HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-4, Page 3HE,A111111. End Noses. Bad noses seem to be the efa °Hon of Many persons who take great care of their health. A nose always reddish at the Aldo and groleieg friahtfully -red at the firse tench o cold ie. 'Only 4 humiliation, and when it comes witholal use of malt or spiritu• QU8litaleree in spite of the oloseat pentane' Pare, te is rho sign of deep seated internal disordere. Creanspacted dieeese of the ire testInes, jiflnimation which, gives litele dis- 'comfort, ter piles, ;signal their lurkiag ;Imager by tide ,peretsteue redness of the 1:1031h At °Bee lay aside the nee et vehite bread and peetry forever, making whole 'wheat meal bread, awl •wheeteii grim the ;staples of diet, withoae discerding Meat or other aeeepteble food, 'Butt the nee-ef belted fie lineri e - ;Tensible tar meet of the bolo> ezhimitton, an the worst itlismenatory ;Madden of modern eivirz:d life. The 6xPeriePee et the wheat phyaiciatte oreafirma Mei aud nethfeg eeu be said too stroagly agaiest this waste of vitality and dilating the most necassarV food of the system, A woman with a red tide should wear e, wet bendage about the hips, and tare tepin eitz 'bathe eleily to re, Have internal irlibpatnaticm, a treatmene 'Which of itself ie eisonah to cure inany ab- dominal dements without: the degrading and palate' pradieee ooMMOD, in melt ceses, feexetivete like compeu,nd licorice powder Oge aid iseene or cmitor ell, thetild be used freely, begieniug witb. a dole aightly for three nights, then one every tbird night for a fortnight or a month, as suits tiee pereon, This rentovea accumulated wastes which flamethetimues, 444 if the nealaih of using eeetee feed bee been eateblithed meentime, antture Will prevent farther troable, Bet THE GICEVALIER D'A$SAE. Daly arid Love ofEetentry atenter Than Ike 1401410ea rrerozy. What is laerelema It is mere then brute courage. It is .aomething beyoad a 'desiee for glory, alapaleon at tb.e, Nide of Loan Cte Jar rueleing ;tingly ou the Spanish rantaa Je or: y eaUingthreuab, the Om of the British fleet—are alt fi m heroes, but Wm their's ehe highest type 4# berenetn1 The testi of aeceusion i heroin 'bend; found la faeulty, beto in the sentiment which direoto the feed. ey; the love of glory, the frenzy of the seldier eattle, muse therefore yield the pain dntereetednees of mathaient to the, love of country Or the sense of eilesty, and the horn as spatrioe takes proCedentle of the hexo as a soldiete No atera effeeted toe, Whate a Yntillg an the fete of the elhavaller D"Assas. The Mal. giallo:1th ',theta Rd% to Fratre was plighted, Old AuVerg tee Child, who for her honor died, Whenlite andlove and loyecne ineeltdelighted- He Was Et abblelpale4 eon and wee engag- ed to be married to a beeattlfal girl, 11Mb When the Pouch Revolutem beaae and the COM of Frence weeo celled upon to defeed their ogle() bad, 1141(40 the old aucestrat coatis ie the heart of Auvergete arul with a beea 0 retainer's marebed %leder Moreeu agabiee tae li4vtieriaa artnY ea the Gennep border. Gee dark night as Ilia men were on mead awl be biateett Was doing pieket duty, yeung D'Amee wits captured by a aped, of the enemy who managed to get between hire, and his oWla Mee. Meta WOrdie ypu. are a deed ram% my master," was the gram whisper of him cep - tom, end he felt the ellerfe potato, of their heyeetete, at lala threat. Teem was fie deep low porignui baNa any idea of the etrict ramie plot see the batten; of lila steteere, The mall Ammer y to ham whea eoetere has DAVatiolail biped be 4=0Y/the Frenele out, vino fallen too aim*, allng without pat, mid for tbie purpase they ceeducted eoarae breeds ;ley or ewe becanee tdem their captive t7War4 tae Prelude wetebare, Dotted) domeetio Ctreeertiellne to preVielet it threatelnieg him with leetent cloth if he 15.ta throw leervene person be,* tete elev. gave an germ or zeineed to give the orsouter- lemeetee, oppremien of the bride and very elgu, ijkelyneeraigia, jeatio, oast who is diet- A. deem rode they edVattetdaasty lag for eareelealee, watch inoludee purity when audcively in the dariteem roee a o blowl, win and, very elight irreemlerities einette•like fOrgil and thameh the