HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-20, Page 6VOLING FOLKS. WINITOGERB. M. Todd in Menitone has lama telliug eeede.rs ef "knorniog Bay e tabout the Rid Ulises of the NortheWest ddithiit the Peon xtuairynkinned, dankyoscatied papaea Who know evil:leg of that gospet �f love, in 'wheel 41111431ns the wbite ohildren of our seen ere fettered, kfc. We I 4120111d hke to tU you about a little whitechild who dwells in the letchmarde land, an. Whir Ilea for one of her namee the pretty lewd whetewneade thls warretive. • • " Winnogene r' la not tkat pretty name for gt, giV1 and 1 thiut its meanhtS le •Mtn more pretty than Ito souud. "A bright zay liglen"—thet1 the Weed Inetteieg of the Indiert word ; and the girl who is 49 named le a ray of brigetege eneshine in a Imiely enairketteme, 4he La a yterig child, and A goy tweet ane; but the bas imbibed the settlers' tante:diets egaieM the " Mahn "(a montemptuotts term applied to Indiana), and dote not wieb to be called hi' a hTiehion name. I am mwe when the in older and anulerstanda things thet are dark to be at n the will like that she was earned Wtonogeue Her parents wee among the firsts watt/ere wbo fixed their habitetion that far away locality. They wandeted and /rendered weee for bundrede of railea with a "Mum and small /store of hotesehold gear. Winnegences mother waa the only woman of the party. What a brave woman elle was 1 bees beard from aortae who were with her at her easergy and courage. She never mut:- mewed, wa.s Always cheerful and ready to help. Thee, leiter, when her hush:and heal deeded upon where he would loot te nteelf. how nobly the bore ell the erivetions and tada of the- reugb preirtedlie At that time the wbole eentery round there waft in unsettled etete. ludians and halebreeda were romning the lend Athirst for revenge en the ceequering race, eager for plunder. iguerent, debeted ; aU the word: pmeieneof thew savage nature routed by injustices and bane treratmont. Alas l when Was do not nreetice Chrlatianity in our dealinge with eeveeete bow can we expeot them to meet ▪ etitn my spirit more wlerant than their -ewn heathen creed el 4' an -esa for an eye"? The rcertyrd tam of taissicnuarlea, the patient eelf sacrifice of god men tbroughlogyears, Tamely suffice to blot Item Recl•man'e naiad the belief thee the- "Paleface ;* ble mortal foe; and we havottne ebutineaa to wonder that lb le 40 I for vc-the hatst western pioneer* neither gave nor took 44 erten" t l& be for the cbildren growing up in the lediener lend to own the peer conquer. ed wEichica't a more Chrenlike greed than thee whicb was prseticed by their conquer. Now yen will see marmot the realms why lidiunceene dislikes * Nicbiees nameand why 1 called Wianzopiutes Egothin & brave women. One eight see was routed by a, terrible nolie outeldea, which for ammo tain, ntee she never doubted Wee can lied by Inef an is come to murder them. The noise wee taus ed by wolvea—not Imo terrible then Bed, skins when met out of doors; but fortlenste, /* for the defeecoleta houtehold, not Able, bite the Indiana, to plan an attack upon masense1 men within a dwellitag. The woleee, like the Indian", have now become few and afraid to haws the Intrepid setdere, :meet women and ebildreu can sleep with - one -dread in those lonelw prairielenues. Although title lady, of where I speak, =Net' lost courege, yet' the strain upon her nerves taunt haste been very hurtful. She lost her bebiets am after another, and wag motes titan ence nigle tuato deatheserself. At bet it happened that out, dear little one lived, and in exceeding thankfulness for mull &precious ray of heavetet awn light end life, the mother added "Whanogene" to the ether manna bestowed upon the child, Children—Yon are all more or lest ac- customed, to the companionship of small peepie like yourselves. You have child. triends who 'play with you and are in elms with you. Yon meet children at there; in the atreet, by the antihero. Yon compete with others of your age at games and in soltool. You elute together over eonr letrean and toys; and you have huge enjoyment in The •eachange of confidences and aweetiee with some little body who is your spedel temin, Can you imagine how you should feel i'f you were like Winnogene--almott the ally child within a chola of