HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-27, Page 8KI OWDE Absolutely Purer,, 5'4111$ y,:?.Sc,ler r:fVtr 21113rVE4 -c ru;ot be so➢5 io comp!titaon with the for au allegeded defamatory op nletter emits*nc aT lsaxTv test, short r 1 Et weightEa Ircamms published. in the Post of Oct. 12th, only e n a:IiAt;11 e nowe>:o: co. ear; W,sAa t, i two weeks b:fore lairs celebrated. Post k frlilee' libel suit. It will be nn ex;pen- i.Cive aaffair, if it over comes off, ;as Mr. 13.'aracer , barrister. of Seafrrth, who en- ters the rase for Jenl.iuq, has retained B. B. Osler, Q. C. whom it will bar re- membered had the opposite side at the Huron, Fell Assizes. Ivo Stoat Xnenrance.. The efforts of ,41 number of leading On Monday- next, :July 1st, our base' ball club goes to Goderich to play u friendly game with the club of that town for a silver eup. The following g; ,ntleu n will comprise the team:— it, eam: - i , J. E.aerett, captain, 2b; D. Tait, p; G. Anderson, lb; F. Anderson, c; Ed, Bissett, 3b; O. Menem 1 s. s; I, Carling 1. f; J, Elliot, c. f; B, Knight, ref. Xgtb oiduly. The posters have been issued anuouu' ring the celebration of the conning 12th of July in Exeter: Among the various' a attractions mentioned are prizeaforb;st Brass and Fife and Drums ]lands, The speakers for the oecession will he Na, Clarke Wallace. M. P. Grand Master B. ` ,, Jas, L. Hughes, Dep. Grand Master O. W. Iter. Ii. S. Cooper, Grand Chap., a 1aa1 others. In the evening; a grand promenade oncert and Firswoxks dis- play Will be gluon by Prof. Hand of Hamilton. The 0. T. R. will give low rates en that day. For partieulars see piasters, 1. A»etlher Libel Solt. The somewhat notorious ex -editor of lute Brussels Budget has entered -fur, .. trot. rh ss r who,e,,orneues,. >r< rs r. Dna L tan. ta 1 e r.iaaau Kara iv , , a.l ibel againSt Kerr: of the post, EXETER l ARKETaa! Wheat per bushel... to SO Beeley. .. .. :15W d liar ...... ............. civ to 2 (lover Weed . 4.00 to 4.7) Ver s per dor.. .... 10 to * t 1 But (er, Iloole • „ •• • . • el.rrien in Western Ontario tienl- 1,aatp'ar. Crocks,. . ,• , 15 to lei early resielents of Huron, to organize a Io±,rocs per bush 20 to 25 .ualt stock caapan for the insurance 'lay per ton... ... 9,25 to moo of lire stack, have culminated in what promises to be a great success Thefull .amount of the vi000 stock required to retro, The Glorious Woe levee meet the Government deposit has been On the twelfth of July next vw ill be subscribed and insurance applied for celebrated the one hundred and some- • mounting to fully half a millionn dol. thing or ether :aarativersery of "The lar -s. A general meeting of all interest Battle of the Boyne, Exeter, by •a ed will be held at Staatford next Tues - wise decision ala the, carlalmittee, has day, when represented stoekmen, horn been selected as the place its whirl; to all over this Province will be present iwnor it. Thousands of Orangemen and the organization fully coruplet- from this western district will meet ed. here and under their grend old flag Tee crop 1'roseeets. renew their vows of defence of political The crop prospects in this ' icinity equality. The procession will baa Dare are not by any rneans,asbrrght as they: trend nue of our country's pricier 'and were three seeks Ago. The rceeut eon - BEAR as they proudly file one after another tinracd mains haarar done great injury t -The wonder of .to.day* is London Electric Soap. '-IL I.U111ings, »enti.st,1'or rue best Artiilegall teeth. -Mr; A. Cottle is erecting a nein 1101.0, `-Carling Eros, claaange their 'ad' in this issue, ..?ear. H. Elliot spent a few days in town this week —Mrs. Walt. Andrews is spending a few clays in Loudon this week. The Mitchell 44-ertdser has turn- ed another milestone. Success to it, ---Mr, Porter, M. P. of Clinton, gave nS a friendly call on Monday last. 311.7i..litiiliings,Oen, not. Gob1lfall ngs a specialty. Of'rt.eeover O'.'1Tei, Itanlc. Exeter, —The Bothwell Times has changed hands, A. Mr. Neeiauds, of Stapler, has purchased it. —Photographs of Messrs. Crossley and Hunter at Senior's. Read his change of advertisement. —Crocteery, Glassware, Chinaware, Silverware and Cutlery at great dis- counts at Richard Pickard's. —There will be an eclipse of the xenon Friday June 2Sth. It will be visible to the southern half" of Africa, For Ilreee-Goods, Silks, Satin Mau'- vellenx, Alilliakea y°, . e. Sze, at correct prices go to Richard Pickard's. —A large crowai leaves this Thurs- day evening for