HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-20, Page 5EVEREST'S COUCH 'SYU; Ca4NNQT BE EXCUL ''D, Try It &tatbe toeviaesd st it! weeeerttti emu*properties. 1'rlssa xw`;utk. Rif The Most $nccesstal Remedy ever dtsso*T. dose nolibl�lsier �BeadiprOOZheeiow' KENDALL'S SPAVIN .CURL O><stcr, oT Cri*X XI 1 fRali as EaZSDB$ Q)r CLEVEL ID RAY ytD Tao1111le6 fltsa HOWL . XxxDa.1i.a' gIMDAI •Gb wooD, Tri„ l oT,7o,1tE8. Dear Sire: I have always rumbasetTonr Senz dan'a tt Tia, Cara by the half damn '. • fes. I > OU$1k price, LR largerquautlty. I Wet it's: ono et ties, beat 11n1men% oa earth. 1 b4T0 ied it en my atabden for three years. Fours truly, Cans, .k. ,Brum,. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL str Da. I. ilLmnne Co. vo, 2F. Y., I1'oyeOmber 4, liOS. Dear Shea desire to giveot1 teatlmon1&! of 1fiT good o $donof your Bendal'aSpittle Caro. 1 have 11844 it 'tor Lameness. SOW Jousts and L avins,and1 have fpuu�Iitt,sure cwre,.Icord a AgreconsmendIt to, iUberceuiett. Tomo truly,Manager Troy Luau dry Stables. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE{ ,...e. Wnrrolt Coruurx', osuo. Deea.1l.1t 3. Ds:. R.,X, KENDALL CO. (tents; I feet ltrup duty to sa�rwhat, hall** done th your 3Cendada'R bpgrla Gare, 1 have cured wenty.flvo borate that had 1HPaXjrts, tell or enc Fears ntile aluisted Kith .Lat fiend end area ¢r llttr.�aw ssancs1have banPAPP; year solei and foltowed the dlrer„tiens, I bore WOW t a Cana oY WAY UN. relirittou, A.,•tNrizwTti'axitas, Rc,niu hector, KENDALL'S SPAYIN CURL Pries $1 Peshoals.orsix ItottlWlfeeSs.all Drag. g1�tibiSSOIt omen get It for you, or it will tae tent tto n tr.o Atli a gleVo.; arise 13Y the m anostensh isttss, Vt. SOL 3wX• ALTA, J iU i743015TSe CARTEKS a .. it PILLS. 41, (TRADR .) Try 'beasts Liver Replator far DZtetsea of the Liver Kidneys, So.. and Purify. Ing of Rae H1oal. Sides e31. 8tx Iwttles tor $5„ qs /or Sala by Au. DRUGGISTn3, lianutacLured only by g o /f,- ATICREaST. Curator, ?WPM Orr, PENNYROYAL WAFERS, ryes rl ioii qt sti physictfn who has h tai s #tto low experience in treating kaiaks diseases. Loused monthly with perfect success by over 10.000 ladies. Plea ant, Cato. effectual, Ladies askour drug- ide for Pennyroyal Waters and nosubstitute. orInclose post, for ousted particulars, Soad,by 11xdriegtats S�perbox. 4 ,� re MOIL G A ER 04,14 Q , DrttoOr oltl lu Exeterby Dr, Lutz, and drnga ilitsa 1,whore. Jan, I'S, This Year's 111 RHT.. !dth!m out Plug $moking T. See READ There is... Machine Oil called I1 'T IS AtiANTLIFACTURED SOLELY BY COLL RROS9 , :,:ONTO, •OiflY1 See that I:rrels are branded. With the Tirade Mark, LARDINE mot, do not take it,, as it is only spurious oil they are Wolin you so as to inake more money out ofyou-. FOR SALE BY fit Fosses(( Bs., os., du .4,1r1 • MEDICAL. TIi$ CELEBRATED DL LE CARBON,, or PARIS, rataNCE, WAS ESTABLISRED :41d AGENCY IN TORONTO FOR TILE SALE or MS &tl:l)IOINNS,`WIIiCII A .d. POS- IrzvB. cunt, FOR ALL =OM AND ERIN -ATE DISEASES OF LONGSTA:oIDINf# ALSOYOUTENTILINDISCRETION,BABLE DNOA7T`, ETC., SHOULD WRITE FON IN. FQpt estop, '.+ ORRESPOZWEI CE CON - -DIttZ$S AM. LS.TSEtrS TO Tux E. E. CEASE AGENCY, t tt tl+.RON $LACE; - - - - . TORONTO. ALESME WANTED o canvas for the sale of Nursery Steep ON SALARY AND I%'.LPENSNSorCrOMMISSIQ l Steady €ioyy�,�;oy^tt1eut, 4,pj1y at care, aW.