HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-20, Page 7iisalawkawkaiwasagegivwfitsp.dayossa
Raisin flowers.
Tee goill?Det suite4 to ail gerclea Purposes
is what is known as "gaudy loan," with a
layer of loose sand or gravel underneath it.
Seeh a eoil rarely n tribes drainage, eapeei-
Ally if the ground slopes a little to the south
or aoutheeet, and the Eurtace drainage is
perfect. If not pxotected on the morth or
northwest, A hedge of arbor vii at or Norway
dra plaeted there, wouldbe pf great edven-
tage. They would form aneveolaatingleutto,
and can eeadily be trimeeed to any desirable
height or thickuess.
the 'mil cements of a etiff, clayey leam,
With A Idue or yellow, putty.ithe eabsoll, it
taunt he drained, and,ifposaible. send abould
be added before Anything ie planted, or the
labor and geed will be lost, IS is utterly
=elm to cultivate or fertilize eny soil that
does not freely ear*, off the anrface water.
By digging& hole about. ewe feet deoePs Yon
can tell whether drainage is neceseary.
Where rubble etoreee are bandy, a stone drain
is the cheapeat ; hut where tiles are prceer,
able, they are preferable.
Plowing and harrowing are net only the
cheapest but also the retest effective way of
preparleg the ground. The eubsoil plow
elecadd follow the corannon plow, and the
harrow elaould be weighted rlowa heevily to
pulverdze the greoed Well. Core atiould be
takeunot to work the grimed whilewetor 10
will be ePelledforyearer. AR land wooed for the
proaaotiOn of crops, whether 01 vegetabies,
fterItt Or fiewers, will aoemer or later need en -
'Oohing. Secoulent plants, each e.ts the fon-
age plants, need and appreciate tin meet
manure. No fertilizer eogY/en EA well for
ell porpeeee els thereughly deeeyed stash%
manure ; whether proenred from the heritee
or cow etable makes lint little difference.
The fencer le venally cendelened better for
heavy *elle, and the latter fcr light sells.
The boat Roil for bottle Own hi the() freM
deeayed eod, mixed with ;mud, and watered
with A weak solution ofgorene, or oven oow's
urine. A great deel oantion is here leeeteaii
ear'. Gaene nmet he epotted hordeopethie
dons, to he beeedelal ; toe atroos glint-1mA
,woold injune the fiowen beyend remedy.
I Very eften the owner of is dower garden
outs it up by nurneroue welkin of neitnite
widths, which ore meetly covered with weeds
dueler the whole geese% sad the area de.
voted to flowers %teem to be the mealiest
parb. Tide ehows poor taste. The welka
ehoulei be wide and the (ewer beds large
then both Aro MOTO CAelly ceTted for.
With our garden In good condition*
next *object to he entwIdared is whet
pleat It My violets le, bnase
Bale, 1110 bay thei beat, And deAt AAA.
thet are al easy mature, die Ware, halleinei,
ellettlytUfe, CanAlen, ger atedding yeur OWA
bollix from meedt), eachichel'ale, germ:dere;
lobelie, mignonette, naaturthuns, pansies,
Wein (both blotched and striped), pMex
rummoodi, ten.weelie stock, and zinulem ;
for climbing Vents, cenvolvulue or morales
glom cyprom vine, and sweet pees.
AU of the shove named are easily pro.
pagated horn the seed, and for these who
know how to I31340 A hot -bed and haw to
attend to 14 It is plsy to retie floe, *Wray
gents; but in Meet ealled box three
ace high And stall holes In Its bottom
to prercth drainage moat be need. It
amnia be filled with enrth compelled of two
parte of duelled god and ono of deoeyed
mature. After the earth has been long
enough in the warm room to have the lame
ternporatrire, proceed with the **edit%
With, the Ileger or with a etick, dram*
drill escrows the box, posh the earth gently
down gold distribute your acted thiehly In it;
cover,lightly with doh, sandy soil and give
A alight presinire on top of the seed again.
