HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-27, Page 2FIFE DEposip as le may hthat thy that it a eppen, and peen on till yon come hipi, e daie fine, GT irainy to another gate and anether warder. Yen . /kg" TIM HF,x. EDWARD hxklIETTITAL; D.D. tQIJ him that it. leOe or thet it is rehay, at" before, Hoehn, calls you by earth, mad seer; that pots are loolshog well, awl you enter a OPEAPTHR I. second pessage. Tbis pamage is provided Antony Blake left the elliee oRanwill Sr. with lit tie cataeombs or columbaria, Precise - :Um* n good sleet, dbseppointed. wIm. iy- lllse theee undee or near the eity of Ron e, a film:0Nya and intelligent fellow- Re heed exeept that these are muth emeller and th eaecered the patente en hie new invention an these cetecombe have now OO doers, ht was reedy to peen with the menefacture, the vecurity vaults each catacorrib has a little hed carried the papers, the drawings, ;mu deer, ann these dears ere numbered. Chnel Model rueehlee te Runorili Co., and Ton remember, by meemonic prooessee Whey hed them in coneideration. They neW known to yooraelf, what is the unnibee of enWaren bir S00 for thet whole Oleg it he Tar.; the etuniber tf Antony 's was 4 927 would turn ib all ever to them. He had pro- Yoe net in this peameets a smiling, gentle • ,sed one and another scheme by which he manly friend who oleo calls you by name, ould go into business aa a partner with exprelieen his hops that you are well, and them. Then} hen been refeeted by the tea! yesu what the weether 1, YOU, also tell managing partner te the Mr. Jerkins behind him. These are Agit passworde, hut they axe the Beene, who waa an imegiharn Psnann the civilithe of the ceeasion. Yon thin created few the parpctie of eaying no when mentien te him, in go whieper, if yen please, the maneging nartner wa aeheelett to. Pao- th,e number of your biX /It t if:CU te re. ticalty all these schemes had been refewed, member— does rernember,perbaps —and with :and Anteny was now to take tbe SKO e bis key adjeets the leek of your cataeoneb. -nothing. But, pletse tochierve, be cennot open the Tine wan not his fleet experience in such cetacomb beceuee he has not your key. Your bneinens. He ketew by Will time that tte key hes been given to you hug *Ante when people who bring things las3foro the public, you, hired your cetacoreb. Yon then open lee they bwentions, be they beeke or be the cetacouth with your key, Which you can - they ideas!, generallo expect to be well paid nob de till be has Arse turned his key in the t or doing so, and he knew that the seetem of leek, In the cataeonab yea find 4 long, nar- operatien, which peeple are hoping few row tin b. x, unless yen thould be a very and preeing for, we by no ZgeaWil yet greet don. In tieet ?me yen have a terse tend:441,n4. With mule bitterneas of o'atacow4) wed ro, bae4 sJazge tfo, box, Bet feelleg, rause be ceminseen, through be W54 A Anteny ISAn a very little don, aa the reader good netered feliew enough, he walked Imews and he hell therefore a bra long down the street of Tamworthi considezing whether be would take the ne3n0 and he done with it, or sehetilt•T he would go to Pieta - burg and gee U there were better cheecee them. katoey Blekeai uot believe in debt, oust he kuew how to the on a very little money, tint for all that he had very littte motley in etere *eel he certainly dia heve the $10,060 whiele would be Peemary 'tor hire U he were to quip a little ineehine shop of hit ()WO 4144 O1440bis QW114eteleAtiO oar coupler. Bat as it happetwa, he WA4 Vernn wen eatgemed In the whole coon =laity of Teenworthau be deserved te be. I *head like to k um, however, bow ramie sel thin eeteem he owed to oue queer cireetin estate:to. While he Ilea to steno in life with ainolutely no property, it happened that he 1..a hold, as =ate for hit rootber, some bond; which be csmetdered worthlem, in the eseeenel lame of the Cettaraugue and ()pans. Beilroad. Them bowie had lova elnee been tekeo off all lien nowe to broleme, and it was leeg eine Any CQUpene bad been .2eld, Sall the Cett-V#W441 and Oeelomee nnieted, and there were emottlee people, =mug whom his matter wee me, who euppoeed that at eetne time peeeneet would be resumed. Auteny, beiog her teustee, bed to keep them heed* ewhere, and he bed been notified by legal a,dvisere that he meet keep the ie of the eeeurityveulta which are now eitelelithed in ell the ceneids treble cities. Re tied hired a =deals If Ide At the Amicable of Tamworth, end at the Amicable Toa have the feellties d s. eheeming readieg ream, where are all the new megezinee, where yen can wath enter hands It you need, you etas mak* an appeintmeet with a. friend, you eta write a note on the Arulcable's paper, Xideise facilithe are thrown open to you be- cause you haws hired, perluips for oray $10 a year, a age in time hank, Antony had Iowan Ithet here was by far the hest club twee In Tentworth. In that city they have whet ie known as the "Strengere Rost" well developed; you can go in toad pay ten cents ien hour far all the comforts of a club room, an then go out nein. But Antony found then in the Ion run'$1.0 a year wee oheap- ‘er for him then the Strangere Rut