elette, oe teed and aebitaualo the geed of weeks of betehed 41r eenee the etern OOMUlaltd; care, All *delete' kuow that ass;4 Ice °Mit I' or the emmterelge14 weter or arieh filtitateated et the wog time D'Aseee was petaled, forward end two Will so deetrey their Atte physical belanee a !sword pout* placed at Ks limk. to lean the prolace of areentliacaatly train. "Give in or diet Q tick!" was the whirl. • ifealtli awl aupreinely good conditicat vexed threat lamed into bia ear. are so preeleue, iesalimble to ue that prob. Re atoll* Omit a moment, but there 'Woe tsh!V elttrellle eere ie net tee high a ne tlacught of wavering in, hie breve aod vice to ikepeees les with Re worth, leyel heera The eseet baetaut blavoleeravg A red -nom or a alethei face will eaaneso, tarty, tlerattade the am of pewder to reuteay ▪ entaghtlioese, ;lather, & eed far; pewder cols 'tbe leffentratetien at the Skin, and uothing le better Olen precipitated car. tozate of eine with an equal pate otPreucla eloc, which is reelly a Una asepeteme, vrbIte and adbeitive. Vematit powders are not to be rmarnmeneled, delieete a; their effect nay be. A little semi pewder laid en earl spread with the tips of the fiegers veil* the redeem and mama tbe he leer; oily. Two lotion; are reeommended for red nests and fecee.one A very week molt of white vitriol dissolved in soft water, aity thebulk of a pea in a pint of water. The strength of chem- icals varies so with age and expeaure that It Is male, seta to judge such wattle* by try. bag them on A moreel of Wu. It they burn or amertunplemently, sedum with water, onful by epoonfal, till only a slight irra tetatIon Is felt. The aecond lotion is fifteen grains of tomato acid dlmolved in five ounces of eemplaor water. These wattles aro to be applied wItle a apoiage or cloth. to the face and knit° dry leveret times A day, Bey from six to twelve tiM05. 'When the rednees of the face le duo to latent eryelpeles no time should be loaf: In consulting a good dootot, end entering on a thorough come el treat- ment by bathe and out -door living to Swat the horrom of settica &tame. Ruuntor DARE. .1••••••1, out fun aud Um: "Auvergne, Auvergne, here is the feel"' They Were his lett werda. In another mo - runt he fell deed, pierced by the Beverien 'word% Bet the lamp awed. Tee atartlea French petrel out and the Bavariene were driven back. Ner was the youog bero'a name forgotten. The Two Blabop. Mien the Ilisbap E lluburgh was in this cemetry he 'Bishop Willietne 0 fame aleCtitelli aliddietown. Habited lit the Enelielt Eplecopel (teatime of areal -breeches and, lank *ilk atookinge, ho alighted Iron; the train, mei Was at onceaceested hy Bieber Williams, although the two men had never met melt other before, "Tell me,'" alked Bishop Willierne, after the Arse greetinge, "bow did you know Trio " 05, by your face," repliea his Lenitbip of Eilnburgh. "1 luta* one demur photogrephr, you know. Bet toll mo in return. how you knew me"ola Oe,by your legs. repliett Da Williams, glancing with an amused emile at the well. tumea calve; of hie pod,- La. Y' Tau% A Etroug Diet One of the moat popular fallaolea is the idea that the eoueuroption of a large amount of meat le necessary for health or to main- tain strenyth„ It is a tact well known tbat the atrongest animals are vegetarians. No fanner would think et feeding his harem or oxen beefsteak or resat beef In order to add to their atrozagth, even if this kind of food Wore as °beep as corn or gram. The ele, pbant, the atronged of animas, la a vege- tarian. Tho same is true of tho human race. The gatherers of rubber -gum In South Amerlea, intact all day among the moon. tains, penetrating dense foreats, climbing among the most precipitous peake, carrying all the time upon their shoulder's, a load in- creasing in weight until it reaches one hundred and fifty to two hundred pounds; yet they aubeist upon a purely vegetable dietary, the chief azticlee of food being plan, tains and benanas. The Rem= soldiers, who built such wonderful roads, and carried a weight of armor and luggage that would orush the average farm-hand, lived on coarse brown bread. Taey were temperate in did, and regular and constant in exercise. The Spanish peasant