Largo lieCide caurtaa, cover to & depth of
nearly au kelt ;balm% one.balf Inch, and
smeller *cede lee!. The striding of the
geed ehould take place About April first. To
cover the' seed box with ulna 13 desirable
until the plants are up, when the cover has
been taken off and the box exposed to the
fdll ligbb near the window, and air given
at Intervale ; cthorwlea the plants will
mould or "amp off," aa the gardener
gays. After tha young plante are high
enough to be bendiest, transplant them into
another box or put them in ober out of doors
which seen be covered at night:dor, If danger
of frost has pinned, transplant them right
into bade where they axe to grow. All
plants should bo transplanted before being
placed where they are finally to grow.
When taking them up, either at the first
or second tranaplanting, undermine the
plant!' to save every root, then make a hole
with a aharp !kick in the new place, and
plant the roots to their full 'length into the
ground. Pantiles, pblox, geraniums, petun-
ia; and verbenas, can he raised from need
where they grow if, before front sets in,
the ground is raked aver dad a little earth
spnnkled on the bed; and then covered
light with some leaves or rotted mentire.
The next spring will find you with an
-abundance ell ready for use.
or Petron and dependent, but inthe"attltude THE CZAR. HELTEAUS EIS MIND,
of buyer and seller ;and let us eee how this _
will woilt. The eervant'a stook-in-tradee'Expresstote or We Cen,vietions Causes a
is her alglitY and williogaties te do
cotton work ie a eerie.* waY, Ah ' .
eettaio. boor. The .oaistress has the ahlTphoef rzibgeorp7eist3huwebxicehretkhotnaBr.suinlpfix Ito:to:v.7%r
right to my how and when the work -
when, therefore eertain words; are put in
014, be done, and also has the riglet to. lay see ea ees mouth!. y
dowa certain rodeo of domeetio manage ":7 "d't 0 a St Petersburg jeer
ment, which t ausi shcala iin, tio down „ in. ill**, we! . may be Sure _thhi; the words wer
the bond." Bat with the observance of time tterre eat nrYceAle”ueda" /4' Now'' 4°°°rding
rules her righte end, and the sernahnts: ';utilean:e74111;iste Rifae4aasieenngerie;Isti,nilew:P4ra,
1'4114 have P°"emf°11 of .tbe nell 111'
at dioriee. lately giveo na honoe of tbe
mistenes may need should try to infloenee marriages of and Duke Petee te A rdoefoo
on the gr(unol of 'that con'onowd hiunnnitY ; of Montenegro, declared depot the bride'
hue elle lies no claim to commend. It father wee Reminds only siecere friead lei
is* here where mistressea make a TWA" Boxer..
take; they want so contlene to VASS' We are not surprised to hear that this*
weed. Servants contineally xebel against revelation of the Raselan autoorentee °envie
their assumption of anthority ; and the rooxe t OnS leen negaed a eeoration 114 era
capable they are, the keg likely they are gerepae4 c„441,. and, patticaietiy at
to submit to arbitrariness, enleaa they are BuRn. in oltIn 4nd the setae oatmeal the
eonmensetneg advantages attached to the czu
itnation, which make it worth their. while
Avowl Ws en Earn
, Como all to The Elysium of Health and M
1 joyat Bt. Leon Springs, flubs°, , ' rowroteortntereerenn
MONEY marsztarxrAL;rvEr
Jane 1$1--Tbe Faience opened. for the re." .111111el da'"s"4417"' ArlilYt°
.1 oeptioo of visitors ; soo comfortable rooms.
a Bettie in Nature's virgin, lifa toning, °herrn- BEATTY; OHADVI010,K, Rit iplitiSLI(..& GALT*
, g elements, hot or cold. Bates moderate, Wellingtonge, ear. Mond; (overilenic 0 Torastio,
aumeemente plenty and enetieleg, Write for
; P°rEitiecruelathrsesoffernag masses, even pronoun- TORONTO, QNT.