many mike, -seldom aeeing another child, and never en. joying the daily companionehip of children? realty cannot escribe what a peer tense - tion it gave me to lee thst bright little Morning Ray—Winnogene—shedding its light and beauty upon the lives of the grave grown-up folka in her home. She was *Una as any girl in Scotland might be— in a white frock and pretty sash. She loon ed like any Scottish lassie might—rosy remelted, glacinyed, childlike, and happy; yet I felt how much more Winnogene was than any girl at home. Here we have more little girls than we often know what to do with; there one little girl ia a peed of ex needing price, a token of love a centre of attraction, a something to evoke tenderness, to engem: purity, to aoftett stern men doing stern work. When this Magazine was being tent forth to you, I remember hearing its title anxious. dinuased. The good men and women wbo wished to put a pleasing "monthly" in your ha,nds were very earnest in bestowing upon it an appropriate narae. Its fitnesd has never been brought so vividly before me as it was when I held the hand and looked wpm the sunny up -raised face of little Win. nogene, and heard her mother tell the mean. in of the word, Morning Rays I Children, you are all "Winnogenes" in a certain sense. Are you trying to live up to Buda a- beautiful ammo, trying to abed ,gladness, purity, warmth around you? Are you try ing to come and go like the sunbeams, lighting up the dark places of the earth, rejoicing sad lives around you, kindling new life in dead- ened souls, being In your spheres wbM innogene ia in her prairie -home, a bright ray of light? Every beam of light which comes to our earth is a golden arrow sent from the soul of the sun. Every little child is a ray of divine life sent from the heart of 'Grad. Oh, if every child were to perform its earthly mission as faithfully as the :sunbeams perform theirs, what a bright and happy world this would be 1 TEssin M. E. Sexey. Too Sweet. Waggs—"I wish you wouldn't make mob affectionate pies, Mrs. Skianplee." Landlady—"Affeetionate pies I Pray *bat kind's that ?" "Why, this berry ple's so thin that the onistreare actually stook on each other." Ab High Ridge, near Stamford, Conn., there is a wife who is the mother of fourteen children, all living, and none of them twin. All but two live at home, and these two, catching the scarlet fever, went home to be tanned. They gave it to the other &eons and the whole fourteen were sick at once, and wedicene had to be mixedlin pitchers and bread pans. ,ABISSMA LAID WAST -6. Whe enema* of the ltichtlit eheinte Ring The ordy warfare ha *Koh the efahdlate have recently been aucceseful is that again!: King John of Abyasinia.Theta is no dodo of the death of King ..lieineuid the 'defers. with great slaughter of hia tweet The,ne Retitle& letter to Queen Vietona thee Klatt 'Abdullah reeently sent . to Ceito weetaw, compenied by proofs ot ide vtottary-evegIh Abyssinians, inclnelieg the ,trezet letter th Queen had sent toKing John over a year ago, , The newts Pow comes that the Mahdists hoe turned wetter:. Abladinia into a desert, have kifled atom:nee watthe Peonies, and dragged other thousands tete ceptivitg. Aearshy bee gni:melded, Mlle goverament ae Idieg John gave bit !Sample, AO the proetrate conntzy is at the mercy ef thethefattlere. The region that haat beon laid waste is the most clamming pert of Abyssiela, for in the gradual dement from the Mite' table lend* to the warnt line yeller leaclieg toward Eltew town and /table tee flora beeemes anore • InaanUANT AND EEAur arm.; On the route to Khartoum is Galabet, lam- ents as the met dant market of the -eastern Sondeneee, in theirelevecateldng expedition agehist the bated Christine; of the Inglelands, bring their trains of beautiful Abymitsian girle and sell theta to dealerv, who make business of reapplying the harem" of Eller - town, Kassala, and Qnly tiro or three travellere have been able to deactitte the buyandptteonaaiectaola In the alswe booths of Galabat, which in all the more In - Waiting ad deploralaellecaute the viollent are Pleat tern from their tootueteitei to tive like caged lards behind the lattieee of harem" font the NUe to Mecca.. They are :se bigbly prized by elle lord* of . bbsharem ste the femoue Imamate; of