worke every day, and dam. es half the oight, yet eats only his black bread, onions, apd water -melon. The Smyrna porter eats only a little fruit, such as olives, yet he walks cif with a load of a hundred pounds. The coolie, fed on rice, is more me t.ve and eau endure more than the negro, fed on fat meat. The heavy work of the world is not done by the men who eat the greatest quantity. Moderation in diet seems to be the prerequisite of endurance. Niehtmare. This is the reeult of a condition of the nervous system in which the cerebrum is active, but in whit& there is no control of the lower part of the brain,—that pare which controls muscular action. A person oan feel, but cannot! move. It seems to be a sort of temporary paralysis of the muscles of motion. It is sometimes caused by overheating of the spinal cord (feather -beds are not entirely out of fashion yet), and aleo by pressure of the stomach upon the aorta. Perhaps tha stomach is distended by a late supper of various indigeitible viands, and lying upon the back this great load impels the °iv:elation of the blood to the lower part of the body. Sometimes nightmare is due to purely ner- vous causes, and eau be cured by curing the nervous disorder whioh has brought it on. IleireMee to $75,000,000. There are two little girls in Toecoe who are related, on their father's fade, 0 ex -Gov prod Fenton, of New York, me President Grover Cleveland, Governor Hill, Mr. Fergo, et Wells, Fargo 44 Co., and on their mether's ;side to ex.Pesiep J Hereon Deo:a, end thus are a cennecting link between the Nerth and Senth. They MI tree their niol'and ancestry beck aaa Yearn to a Wealthy nobleman named Wieber, He lett a will becomati iag 00O bo to be held in trust 9a0 years, and then to be divided among hie desceadante who ahoteld, at the sxetattfenef Ogee tiMee he living, and, 0 addoe, piens arta j,Welti valued at $16,000,40II to be likewise ditid. ed in the Ante WAY. Ten Years Were, by the terms ot the Willi to be added to the 20Q, during whtch time the beixa were to bo hunted OP, alUl it 41 were found, the vast sum, the Otte, and the lehm; iti weelewere could retcobe ezbodyfsioimuentrathisbeIreoeent wealth was to go to the crown of Hellen& It so happened that one of the heire wai a Sett eaPtele, aPel he e04.14 not be found, though meat diligent and iteSioue search was made for him. Ten yeere tiew 'swiftly by And brought no tidings of the lost cepealu, theneh he was the Peeelasary liek in ebein thateehtleetel the heirs to thegreat treasuree He wee never foned and so the 'treasure Watt 0440 ovor to Hollmara king and amen, and theth lLtlaTwee* laliee Will never get taeir shere. The prevent glean of lioRmad is a little4 side only a few years older eltao the sweet little mines weeomeramee ma toddling along Toceoaas stream. The News euggeate that fetter be eant from thees Iittle ledies to the Cod mid Bad Parente. To gretify a child is A keen delight, but to make lb do its duty h often troublesome. To let it off a lesson costs only a word ; to give it a toy la an lash of a few pence ; to ley It is tome fond and Mattering words is no trouble at all, But the moment you Wein to enforce a duty or compel the faithful performance of a teak you encounter *3ifli 14 me. 'V ea have to take trouble and preetla some of the ordinal virhwe :you have to b petient, firm, and es•ise. 040 of the dif forences between a geed parent and a bad parent is thip---e. good -parent treats Ida child in the way that etall be moetebentficlal to 1 when It has grown up; a bad pareet thinks only of the ohildts enjoyment of today. Etads 41qzLo fl 1 GyoLEsuotrittird, There ern many blood thelicineS aver- - A. T. tieed, but °My cne that baeked up by its goer:ma ;ass alenufeetards with a certificate of gueran- tee, and thet cae la Dr. Pierces G Aden /4edieal D;seovery, Vibiell is sterrantect to benefit or cure IA all diseases for which it la recemmoutied, or money peid for it will be promptly refunded. tpuree all akild, S&P and scrofulous effeetioes, gores and evreit- ittegna,tzelt theem, totter alai kindredm A dapper yoneg kla bought a yacht, *ad op De the etern of her ranee She made a wild lune, He b4etZWitrd d14 plunge, And down In the water he eecbt, .1 man wThitheQuBtowekhOdfoluldlLbievUe.8in a rcpors aratlitte. 