The Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-11, Page 1VOL. EL
NO 110.
The Molsons Bank.
C-Chextceed. lay' parlianientx ieX, )
Paid Up Capital ita1 ... , , . , , . $2;000,000..
Rest Fund. . . . . ...... . . 1,000,000,
. Read office Montreal.
„ AN Esq.,
i'a`axgRAL MaNACI R.
Twenty 3raneh otflees In the Dominion.
A.Oneies sn thel)onaaiuion, L'. S. andi'.urope,
tnpen even.- l aw fnl alas: from Ip :a. u , to 3 p.
txzatnromys 10 a, nn. to 1 p. n1.
A general Paulin g barslness transacted
Three per cent. per amazon allowed., for
money alatt- pe1'tt4t Etctipts and wavu
Exeter, Jail 2 , '+` h. Manager,
Is 1311bl-4.10d every Thalr day !darning,
;at the Office,
:til)1iC' P4 iiT:dS11I\el COMIPA NY.
T1;.Rete t1F SietiSCRIPTION.
flitliliolitarp r annum if pail in Advance.
tu1.S9 if uoteo paid.
.13.4.a,1:a „ = atooa
to paler diacaptini t l twat all AMA
Iaro raid, Advertise allehtts without epre id
direction% will he published till forbid and
charged accordingly. Liberal diiseouutmaaclo
for tragse ent: AdvvStiattutt4s Inserted for
ten rio,la Every deaertption of 40/1
PRINTING turned, out in the truest; stole,
rtwti At moderate mates, ord-
ers, &4, Ells taciverti,ing, subscriptions, etc. to
bo Invade Iaasa►bie to
W11.1141111 SaBt ers,
CJIUrcls ])!rectory..
Tu1L'ITT l! NKonIA,i, Cueuei.--Ile-. S. F.
.Sorichl,toII :, m'
d T pmabbitSoo'S0 pm.
¥rsnonI8r cut^i;e•Ii .Tames_ at., Rev, R.
Cttun ent,Pastor. SundasServices, WQ.3 i.m.
and 540 p.m. Sabbath School, 2p. tn.
314.1XStitlinT—•Rev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun
daEyServices. tRaOaa.nt. aud034 p.m. Sabbath,
Soh 001Y'.Y),p. m.
ProninvragIAIiCit runt - Rev. W. Martin,
Pastor. Sunda-ServIees, U a. in. and u.3l p.
m. Sabbath School, ali a. m.
1rgfestaeoual t'art1H.
Office over O'rett's Rank, Exeter, Ontario,
Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless
li. KINSMAN, DENTIST, L. D. S,.. ex-
traots teeth without pain by gaving
Vegetable vapor, or using the now
11.naostbotic on the gums. Makes G old Filli
Jugs and other dental work the best possible.
Goes onfk.Easse ii Exe
tl. anrl.saugeoa. Office and residence -
Corner victoria and Elgin streets, Qoderich,
Residence—Corner Andrew and. North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
TA. AMOS, aG D. 0. M L,.0.P.. EDIN.; L,
. R. C. S., Edin.• L.P.P.P& S., Glasooty
L. ML,, Edinburgh and Glasgow; M.O. P.1. S.
Ontario; P. T. M.S.,'Toronto. Night bell at
office. Crediton, Ontario. .Ty12-8
.Exeter, Upstairs, opposito Centra
Hotel. Side entrance on south--3itmes streot
leading to the Methodist Church.
T W. BEOWNI iei, M.D., M. C. P, S.
Graduate of Vietoria 'University. Office and
residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter.
Vinary Surgeon. Graduate
Toronto. Office and Residence
one block cast of Sam well &
Pickard's store. Opposite skat-
ing rink, Exeter, Ontario.
Veterinary Dentist, graduate ofProf.H..
H. Davidson's Dental School, Toronto. All
work in connection with horses' teeth prom-
ptly attended to. Examination free. Office
with Wm. Sweet. V. S. A. H. Elicit, V.D.
of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Colo-,
vevancer, Commissioner, &e. Money to loan
Of$ce—Fanson' s Meek, Exeter.