Cireseala. DA Junker, in the beak of travel* be le now publishing, tell; ef the beenty any of these maidees and adorns his volume with well-exeanted engrevings of aome of thetn. Even wbile the Soudan was tledtn Bedp. tien control, the harem trtffie at Galabat thrtved, and wet eau emtlyimapine that fano() *hie LAST DIMS -niece u:Az the town, bag been in the heyday et lle pre*. peaty. Mr. Do Comp, who tristted °debate lento years ago, said tball the nuircheate sat smoking bored° the booths that coneeeled their eleven from the pphlie elew. When cuetemere appeared, a recet of cotton was thrown over the bend et etch aieli which conceded bet teen:nee until It was laer turn to be impacted, "Many of theat young girlie " he errete, 4'aro very beantifele Thelr eoloe Is olten not daeker then theta ''of A Setteith gym, their featusee are troll and delieete, their germs proportioned like- A oreek teethe, and their ants loge and lust, roma" A few yeara ago ene of theta fair petit:mere in jeddsth threw hermit' from* window to the pstrentant below, prefeedeg death to captivity.. Ns clonbt witen they gaze from their prisons urea's' TVs MOT SANDS of Arable ties thought of their own gteen mountains only eggrevatee they unhanpti it t. , The highlendere of Alsyminie mos breve end intelligent people, and. It is to be hoped that' theY will not long. he tbe belplees viothas of anarchy at home and. of the Pith lase followers of Idain, vrho turret:1nd their mountain". A far worse fate mi he be - I fell them then to become. the soh eats of King Menelek, tlaepowerful zuler o Shdie who clairm to bane succeeded King Job; though that ruler disposed of hie throne by will to one of bla zeleticuite - •Thetnewle is highly tignifieent that the Ittelens brae advanced from Masnowelt and misted. Xofers on the lovely pletemt pr earthen% Aleya. tittle. King John's belief that they meant to nate their flag over this &state led bim to make war upon the Itailan forme. If tke cable report is true, they have ita, proved the opportunity afforded by Abyw rinia's eree ant weakness to acquIre the fer tile regioo, which alone can maks Maesowah worth possessing. 1 Infletence Of a Geed Woman. And still we reaped and admire a gentle- man, and we take off our knee and 'worship' a gentlewoman. Still we like to kiss the hand of a poor and. humeene girl and listen to the love soft voice and refined thane:ea of an educated and delicate woman. Isn't the moonligbe briglater, the night air ea pxer, the world better worth living in when we leave the presence of a good woman than when the swinging door of a saloon closes behind us and a burst of fetid atmosphere follows as into the atreet ? No man ever yet reformed unless reader some emit in, fame°, and I don't believe any man ever felt !ugh influences -without a sense of hie own unworthinees and a momentary Tauten tion to out his low acquaintances and habits. / am not saying that he did it. • There's nothing :to weak in the world its a man's resolution to reform. But you oan always tell when a man has been spending an event's:ay with a °harming, refined, wo- man. You sometimes, you Imo*, meet a man coming down the street about Il o'clock. He is walking with a firm tread, his head ep in the air. He may be bumming some- thing ; is proud of himself; he has a dignity about him that you can see in the dark. kie has been there and can't belp showing it. A Powerful Austrian Vessel. In the Stabilimeuto Tenneco Triestine a ram cruiser in being finished whioh will be launched on the 18th of May. It is of.ex- traordinary offensive power, very fon strougly armed, and is especially well pro- tected below the water -line. It is expected to be almost unsinkable. On the lower deck the iron plates are fifty-seven milli- metres thick. It is covered by a belt of cellulose deaigned to protest the sides, when injured by shot, against an influx of water. It is armed with two }Krupp twenty-four centimetre guns, with a range of 10e miles, sixteen Krupp guns of fifteen centimetres, two Uthetius guns of seven centimetres, and eleve n quick -tiring gum. The Epeed is estimated at nineteen knota, and it is to be named Franz Josef I. Whom it Belonged to. Me: "Ohl what' a charmine talent." Elder Sister "Yes, it belongs to the Begonia family." Sinall Sister : "No, it