- iing age.. Refer to Vas paper. J. B. HEII.I$ & CO.. Rochester, N. T. Done G, --$t, HOSPITAL R MEDIES. What etre they/ The growth of rifted.,, gene is medical matter has given ri=e to a detnartd for class of senniue, reliable medicine. The eppertunity of tits ienorant quack, who gre.w rich curing ever tiling out of st lengto the has passed. T supply 1atisfaetorily this demaud this list of reme- dies has been created They are the faros. Ito preseriptionsof the most falriousunedieal racltrunera of the day. getthered Aura :Le rapital,F otUUOtado:, Feria, Berlin and Free. Prescriptions whits,, coat the paticnta hese specialists from 45 to $1tio are here eyed prepared and rely for nae at the otnioal. pricy of OMfla telfCO. NIL 0110 Of itl a, cure ril; each one has only the :asoaablo power of curing u (single disease. anti each one *sopa is contract, Starters ctrl Catarrh. Iliassesed I.urlgls. Bronchitis, bthmo. Cotlauemtitxt, iilietametisse, Dys- pcpeiat. Liver and Olney Complaints, Power stud Agee. Neuralgia, Female Wealktleas. Daucorthereor NervaxlsDebiliLy,aliouldsend titemp for descriptive Cataiggt2e as Haepitld Remedy Co., Rai Wes Rieg St., Toronto, Canada. It your dreigei stdoes net keep these 'tamed* ramitprioe and wit Nall sexad direst, THE PROVIDENT e and Lye' Stook _ TIooiation, INCORPORATED, AUG, 1.887. i eats °Mee roc alt» Arcade. TORONTO, ONTARIO. In the Life Department this Ass. ration provides indemnity ler Stele- ss and Accident, and substautiial as - stance fives eceas staallco to the I+elat of � eti members at terms .available to ails In the Live Stock Depertwent, a<w�or- irate indemnity for loss of lives stock anemisers. Send for particulars, uas Staid etc. WJLLIAM JONES, "88, bfaxiAoISO Dlaa. URE hick stateseasls see rouges Jai trek treeah.I asi- dent to at bilious state ,tot the open a ninth sal Disdaoass :lietuxwa. Bno,tsancw flsaross atter Whir. vain in the Bide, to. While thetrmott ramarr*blo sileCE15 loan been shown is sizing sic yet (!Mrraa"a Ta'in'ts Ulan Pura y valuable In Constipation, curing' sting this aanoyIRceonsDlatM. while t all disorders at the. slonlsaeh. Tor sad replete tau bowels; onlycarme HEAD Aceto they would be almost priceless so time* who suttorSrnln this da#trelaeln complaint; bat 'fortunateIy their ,goods:tem does not eta 1wrs, d those. irho ace'tex' tprnt wlU sled these I, ems yrtuMbjoinsosnanyways that they ? et 4e 7gI out them Rut after all stelchtsd, • ACH. kith lip of so many linea that here ii w. tern we our groat Our pals eq sit while others do not. Csimpt,! Lrrrtx Lind Pn.ui ore vorysma l and review to take One'. ocrr�gtccwo ills snake eotggripsoft.purgee,b ilebytvbesr,genttlo action pp1low all who use them. In vista at 25 ovots' valor $1, 'bold everywhere, or aeatbyscaA ;CUM XSAlcItill 00., Now Tak. IN BRONZE ON ►u aoka Furniture acrd 'ndertakin TO Rowe& Andrews.' FOE 1.ROdai As PARLOR SUITS,. SIDEBOARDS ABLE YOUNG EXTENSION AND EASY CHAIRS. The Largest' W areroors In town, Undestraltiti ontsldcs of the *Undertaalc,- ers Ring, in all its Br azicltea. Oyu day and *Ir ST!t Nit' -One- door north of Molson Bank. Bibbed, he event of tits season was t mage of Miss Marvoldest daughte r..Ilmsea,lxtrk, to Mr: Jocob Wirtz• sal of Niagara, N. T., en Tuesday 4th. The friends, tiequthttaneus ghbora without exception were to join in the merry making. tit 5 o'clock p. a n., the gusts began iso rills, preclseiy at six o'clock ev. Peter Seem pronounced them, naso wife._, The w4ute of the inner re then attended'to arid' aaaniile cc was donee to the