.124 )tors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan
at 0 per cont. •
l/ ary Public, Proctor in Maritime Court
Conveyancers &c. Solicitor for Huron Land
agency. Godorich and Bayfield. Bayfield
office at Swartz's Hotel, open everyThurseay.
Money to loan at very low rates.
J!MES ORE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Sales promptly attended to and satisfaction
guaranteed. ,.aids arranged at this taco.
HBROWN Wincholsea. Licensed tinct
. ioneerfortheCounties of Perthand
Middlesex,' also for the township of Usborne.
Sales promptly attended to and terra s teas on,
able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa
.Bons'ed Auotiie.neereforlthentario. CountyL1of
Huron. Charges moderate and .sat isf aetion
HOLT,Kbiva, Ontario. Licensed auct-
YV iozfeerfor the Counties of Middlesex
and Lambten and the townships of Stephen
and Hay. All sales promptly aEtenclecl to.
TT EILBER, Licensed Auctioneer for Hay
11. Stephen and McGillivray townships.
Ofiioo—Crediton, O.utariv,
Valuable rums for Salo.
Two FAXOM for Sale in the tovr1rshilioaIra-
borne, County of Huron,adloining the thriv-
ing Village
hriv-ing't"illage of Exeter, comprising lots 18, in
3rd con., land lots 18 and half of 19, sod, con.
of said township. Lot 18 contains 100 acres
with it comfortable brick dwelling and con-
venient out -buildings. The other lots 18 and
half of la with good ont-buildings. This pro.
Terty will be sold separately or enbtock..
erms to sunt purchasers,
JAS, HODCSON,Exotor, Ont.
'.Miss Rebecca Taylor is home spend-
ing her summer -holidays, Glad to sec
you in our midst..
Quite a few intends going to Exeter
tonice row (Friday 12th). Sl'e hope
they may enjoy thei11801ves,
Messrs. Thompson, Caywood and
Downing are rushing the well digging
busiuess with great Success, they have
now completed a well for Air. J. Young
which neasirred in depth 140 feet; also
ono for Mr. W. Oliver 120 feet, and they
are new worithi , oI1 another for DXr.
;►Mallard of which they are down about
70 feet. This makes a total of six
lveils since spring. These wells are;
;lichee ones and is supplied with
best of s.°atter,
Farmers are busy haying at present.!
Mu Wm. Butler spout Sunday with,
Mr. J. Brooks, clear Medium.
Aar. Joseph and Miss Minnie Spe,are
•►sere the: guests of Mr, Jas. Annex on
Stniday last;
Mr. Thos. lloggartb, of con. 10, has
been suffering from inflammation and
pleurisy for some time and there at
present little hopes of Ms recovery.
Tiro Misses Thompson, who have
been teaching school for some time
near Parkhill, aro spending their
vacation with Mt' W. W. Thompson,
of Cromarty.
No doubt some of oiu readers wil
be sorryto learn of the sudden death
of M. Well, Jeffery, of Stafne, which
sad event; took . piece Olt Wednesday
evening, the $rd inst. The deceased
bad been well up to the evening of
Ms death when 110 complained of not
'feeling just right. The physician was
sent for ltlttaatothtalgserious was thought
to be wrong but in a few hours death
had done its work. 'Deceased was ih
the lard year of his age. The remains
were interred in the Sttafia cemetery.
on Friday and was followed by a large
number of sorrowing' friends, Ile
leaves n. wife and eight children wito
have the sympathy of the eommmtity
in this their time of trial.
Mr. P. Cowan of Warsaw, New York,
is home on fl visit.
Mr. W. Hook of Detroit, who was
visiting friends here returned hone
last week.
Prof. Serimgeour, wife and family of
Montreal, are the guests of Postmaster
Mrs. Dr Stanbury is attending the
musical convention in Toronto.
Mr. Grant of Clinton spent the first
with Mr. Baker.
