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Sperle's infonnatipe was oily too correob.
Wese was ill, wits [suffering from a virulent
type fornelpow, anel wee even in this short
time seriously altereel for the worse. Again
wee the eouge cleared ; again was the train-
ed nurse sent for ; mad it wag plem that
each person wide saw Rose took, an unfavour-
able view et bee dem
She were beginning to wander in her mind;
hut she never failed, to keow Rodburee
smiling, after a mad, tearful fashiontwheo he
cement* her Side, and kissing his hand,
whilethe drove to dyne broken words how
Boni' 4110- '?"013 te find leer:self giving BO much
trouble—rather an incoherent speeoh, it
men be ; but she winhed him to know ft
was upon his account, not her oven, she was
re etful.
ow, this was a terrible fix for Bodin:try,
to Teete hin own, reflection. Re was for the
eecond tine ready to start upon his journene
was actually on the eye of departure, and
again, as on the preview, OeCa31013, a eerious
hindrance cropped up. He—and the
nurse ,had said as mueli—" did not
lure the look" of Rose, and, , fact, had at
once made up his "abaci that she would die;
and SO although hed resolved to, leave
her—had persuaded. himself that he waa
eletirelW tired et leer area her lietociatione—
yet how opuld, lee desert the ghe, his own
wife, just as she Was deloge When ate
was gem!, there would be no one to de to
the poor ohlidren ; and, besides, there mune
witleanewful /emend. seddene
eefor upen hita
the memory of all the devotion ahe displey.
ed. clueing hie illned. While thinking thee,
10 4140 eliriftly ?Imbed Upon that
limn, been hie Mode that caused here; wroth.
er reason for shelving a little more madder -
Won for her.
4 twiege of eomething like remorse pain.
ed biart wiaen he thought of this, end of tile
traio eeldiele, nufeeling plotting- by which
he had repaid her, Perhap; from that
moment he wae nOtneliniti Of a tenderer feel-
ing for labs wite then he Ited iiitherte
believed to be portable. Come what
might, howesolved woula not leve leen-
don at at, onoe ; he would stay to de that
148 cdren were properly diaposed of; be
seeted see the end of RAO ad—yes, he
ought te do that—he wattle be Mud and con.
added° to her while be was with her. It is
Peeldble, we roped, thee Item that time
Rodhury was Ide entirely vreeperiel up ix
aolmetet, ad hie thought* held more of
tendereete for 148wlfe, thee they had ever
hold before. e.
So day Alter day he poetponed depart.
and day after day he was in the mok.
roomful' of contagion to all but them Nebo,
like hinteelf, were hardened by eLae,
ed through the ordeel. surprume,
after a week or eo had elaree, to fled how
attentive he lasidgrown ; how it ;teemod. zo
trouble Whine to hold the coolhag drink to
poor Reetda feverithlipe, moletenher burn,
log hrowa, or to shife her paluful position ;
and it was wonderful how the girl preferred
hie help to all other, aud how, when ve the
words alin brightened at, the *owed of his
voice ; yet more wonderful than this was
the happluess it gave him to be Able to man
der these earvices,
13tit it geve more pain then pleseure to
hhe; fn. her soiree', *edible nocentes
ebb/king hiro, and *eying how she drank'.
never, never be dee to, ropey her deer hus-
band for an his kludried—the hest and moab
devoted husband in the world. Ie was tin.
Venable for etwearie who lied nourlehed end
muttered surth deelgeis er, had so lately been
Redbutwee, 001 otherwise then guilty--
e base guiltiness—on hearing language
which:was more too:thing than the keenest
When she was quiet, too weak to opeek,
hut ethe too weak to smile as she held his
bend:While he sat by her die in the der/rowed
roorn he Would recall the time when she Was
a blight, healthy girl, and afterward!, a
happy mother, devoted to her children and
to leer husband ; all her faults ;rod foibles
wink to loeignificenoe then, and ho began to
doubt whether sanotig the fresh °donee. be
was to meek he would ever he happier. Ho
doubted, tom whether he should ever find
another so entirely earned in leer Tram
for him, one who, to use a, homely
phrase,. would go through fire and water
for him and following up this train of
thought, he doubted it ahe would live when
she found herself deserted by him. The
shock might kilt her; but beyond that
there wee a thence that so fiery- spirib as
hers, with all her love, would lead her to
put an end to her own life, if nothing atill
worse followed.
Searle had goes back to his district, being
unable to spare any more time so he was
not to he feared. To do Redbiary inatice,
no was hardly likely to hold Sparle or any
ono else in personal fear.
At leen after much deliberation, more
painful than he had 'expected to find the
task of decision to prove, he resolved to
wain a day or two longer, so as to see her
through the crisis, and then he would leave
her. He was angry with himself for show-
ing such hesitation, which, indeed, surpris-
ed as well as angered him. He did not
dream that it, was one of the best; symptoms
his carless selfish nature had ever shown; nor
did he properly estimate the pain which
the proepeot of parting with his wife and
children gave him.
