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The Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-20, Page 1
VOL. III. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1889, NO. 107. The Maisons Rank. (Chartered by rariiauu t,1855.) Paid up Capital .... $2,000,000, Rest Fu1nd.,...,.,,,.... 1,000,000, Head office 3iontreal, F. WO ESTAN THOMAS, Esq, GENERAL MANAGER. Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion- Afienolea in thoDoaninion, U. S. and Euscope. maz Oi'en ever$a errfd tl from. .to t j,,, alto n D. A general banking business transacted Three per eent, Der Rayon,. allowed for money .oat Dei;osit Reee,,its. and Savings Back. R. B. ARCHER, Exeter, Jan 28, '88. ltlanager; THE C6xxter gt,buorate, Ta publihed every Thursday lttorning, at the Oflice, CAIN -STREET, -• EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COXPANT. TER,3[S OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Millar per annum if Bahl in Advance, 0X.30 if not Se paid, cna.. ,:toa =rte.• Nn paper discontinued until all erre trages :are paid. Advertisements without specifie directions will be published tilt forbid and accordingly.shargodLiberaldiaconntmado for transient avertisements inserted for ton periods. Every description of j011PIt1 TING tanned Wet in the finest style, And atmoderate sates. ChcrtueS,roan eyord- ,Ecalfor Advertising, subscriptions, oto. to be Made ;ra►yibie to SYlillinan Sanders,. Editor. 'Church. i)lrestory. '!'Rall?T IfEmORiA1. CanRCR.*-Bev. S. Robinson, Rector. 67147 p. nu Sabbath School, 200 Services,31 at. llRTtlODlaT Genion• -,Tames -et., Bev. B. element, Pastor. S tihdaySerelcea,lo.Sepi.m. and Sae p.zn. Sabbath School, 8p.m. MAIN STR1tEr-Ileo, a. Wilson, Pastor.' Sun day Services, ia3Qa.m.and. u.3,1 g.m, Sabbath Soli ool 2.30p. m. P&gst,rsxnxa.c Cn'u.ten.-izov. W. Martin, Bastin. Sunday Services, It a, m. and ti 3) IN am. Sabbath Selma, 4..t) a.m. rroressional Carats. H L. BILLINGS. • ��a�"xxaa�; Office over O'Nell'a Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Nitrous Oxide Qua for painless extraction. IL. KINSMAN, DENTIST, L. D.S., ex- tracts teeth without pain by giving Vegetable Vapor, or using the now Anaesthetic on the gums. Makes Gold 1'1111 Jogs and othordontal work the best passible. Goes to Zurich last enr�autl. Eof lin stretExete JL WEIT,ELX, )L D. C. M., PHYSICIAN • and Snigcon. Office and residence— Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. DR. J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE—MAIN ST. Residence --Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. iT A. AMOS, X. D„C. �M. L. C.P. BMX.; L, JL • R. C. S , Edin, L. F. P. & 'S., Glasgow; L. M., Edinburg)). Glasgow,* M. C. P. & S. Ontario; F. T..AL. S. Toronto. 'Night bell at office. Crediton, Ontario. eta 12-S DR. COWEN. OFFICE --SLAIN STREET, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Contra Hotel. Side entrance on south --James street leading to the Methodist Church. • J W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. P. S. Graduate of Victoria University. Office and residence; Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. TXTILLIAI4t SWEET, VETER- .• y V Y inary Surgeon. Graduate ... al'Toronto. Office and Residence , s one block east of Samwoll & virea6�- Pickarcl's store. Opposite skat- ing rink, Exeter, Ontario. VETERINARY DENTISTR'Y.-A.H.Fzxen, Veterinary Dontiet, graduate of Prof.fl H. Davidson's Dental School, Toronto. Ali work in connection with horses' teeth prom- ptly attended to. Examination free. Office with Wm. Sweet, V. S. A. H. Pirelli LH. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . of Supremo Court, Nota y Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &o. ` Money to loan Office-Fnnson's Block, Exeter. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan at 6 per cent. B. V. ELL1oT. J'. ELLIOT TDWARD N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, NOT .L' ary .Public, Proctor in Maritime Court Conveyancer, &e. Solicitor for Huron Land Agency. Goderich and Bayfield. Bayfield office at Swartz's Hotel, open every Thursday.. Money to loan :at very low rates. Additional Locals. --Over twenty commercial travellers remained in town on. Tuesday evening last. —Mfr. Chas. Lesley, of Stephen, left on Tuesday for DeloraineXan. He goes via C. P. R. —Mrs. Wm. Dienes', of Stanley, left on Tuesday for Indian Head, N. W. T. She gees via, C. P. R. Prohibition was defeated in the state of Pennsylvania by a majority of over 169,454, on Tuesday. —Mr, Joseph Micheitree and son Thomas, of London, spent Tuesday and Weduesdaywith Mr. J. Leathern. !Walt pallors, w£auaow shades, lace curtains curtain poles etc., at greatly reduced prices at Richard Ftekard's —Miss Priscilla, Dearing, who has been visiting friends in different parts of the United States, returned home on , Turslay evening, ..-The vote for the repeal of the Scott Act in Elgin is fixed for Wednesday, 8rd July. Mir. Walker, of Alyneer, is the returning officer. —Mrs. Jas, Elliot, of 'airfield, and Mrs, R. Ricks, of Cen tralia,left on Tues- day for Pilot Maned, Meneto visit their friends and relatives there, --3M1ra. 8. Essery, of 1J borne, left on Tuesday for Norma, Man., to visit her father Air. Jahn Dempsey. She Was ac- companied by Master M. Dempsey. —A large crowd from Clinton drove down, here on Tuesday evening to at- tend the nneeting of Messrs Crossley & Bunter in the James St. IMtethodiat church. —One eyeing last week, (some un- known person shot thioegh the bels wi.ndow of Mr. Geo, Manson's shoeshop. The u;tli passed only a short distance from George. --Large crowds continue to (leek to hoax Messrs. Crossley & Hunter., night- ly. Every evening a large number go forward And profess to have become enlightened., TAMES OKE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed el Auctioneer' for the .County of Huron. Sales promptlyattended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales, arranged at this office. T� BROWNa Winchehsoa. Licensed Auct- 11. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex,also for the township of Usborne_ Sales promptly attended to tied termsreason able. Sales arranged'at Post office, Winohelsa BOSSENBERRY, Hensel! Ontario. Lic _LA. ensed Auctioneer for the County of, Huron. Charges mod orate aud satisfaction guaranteed. �7 HOLT, 1 hives, Ontario.Licensed auyt-' Y y . ionoer for the Counties of Middlesex and Lam and the townships of Stephen and Ilay. All sales promptly atttendetl to..., Tr EMBER, Liceusel Auctioneer for flay I . Stephen and. ttcCi11i`t-ra,y townships. Office -Crediton, Ontario, We are glad to hear that there is going to be a school pig -Die some time soon. Hurrah boys! Mrs, John Priskator, of Stephen, near Exeter, was the guest of Mrs, Sarin. J. Latta for a few days this week. Some people of this vicinity are talk- ing about going to tate camp meeting which is going, to be held. near Mild- may, in. Bruce County. We wish all these who attend a good time. Last Sunday evening Mr. H. M. Ta es- anta, who is a converted Japanese gave a very interesting lecture in the Evart- geical church, Tho topic of his lecture was Japan -its custotns,its civiliaa:tiou. , its religion and the growth of the mis- sion of the Evangelical. Assocation there. A great uurnbor of people as- sorubled toheer hire. HespcaltsfairEug - lish for the short time he has been in this country. s .'3 saou as he is tltrougic with his studies in Naperville college, Illinois, he will return to his nativ country whore he intends to work as a missionary, We wish hien success. Qs. Saturnay last our Dentsc]ilander base -ball club went to Dashwood to play a, frieudly match with the te.uiL there. Our bays got there in good time but the Dashwood boys did not turn out until they had finished their day's work. Play began after six. At Ant it seemed as though the game was in favor or Dashwood but after the five innings had been ;played the score stood 18 to, 35 in favor of Zurich. After the game WAS over our boys treated themselves in the hotel with a supper. .Apparently the D.tshwood boys were so down hearted that they forgot their duty in this respect. The Deutschlxeder'ai bats and 'ball also dei good ataarrice- Credit011, I1lr. Chas Koestler leaves this week for Manitoba. Miss Kate Gould, of