HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-4, Page 8letYAL Ap,K,1? Teti new reit OWOE ,absolutely Pure* ter mtvtr varies, A rr¢rcet cab grin aa4 ash,pA ,onae:te , 4d,)n• tY".)a;araa?2C.'li th4la 't±»:e>. u> diaoxy $2R i,. coat carae'ot sokt ina ceraretitaom with the z-onirt*atile of low test,staort weight .adatx;a Or I e.„ii to 4a.•w,ter-. 'see elite an tams vie rer.iLtrilat. i.'c wore t u..IIcw, Walt St: ti.I EXETER MARKETS. wheat per bushel t. Rules- s- , . 85 to Rat;: ... 26 to Peas ...*' ... a«: to Clover ''t tel ... .. • .4.4.,10 Eggs p r tier. .... 10 to ouster, Roots. 17 to Butter, trod . ,. 1:5 to 1'otatees per bush......... 20 to 25. /Lay per ton...... ,... 925. to 10.00 Baa alae Toronto xesi etrnal rate. tvht►l evge. The, Directors .of this Fair, which is To See'y of the Exeter Cricket Club. to be held this year from the 9tb to the DEAR t So—A. few of the Mewls of 21st Sep are fdready actively at work the rejected members with theniseix•es, zmking preparations for the same, and hereby e1i iJ a ge your elub to at friend. appear determined to make it a ;cel in lir game oar your ;lora; Els, for 011e magnitude and attr,ietis•euess Fury of barrel of ROW% s:ixue to be ^•iveu to the poor of the vrllagea. r Yours, c..--Oue who WAS reject cave it,Ws Peren teas. On Saturday trfter'a100e, the 8' Bettaiiou returned to their heroes from sainozint liar Nemo been a ru mated I �OIIdotr by sett tram, whither th by tine Dire toxs fox new aPi 1 tract- l hart been atteaading annual drill. T .ions, ;and the erection of ;a'Aur�al', Exeter company was met at the et 0110 Ana, rte. ion l>y the Exeter Blass Barad width marched down Main street halting front of the Central Hotel. The Eke company returned its atvery order ,'rat( sober` manner, and from what e< n learn, deserve much crealit Its predee.essors. W e have received a enpY of the. Pelee List, which is very neatly gotten.up and any of our readers asho may desire a copy can seems 011e by droppiu a post card to Mr, I. J. .Rill, the nn:uuagttr, at Toronto. .A large BEAR THIS at Richard i ken s isthe cheapest eti place in town to buy your D drxl J r '�oi�, BQoti�. 0 a shoes j et t, . ti. 0, R. frk ,tt l umots. On Thursday evening last, Judge 'Torus, of Gode ic. installed ' r h, a11ed the fol,ow- Exeter ingvoilcers in the Exeter Lodge 1. O. 0.1,.,which were elected the previous their gentlemanly actions while meeting: -•-N. G., Bre. .. Hoskins; V. G. London, While there they �awera Bro, S. Popplestone R. S. Taro. W. II. warded first prize for , the cleanest Morrow: P. S. Bro. E. J..'paackrean; end best drilled eOropan . fa the bet- Treas. Bro. 11. Lambrook; War. Bro. G. talllon. they also made the hi:h •st ae at- W re quote a few of our prices:- 1:x', r�ic — reST ter Fey DreCo for 10 cents per yard. ly All -wool tweeds i35 to g Owe � per for Fine Combination Prints for ; cents yard 'o?per;C'ote Rau 1. Dyer; l G. Bro. Jos individual score at rifle practices T1rE. 1. Grieve; R. S. N. G. biro. W. Howard; `streaks volumes for the olile , Cart. S. N. G. Jbu.. Geo. Brooks; R. S. 1”. G. n Ai 1r^ezws,,iients. I)iel;saar and Billiargs. .r.e. T, Psis+r: L. S. V. G. Bro. 11. 11. The officers deserve great credit for Inset; etit; R. 13ro. 1). Davis; I„ S. S. set:urines such a face mauler of wen to Bro. G. Beaman: Chip. Bro. C Snell, sr.; camp this year, clad we trust chat ;all pep, to (1. Lodges which will be held atcitizenswill continue to Tend aihelping St. Catherine', Bre G.1it,�,aman. , ]rand to the otlirere, that they oily be sataraaa} b3 LI& htnairnae. ' enablett to keep the Exeter"' company During the eevere thunder storm 1 the':lines as wh:rt it as to-dos-, ; ie Wst. that pissed over our town on Tuesday U1 the district. after•i1oou ]oast', than resideuee of Mr, If. saran was strradr by 1i.;htniug, k trucl: the front p,xrt of the house and shattering, it badly, theca running along tie, trough on the roof to the ]unit part of this liirilailii ls� aiiIlialett% tee pipe to xlzerc� ilr. iestrum was a'I1 .aged iU rep siring the saanoat strip - ng yin. ]Claasrzianr sftliilently hard to er him senseless and reusing- him ell to the ground We rare 4l0d. to; y he was not seriously hurt, and is to be around again. 