The proposed time elapsed • his wife
seemed duly passing through the necessary
stages to •convalescence ; she certainly was
growing stronger. Her eyes, it was true,
were covered by a bandage; but this, Red -
bury knew, or thought he knew, was a very
common inoident in this terrible disease.
Thne the days went on, until once again, for
the third time, the eve of his departure had
come. "And I wonder," he muttered as
after a short gaunter in the fresh open air,
he came in sight of his house, "what will
happen to upset my plane tonight There
has been. the worst of luck about them at
He was conscious, while persuading him.
self that he was anxious for a final BUCCeee,
that his heart was not so much in the scheme
as it had been, and that its completion
would cause in him but a moderate ex.
ultation. ^
He Went into his wife's room. It was now
the early twilight of an August evening.
Everything, even in that crowdedneighbour-
hood, happened, as he remembered many
and many a day afterveards'to be hushed.
No vehicles were passing; the vendors of
street goods had not come out for the night,
while thews who jelled during the day had
ceased their calling; even the children on
the street were quiet. How well Rodbury
afterwards recalled the unaccuatomed peace
and hush of that moment I
The room had hitherto been kept darken.
ed, bub the blind was now drawn up, and it
was light enough; yet Rose still wore a
shade over her eyes. The window was open,
and the oft balmy air of aummer's lust days
made pleasant even the confined apartment.
Rode turned to 'her husband as she heard
his step, with a smile: He had grown used
to see in her senile something very sad ; but
as the light fell upon her faoe this evening,
you are taking her and the young oeee
America ; yon will not meet ally of Per
married you—thads straight, lent, Sae AY
could have stopped her, lade Shrsul4nOthave
of a different starap from ourselves ; mad if I
friends in Manitoba end I dowel yon
there was then an exprestion whiele ft pained mew very well titer°, sua .1?ring ur.the
him to see'and the Pm°. °Ilildinl.hm girl and boy like a lady and gentleman. But
terribly she was dhfigured -by the disease. you could nob make a gentlemen of me ; and
Hitherto, this unsightlinesiossuelt a dreadful/ after a time should he in the,why, ao he
calamity for R7ee and ber bright: pretty always reminding yen. le let; may. by my
ahtthband in bin
gg there, of these times. We should guar
e used
hbleayeher eldfor his taskrah and Rose would be Miserable. No
but now, he could not understand, why, al- are heat apex.% and wehothled it,* Ire bier
though he bead:ever eeentke dieOlentement heart Rerlbery Was 'probably pleased at this
so plainly, and though her feateres had deaden,
never aggoareci so "illndd and urtattrActives t Within a foitnight from Me hatervide he
he yet felt nothing of the repulsion :inch a Bailee for Montreal. Rose and the
effiange might have been sneer:fee to pre-
He sat down by his wife and epol e to
her. She smiled again, but this time her
lips quivered strangely ; then, as had been
her habit of late, she felt for his hand, press.
ed In ber own, clasped it to her for an
instant, then kissed ft padionateIy, and
buret into a rain of hysteiical tears, striving
through her wild sobbing to say something
which dwould not render intelligible.
Redbury threw Ma arm, around her, and
drawing her head down upon is shoulders
;poke dothingly to her, and asked, with a
solicitude he had no need to feign, the cause
of this outberat—rallying her, too, QR. the
Their Splendid Discipline and Love et
- War.
Ailln •
AV le remarlealale how quickly horses
adopt themeelvee t the military service,"
lahl- a cavalry effiaer. "Every artillery
reser knows that they learn the bugle calls
and, the evolutioes enicker than the men, as
a ruie. For one thing, they fit:on acquire
a uniform gait, width is about; the same ae
the Woutestep` or the moral marching step
as tire horde did not acquirethe earns gain
If the intentro, there woeld he varying dia.
tances between the, different arms of the ser
Vic' -Lata. between tlae lefentm sod the
cevalry, artillery, and the oonearanders and
their escorts
Children travelling in en°h Eti4te—vuth "In the drille In she artillery service the
four servants or nurses', these nob so ,worses well themselves preserve their align.
much for the journey as for help in moue as, wen aa rim infantry. 1 shell always
their new life—as almost frightened her. /erne:ether one illustration of this trait:, which
This, of course, alto soon got over ; and her Enotecl at an:Exiting and critic's' period
unfortunate blindness ithielded her he leerIn order to save some of our
intercourse with the otheepaesengers, who lea battle.