Exeter, is aat preseut visiting azt Mr. Eilber's. Mr. Sinclair has rented the black- • --Our baseball and cricket clubs are smith shop vacated by Mr. Norstw orthy practicing every evening. The hese- Mr. and Mrs. J Ebben, and Mester ball club goes to Mitchell tonclay, to Geo. Either have returned from a visit, play the club of that town, We hope to the State',: the boys will give a good account of themselves,. • Messrs. J. W. Greet and B. Either go —On Sunday, the members of the to London this Week to pity in the Exeter Court, I, 0. P., attended divine 39rd Battalion*band. service In the Tri:vitt Memorial church, Mr.S. Wood has :;purchased property where a highly .instructive and interest in Waitsburg, W. T., and purpoees ing discourse teas delivered by the rector, Rev. S. P. Robinson. —We shall be happy to receive at all times, from any part of the County, items of local news, such as accidents, or any interesting incident whatever, from any of our subscribers or renders generally, for the purpose of publicat- ion. -A. meeting of Biddulph district Loyal Orange Lodge was held a Crediton, on. Friday Iast. The attend- ance was not so large as on previous ocsassions. The district decided by a unanimous vote to celebrate the com- ing 12th at Exeter. —On Sunday afternoon last, Messrs. Crossley & Hunter held special services in the Main St, Methodist church. They both gave excellent sermons, and were attentively listened by those present. The sermons were to gentlemen only, thus no ladies were present. —Plymouth Lodge No. 63, Sons of England B. S. will visit Shaftesbury Lodge, Hawaii on Sunday 30th inst., and attend divine service in St. Paul's chinch, with them at 8 o'clock in the afternoon. The members of Exeter Lodge will kindly meet at the hall at 12 o'clock sharp on 80th inst. —Messrs. D. Mill and James Tom passed a list arotmcl town on Monday and Tuesday Iast, for the aid of one of our townspeople in the. name of Mr. John Newcombe, who has for the past year been afflicted with severe illness and rendering him unable to work. They succeeded in securing for him a purse of $70.75. —The Seaforth Sim of last week, says in reference to ,the recent . Conser vative Convention held here:—"Several of the Exeter delegates lost sight - of the object of the meeting and turned it in- to a bear garden." We wish to ask the editor. of the Sun what delegate or ofiicer that first lost their sight, and turned into a bear. A bear garden is a at place for those kind of people. —"What kind of money is danger- ous' asked a pretty Alvinston school ma'aun of her first class. "Matrimony" shouted the freckled faced boy with the roaming mouth ars he pinned the ten commandments on the aftorpart of a kid. The :teacher remarked that matrimony might be dangerons but she wouldn't run if it came her way. It takes more than matrimony to scare an Alvinston belle. Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Kibler have been visit- ing friends in Hamilton. Rev. J. Strempfer and Mr. G. I-Iess are attending the conference, held near Neustadt. We, are glad to see that some of. our olcl stele-wall:s:itre being repaired and DOW ones built. starting at b ikery thet'e. A large number of OraitgaiiitdfiWake in the villuen on Friday :attending .a meeting of Biddulplt District L. 0. L. A firm from Toreetto have started. a circulating library here. As good and cheap reading can now be had we hope it will be well patronized. Mr. Henry Tayama, a Japanese student, lectured in the German church on Sunday morning to a crowded house. His description of the country, the people and their customs -was listened to with delight. Mr. Toyama has only been in this country two years and speaks excellent .Eng ish. He intends returning to his native land as soon as his college course is com pleted as a missionary. Bayfield. Division Court will be held in the Town Hall, on the 20th of this month. Mr. Esson arrived in the village last week, and is likely to remain for some time. Our worthyreeve has returned. from his labors at the county council,, which met at Goderich. A small hole was discovered in the milldam last Friday morning, but as