HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-27, Page 4THE WAS. SANDERS, Editor, %Baia tf ! ,June 27th IiI$ Z00311,ATION P4Y CR.LRBR4T,P2sTS Ilr all parts of the coantsy at Live preparations are being made for as fit, tang ceiebraation of the anniversary of the formation of the Canatdiana 11,617; to the Australian Colonies, fan, nearly twenty .two ,,,,..ears ago. For 9,508; to outer countries, 5;88$, Scotch Tears previously the question of such emigrants/ To the United States,;6,455; x. union of the Provinces had teen to British, birth America, 2,809; to +eriaestly dismissed by the leaders of the Australian Colonies, 881; to other the political parties; who, for the an, countries 672, Irish, emigrants: to the eoriplishment of that object, laid aside 1 United States,' 54,145; to :British North Materiel, 983; to the Australian Col- onies, IMO; to other countries, 1,768. In addition to these 571636 persons of foreign birth left the shores of the United Kingdom, and 1,059 whose nationality was not described, malting :a #altal emigration for the five months of 186,991, FIVR 3M0RTH,S' VAETORdT. ON:; British emigration returns for the five months ended May 61st show that, during that period 116,457 persons left the ports of tho United F.izgdom, against 128,222 during the correspond- ing, period of 183e$. By countries, the nunlabera were: From England, 66,169;. from Scotland, 12,617; from Ireland, 67,971. The destinations- of English emigrants were: To the United Steles, 36" to British. North .America, lila a time their political differences, and it took a strong hold on the public mind, not without strong opposition, however, in the Province of Nova Seotia,,, Finally, all theprielinninaries rearranged, and on the 1st of July, 1567, the. Imperial Act establishing the Eoraninion went into operation. The Confederation was originally eonai,os of Upper Canada (Ontario;?, Lower Can Marra fn lila (Qw bery, ova Scotia and New . Ilrluasw eek. In 1870 the�.erth-'i'1 i t was acclttiretl by pureh ise. The Heal- son's ealson's Bay Company ceded its territory to the Imperial Government, retaaitiiu trading lT07�R4bi1w0' 1latrraila for our l Jarrell alig n1ov we colel1 t'tanmemo lover4 of aur holiday so grt•at. national to keen o So join both boort atr Ana give to l•leasaare Its fall% Throughout this harpy Ian edges and certain port- C'u„scs. ions of kind necessaryfor the ribby in r, Tlrou Ilursaht xnrtaht tar tion t let �' llcrvrao+,sandy:aUcdagmcaa, 0111 of its pine1J tIous. The country was . lienrrah for oils lloapninioaa And nlsa for our y}rnwaap transferred by the Inip't<•i:t1 Govern- A,..t on thio, div- woo colob--rata 1i1tia t -u' tan:adi.. n pride merit to the Dominion, the Gnrt'rt.:na eet O�c:r great I►umiathuah`,c natal r1Ny elf Canadaa paying to the Hudson's I: ni i t ot'g t'aaY it se 4'14t% I.4 t o@Dace Ealatroli t:ne� as Comping the salla of 9.'t3 af3,tiJ0. They 'r,n.t 1:oast of better eU nes,' 3-'tr lags%with Jura ramal,, counr+:� i 'tiv'U1t'C of Manitoba va,la organized, l �•r fev-. u bu direr brim,: in 1870. In 1871 Brithth t''oltinnl eat r11- ids Aia>ertvpla area momftatll, c, i4. s n v- orxaror honorte:ti - than we. aa' ria r, 4 . n'4� 4 , n aP b naso rt cc, I l G a t t b T” it a r aro sat ra ar teres# the `nihil, mad ala 1`3ias I rinea � 0, .cd Island eras: in Ps :at with til,; chokas. The Area o3 fink 3'.