Loudon to attend the Gilmore concert which will be. held there. —A wedding will the laleee here shortly, one of the engaged parties be- fog n resident Of this plate sad the other haillug from Michigan. —We :have to return tltanl:s to Mr.. T. S. Robbs. president of the London tented], club, for eonnpliruentary ticket to games on July lst. Prints, Ginghares, Embroideries, Molina, Laces, Henry and Gloves are being cleared out at big reductions at Richard Pieknrd's. Miss Hawkey, 'Miss Shiuner, of Parkhill, and Ai'r. . and Mrs. Shinner, of Chlongo; were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Taylor on Tuesday, into the long and tell -known business a all that erops growing on land not thor house of J. Grigg, fancy-goods'dealt:r, b'ouglily drained. Strange as it may dignity will be forgotten and emelt. , appear, farmers pretty generally re - bends beckon eagerly in the °Pen port that even the hay crop has posit doerrvay to incite wives and cldldren , ively gone back" during the period to come and view the rich display of end in driving through the P mentioned, , „ goods. Each will have something by :country, one cannot help noticing the which to reaniember the day and places , Ltre n.runber of fields of barley akntl ravel though dust and glory may have an equal fight, a cram, satisfaction will steal through their breasts and parcels will be hugged while each one feels that if for these alone the day has not been wasted. oats that apparently will not yield half a crop. The winter wheat as a rule never recovered from the effects of the dry weather of last fall, and wall sear- cecly come up to the average. In many 'Instances the poteton plants rotted in the ground so that the work of plant- ing had to be done over again with the danger that, should the season not prove exceptionally fine,the tubers will St. en Water. not have sufficient time tomature. We The Creat Health restorer. If you may add too that, owing to the severe feel out of sorts, drink St. Leon Water. frost, of two or three weeks ago, the Bente. VIT for Dyspepsia and Piles; fruit crop will not be abundant. itil tl etre. George Sanders. ]al a:!lebaall;2tl'ateir. On Thursday last the Exeter base- ball club went to Mitchell to play a riendly gape with the club of that own, The game was a very ono.sided ffaair after the first innings. The curves picthed by Tait perplexed. the Mitchell boys bad, as they were sear ely able to strike a ball. The follow - ng is the score:— That TINS IN MIND. Richard Pickard's is the cheapest place in town to buy your Dry Goods, Boots and shoes, etc. We quote a few of our prices:— Fey Dress Goods for 10 cents per yard .All wool tweeds " 35 " " Fine Combination Prints for 8 cents per yard Boys' Shoes for 35 cents per pair Men's as ; 50 " " a; Owl Factory Cotton for cents per yard. Pure Linen Tatlings as 20 Children's Shoes 25 " ac pair. Ladies' Shoes as 37 a Tailoringand Millinery always a speci- alty and us alt'q withguaranteed J in each department. At Richard Pickard. ' . ax%other Feat. Another plague has made its appear- ance around St. Thomas that is destroy ing the raspberry bushes, being a little black. shiny bug '•eaareeely theme of a pea bur., which are very lively, and drop off on Wing touched, It opens operations on the leaf just where it springs from the stock and limbs, and eating in, suck the substance from the new growth, which wilts and drops down. Coeeh 3iorse Alen. A me::ting of the directors of the Can ada Coach Horse Society was held in the Albion Hotel 'last 'Tuesday, Messrs. John Gilson, London; D. M. Ratcliffe,. Seaforth; Andrew oimg,Carloac1 ;John Aikenhead, Dr. Whitley and Jas. Mitc- hell, Goderieh, and others being pres- ent. A large amount of routine busi- ness was transacted, and steps taken to extend and complete the working rules of the Society, and report at the annual meeting, it was decided to hold at London on Friday, Dee. 6th, To tell a Diamond.. It doesn't require an expert to tell whether a diamond is genuine or not The test is very simple, and can be made by any, and, in a moment. All you need is apiece of paper and a lead pencil. With the latter make a small dot on the paper, then look at it through the diamond. .1f you can see but one dot you can depend ippon it that the stone is genuine, but if the mark is scattered, or show more than one. you. -Pill be perfectly safe in refus- ina. to pay'ten cents for a stone that may be offered to you at $500. Lost all Fath. A New York fiat owner advertised as usual that he would rent only to people who had no 'children. His flats were soon well-filled, and he congratu- lated himself that no childish voices wereto be heard in the halls: One day a few weeks ago he came around to collect the rent, and nearly dropped dead when he found that two families had been blessed with tiplets,four were twins, and seven were 'single babies. He has lost all confidence in the human race, and now goes about with lower; ed held, as a man who has been deeply wronged. ExrTBn. Eacrett 2nd b. 