1`{aad qtr. man, had a tight hold on the son- taa:tor pipe, he would no doubt have !xi iarsi4in;tly kiiled. Teo ctraaiusr haat]& or+italy. On Jn Fridaa of next week, Exeter will be an. ecene of excitement, oeeassioneat by the celebration of the lith of. July by the t)rangecnen, of London, Dist :liiddlcsex, Iluazcev, i igin, West Bruce, I2tl. Orly next celebrated tlae ono hundred and, sol thin].; or outer eatianivarrsaary o e•T Battle -4f flee Ik yore. Exeter, itar Tisa decision of tilt) etaramittete has aim *en selected as the puce in which to hereer it. Thtausends of 0rangeuieu trent this western dii ct will meet here and under their grand Old iiag renew -their vows of defence of political •.. .a81ity. Theo rocession will be one +, p „rand 3ineof our country's pride and ns they proudly file na after another into 'the oug ad wali•kaown business "'rouse of J. trirge fancy-goods'datiler, dignity will be forgotten ,'ane! quick 'leads beckon eagerly in the open doorway to invite` wives and children to come and view the ricin display of goods. Each will have something. by which to remember the day- and plaaee 1 and though (lust and glory may have sin equal fight, a calm satisfaction will steel throughtheir breasts and Parcels will be hugged while each one feels than if for these alone the (ley luta not been wasted. !t =..l©ca l 'ew. St. Xeon Water. Uric**. =---Ask your grocer ile Soap. 4 bars of London :E1ectrie Soap r Loudon Elect. or Hone but first-class grocers sells Electrie Soap. The wonder a •to•day is Loudon leetric Soap. Washerwoman's frietrtl L L ndott Soane on your geocee giving you eetrae Soap, it is the bet. think tivasbinl, day merle iltorter by using Loudon Soap, a� Electriie 'Washing made easy and homes made happy by using Landon EleetrIc Soap. . entlia �'; ran, and South Duron.. In Don't forget to try London Elceirlc the morning special trains will leave Soap once and coli will use no other Goderieb at 8.25 ansae ill arrive at Esc Mud. ter about 10 o'clock. The 'Orangemen —.London Electric Seal) 19 only frown the North of Clinton, tivill arrive made by i?. Eieeeees, Areodetocit by regular train likewise the brethren Trade siert 1tegisteiecl, front the south will be meet at the -London. Electric 'Soar will not In• atattion by the Exeter Lodge and Brass la Barad and will march to the fervor jure the Bands or defiles ' .w hi. do more hill, whore the brethren will aaseomblc work (or the money, try it, Oat the race course, nIio a as monster Mr. Thos. 'Fitton visited Toronto lrrocession will be formed and hast week. march up Main st. to e. Plekazrd's --Mn Waaler left for the Northwest' beautiful grove, where addresses will on Saturday last. be delivered by 1. Clarke Wallace if,-fa[,lrentiunatl,leentist,tor the best P,, -Grand Master end Sovereign of Brit- aarttnetai teeth. IA America, Rev. R. S. Cooper, Grand --For cheap reliable Boots and Shoes Chaplain, of 13. A., W. W. Fitzgerald, go to Richard Pickard's. tirtand Master of °uteric West, Dr. - .Mr Wxn I3unseith, of St. Marys, Oronohyaatekha, Toronto and the local clergy. The above aro the best Orange orators iu•e,:made, and no doubt excel. --Mr. E. Flooily*, of