_ entry. from being surrounded and eaptur.
might otherwise have marvelled at the man- ed, I Muckly rerountedIthe cannonede on the
ners ef their fellow.voyager. Rune and put the whole battery at A dead
Manitoba was duly reaceed, and a forrill -DniireP ! across a stretch of meadow abed half
whieh they IE10011 learned to call a "ranehe," eee
purchased. If Sparle'a prediction about Etmile wide, I waa qui
ite enned to such
bringingup the children as ladies anti gentle. tehgetse, bat when we were half.way acroee
e teed I noticed the array, and for a mo-
lonfewnhwicalh : no tm I lo el t err ah i isY f fa um' fii I I; 1 1 ed v.' e yn et tu a ry 4.0370(131: Men I was Jot in addnidnti°n of
Every driver was plying whip and spur, the
great gime were rocking and thundering
over the ground, ,and every horn reeking
with foam and full of ammetion geld excite-
ment, was stralzaing every untecle as he
galloped forward; yet fe seemed to me that
a etraight line drawn along in front would
have teethed the heads of the lead horses in
front el the six gene. That was, an arhliery
charge, one of the meet thrilling aighta in the
suited, were brought np by Realm:ow -in a
foflyo thtin giving WaYE now that elle weal hefitting manner, and he was as happy se a
etting well ad fad, and hell pouted ell the mance, weg be.
engers of leer fearful dined. We close this history by telling 'how a
" Oh Frank! my own, ray dear heehaw'!" friend of hlr. Aehwell, having been on a
at laat exclaimed the gu1, "do not speak sporting tour West, called upon that gentle.
like that, or you will kill mel I have never man on his return, and in the mune of
been fit to be iimnr Wife, I know, and his narrative said; “While Ineoanttoba
away e 'neve known it; you be.ve whom do you sperm e camo Amu
home with me Items° yoa were kind, Why, Cy. Lettuce:don i Yon remember him?
eoel 1 hada Perkare 6°140 4."40304 Web A fellow down inleidateraldire,wheineverh.
tineen—lio I do not interrupt tee,' She body expected would drop into penal servt.
odd, as Beelhury began to speak; "all that tude BOUM day, even it he doped the
le true; bat do not argue upon it, for you gallows. Well, there he is (mite an tauten
do not know wild la coming, My face, even tial settler, and a most sueedeful one, fte
auch al, ft was, is ntterler ditegured—I ca'n bad a grefkt estate, and calls laimeelf Rodbury.
Wee, ; ruy mere touch tells ntte how I I underatend his mime is now legally this.
=net leek. I Shall Only know it time, for 1 Anyhow, there he lives with his wife. Poor
am new laSS fib than ever to he Tour wiee. 1 Deeding, the is blind ; from the smallpox,
aux blind, Prenk 1 conapietely and hopeleaely I believe, and Certainly 1 never sew ;my one
blind 1 Ishall never de the light of day more marked with in However, in eptte
again; and worse then there fax, fee worse 1 thia, she ie a bright °heeded little Women,
I shall never more look on the kind face of and seem; to worabip the very grotued her
would. Why thould a sigktlesr, diefigur. children I ever savr—three sons and two
emay.__dear huthand, or see my darling children, husband wale!, on ; at les" so I heercl inane
-*Air 1 you draw from me I knew yen the neighbours, He has five of the fineat
daughters. Yen should see them ride their
"Draw from-youeltose feeslarink from my pordea 1 It took away my breath—and I am
dearest wife 1" exclaimed Rodbury, Belled A pretty fair bend acreas nonlitri, 1Letter
involuntarily purified leach hie chair at the mweelf—,to gee some ot the ground they went
fint aback; but now he olasped the girl in aver 1 There he% as I tell you, * regular
hie Arras and !Take with an entoestetees Canadian citizen.; and some day, for all I
Which had the ruag of erath In it. "I will know, lie will be in Per/lamented, kilgh dot*
hope for better than you tell me. Witle bin character stood. Only think 1 Cyrus
time Inunceeten, of all pereona in the world,
Poor Bodies teeth burst into a fresh flood being presentee as an embodiment. of 'the
thieeased she gasped "Nee no nenever 1 morel* ategole end infect:general virtues 1"
De. Berge told me we tieday."
It was strange no doubt, to one who,
• "ThenI will always staywith you, Rose 1' like the speaker, iraew soMe of the entece^
cried her hnsheed. Ma words had &deeper dents of the perdu In g_tention; hub it is
meaning then was deesent of by their nears never too late th nevenund.Blip 3
er ; "enthyou doll not mita even your eye
while -dreg mine, I have news red; hue I
will wey only this at present ; we shall alweye
he above any need for toil, above all fear of ..o Hee Walt* for Htm.
wants Yon shall bavono care for ourliving
or the eroded and welhbeirs of our child
ren, and I nesse never again go out with John,
oireturedenees etis greatly amused,—
Nowe dre• up your tears, and tell mo where
you would like to live, with the children,
and what they 0411 tide to please them,"
Halide a great deal Mare, certainly in a
atrain which he had not Wendel to fall 103
when he entered the herreer hue witizoet
thoroughly knowing is, Frank Bonney, so
to call hin still, had been wodergorng an
improving elisolpline for same time. He had,
until that hour, persuaded himself that he
was determined to carry out hisplans of am
anoteetion s ever; thab is, he thought he
was as selfish as ever, hut his churlishness
had been greatly undermined. and ho wa
an altered, man. Now, the terrible announce.