Miss Morrison spent the first at her
Moine in Hensel'.
A. large number picnieed here last
week from Hensel'.
The Temperance picnic on the first
was very largely attended and an en-
joyable time was being spent whena
rain storm calve up and ended the
Miss Landers, of Kippen, is the guest
of the Misses King. •
The Orangemen of this place goes to
Exeter on Friday to celebrate the glor-
ious 12th.
There died in the village of Bax field
on Monday morning, William Welling-
ton Connor, one of the oldest pioneers
in this section of the country. Born in
Ireland, he'came to this .country when
quite a youg man. He was one of the
oldest Orangemen in Canada, and an
honorary member of the Right Wor-
shipful Grand Orange Lodge of British
America. He `served in the 33rd Bat
talion active militia, and retired with
the rank of major. Mr. Connor was a
justice of the peace,' and the first reeve
of Bayfield, which office he held for
many years.
Usborne Council
The Council met on the 6t11 inst. All
the members were present, and minut-
es of last meeting approved.
Messrs. W. Kydd and J. Halls were
appointed to examine Wilson's bridge
and take such action as is necessary
for the public safety.
The following orders were granted,
viz: -J. Fletcher $4; S. Carr $7; R.
Gmiuing $5; G. Squires $15; W. Snell
$2.50; A. Carmichael $3;T. Brimacombe
$4; W. Campbell $2;G, Ferguson $9;
R. Bell $3; W. Stewart $7; W. Bray
$20; A. Robertson $2.50; E. Hewit $4;
T. Runkle $5.75; P. Kehoe $2; W. Bal -
man $4; L. Hunter $3; M. Samwell $13;
W. Milne, for cedar $118.89; G. T. R.,
freight on cedar $16.80; J. Loaclnnan,
grant on London Road $50.
The Council adjourned to meet on
Saturday the '7th of September, at 11
G. W. I'Ionniu , Clerk.
Dr. A. D. Graham, .of Bay City, Adieh.
was the guest of D.r. Amos on Monday.
The two Doetore are old friends having
graduated, together at Edinburgh.
The Miss Weine's, daughters. of Mr.
Mathew Weine, have returned house
Qn a visit.
We regret to have to chronicle the
death of Mr William Chambers, 8th
eou,whieh sad event took place on the
4th inst,, after a tau illness of only one
week, He was afflicted with Bright's
disease. Tile funeral on Saturday was
largely Attended. MrOharllbers had
his life insured for $2,000, which goes
to his widow.
The Methodist ehrl.reh has been new-
ly painted and renovated anti -willbe
reopened on Sunday next,, waren Rev.
I). M. Kennedy will preach en the morn
ing and afternoon and Rev. Mr. Stade
ler in the evening.
A daughter of Mr, John Faker's,
aged :i years has been serious)); ill
with Inilalnation of the brain, brit its
recovering nicely.
Hiss Mary Ann Siris is capful ed to
her bed with an infernal abscess
Mr. Walter Clara:, of the Commercial
Hotel, returned home lust week, leek-
ing much better after his trip to the
Mr. it, IL Fitch, Voterillitly dentist
Exeter, will be at Clark's hotel, Credi•
ton, on Saturday 13th inst, and will
he prepared to operate on horses teeth.
Parties wishing the above work; done,
had better call and see him, on above
Zurichbasebail tesiM Gama iue but
did not conquer. They ,played well
but Crediton played better, the score
standing 19 to 11 in favor of the home
team. The Zurich team left a favor-
able impression by their boned pkay
and gentlemanly manner, and we hope
to soon see them again in our village
A large number of elm friends of
Mrs. S. Wood met at lior residence on
Wednesday evening last, and present-
ed her with a silver fruit basket and
cruet stand, prior to her departure to
W'S ashington Territory. Mrs. Wood
will be muck missed in the church
where she has always taken au active
part. Her kind-heartednessand gen-
ial disposition have won for her many
friends who will regret her departure
from their midst and mem wish her and
Mr. Wood every success in their dis-
tant holies.