-n:$Iita >In 2 : n let tp9ea.1 Iecat ea n% well ails ao \la`lp worst' ataarnative vnraal r,;c'r lent that of the nand a St.tt s 9` rl aI a not Tta t'umt aan *the ra slaa eS4. mtve of Al isl;aa. It is °x, ts. itn��' l.aa ,4ti.I u, era e+ an t titc4+l. � m• (.4 $ , r:arat ti+t►t+ai,mlr, i�uc,ap..=rity to observe, a•dsurr> vvocLta, h.en. ,'liar iahlla" I�rasat34u,allallD' �;� 11 miia�+ct tltr•veorA ataeuvtarcDs,as� haS still n holed in some 6nat'la a t , :$ A.• t that tp+OM' . rat4,i .i- Chormi uine Canadian soutiiaa+e;lt is gran -,11,;:; i, Plical llivaraB all over the Dominion. ;u t1 and do bon of ,metol, is growing stronger ata time ad. vannves.:and tiaaat the desirability a all Ile r working in unisonto I+1ti;1 lilt ti, sae.. d,rm country, is inns+re than eve: se•:I ra• al 1 ?, at t znprau the public rabid. It is tit ,lite; oven; tan life, went ilown inn mon rail of all patriotic men to enctitlr:age, as' tai the grave, far as in their power It the l;.)'' al' work of cementing tite Taro, i;:ees in ;: etillitnott whole. and to .discourage every movement which would have al tendant:y in the direction of allsinta'g- ration. Canada, is country a .4.‘ Melt its people. whether "lt:etiie Iters',' or of birth in other limb, have every mason to feel proud. Its progress, es;ptrcialiy during the p est decade, has been of a nature to afford general g r atiftealtialn and its prospects for tho future tar,' bright to to degree wichshould Inspire that utmost fioulit1ef(C and Um most ,1 sangnineliopes. grit. a' becoming ceHmaatlon of the, atn:iver- arir} day of Confederation, tent; to develop a national spirit, and to aieepe n the affection of this pt'o;,Ii. ft.r tit:il country. It is. ti rer re, with plt',ts. i, i rare that we oL rve that more general +_ti Preprrattirr,. for the tt]rb1 ti"in (. Dousinienn I3ay than in any I,1 'vious year arra baling made everywhere in Canada, and tit zt the werit iy be•1* ' was -netted vrii vigour a ..1 emth..s- TROI11QIr. Inle'mbrulce of the (heath v. tilt"$ (..0 :WS* Nrile died May 15t1 go of 1? yesarS and t; n a sLt,••, • ,4411. J I?I:T .1.7. s !GILT a,7"L'.K::i.f:.f�y - T 77 + rs The British t overnment liras intro- duced i T , Citi 1 dt.c.etl a bill 1 I al a tleiht for the est'tbl,slrane1tt of a Board of Agriculture as h f of craw:* nt Depart- ment. Tin!, Board is to ba eons titnted ; on the sane principle as tai., Loa, Government B+gird and the Board of Trade. It is to consist of tho Lord President of thin Council, the principal Serer, t sties o ate, the First Lord of tb.o Tr. astir;-, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Chancellor of the Dhltchy of Lancaster, the Secretary for Scotland, and such other persons as may be appointed. The President of tho Board is to be a member of the Privy Connell, appointed by Her Maj- ' esty during her pleasure; . he is to receive £2,000 a year, and will be ' n the House o for electro to 0 eligible f Commons: It Is proposed that the Board shall take over the ,rowers of the Privy Council under the Contagious Diseases ° (Animals) Acts; :rt will also. absorb -the duties of the Laud Com- missioners for Ell gltinel. Amongst other matters the Board will be en- ti:usted with the duty of collecting