it was not very serious it was soon re- paired. As Rev. Mr. Hill was attending Con- ference, Mr. Joseph Elliott preached in the Methodist church, on Sabbath even- ing. Mr. Frank Edwards has purchased a tricycle. He has excellent opportunit- ies of operating on the splendid roads round here. Some of the boys last week were try- ing to get in a littlepractice at cricket between the showers, but it was hard work. Notice is up for tenders for the erec- tion of 15 foot of an addition to the jun for department of the school. The trus- tees feel that the way the scholars are packed in is injurious to their health, hence thein action in enlarging the premises: A number of Detroit people have : al- ready written to have their rooms se- cured at the Commercial hotel. If the weather this summer is at all fine,there is no "doubt but there will be a greater number of people than ever seek Hur- on's breezes at Bayfieid. pletad and to net as advised by Messrs• Meredith & Meredith, township solici- tors. The following accounts were ordered to be paid:. John Hays, gravel account to date, $7; Hugh Carrot, grading div, 3, $3; W. J.Smyth, ditch - lag, div. 3, $1; F. G. Abbot, approael; and fencing Arrnitagsee bridge, $10; T, Armitage, opening water course, 9O els., M. Armitage, Culvert div. 3, $125; T. ,i',rmitage, ditch div. 3, $,.75; Jas Leg,;, culvert dive. 3, $1.25; W. Capt. Polloclr., of Forest, was visiting. Grieve repairing culvert div. 3 lie d, . Craig last week. W; T. McGee, rep. culvert., plank and Mr, Will Coulter left for the Western spikes div. 4, 69.90; M. Conway, keep -States last week. i.0 ' gates 101.50; J. t`halrners, rc'p.a! Mrs. John Gilliee of. Filet, 5lieh. is St. Marys gravel ro»td. div. G, $J.uQi visiting her el t'” here:tliouts. 1?. J. Arnold, work and material div. a, Miss Annie Knapton, of 1 Parkhill, $14.raStanley, gralvel contract around visiting hr vaious D, $240 , - this. 6?etto32.. dive a hsculverts Sirs.. Graham, who has been visiting , $10; J. Atl.tt on, cul e . putt and spiIa's div. ,2,-61.15, W. in Michigan for the past three menthe i11` Vee, balance on plank div. 4, ?delve; rettrnt:d ou S«rturday last, 2 eine l • dee 5 23 T c � trunk ff _SS t , a cord gravel delivered div. 3 & 4, $64; J. Chalmers, rep, St. Marys G. R. dile 5, 61; C. llaskett, gravel ace., $5.25; heirs of late W. Walsh gravel ace., 53.90: J. Deacon, 1 day shovelling ravel div. 1, $1.; L. Derltain, shovel- rtg gravel, SI; d. H,awaard, 1 d.aty with teats; drawing gravel div. 1, and rereoving atone from now readand rep. bridge, $4.76s J. & J. Coursey, ditching.© div, 1, 64,50; C. C. Hod gins, 1 day at new ditch, $1,40; F. Davis, 1. day, rep. Dignan ditch, $1,50; Wm. McGee, do;, 51.60; J. Lewis, assessor, 1 day e. uallielug I.ziion. S. S., ; Judge, fare of indigent to 1!. of R., $1.11). The Board of Health was each paid for 1 day, 5n; Levi Otrsoll, bury. ing a< nuisance by order of 13. of 11.,$1; W. Ryder, rep. culvert div. 8 & 4, 60 cts.; Leslie Ironside, error in, dog tax I338, $1; J. Dykes,1,atinnaster, grant N. B. div. 6, $15; It. Branion, do., W. Hey, the ed leis plant into the raodious otlice recent, E, B. Smith. The Rev. Mr. Shore, of the Church of England, preached an instructive and interesting ermine to the Foreater•s enn Sundry evening. The many friends of Mrs. H..13ow.. roan will be !,leased to hear that she hue almost rccovexed from her reeent attack of sickne+s. sir Andrew Bobinsan met with a very pitiful accident on Saturday afternoon, by halving his thumb on the left hand cut open with a: saw. Miss Agnes Eno; tltei noted eloenot- iouist and her brother, returned to their home in St. iifarys, on Friday last, after spending as week with Mr. Turner, of Lobo. inter, has nlor- rge and coni- oceupied by Mr. Messrs. E. W. and G. Chariton, of 6; 3. Perrin, culvert 8. 