' on Huron street, cthonsistingereinagoofafdrawemlle of hoose, water, with abo0 ut roomtwos o' acres ofiland being lot 08. .possession im- m(pe.diately. }Terms reasonable. Apply to EnwAun Gr; or at thus'ofiice 1-8n CLOTHING A. J. SMELL, ExETER ONTARIO, zrniic'.aN�T1MMR � 0-00=S-, IN THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings and Trans erings, Scoteh Tweed Suitings and Trouser- ings.. French and English Worsted Cloths. A11.made up in. the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. 3. SMELL.. L. H. Dickson's �istof Real Zt:ti !$1i. Lot N0.22, in the 1st cone cssionof the town ship ofHibbert, containing 100 acres. +,Chis farm will be sold chea ,and on easy terms 'rhefarppissituated s�1aybetweenieaforth'` and Dublin, ou the Theon Gravel Road. Church and School within 100 yards of farm. Soil file best in the county. A numbcrofExeter villageproperties for sale on the best of blterms,ineleetag some of the most desiraeresidexaces in town. Some property in the villages of Centralia - fond Farquhar, which can be hought cheap. Ta t ion Boardinf i ouse keepers -On com efVereitS a Foundry, its calculated thatat #' 1 m 5 to ect additionale bawls are to be Am- ployecl. A douse to let at a small rent.e.an able ofaccomodating of to 10 baardcr 4...boat five Minutes walk from the foundry, Forfhrther particulars apply to UR. DICKSON, March 703.16:0.). Barrister, Exeter. S. GIDLEY. TIIE LEADING V ndertaker AND Furniture Dealer OF THE TOWN I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. UNDERTAK!HG A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY. IF YOU WANT A Clean and Easy Shave OR Neat Hair Cut, CALL AT THE Central Barber Shop, Fanson's Block, Exeter A. Hastings, PROPRIETOR Exoler Pkoto S(udf0. Why is it that in other towns and surrounding country they speak 'so highly of the photo- graphs that are taken in Exeter. And how is it that there are so many photos sent into the different cities of Ontario from EXETER PHOTO GALLERY Because Senior's work is as good if not better than any of the leading galleries in the cities and their prices are $4 and $5 per cloz., while they get them at Senior's for 53.00.