ment made by hiewire ; the light of her seem
ed ond pitted fare, which the poodgirl knew
was ditegured, hut which sbe wouldenever
add ; the picture which arose constantly in
his mind of the children, Ms children, geode.
hag and clinging to their NM, unsightly,
end deserted mother, was toe much for him
He was sincere in what he said; and despite
the slaw:king circumstance!, which surround-
ed thenee he named all hour or two beetle
wife's side more happily than he had passed
any interval for menthe. After a day or two,
all fear of contagioe being gone, Rose was
moved to a healthy northern suburb of Len -
don, and her children were brought to see
her. These were in rebuth health. The girl
could- toddle about freely and talk with. a
very pretty tongue ; while a finer little fellow
than the boy never greeted a father'seyes.
Rodbury groaned when he reflected that
the poor mother would never again look
epon their blooming features or eee their
pretty curls; and then, with a atill keener
pang, Le thought: "What could I have been
dreaming ot, to plan the leaving such beauti
ul libtle creatures as these? children that
many a lord would give half his land a to
This was a great change from his preview
lines of reflection ; but leodbury was not
conscious of an inconsistency; he only knew,
that his heart now seemed bound to his wife 1 Old Bank Betas.
and children, and felt that he could not be
happy apart from them.
In need merely be said here that the sub.
sequent report of the doctor and the condi:
tion of the patient herself only too strongly,
confirmed the painful announcement Bese
had made. She was blind, hopelessly and
wholly blind.' Yet, as it eo often happens
with us in our worst afflictions, there was
even with this some alleviating power,
for in the increased attention of her husband
—the softened tone and tenderness which
she so soon recogniseci—Rose had an under-
current of happiness despite of her blind-
ness; and the sad smile which was once
familiar to her lips was ohanged for a bright-
er if still a subdued one.
As soon as it was safeeto do so Rodbury
went to his friend Ashwell and consulted
as to the best plan to be pursued under hie
altered views. These views conaiderably as
tonished Mr. Ashwell, who was greatly af
feoted by poor Rose's story, and honestly
reproached himself for having given council
toher husband which involved so much pain
to her. He had no doubt now as to the
demon he should give, and this exactly
chiming with his friend's own views, it was
immediately adopted.
A great deal might be said about the im-
portant changes which took place; but as
the result must be plainly foreseen, it; will
nob be worth while to postpone the close of
our story. Rodbury—he never changed his
assumed name—decided upon going to the
Far West, to Manitoba, indeed; and reveal-
ing to some extent his altered position, he
asked Mr. Spade to go with him, seeing
many ways in which the sound practice'
sense and business habits of his brotherein-
law would be valuable; but Spark's reply
was a decided negative. and—as his lad
utterance in our chronicle—shall • '
"No, Mr Rodbury," he said. "Ism much a barrel of flanr, w o
A dory is being told of a very oloee
eitizen of Washington that ho weeded to go
to Lynchburg recently. At the tioltet ease
he wag told ti at tee fare was $1.60.
"One eighty, ' tetitterhd. " Gif non
"Caret man rites, sire Chad eighte fei the
" Gif you one fifty.'
"Nope. One eighty." ,
"Den vent," •
"That ie your privilege " answered tile
ticket seller. So Sae darted' off down the
week, and had made about half the distance
when Jae heard an engine tooting ad whistl-
ing behind berm
"Yon needn't viestle," said he, waving
his Mind, " not gout° baoo.'
Death in Penitentiege
licaseaeore June 13.—Terrenoe Carroll
the slayer of Dennis 0 Connor at St. Ann'ti
market, died suddenly the other raornieg at
St. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary, vthere he
was serving a two years' aenterice anis,
don of his oritne, He was convicted in the
$sptember term at the Coo, o of ° Queen.*
Bench in 1887, and was to If ea priaon op
dune tho 20th, as he had been -Slowed three
months for good behaviour. The cirourn
stances of the tragedy at St. Anne'
market wilt be well remembered. 'O'Con
nor and Carroll had adjseette stalls and
were on fdendly terms, but O'Cennor some
times irritated the old man until one
morning Carroll completely lost' hie temper
and plunged a knife into O'Connor's throat,
which proved fatal. Owing to extenuating
circumstances in connection with the case
Carroll's sentence was a mild one. Ro had
not enjoyed good health since being confined,
and he appeered to be chileish and weak-
minded and recently complained of heart
trouble„ He was friend dead in hia beden
the infimaiy, where be lied been for the lade
year. He was an old man about 86 years
of age.
The oldest bank notes are the "-flying
money," or convenient money, first issued
in China 2697 B. C. Originally these notes three days and within a few months she
evolutions of war.