at ten cents an hour, and vrbat I alienist like to knew is whether his standing its that cont. nuntity 'hid not materially risen mince the old done ooad widows and rallroed truattee And other emcee persons who had their safes there fouca that he Was 0e0 of the habintet ea the reeding room of the Amiceble. He anspeoted himself that it gave hien these advantages and he was careful nob to preens:lie on them, He took care not to alt ;hero writiog lettere in times when a bus. mess man would be at his counting room; he -only looked in there at the hound when the moat prominent of the done were there; he took care not to appear to it as the onlylorie nog place which he had. In proportion at he was cautious in these monde the dons began to reaped him as one of zhernaelves ; that is Ito say, as a person who did not have to work very hard for his money, and who had in the whambor adjacene the secrets by which a quarterly revenue comes to the initiated, without much cracking of tbeir finger nails or griming of their hands. this particular morning Anthony was dtged to break his rale. It wae jut the hour when he should not ordinarily have gone to the Amicable. It was seldom in- deed that he had any cceteion to look athis mother's bonds in his safe, for they were as -worthless one month as they were another. `Eat to preserve the respectabilities of the place it had been his habit te have his safe opened for him once a. quarter—about the let of May, August and the corresponding quarters—which he observed to be coupon quarters" for some very diatingnished dons. Ete -would retire into one of the little cells provided for the occasion, open Ms box and then carry it back that it might be deposit- ed in his safe again. The last time that he 1, I done this, Anthony had placed two !thy dollar bills in his little tin box, to guard himself from spending them. He knew that -he should have enough money for his current .xpenses besides, and he had not • oared to make a permanent investment of this sum. Bat if he were to eo to Pitts- burg he must hive these two fifties in his •pocket, and he walked down to the Amicable, . _gave the number of his safe, and hie box we which, as he now knew, vras not hisnwith his given to him, little skeleton key. In the third place, he t.--- was not sure whether he should beat advance the ends of justice by going to the head him to ma in hie canoe. Then poor ROW- her little coups and, bade William drive herATHALINO rHOM TO QGDaTIKUT-, 1 eost looked et his retreating island—the le duectle low,. tend which he le A alwaye -called a pris-n— Her only thought 70 to ,toll lehr fathee A naeous warn .04LasoWitfithvEvrdas12thistt4olime en:iggetpt;totrerattvitt,,w-bhoe. all that had happeneo, ad to COntett that woextiliteleety. an !nal" ArntY she was a fool - had always devised the Cattarangee nod Of course, tide woad have been the tree The tale which Wain about to relate vas Opelousas, now wished that he had them en ;.hirg for her to do ; butt there was, unfert- told to me many years ago by a !Math:gash leie hada, dre point of fact, he put back, the unately, a delay, Her father welt be Calpego ed tfaser Of the Meares array. Fcr obvious bon into the cell from which he bad taken it, ifor two days, ana Satan had all thet time to relkeena the Delete LeVe bete altered, but to and he went ali mice to his lawyer cousin. Isispire her with other oenneels. NOW, al. this day b7 the eenap fires of the greet fele Bat the Isewyer cothin wee nob in. Antooy though Setae might have done his worst be, tival held every year is told with bated did net like to tell hie queer story to a „tore he could melte BcIitb Lane do anything breotb the terrible tale et the jewels of stranger ; he therefore borrowed a hundred ii wrong, it was easily in his POWet to make ‘Teggeananb. and 0 the Yengemsce (tithe great dollars from the lewyer cousin's eierk ann3ber do something very foolish. For, asi god, went that night on the Mein. to Pniteberg. , Holey Elogeley well says, when the devil "Many yeas eget" said my friend, "I cannot milk's" his isnrimene by ;sandbag a was quartered at Fuzureibed, an ireptrtent deoeve he daaa the PAM bn e Muols Weeler' nillitarY elation ebetth 160 miles from the CEIAP /ER IV, Lip:wefts and sensta A fool., For the more ahe Madras ettatt. Vlore were a large untaber This le not one ef thase atories which toreir gberrr pcie'reanoasrdeerdtillieermseAlfttethrstttilashnlemhadthi'bfrtoorr1 of tr°aPa .°1e'ra al' all d""lPticm; and certeenly fer bait the year the lite we all meets the reader by reineing to tell him all t‘ t fi W kt h father.B id led was gay and hieh enough. ao , spea hr E8 the writer know& °nee for all' l`4 the reader nuderetend ,atialleolrreeiref mthi?teles4: wthasereatZaal and hliattlemaladd: gantublitirtzantudilabetetlirlingaa wtheeretimmeniwinasvothgneree, then the bond* and the lettere which Antony Blake foend his box beionged to a very :404t13h1LWRIAMt2ohf .144jrt-e4r4div at Uldag kin' ?I:4561=4'o aSa juovedvmantheivY TeenhtePOtIatier.a404 f.4:irthttgra gay nice girl whose name WaiEdith Lene,, it happened, that they were all in 018 hn —ow giant Afrite, deatronIng all her peace. It nontPanY nobody was more popular and --z4 was the reeollection that aloe had put in her better liked by both men and women time abafl wnoa; tiobealberies5fixy mteoldn.tha before, 4oto bcx the six letters which had been Intatested Young FitttoY ; bat, enfortineately, he lost It ue to her by her cousin Evelyn. money at the races, trted to recover hinitell Bloke found them that Boita Leant's' father New this Conlin Evelyn hadhad alsorbLo at the whiela table, bet fated, got Into the called her into fde own rwm- lEre then ex? knoepassage with Fergus Melaka. 