PZONIC.—A very pleasant time was
spent on Friday afternoon last at a
picnic in connection with our school
on Mr. Carin's mountain, or -which is
more familiarly known as the High
Hill of Bagdad. This is a most desir-
able resort for pieuicing as well as a
medium for taling'observations of the
surrounding neighborhood. Having
ascended to the summit of the hill you
might gaze away down into an invit-
ing grove at its base, which abounded
with a variety of amusements and
where sylvan happinessreignssupreme.
The several swings, which were kept
continually vibrating, were of a very
high order, especially when propelled
by half a dozen stalwart youths. The
athletic department, for which there
was an ample supply of prizes, was
keenly contested. by the children and
by no means the least important feature
of the afternoon's enjoyment was a
bountiful spread provided by the good
ladies of the section. In the evening
all repaired to the school house, when
after calling Mr. H. Morton to the
chair, an extensive and very' enter-
taining program was discoursed and
although the fee was a moderate one,
the proceeds amounted to about twenty-
two dollars. Our esteemed teacher,
Mr. Beattie and the committee who
assumed the responsibility, were inde-
fatigable in their endeavors to secure
the enjoyment of all and it must be
gratifying to them to know that their
efforts were crowned with success
School Report S, S, No. 2 Hay,
The is the June report of
this school. It is based on the attend-
ance, punctuality, conduct, and dilig-
ence of the pupils. '
Fn Ts:—Dolan Chapman.
SEN. roURTIn—Jno. Campbell, Hom-
er Russell, Jas. Campbell.
JUN. FOURTH: --Alfred McTaggart,
Ellen Shieyay, Chas. Aldworth.
Tint >:—Kate Chapman, David Shir
ray,Aggie Shrray.
SECOND:—Mathew Tinny, Annie
Northcott, Willie Hai+)sins.
SEN. SECOND:—Beatrice; Warren
Amelia Jackson, Maud Russell.
JUN, SECOND PABT:—Nellie Gould,
Frank., Ralph Chapman.
FIRST PART:— Northcott,:
Willie Jackson, Chas. O'Brien.
To the Editorial the Anvecnxs.
DEAR silt. ---You have doubtless not-
iced in various newspapers :Articles
stating that at Deaf -Mute variety of
the .human race is likely to be the re
suit, in the near future, of the marri-
age of Deaf Mutes. From the inform-
ation I have been able to gather up to
this time, I have only learned of one
child in Ontario, (a little boy now
about four years of age), whose parents
are deg and dumb. Of the hundreds
it their duty to call en and toady to the
Minister; But the poor fellow gives
himself away when he reports the
grand reception given to Mr. Porter,
M. P, for West Huron, at Clinton. I
find in the News Record that Mr. Whit -
lay (the Editor) was in waiting at the
station with many others to meet Mr.
Porter that after a great deal of per-
suasion he consented (others refusing)
to act as ehairman at Mr. Porter's
meeting and how he discharged the
duty in a most impartial manner and
while acting as chairman he several
of children who are now attending or times counted the number present to
have attended, this Institution, there assure Mr. Porter that the Grits could
is not one congenitally deaf child who not call the meeting a fizzle and by
has deaf Halite parents. I would like his paper dated July Srd ha gave the
to obtain full aid aeente information most fulsome flattery to MP Porter
in regard to this Mather, send if you or: setting that he hard fully satisfied
any of your readers know of any deaf- every disgusted conservative on. the
cote he gave anent the Jesuit question
and that Mr. Porter was the maul for
"Galway" and would be re-elected riot-
withstandin; the actions of "a few
soured politicians" in the riding, and
that Mr. Whitley predicted, on behalf
of the eonservative party, the triumph-
mute married persons, with or without
children, if you or they will kindly
send Ino their addresses, -I shall feel ob-
b-liged. There are, l:)taf ehiidren of
school ugr.. in the Province that I have
not heard of aqui I am making au ef-
fort to get then into this Institution
wliero they may receive an education ant return of Mr. Porter at the next
that will fit them for the duties of life: eloeti011. Does this not sound well
The Condition of au uneducated Deaf- coming from Mr. Whitley? ? I naudt'r
Illute• is more deplorable than that of if he, being au :applicant for the
aley other human being, i\'iil you be position of Customs officer at Clinton
goad enough to help me to bring these if a vacancy occurs), has anything to
children to school:' You can do more do with his his toadying to and c:ilhng
then any other person I alight ;Altos on Mr. I'orter,and the fulsome flattery
The parents of some are not aware that in his journal of the grand starring
an Institution exists where their Deaf tour of the M. 1'. protein of West
children can be tatught to °read and Bison.