. , ..
cod incurablee tied rosy cheeked health 13,nd CHOICE LOWS FOR SALE IN All PARTS OF
r rebuilt eireogrh. The Whole oestaalsnt Is mAN IT , A
$ perfecte-d drinking from Netnre's fontete tfll 0 DAL.
sweeter life and iteighte of pleaeure never
e before experieuced are enjoyed. $t Leon Radio vhottne to entrohase Improved Manitotte
A la bele and eatete permanent; Puree. Ioiretb, rore24 Item 40 alma upwarde, with immediate
abilArblafi all deadly Yeasts)laloodtlx.31"°°.°41°' wv4°. l'o,i,f. 1.. 0.1"314"16 t:
Anther's Oar* Hein et, forgoer lzdormati
13°1"43e 4°.'2 41e Teeing the bleed! Ile'', 1 nreithed atee 'ef chew; awl fitirete ate14e4 IS
aktifig SeSti regulating the digestive organs. tetklegateeettera
' Even *leaetes and Brighee Disertee, thee° eve 0 2-s',r mt-ea. tx 0 X, (:)...,a, zq
twin terrors, are allayed as water qveriohee cmum n.,, or renagar.
fire, '.8t, Leon is ieimitable., unappreach- 1104
hie by art: IMPOttflibl4 to gay too much le
ite praise," So say leerued Doctors, Profes.
sore, Analysts, &or., ki.„ Send orders to Se.
Lean Mineral Water Ott., Lati, either at the
bead ee 02:,,T VA.1 eSn at. .4.Le :loan r, QTee;o0hexleto.,er the branch
If rag are cut va a driving otoon, don't
4tte° to hr°Ide tB11°P714190i14-00.71 MIT)! hAy4TICIAA.,LEiy.te...e ELEVATORS
Diseasee cf, Man, 000tabeing Fecta For Mea
Arecibo. A Treetise especially writtee cne vAigelagigti,d,14171 Q:4"4 atree
'i Ilan Withc4 WiA4Qin Mien in A Feel'il ... LEITON ag TU RN SUL
of All Agee 1 Should be read by Old.
.moate Aged and Young Mete. Prifeleen by
to do eo. The muitremes who stiffer, how-
ever, aro for the Moat part the nalelressee
who cermet aceept the new eegime. the
long.rnin they will bare to do ; their op
poeition not ale x facts. We are not
Baying that the Change deSeribed is a good
one or a bad one . we SiMply State that:it
bee been effectel Therefore, what the
Mistrese bee nave to do who want; to menage
her domeetle affairs seceessfully, to res-
pect the eighte of her eervante as well as to
oleisa her own, 1£1noily feeling may exionts
bee tire feuedation of her relatione with hex
tenants mast 'depend, not upon kbadnees,
but upon jastice.
An Eoglialt lady, over fie. AAIUN Diet her
look of wripktee is due to the foot of her hey.
sod very bet water ell her life, whicit.
ne the 'ekin. and afitilethe ant the lines.
of Friesen eseph ad William II., aled
eldfla the 'tepee of timee wbo bane been
counting upone a Freese° Russian, alliance.
It seern,s thatt la the judgment of her
sovereign, Buena le sort of outlaw on the
Continent e Wide the exception of the heed
of a ptty principalitY, the band of every
ruler re Inge -fast laer,.and the Inference thoo
her baud reeponsively against them,
Mere is ground enough for the eploion,
althouvla the wisdom of proclaiming it may
be open to doubt. The grandson of Czar
Nicholae could hardly be expected to pat
mueh faith la the very nee:ober of the APT-
b4rg dynasty who rewattle4 Ruteisde 142-
terpeeilien 4A hire behalf Iltingary by
taking aides againet her in the Crilthiele
war, Nor bee the son et 41e der any
roes= te believe in the frieridehip or greti.
hole et the Ifoheozellerne. /0 Was Romie's;
warning ettitude that held back Aoetria
A celebrated beauty attributee her prosier.. f 404i LA 1870 f b u
rout og reveuge or 11112
vation to beving never need a wasineleth or
towel ou Ler fa, but having al.Waye Wallhed
It gently with her hand, rleging Of wIth
ell opozget dry It with A ante clindee and
en robbing lt bilakly with A tiMil brooh.
retien Ineurred Iliad the Vienna
MASI) FAANCE Tille coliEtror
of the Ant mentiened year, the German ein-
Sho used castile se_ap aa very warm weer Piro nil lit never have eedsted in its present
every Waldo with cold wet.= In the month*, t WOUld, therefere, be heed to over-
ol Italie were awake late at night she el. rate the obligation under whiott William I.