delieileacitis, .so ntifully spread on the tables, show. Park family ere equ;ll to the Ireparini Mean event of this n the middle of the turmoil my: was to be seen with his flce lit up with, stades, and a word of welcome for all passing round the fa uouts,drown jug .The MUSIC W118 furnished by the rgan stnci Math, rho .dentin;., was pt up without ceasing. uitil6o'clock next mornings the guests departed cling setistled that, Mr. and Mrs. Park t i 1 that � 's Y1C s sryfor the inti iia its all tt w a ce s enjoyment and comfort of those present. The newly married c;oupre atarted for heir home ,n Thursday morning an d carry with them the best wishes of the tommunity. Charge of common assult upon James Reid, and was relieved under suspend- ed sentence, This is O. ease whielt arose in McKillop, and Ctanle up from, December sessions. The following is the arena Jibs. f'l gsilNTMBNT, The swore for ottr lady the Queen, 11 leave to present t110 they have examined the jail and find there are at $'resents ten prisonera in jail, viz -three fee: ales axed sevtA males. Qt the 11111161 three are insane, their cases have all been reported upon :and they are *Waiting their removal to the As- ylt'ul. Two of the fol tales are also urea and have been reported, the remaining fe- male la. a vagrant fifty-seven, years of age, and one of the males is :a vagrant eighty- seven years, both of these arra (nutter oenteneo: of six months cacis. pee male is under ren- tence for lareeny, one is a debtor and. Anoth- er is committed for assault, and is awaiting trial. We found the Sall to Avery clean condition wand the jailor, Mr. Dickson, and his tscf>t- antsvery eorteons and obliting and very kind to the prisoners. And we wtrnid recommend the building of ,user house providinge.ach gmoiviputty wo,aldray its due share towards theto3 ing of the Name, and for the support of the poor they send. All of which is respectfully submitted. E, .1i.AEuaa, IN r&r".ta'1� ireyoudiisturrbbeedaterf Qndb7oi oofyou$ seat by a sick chile, stuyerblg and crying whit Pain of cutting teeth ? if a9. send At ones and get a bottle of Mai. UW'5 Soortiex.STfLL FOR tial, LDRatt Tlt;rJI!1i t. Its value fa inca".cul, able. tt,WIRrollers I, epoortlttleatutfereriaict. dtatai . Ilepenil upon11. IRGllbers, °M isna r>71stp ke about JI. J. cnrea dysent1eery zle;d tila;sr tila;sa, ;eltulatea the stomach. and bowels. cures wind colic, softens (ILO gums, redueel tat= tusk. tion, tend gives 'tone anti energy'to the wholes system. isst#. l'fnisLO W's So0rttnto bxntr sax Guts r,1as TAMING fa plesaar1 to theta ate,e nd fa than prescription or QUO of thooldes.t ttntaboat female Aures* and playsloleno in the Iln0od Etatee, and tofor sale by ;all drat to t rein i'ut,tlats world. I.'rica gs°outsa tt1c. Messrs. Julius T)oulle, meri:lltlllt, rilnil Afnag Doupe, of i? irkton, has ru'tw'n- ed from a two weeks trip to S:an'lt Sto Marie. They had a good time ootwith- tanding the very wet weather. They epos( lar. ;t1eCuliougb, formerly of Si. s, has a good practice and tieing The towns on both sines of Ma are rather (iuito at present. The anuixersary of the I irkton PAIS byteriau Sunday Seireol was hal c,e, Sunday Janne 16811. The Itcv M. Fleth.- er conducted the eerviees in the niern- islg at 11. o'cloe , :and the ilev. 