HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-20, Page 4THE i tr. ,Abrtio.cate. wm,SANDERS. Editor. .ant industries, and, it could not reason- ably be expected that a similiar conn. bination of circumstances would, re: 1j even a larger total value for 1888. Nevertheless, says;,Mr. Day, the tnupxe cemented. stimulus; .given to the prtxIn et iota of copper by an satific a? price in- creased n creased the total value of that product dearly 413)000,004, or nearly enough to offset the decline ne> In the total Value of pig iron; The other important fee - tors in, the increase were coal and the other fiRels which followed the !perm- ed quantity of metals. With this m040,- 4 teal decline of cooper to the normal de, mond, a disclose fila° the total, value of the product in. ISM' will not 1>e Imola. sisient with the natural developement th?R.psad is nine 20th- 1889,. AtI'.14F„QR4L PROD UCTIGNS OF T. h;tve received. from the officio a the Geological Survey of the United States an :advance sheet of a statement showing the value and quantities of the mineral products of the country for the ,calendar year 1888, prepared by Mr. David T. Davy, Chief of the Division of Mining Statisties and Technology of the mineral res'ottrees of the' coum An examination of some of the figures try - may not prove uninterestinn,g. The gold product for the year reach- ed 1,60.1,927 fine ounces, valued at $041.75,000, an increase in value over her of rosins employed 2nd at different the melons year of $751/00. pe The l? y silver product was 45,783,632 fine periods. The latest returns at hand ouueea of die commercial value of are those fnuitiebed by the Census Bur - about 8:43,000,fk-�Q, and a. coinage value' eats, In 1870 the uunnber was 07; of 459,495,5€1£ , The capper product, In 1880 the last censue was tale including° the yield of imported oras,, en, it had reached 3,837,116; and it is increansecl to 231,271).62','. ImetnEds, or; not an exagarnked estimate, that whMn 115,,W5 short tous, during leets, which "the census of next year is made, the le 40,0eeeese pounds more then the, r number will be ttt least 4,500,000. The policy of protection to house Industries hie been largely Instrumental in bring ing about these result.. It bee develop- ed the mineral resorces of the country; it has annuany given employment to largely t ereeeeed number of persona; X the United States, s i l6`°= was it Inas directly toured the circulation of pro4uct of 1887. The lead product inereaee,. to 180,555 short tons front 85 3.64 sElti tons in 1857.Theproduction n xdut p of white lead, chiefly from pig lead, was 59,000 .short tons, valued at 810,- 6t 1,000. - The prodder of petroiittut in rn to , n , ,, 27,348,018 barrels (of 42 galltsns each), l immense sums of money; it has widen - valued at about 024,5e8,339,i3f this ` ed the extent of the home market; and amount Pennsylvania produced 16,491, it has en -bled matnufaetnrera to trot £58 barrels; Ohio, 1Fox0 SE8 bands; olY meetie honKdemand in p West V irgiula, 114,448 barrels; Cali. d'il;ectiona, 1244 it Ita4 t►na'hled thoxee to ferule, 704,612 barmier and other be -tome succraaiul competitors in f©re, States,20,000 0,0k0Q horrelr. It is estimated thet the amouut of coal diepla ted by xtattsrai ;gad throughout the country tuning 1894 was 14,X69,830 tons, vein- ed at 422,682428 Of this amount, it is stated, 1s,ir48,830, tons were displaced in Pennsylvania, 750,000 tarts in Ohio, and 660,000 tone in Indiana, The iron xtui steel industries have mach great progress in the l'niteci Staten of recent. years. The. principal' products of last year were: Pntnustit' iron are consumed, 12,060,000 long tons, the value of which at the minesn was 028,944,000. The quantity of imported: iron consumed was 557470 ° long tons. The total iron ore eon. limned during the year was about, 12,650,000 lona tons. The quantity of pigi n meads In 1888 was 6,489,708 long