1 have hands of the A1awareest "d g" deeper and Plained to her that she wan a° °Ill that the no riobb to call it dlegreoeful, though I am 1eeper into the mire of debt. You could most learn to take care of her own affeire, yery gud th.0 twee ee my eeenete was ever *eel by hie careworn and trotedded expremion ne do nob mean, oid he, " to turn over to " eeespeonnnew wee a _t ad bestow., face thet theror young fellow ems In a you now the ViehQUI QE view mother's propeetys eett had nee, pew ege 0417 reg bik4 esey, was age pert:mimed. thee, but I do tOt4e to tere over to yen moeh with _greet tocb and 41M:tette., AU the ottn- mtheatwybeeno syhelloa :onotohtoavbeuticar aceobutoo4eritrutenginagodtoi,. apureamaishottgeilebtentverbbeaden bronroberdounte tionage:aear enough for any coueon bend, but not 'erne paper of pins. I haws pieced in flag enve/ope of burning them Roston Haddam, when the enough to conteiu menYa number of bonds; 1 am Wang to show you h erel Edith had a age of her own had • heW to Put off the coopene. from theM beenese beggeee her ee wee Qarn 44 them, and ee bee He drew t be h ked h mut =tenant, peamel warder o.2 a will theu bO1O 19 °O11Y theAO QoU134.4 tO tilo lettere with her bonds, The resolee kuowe who aekea him if ell welt right, and theo weeeefIvIlAnk, whore X haVO optima. au at, coat had hacvna nt there. Qt4 4 ; 144 t q4uite YQU w;11 Imvo to du tilti tW4O Yo2oritNellad Niait te the seta Raul bad put them the Pa-toage between NW'. 1 °Ail 4" °°1e4te41• AeOet for you. Where yen went memo' you Now thle was the ertly menet which our littlezeous like that ua wideh you eet eyetera Will weite a cheese on the Waverley Beek* poor Edith had ever heel freest her father, In reeteurants of some thief, when it is and you whi go for the runny yes:meet!' or she ewe, pat want to hive them leteere onit,Poteteed that Yoe Ur° 4°111°M°4 t° eat °F°,,t°,111 sand for it, YO4 t434 do re yet; pleese Ant, ereeethe te light by any Invotfgatjatt Irmo% and note to hove 4 seerate cell aseigeee for keeplog an eneernat of 0400 tillage. If I eboula be =Ade, Tee poor elitist ineteetly when ohedey he came to Me end said *Meter, Pm done for. I'm utterly broke. / can't get my more reeney in the Neter, and they'll run me in ante= I cm get away few a bin I sweet get to Finland and gee ti gen Wm the wand there, bot goednees koews,' miel the young fellow tItterly, thew O4,111 dere mle my poor eld geverner, Meier,* couticemel, be, ti eenet get away; eimply Wittig me. You were* great freed of my father, awl premised to help nen I wish I hest etaek to your adviee, but it'a toe late OW, Will Yee etele away %I* Ale OiVe eet tilAt? we heves Mime teen deye' love the purpoee, on g�' into this con, whieh y p • named bored( before a pollee court ea e.1 for some ehmtinz and ee.e zee &tern to the you find lighted, Titer° is a gale table for bat I shall ask tIO getatittlA It Yee eemetre thief e elle Jeweled the dieeovery of her is Ccla-St. TIT go 011449PQ I then be atopped Yan, wlth a pen and Ink and blotting Polter me at any time for money 1ehell thee estis opened by a j top and these letters ofAtte Cetata MAITATOOK,,s Ana pRir of lenge eclestere. Those eelseetv queettem. Bet it is greatdeal better that eeneyit,e eete Ferautertted 40,4 to,printel Aftm some henitedien I agreed. He al° thth'e that you 1TaY out off tb° °°UPC/°° 'Yee 411411 itAre tAke care el yar RAW. ak eu the Stanley newepepere, See cried from your bon s. emut in lite epplieetion for WAVe to Earope Oheerve with admiration that both the over it ; elm wrote note to Evelyn which on PrIvate afTiir; and I gave Qut thot reauir. entente Which lam been referred to Poor Edith VAS dietreesed pelited 4110 destrepa wee wrote another note whieh was gelng en tendaye elmoting expedition, !leer her father tellt of dylug. She said ea ehe deatroyed also, and amily mid to honed( 4 -week later* with' a °°nPle of tengeet we are fnifilled. YOU are here are lonely ea amoh ; ba gala that he ketew nothing about I:obi/seen Creme ,was before Easley citron bneenese, and ehe had a greet deal rather ge e -t 9".4""‘ratbrer iose tt". own P"P"*° ilteatlthaetazeoteettat,°11wahltrerrPmgyanndowor glIptinggPfurrineres All your wealth is in yeur bands; Ton can hoped to piek up a eteamer to take hine to do with it whet you chew, et. 1114411U' be. Europe, On the tet0124 44V Oet We met fore tints weelth was in A safe whieh Imbed), welt' ef people trempicte Menge -we, w exceptieg you could QPZIN and A =Mute d childrenAttcl be =xi; day etill hereto it wilt be in thet mita again. Oa tide eeneelou Antemy vow, tiyaud crowd,. .