don't. It belongs to the Brown family, who lent 11 to us tor this evening." The Proudest' Moraent of His Life. ' Magistrate : "Were you ever arrested before,' Uncle Rastas V 'Uncle Rastas : "Yes, soh, 1 war 'rested. but I" War dig.olia'gd ;an' 1 tell le', yo'r honah, dee I war nebbah so proud in my life as when I walk- ed down dee coureroem a free an' laonerable man." Magistrate: "Then you were not proven guilty, Uncle Restue ?" Uncle Restus : "No, salt: dere was a flaw in de indictment, soh." . FIE A T 1TR. krepazing For Old Age, The life of a Man may be properly divided hate three stsges—tee period of inereaae, the period of maturity, zed, the period of decay or decline. lathe tirseet thee the prooetess of fernetticei are more Active, than these of destruction; in tkte tecoud tbey are about equal ; the third the proeetsea et des- truction are naore *dive than t11040f t, for- mation.„It ie thiat latter we have to °wider in this presentpaper. The period of decline is marked by as stain hog charaeteriattea as those which belong to the Retied of increase. After the body his remeraed at nearly &fixed point ot develop - meet for a few year's, varying from nee to 'en, a diepoition is martifested towards de generation.- process of ,cleeay becomes morel. powerful than, that concerned in the regeneration of argues, and in consequence the body not only loses wefght from the atrophy of is poets, but the functions ARE LESS REBEECTLY l'Enronrann. Thus, the action of the heart becomes weak- er and lees frequent, the respiration dower, the digestion weaker, the muscles thinner, tne skin ebrunken the jobate Miff, the teeth fall out, the 'hair becomes grey, the arteries keeoute waffled and the °Mtn) form loses int elasticity and becomes leas erect than in adult age. The whole tendency of the belly as to coneolidation. The organs of apecial Eense also become affected. The eye loxes its brightness and the sight grows dim and pre:nays:pie; the taste is less acute and tlee sense of smell is elmeat, if net altogether, least at a weaver, Minty early period. With the.se eine:woe the mind deo partici- The =emery le the first faculty to 1341, and the °there follow in rapid sion. If them alteretione ere grsdue awl une form tbrougbout the system. death from oja age Is tile result; hut I rarely happens that derangement of awre one important /motion does ease Fan this result before the general breaking up of Vett "Mee nelnetren (SCRUB% Daring the drat ten or Intact:years the de. my of the organism is to slowly effeoted that vent little tueontrenienee results, and co eeetettally we meet with individuals who are able to withstand the tendency to degenera- tion to a very advatteed period �f tent/moo; but it Is, nevertheless, progreassing, bnzper llentible it may be, but turely, to the at rse, tion of that menterioutt Principle we calllnet Suelfis the bad amebae of some of the meditious whieb ettered the period, et decline. Tito abeam to which it le especially Mt thou which are related to the prineinel :argues of Ube Apoplexy, paralysis, erganie disemes of the heat and Image, of the large vesseleet the liverend kidney”, are freneently =countered. I blame alluded to the chance that ennui in the mica as a enemy -time of advanced egos but it fa not to be suppoted that there fe ,feilure of alt the mental fematies. Dated, (here is, during the first ten or fifteen year:, of tide period, an ineteme In the atrevgtla and powers of wedurano of the mind, aucl quite, often this proemoontieuee for Bayard taddition4 years. P18 jnn/glaannt, owing to the"experietwo which the iudividuel hew obtained Inthe Affairs of life, iteminee riper and more unerring; there is &greeter power of determining the value of facto and a leas disposition to leo governed- by the emotion". ROT AMR A. ,f124E. the intellect beoonatus Iete aborptive of port eoptIons end dem creative of Hem The power of mental ooneentration is enerkedly dirainleted. The memory faili, arpecielly in regard to tweet eoeurrenom. The imeemy Mica lotes the vita/deem and extensive name of youth and =Meaty, and the judgment becomes feeble and vacillating. The indivi- dusi begins to rely on others for advice as to hie affairs, and little by little be parts with his own will even in matters of the smallest: importendeie