tons; value at furnace, #107,000,- 000. Steel of all kinds produced i 1888, 2,829,4.40 long tons, value works, $ •in,000,000. The total spot value of alll iron and steel nide in 18888, in the first stage of manufacture, J `axgnhax, excluding all duplications, $145,000,- M. A,'liodgert, of Exeter, spent last 000, a decrease of $26,103,000 ins com- pared with 1887. Limestone used 'as flux used in the manufacture of pig iron in 1889, about 54$8,000 long tons, value at. quarry, about $2,219,000. Coming to the coal industry, we find that the total output of the mines, including colliery consumption, was: Pennsylvania. anthracite 41,624,x1 long tons (increase over 1887, 4,045,863 long tons), or 46,619,264 short tons (increase 4,581,367 short tons); all other coals, 102,039,838 short tons (in- crease 14,152,478 tons), making the total output of all coals from mines in the United States, exclusive of slack coal thrown on the dumps, 148,- 659,404 48,659,404 short tons (increase, 18,683,845 tons), valued as follows: anthracite, 889,020,483 (increase, 84,468,302); bitu- minous, $122,497,341 (increase, $24,- 492, 24,492, 685); total value 8211,517,824 (increase, $28,960,987). The figures, it is pointed out, show a notable in- crease in 1888 over 1887 in the aggre- gate output and value of both anthra- c ;e and bituminous coal, although not as great an increase as occurred in 1887 over 1886 in the value of the anthracite, or in the total tonnage of the bituminous coaL The product of salt in 1888 was 8,055- 888 barrels of 280 pounds, veined at 84,377,204. The total value of the mineral pro- ducts of the year specified in the report was $256,245,403; of mineral substan- ces 8328,914,528•, estimated value of unspecified. products, 86,500,000; total product, 0591,659,931. Commenting on the general result of the year's mineral operations, Mr. Day points out that it is recognized that this, is the sum of the valuable means for comparing the total products of different years. The result is :an in- crease of nearly $50,000,000 beyond the value of the product in 1887. In that year nearly every mineral industry. showed an increase, and hence an in- crease was so large was due to rather exceptional conditians Ina few import - Perhaps one of the best means of ex- tenuating the progress of the mining and manufacturing industries of the 'flatted States is to find out the ntun- gn ementxdeew. It is a wise poo y, lirough the operation* of which thin arttIre country has been. benefited to+en ,Ment not easily ca3cnlat€d. • GERALD—DA nx June 'filth, at Queen's Ave. »,th°diet church by the Rev. J. G. Scott, Mr. Geo. T. Fitzgeredd, tnf Loudon tp., to Annie third daughter of Mr. jai. Dagg, end neleo of Dr. Botlinna, of Exeter. Both of this etty. osr Rn.-- In Exeter, of 15th inst., Archibald. Wm. IfeDonell, aged 36 yrs, 8 mos., and 23 days. week visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. Statute labor is all the go now. It makes the roads werso than before. Such work Should be left -Until fall. No service was held in the Presby torian church on Sunday, it being the anniversary of the Kirkton congregat- ion, The recent rains have killed a great deal of the grain in the low grounds, and a number are complaining of their potatoes rotting in the ground. Mr. John Cottle Is improvinghis resi, dence somewhat by having it veneered with brick. Be is also raising the roof of the kitchen. Mr. Cottle is an ener- getic man and keeps his farm in a good state of repair. Centralia. The weather is lovely just now. Mr. Geo. G. Essery is kept rather busy just now. Mr. John Hodgins is talking of giv- ing up the soap businees. Does'nt it pay John? Dennis is taking his holidays at pre- sent. He says holidays come accept- able after being confined in the store for months. Those who left here on 4th inst. for Manitoba report a safe arrival, and that everything is lively and booming in that