Clinton, spent eat speeches will be delivered, In the TilestbL evening in town, ewc'uiner a grand promenade concert 11.1+.131111 MO, 1 enttst,Go1dlmuz► nd Fireworks will take place in the n8Peciait3. onteeovesrO'Sretl�'o Bank gricultural ,grounds, nailer the person, Exec -1' - es, onal supervision of Prof Hand,of ]tam --Crockery, Glassware, Chinnwaae, leer The trains in the evening will Silverware and Cutlery at great dis- returu 5.133 going South and north 5,57, counts at Richard Picl irtl's. nd for those wisbing to remain to the We understand thaatasuit for breath reworks, special trains will leave at of promise is about to be entered 10.20, thus allowing all all a chance to against one of our citizens. ri r ' •a sl testre best tis fireworks ' display la p y ever .._For Dress -Goods, Silks teen in Western Ontario. Everybody , :Satin :Mar hould come and we are sure they will vullenx, i►lillznery, S:G,Cc,. Oat "correct" e well repaired. prices go to Richer(' Pickard's. 11•a9 in town on'.fhursday. The Creat Health. Restorer. If you o feel out Of sorts, drink St. Leon Water. "v 1 Erexua ti 1T for Dyspepsia, and files; positive cure, George Sanders. 'i'ubltc School Board a The following resolutions were piss s ed by the Public School Board on June z 26th, 18e9:—To retain text books be. coming 'unauthorized after the 1st of a1 July, 1889, as long as they can le fl profitably used. To borrow one hun- dred and fifty drillers to meet present requirements. To request from the village council $2,300 for school pun•. S pas.'.s for the ensuing year. To ter- minate all teachers' engagements with E the close of the current year and to make four months' previous applacat- G ion th rs.quired time to consider de- sired n juirements. To meet for in- T speed= of school ha,us3 and grounds t on Monday, July 15th, at 10 o'clock a. Tl m. To adjourn. t J. Galen, Seey. o Eueourlging Science. fi xeter tis. Goderich. ar Cavan Presbyterian church will The Exeter baseball club event to hold a teasnceting and strawberry fest oderich on Dominion Day to play a. tiraal to -morrow, Friday evening. f a riendly game with the Goderich boys. —Weddings are the order of the day hey returned the same evening, al- No less than. two �aviddon•ers of our hough hard pressed to remain over. town being tied up in the knots of he boys were delighted with their matrimony. rip and succeeded in downing their --Prints, Ginghams, Embroideries, pponents to the tune of 19 tom in a Muslin', Laces, Iiosery and Gloves are VC innings game, rain preveaatin� a The Vermont microscopical Associ- ation has just announced that a prize of $25O, given by the Well's & Richard- son Co., the well-known chemists, will be paid to the first discoverer of a new disease germ. The wonderful discov- ery by Prof. Koch of the cholera germ, as the cause ofcholers,stimulated great research throughout the world and it is believed this liberal prize, oTered by a house of such standing, will greatly assist in the detection of micro-organ- isms that are the direct cause of disease and death. All who are interested in the subject and the conditions •of of thisrize should p o td write to C. Smith Boynton, M. D., Sec'y of the Associa:t- ton, Burlington, Vt Council Council met at the town gals, Exeter 27th June, 1889, aII present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirm- ed Moved. by W. G. Bissett, seed by- T.H.McCallum that orders be granted for the following sums, --iz:—R. Will lams, $5.40, labor; Wm. Down, $9, do; Thos. Hartnell, $5, do; Walter Carley, $9.68, do; Silas Handford, $3, do; Albert Bissett, $25, street watering; Dyer & Howard, $11.75,; freight on lumber; Jas Creech, $6, charity 'to J. Piper