The traotionit no long- er away the whole being as they onoo did, and some of thorn are utterly extin, gulahed. Often, however, a maudlin or fretful condition is developed, which end* With its own expression of tears; or sniffles, Amer prompting to volitional impulsea or producing more than a momentary disturb anoe. To ell this, lidwiseeit tnere me soinetimes notable exceptions, bub not enough to ihz. validate the law that the period in question is one of decline infant as well as in name. Undoubtedly much wan be done by the ob- servance of ordinary hygienic rules to retard all these Changes and to poatpone the bleat - able death, but it is none the lesa certain that many percene live to an advanced old age and in the erjoymene of a fair measure of health who violate every eanitary law. They take little or no exerciee, they indulge themselves in all the pleasures of the table they drink alcoholic le pont to excess, they diaregard the ob• ligaticans of 4:timothy, and yet they do not seem to suffer in health, nawital or physical. These, however, must be regarded as ex- oeptions to the general rule: moreover, ibis quite probable that but for their improper mode of living they would have been in still better condition, Find death would bave been further postponed. BEAMING IN TErn FACT ' stated in the preceding remarks, it is appar- ent that there is less demand made ulna the wane of life in old age than during either the period ofinorease or of maturity, and that these organs are less capable of performing their functions than in early, middle, or adult life. It follows, therefore, that theyemust Id less severely taxed; the stomach, for in- stance, should receive Iess food, for ita power of digestion has diminished. Severe physical exertion•should be avoided, for the muscled; especially the heart:, has kit in tone. The man for instance, who can at 30 run a hundred yards or more with scarce- ly any acceleration of his pulse or tapir - action, would run the risk of falling dead if he were to attempt this feat at 70. But nothing is so csonduoive for health in old age and the oultivation of a genial frame of,mind as nob Iothog interest in the affairs of life. To grow old gracefully is of itself the best antidote to the inroads of thne. The mind retains its bold upon matters which have interested it, and loses almost im- perceptibly the vigor natural to it. The various organs of the body feel this influence and continue to perform their various function e with a promptitude and efficiency which would be Impossible In one imbued with melancholy or full of the conseiousnees that life has lost its charms. It is folly for elderly persons, to seclude themeelves from the world and to °ease to mingle with the young. The inmates of homes for the aged may sometinne be lomelived, but their existence is more that of the vegetable than of the htiman being. Death, when it comes, is warmly regretted, eon rens Eta LOST ITS ATRAOTIONS. Few persons comparatively know how to enter gently and gracefully upon old age. As a rule, elderly persons are qtierulone axe:W- ing and extremely selfish. They are either tiresome or decidedly obnoxious to thoEe •,enTlk with whom they come in owiteet and they die tuaregretted. except in so far Si a decent regard, for the opinions of mainland require that regrets shouldbe shown. Nevertnelese there is not go ninon of thin unpleasant old age us there was a century ago, or for eVen enteh lege tinte back. It is difficult now to tell an old man or an old woman by their dream,. Ti40 jauntiest goats, the mot brilli- ant neckwear, the latest fathion 'in gloves are now ottesemen on men who have panted their three-m:4e and ten. The Meet costly Jewels adorn the necks and leaucis of women who bave hang :duce peeked their prtme. Ali ilea is as it should be. Tile 'terrors of old age disappear, hefore Aimee who tam theta btavely, - WILLIAM A. Ifeluellettn. In the Wrong Shop, A certain Irish Catholic clergyman a fine, tall, handsome -booking gentlemen: t:dis the following really good story concerning himself ten' When I first came to Seotland I dotal:tatted to make all the bad esthetics le my pariah good -living people, if possible, and that not by argument or exhortation but chiefly .the liberal me of the blaei thorn. I 40011became a terror to all evil- doers that came ander my jurisdiction. Rearing one day that Biddy B—, whose husibend mown never to be at home when I called, was beginning to neglect herreligious duties again, I made a Tiede to her twine with the intention of severely admonishing her. There was no one in when I called but a donelooking working man taking. mapper, 'Are you Biddy's huaband '2' I inquired. He simply &entered • Yes end went on with his meal. 