4 Treatiee espevially written on Diamees of Man containing Petite For alen of Ad Agee 1 Should be read by Old, Middle Agel and Young Men, Proven by the Sete of Self a Million to be the mese popular, beceuee written le language plains foreiblO and instructive. Pealtleal present - mime of Uedieel Common Senee, Valuable to Irsvalids who are weak, nervous anel ex 4:tasted, showing terelv Meatus by whiele they may be eared. approved by eaitors, critiea, AO the people. Sanitary, Social, Seleape objects. Also gives a tleeeription sped- ao Nck. 8, Tee. Great Health Renewer; navel of Healleg and Hoke weer of Medi- einelsa,t largely e4plaine the myeteeles of lUelaylte temitioge, heath may he mato* taleed. Tito Lek will teeth you how to make life worth 'Leine', If every adult be the civilized world weeeld read, underetand and fellew °or view% there worad he yeeeg famettaetieg her to seed over eome tf world of Peysical, ietellectuel epd moral ;hat taaaaaaar and Plata and j3wala to tha giente. This /leek wW be fennel atiethful rightful boles flatecoa (04,) News, preaeatatiOre el feet*, ValCIllated to do geed. The book 4 !Abele, the Telismen 4 Health I 8 Bo' .tt w4g, betly and jey to the heart. It is A meteage p. a and Allmt 1 a Moat -411T Bringa Mem to tlee theek, atreegth to the -oe Tara- to the MS' and Otherwate, lathenaiSpeel, 0 N , the Spit 0 Rolla, Those who ONTARIO MUobey LIFE lo thas y°1 laws - 4 with a fedelese wreath, Vest atomism of hoek will he crowned ,Truaataaa3rca te4t4 et MtertirKS,Ortett the triVer and teetlilea to the , Re Nieeteteeth gefOug, Ile eterlen. v.„,„f,,,130 44.3,4c:ref! bACciag Not 8. An Man eallay 23re. Ir.9, though not quite as inrge as In W AO are Broken Down from overwork or aline fettagf Tkar33 wa*s U*134 Jj901Ullt4"*41 mrd '4:rawr gAlitea 110 mentioned, in the Above, fhe meeetttive, Rrssid,ot, g gig hoelo; elefintel send ter aatl reed 44 Velueble ware, *vet ellebitt441.1B4441.CIL*148 eaV t gat rtat4 %le ofn . atelaedt eteRN Vrh pWt lolfbteetICIP. i71 ystateadapfeet, tot epeetal eat et the .A.nonal Meeting, pay peetage. 4.410reset all orders to al. V. Tees:lot:woos the Ace pee at the last session , „ I the lenninien Perlitnaent. taausend Om Company's 4.4"1"-tn., X. \DOM 40. i4V 4vrIQ Street R., Tetene ree14,,-.4tereeer'altres4tt t'lla741;_141:Y1A1Pg4PrtYVethi 101°5: 31stretta:43.44 tolfC;S:t4:'livlAs with /moor la to die with the Speast General ousting waKr4. THE ANNUAL mEETINVI ez Co7-Tany waters% held Teo se:retary having Onaumptleta qmb•1:;,gunam read the rawe caGi ;a' the mtotirg, oa nactloa tee P, liter ; eee nehreetit Anateel Meeting were Wren is reed, ani Ce.ner-Xtd, The Prettleat then teal the inform year reeler, Mat 1 bave witztateetta' ereinv imeely for the above teemed dimme. It off aril soar ItElectzti inu;11 pesue le el4 tise thontaude of boaeletes leittere; tleetattrain: elattnant bithz Wales at our 44,4" sl 42431 vrrauwativ coma, realm Cempeeeete be Mee te report to the members that ,,„_ the text malt 0 the felatneo ttentachil destine' the r g4•F'w, 5=4 4+Wu 444V; -W41 4 xv44WW year leati that c! *ny nrevieue Tear The Mil to OW et yeur reeler" Waa havo CCM- Otw eatemegra lanai. enema to *4,7444?), ender woreyeeen el they will mend nee taaaa E. Leta plaice, and the rctal waeuet in term ee met rem sad P 0 ediresa Besp'y, T 112,verallor nudge pel;:yles. The _ • ___ • • T. pregtessito itcreste of the poet ten year* le leettaao C. 164 „ Walt A1101146 St., OlAr Premium and intenat Mono he bees tall, Toronto, wairataime. A. 466. Oar totol Outs at at Mit Detember last aZIOanted P. to entneata eel our eerplee Over an eines" al lira Make me reach lel the bealiOrne cam tLev,zar.e). armi71Vtu4br.nar:412rpanetgiatlg pertlen of this surplus alit be held In hand AI a /nu:goo against future reductions in the tato of larerest and other cOatingem:!sr HE BOILER INSPECTION AND INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA. Establithed for the prevention of steam Wier explo- sioo by proper impectione. Si. aux Canreot, 0 Ontario, Postdate. Read Olibec,2Toroote St.:Toronto, Ont. CORSO= IRO ENGINEERS anti SOLlCITORS OF PATENTS Gyn. °jun% Cikiggngioter, A. nuns, Sec y,. (grt441llr;lz°,`:t h "JitIt 'tie° let th , 11 a Ledo tra acted roivelderably grater; atal the ratite et expense hae been redeued to IS I-5 pet cent, I-heels:a.