(ga reply to mat inereirlett we were told thet they seeze retureihg freers in epeniug his hex, bits key theat feetivol el JeSitteAet held at raft eeemed to be out erdez; but, beteg an en• now enly erne three dale inerney item genlom penman it happened theta he hod A little skeleten key with hioa, and with this Tho ton wettish kept ne be threw open the leek of the box. He a greplate dee:Option of the slow in A memeat thet it was net hie be the great ged, whiels sena ekehle for the woodeztel The eeenritiee ab were them of the 0.. K d—two emerald eye; of and W., C., B, mad Q., E,0. and tecurilim, many of there, absoletely "gilt el lips' formed of the edged" intim uterket of the moment. There ee nth lel, end a oeekine of were one or two United Stetee bowls, and, prieelete pc is, The SIM Win slaking as we neared the In shorn if a good idly bad touched bie town of Pad, and we could see the piton. ,_, ,,, WWI was In the eafe then have Ally revel*. ett as 'WAY WOrO, Entho WM ficnte • . Ire COU!' OM teatie se to whet wanhe the box. If .lwx that bla Preolae obieot was to teach htr elm coda •eoly be pert thefwIntever had the II °draweea ebtek °W.1 to kooP a 4Ank mcg g14,$ : t the betute would burn these betefel lettere, and, to vgagk" asowtotbileg of her lotemot to i it lettaled te her fleet eireidenelel be pezfeeti . tno co.tenultutY, 'not to WV' her dethe In the , heppte "441°2144 had lleinin with thirt7 all tiette ci cetausetEdith IA441'1411 Tate he hid pot int* them hoods. fa Wee paeltlete which ate heel atetnehied Eilth waft frightened, end mid she dIdginte really front no holt ot her own, ferty •theenand dellere Of Or ;lentil:my WW1 pipt.Qug ; jx;%lut tho reeler win Re, ,tho wax nob know when' go would !toeu the bozdt, Peter Aldose, Bieke le the Inoue who de. Thar7i41 aabl bar father* "lia Oa foam the rosier. He was meet heap Wily thlog that you ere to be tent*, You ireeelved by old friend* whom he b4know t keep them boucle; I do not keep Wee, at the pelyneelmit, neetitutte ele saw ail iONYe brought these this nierniug Iron* 1431i the marvele at gm dtetzibution, ofown OM °P`CO to give the.01 te Yee. „Intve,cratr omkiag, of irenfourallag end, by Mr, Welt, od the carriage, molar° UOW gOIOS 1° bow Inglsous4 I.:Imbues, be wee takers tbreugh von down to whet known All the Arafat:1e nal wonderful meebtele weeks from ,whielt and tare wm Afraid they might be item. nue' the melt eeetuetatiee Led ayaurtby ato.her a bends and chengest them into bowie cf the very lamb Ka could not hew clone better for him than had been done here. Antouy Bake was =mod and dna He lifted the bonds out one after another to me by what proem of evolution the Cotter. magus mid Opeloulas had been *hue charged,• and with e venue feelleg that he ihould find ide two fifty Ulm nom et the bottom. The Sity Ulm notes were not there, but there wee a little parcel of fly* or 'ix mane script notes tied up with a white ribbon. Antony had no diepoeition to get at other people's meets, but he did want to know how them things came Into his box, and he looked at their addreasee, as be could do without opening them. Three were to Evelyn Rearm. Three were to Argue SlacIntire, Antony had never heard of either of them people. The letters were numbered, and the date of each wax written on the envelope. Antony observed that the last two were written on the urea day, May 29 "It is a romance, I think," said he, and he thought so because of the ribbon. But alee.rly the most curious thing in the romance was that the letters were in his box. CHAPTER Itt If young Bleke had gone at once to the head centre of the wonderful tombination of weeders, guardians, clerks and assistants who made asp the hierarchy of the Amicable, thie etory would never have been written, and the reader would at this moment be seeking other occupation than that he has in hand. "Before a story can be told," stays Mr. Anthony Trollope, "there must be a story to tell." All that follows on these pages spring from Mr.Bhske's averaion to take the head centre into his confidence, or indeed, any other of the guardians in the hierarchy. In the first place, he knew none of them personally, though, as has been seen, they all knew him professionally. Thab is to say, was the professional business of each of them to know Antony Blake by sight and to see that he always had the box in No. 4_927 when he wanted it ard that no one else ever had it, and also that he never had any other box than hi3 own. Bat all of them had been imported from New York to carry on the Amicable, which was a new enterpriee in Tamworth, ao thab he had not made their acquaintance other than offiiially. In the second place, as occurred to him now for the firat time, he should have gone to the head centre before if he meant to go at all. He should have gone when his little key did not open the bond box. He should not hs.ve picked the look of it box CHAPTER II. centre. He could say that his 8100 were itis possible that there are one or two of not in -his box. But here were securities the hurl -Shier readers of this little story who of three or four hundred times as much are not acquainted with the careful niacin.