'Were you at MOSLI Ott Sunday r I asked. 'No: lee replied, 'Aedwhy 'Weren't you, you blackguard?' edd It now getting ugly els the fellownooletatte BM no amwer 4141 get* for betteemed to Much Inteteated in his meal to give me one. Tele thoroughly rousee me, and I fell to and gave him a meet mercilege drubbing. The poor fellow never struck bacart but made 'several image at- tempts to get out of nay gaup. At bat he succeeded and ran 'wader Use bed. I adz d hold of a large broom le tlao center ef the roomand tried bard to poke him out again, for fwas thoroughly wild, In the melee of the emit:meets Biddy Made her appear. moon the eel:dem-Id, at ouce relsognizbag roe, She held up her haat: in horror* and ex- claimed—'rather, wins.* the meaning of this?' 'The raelaningleIsaik getting wilder. 'The ea:seeing, indeed? Why, I am punish, ing your husband for not turning out to tome cel Sundae", and if it were not that you're a woman 1d *lair aothic$ of evils eon the lame tOalt, father,. dem: eel Biddy, in great dietrem oi reica, "sure the peer fellow's not a Catholic at di, hen duet e, decent Scotch Protestant.' I hew met many Sootch Protestants aluoe thee (oote eluded the clergymen) "for whom I have had a very greet lazing 'and bight, esteeM's but I'm batted to my, In jultio0 to mend, thee none hare I Nrer encountered for whom have hid a prole:me:ler respect or greeter eiteent t•ban for UM poor, patient', for, bearing, magnanimous Snatch Chreatism" a or • An African ()tweets Sad Tale, ger° le a glimpse at WOMIkr4 10k in Africa from a chapter 174 & recent book on South Africa which flea:When 'some of the onetome of the &mem bribe: "A beeutifel young wife of the king had in aome Irmacent way displeased htin. The order WAS givers to smell her out, and the witeh doctors did their horrible work. Executioners were told ore Wad they were sent out to the young wife to tell her of her Otte:nom She dreamed hermit in her bete °revenants, and detennined to appear before the king to say toon-hyd She had been, the 'ratan playmate and favorite sweetheart as a child, and, she In:amen to aend s menage to lam eatable permission to my "good.byt to him. The king refused, the request. Calnaln pre. paring for death, the yoettg women disre. garded the denial and walked to where His Majesty was ssittinl drinking champagne. She said to him: legs I lle'dd °am° to "34. "Geoceby"-'tell me why you are killing me.' The King vouchsafed no answer and turned hie lam away. The poor women proceeded to bld adieu to the other wives and girls of the monarch. They stood in it row, and as the walked down ft front of them she said: I am the first, but there will be raore of you to mane after me. Without another word she quietly followed her executioners. They led her about three miles from the kraal, ammo the Tillan river, and there banged her on e, low thorn tree. The rein by which she was an:Tended being too long, her feet nearly -touched the ground, and Strangulation was completed by beating the rein with sticks, the person of royalty being sacred to the common touch." Delivering the Rail at Payal The arrival of the mail throwe Foal into a state of excitement. Half the population Ibsen comes to town, and a hot and steaming orevrd pick: Waif Into the one Post Office that the island possessen As the Poettnaster, plainly coneolons ot his importance on an occasion which happens only once a fort- night, advances With the lettere to the little. dear which separates the throng from the deem the atrauger is struck by the ridicu- lous disproportion between the size of the crowd and that of the packet, a oircum. Mance which is explained by the fact that every woman expecting tidings from bus. band or son is accompanied apparently by the reat of the family. The j Aber subsides into a buzz of Euppressed excitement as the Postmaster