4y slept 04 rem*. Ileum In the ow as and Bigmarele were placed by Alexander IL
e peoted to he *mike at night. Another ,They Pala the debt bY convoking the 13erlin
student; of the toilet ineerte that elle preveete aaeougeete and hejping Zeglaria atrip
and obliterotee wrinkle; by rubbing the Lao .e"'"'" el the nmer ?art' of whet ehe hed
twat& the levee when bathing, wruog horn the Torke at :San Soefeno
There to* deeper reason fee the speploien
4 entipathy ,with which tho reel crier el
ITAes mamma Sweet. Mine regard Germany. lo ti moiety
.TM41111 WhO here profited by the attem.r
t till the little Istindei are At T ratr, the Greveie eeed hie erwotemre
u thorn foil of Amin; introdoce the civiliintiont of weetern Earope
t for tbe r*747114103- ttlbq114e - in their dombilogs. .A9cording to .to
We make *wool; the Ian sad boars • levophlig, who were
Some women who pose as excellent house-
wives are anything but thorough When dust-
ing; they seem to think the time waeted
spent in this work, and consequently hurry
through it as fast as possible. With a feath-
er duster or a cloth they switch off the dust,
going from ono thing to another, until all
the articles are gene over ; then the door is
closed, and the room is supposed to be in
the best of order. On entering later in the
day alley are surprised to find the furniture
covered with dust, and they wonder where
all the dust comes from. If they would think
awhile, they would surely know thee the
dust they switched into the room is bound
to settle somewhere, and, of course, the
furniture will hold the largest share. As a
general duster; the feather brush isnot to be
thought of, as it is only. fit for the dusting
of walls, over doors, pictures 41, or any
place that cannot be conveniently reached
with a cloth. It is nob to be recommended for
the fain of pictures or mirrors as it is apt
eo scratch the glue. A toff: silk cloth
/makes a nice duster for mirrors and pictures,
and for nice, highly polished furniture there
is nothing nicer. Scrim makes a nice dust
ing cloth, and old calico is tined by many in
preference to anything else. A damp cloth
is the best of all dusters, although many
women will not Me one on any account),
claiming that it injures the, polish on the
furniture. This objection is absurd, for if
the cloth olean it will not harm the furnt-
ture in the least. To be ,sure, it may roe;
move the gloss; but this' oan easily be
brought back when the surface of the wood
is dry by rubbing hard with a dry, soft
cloth. The advantage of the damp duster
is that, instead cf allowing the cluat to fly s
about the room, it takeo it all in the cloth, t
and thereby keeps it from settling anywhere q
t whitish% the busy household -had INSTIARD AND QIWANDND
darling, still need your gold Netkof!, and who Include eh pneent Cztr
baud, auoug their converte, Musts might to turn
.0.11 their line with sweetness her benh OA Western atendards aud ideal%
end evolve elviliestion of her OITA On
111 the little haute are Mill netive Ham To them Bunten nationeilsts
viog look or praise, the Germane IWO odious both es represents.
le you gently chide a 'Ault, Udine of Western notioos a.tulbecmaa they
The good dool kindly praise. Wore hitherto monopolizid, meet of the best
The word you would speak betide* tice plum the Army and bureaucritey. Nat.
Fells sweeter fir on the !ivies ear ; rally, therefore, Alexander III:* who A
0 fill young lives with sweetnete 1 fervid Slavophil, and who hos married A
Dsnieli wife neither Mee tits Germens
Ain what aro kisses on cold clay Bps home nor trilete them abroad.
To the rosy mouth we pram,
When on Wee i1/011 to her in titer's
Arnie TIID Jim Lainr I aW.
Fission's tenderest mem 1 Ormtva, June 13 -The antoeolleetor f
Let never A Werldly babble keep customs at Rockport', Ludo comity, Ont.
Your heart from the joy each dkv shout°porn to the department here that the
reep, United Stites authorities have put the ellen
Circling yoneg live; with sweetness, labor law into force at Alexaudrie By
Give thauks, 'nehmen, far the sturdy boya agelost those exuadiezie who aro emplioared
Give thetike for the fairy girls; se °firemen and 'caretakers of AmerIcan
With v. dower of wealth liko this at home lands. A untidier of Canedieue, redden!: at
Wonld yen rifle the earth for purls? Rockpert and thereabouts. were sent beak
Wait not for Death to gem Lovett; crown, by the New York State ciliate:le On Tuesday
Bot daily shower life's bleselogs down, bud:, and considerable lea:2g bat been
And fill young hearts with sweetness, &roamed at thie nemeighborly action.