- worth; and, as ha well knew, there was not miry of a security safe company, and as the any one outaidian idiot asylum who would ntory hinges on that machinery ib may be steal Cettaxaugus and Opelousas boucle. It well to explain it. You see you are to have might be that the head centre and some of the double combination, patent, absolute se- curity that is given to the largeab corporz.- tion in the world—say the Bank of England --and at the same time you'who are as poor as Antony Blake was, are to have your own ,elittle separate cell in which your own pro. tparty is kept, and nobody else in the world enay interfere with it All this is arranged thy it very ingenious eyetem of policemen, Attentive clerks'doorkeepers gilt pickets of iron, iron floorsbelow and above, so that fire oatmot burn your securities tor water drown them, nor theives break in nor rust -soorrept them. .The mot honorable and virtutus warden tire selected by the naoet ingenious and high- ly approved competitive exammationa. You, present youreelf at the gate, and you are personally known to the warder, who speaks to yen cordially and opens the gate to you he would not do if you were one of them his deopwed Cattarangus veld Opelousas ,stukrirown loafer vrho leave no safe in the bonds were in his hands. He remembered, • security vault. • as he often had remembered before, the You pass throng ithie prison gate toyfully, pathetic grief of Robinson Oilmen when the sfor you know it ie no prison to you; you tell great eurrelot of the Orinoco was avveoping the others were engaged in a common fraud, of which he had in his hands a Etna clew. Times considerations passed through his mind and determined him Wisely or not, to make no complaint to the head cenbre till he had taken the advice of a lawyer friencl. Meanwhile his first business was to go to Pittsburg and toget the $100 which he j needed for his ourney.. There was no money in the box, and of coarse Antony could not have taken it if there had been seeing it was not his. ''Greenbacks," say; an eminent heal authority, "are the currency of thievend But even had Antony been it thief he had no oppertunity to steal. There were the six letters, tied up with r the white ribbon. Antony did look at the addresses .i,.,1 been said, • Silo Compeny. I am golug to hire A little safe there la your name and you will keep your bonds in that male. Memnon went to ut off the coupon" you wig go down to the Arniesible, yen will bevel the age opened tied you will cat dr what von need." This frightened Balkh more then ever, She elmosb (tried, but in leertdietrem abe referred to An old joke of the femily bar rowed from "Georgie Sketchem." It le the atory of a young man whose fatter TM urglag him to marry and wild to "Where would you bet if I had not modal' The young fellow replied1 between hie mbe, did, hub you married mother arid I thee exquialto epperatust leproduced which prexerves every year the lives of I daze not my how malty thousend people in tide world. He wiw some of the Tubel Ctioe whore he had gone to em, he "hewed to them the piton of hie =chine, which were cordially cemmended. Bo hid one and an other suggeetion reed° to him as to the way for putties it upon the market. Bat lb was dear to hien At it had bete TeelWerthl, *et the destruotion of the poor is their poverty and theta he vett In noway to geti lay decant rettun for the very exqolilbo eouteivanes whtelt ova body ednutted he had ea hand, melees he !engulf could Inveat sot ornehiog 113° V°1°Uli°` ramp shall have to be fatt out to a Atone galehl $10,000 or $15.000 in the complicated mach- wit just IriAlmla. when I thought I sew the elm of the templee rise Above the trees erbich nrrouuded the ploton Hell A eliie the other tide of the town stood the Travellere Bantam, where we ft:deeded putting up far the eight. Barbie lbe le -et twenty.four hours my yang companion bud keptallence, Atel Ital moody and elm* eullen whenever I tried to roue hien. A more tmcomfort• Male meet never ate theo the dinner whkh wee served up to ne that eveniug, and wee (mite thenkfal when the peor Ted toad he MI dead beat end would go cif to bad, even zoom was au the other aide of the buncia galow, and I took my gips and Binh mid. d d not matt to be put Gee inery which was zecesgary for proeuebtg in figure of a Europeen Waling along the to any Arnicelde Safe Company or any wall of the compound. Strange, I thought, (To ME CONTINTED.) Ws.verley Bank. She wanted tier tether to And wondered whet other Europeau could take care of her rooney end to give her whet be here et the same time. An ides, etruck ehe weeded to spend, me, and 1 lyceums to my compenion'e Bat he was perfectly firm: the cirriage room. There wee nobody in it ; the bed own° to the door, and Edith had to go up to was undisturbed. I threw down my plpo nut on her hat and gawps! and gloves te go rend rushed out into the moonlight, down for her first lesson. What she was "A few mooed later I was oub in the road, taught the reader already knovre. She was end turned instinctively in the direetion of taken through the mites, ahe was hatreduced the town. Running down tho road, 1 M the attentive warder, and the bed matte soon onto to it sandy lane, which