% reduct'oe '41,rg fat; g:7:4fIg wg,'1,!'24 tbm4V: 0 r is% been valtted hy theeti n re at the al leernment Waite atee Department ano the r.scro rereelred to be held hai been certided at correetby the SuptrIntendent et Ira tranee for the Dorainioe. .Atter the regtae annual Audit. the Vcceutivoe Cennultteeed the again entre%) teaufhied la detail all Oil gee:tenth ' embraced in I h general statement of are:ts and found Mein ctrrect and in peeper order. The de. tailed etaternent preparet ar,d duty certified to by your Auditore le herewith eubruitted foryone cocain - Whoa and dispetal. You will he caled on to eleeft our Directore to the piece of II. 11, Britton, John Marehall, Featcie 0. Brace and J. Neu Pieter, whose term of cillee hsa expired, but who aro all eligible for rii.electioe. Oa behelf cf the boaed, Isaac Pon sefee, Pres. • Printed (Wee at the Financial Statement nod AUditotie Ttep:rtior 3E83 having been distributed „ apoog the nibilires, the tatedent moved the Mop. • Oen el the various motto Ile coegratuleted the • policy lioldere on the Womble ?mite of llie vearei cperatione, obtaine I nt a Iowa, ratio of expenditure teem in prerloas years nrd lower than the expense t redo of au v et our Candi to competitors, ADA one ex. caption only; IN bile the voter in 0 Madinat has been wtll maintained and ite (pi improved. The new Wetness of the client year was much In execthof that written during the same 1 cried In any previous year, oviCncing the con*Inued popularity of the Company and warranting the hope thee the net report the Direct° e may have the privilege ef tubanittleg will I. e the best aver eXpeencEd in the history of the Company. np had= hesitation in etasing that The Ontario wag never more deeerving of the supped and et:gel:fence of Its members and of the petrenage of the insuring public than it le at the present time. E liten, E.q, Q C, James Vow, E M P, Joseph W rd, q, of the wholesale Min et Metiers Word, Carter Se Co,, ontreal. and others ably Elm. ported the motion, wh'ehe'fir crippled amid appleuee. Messrs .Tackson and Scullyhavingbeeomapmanted by vote of the members present auditore for the cur- rent year, the Scrutineers Appointed to take up the ballots having reporeed the re.eleetion of the retiring I./treaty!, and the customary vote ot thanks to the Board, the Officers and the Agents having been ten. dered and responded to, tbe meeting was brought to a close. The Directors met subsequently and re- elected I E Bowman, President, and under the amended charter elected 0 31 Taylor 1st Vice and Robert Melvin 2nd Vice. Presidented tbe Company for the ensuing year. A High -Spirited. Girl. "But if you don't love him, Clara, why are you going „to marry him ?" " Because he dare3 ma to, mamma. He knew my high spirited nature, too. Oh make him sorry enough for it, done you be afraid I" wallowing the Instet. You saw, sir," exelaimed the actor, choking with wrath as he rushed into the newspaper offi le after the evening perform- ance was over and leaned over the editor's table, "howl was treated this evening. I was hissed, sir 1 I was called a contempt- ible scoundrel, sir 1 The ruffian ia the gallery threw cebbagea and dead eta on the stage, and a cowboy in one of the boxes shot off a look a my hair. Ital galling to ,my pride as an actor, sir, but I look at it in purely a business light. There won t be standing room the rest of the week. Do it up in a column article in to -morrow morn- ing's paper, with a scare head ever it, and give all the particulars. Here's $10." The Duke of Portland, The Duke is just 32 years of age. He is one of the riehest men of the world, his in. come being estimated at $15.000,000 per annum. He Is a great patron of the turf, , and this year added the blue ribbon," the Derby, to his many triumphs, He runs one of the half-dczm wonderful palaces of the world, the rangelof buildings covering several acres, and at least half of it, including the picture gallery, being buile underground. At a etate dinner, such as he gives from them to time to his