HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-7-4, Page 14S, VOL, III. EXETER, ONTA110„ THU aSDAY„ JULY 4,1889 The Melsons Bank. Valuable Farms for Salo. (Chartered by 3?ar1 uent, Paid up Cdpital.. , .$2,000,000. Rest Fund . . 1,000,000, neaa office Montreal, F. WOLPERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER. Twenty Brateli offices in the Dominion. Agencies in thePenunion,C. S. and Europe. i741===1,3 M'Z..7.1"ZOTZ. Open, every lawful day from. 10 a. ro.to p. Saturdays TO a.m. to I p. m. A general banking business transacted Three per cent. per annum allowed for money on Deposit Reeeipte and &whip /Wale. R. H. AR011Elt, Exeter Jan 2B, W. Manager, THE 45Xtter Vonate`, 14 riblished every Thursday Morning+, at the 011100, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. Ile the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. OnOD011l%? per annum if 11441 in Advance. SAX/ if not so paid. geteise„g; mZe.ton cat, ,21142p1.3.cm.- No paper discontinued until AU erre* are paid. Advertisement 4 withont peL IIo directions will be pnbliebed till forbid and elearged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcieint advertisexnents insertei . for long_perteds. Every deseription of JOB PRIN'PING turned ont in tho enest style, and at moderato rates. Cheques,rnoney ord.- / ars, &e. for advertleing, subseriptiens, (to. to be Made payable to • Willi.11311 Sanders, Editor Church Directory. TRIVITT 1ioi0OXAL Cni1nr11.--Bev. S. I. Robinson, Rector, Sunday Services, and 7 tarn. Sabbath Sehool, 2.33 p.m; TILETHOPIST OnITOC11-44M03- tit,' Rev. B. Olement, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10,30 11.. in. and 6.30 p.n;. Sabbeth Sehool, =P.m, . Mn STuagr--Itev. J. Wileon, Pastor. Sun day Servicee, MAO a. ni. and 6.30 tste, Sabbath Seliool,S,30p. risiITYTEIVIAN On traCu.--Rev. W. :Worth%l Pa"S stor- under Services, 11 ii. m. and '6.$0 p. xn. Sabbath SO1;0°110.15 a. in. • •111410fftt1imia1 entrees TT L. BILLINGS. Office ores O'Neil's 33auk, Exeter, Ontario, Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extraction. 11. KINSMAN, DENTIST, L. D. S.; ex- tracts teeth 'without pain by giving Vegetable Vapor, or using the new Ancesthetie on the gums. Makes old: Inge and otherdental work the best possible. Goes to ZUnehlast Thursday in each:month. East side of Main street, Exeter. 10.10. T B. WHITELY, M. D.. 0.M., PHYSIC/AN • and Snrimon. Office and residence— Corner 'Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderieb, Ontario. DR. J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE—MTAAN ST. Residence—Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. fr A. AMOS, 3.1.A., csLn 0.P., EDIN.; L, . C. S., Edna.; L.F. P. & S., Glasgow; L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow M. C. P.& S. Ontario; F. T. M. S., Toronto: Night. bell at office. Crediton, Ontario, jy12-3 DR. COWEN. OFFICE—MAIN STREET, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centro Hotel. Side entrance on south—James street leading to the Methodist Church. • Two Farrhs for Salo in the township of US. borne, County of Iluron,adjoining the thriv- ing Village of Exeter, cam prisxng lots18, 3rd eon., and lots 18 and half of 19, 9ind eon, of said township, Lot la oonfaina 100 acres with a comfortable brick dwelling and con- venient out -buildings, The other lots 19 and half of 10 with good out -buildings. This pro- perty will be sold separately or oxiblook. Terms to suit mweha.sers. JAS. HODGSON, Exeter, Ont. 1" W. BROWNING, MD:, M. 0.2. S. e..1 • Graduate of Victoria University. Office and residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. • Additional Locals. —We have had an abundanee of rain —Mr. S. Trott, of Loudon, is visiting freanas here, —Meetly all our townspeople went to Grand' Boni and lieesall on July 18. —Mr. Wm. Sauders, editor of this journal, was in Stratford on Priday last. —The new paper to be issued in eau by by Br,yant Bros, will make its ap- pearance shortly, —The tin pan serenade party were out on an engagement on Tuesday night. —The time table for the 12th of.Inly will be issued this week and mailed, to the different points on the G. T..B. —.The entrance examinationa to High Schools commence toeday in the public school here commencing at 1.80 p. lir. As a Autry, et Montreal, 'will Int at the Commercial bonse Exeter, tomorrow, 5th inst., to pltrehase all classes