write. These are others who have
hoar,' of the Instution but are probably
not acquainted with its real ehaaractor
or from other causes, fail to send their
children to us; these might be induced
by a little effort to send them Deatf The council met pursuant totdjourtl
children between the ages of seven and melt on July 2nd, all members pres-
twenty are admitted, educated and out
boarded at the expense of the Province Two communications were received
from Mr. M. Blake in reference to the
Dignan ditch and on the closing up of
a culvert, were referred to the town -
Alp engineer and and W. MeGee re
The following aeeoulats wore ordered
to bo paid;
W. Atkinson; culvert 8rd div... , $1 60
G. Hasket, plank slid, rep. bridge. 2 00
W. Hodgins, 5eordsgravel, 3 div 10 00
W. J. Smith, grant to road beat.. 6 85, rr:1il1 TW PE aT. F I) vvs,1 day overming go -v 3, 26
IT. Dickens, ditching and grading '5 00
R. Hodgins, grant to road beat.. 9 50
P. F. Abbott, bal on contract.... 1 00
do equalizing et. s. S's 8 50
P. Ryan, contract on gray. road..49 60
G. Sellars, grant to Clandeboye..20 00
P. McGee, gravelling and eulN.B.22 50
T. Brenn, ditch and filling eul.. 5 00
R. Curtain, rep washout.., .. , ... 5 00
T. Keeffe, 5 cords ;ravel.. - ...16 00
P. Mitchell, gradin10 00
W. McGee, overseeing., :170 50
J. Hudgins, stripping gravel pit. 8 75
C. Fryers, grant to Clandeboye..10 00
W. Lanburn, culvert and plank..4 25.
It, Raycroff, tile drain, .. .. 3 00
J. Perrin, tile drain .. , , . 2 88
J. Chalmers, culvert, S. B2 00
G. Foster, 15 cords gravel 47 25
do 18 •t " N.1314 95
S. Clarke, 1000 feet plank. 10 00
It Langford, grading..... 5 00
J. Dykes, removing stones50
J. Carrigan, ditch 8 00
W. Casey, culvert. . 14 00
J. Thompson, boy minding gap,. 80
W. Taylor, 96 loads gravel4 80
G. Hodgins, overseeing gran r'd11 00
A. Gibson, stat. labor returned., 4 00
F. Davis, assisting assessor u. s. s. 1 00
Thompson & Guilfoil, 2 cul. etc12 25
F. G. Ryan, pt pay gravel. 45 00.
H. Robinson, do 27 00
J. Leask, grading , , , ...10 00
T. Hodgins, graning and cul.... 6 50
J. Howard, 25 cords of gravel -.23 75
D. McGuire, 4i days overseeing.. 2 25
J. Atkinson, grading and ditch'g..10 00
L. Oliver, ditching , ...12 00
W. H. Ryan cut. and pt. pay dit:h.17 00
J. Hodgins, 100 loads gravel.... 5 00
J. Atkinson, culvert , , 7 75
T. Simpson, cul. and 2 days shoe.. 5 50
J. Hodgins, 75 loads of gravel .. 3 75
The council adjourned to meat in
the Temperance Hall, Granton, on
Monday the 5th of August next, at 10
o'clock a. in.
W. D. STANLEY, Clerk
Srsc .To
iiddulph Council.