went ed to her one of the enaalleab safes, exactly outelde the village walls in the elirection mush a sato as Antony Blelte had, and as it of the templet', their pinnacles atm& happened the number was next to his Na. lug out °leer and distineb in the moon. 4 929. The resaer now haa a pertitil notion lighe In the &titaness I thought I sew the of what mistake had °Deemed. figure of my poor lad, hut soon tha turnings In point of fact. About it month before and twistings of the lane with its thick Antony Blake had met his disappointment, cactus hedges on each aide, shut him out it had been to ordered by those minor from my view. In a few noinutes I was powers who, under orders, overrule this close by the big temple compound. B.enning world, that he and Edith Lane went nearly up to the wall 1 looked over, and this a what ab the same time to the Amicable. Antony I raw: An enormous courtyard of pared had gone eimply to show himself, that he stone, on which. were lying a number of might keep up the reputation which he had plicate, their white garmente wrapeed acquired as a don among done. Edith had around their heads and hotline. In the back - gone, on her second visit, to cut off some ground was placed temple after temple, but coupons, which she had done successfully, in the centre stood one solitary !shrine raised and which she had carried to deposit at her on three aeparate flights! of steps, and inside bank. But it had oo happened thab when I could see the great black god raised on she brought back her little box, to three other emaller flights of colored marble place it in her sate, Antony Blake steps. The moonbeams shone directly on was already in that corridor of the the god and lit up the emerald eyes and columbarium and was opening his wife ruby lips, while the pearl necklace glowed to put his box away. The lock made some on his bugs black bosom. Not a sound was little obstacle, and he had laid hie -box on to be heard except some distant tom-toming. the flOor that he might have both hands in The festival was over and Puri had lapsed handling the key. Edith had to wait a into solemn silence. To my unutterable moment for the operations to be finished, horror I saw my companion walking right and, as it happened, she laid her box on the across the courtyard. fhor as she stood by him, being, in fact, if "Not a living creature moved, until a the reader is ourioud, putting on her gloves pariah dog rose up from near the wall, are at the same moment. Antony touched his one bowl, and then slunk away and crouch - hat to her, stooped, picked up the box and ed down again. Still no one etirred. My pub ib into Me own safe, without any tongue clove to the roof of my mouth. I thought that he had made a transfer. He dared not shout oven if I could have raised .passed out the door, saluted the wardere my voise. A ghaatly horror took hold of and was gone. Eiith put the other box me as the idea strack me that in his mad - into her safe, and as the reader see% the nese my poor friend intended to save his change vrae completed without a thought honour in the greater dishonar of ribbing from either party. the idol. Speechless I saw him mount step It was not till Antony Blake was well in after step, and the next moment I sew him Pittsburg, dealing with the various sons of enter the sacred shrine and cross the threat. Tnbal Cain, who make that city one of the hold which no other foot but that of the richest and loveliest in the world, that BMW! Brahmin has ever paesed. Nine steps led one day ordered the carriage, drove down to np to the god—one, two, three, four, five, the Amicable, took out what she supposed six. He pawed. I tried to shout but no , to be her box and found in it Antony's sound would come, He raised hie hand as Cattaraugus and Opeleueas bonds and his if to tear cff the pearl necklace. It was still above his reach. Hip:chat then touched the seventh. Can I ever forget the sight ? In the moonlight flashed out two arms oover- ed with a hundred—nay, two hundred -- daggers and clasped the daring youth to the black god's breast. At the oarne moment the sound of a gong broke the stillness of the night, and in one moment the priest!! had oast off their coverings and were rush- ing to the shrire. Two minutes later I saw the remind and horrified priesta carrying out the lifeless body of the dishonored Eng. A Philanthropist'a ,First Barra:in, The late 1dr, Jelin Ryland', the Menthes - tor cotton avinner, who brquathed $23.000 to the B a Independent Canoga, would often humorously narrate the history of leis fine bargain. Ono day, soon after he had left echoes fit passing through a street of S. Helen's hie eye was caught by an auction- eer's plaord announcing the sale of the stocinimarado belonging to the hither of out' of his school fellows. Ho went to see what was going on ; and, au he had saved a little pocket money, he hid for one of the iota, a drawer fell of trinkets, which was knocked down to him ab a low price. These on reaching home, he found to consist of differ- ent pieces of jewellery, winch tarnished and =eroded. Ile pulled them to pieces, clean. ed and polished them and sold them separ- ately