and' preparing statistics relative to agriculture and forestry.' I(�raar'ri ter'rhna ztirt s1e(Ting tat thy cull and ruknt keit, ia.11 ' wt; 4arc, vsiccldulr UAr (oot,ters slowly trod. Tour Sacs it was so lovely And we ra ft+talion the 111144-4 farlu, 'll14 Insei;ehmets:MILL tbv' tyclils stoner That gay* ouch forth her ch;ari'a. war,taaro tier silence now Masi cannot be heard, Toilod'atdews.owvntimust bow }When he doth, speak lass word. Lif.r:;o uneertain. we are so frail, Are mown downlit,u the grain, 1Ve star behind but to bewail Each lonely hour we pass. .W , parting looka no last farewell lirt•etcd our anxious heart, Tip !lowers lut Nonni to droop and die Srona fiiuxtls We nit roust part. The smiles were lihte the morning light That at girds t -he ccastr rat shy. . L 1uu,i anav hide it from our sight i d close thy ala ldnl; eye. Miss Priscilla, thy name so dear. 'Month tirov no change eau tell, 'Ct 11 t1,in%: of thee the ereseuce near, Who in oar hearts cl'o anvil. W.,11 not forget thee rho' unseen And ve:lri Inns hurried 1y, We'll ll Aron a tear on hi tech: green (,r heave n l-eathiug sigh. Mae l,r s:idt in Jesus' care 1. , II 1 t shall thy slumbers e, d. r, a graves arc there we leave you there vui s in eternity. 1':411 thin!: oft' taamawhen early:lowers li tarn all ire..h ate! gre:m, W.11 think of the Uinta. haply house "Mat at ar_ now passel arra,-. ' h ',III a. relit all mu"et obey i ors £at will thus 1,e riv'e'n, Tl n let us wait .and watch and pray And meet them all .in Heaven. T110iu l s'••a z s. ALLAN LIN ROYAL. MAIL STEAMSHIPS, LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVIC • 14 xo t LIVERPOOL. Friday, April 1#i..... Thursday, hn 25. , .. 44 May 2, —. Friday, ." Thursda; a Friday,. Thursday, t4 Friday, Thursdy, I'aCiday, Thursday, 44 Friday, Thursday,:' Friday, August 2„ .,. ' CIRCASSIAri ,,,. Thursday, 44 5,,.,., PARISIAN,,,,.,. ci it 15.. , „ POLYNESIAN. Friday, sh 2:3,,,,., OARTHAGENIN Friday, Soptombe*OIRCASSIA, Thursday, 44 29.,, SARDINIAN..,.. r ti , , , . „ Thursday, ;, le,,.,,,, PARISIAN,,,,,,, 44 as 19.,,,.,.1 POLYNESIAN... RATES OF PASSAGE BY MAIL STI S. czsaevim to s s,-xwr+wa,- w, cam, $t+i and $B), recording to accommodation. servants in Cabin, i!5?. Inter 'Steerage, 5J, Return Tickets, Cabal, tito, Via, f,tJO I WITrle liwk, "I'S'. WO. u- tnierineda:ate, moo. steerage. '$eCt Iletnraatackcts, ►a, lno,c,urlStsa, Intcraaecltitte. 00. Steerage. y:Ia iThe ''tR,l'ili'ltIENIe1N wilt not earrg passengeP from thl4 sble. There will he no Steamer carrying: ' .engeratroaaQ`awbco Mayinst,July AUi, Augu. t$tla, Septo'ibe Istt4 l'a songera can aril from Montrec,a, .44 STEMTER, R, > oaa IRCASSIAAI„,, Friday I'ARTSTAbI,,,,,„ Thursday POLYNESIAN. , ., 10. , . , , . cfCATIIHAGENTAi+I ,,,,. ry..p SABDTNi�tii�<s.,s +8hursda,y, 24. , , , .. *CIRCASSIAN • .. , Friday, 44 30 ,.. ., PARISIAN.. , , . , . Thursday, June 6 : , .... POLYNESIAN. ,, 44 14—, .. ICA.RTHAGENiAI 20. .. SARDINIAN, ,..., ` Thursday, 4i 28,,,,.,.*CIRCAASSIAN ..,. ] iday, fuly 4.,,.., :PARISIAN,,,.,,, Thursday, ” 11.., . , , POLYNESIAN ... ac 19. , . , ., -OARTHAGENTAIN' 25,,..,, S..RDINLAN.... ,. T huradaFy, Friday, September Q, EO. Illy as t; jnly August 44. 