Remember the homee whore the light bat
fled, A Question and Answer.
Where the roe° has faded away; Tho following question auti newer are
ud tho love that glows in youthful hearts, seid to Iowa been genuine in an Old Country
0 cherleh it while you iney 1 general Intelligeuco paper ;-"What do you
And mink° your home "tt garden of flowera underetand by hysios, electricity, and
Whoro joy shall bloom through childhood's mr.gnotigm hysioe le pills and things;
hours, elootrioity is the telegraph -wires ; magnet.
And fill young h earn with weenies,, tism is whet you taloa in connection with
et.LO STRATtve
A RBIS mom
rho Saie et Sail A Milken to be the moat
Popular, herfanse written in language plain
forcible ad 111-ttraqtjVei. f'racticel preeenti-
MICA Of Medioal common Seaga, Valuable
14941304* elleVeing DieW rete3ne by whioh tiny Itttar, Rwarot loor.
may be mired. Approved by editors critics, ir Lit fly !
and tint people. Sanitary, Sociall'ecienee IT .1 Mn, 1141g; OR( MUD libuilptg,
sw4get.... Aka gives a deacT101411 of Sped. 1.1 t p
Na. 5, Greet Ilealth Renewer; ,14,1? -47:4 eR*Y
Marvel of Sealing anc. tolo.ioloor of Medi. nlshel co laoolt'4'7,u. lindPue "me naller.
gems It lergely tbe Ruts, aoi we will mail Vaa Q;Iftleieal:aa'S catslerce.
life 13 its t hi y be main-
fitined. The Dceir teach yea how to
Ineke life worth liviino If every indult in
ThAecivillee4 world would read, uudereiled
areld teler views+, there would be a
world of rbyalQ41, intellectual and moral
RIente. Tble Book will be feund a truthful
presentative el isets, calculated to do good.
Tho book at Lahoo, the Tiidielinadt of geoids 1
Brings bloom to ee cheek, strength to the
body and jy to the heart. It la A Teleatiage
to the Wise ktnil Oill4rWIOOtt I,uben'e Spool,
fie No. 5. Spirit of Ifealth, Thom who
obey the lew4 of this book will bo crevead
tri * Wenn erreAtb. V2AII fletenka of
bane felt the power era taidded te the Irtr,y,11$
f toton'S Specifio Ne. S. 411 gen rcr accato1
Droken Down from overwerk or eir•delg"4
tea root mentioned In the alcove,
cod ior and reed We Valuuble —
whieh will be sent tc azy Addreem,
a receipt of ten cents in eterope, to
O. Address 41 orders to M. V.
ZOVvon4Szteist, E.3 Toren.
To owe is LAUlall, to pay divine.
taro baidoee not Wways hold bralue
-the hogs head, for inetenee.
Generally the Oeae Too. -Uother-
1Yobtuty, you omen% play with that Reldueon
boy any more. Johnny -Why not, ma t
.-Beconee to le a bad bey. J. -Well,
mother, he abut half ae bad as me, 1 esu
11 you.
IllY41144 Wit2 Are Weak nervoim and ex U0 4 8111 11
alljt°13 ana, 1(031140g
Sai139e Weekly between NONTICEU4 gat
ILIVERPOOXi. Saitien Tiokite, $1(); VS ;net
V.1,0, Return. Ticket; SW, VC and 8110, ateeneteer tee
steamer and sernommodetion. Intermediate
Round 'Xrlp Tioken. akae. Steerage. Sea. App'Y to.
g. not ty, General leaner seansalessadies.
ping .440.11 tr OP= IOW BeSARN, MC,STnatie..
Lr,s4lAgentade Tevene and cdffeei
Proident Lite anil Live Rod Amex
(KNooltrog. "age )
Depeetm.ent Preeidetioet .
indemnity for Siceeese ned Azefdent and 24 eseented
aweletance to tee Weave* Pt deceased .24etiebere
teen* -evailehle to ell.