"It ie surprising how quickly they learn
tlae bugle calls. After we had. been in
device same time my fleet sereeent asked
roe what eel'. thee was, as the bugle blew
some oommend. "That's a pretty question
to este," I add. "Row in drunder do you
know how to march V "I don't know," he
said "bet my or ae kriowa." feet the drat
note of the fee hor water cell be blown, end
there will he ate roible etempina, Welting,
and neighing.- °Joe in a. terrible dorm,
Our horses and these ef several other bat
teries broke loose, and there enui a wild
rush among the artillerymen to geb horse
in the morning. All was excitement, sine
the eorees were herd to gen but when d
ordered the bugler to mount a stump and
MLOW Tete FEED Oar.t,
thole:trues all m tcle each Wad. rusk for
our battery thee the men could hardly get
out of the Way Cilieley enough.
"When it comes, to a battle a horse !seems
to know everything that is going an; but he
does his duty nobly, and seems to he in hie
demean Re enterninto the battle like
human being. lie shows no fear of death,
and it to Rippler that if bid mate Is ahet
&WA WIII atop 4,1 look at him and dem
pleased. A horse in My battery was °lice
struck by s. piece of shell, wbich *pelt his
!lice% de that one aide was loose. The
driver turned him loose, but he walked up
'by the Ode of the' gun aed wetolied the
ring, aud•when a shot was fired would molt
away in the direotion of the enemy, its if to
eee the effsot of the shot. When a shell
would buret near by he would celerity turn
and look at it. When he row his own
team going back for ammunition he ram
back to his own plaae and galloped beck to
the °Meson With thereon When the lienten,
ant pushed him aside to put in another horse
he looked at the other one sorrowfully
while he was being harneseed up, and when
.110aeemerlto realize thee there waa no further
'essedet -him he lay clown and died. The
lieutenant strangly asserted that he died of a
broken heexn
Lattry Bridgemaxi Dead.
Inure Bridgeman, the famous blind and
deaf mute, died atthePerkina Institution for
the Blind in -Boehm ore the 24th of May, after
a abort sickness. For more than fifty year!,
she has been a living example of what could
be done in the way of inatructing those thus
deprived of their physical sensea, She was
an ebjed of deep interest to philanthropiats
and scientists.
She was 'born ne Hanover, N. H., Deena,
ber 31st, 1829. When she was 2 years old
!severe illness deprived her ef sight and hear-
ing; and coresequently speeth. Her sense
of amell was also destroyed and that of taste
much impaired. She was taken to Boston
when she was 8 years old and placed in the
'Perkins Itiatitution for the 131ind. The late
Samuel G. Howe who wee then Superintend
eat of the add?, took a great interesb in
the child and undertook the diffizelt task of
instructing her.
He began his work by giving her the
word "knife," printed on raised letters on a
stip of paper. Then she was given the knife
so that she could feel the label on it and the
sign' indicating likeness, which was made
by piecing side by side•the fore fingers of
eaoh hand, vas conveyed to her. By repeat-
ing this proem with other articles she was
lea to understand that the words represent-
ed'the objects to which they were affixed,
and she showed great pleasure at mastering
her first lesson. Then the operation was re
vaned,' arid the labels having been given
her ahe would search for the article and
designate it by thia means.
She acquired the alphabet in leas than
were leaned. by the Treasury, but experi-
ence dictated a change to the broke under
Government inspection and control: A
writer in a provincial paper says that the
early Chinese bills were in all essentials
similar to the modern bank notes, bearing
the name of the Jbank, date of issue, the
number of the note, the signature of the
official issuing it, indications of its value
in figures, in nerds,. and in the pictorial
representation in corns or heaps of coins
equal in amount to its face value, and a
notice of the pains and penalties of count-
erfeiting. Over and sbove all was a ladn-
ic exhortation of industry and thrif
"Produce all you can; spend with econ-
omy." The notes were printed in elute ink
on paper made from the fibre of the mul
berry tree. One issued in 1339 B. C. is
still carefully preserved in the Asiatic Mus-
eum at St. Petersburg.
A Terrible Misfortune.
A gentleman passing down the principed
street of our village had the benevoleid slide
of his nature atrongly aroused by seeitig a
poor little boy crying in a hearebrokenman-
nen Sympathising at once with the evi-
dently great trouble of the little one, he ac-
costed him in a very kindly manner with
"What is the matter, my little man ?" when
the poor little fellow sobbed out, "Ave've
swallowed mi toffy, aw meant to eat it."
Dakota Indians have a shrewd eye to a
bargain evidently. Whew: they know them-
selves possessed of what other people very
strongly want they have wit enough to put
a price on it. They held a big pow -wow
recently, and decided nos to eign tee treaty
had command of a hundred common nouns
and had some facility in the use of verbs'
and adjectivss. She began writing in the
dui ss of the second year, and she was
slower in this, yet she showed much skill
in it. She ab the same time became an ex-
pert in talking with her fingers, and only
persons accustomed to this language could
follow their rapid motione with the eye.