country. Large crowds go to Exeter every evening to hear the evangelists,Messrs Crossley and Hunter. A number pro- fess to have been washed free from all sin. May they continue In the good and straight forward path through life. Mr. M. McPhee is driving the butcher wagon for Messrs. Handford a.nd:Walk- er. They are doing a rushing trade. One of our town sports while passing through the swamp thought he heard. sounds and shrieks like that of a wild cat. He at once Made for the town and on arriving there informed a num- ber of the other local sports of his dis- covery. ; They at once armed them- selves with clubs, axes and shot guns and at once repaired to the spot. On reaching there they discovered the cat, but to their bitter disgust, it was not a wild one, being nothing more than a half starved kitten. Wonder did they ever get left? r .. ..,.err ALLAN LITE RoYAL NIA110STEA.MSHIPL LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE Fnos LIY'ERPOOL. STEAMER.:.. _ Flom EC. Friday, April 16.. «,,.. Thursday, <c 25,,.,,. tG May 2„ .... Friday, ".10..... , Thursdey " 16...... Friday, " 24,.. Thursday, c 30.,.,... 64 June 6.... , Friday, a, 14, ..,,. Thursday, u 20. Friday, ° 28. Thursday, July 4. 11...., ; Friday, ° 19 _ , .. , ",tCA1iTEAGENIAle [Thursday, A;a 26. [ Friday, August 2. x#CIBCAS.SIAN 1 Thursday, " 8. ,' lrr.. i Friday, « 23. Thin ay, " 291 , Friday, Sellteaniter 6 �,12...r Thursday, .F�,��yy.RiSh1,.A1'�y.{.A.,f.. .Y t 1:9 ,; RATES OF PASSAGE C abiax, $11:14 7'4/.01.4 aaun{l tst), reeordaag nxediaate, a St€erste,$ 0. return Sts crl°age.141.4* nrcass3ao or other extra Steamers. 440. titreraae, alt(eteeyyrFay:geq,.$s/4��.�+� TT+'�,� ■ F. he ("sa. tT/T .:�r.ZNIAN will not Steamer carrying passengers from town can a'acit fromMO:treat. JOHN Il3NC.ASSIA,,I�I _. , . PARISIAN.,...... I.d.I POLY d,, .. • & 1 $CAT.11EAGEL SARDINIAN"... *L^IRC A.SSIA.N ... , PABIsi-4N,,..,,. POI NESUUN. .. tOARTEAGENIAN SARDINIAN. . , - sCIRO IAN .... PARISIAN....... roLYNF..SIAN SARIINIA.N..... ... , PARISIAN .: POLYNEsueg. .- 0 1t.THAGE '1 SARDINIAN- - -., ; *C'IRCASSI AN R POLYNESIAN'. R BY MAIL tt r.atzri. to !WWI:aasdation. .tia4tctg, "44441, Vol Cabin, -►x�o Ott lItterntteketaa„ !� g y. carne tsgensease from Q nsb£a? May 41414441y SPAOKAL the only authorized Friday M Y 10 May Thurs ay n 16 u ,t 2$ They, junne 6 iday, a 1.4 "1"hu ay, 20 4 2:7 Thursday, July 11 iday, ai 19 Thursday, August 25 Thursday, a « 16 Friday, 20 Thursday, K 20 S£ptennttler 6 ; cc ,a: 19 , F'ritlay, a 27 ttnb�. 0 ; 41 "` 4 STEAMERS. . Servants in Calitn, Inter. $180, VW. lotoatate4iate, VO, and- s-ar�ardis to a000mo4o.,tlou.cautersuecirato, ,4110,0 ad$1A0.. 1nt±cruaed14,•te, y t,� be tIti4t til,.•, There will, bo no Uhl )4%134 Oth, SOiateaiben 14tb. 4,N, agent for Exeter, Out. Leap.. "" AND BEFORE ` .i. , � i e,Harvest OR STOVES . E SSETT BROS." TURNIP and other Cash Eggs, . and BISSETT YOU BUY ar ' ANYTHING or Call and see large stock field paid for HidesS °that= produce. YOUR e,, .a , IN ARB, and get prices. s a specia ty". BROS. _ _ QUALITYm CEEAPITESS. to —o—I NOW rAD r ____ THE TRUE TEST OF G--o--- Etc., -- O `E INT 1 S,, CAKES MST OF rem S.. aI 13ALIKE Of Every Description ONE DOOR NORTH Main -street Made to Order. J. H. Northcutt 9 OF FANSON'S BLOCK. - - - Exeter. THE BEAUTIFUL --TYPF from which was AID MAR ill UT ''''"" printed this paper is supplied by the TORONTO TYPE MURRY Dealers in Type, Presse, and Printers' Supplies - J. T. JOHNSTO, 80 & 82 'Wellington fit. west TORONTO, ONT. TTETIIIN IN Eyes Front? (lull( March TO...,,,,. SOUTHCOTPS Clothing and Gents F :STOrta. E T - ONTARIO. 