In the Vivo Stook 1> Pa2teeeee4 Ten Thle.42
elimmx rwle.34:af Liae§q 4/ 3 nienfienee ti P4.
r.a.S protpeenot, owes lona eon
"WXXX,11.,1 osiES. Kooste eV:reeler-
• Tete FOrleerre
• TA rale-PIO:WIN
An Emir
'Flee Nerelappar„,
The TAberer,.
tor Settiment
eementece eleh IeJerlat-424 4011‘7ss.,141,40 \41144
etrep4ra.T1tAVitir'74.%. $ta_ pAre
AlrtiWri-VeZ45- 3.1AN17004 Re. widen pram las
ervire begluel1i12 Nor I044 A train etetelp.
312 U 4 unexcelled, lereleheigi epeettelee Seer
aaelles, Palege elereere, Free Celeoliie SleePere erd
Swede C4r$ lAteet denten, :tweet; Ineto
threitga tette fro n *5. Vaal. seei onatanevront tie Greet
Relefiea4 Bun% Montana,
rex Mew sot oRtrAl intermetten teuire et yonv
Tiefeet Aeireit, cr le 3 Ithetnee", Gaul Palm and
ra Act , PAW, Undo:tune e Pnl•
rr. r Irowe T ..n Remelt, 3
TeaL4S. t"ee14'
I treat: we,Ur 1;,r
er. Wee are
Perfectly tee.
tee Ilatda zelne
It Had Become an Old Story.
Many and many & time the little boy had They Are Legie.n.
made an honest little dime of pocket money Sarsaparillas and other advertised blood
by getting himaelf in the way when George medicines are numerous, but the only one
tame to condi .bie sister. He had got it punned of =cheapener curativeproportfea
down to a acience. Bub one night he was as to warrant its manufacturers leaching it,
put to bed after having beezt taken in to as they aro doing, through druggists, under
take a look at hie slater in a briial veil and a positive guarantee, is Dr. Pieree'a Golden
orange blossoms. Ito had caught] eight of Medical Dlimovery, If it don't benefit or
the minister and a lob of prettily -droned mire you get the money beck vvhich you pay
people gathered, and he fees told that his for it. It is recommended. to oure all chronic
sister was to be married. They went away liver, blood and lung diseases, as biliousness,
on their wedding trip and then came back to akin and scalp dismount, scrofulous sores and
live with the old folks while a new house swellings, salt -rheum, totter, erysipelas and
was being built for them. The email boy even acrofula of the lungs (or consumptions),
missed his dime while they were away, and if taken in time.
it was with great j 7 he hailed their return. A remark is always rned when ib gets a
They had hardly unpacked their traps before fellow into trouble.
they noticed him prowling around and ap-
pearing suddenly from behind curtains and
sofas at odd momenta. They did not under-
stand until her mother came and told them
that Freddy had approached her oonfiden-
tially and said :-
" Mamma,. George don't put his arms
around Emma and hug her as he used to do,
at all."
Servant Girls in Livery.
An odd .etesion just introduced from Eng-
land is being taken np by those who have a
maid, but keep no man -servant. Tho fashion
is to put this maid into livery, making a sort
of female butler of her. The livery consists
of a smooth cloth skirt of any color that the
nustress may prefer. This is corded around.
The bodice is a coat of the same cloth, cut
something in the shape of a gentleman's cut-
away, and it is not meant to be buttoned
in the front. This coat is close -fitting, and
is corded with red with big metal buttons.
The waistcoat is of blue and white stripes,
like the ordinary butler's waistcoat, has no
lapels and 'opens over a high white collar
and flat tie. Stiff white cuffs with link but-
tons are worn with this and neat laced shoes.
The maid is expected to wear her hair
smooth, olose braids, and altogether makes
a very nice appearance, making the same
agreeable impreasion at the opening of the
door as does a well-dressed butler.
Struck with Lichtning
Neatly describes the position of a hard or
oft corn when Putnam's Painless Corn Ex.
rector is applied. It does its work so
nickly and without pain that it seems
magical in action. Try it. Recollect the
me-Putman:1's Painless Corn Extractor.
old by all druggists and dealers every-
Mistress a/ d Maid.
In adjusting. the relations the fired thing
Io be done no for both mistresses and
entrants to resolve to respect one anotter's
igh le. This is the attitude which will have
to be taken up if the domestic wheels are to a
run smoothly. Let it be understood that 7
the two portion stand towares emelt other
in the poeition, not of guardian and ward, q
The next competitor for Atlantic honors
will come from France. It will be Le Tour.
km, of 11,000 horse power instead of
,000, the fioute of the other boats belong -
O -h -o -o ! 0 -ho o! o!!!