adjusts his spectacles with the most exasperating composure. He calla out the name on the topmost letter; a shrill voice on the confines of the crowd intimates its destination, when half a deem banes are stretched out to receive it and, it is passed over the heads of the crowd to the fortunate recipient. The buzz is renewed after each announcement; the Postmaster bag con- stantly to repeat his demand forsilence"in which he is of comae joined by` such of the crowd as have not yet received a letter. As the delivery proceeds the crowd gets nat- urally noisier, and the Postmaster becones hot and angry with the exertion of about- ing above the din. Although the number of letters is small—Christmastide brings quite as large a packet to many a country house at home— the work of. elide-Dana:At is long, from the circumstance that each recipient has on the average five or six names, which Portuguese etiquette seems to demand shall be duly set forth on such a formal mead= as the dispatch of a letter. When Mr. Bancroft, the well-known English comedian, was celebrating his sliver wedding, he thought to nay his wife a pretty campliment by saying, "My dear, you ought to have married a better man than I am." To which Mrs. Bancroft re- plied, "My dear, / did." An old Indian Ectuaw went into a dry - goods store in Bangor, Me., the other day and bought some dress patterns, together with needles, thread and thimble. She asked to be allowed to go into a Pack room to sew a little. About an hour afterwards she CMS from the room weering a dress made of the material else had just bought, and went out of tee store evidently well satiefied with her purchase, UfB DIMSMAKIlie-* A contemporary in writing of home dream. making; which, by the way, - wast firat thought of by us as a meanSof a:misting home sewers, says that paper patterns fait to give any idea ot how the pattern is to be appleed to --the material. -Eviclent.ly the =1011(210# VOW Utt10 Of tkle Demeetie paperpetterns ; they have on every metal dite eonntining s pattern, ownplete directions bit regard to applying the pattern to the matenal; the cutting and paining of each put: Relied Pattern cermet fib every figure:me though molded upon 14 as thenare drafted, Roth obtaht a good 'average figure; but cove : putative:3a new alterations will We to be made if 1 one din:totems are folioed. wide reams are left eerier the arms and on the "boulder!, *here the chief refitting, or wain %dawning, is done. If the Bent* es very fell, the front edges of a batque theeld be rolled out td gave the ricemary width over the buds and curve at the waistline. Of course, a krlmialeld drea0 WO dm not require even thent ,slight al- terations. FM. 00. 0d.• .roas cassinuere le illustrated ' re 60, though albatross, chaille, Lull& ilk, oto,, are all minable for home coat -ammo fethioned After inch an attertetive model. The fullekirtie five yards wide, and weber. ad, teoept in front, where eight nerrevr kilt pleats are laid toward the centre front. The lining skirt is of the usual thape, and fend for six istebee ou the enielde with the drew" fabric. The zoned waist bas a plain bide front. • Fro. 61, pleated on the sboulder seams, and alfiered at the waist line over a surah plastron, whish is shirred at the top and around the collar. A large silk cord is run around the edge of the weist, and ties in front. The sleeves are gathered at the top and shirred in enema) rews et the wrists. • Figure No. 61 is a ...harming todelte for garden -party, seanide, er dressy wear on aummer days. The lining skirt of satin eure,h is finished with a tiny pleating of the same, and has &gathered skirt of lace slightly draped in front, and held down near the edge by a rosette of ribbon. El& side is then trimined with three lengthwise ban& of ribbon, ending in a loop and one end near the edge of the skirt. Fro. 63. The round waist id full on the shoulders in front and crossed at the wane, while the back is getheree at the centre, top and bottom. A bodice from the side seame 18 composed of rows of the ribbon fitted over canvas, wbiols is well betted; and -curving to the waist line in the shape represented, with ;i4 cluster of loops and ends where It finfehea. The full sleevea are fiaished with waste lets of the l'eo. 12 ribbon. A white woolen 