of laorSeS, —The member or the White Base, of Sons of England 13.5, will kindly meet In the hall tide Thursday evening. Every member requested to be pres- ent. Dr. J. IL MeLella* eye and ear surgeon of London, it is expected, will make regular visits to this plitee short ly. Be is a „feraduate of the New York Eye tilla Ear 110Spital. Ile NM be e011• suited any day between the hours erf 8 to 10 a. rii.; 1 to p. in,; 7 to 9 p, 111. Office -497 Talbot st, eor. :Maple, Lon- don, Ontario. • —On Monday evening'. the ist lusts whilen load of young pnenicers were retnrninr, from Grand Deed the axle `Of their wagon severed in the centre thuelettingstlienteto the ground, and • ettving them a snvere shock which was so unexpected They succeeded.in seeming a lumber wagon from a. far- mer on which they arrived home safe. —About thirty-five of the members of Plymouth Lodge, No. 68, SODS of England -went to Hens* on Sunday last and attended divine service in St. Paul's church with the Hensall brethren. The Rev, 0.11. Bridgeman preached a very eloquent and instructive sermon to the, brethren. All w attendine ere well satisfied, and hope at some future time they may have the pleasure of visiting them again. —A load of pic-nicers started from Our 'WWII On the morning of July lot for Grand Bend awl proposed to stop at Dashwood to water their horses .and. recruit themselves a little, after doing this they all seated themselves in the wagon and started off, when the driver hit the horses a sharp cut with the whip which caused the horses to make a sudden jump thus breaking the two whiffietrees and gettieet'away from the rig, but did not run far before they were captured. No damage was done with the exception of the breaking of the whiffletrees. Harry you must be more careful how you drive, especially when your load is composed partly of young ladies. ATTILLIAMS W A,FT, TETER- V inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Office and Residence one block oast of Samwell 8z Pickard's storo. Opposite skat- ing*rink, Exeter, Ontario. TETERINAEY Y Veterinary Dentist, graduate ofProf.H. H. Davidson's Dental Sehool, Torbn to. All work in eonnection with horses' teeth prom- ptly attended to. Examination free. Office -with Wm. Sweet, Y. S. A. IL Preen, V. D. T DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. ]ktoney to loan Offiee—Fanson's Block, EXater. 1,74LIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- 1, Aare, COnVoyttueers, &e. Money to lean at 6 per cent. E B. Y. ELLIOT. J. LLIOT • of latter by a score of 85 to 22, The return: Match was played in this. pW1.0 Joly,ist dud resulted as the former by a score of 17 to 4, DasiliwOod, lfaenteeenten-011 Wednesday ef last week, one of those vezy pleasant occurrences took plaec, it being the marriage of Mr. John Dearing, el this 'place, to Miss Lena Mills, of Exeter - They were supported by Mr. and Mrs. Grabel,ancl the cerememyswaspertmened by the Rev, Mr, Yager. 'The 'young couple hive removed to Exeter, where they will reside in future. Wei. wish , them both ever7 happiness and pros, perity. EDWARD N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, NOT - try Publics, Proctor in Maritime Court,' Conveyancer, Ste. Solieitor for Iftu•on Land Agency. Godorich and Bayfield. Bayfield. office at Swartz's Hotel, open every Thursday. Money to loan at very low rates. TAMES OKE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales proinptly attended to ancl satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arrange. at this office. TT BROW,N, Winchelsea. Licensed Ant- .. 1_4 ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex/ also fot the township of Usborne. Sales -promptly attended ±0 and. term s reason able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa t• ' -est IlOSSENBERR , 11 ensall Ontario. • ensed Auctioneer for the . County of Huron. Charges moderato and satisfaction guaranteed. WYHOLT,,Khivit, Ontario, Licensed auct- . ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex and Larebtele, and the townships of Stephen ancl Hay. All sales promptly attended to, HEIL13ER, Licensed. Auctioneer for Hay . Stephen and McG. illivray townships. oino--Credit on, Ontario. . t 4;4 the self-appointed chairman The Rettenbinee street If langfieg- on to his (Mrs Porter's) goat Whole. Sehodl plonk will itttiountilng him to enenere the an. Goderleit Mt the 10th inet peintment of Collector -of CUshane for Ceisen for the editor. Wonder who tt elf-fxinaoPted ckairMan eau be? it never Cz14 be the editor of tber iletKoord wk of Detro last week, Nrs, lietn, Of Whalen, left on Tuesday hist to visit friends, and iciat-, twes in London and Bothwell, Mrs. Wm. Pugsley, of 1$*,:eter,.., been spending a few daye lately. She eeturned borne on rad, lliss E. R. Shed° and Mrs. W. , malt went to Londcat ofl Th evening last and heard the colebre Gilme se Band. Titey speak Isighly the band, and fray spec gelato thiti kind of music. ,barna, 111144MM 1111 vieiting Pownla 3feliibbon, /ate of Biuevale, isithigt in our village bet week. as if the peopie of the north ,en real good to him, an lad named lieed, who went ethe in the nod below the tali!• got beyond hie depth and WAS '4; drowned beim he yeas reaened. pieute in connection with. the ihyterian Sabbath School was held ist ipst., in Mr. D.; McLealt's AU went serene until the r. rteil when all had thkcrofugo 'nestle) toil!, Duties' OA eterre t ei, oing struck. a wire Wee to wide „, belonghig to lir. Dan lieloewn, .ed. The horee WAS stunned but ()Tema. barn wa6 raiSedon Thursday farm of Mr. Rob. Elgin, of on., of Tuelterineith. Sides into uge, and some modes missiles - by two school teeelzent.' teretl after which ho erai eareleFsly Phelli StAnleYe And W. pieced in a cell in the lockup. Short- 'ruck:Q=10e After an inter- ty Afterwards 14 was sews.* g te Un; race Mr. Doig 's condition. and expired tbiet SATne after - tit A eeeliderahle 'KAY noon, Whose, fault WM it? enlng vers. lerge Mr. Robt. Helms, of the Arete Rra, was on a trip ease tine week end spent Sunday at St Catharines. Ilia many friends are glad to lea the election of the Rer,. Me- tragit, formerly of this town, to the rresideney of the London Conference. , hero nen appointeI ker, Could teke possession, Mr. Alex a stew8rt, who o rge cattle ranch eolith -east of: this a n, sold all buo fat eteers that WUTO for exportation, last Saturday, to Archy Thompson, of Toronto. "Ace" Hill, the iertietio pointers 'w1t0, W. Sanders. Esq, et the Anvec,tan has been wortang here for about a yeass yr" in tc"u ThUrWAY last en hio leaves this week for Trenten, "Ace" way to Stratferd, to mike railway is one a the -toys" and a. rir,ht one to. arrangemento for the 12th of Jul.Y we wish him leek hie new lietne. elebra,tiou, The .young people of the' Presietsteri- 'llee Huron Central Exhibition mill cluireb Intend Witting A IFATHI be held in Clinton this year tei rden party on the grainid4adjolainf,* 25th and 20tli 'of September aud th hureb, en the evening of July 34 lion. John Carling, Munster of Agre s A, N. Grant, of St, Marys, Is px- culture, 'kill he myited to open the! peeted to take part . show. A nett% who Wab entre3ing from. AU The Swedels sign "All kinds twi bins:a#.1011 of the cerebreleentere with ne end turning done here" is „N coueetittent hypertrophy et the terigne Soarle'e opinion of Mr. Porter's rid a geuvral bewilderment flaw legs, lenetion of his vote 411 the jesui mated quite ft disturbance on the uestion in the House of Commons. min street one day last welt,. • Your correspondent trot the pleasure 174144 /141"e4 *CG•T) who 111" beelt Ziding'behind Mr. ShoebottOM'S LtO working around toWn.for some tim ed trotter "Phillip On, Seturday last, swAllewea Neva Parte green 4/15 dn.) and Im found, that 'Phillip" was a last week while under the influence linker to go, fled with a little traiping liquor. A atemach pump WAS WW1 he ought to make a *°OA racer. Mr. Wm. Drought,the proprietor of tbe QUeeled 110telt h044 had a new two story verandah placed in trent el his hotel which gives it tho finest appear- = of any hotel In the county, he has also hada repainted, both inside and Iia her Um been papered in a raagailleient style br Mr, jedvs. out, and now a man CAu always de- pend ou 41),cling his bar furnished with the cluileeet cigar, and liquor& Mr.)). contemplatee .delivering one of bis tam- ous ulna -hour speeches on thts night of the Mho! July, ort the now celebrated. Jesuit question. The addretses will be delivered from the 140001141 story of Ids new verandah. Thechair will be oc- eu ied by hfr. Andy. Rebtoson. jt pegulietie encounter occurred on our Main airootlast Saturday,in which, Mr. S. Glides* orie of the leinling lights Of this tovenetlee ono of the city fathers, took, part. The cause et the fracas was a 'misunderstanding in the price of a load of shingles. It seems, SOIna tirne ago Ma Ilarlton bought a load of shinett from Gilltet na he expected. telegraphed foe', to ad as A 'witness or 91.25 per ut.