Don't sneeze, aneez 3, hawk, hawk, spit,
blow, and disgust everybody with your offen.
sive breath. If yen have acrid, watery
discharges from the nose and eyes, throat
diseate, causing choking sensatione, cough,
ringing noises in head, eplitting headache
and other symptoms of nasal catarrh, remem-
ber that the manufacturers of Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy cffer, in good faith, $500
reward for a ease of catarrh whion they Mi-
not euro. The Remedy is sold by druggists
at only 50 cents
Order is Nature's first law, and it has
never been repealed.
Good -wife Gtundle grieves and groans,
Day and night with sighs and intans,
Wears her life away.
Good -wife Gayeeart slags and emiles ;
Tinto, ihe gray cld iher, beguiles;
Neeps as fresh as May.
The two women are of the same age but
Good -wife Grundle looks fully fifteen years
the older. She is the victim of ills which
might be cured by the uso of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. Pain, "female weak-
ness" and low spirits are her constent corn-
panione. Good -wife Gayhearie thanks to
the "Prescription,". enjoys perfeot health
and seems to .grow more young, vivacious
and agreeable every day. There is nothing
equal to this remedy for all female disorder'.
Not every one *he has the gift of speech
understands the value of silence.
After spending Ton Winters Son
was Cured by Scott's Emulsion.
140 Centro St.. New Yarke
Juno Leth, /nee.
The Winter after the groat fire
:..**-41cago I contracted Bronchial
affections, and since then have
boon obliged to spend nearlyevery
Winter South. Last November NOS
advised to try Soott's emulsion of
Cod Liver Olt with flypoptiosphites
and to my surprisewas relieved at
once, and by continuing its use
three months was entirely cured,
gaIrsod flesh and strength and
was able to stand even the BUz-
u tette
a laic
rid In.
Restio Vat weal, Debt
YearOuentetin. Send
tat Ulosetreted Catalogue
ret Tonlmoiniale
.ns Tone& St.
ITralel .
Low Land
Thiee c* e -
honed Wt
mine are C,10
true QM mau
ort) hUrte•fr..w.
bleation pep,
thOisliT.4.41t10 P
TORONTO, ON CA;i3.14..
vr•""gfru'rrim. OF MUSIC.
HON. C. W. ALLAN - • poestoenr.
1000 Total Attends:moo east 2 year
All brancluut Laugh. -Inane:metal and vocal sneak
Fieention, Lenguages. ',chelareitipe,ciertifiteuidiP10-
FreoTheory,Vielle, Concerts and Lectures.
Next Fall, erenn ma:dents, hesidee the us* ef fieveral
canteen church ereeele. can bare leseene. practice and
reeitals upon n GRAND CONCERT ORGAN, built
expressly for the Conervatory, in At.sociation
PALL 'TERM OPENS Sept. 4. Send for free
Calendar. At -kitties. EDWARD FISHER, Director, rrA Secend•nhand.
cor. Yange St. and Wilt= Avo., Toronto. Send ler Sat
.MOST22114, CIL11
Agents Wanted
We have sold over q"'3 000 worth el ther
Universalgookio Crooks
Allan Lino Royal Nail Steamdipa
Sallitjazte during winter frem Portland every Denuder
rear from Quebec every Saturday to verposenennue
zaroi and attend to business every and allfax everySstarday to Livertel, and in tame
at I. edanderry ta Lend malls and paeseugem far
fax and St. N,F., to Liverpoti
t durinz eummer months, The stesmers ef the Glu-
e w kr a nail Mixing winter to reed. from Halifax,
NoceNiaguastereeee,,Ney. cen the best montbs tint we have ever had In
Sold by all Druggists, GOe. and $1.00.