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0-8 Anderson F., e. 000000000--0 Carling 1. f., 000010000-1 Bissett 8rd b., 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1-3 Oke r. 1, 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1-4 Anderson 1st b., 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1-3 Taitp., 000 010 1 10-3 Gidloy s. s, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1-2 Knightc.f, 000000000-0 Totals, 0 2 1 1 6 0 3 2 4-19 Errors, 3; earned runs, 11; two base hits, 7; bases on ball, 2; base on hit by pitched balls 1; pass ball 1; struck out 11. MITCHDLL. Broderick1stb.,100000000-1 Awty p., 10000101.0-3 Thompson s. s. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Powers2ndb., 00.0000000-0 Canning 3rd b.,000000000-0 Ryan 1f., 000000000-0 Fordc., 000000000-0 Stewart c.f., 000000000-0 Gofi"ncy 000000000-0 Totals 200001100-4 Errors, 9; Earned runs, 1; two base hits, 2; base on balls, 5; base on hit by pitched balls,1; pass balls,2; wild pitch- es 4, by Awty; struck out 2. HSrief . W- asherwoman's friend is London Electric Soap. —Insist on your grocer giving you London Electric Soap, it is the best. — Just think washing day made shorter by using London Electric Soap. —Washing made easy and homes made happy by using London Electric Soap. —Don't forget to try London Electric Soap once and you will use no other kind. —London Electric Soap is only made by D. Richards, Woodstock, Trade Mark Registered. —London Electric Soap will not in- jure the hands or clothes aid do more worn for the money, try it. —4 bars of London Electric Soap for 25c. — None but first-class grocers sells London Electric Soap. —Ask your grocer for London Elect- ric Soap. HENRY WELLS, Brewer apa fllalsler GODERICfl, Mr. E, Fish, barber, procured from as lady a switch of cut hair which rlicarmed 40 inches in length and weighed I of a its, Beat this who can. —On Monday next, July let our club goes to G oderieh to play a match with the club of that town. .4. return match will beplayed. here on July 12th. -- Mr. Geo. Samwell had a very val- uable Jersey cow die on Saturday. The supposed cause of her doaathaves ioilaam /nation, She was valued at ;Saw and had one of the best pedigrees in Can- ada. —The Exeter beechen club has receivedan invitation to play at a tournament in Mimi Craig en July. 18th next. They have not, as yet, decided wrhether they will co. —We hear that Mr. Simon Stabl,who is well known here, will commence the publication of a weekly newspaper in Unionville, Mich. The first number will appear this week. Wo wish him every success in his venture. --Messrs, William and Richard Bry- ant, of Lucan, have purchased a print- ing plant in Toronto and will DIM it to Lucan at once and continence the publication of a newspaper in that vil- lage. We wish them every success. —An advertiser in the New York JTerald,in advertising for "a competent and reliable book-keeper," specifies that "book-keepers who suffer from thirst caused through the smell of the ink or the dry look of the paper need not apply." —On Tuesday evening last, Messrs. Crossley and Hunte, preached their farewell sermons. Since they have been here some four hundred and forty have professed conversion. They left" on Wednesday morning, amid the best wishes of all. —"I am fired of living with such a homely woman!" exclaimed Wm. Rush of Niabara,Falls as he walked away from his wife six weeks ago. The other day she was left a.legacy' of $40,- 000, and William Hurried back home to call her his angel wife, but she would'nt let him in. -A Missouri farmer,who boasted that he. "had. not taken a newspaper in his house for the last forty years," was visited the other day by two confidence men and swindled out of $2,000 in the way often exposed by the newspapers, He would have made money by taking and reading a newspaper. —Mr. Harry Hems, of Fairpark, Exeter, England, acknowledges the receipt of the Exeter ADvooArn, con- taining the description and