realizing a good probe. A former nurse of Mrs. Ryland's heard of the led's emanate' purehase, and being heraelf with her family very handy at the loom, mid to him, "Supposing, Master john you spend this money in it heile yarn, and let tut weave it for you." This was done, the calicoes were returned "beautifully woven," were soon sold, and all concerned made a hand- some profit. The process was repeated on it continually enlarged scale, for about two years, and the youth who was diligently helping his father, became already it minia- ture capitalist. At the expiration of this time his oldest brother, Joseph, proposed to join him, and the two lads initiated business on their own account, John undertaking the post of traveller. The father, himself a shrewd and capable man of business, per. ceived what his sons were doing on their own accoutit, and proposed tn join in partnership with them, contributing a larger capital than they could smuster. Thus the well-known firm was originated. iVomen's Heads and Weds. The Venus de Medici's head measures around the temples 20i inches; allow or the wavy hair a half inch and call it 20 inoh- es. I make the weird 27 inches, hub as the figure is bending slightly forward it may vary accordingly as the measure is applied. The neck is 13 inches. A lady friend was so kind AB to measure several °thee ladies for my benefit, and I do not find such a marked difference. The heads are generally larger and the waist smaller, it is true, but take One instance :—Head, inehes ; waist, 24O inches; neck, 121 inches. A young girl of 16 measures 21e inches head and 24e, inches wairst. Another lady meas- ured just 201, inchea head. The measures were taken over the waist of the tunic!, One would suppose the measures worild be less f taken after claesical manner, hub by some mysterious dispensation of Providenoe the waist of the mourn woman is aoknow. hundred dollars. Of course Edith knew she had made a mistake, and Ole instantly supposed, as she usually did, that everything which was wrong was her own fault. This, then, was the first result of her father's training her to business—that she had lost all her own property and had stolen Borne other property of vastly more value. For the girl knee nothing of the worthleesnesa of the Cattar. augus and Opelousas, and it was easy for her to see that whereas she had left in her box only thirty or forty thousand dollars worth of bonds, she had ander her hands two hundred and fifty theusand dollars' worth of the second issue of that unfortunate oad. Bat at 'the moment 'nia only wish was that 1 —.art Student lenvd to measure more when untrammeled. Nehmen, and I turned and fled." ---easeneesesee Hard on Early Risen. A Faded riwer• Charles Dudley Warner was complaining She . --J o"niastnh' at nMTi r3r9u Am Trump—" e'Ypese,rfethcbeyd'AriesYa.c She clid not do what Antony did, however, to one neighbour of another neighbour's don. he took the whole parcel, hundred dol key, whine rose with the lark, but was a deatisaileasin, btuhteafetaemr ea of h,illoovethmeye,lolsoevethineire ars and all, and pub it into her little poor musician, and woke him up at daylighb. P atchel. She pit beck the box into her "Well," aaid the friend, "why don't you mt." safe, and as quickly as she could escape the rim at daylight, as I do 1 The donkey doesn't eye of the svarders, all of whom she thought disturbs me." "We see now," said Mr, A Western paper hoe& an ea' IMriar, "Why looked on her with euspicion, as if Inn Warner, "what kind ct people get up early LbyenfoehllionwpoOono,crugne'r away. .,con now ; it's became were it detectea thief already, she zuelied to in the morning." a , laSiDDITTAt NO* 3Or. lianstnes Trip on snow -Slues. Since DC, Naneen'e return to Denmark he haa added very ihtereeting detaile to the story of his trip storms Greeolatta whiele was briefly tolel in the letter he sent to Earepe UM fell. The lila that his perty, after Imo, leg the thip within twelve mites of Utifivile, where they expected to beet's, their land journey, drifted many nave south in the ice and were over three weeks reethingitheir neetination on the coasb, shows the immemut diasalty of penetrating the ice baler that the.preveiling wlods kept constantly peeked anamee the eastern abeam of Greenland, SQMQ of the isolated netives, unaccustome ed tbe sight of white men, wenn en xenaloin, thoegh Cept. Helen's' admen among them downs eee winter alienist have taught them better. Probably no tribe were ever so theretighin inentedneed to the publio by means of the cameo as them natives, of whom numerous photographs appear In Card". Eoltree recent book. The *Ix men of the Naos= expedition. Were a epecteele worth seeing ese they gained the Jolty eummit of the inleten Ice, alt tied together with a rope, as though they were climbing the el atterhorn, It was a wise pre- outien, for the Snow eoneealed not a few gapinle erevieea in the thick. lee, and now and then the fragile bridge gave way uoder eeme member of the paety, It Wa,a heavy 'sledging the eat enew of the Arctio sum, mer, hat the party, on their enowshoes, dragging five little sledges. made fifty miles ht the finet twelve