She had attained even more remarkable
facility in understanding the finger motions
of others whose hands she grasped in ani-
mated conversation. In walking through a
passageway, with her hands spread before
her, she knew every one ehe met and gave
them a passing sign of recognition, but she
embraced adectionately her favorites and ex-
pressed the varied language of the emotions
by the lips as well as by the fingers.
The processes of addition and subtraction
in small numbers had also become familiar
to her, and she could count and conceive
objects up to 100 in numbers, She knew
the days of the week, and, divided the day
by the beginning an en of school, by the
• a a
redden and by the arrival of meal times.
Her acouraoy in rneasuring time was such
that she could distinguish between a half
note and a whole note in meek, striking
notes in aingle measures on the pianoforte
quite correctly, tionlate language, and were described as
Jan. 29, 1842, Laura was visited by
apable of being Christlanieed or dein
Charles Dickens, who was so much interest- after missionary was
ed in her that he remained several hours. lieed• mieeionarY
butchered before a footing was obtained,
A remarkable finality was her ability to
and now the missio:aariee have contrived to
read oharaoter, and this rifle did literally at for them and
at her fingers' end. She was thoughtful of
I fithnearearlaarreticanorotlel,anogruptgaenages, mother'
her friends end liked to aid the poor. At the
meetings, and all the machinery Of an Erie
time of the famine in Ireland she bought, with
money whioh she had earned by her work, lish pariah in Terra del Fuego.
t 'th
()beg el to you, but it won't do. I am not 1 waiving their reservation rights for less sufferers. She was baptised and joined the The cliff: rend between &baby and an over
half so surprised about your money as you : than $11,000,C00. Daubtless they will end Church in 1852, The facts of her life bave coat is: One you wan and the other yen
may carped, for I, have always Eeen youwas by accepting perhaps a fourth of that sum. been referred to by theologians, phil- wear.
hsepherst etod men all over the
w9r141; and bed 3ellYeleal find Mental condi-
lion moaned the greeter"; inteeed until the
hour of her death.
Esysipelar, wee, ehe .oause.of elesein ee.4
elle was conscious to the last, not real,ising
he t death was at Inincles
A. Canadian was greened, a Rrivets sual•
ewe by Queen' Vietoria a few daye.ago. The
Catnedian then adorded-an espectel honor
was Mies Hermine de Salaberry, 4 grand.
daughter of the/lei° of Chatedignaws Who
fought fog the Brithercame so eueewiefelly
In lel& Mid de Selaberry was nreeented
to the tetteen by tile Princess Louise. °The
Chateauguay co:acted/7r was a friend of the
Date of Kent, the queen a father,
Prof. Wiggles think; tbat creamed, 41
the raeteorolog is a eonditioo ical sense, due
to compression caused by planotar,y attrac-
tion, and that dour *diet fa pendently 'D-
eeding from the aureole, temperature will
become milder as the attractien deoreasen
" In time—many minium of years, /VP,
true—" he revs, "these anewy regions of
Canada will bloom in perpetual summer
and forever bud and Modem as the rod."
The Professor, arearever, has chosen an an.
fortunate time for the promulgation of his
theory. Just at present we leave good reason
to believe that in eomethiug leas than a
millien years, Cane& will be a solid chunk
Never fait to well vratile your ° 4040
with soap and oold vrater, and to rub it dry,.
linmedideler before you apn1O the laVaer.,.
of width the morel you use, and the thickeW
it ie. the cozier yoa will thew!.
Need rese warm water.whichmekes the
fad; (of eineven) tender. •
IR cold weather plasm your rasor (alesenel.
of denim) in your pobket or under your
EMU to warm it. "
The moment you leave your bed Or Oath)"
ts.tiie best time to thew,.
Alweye wipe your razer clean, and strep
it *doge Putting it away, wads aiWaYetkaIX
younshaviug brush away with the lather on
Tee razor, as yen knote, leering. rear
a. fine saw, should be Moved m slopes ow
sawing direction tied bald nearly 1141).te:-
your face, cere being taken drew the
skin as tight as poesihie with the lefb head,
ao as to the present an even earheee and to.
throw out, the beard.
Thopractice of pressing an the edge dee
razor in stroppiug it soon rounds le ; the pree--
sure should he directed to the back, wretch,
ehould never be raised from the strop. If
yen shave from heel to paint ef razon deep
it from point to heel; but if you begin with,
the peint in shaving, then. atop it from bed
to ent.
11 you only once put away your rawar with -
one stroppieg in or otherwise perfectly olealre
lug the edge, you must oo longer expect de
of me.—Ear, f shave well and easy, the soap, and damp:soon
New York Stet° not only has. a law pro- f rust the fine teeth and edge.