opening of the Trivitt Memorial church ; also photo of the same, and has this to say:. "The church is really admirable. It is` a fine specimen of gothic arehetecture (13 century.) Mr. Hems is one of the leading architects and Sculptors of Europe. • —A good many Public, School teach- ers are lamenting the facts that owing to -the way the month of July enters they will only have seven weeks' holi- days this year instead of. eight. The same thing will also occur. next ; year. will also occur next year. So says the St. Thomas Tines. Welt, it is to bad, and we sympathize with the poor, over worked school teachers:` However it may be some consolation to them to know that not only way Jaaiy comes in but the way every month in every year, come in that a week's holidays and sometimes not that, is the utmost. newspaper men and printers every look for. But then we know the latter class have nothing to do for them life' is one long gleam of sunshine.' 1 MANUFACTURER OF W11s' G1hrt jile aid PORTER. XXX Porter a Specialty. A GREAT CHQICE OF fr IN Croaui. & Ice cool DriRks —AT Kyndman's, We are prepared to supply the Public through- out the season with Ice Cream, Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla, Plain Soda, Lemon Soda, Lemonade, Milk -sake, --FLAVORED WITH— Lemon, Strawberry, Van- illa, Pine Apple or Raspberry. O. A. HYNDMAN. NowBOE & SXOE STORE W. H. Trott wishes to announce that he has opened out business in the stand recently occupied by the ADVOCATE, and is pre- pared to manufacture first- class • BOOTS & SHOES- for all customers. A CALL SOLICITED. Our motto ' is good work and square dealings. W. H. TROTT. '- CONS1TIPT1ON CULLED. An old pphysician,retired from pra4tico `hav- in5 had placed in his hands by an Bast India missionary the formula of simple vegetable remedy'for the speedy and permanent euro of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all groat and Lung Affections. Also a positive' and radical cure for nervous Debility and allNervous Com plaints,after having test edits wonderful curative powers fn thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his sufferingfellows. Actuated by this i suffer - will er- relieve hninai ff motive and a desire to i y fng,Z will send free of charge to all who desire it, thisreceipe, in'German, French or English with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by rail by addressing with stain pnam- ing this paper. W. A. IVOYrs, 145 Power's Flock, Rochester, N, Y. Oct -18 RFOHTUNEFORALL R is said that every person has a chance once in their lifetime to make a fortune, and if they allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again, TEAT TIME HAS COME Ton can depend upon it that everybody purehasing their goods. at Parkinson's saves money, by doing so will soon make their fortune, His prices are always down. You are not asked high prices to make up losses, for debts contracted by bad customers; dont you see there is thousands in it. Parkinson's Stock is new and consists of DryQoods, Groceries, Crockery, Glass- ware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything usually kept in a first-class General Store, See his Black and Colored Cashmeres from 25 eta. up. You can get the cheapest all wool snit in Exeter made to order Make no mistake. Consult your , own interests and examine his stock before making your purchases elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can do better at the Cheap Cash Store than any other place in Exeter. Highest market price allowed for farm produce at PARKINSON'S. First door north of the Town Hal], Exeter. Z'aximixamora.. its Simply Absurd For any man to claim to Make money by selling at a loss. Its simple to say it and simple to swallow it. If the farmer raised only grain for grain what he planted he would starve. If the merchant sells his goods dollar for dollar at the price he bought them, he is out in time, labor and expense. WE MUST LIVE. and we live by our profits, but we don't prey on the public. Our price is actually lower than the much bragged up "BELOW COD" of others. If they sell below cost they paid big prices. Bad buyers don't make good sellers. Good goods don't have to be sold below cost to get rid of them. Our Goods are good.. They pay us to handle and you to buy We don't have to bribe our buyers or sacrifice our sales. HERE ARE. OUR GOODS, at fiprices.don't rest We dog. t crowd you to buy. Take theme.r leave cave th ern: Highest price paid forTTER A2S D KGGS. WE "SOLICITACA►LL■ CAR a .I