days, They were steadily elimbiog toward the summit of OURF-14,AISP's PUTS, Wblela, as we 144Ve learned withiet the {oast few years, is higher than my other exteenve plateen in tbe norla except these of the Pemir and acme peens of Tibet, The patty occupied aver twe Weeke is eteseleg thie alnlest level expellee ef 9.000 feet AbOVe the tee. It was maw Sep. ternber, and at the mermeaw height of newly 3.050 feet above tbeeueereit of Monnt Washingtee It tot sowy uederetand that the Greeee141 Meehan were impeded Iltk Imager by mit end eleldieg *new. The temperature, however, was aeldern lower than 200 belew z wo, but many snowatorrea, and mat drifte impeded the progreatt of the yeller& At tut they reethea the eaetern slope ot fiezen see, wed, Isolating theievelle, they thetratich of the thoe It WM AO lenger my to heel on the sledge repel!, Olteu *revelled behind. their sledge° to held ack, seta rattled down the long slope =did rate. NOW and thee* IteiTekittg tte fAte tO TAO Itial EST' 4141.1.$0 doleST Mt omen when they named on the edge of: met ore.olee whIch seemed like the mouth et a hentoadies elven They hael ether MOW mew", end ones neerlo kat their lives throueh the hreeltieg of a snow briel,ge, liar trevellers on the Inland Ice of Grote, lasasi have found OM the need et rmition long detours to get around, erevicee was one cif the grestest obit:mica In their way. At lest the fiords of the western comb were reached. In forty dive the Ilttle party hied trevelled $00 miles' from vea, to IRA. We do uot yob krone whet scientific Vaine At. team to this expedition ; but it le likely to mid intereetizeg fact* to out keowledge of this etupendous ice male, Well, meviag very elowly tewards the comas, finds' some outlet for Ite inteutaniationa through the fiord*. CouterapiatIng thls tremendous tee movement, lb ie not diffioult to believes thins we lee in the Greealaud. of to -day the eon. dittos' then In a peat neological ego, tore greet haulders of trap from the Palisselen, end Sego granite and more rock MAttell from fox northern region", mad strewed them along the therm of Lang Island. Princess of Wales. It Mks" the Pxineelle of Wale* two hOnti to dress every day. Devito her Imam in yeere, them aro courtiers who declare that Ole looks Imam= than when she firab ar. rived in Englund, end they take tut the rem. on the foot that the style of areas suits her ao mnoh better than what in now oonsidered the dowdy dress of it quarter ole. century aeo. Nobody knowi where the Princess gets her gowns from. It fa generelly supposed that her maid mime them from patterns supplied. However, the Princene cannot poste as a leader of fashion, except to women of is certain age. For instance, :the cannot weer the gand7 flowencrowned hats that are coming into season this spring, and yet these hats will he what le known as "fashionable" nevertheless. Who makes those pretty fringea Some say that her barber shifts his lodgings every week. Others declare that this hair -dresser supplies the material end that it maid makes h up. Really the Perham of Wales has very little hair. It amounts to nothing more than what women know as a "wisp" At Ssndringham there is a room just like it huge hatter's shop. All around at are little receptacles, variedby pier glasses, and these receptacles COMAill Ole hats and bonnets of the Princess. When ahe is at tiorne she wears two or three differ- ent hats every day, but she always wears a bonnet when out visiting. For a prineese her bonneta should not be considered extra- vagant. She generally gives about 57.50 for a hat or bonnet, not at all an extravagant price. Old Bank Notes. The oldest bank notes are the "flying money," or convenient money," firsb issued in China 2697 B. C. Originally theae notes were issued by the Treasury, bat experi- ence dictated a change to the banks under Government inspection and control. A writer in a provincial paper says that the early Chinese bills were in all essentiads similar to the modern bank notes, bearing the name of the bank, date of issue the number of the note, the eignature Of the efficial issuing it, indications of its value in figures, in words,. and in the pictorial representation in C01119 or heaps of coins equal in amount to its face value, and a notice of the pains and penalties of count- erfeiting. Over and 'above all was a lawn - in exhortation of industry and thrift; "Produce all you can; opend 'with econ- omy." The notes were printed in blue ink on paper made from the fibre of the mul- berry tree, One issued in 1339 B. C. is etill carefully preserved in the Asiatic Mus- eum at St. Petersburg. A Damper on Him. Julia (with a dreamy leek in her eyes)— Can you guesa of what I am thinking, George George (taking her hand tenderly) —No, dearest Julia; but I hope 11 18 of me. Well, partly; but I was thinking of the oozy little room we will fix up for mother after we return from our wedding trip. (George didn't Iook so pleased,) Some 3 miss engineers are planning an aerial railway by which they propose to connect two of the peaks of Mount Ptlatua with wire ropes about 2,000 feet long, and to send tourists from ummit in cars eliding along he wires.