„Iint when he t a ne to and wkiln he got bete.; wee seltieed tlatler „zetties the price bad gons up, to SIN, arrest and also committed. flaming it difterence on the whole of 70 et'. as Ilariton expeeted emulate to and Marlton being in 'nee'd. of Alm Craig. some Rine came to Gillies for it on 8at- Mr, 11, Shout. brnugbt mowing mtchineast week. Mr. John Beluga revolved tile job of 1but building an SO it. shed for Greco dim appeared to enloy themselves and A large number from beri attended ti .dance was continued with little en tl'eir own labia 'n1°2444°11 w" gm Salem Sabbath School picnic lootIrterruptionaritiluearly ditylightwhen lad AtiOnst them, ebvirfflug Friday. in Mr. F,Igies other itle for,the occasion leas Forsythe Bros. on the 1 ladles on the organ. log was wartm and what crowded yet .A. short timo ago Mr. Andrew Cour- tic*, of Godorich Township, lost a heifv, and in his invespigations and ingmries for bar, Ire discovered that its bide heti Zeen sold IA MAWR by Rebt, and 'Vt•Pna. Fleming. two youths, who bad recently started butchering J. a,t441Ispersed to their respective homes thbex with- stAeling the Anis • st inel, and when arrested they at once The members of L OsiasNo. 219 ere to Wiehing lir. awl /Ire. Elgie the bees admitted their guilt. Mr. 11, J. links, meet at their lodge room at 930 next 1 of succeo And filet their barns may Sabbath morning andmateli to Corbett h, Ailed to overilowing with of the 16th 4011., Goderich Township, the frulte and attend the Preehyterian church. their industry. also laid information against one of thereon it charge Of steeling A la1111), The garden party iliek week at Mr. ....,...............1110.........a........... and. lifavor Whitehead coremitted them John Grieve'e was a deeided sttecess. . Bidailiph, to jail to stand their trial. A. young The foot ball match between the Oitt e man panted lifoffet, who had driven to Bend and Moray teams eras won by thu j Georgu Hodginsi of 2nd eon,, has Rensau in comprmy with A gw, allow., former. Proceeds of -the garden party trotting stallion ig.Tiret," to an ed her to bring:back tim eig alone, about $10. Una buyers He got a large sum he was ale° afraid. of arrest. H.. —No doubt some of our readers will be sorry to learn of the death of Mr. Geo. Baird, of Brucetield, -which sad end inournful event took place on Tuesday thes25th tilt. 'after suffering for a considerable length of time.' from that dreaded disease consumption. Geo. was well known around these peas and was highly esteemed arnong the members of the Exeter cricket chit) of some eais age of which he was 4 member, and took a great delight in that game. He has been teaching school for a number of years and was a very able teacher and understood his position. His remains were. followed t the' grave by a large concourse of sorrowing friends, • . Centralia. The sports that aeltictedittrer Sherritt's mflk can for a target isi week Iva' please take notice that mitt( cans are not got out to be ,shot itt mid bullets from a revolver go right through, Mr. .$herritt had to take his can to Parkhill and get two patches on its. North on Saturday. He is expected ,' tack in a day or so. Cotild'ut do with- out Stewart down lime. rge tViri or oar young sets atteiele.44 steawberry festival in Centralieseie Monday last. It was a grand seeps's, so they say. Mr. Stewart Hodgins left for the Urealten, Mr. Wm. Grant, of St. Marys, is -visit- ing his brother J. W. A number of our people spent the ist at Grand Bend. Mrs. S.Wood is visiting Mrs Verde at A.yjmer this week. Dr. T. A. .Amos spent several day in Toronto last week. Miss 'Merrier, of Zurich, is paying her friends it visit this week. Mr. John Lewis and. Miss H. Lewis have gone 031 a visitto Michigan. Qutte a large number attended the Gilmore concert on Thursday evening. A valuable entire laorse belonging to H. Miller died here on Tuesday night. The Rev. Mr. Redmond, our new pastor, preaehed here on Sunday even- ing. „se Messrs. B. Eilber and J. W. Gtant have returned from attending camp at London. The band attended the strawberry Our hotel- keepers did a rushing business on Monday -last. , The vehipteere of this place rettrned -home on Saturday evening last. 