and Wm Sutton, $10, charity to S: Forel. Mark Clarke applied for relief: ' Moved by T. B, Czarlin , sec'd,by yyr.. G. Bissett, that Wm. Walters, be allowed at the rate of $10 per month for the support of Me Clarke during the pleasure of the coot CI t and his (Clarke sj good behavioiu payment to date from the 20th June. Carried. The Bio;ad Commission ap- plied. for, a saw. Mr. Creech was in- structed to procure a saw for the use of the corporation. Moved by W. G. Bis sett, seer] by T. 1;. Carling, that this council adjourn -until Wed.ncsdly the 1.0th July -.—Carried. M. EAGRETT, Clerk. full game bean • played. The utmost hernb clewed out at big reductions at brag d fecliug prevailed and the umpire: Iiichaxd Pickards. -A Mr. McAllister, of Stanley, while returning from Zurich on Monday, when he was struck by lightning. Ile was knocked sonslcss, and did not recover his senses until Tuesday even- ing. was treated with the greatest resect and courtsay by the Goderich players. All the boys unite in loud praise of the way they were received and enter- tained by the Goderich boys and they will have to hustle at the return match on the 12th and see that their own --We are sorry to learn of the illness record for hosptitality is exceeded if of Mr. Samuel Gilley who has been possible. The silver cup won at this confined to his bed for the past two match is a dindy and will soon be on weeks with a severe attack of inflamat: exhibition. NOTLos or THE Gnaln.. F.. ion. We hope to soon hear of his re - Anderson's slide to 3rd base in the 2nd covery. innings was the prettiest play- on the field; Capt. Dirk Eacrett is a ball play- er and played 2ncl base superbly; Lock ie had entire control of the ball. No less then 8 strike outs to his credit; Charley Mc's and Dick Eacrett's slugging surprised the natives of God- erich; Ike excelled himself in left field'While Mr. D. McLean, of Kippen,and making a star Catch and good throw; others were on their way to a picnic on Knight was the only ornament; Mr. S. Monday morning the 1st inst,thehorses Malcomson is quite a rattler, but did'nt which they were driving were struck get there. Following is the Score: by lightning and knocked. down. No EXETER. serious damage was done. R. Eacrett 2nd. b., 1 0 0 2 0--3 >i'. Anderson e.,1 0 2 0-3 —Mrs. James Draper, of Chatham; C. McDonald 3rdb., 0 0 0 2 0-3 was called to her former home here, on I Carling 1. f.,. 1 0 0 0 0-1 Tuesday last, on account of the severe J. Elliot s. s., ••0 0 0 1 ,0-1 illness of her mother, Mrs. John Vail, E. Bissett r. f., 1 0 1 1 0--3 who is in a very low state of health D. Tait p., 0 0 0 1 1-2 and not expected to recover. G. Anderson lst b, 0 0 0 1 0-1 -The Cantata "The Coronation of B. Knight c. f., 0 0 0 1 1-2 of the Bose" under the auspices of the Totals 4 1 111 2-19 Guild of the Trivia Memorial church, Gooxt icn. which was postponed, will take place S. Malconson 2nd b., 1 0 0 0 0-1 on the evening of the 18th of July. H. Robinson p, 0 0 0 0 0-0 This will be a grand treat. Everybody. D. Holmes s. s,, 0 0 0 0 0-0 Whitley 1. 1. 0 .0 0 0'0-0 P. Malconsod c., 0 0 0 0 0-0 H. Holmes r. f., 0 0 0 0 0-0 Young 3rd b., 0 0 0 0 0-0 Cook C: f.; 0 0 0 0 0-0. Wi11i>uns 1st b., 0 0 0 0 0-0 Totals. 1 0 0 0 0-1 unhurt. -On Friday July the 12th Inst a hot dinner will be served front 10.30 a. ni to 1 p. m. and refreshments dueling the afternoon, in Fanson :s block, uud-r the auspices of the James St. Methodist church. Dinner 25e. corne. -The barn of Mr. Mattie Flnkbei- ner:, of the 8th con., of Stephen, was struck by lightning on Tuesday after- noon last and done considerable dam - ago to the roof. Mr. Finkbeiner was in the.b.arn at the time, but escapee] Boys' Sloes for 35 cents per pair Men's " 50 ailoringandineralways . ty with us and satisfaction guaranteed in each departmentaR At Richard IN Gtr Factory' Cotton for 3 Bents per. yard. Pure Linen Tatlings a 20 a: Children's Shoes ,: Ladies' Slioes a 377 • F pair, HENRY WELLS.:, Brewer ar jifalsie GODERICH, AN I CTUIZER OF Wes NNW jig PORTER FORTIINEPO .