'dress, India ailin orh'rench oballle Meld be arrarsgeclein this tyle on lets exnente and with excellent effect, Iltitished,tet Empire sash of sursh eoeld ea, sehatitutect foz the ribboe bodice. • ••• Figure, No, 62T9pTeSellta a jack9i1 blouse of plem aed figured fianuel for morning wear. Aolosse•fitting lining isWOrn beneeth, And the jeoket has a half -fitting hack, with fronts having ono dart in each,. The shire eleeens hare deep, cuffs of whlte, dined metehtng the high end broad rolling collar*. witle featherostitelted wipe. The idelltreet le deo of the white allgitetWo and droops like a ealler Nome, the lower edge being amied'eo the edge of the ltning. rtheon tied whore the collet Meets atide to the jaunty epee:amen The bodice orblonee shown, in Figure No. 6318 of blue etude though cot -toe, sillitt end woolen materlde are ail made up In tine usend form. Natal/ all bate* dime ifialeg of eilesiaeFtenela cat:alb:tin or sateea. The back in 181418 boo..a run or tanther-atitcked tucks Hie the fronts, and the lower pare le worn ouraide of the skirt. A bele of the geode is run through a pearl buckle. The high miler la dashed with a row ot featherntitehing, and the fait elemee have cofft decorated to earrespeed. The, outside of the, eleevee le tacked lust above the eleotego Leming a puff dime and below, Tito blouses aro illy aulted to slights figure". Stout poraona are wealng gbngbiun and other gotten waiitsmndewltb dartsan4 forms, iutd s tilhtith daoint, beefront; with, cafes, colter, -revers and, a aboudet V of embroidery. The roue full *kkb usuaUy hew a ;lightly draped front, and. the alemee aro full at the top may. ' Figure No. 6d illmtrates a ohermingiy simple gown of while albatross and mare ribbon, which could be fol- lowed for it young girl'a graduat- ing tiolette. The dream reentemod in "White Dresser' are also imitable for this purpose, with shoes and hosiery of wheteor black. Gloves *re of 'white Suede if any ere n orn, betake smerelsohook gloves leave been voted down, Augl the etwertest /4mph:city followed. This yound waist is full on the thotaders, front, and back, is ageba gethered at the waist lisae in the back, andIapped in front, leaving e. 1' emoted with -three Vendyked atripae of the ribbon. • The full ileteresbeve aeveral rowe of shirring et the top, mad deep naffs trimmed wIth ribbon to correspond with the collar. ZIG, 66. The back and front of the skirt are ahirred the top or & space of five inohea deep, and trimmed with three rows ot ribbon, while the sides are likewise shirred, but are lef ' untrimmed. A girdle of the material is pointed, heels aad front, and ties in long loopa. and ends on the right side. An p En re sash of wide moire ribbon could be wo. v ,if preferred to the girdle. Figure No; 65 littatratee a etyle of skirt that will look veal lin soft woolen or silk goods. The lini ct1 dented as usual, and covered with the saterial on the left aide. The back is full ,a nd gathered in five rows half en" inch apa t with the right side and front draped in a _ew pleats at the top, to give an easy, gem seful fullness. On. the left aide a full width is gathered in h belt and slashed at the bottom in long, narrow tonguea, that are faced with crino- line, and braided or embroidered, according to the material selected. Either a reunci Empire waist, batque, or blouse may be worn wtth such a skirt • In Figure „No. 60 a ' neat design for a stout figure is elven that is suitable for plem and striped or laided cotton or woolen • materials; giligiutni being ing represented. A thin lining of French cambric is mad in the pointed baaque, which has sleeves full at the top, a V, back and front, and collar of the plaid eut diagonally. Tim basque fastens invisibly,- and at the edge laps over to the left, fastening with e single Is .ge button. The left side of the pkirt is of the plain 'Ostia and the fullback is fastened tip OVer the kasque-point. The revere apron is joined to the full back on the right side, adnrclaPetteinn affifellwa sutPrawiagrbde 1?inieltienogntlatwhaiste balI pleats on the left. This style of apron ret vquiviered. sone width of efeineh goods, and two, of 27, being of the Grecian rdesign now re - The bock beer advertie ingsigna are indica. tiya that a naanmay get as full as a goat on. the beverage..