'look- ing well, avith the exception of being a little: snub -meats . During the seyeee thituder stem Tuesday afternoon the'. residence of Mrs. Boyle was struek, wrecking, the house .badly. Fortunately none of the inmatea were hurt. The 'strawberry -festival held here on July' 1st Was i grand success 'although. the rain was a little disagreeable but 411 seemed to 01*3;.' theinselveS and a good timeWaS,- spent. Proceeds a7 mounted to about $150: An interesting -ganie of baseball was ,played at McGilhvray on Thursday' kist between the club of that place•and Centralia team which resulted in favor Mr. tudd," of McGillivray, was noticed driving along our 2nd eon, on Thursclayseevemng last. Dudd looks bad—he has had hardluck this sum - met. lir...John McLeod, of McGillivray, hits returned from Manitoba. John looks well after his trip. He has taken up it largnfarm and intends removing to it in the spring. Miss Maria Mt:Fells, who has been visiting at the Queen'sliotel, Elimville has returned home;. also. Miss Lizzie NeFalls who has been visiting )?ark - hill and Sarnia. Mr. Michael Boyle, who has been away with the volunteers to camp at London, has returned home. Mike says he likes it splendidly. He is a through soldier. . Herb says he can lick the Centralia baseball team in about 3. minute aed. 10 seconds. • say's he cannot see, as it is any of their business whither he festival et Centralia. All report her_ sells Alders or makes cheese on Sun-, ing had a good time. ' On Sunday-, 14th inst., the Methodist church will be•reopened when a num- ber of prominent clergy will attend. day 'or net, " Mr. Alex. Hodgins' dtieing mare, "Lucy," met with it very painful ac. cident on Saturddy last, whi1e. in the blacksmith shop in Inman, She came ineontact with a pile of red hot irons, ana becoming fast amongst them, was burned about the feet very .80 Verely. 'Under the care of Dr. Tennenreve peet to see her exercising again soon. Quite a number of our young' men attended Mr. T. Jones' big barn raising on Friday last. They: report having a big race. The captains were Mr. Will Coates and George Buswell. Will chose nearly all the young men and George the old men. &woven the oldefellows were not nimble _enough for the young fellosvs, Will's side beat- ing them badly. WhS. cantswe get up it club of some kind on our concession. Say baseball or football? We balm plenty of ma- terial andegood grounds to practice We notice the boys nin-th of us Eden, has god football club, Mare baseball and many, other places have spits of some kinclovhile We, having just as good men and eh 5nces afthey,and have none. We had better waken up or we will be old men before we are young Come boys, organize a club of some kind. Trda,y. After gettiner what lime be humber of the Craigites took in required, ho paid his All less 10 cents which he claimed was OOTO1110' to litun from the former transaction. Now the funny part of the affair comes .in: Mr. Gillies was bound that Harlton should pay him the small amount involved, but this Ririton refused to' do when Mr. Gillies mounted Harlton's . wagon and. took a position on the seat and like an old time driver he grasped the lines and asked Harlem if he was golug to put up, which he decided to do. It was then that the tacics of al3arneit Barnes or it John Splan came into use. Mr. G. applied the whip vigourously and. hols lored aliikel Hike! glows" while the old. man hung on too thehorsesheads and yelled at the top of his voice "whoa tha." At list Mr. G. discovered. that this was useless and he quietIss descended to the ground and under- took to take it out of the old man's hide, but at this juncture his son ap- peared on the scene and done Mr. G. up in a truly Sullivanic style. Mr. G. not being satisfied with this kind. treat - inept he had Harken brought before our dispenser of jnstiee who dismissed the case with costs. the Strathroy races. Miss Mary Allen is away visiting Mena in Parkhill. „ Mr. Ted Pooleleft here for London England, with rattle on Tuesday. Will 'Mum secured first prize in the 100 yard race in Strathroy on the lat. Mr. A. 3. Arnold, barrister and so- licitor, of Toronto, is spending his holi- days here. Rev. Campbell Tibb occupied the pulpit in the Presbt•terian church on Sunday last. Mr. Alex McLaren returned. from Liverpool on Saturday where he had been with cattle. Miss