Whiting. the use of the canstove by railway
corapatues, but evidently intends to enforoe
itstrictly. eue ito grants has jest given
judgment erdering the New York, New
Haven, end Rarttord Company to pay $7,-
000 by way of penalties for violation of tee
law. Tire statute applies to railroads not
less than fifty miles in length, end. tire come
patty sought to escape frem ite proviaioiaa by
pleading that it had only twenty-four mine
of road in the State, ,The coati:held, h rev -
ever, that ib rag liable, even tbough the
greener pordon of line wen tr neigh,
boating State. It is to be hoped thee the
days of the deadly ceretove are nerabered.
Its dutributions to the horrors, of reilread
acceded!, have been e.ppelling owe.
Ie the diehoraing ot ea•etlei cruel 2
Chief Juatioe Coleridge, ins jadioiel decieion
jest rendered by him, eaya ie " deteatalaiy
brutal," and Iiir.linitietaievaiines Wh 0 ,tried
teabeliae with hire, ptheonneee the tree -
doe 41a revolting operation.'" Mr. Wiley, A
Notfolk farmer, Was brought before a heath
of magietratee by the Saciety for the Pee-
ventioo of Cruelty to Animals for "having
unlawfully tortured 32 hullooks dtshorm
lag them,' Mr. Wiley freely admitted the
charge, He pladel every oonvenieudi in the
way of the reagistratee acquiring elide:see
as to how the operation WM performed.
The defence was that dialunraing greedy In.
'armed the value of Ids tattle and was ne-
The Queue, birthday was eolehrated at
eTewfouudiand, " with rennenimity and
epontaneity wrier before witneeeed here,"
ow our 'Newfoundland exchanger!, 117eal
era unsettled. state of, the "Farrell abate
question," which is represented to he a pop
der grievance, 'meld net weitrein the
loyalty of the people. The Governor's levee
wee attended by the offiser corneae:oiling the
Freaok warahip Bisson, then in port. He
expressed. Ms pleamurt; at being permitted to
%Wend dwindle obsereauce of her Mileattes
birthday "to he ithle to allow the Cordial
feelings vrheli We arner dude, towards
her 34ajesty watt the 'English " Government,
its well as to the people of the colony,
relations which, enure youe elaall do my
best to cultivate."
Public interest; ia renev4d. Capt otn
Stirling, the lady Salvationist:, who was im.
prisoned Switzeriane forhhe high crime
andtaisdemeanor ot singing hymne on the
atreets. Her ' sentende was' imprinonitent
for 100 days in Chiffon Castle. She served
53 of them and` was then let out on bail of
1,009 franca pending epees' to the Federal
Council, The appeal has gone against her
and she has returned.to complete .her term.
In disregercling.the adViee, of some friends,
who condoned heed -to stay in England and
ellow the trifling bail to he forfeited, 'Cap,
min Stirling rioted honestly, bravely and
wisely, and weile the Wew pawner of 011ie
on will win honor, WitZerland will be deep.
ty disoredited by the prominence given to
its odious law.
It is proposed in Montreal that doh alder.
men wear a badge, in order that he may be
distinguished from the ordinny ratepayer,
and -that he may receive from policemen,
fireman, and the kublic generally the defer-
ence due to munecipel rank. The idea is
novel and not at ell bad. In olden times an
alderman was distinguished from oommon
mortals by his ;weave proportions. But
lately the electors have been voting in muni-
cipal conteete regirdleas altogether of the
size and weight of the candidates. The re-
sult now -a days is that; one may pass we
alderman on the street without knowing it.
If a, tag be attached to each City Father this
sort of thing will not occur again. Ti is Rot
proposed that there be a number on the
,badge. The intention is to have a plain label
informing the public that the wearer is an
A New York hotelkeeper is dispensing
charity on a princely scale. ' Some years ago
he gave a complimentary dinner to his pa•
trona at a dist of $2,000. It then occurred
to him that the people who ate these dinners
were the fat and prospercrue; and he began
to give Christmas dinners to the poor. A
further development of charity came with
the thought that poor people want dinuera
at other times than holidays, and tie had this
announcement posted on his hotel :—" Any
person, man, woman or child, who is hungry
and lacks money, will be cheerfully nerved
with good wholesome food, free of charge,
in the red of this hotel." It is curious to
note that, although the food is given without
any questioning or boy dition, only fifty peo-
ple a, day have been fed since Chrietreas,
and, as the weather grows warmer, the num-
ber decreases.
Father Damien's work in the Remade:al
leper settlement, though a very diatinguitih-
ed instance of missionary heroism, is not a
solitary one. The Miasionary Year Book
for 1889, published by the Religious Tract
Society, shows that the 135,000 lepers of
India have had their ministrants, chiefly
from Scotland end Ireland, for the last
fifteen rare. The work of the missionaries
extends to places which even ambition and
greed fail to find. Among these is Terra
del Fuego whose inhabitants had ar-
A piece ot ecfb plate leather abould alwayn
be kept with mere to wipe them with.