16 16 25 6 14 29 27 1 ATTE\TIOM Eyes Front? Quick March To. . °Wang arta Gents E4I+ERx T QNTARIO. Some of the guest goods ca that n be secured, are arriving every day. GENTS' FURNISHINGS IN Tl Z►A,T'F,S`i4" STYLES AT RIGHT 3 T#ICFS, A CM•Tt SOLICITED3 W OUTH OTT, Corner liTain and; John Stmt, 19: M.E.SS+ ARE y, 1lctollE Liar t'ircassian ter other extra Steamers, Cubiu,t.�1,5*rsl, and M. ac&Ording to nocoraada- JOHN SPACKMAN, authorized argent foreters, Oat. Corbett.. Mr. Ell. Patching -we are glad to see is eats; to be out again after a severe i]lil taS. Our new b.tch;tlor goes east clili:e of ten. now. Are you tired of living alone George Geiger and Mottos, of Zurich,moved to Parkhill, to pat down a well at Mil- lers brickyards. *Miss Christy McDonald, of Parkhill was the guest of Mrs. L. Patching fora few days i:.st week. The choir of the Presbyterian church sang the hymns on Sunday in. a beaut ifu], the and inspiring; manner. The Rev, Mr Murphy occupied the pulpit in the English church on Sun- day, as Mr. Freeman was visiting in London. The Methodist church picnic held at Grand Bend on the 21st was eyerything that could be desired,although the day was not what it was 'expected. We are sorry for those couples who weutout for a boat ride -when the boat nearly .upset Come Mr. Harlton you want to sit still the next time and don't frighten the young ladies! Ingenious Love.—Johnny.-'Dear Papa, I love you so much!„ Papa.—"I' love you too, Johnny, when you are good.” ,(‘But Papa, I love you even when you ain't good." • `lfore you 4!a AND IIE CII 4 . YOU BUY YOUR BillidingHardware, Binding Twine, leveet Tools OR ANYTHING IN STOVES or TIN i'I"SET" TUR IPa RAL TOFK The undersigned would inform, the le that ho has Just received his sum :-: STOCK 01? GOODS, ND CABS, AND CROCK., FAY, 130QTS. ANIS SIIQIS. Those wishinlulything in ut;c hills will .field it to their advantage to :call and inspect my gods and prices. Best Bolter Flour aiVYa hitt band. he; t Price paid for .utter gs and all hind of Produce, CLQTHING J�. SELL, myezam rxErEr, ONTARIO, A. ZPIIINGua"AinliMER IN IHE FOLLOWING LINM t West of England Suitings:and TOW cringe, Scotch TweedSettings and Trouser= ings. French and English Worsted Cloths made uta in the Latest Style, at best Rates, �a.MI=.. Dickson s. totoillo. 54 for 51 Lot ''1'o;:'?. In tine' tstronees.ionof the town Rip of tiibbert.cont.tinlaag 100 acres. snits rat wilt bo sold elaeap.:and on easy terms e farnn'is situat+:,i rtriday botwcef P eot'Ornth nd Iltttdln, on the Ilvron tiruvel Boal. 'herehand Reboot within iuuyards of farm, d1 the,. i i•at lit *Diu Co" LY. hrr of r. stop village properties for t ot•t(-rnnn,including 80100 art ost d4 airaI le residences in town. Soule proptrtyir the villages of Centralia lead karpuhar, vclticii eau be boughst;4eap, To Boarding Iluaiie beepers—On coulee* of Verity'a I"o0E:tlrt,Itscalculated that from 1a to go tad.lativa al are to he COI. I amve 1. A fiaeu t to it t at 4t smolt rent Om, tv° aE,Q,CF.i-•f.© Aat inn: :II to 19 1'oantcr:.About, e'r,lianlaE: va„I Aarrnl tlaetstnt:tlrr. 'or further particelar= aptly to 1.. 