tenantry, 200 lackeys, at - in his gorgeous liveries, line the °or. delete leading to the dining -room. The Queen of Corea, The Q teen of Corea is no figurehead. She belongs to one of the greatest families of the country, end it is an open secret that the has at times her voice in councils of the king. She has an establishment of her own inaide the palace grounds, and the king, the crown prince'and the queen have each their separatehousehold. The queen dresses, of course, in the Corean °Datum°. She wears fine silks and has beautiful diamonds. She carries a chatelaine watch which is diamond studded, and she smokes American cigarettes by the thousand. An -Adopted Brother. "Hullo, Black 1" "Hullo, White 1" "You're going to be a brother-in-lavv of mine, I hear." "A brother-in-law ?" "Yes." "How oan that be? I'm nob going to teeter into your family, as far as I know." "You are going to marry Miss Brown, ain't you ?" lc/ am', "Well, she's my sister." "Your sister ?" "Yee, she prothised to be a sister to me always, as much as three months ago. A Good Corn Eheller for 25o. A marvel of oheaptees, of efficacy, and of promptitude, is contained in is bottle a that imbue remedy, Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. It goes right to the root of the trouble, there acts quickly but so painlemely that nothing is known of its operation until the corn is thelled. Beware of eubetitutes It is easier for a trust to buy out a rival , offered for Putnam's Painlem Corn Extract - must than to fight .it out.. The penny's or—safe, sure and painless. sad at drug- trightier than the sword, 1 gists, $500 Reward is offered, in good faith, by the manufactur- ers of Dr. Sge's Catarrh Remedy for is ease of catarrh which they cannot cure. It is mild, soothing and healing in its effects, and cures "cold in the head," catarrhal deafness, throat ailments, and many other complications of this distreasing diaease. 50 cents, by druggists. For impressive elequence there has never been anything like cannon mouths and rifle muzzles since the world began. A Memory of Early Days. Bane of elaildhood's tender years. Swallowed oft with groans and tears. How it made the flesh recoil, Loathsome, greasymastor oil! Search your early memory close, Will you find another dose: All the shoddering frame revolts At the thought: of Epsom salts I Underneath the pill -box lid • Was a greater horror hid, Climax of all inwera ills, Huge and griping old blue pills! What a contraet to the mild and gentle action of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, sugar- coated, easy to take, cleansing, recuperating, renovating the system without wrenching ie with agony. Sold by drug- gists. Mrs. Langtry now wants to attack "Henry VIII." She will certainly 141 11 she does, for Henry alwaee did get ahead of the woman. Tye CONSTIMPTIO SCIROFULA ki BROOM= " 0011GUS Pr 2 °OLDS TrmtlY.f; Vse1se3 Wonderful Flesh Producer. Fe. tta Beenleion Le not aseeret remedy. ▪ teitime, the samulatieg Ifypeolitts- Oat e and Nee nmrt gian Cul laver Oil, tue pate say of both being lurgely in- si t le It it used by Pleysiciata all over o weria. PALATABLE AS WILK. solo, F,29 all Draorsts, Mk. ond Sa0. AIR,W1S IN MANITOBA Poottist, Manitoba and Rortb.-West 13MaL STATE. CO., Liu. WI Akio, Mgr, 357 Jima' RI Winnipeg Wedeln all puts of the PeOvitme. Lew Priem Emy Terme, Lute Sloe IPA Fulleet Inteeenetien Far• ;stoked on APPEcation, Send us roar came ani we will rwail vaa our doe cleave catalogue Om its WANTED who have tremble with their pregzot fyedeing, to visit the Toronto Catlin; Schoolandpeocure Olr intaltible methods for produe, tug perfect.fitting, ate lish ;tanneries. . tete 4. Adelaide St, West, Tomato, CANCER and Tumors CIAZED; nokolfo; book nee. Das. tictucickEL, No.eaNiscaraSt.,nafrato.N.y. DB DOE ENWEN,D'S air Magic Wens Grey Rohe Stoke ailing Oat ol the Hero ovee lenedreff; to Bahl - here the toots are net oue tsd;n1t produce* u* Pala tb. it is unfailing Try An druggiate every. Whet*. ei7etOIANNIWg,ITO Selo Menefecteirer. eAf Ong Canna, n1Ia1ey Royce Uo es1rr In alt kinds Pt 7; 4QIL itl'4ialtatill8. Agents the BERSON II and 111011All Sand In, strut:Dents, .4"3'811EET ULTSIC and aiusio1 CD BOOZ% Itaionfacturets 