In Ontario, so qui tly thet you have never beard a
aalTe=oes antIsp, no knife; it d u • tr. ti
an the eate eon puce. April and May her
3.book free. Das NICARCIIAEL,
1 Same:and and Ireland ; &leo from Baltimore, via 3 II
Canada. One reason ot this increnee Is that we have
WILLIAMS & CO . two years we have been confined to tbe cities and
just begun to reach the farming communities. For
a y Inger towns, where we have met with aeservIng sue
21 Menet "cturers and dealer. inRo0n Mater
eland Building Papers, eta. OPEICS : d Adelaide UN IVERSAL CROOK
5. East, Toronto. Proprietors of Williams' Flat
Slated Roof. Telephone 511. surpasses all other stewing and boiling cooking
Dowell GarmentDrattiog Machine, is the mcst If You Want Employment
stensh, simmo, Complete, Artistic, Rapid and Der.
able Method ever invented. Write for circular with .--OR A--
iull particulars. Sole Agents, TORONTO CUTTIAG 10111-BUENEIG ACID PROOF KETTLE
scHoor, 4 Adelxide SeWeet, Toronto, Ont.
ennui, Beaton and Philadelphia omi during aunt.
mer between Glaegow and Montreel weekly ; Mae-
gaw end Boston weekly, and Glaegow and Philadel-
phia fortnightly.
For freight, passage or other inform:dean apply
A. Schumacher & Oo., Baltimore; S. Canard & Coe,
Halifax Shea & Co., St. John's, Nfld., Wrn. 7ffeemp-
tion & Co., Si. John, N. R; Alien & Co., Clang:tat
Love & Alden, New York; IL Boruller, Townie:re
1 Albans, Rae & Co., Quebeo; Wm. Brookie, Phibutel.
phla H. A. Alien Portlend Boston Montreal.
, —...
1 1 CUE
Consumption Surely Cured.
To the Editor :-
Please inform your readera tkat I have a
positive remedy for the above named disease.
BY its timely use thousands of hopeless
oases have been permanently cured. I shall
be glad to send two bottles of my remedy
free to any of your readers who have con-
sumption if they will fiend me their Ex- •
press and Pa 0. address. Resp'y, T. A.
Slocum, M. O., 164,. West Adelaide St.,
Whisky is good anti -fat medicine At any
ng to the Compagnie Generale Trensatlanti. rate, it Inas been known to make a man
1.18. leen- against 6. lamp,pozt.
Send for our circular, fully explaining its use and
J1TsI&n INSTRUMENTS. -Send for our conetruction. Remember this is a Standard Artl.
Large Illuetratea Catalogue of Band Instru. cle. not a novelly.
memo. Violins, Guitars, Flutes, ole., and all kind
of Trimming& Ment fm Trenche's and DeWitt's TARBOX BROS') 611 KING ST W
Playa. BUrLAND'S MUSIO STORE, 87 King St, . .)
West, 'Toronto, Ont. (Ced No. 433) TORONTO ONT.
TP.S.-We sell the " Triumph Self Wringing
EddliDERS can make money during vacation
by canvaseing for one or more of our fast selling Mops." Samples 85.1.
Books and Bibi e, especially History of Canada, by
W. H Withrow, D.D , latest and best edition ever
eublished, pewee low, terms lieeral, 'Trite fr
dinetrated circulars and terms. . WM. BRIGGS.
Publiaher, Torento.
Send for Price Lists and Dieceunee.
Restores Grey Hair, Stops
Falling Out of the Han,
Retnoves Dandruff; in Bald-
ness where Die roots are not
gone, Magni will produoe a
fine groetb. It is unfailing
Try it. All druggists everee
Sole Manufacturer,
Toecnitro, ONT., OANADA,
Send or Illustrated Catalogue and
advertisement with your order for
our NEW It DOER and we will
CREELMIN BROS., 1111'gs.
None genuine but the Royal. Prepared by
Ellis 86 Keighley, - Toronto.
when esay CURE I do not mean merelyee
stop them for a time, and then have them nee
turn again. 1 MEAN A RADICAL CURE.
I have made the disease of
A Efe long study. WARRAN T my remedy ts
CultE the worst oases. Because others haves
failed is no reason for not nowreceiving a cure
Send at once for a treatise and a Prose It OTTta
of ray INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Kenna&
and Post Office. It costs you nothing for it,
trial, and it will cure you. Address
R. G. ROOT, M.U., 164 West Adelaide St,
With 'Upright or Horizontal Boilers.
12, 16, 20, 25 Suitable for all work.
and 30 H.P. f Threshina338,?0",7k5hea
Traction Engines
ro, /6 and 20 Horse -power..
For the North-West.
Send for Circular.
&tuella Engine Worka Go.,