13. div, 5, Duncrief, sold their brood more, Lucy, .76; II. II. Brown, tile culvert S. B.:div. with foal at foot, to Mr. Rose, of Bay , $2,85. The council adjourned. to City, Mich., for a handsome Aseure,, one meet in the conrt loam, CIand eboyce, day last week. on Tuesday, the 2nd. day of July t The Use Craig hotel, owned by Mr. 10 ui n �►. M. MOLnrO, ]itas been thoroughly re - met or Temperance, Hallhe Cattn, modeled both inside and out, within the met u the Tetxtp0raanco I3'all, Qrantau, past tore weeks,. gird neer trxvcllels purat ee tto adjonr►ntnent with all the will And it rails ofi best houses Brest er menibora presgpt, ' 'I"ftei following tail? Toronto. Wedelns and corrections were made, into roll: John Smith and Thomas A �,"tgrand cuppptsr and entertainment Smith were put on as F. S. on lot 111, wes given in. the Ailsa, Craig slating con. 1. 'Phomas Breen, Niched Breen, rink by the young ladies of the Idetho- John Breen and. George Breen were dist church on Wednesday evening, in put on as F. S., on lot 80, con. 8 Jas, !loner er their pester, the Rev. Mr. Hough, who is about to take his de- parture from here. After partaking of a bountiful supply of refreshments and listening to the sweet strains of music, played by the Brass Band, addresses were delivered by several able speak- ers, Thejyoung ladies.; deserts: great praise for the excellent manner in which everything was conducted. The receipts for the evening :amounted to about $60. A On Thursday evening June 30th a garden party will be held at the resili- (Ace of A,. Von Wl; els. The band bag been engaged to furrtisli niusie to ens liven the proceedings. The 1.0. F. of this place atteladi:d' divine service in the Presbyterian buret). on Sabbath afternoon. Theser- nlon was preached by the Rev. ldr, Lochead, and was highly iustruttive grad interesting: The turnout of Petr- esters was targe, and the order is rapid ly gaining ground here. !tauten! John Renton and Samuel !Renton were put on as or►'nprS 01) Si 29, coil. 14. T. Shipley was put on as M. F on lot 22, eon. 12. T. Edey's As- sessment was reduced $150. Rev, 3. °reeve was put on as occupant on lot 1$, W. Main st,, Granton, J. Lankin was put on as owner of hotel property, Granton, and W. Dalin, V. 8., as oc- cupant, S. Coxonwas put on as tenant on Middleton's hotel property, Mr. Mc- Connell was put on as owner on N 29, N. B- Dogs belonging to the following parties were struck off—M. Murray 1, IL Lang, M. D. 1, G. Foreman 1, Wm. Begg 2 and W. Levitt 1. The court adjourned sine die. W. D. STANLEY, Clerk. Biddulph Council. The council met pursuant to adjourn-' ment in Temperance Hall, Granton, on June 14th, 1889 with all the members present. On motion of F. Davis and W. McGee, the clerk was instructed to advise the township engineer that it is absolutely necessary: to proceed at once and have the Dignan ditch cohn- Tuokersmith. Another of Tuckerstnith's girls was spirited away by a young Canadian, who has made for her a comfortable home in the United States. On Wed- nesday afternoon of last week, Mr. Robt. Fulton, jr., of Port Townsend, Washington Territory, and son of Mr. Robt. Fulton, formerly of Egmonville, was • married to Miss Tillie eldest daughter of James Sproat, Esq., of Tuckersmith. The interesting cere- mony was performed at the residence of Mr. David Sproat, Egmonville, uncle of the bride, Rev. Joseph McCoy being the officiating clergyman. There was a large representation of the relatives ttnd friends of the contracting parties present, and it is needless to say that the occasion was a joyous and pleasant one. Mr. Fulton has been in Washing- ton Territory for about ten years, and has prospered there, and of course in- tends making that country his perman- ent home. He has done well to come her for a life partner, and although we do not like to see the very pick of our. Canadian giris carried off and made American citizens of in this way, we do not blame Mr. Fulton for his share in the matter, as their are -very few who would not do likewise under similiar circumstances. Mr. and Mrs. Fulton expect to start for Pori Town- send next week, and the good wishes. of numerous friends will follow them, and especially Mrs. Fulton will often be affectionately remembered by many tb whom her kind and amiable dispos- itatiiu had much endeared her. Greenway. Mr. A. M. Wilson sold another valu- able colt last week. Mr. James McWilson returned home from Michigan last. Thursday. • Mr, C.' Hohn