It IS only s-equiredthat the child shall
1. be of sound mind and that the parents
or the municipatlity if the parents are
linable, pay the raflread furls and )laws
vide necessary clothing.Application
papers may be had by writing to me
at Bt Mlle and any iuformation requir-
ed will be carefully supplied.
Yours faithfully,
A large rauniber met together, but a
severe thunder storm interrupted the
enjoyment and those who were not wet
repaired to the church where Revs. T.
M. Campbell, of St. Marys, and B, Ole -
meat, of Exeter,gave two fine address-
es. The Rev. J. Charlton, of St. Marys,
also gave a.. few timely remarks. The
singing and music at all the services
were enjoyable The proceeds amount-
ed to about $120,
It gees without saying that Mr
Leigh is the best teacher Kirkton over
lead. Boys, girls, teachers and parents'
have all a4 good word to speak of him.
13e loves children, loves work and pos-
sesses the happy art of keeping thein
at their work. without feeling that it is.
irksome. As several of 'his pupils aie
to be at St. Marys this weakto try the
entrance examination a procerant be-
fitting the closing oi tete school was
prepared for last Friday evening, The
lie.. Mr Keener dropped in 1s a visit.
or. had thrust upon 1111 1 the unexpect-
ed honor of being called to fill the
chair. After a brief address he called
the following. Lilly Kenner, Elite.
Tufs, Maggie Da 1s Francis Shier,iEmma
'Vickers, Edgar ar Shier, Jault.
T)oupe, Rachel Birk, Bella Hazelwood,
B. Stevens, Phoebe Tufts, Neale Dui -
mage, 3. Vickers, G. Brown, lemma
Greinnlett, Harry Robinson, Rare,
Brown, Nellie Switzer, and John Hazel•
wood, who, in responding by dialogues,.
songs, readings,reeitations well render-
ed,reflected great credit on themselves
tend teachers and entertained for near,
ly one hour and a half these who wore
Rev. J. Livingston is one of the speak.
ers .at the 12th celebration at'4Vingham
this week.
The Doherty Orgen boys and the
picked nine from Broadfoote{and Box's
factory, Seaforth, had a game of Base-
ball on the agricultural ;round here
on Saturday, resulting in favor of Clin
ton by a score of 85 to 6.
Clinton will make u big turnout to
Exeter on the 12th.
MethodistSabbatil school picnic takes
place at Goderieh (to -day) Thursday.
Messrs. N.' C. Wallace, DL P. and J.
L. Hughes, L P. S. will it is expected
stay in town on Thurday night on
their way to Exeter.
The farriers of this vicinity <eee
busy with their haying.
The Misses Robinson are at present
visiting friends in Centralia.
Mr. & Mrs. S. Handford were the
guests of R. Handford on. Sunday. last.
Miss Mary Winer spent Sunday last
in our midst.
The thorough -bred trotting horse,
"Sandy has passed from the hands of
Mr. S. Kenny to that of Mr. M. Bloom-
field He intends to train him for the
fall races.
Dick says he saw a -wild cat while
passing through the swamp on Thurs-
day night.
The Lime Kiln chub of this .place
have converted themselves into a base-
ball team which they propose .playing
the first game with the first nine short -
1y.. Rufus is the captain.
On Thursday evening last Mr. Jas.
Delgaty, teacher of section No. 1, Ste-
phen, was taken) by surprise by a-
u -umber of bis pupils entering his resi-
dence and': presenting him with a fine
large easy -chair which he received
with great pleasure. Mr. Delgaty .was
well liked by all the children of that
section and. they regret to hear of his
departure and it shows greatly to his
favor by the way' the young people
showed their kindness and esteem
towaards him by presenting him with
the ebove mentioned token. He :left
on Friday morning for Hay: township
where he intends to change his position
from teaching to fanning. All wish
,him' success in his undertaking.