TWO tirelees haveatigeter of Reineen
George Keenan, vieitel. la the course of lake
wanderings, the Grand /AM% of the Tiara-
Belkal, 18 Eattern Siberia, dad in hie P.C.,
count ot that dignitexte give; ha the
tary,.' ;wee thee it derael very etreeete to.
find an educated man °Awl high meddles/ere
gal diguitary who never even heard a*
Arneriaa, era whe did not feel at alt 1141V
that the world le rented. The Greed Inmet,
was laeh a men. "You hews heett in many*
countries. 18 ;aid to lar, Keenen, and /mew
witle the wise men of the) west. When
Is your opinion with regard to the shape of
the earthl"
"1 think," 1 replied, ”thet it is ahspadt.
like a great inel."
"I hove beard ao befoxisd the Graze Lamer
replied, loolelog thoughtfully away irate
VaeaRey• 'The Ruda= :era whom I„
have met told rae thee the world. Is rano&
Such a ()diet le eantrery to the' theohloge
old Thibetan hooka, but 1 have ohaerveal
that the Bunten wise mc, predict, eolipeen
deuretely, and if they can tell beforibend
when the sun end moon we te ba darkened,
teey probably know soreethine about the
shape of the man Why do you think the
carte in round 2'
"I hews many redone. for thinking sod'
auewered, 'hut pereapa the hest ARKI
rougest renaou ie that I home been rowed
Thisatetement soomee to give the ,Gronet
Lema a sort of mental shock.
"How hare you been round itte he kg:air-
ed. "How do you know you hove Wen
round it?"
"I turned my back upen my haine,"1
replied, "and treeelicel ;redly menthe in the
°odd taken by the sun. 1 eroded. wide
couttuente and great edam Every night
the nu let before my he, end every mope -
leg it rod behind my back, Toe oattla
always !teemed flit, bat I could. not find any-
where all end or an odge ; and at hush, where
I had travelled more than thirty thoneande
verde, I found myself in my own denten
and returned to my home from a dhection
exactly opposite to that which I had taken
in leaving it. If the world was fint, do pop,
you think I could have done this;?"
'It is Very strange 1" did the Grand
ams after a thoughttul, pewee **Where 1/L
your countre? Hew Ler 18 it beyond Sto.
"My country Is farther from Sr. Phedsharg^
than Se Petersburg le from hero. It lien
aimed exaotly under our feet, and if we -
could go directly through the earth, thar
would be the shorteat way to reaoh ib." -
"Are your countrymen walking aroma&
down there, heads downward, under our
teat?" asked the Grand Lama, with evident;
Interest and surprise.
After a long talk, during which we dis-
cussed the sphericit y of earth from every
possible point of view, the Grand Lama.
seemesi to be partly or wholly convinced of
the truth of the doctrine, and said, with a,
sigh, "Ie 18 18 not in accordance, with the
teachings of our baok, but the Busaisine,
must be righte'
It is a remarkable fact that 181828 Doctor
Erman, the only foreigner who has seen -
this lamaseryeprevious to our visir, bed an
aimed identical conversation with the man.
who was then Grand Lama. Iv is nob im-
probable that, sixty years benoe, some
traveller from the Western world may be
miked by soraefuture Crawl Luna to give
his reasons for believing the world to be re,
The Mott Enterlizising Crow on Record:. "
Farmer Crowder had finished planting hie ,
corn, bet his heart wae heavy. 'He knew
the crows were whetting their bills to pull up.
the corn as soon as it appeared above the,
surface.can tell you how to get away with the'
crows," said Neighbor Stokes.
"How 7"
"Get yon a gallon of mean whisky and
soak some corn in it till it vets full of the
stuff, and then scatter it broadcast in thet
field. The black rascals will eat it and gab
drunk, and then you can catch 'em and pull
their heads off. - That beats pizen or shoot -
In a few days Farmer Crowder met his,
how'sokes.craps?" qu.eried. Stokes;
" My corn's bodaciousfy mint," replied)
Crowder, dolefully. "I tried that 'er scheme
o' yourn, and it's a humbug. I soahasi •
the corn and scattered it one day, and text-
mornin' I went to the new growl' to see how
kW worked."
"Found 'em drunk, eh et
"Found nothin'. I hearn a devil defuse
down nigh the Wench, and wad, to de
what ie was ; there was a dad -blasted old
crow what had gathered up all the whisky
corn an' had it on a dump, an' he was, re-
tailin' it out to the abets, PiViR' 'em owe
grain o' that dirt fur three grains o' any
planted corn, and dinged ef they bade*
clawed up that field by eectione.e— (Atlanta,
Men may bend to virtue, but virtue can-
not bend to men [—Dr. W. D.*Lonergare,
'William H. Campbell, an olchfaehioned
Democrat, who has been Postmaster in as
Vermont town for four years, has just step,
ped out, and his wife, a " staunoh. 4epubii-
can," has been given the aommissien, white
William becomes Aniseed Postmaster --
Take it all in all, it as nice a little arrange.
meat as the times have turned up..