41t1P,ERTA.1,4" BAN() INSTRUMENTS ° Beat In tbe weed, Etcbt -ter TaneOricouGsatea:trinitabOtea..talSeeneede —ONEY M A large =onset etTitila FUN DE1 to Imon at a w lalv 1140 Of :IP -tyres*** ' OSIONSIIIII cla$Ssfecurit,y, Applyto BEATIY, CHADWICK, BIAGXSTOCK 84 CALL Barristers at, 1Solicitors, Wsllington St., °or. Vherele, (over 33Anig Toriedier TORONTO. °Err. OROICE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PART& OF MANITOBA, Parties wishing to „purchase improved klettiter0 vows rpm 80 ewes upward; with tionedlehe peseeeken, call or write to G. I, DUELS" /W. Arthnee liaba at., Witualpeg, lotonoilose tarnished tree charm and saltine. 0404 he making 0/Watt:Ion. • Q ""ar t;') Ta 0 alt. IX AT QUERENT U4T)4 Or lerromer, MBE ABOVE ACE at the ST. I,EON ▪ spItixtPi. Quebeeeele Pew tilPelt ferrite- recep.tiutt 0 Viattors camtufatee room W:4 *. V$ Natnre's natal. Me Oahe& eheregiog vie. mente, hot or cell. Itstee wsdrrate, aentreeniente ple‘ty wed eetilibg. Wfitb fee rt1peer, to. Oricee. Or tee Agenedee at Toronto, at tetee it MIME INSTREMENTS,Sand tor ow I r.arge Illustrated Catalogue of Band Inetru. minds. Vienne, Guitars, Flutes, etc., and all kind ot Trimming& Agent for Trenche's and Dernthe Playa. PiUrLAND'S MUSIC STORE, 137 Ring St. West, Toronto, Out EACIIERS can make money during vacation by canvassing for one or more of our fast selling Books and Bibi. e, especially History of Canada, In W. 1.1 Withrow, D.D , latest and best edition ever Published, micas low, terms Merril. Write fcr illustrated circulars and terms. . WM. BRIGGS, Publieher, Toronto. ENGRAVING • FOR ALL • ILLUSTRATIVE , &ADVERTISING \ PURPOSES. ' WOOD ENGRAVER, lp,KiNG STREET EAST. TORONTO, CANADA , 11 WILLIAMS & CO•J 11 SLATERS & FELT ROOFERS • I Manufacturers and dealers in Roofing Mater lal and Building, Papere, EtO, °MOB: 4 Adelaide 8 . East, Toronto. Proprietors of Williams' Flat Slated Roof. Telephone 511. 1.1 I•1 Youge St.. 0 RO N TO. The Penberthy 10 Automatioinjector 19,P -4'101,3u rIocatarla ; 2400 to wells the Coital Stater. They are eimp'e ant cost ices thus le perfuming the rams work. Tiley 1. Mena, and work 0 18 ; Lift ond work from a head as ne4. ti estertling when violent to boiler Is a. e rOacular to Main Mae. en ierthy Netter Co., Detroit, Mich. sobonies, windgor, ec03. and Detroit, Idle Mention thispaper, MOM MONTANA'S WEALTH The Farmer, AWATItiTeSSerelitint. TheNiner The he Litheeer, Traker, Theritorktittim. The lianulact rarer, An Empire Opened for Settlement, Canprtstng rich agricultural and gutting land, gold, ver, copper. lead, iron and coal In 11103. Climate un, surpassed. atttio easy et aeeeSS by the Sr. PAUL. Mastrout Rr., Ntialcia places in service, Itegiuning Nov. loth, a train equip. nerne istsexceited, Imola/dna, ereendics Dose Ouches, Palate eireprra Free aelonht Sleepers ard Surpub Liming Cam of latest design, zunoing Ir itt thraugn eolid, /rola St, Nul, and it inneapoUr to Great Falls, Helena and Butte, Montana, For Maps and general information inquire et your own Ticket Agent, or F 1WhItney, Gene WM. and Tk't Ant, 21 Paul, Nino ;J 31 Itarcliins, 4 Pal - met /louse Meek, Tuotto ; V. c. Unseen, 8 :N1102810 Temple, London. AUTOMATIC SAFETY ELEVATORS Pat. hydraulio, hand ,and steam elevator,. LEITCH 84 TURNBULL, Canadian Elevator Works, Peter and Queen streets, HAMILTON, ONT. videut Life and Live.Stock As3ou CTIIEF OFFICE, 1), ARCADE, - TOROHTO, (I eleattilaelt terED ) Ilutual Benefit Assoelatlon. xNVISTYi CST paling to Cis abase 'nnON Vi.2NX AVER 1.0AY, a Kraut aged. two cots per day a pueol stsed a sezure F4ve 0.11are per reek wane disa eirl;neas or arcident, olsa tor Oro and thrze psr clay, wrong aged rat above can SeMte lorthUr de :levet% Five Bond nal R31131% In cwetef death. LINE la rat*: Otreienita can provide agalatt loos by death through disease or azeiden; a! tam Kock, at CaliVratee, Thsealatereited, Still tor /it:spectates c'e. iteltabs.e Agents wantrii n nompresentNi ' WILLI el JO NE$, Xamaging Dlreator. EATER LINE STEAMSHIPS. Selling Weekly between DIONTRE tie and LITiEttPOOL. Saloon Tickets, $10, $50, and $60. Return Tickets, 880, See and MO, according fr. steainer and accommodation. Intermediate $8C Rouod Trip