DEAR Sit, -1 was very much amus-
ed by the remarks of the Editor of the
Clinton News Record in trying to make
himself conspicuous when he stated
that he refrained' from calling on the
Minister of.0ustonls, who attended the
sess'e 1 of the Grand. Orange Lodge in
Gotlerich,- oaring to the "crowd of ofahce
seekers aiid hangers on" who deemed
Mrs. J. McCurdy and her niece Mary
start for a trip to Ireland shortly. We
wish them bon voyage.,
The lawn social held in Dr. Irving's
grounds under the auspices of the W.
F. M. A., was ali'that could be desired.
The evening pleasant, the strawberries
and cream delicious, the cooking good
and the crowd large. About $35 was
Mr.'A. H. Fitch, Veterinary Dentist
of Exeter will be at the Kirkton Hot&
on Wednesday, 17t1i inst. when he will
be prepared to perform alt operations
in connection with horse dentistry,
The Methodists, on Sunday 30th nit.,
held their annual Sabbath school festi-
val. The 'weather was fine, the con-
gregations large and the pulpit ably
filled in the morning by Rev. J. Camp.
bell, of Granton, at 2.30, by Rev. C.
Fletcher, of Thanes Road, Usborne,and
a.t seven by Rev. P. , E. Harding, of
Ohio. On Monday a steawbei•1•y festi-
val was held in Mr, A.' Kirk's grove,
The inspector of the Board of Health
is keeping a sharp eye on the back-
yards and cellars round the village.
The Rev. Samuel Sellery, of the.
Methodist church, leaves this place for
Brussels,' having been only two years
among us. His .leaving is deeply To-
grotted as the church, could tot wish a
better Hien. But such is the Methodist
church govet'nment.
We are pleased to notice taint two of
the young ladies of our Village lave
taken a higlestnnding at the closing
examination of the 13ralltford Young
L nates college. Mites Et1se1 Noss elie
general liroficieney prize second .high. -
est marks in all the subject of the sen-
ior year. In the advanced elass of
music, Miss Lena Matheson took a good
position and first prize.
Business is brighteniug up and
changes are taking place. A second
printing office is about being pealed
and run by the Bryant Bros., who are
well known in Leman,
Messrs. John Fox and Thos. Hawk-
shaw have bought Mr. Win. Hoopers
flour mills and are fitting it up as .a
roller mnill.
Mr. Jas. Wilson has taken Eakins
Bros., business, and is into the bakery
again. We wish him success.
Dir. McLoud has brought out Mr.
Casey's pop business, and the public
may look for good root beer and pop.
Rev. J. A. Turnbull, L. L. B., of St.
Marys, will preach the anniversary ser
vice in connection with the Presbyter-
resbyterian church here.
One day last week some person or
person entered the store of Mr. Luby
and took therefrom to the amount of
some eight dollars. By all appear-
ance the parties made their entrance
from the back of the store as there was
a pane of glass found .broken there.
The miscreant has not yet been dis-
Mr. 'Win. Scott, of the farm of Scott
Pros. met with a severe accident on
Monday last. Working a band. saw he
by some means got his right hand se-
verely lacerated, the wounds were
dressed and is doing as well as can be
The bicycle race for a silver medal
which was to have taken place on
Friday evening last was postponed
till Friday next. Postponement was
caused by not being sufficient entries
to make all interesting race.
British. Grain' Trade,
London, July 8,—The Mark .Lan.e
Express, in its review of the British
'grain trade - during the past' week,
saysee-"English wheat is slow of sale,
at a fractional advance. The sales of
English wheat during ;the week 'were
29,106 qrs., at 28s 4d, against 29,290
qrs., et 31s 5d, during the correspond-
ing period last year, Flour is stronger
and 6d higher: There is a fair inquiry
for foreign wheat, white is' 6d better.
Corn is firm and 3d dearer. Rye is ca
dearer on. a report that the Russian:
and Gerinan crops are below the aver-
verage. A demand for oats and prices
have advanced 6d. At to day's n arke't
English, wheats were firm and 6d
dearer; Califoi•niain -=heat was Gd to is
clearer. There was inquiry for fipui•,
aiid prices were 6d higher. Pease
were 6c1 higher, Barley, oats and
bens were well supported.