�0� It is said that every person has a eh aura e in their lifetime to make a fortune, and 1i they ;Mori• that tiuto to pass may never have the opportunity again, THAT TIME HAS COME. You cat depend uponit that everybody purchasing their goods at Parkinson's saves money, by deft so will soon make their fortune. His price axe always down. not aelti ed highprices to make up losses, for debts contracted by bad onrers; don't you Fee there is thousands in it. Parkinson's Stock is xtew and consists .of Dry -Goods, Groceries, Crockery, [lass-warclwced)a Boots and Shoes, in fact es ery thilig usually' -opt in a first -clam General Store. See his Black and Colored Cashmeres opt 2 ets. up. You can get the cheapest all wool suit ink xeter made teenier •2S.a =X S0 r Make no mistake, Consult your own interests and -amine his stock before making your purchases elsewhere }cl you. soon, SIM enough for a fort ' ter at the Cheap `,t enough. fortune. You can do p Cash Stole than any other lace in etei; market price , Highestl e atllol�-cel for fir , , fill, produce i 1?c1 tls.lNTS{ Furst door north of of the Town Hall, Exeter. r+ , +maw e. amira.asora.■ XXX Porter a Spooiaity. A GREAT CHOICE OF ict riii & ICB 0401DflllkS Hyndmmt's We are prepared to supply the Public throng out the season with he Creamy � Ginger Ale Sarapari1Ia, Plain Soda Lem: �R0 aLemonade) i Iffilk-shake; --FL.AT OBER WITH-- Lemon, ITHILemo 3,, Strawberry, Van - ilia, Fane Apple or Raspberry. G. A. NYI LIMAN. uew�oor� spas sroRe W. H. Trott wishes to announce that he has opened out business in the stand recently occupied by the ADVOCATE,and is pre- pared to manufacture first- class BOOTS & SHOES for all customers. A CALL SOLICITED. Our motto is good work and square dealings. W. H. TROTT. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician ,retired from practice,hav- ing had placed in bit hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections. Also a positive and radical cure for nervous Debility and all Nervous Com plaints,aftor having test edits wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it bit duty to make it known to his sufferingfellows. Actuated by this motive and a esire to relieve' human suffer- ing,I wiil.send free of charge to all who desire ill this roceipe, in Germ an, 'rench or English with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stam 'pnern- in g this paper, W. A.OYES, 140 Power's Bloat Rochester, N, Y. Oct -18-t S Sixnpi IlDsuffl' For any roan to claim to Make selling Ioss, Its simple to say it and simple to swallow it. If the fanner raised only grain for ,gram what he planted he would starve. If the merchant sells his goodsdollar for dollar at the price he bought them, he is out in time; labor and expense.. WE MtST LIVE. and we live by our profits, but we don't prey on the public. Our price is actually lower than the much bragged up a� " LOW o" of others. 9f they se below cost they paid big prices. Bad buyers don't make good sellers. Good goods don't have to be sold below cost to get rid of them.. Our Goods are good. They pay us to handle andou to iY buy We don't have to bribe our buyers HEREsacrifice our sales, HERE ARE OUR GOODS, at fairest prices. We don't crowd you to buy. Take them or leave them. Highest p�^a 17t �' price paid for BTJTTER EGGS. WE SOLICIT A CALL. CARLING. BROS.