'Mr. Kenner in the evening at sev. n. On. i4ionciay i?th commencing at 1.80 11' ie. there' was in couneetian therewith, a grand picnic in Mr. Wiseman'a grave at which the rollowillg gentlemen worn pr sent and delivered addresses: Rear Itfetsrs. Campbell, of Granton, Moir of oodhem, Turnbull, of St. Nast(;, Kenner, of Klrkton, and Scott, of Cron: tarty. 14iueie was ,furnisher, by, the eltnieh choir. I rtetually believe that Everest Cough Syrup saved my lifessali aKirkpatriel . I.ferehent, Forest P. 0. For anyeabe of 'nervousness sleepleas1 nese, weak Stomach, indigestion, d,rs- ppta ppsi;,, try Carters Little Nerve Pipe, Relieve ie sure. The only aiorve medi- cine for the price in market. Small alt Ind Dasa Sma Price, THE LUGHT.RUNNING CITY HOT LONDON* ONTAX,O. p0! 1tc' iARTLN,: Ptopritto?s. SEWING MACHINE KA$ N© , EQUAL : UnI ells illi Erie *,plass, ;Bowels, ��'I�,dneypol d Live>e° p,.m, off gnuluall7-iteoct 'Weakening .the aye teeni , all the at and foul llumora of the te8retioes; at the same time Cor - rooting 'Acidity of the Stomuob,. curing BiliousdesDy e, spepslo., Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skid. Dropsy, Dimness or vision, 11.1.1110mice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, .Fluttering of the Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility tall these and znauny Other *halm' Comr,shits els to the ha pyiniluextoo of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ' For Sala by alt Deafer. Ta1!LUURIi&CO.,Proprietors, Toronto, LADIES ONLY. FRENCH REGULATION PILLS. Far superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide. Endorsed div the thousands of ladies who use thein MONTHLY. Never fail, relie- ve pain, INSURE REGULARITY, Pleasant and Effectual. Price $2. Toronto Medicine Co„ Toronto, Ont, Nov -29-8 rho Great English Prescription. L successful Medicine used over -• SO years in thousands of cases a� Cares Sperntatorrheo Nervous *`4. Weakness. 1mfations, .bgpolency . \, and all diseases cnusod by abuse, (nsFnazl indiscretion, or aver -exertion. Wotan] z , ages Guaranteed to Curewhena others Faid. Ask your Druggist for 'rhe GreatEnaUak ..� SI. Si brise,tate 11 stefor te. On�packast. COMMERCIAL) Lwl) Sf, Siz85, bymart. write forPamphlet addressU Eureka R;hemIesi Co., Detrol ,,rich. 1> rlllexs 'a lslles to inferlr triflers and General Public ft •1h¢ ia"SizeIfurnish all and Kind of Sizes ig�>ng Promptly Don and at Reasonable Rates. Rttitkaill tott1liop on An Street bedded Christies Livery SItbta A. Cj4;T [•. SOLICITED. 'JOHN MOORS The Grand Union Hotel csx1-rxorr. — caxr'rexo Enlarged and Unproved. 80 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies of the season. ti convenient sample rooms. Rouse •heated with hot air. Electric bells throughout, . 51 PER DAY. R, J. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. CHRISTIEIS Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists f Ci RIGS And NORSE$. everywhere. Jan. -1-8 -THE • LADIES' FAVORITE. h!THE ONLY SEWING MA- MNE C THAT GIVES ._ J NECTOIESaNG IEEE EiRANGE,MASS:' CIiUOABO - 28 UNION BOUARE Nig'• GALLAS. ATLANTA GA: TIX. aeLOUl? to. R.'satl�r k 9ANFRANCtCCt CAL .rm George Vickers, 0.1•10.11=1111•01.