McDonald and Miss Legg, of London tere at present the guests of Miss lithie McLeod. Mr. Cole, of Wardsville, formerly principal of the schools here, is around visitine various friends. Mr. Jas, Keown, brother to Mr. Tilts. Keown,cattle buyer of this place,is ser- iouslss avith a. bad attack of sciatica. Lieutenat Morgan, who has been in London with the volunteers for the past two weeks, returned on Saturday. On Saturday next the Deutchlanders of Zurich play a.game of baseball with the Crediton Budweisers. A close geme is expected. - • Goderioli. The weather has been very warm for the past few days. • A large number of Exeter and Mil- ton people spent Dominion Day here. As the 12th of July draws near it is evident that one of the largest crowds ever leaving Gederichwill go to Exeter. This will be • the grandest celebration ever held in -the west and the fireworks at night will be streerb, The sports here on Dominion Day were the best ever held here for years and the attendance was very 'Urge. The baseball match 'Whiten Exeter and Goderich resulted in it very bad defeat for our club. When they play the ieturn match they will try and matte it interesting for the 'Exeter boys. • ' The editor of the Clinton News Record said after the recent Grand Lodge meeting at Goderich that he declined an introduction to Hon. Mackenzie Bowell on account of so many office seekers hanging to his coat tails. From what we can lea* no* person could get an interview, with Mr. Robt. Porter, M. P., while in Clinton last week; on 01#011, • Dr, Campbell and wife, of Detroit, have been visiting relatives here, The Velmitoers rettirned fromtheir annual drill at London on .1\10Ilday. Will Munro returned from London on Saturday after tasting the sweets of it soldiers life, forit couple of weeks. Mr. Wm, Stevenson and his daught- er Mary, who have been.on an exten- sive tour through Europe, returned ori Saturday. Mr. Andrew Kelly, of the firm of Alexander & Kelly,millers at Brandon, Manitoba, is visiting bis brother-in-law Mr. John Cameron. A couple of gentlemen were her on Tuesday trying to purchase the Evan's Bakery which was recently vacated by Mr. A. IS Paull. Mr. C. J. Priestley hid his little fing- er on the right hand broken in two places while catching for the Merton base -ball club on Dominion Day. Mr. John McKaynaptain of the Atha, Crain "Stars" took the place of the catcher of the St. Marys club who was sick *at the late game in Stratford. Rev. John Hough preached the fare- well sermon'to a crowded church on Sunday evening last, Ms successor, the Rev. W. H. Birks is expected this week. Gonial "Ned" Hutchinson, who re- cently removed here from Stratford, is erecting a beeutiful porch .with glass windowg,in front of his brick residence On Jameson street. Mr. Richard. Parker, of Essex Centre, was here visiting his brothel', Mr. Robt Parker, last week. The two brothers had'nt seen each other for 14 years 'previous to this. ' Wit ana Humor. Tun CAninzI,TL STABLU Certain livery -stable keeper would nee, er let a horse go otit -without request - leg the lessee not to drive fast One day it young man called to get a turn- out to attend it funeral. "Certainly," said the stabler; "but,404b.e added, for- getting the solemn putpose for which the young man wanted the horseedon't drive fast' "Why, jest look here, old feller," Said file somewhat excited young man, "Lwant you to understand.' that I shall keep up with theprocession if it kills the horse. A wnSenun entrains —Jem Bangs we are sorry to stait bee deeenSed„ He departed this life last ,Munday. He went 4t1?. without any struggle, and such is Life, Tu Day We are as pepper grass—mighty smart, te, mort•er we - are.cut down like a cowninnber of the ground. Jena kep a nise store, which his wife now wates OIL His virchews Wes numerous to behold Many things we bought at his grOWeery, and -wel are happy to state the admirin wUrld that he neveneheeted, speshellyin 'Om *ate of makreli wes nise anti •Stnelt sweet, and'hie 'suryivan wife is : the same we. We never knew hint to, put sand in his sUgar, though he, had : Sand bar in front of his house; nor Wa ter his Lickers,: the the Ohio river ;IASI lus dore: Piece to his remains. He leavee..1 aeife; 5 children, 3. caw, 4 hor- ses, a groWcer's stoar, and other, quad- rupeds to mourn' his ]o'. --but inthe language Of the poit, ips 1ps js, their ote,rnal gain. - •