1D, Tnit - titi'. :ar.Ia ^i,, lb tl, llarrBsta°1. F,getir. T N LEADING taker ANI ilei OF THB TOWN ? Cali and see BILO,S,' large stock and get rices, d ogler field seeds a spec'al�; Cash paid for Eggs, Hides, and other farm pioduc BISSETT VOOw Skins QUALITY IS THE TRUE TEST OP vEMca.e'NFS a. —a- I NOW OFFEttINC---o-- 1�t,s' t ice+ 9 Aid 9 Of Eve;.Description Made to Order. Ho Northcott, ONE DOOR NORTH OF FANSON'S BLOCK. s a,in-ztreet1 "How long do mosquitoes lives?" asks a. correspondent. ` That depends a good deal on the kind of fellow they light on. A Texanille, Ga, gentleman caught a number of fish, and threw them, with an cel, on the grass. Later he prepared to string thein, but found that the eel had run his tail through the it t ou gill of b tJ each fish and tied the end into a hard knot, thus convertin„ itself into a gen- uine fish string. TIIE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT 1 QM CM Oa MO Et= USA do from wh1 ch this paper is printed. was supplied by the TaRm'o TYPE ������ Dealers in Type; Presses, and Printers' Supplies J. T.'JOHNSTO , 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, OZd stain over H. Spackman 1 Hardware Stott'. :o bus in stock soill<h<o of ti .r finest summer goods to be #Jinnd on the market. A. CALL SOLICITED I'. a DEAL `1: ,'WCOr5.1 London Huron & BruceRall nay ,. I2p.` GOING N(2l:TIi-`l.'u[I i'.1,= t .:011r, London, den'It .:.a.',a; A. i 3.25 t'. al. .uucan Crossing ..8 17 5.20 Clandeboye. , , .. .8 .52 ... 5.2.8 Centralia,— . r,.?a EXETER— . 1111 5;37 nensall , . .'a i t .it.1 ICippelt..,�.�,..... 9,34 . 1,17 Brucefelal.. t1 ll • (1.26 Clinton ytl.U0 ti 15 7.03 7.19 7.27 7,15 Londesbora' .10.19 Blyth ..10.28 I3eigrave ... —.10.42. s2 \'iit;dh�m .111.00 Gem; Solirn. I' .4enger. 'SVinghrlm ..... .. 7.05 A. r... 13010 r, r. 1 el'grava.... 7.2.1 400 Blyth...... 7 , 1.15 Lontlesboro' .. . 7.474.255 Clinton 8.07 4.45 Brumfield • . . 5.26 Kipper .... 8.:14 ItenSall ....... • .. 13-11 EXETER, ..... 81.6 Centralia— .... 0.07 Clandeboyc ...... 9.18 Luean Crossing .. 9.24 London, arrive .. ,10.15. . • . 5.04 5,12 5.10 5.6l3iJil ,:, 5,45 5.56 6.02 6.45 Yon. Sh,. E-, I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Coons now on eland, which I will sell at right price. UNDERTAK1N1 A SPECIALTY. , An examination of our Stock Solicited, Farmlers. Gardeners and Plorlsts, A fair sized brick cottage containing tuning room, sihtin -room, 8 bodrooms, en. trance hall, with two goo,* eaters under- neath, largo kitehen 1 ix20 feet, with wood- shed attached,two largo seen oases, small stable, good wll of water; „with 1% acres of land, al well fenced and in fair condition. This property is within five minutes' walls of the Exeter post office. The. land' will be sold on easy terms. Apply to A. ALLT.N, Exeter, Ont. April 11, 6 m. 0 TEE DEAF.—A person curer* of Deaf- ' , •�. mess an noises23 ars d orae in the head of,ye ataxia]]g, by a simple remody, will send -t description of it i' i 1• to any person who tip - plies to NICHOLSON, 80 St. J"ohn St. Montreal 11-22-'88.-1w For Salo or to Rent. The subscriber offers for Sale or to Rent, that desireableresidence on B'iwon street, consisting of a frame bonze, with 0 roonxs therein a:good,well of water, abort two acres of einJ n im- mediately. lot.8. Yossessto am- medirately._ .Terms reasonable. Apply to E0WAitn G bra,, or at tint office Ap.i—Sxri BLE I] your • WANT A � ■CIA pp r CALL AT. THE Central Barber Shop, a ,soa9ts Blooky Exeter A. Hastings, PROPRIETOR • CALL ON tos Cabigt Pliotoorapits OF THE flN1P! r6fd llit' for cis. pair.