•1••••e Kirkton. ANY MAN Who is Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, who in his Folly and Ignorance has Trifled away his Vigor of Body; Mind and Manhood, causing exhaust- ing drains upon the Fountains of Life. Head- ache, Backache, Dreadful Dreams, Weakness of Memory, Bashfulness in Society, Pimples on the Face and all the effects ,leadrna to Early Decay, Consumption or insanity, will find in our specific No.28 a postive Cure. It imparts Youthfu IVigor restores the Vital Power in old and. young, strengthens and invigorates the Brain and Nerve, _builds up the Muscular syst- tm and arouses into action the whole physic uonex y of the human frame. Wall our specific No. 28 the most obstinate caro can be cured in three months, and recent ones in less than thirty days. Each . package con- tains two weeks treatment. Price $2. Cures Guaranteed. • Our speoific'No. 24 is an infall- ible Cure for all Private Diseases - no :natter of how long standing. Sold under our written Guarantee to effect a Cure. Price Si. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. . Nov -22.8 irs ass i ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK- ! SHAW HOUSE OR .AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. ' Tor -mare z Vaeamoxsa'ble Telephone Connection. EN OUR GILDED PILL No.1 GORES N ERVOUS DEBILITY Lost ash gemidai Weakness. Sperm. atorrhma. Tarlcoeele anti.aU climates re. stilling from the Emote of tenth, Indisera tion., lexcesete, overwork or Expoenie. Price 51.00 per box, postage 8"ecnteextra; aux boxes lot 55.00, ostagge 15 menta extra. way pay eo tilled opeolellsta from 510 80 LIN, when you eau bemired for 555 EN No. 2 CURES re PALg�W.E,tIIN ESS General Debility, Nervone lieodaoha, so. Price1.00 perboa postage 8 cents extra; ashram for $5.0: postage 15 cents extra. 61s boxes mires the woratoesee. 5. tafa and a ways r''¢llabia y 8a (perp ih, n Ergot, Oxide, Tansy or Pennyroyal Pills Mee $100 ear large box, postago5 cents extra ; 8 boxer 55.00, pentagon cents extra. SUES PILL CO. KING ST.on WW TORONTO 12 Pounds OF WHITE For 2414s. Raw Sugar FOR ^:1. AT THE Entor ba. J. MATHESON, :if you want Bargains in Land Bolters, Gate, Hay Racks, or Rakes, --cull at the---- Egoter Turnitg factory. Handles of every description always on hand. Turning done to order on the shortest notice. Repairing neatly and cheaply done. Circular and band sawing done. A number of bee hives on hand. They are the best and handiest bee hive made. A quiantity of excellent machine oil • for sale. Dry wood taken in exchange. J. D. VASEY BISSETT BROS LIVERY. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES W 4TH COMMERCIAL 'MEN, Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS. Fd1'Es..°i/iii4 '6' WORM POWDERS Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is a safe, sure and e, ectu,el destroyer ofworms zls Children ar ldults. County Court. This court etas opened by His Honor Judge Toms, on Tuesday* of last week, at noon, the following gentlemen being sworn in as the Grand Jury: John G. Franklin,, Andrew J. -Miller, James McLaughlin, Ilowitk; Joseph Morrison, Peter 1leEwnn, , McKillop; Thotpas Biggins, George Brown, Ilul- Iet; .Francis Crich, George Sills, Sea - forth; F Baker, Elijah Jory, Stephen; George Hannah, 'Osborne; George Mc Mahon, Simon McCullough, Charles Newton, Goderieh; James McFarlane, Tuckersmith; John Chapman, Wing' ham; Thomas Harbottle, Cranbrook; D. A. Dunbar, East Wawanosh ;Dawson C. Carr, Clinton;John Gilmour, Stan- ley; Thomas Ferguson, Grey; Thomas Johnston, Zurich. Frederick Baker was chosen foreman. • CIVIL CALENDAR. The first case was Forrester vs. Knox, an action arising out of the fail- ure of R. M. Racey, to set aside a sale of personal property as fraudlent and void as against creditors. Jury was dispensed with by consent,and the case tried . by His Honor, who