Tickets, 880, Steerage, en. Apply tc 0.E. MUER 4,Y, General Manager Canada Stun. Ping (o., 1 CUSTOM HOUSE SQUARE, MONTREAL, 0) to Lentil Agents In all Towne and Cities. Leatherlielting • BEST VALUE IN THE DOMINION. F.E. DIXON SAO, MAKERS, 70 KING ST. E, TORONTE Send for Price Lists and Discounts. „aaamiaetal ellItITY AND Srnuarir CONDINED nTITS KNITTING MACHINE EMPIRE BAKING POWDER Manufectured by Ellis it lloidley, - Toronto Se ame, Mines, Draining Low Lands. These etlee 0 0 N It QV'S CARRIAGE TOPS. brreed Wind. mills are made, tram one man to -1. forty horee-pow. - ......,, ONTARIO PULP CO.. Mention this paper.Teneaieo, ONT., CANADA. TORONTO ONSERVATORY "r44'1'1,1':rr,.. OF MUSIC. Nan. 0. W, Ateaer; - e PrIssioENT. 1000 Total. Attendaneo first All branches laugh' -Instrumental and Vocal nutalm- Elacutim, Language,. ckholarships, certificues,diPlo= soaa, Free Theory, Violin, Concerts and Lcchares, Neat Fall,.otitan students, besides the um of several earplug munch orgaue, can bow Im-,sonc, practice cue car:asylum GRAND CONCERT OROAN,Nule caprnasly for the I:ensue:nary, in A E.sniation HalL to mER NORMAL TERM, juleS so Aug. ra. FALL TERM OPENS Sept, 4. Send for free Calendar.Adiltr-,,;._EDWARD FIS117.R2 Director, ear. Yonne St, 41:L1 Wiltall Ave., Torc,at.). IIILLIDAY STANDARD WINDMILLS For supplying constantly pure and imsh water 13r the tolloaing purposes, Viz- tr. Thee are vkJt Pettedly con. atonable legatee aid uniform. In speed. Grand Milts fr chuff meting ro pulping, threshing, *aw- ing wo ed.grinti- leg earn, zee, etc. Also mann. facturmof feed grinders,haying Iron, anl wood pump% land a full line at :It &tray, Town, Farm, and Orna. mental Water Supply* Materi- als. Catalcrgue and P. ice Lists, with references, mailed free o0. apt lication to PllopIng Water toe Sao*, Fenn Buildings, Slawions, VillaRetidences Palle • Institutions, Gardens. Green ki0118e8. Town & ViUaga Watetwotks, Pumping for Railway Stations, - Fire Protection, Istigati an, Tanneries, " Send or Illustrated Catalogue and tea advertfeement with your order for our N'S'ilr linit BIER and we will allow you $10 PREMIUM DISOOUNT ADDRE8S-- CREELMIN BROS., 1111'gs. GEORGETOWN, ONT. 1070 all the latest improvements and are unequalled or durabiliey, style and convenience. The keeling larriage Builders sell them. ASK FOR THEM and MY NO OTHER. Ulan Line Royal Nail Steamships ailing during winter from Portland every Thursday nd Halifax everySaturday to Liverpool, and in sum. ler from Quebec every Saturday to-Liverpooi,ceEine I.. Aonderry to land mails and passengers for ;oow.and and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Hall Ix and St. John's, N.F., to Liverpool 'fortnightly tiring summer months, The steamers of the Gies. ow Jic sati dining whiter to and from Halifax, 'ortland, Boston and Philadelphia :and during sem. ler between Glaegow and Montreal weekly'ow and and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadel. thia fortnightly. For freight, passage or Oar information apply to 1. Schumacher a Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard as Oro, Iallfax Shea la Co., St. John's, Nfld., Wm. Thomp. on dr Go., St. John, N. B.; Allen & Go., Mega° I 'Awe 5 Alden, New York; H. Borulier, Toronto; Wane, Rae 50o., Quebec); Wm. Brookle, Philadel. hta H. A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal. isweieltealleaSSISEaNNMEEHISIOSINIES I CURE FITS! When I say CURE I do not meanmerely tor stop them for a time, and then have them re, turn again. I 3110AN A RADICAL CURE, I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS Alife long study. I WARRANT my remedy tg Conn the worst eases. Because others have failed is no reason foe not now receiving a cure - Send. at oncefor &treatise and a Emit BOTTLA, 01 my I/MA:LIABLE REMEDY. GIVO Expresei and Post Office. It costs you nothing for * trial, and it will cure you. Address H. G. ROOT, 11.0., 164 West Adelaide St. ^ TORONTO, ONT, IHNHOMMEINIINIIMMINIMMINNIMENr Mowry STRAIGHT LINE ENGINE: SAWMILL BOILERS IN ALL STYLES. ENGINES, Gang MIM, BAND SAW MILLS, I5.1WY,C1111311W1 MILLS With Steel Carriages ElgireATOLE, tet.'ZHE and. rgenclen, gancidnee„. taevatersa claktt RELtiNg,,,;(bstis• WATEROUS , Engine WOr BRA