0 Solve of the finest ( that can be secured, are arriving every day. GENTS' leUltN1SHINGS IN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICES. A CALL SOLICITED, We SOU A COTTA Corner Main and John Street. ,i 1X R'i x , ONTARIO. MARKET SQUARE NERAL TORK Tlie undersigned would .inform tie I'ublie that he has just received his 'WINTEROO INCLUDING A FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS EATS AND CAPS, AND CROCK- ERY, BOOTS AND SUOES. Tlaosc wishing anything in my lin 0 " will $1t it to theiradFlnnta � to ll dr,ca ;and inspect -sty goods and prices. St Roller I'1om1" allvwoy ou. band. Highest Price paid for Rutter :and Eggs, and all kind of PPreduce, r)L(iTHIN'C A. J. P. ROSS LACOED I Tailor. Z�. TT N a Al .. t EXETER TA ^�f'�] , $as uow in stock UIa st it aver E. Spackman's 'Hardware:Store. as instock some of be I1est summer goods to be libi171i . on the market. ,Ypr A CALL SOLICITED, Ma Q. SItTALLI COMZEs London Huron & RruoeRaalhoug GorlG Nonru firms Tauri—Pass'nr. London, depart... - $ 05 A. x..4.25 P. Is. Lucas Crossing -8,47 5.20 Clandeboye..,,.,, .8.52 6.28 Centr fiat.... . , ..9.05 5.45 ..916. ,5.57 Honsall .... ......9.28... , ,6,09 Kippen .9.84 6.17. Brucefield , . 912 6.26 Clinton.......... 10.00 6.45 Londesboro' .....1019 ... 7.03 Blyth . , .. 10.28...... 7.12 7.27 Wingham ' ,11.00...... 7.45 GOINGn Somrx. Passenger. Wingham........7.05 A.M... 3.40 P.M. Belgrave , . 7.24 4.00 Blyth.... ... 7.88.... 4.15 Londesboro' . ... 7.47 4.25 Clinton—. .. 8.07.... 4.45 Brucofield ... . 8.26. 5.04 Kippen........,,, 8.34 5.12 Hensall.... ... 8.41... .. 5.19 EXETER ..... , . , 8.56 5.53 Centralia . .. 9.07 5.45 Clandeboye ...... 9.18 5.56 Liman Crossing.. 9.24 6.02 London, arrive. , .10.15 6.45 FOt SALE - Farmers, Gardeners and Florists, A fair sized brick cottage containing dining -room, sitting -room, 3 bedrooms, en trance hall, with two good cellars under neath, large kitchen 13x20' feet with wood- shed attached, two large greenhouses, small. g stable,sod well of water; . .with. acres land, all well fended and in fair condition. This property is within five minutes' walls of the Exeter post office. The land will be sold on easy terms. Apply_to A. ALLEti, Exeter, Ont. April 11, 6 in. rpo THE DEAF.—A porson cured of Deaf- ness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing, by a simple remedy, will send a description of it 1011 EF. , to an ,y person wb o ap- plies to NxcuoLsor, 30 St.'John St. Montreal 1i-22 'ss.—lv. - For Sale or to lent. The subscriber offers for Sale or to Rent, that desireable residence on, Enron street, consisting_ofafran,e house,' With 6 rooms therein a good well of water, about two acres of land, being lot 08. Possession,. im- mediately. Terms reasonable. Apply to EDWPAILD GILL, or at this omen Ant -3m 7flN AND IN TRE FOLLOWING LIN West of England Suitizngsand Trona erings, Scotch Tweed Sutings and Trouser- ine s.. French and English Worsted Clothe 11 made up In Mite Latest Style, at best Rates. kQ ckson's No. s., in the lstcoueensionofthe tow& AY HIbb4rt,coratainane 00 acres. Thus i ba sold cheap, and as easy terms The 6itu+teh ncday bwtweenFenfortl and Dublin, on the Ituron °ravel Road, Church and School within WOO yaarda of farm. Son the best In the county., A number of Exetervl11a��a properties for 1445 au the 1)nt st teraul,tuclu4,ing some of toe most desirable resldeuees in town. Some propertyln thevlllages of Centralia And, Easauhars woicb eau imp bought cboal'. Ta Tioatrdinq Ifousa 4tceit ewcr. 3a— t'~0nl4tenoin paof v5sitR:B xiadr 15 to 20 4ditienal t s- hands Aria tobr, oyed. AMuse tolet ataerncilt,seat tats- e ss 8 to u•i mut and%twade from the foundry. 7Forfortber eertteentte *meant, IIn9gSON, S. GIDLEY. THE LEADING Vriclertalter R f AND Furniture Dealer OF THE TO N I have an 111,1T17!ense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now OD. band, , which will sell at right pr'ie's. flNDhIRTAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY. JI' YOU WANT A Clem ad Easy Shave OR Neat Hair Cut, CALL AT THE Central Barber Shop, Fanson's Block, Exeter A. Hastings, PROPRIETOR cALx, ON S ENIOR RRTITIC PHOTOS. PCLJE FRMYIES of every style At Reasonable Rates CALL ON 1IOL