reserved judgement. Garrow; Q. C., and A. H. Manning for plff; E. Champion for deft. Dancey, vs. Coppin,an action for illeg ally seizing a horse, which at the in- stance of def. was traversed till Septem ber session. P. Holt for plff., Garrow, Q. C. and Thompson for deft. Two cases of Whiddon vs. Jackson and a case of Jackson vs. Jackson, to determine the rights of the parties to the insovent estate of one Whiddon at Ripley was taken up, and after hear- ing the evidence generally His Honor reserved judgement. Mr. Garrow for plff.; Mr. Coyne for deft. Waghorn vs. Beer. An action to re- cover the amount of a promissary note alleged to have been destroyed of de- fendent, The jury returned a verdict for Collins for 1 • Mr. Clarke ff. R. H. Co s plff; 1 R for deft. p Hutchinson vs. Nelson. An action on a note and account, was adjourned, CRIMINAL cAGES. Queen vs;. Hooper, tote charges of arson in the Bluevale cheese factory, was, after ineffectual attempts to got a jry, traversed to fall asSizes. M. C Cameron appeared for prisoner, who was admitted to bail in the $um of $1000. Both the prosecution and the defence challenged the jurymen most freely. Michael. Enright pleaded guilty to]a Huron Note% Mr. M. Fenn, of Das ll word,has taken to himself one of Streamers fairdaugh- ters, in the person of Miss Emma Frt. id, daughter of Mr. N. Freid, formerly. a Dashwood. We liope the happy couple may have pleasant sailing down the stream of time. 'SVe regret to have oecltsiotl to reeord the death of Mr. Gideon Yager, which took place at his residence near Dash- wood. on the 26th ult. He was in the 30th year of -his ,age, and leaves -widow and young family to mourn his un- timely end, On Monday evening last as Mr. Jos. Henderson, of the 4th eon., McKillop, accompanied by his wife :and sister-in- law, bliss Scott, were going to Seafortll with a horse and buggy they had a very unpleasant experience. On tie- cending Turnbull's hill the horse took fright at a pile of stones at the side of the road, and shying to one side went over the embankment, which at this point must be about twenty feet high. Miss Scott jumped out, and falling received several bruises about the face but was not seriously injured, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson went over in the rig.and reached the bottom where they were thrown out. Mr. Henderson received a bump on the head, but Mrs. Henderson escaped uninjured. Strange to say the buggy was not broken nor the horse hurt. They soon got things put to rights and returned home in- stead of going to town. Considering the dangerous place in which the acci- dent occurred, their escape from serious injury was most fortunate. A serious accident happened to Well- ington Johnston, son of Mr. George Johnston, of West McGillivray*. It appears he was lifting a can of milk from the stand on to the wagon when it slipped and his hand being caught in the handle it drew him down on the can with such force as to injure hint seriously. At the latest account the doctor had very little hopes of his re- covery. Palpitation of the heart,nervousness, tremblings, nervous headache, 'coke. hands and feet, pain in tho back, and other forms of weakness are relieved by Carter's Iron Pilly, made . specially for the blood; nerves and complexion. I had a bad cold on may long for two years; everything 1 tried failed me till T got Everest Cough; Syrup, and it cured me.—Mrs. D. A. Fraser, Parkhill P. 0.