is away on a visit to friends in the city of Stratford. i\'Ir. Thomas Wlhiting has sold his farm to his brother Wm, and has moved away to Mitchell. Coi batt, The crops are foolairig splendid round here at present, Miss Lucy Portico is spending a+• few days at Parkhill at present. Miss Lizzie Fumphry was visiting friends here last 'week. On Friday last Mr, William Carreed got his thumb badly smnshed. For the past week the -weather has !leen beautiful and if It continues time crops will be large Mr. James Laurie is absent this week in Deleware, acting as groomsman for one of his friends who is about getting zatarried. The well diggers have finished their work at Mr. J. Corbetts having struck at good spring. They have moved 'to the farm of Mr. J. Young. Theicnie, of the Presbyterian and Grace Church people, bold at Grand Bend lastFriday, VAS tai iai'ei'y 'way It success. The day was everything that could be desired. The children of the different schools took goat iiutereet In the games for which prates were °tend for the winners. Everything was 3n perfect harmony, excepting the four ,young people who went for a boat ride dwrt the river, they glided gloriously down stream :for aconsiderable distance atter turning the boat around to come back, and to their surprise they found they had gone over the rapids and were unable to get up stream. After a long time of vigorous rowing snit straining they were compelled .to land the boat and find their way back to the picnic grounds on foot. On Tuesday evening, June 25th, a garden party, under the auspices or the Ladies' Aid Society of the Presby- terian church, Corbett, will be held at the residence of BIr. John Greev*e, 24th concession, McGillivray. Tea will be served at 6 o'clock. The chair will 1,e taken at 8 o'clock by Dr. Caw, of Park, hill, -when a very interesting program consisting of vocal and instrumental music, readings,recitations, etc. will be rendered. A foot -ball match will also take place in the adjoining grounds, commencing at 6 o'clock p. in. The public are all cordially invited to at- tend. This will be a grand treat and everybody in search of an evening's amusement can do no better than at- tend. Admission to grounds and tea 15 cents; children; 10 cents. Ice Bream and lemonade extra. Our town hall had a narrow escape from cremation, on Wednesday even- ing last. Mr. A. M. Grant who runs .a magic lantern exhibition was about to commence his little shove and after placing his lantern on top of a table which he had previously placed on the floor before the stage ho stepped on the table to address the audieuee which caused it to capsize on one side and upset the lantern on the stag e,the lamp inside immediately exploded, setting fire to the curtains, but through the excertions of Mr. M. Ward and Mr. Grant, it was rapidly extinguished be- fore any great damage was done. The "Parkhill Gazette" comes out last week with a nice little item to the effect that the statements made in the previous issue of the ExETER ADVO- CATE, about the manner in which the Ailsa Craig band was treated to Park- hill was false, and unauthorized in every particular. Now, after inter- viewing a number of the members of the Ailsa Craig band, your correspon- dent is prepared to state that the lead- er of the Craig band never gave any such information to the editor of the Gazette, and moreover 1 am prepared to furnish the names of fifteen mem- bers of the Craig band who say that the Parkhill people used them in as mean and contemptible a manner as they possibly could, and after the Craig boys won the first prize they tried their utmost to beat them out of it, and undoubtly would have succeed- ed had it not been for Mr.. Althouse, of this place. The'editor of the Gazette wants to remember the people of Craig will tolerate some things,but when any man attempts to play a double game with them as he has been doing of late. will sooner or later find himself in the. soup. Parkhill. Mr. Allan Cressman, of Walkerton, is visiting friends in town. Miss Edith Smith,of Arkona,is spend. ing 'a few days with friends in town.. Mr. N. Phippen left on Monday for Europe, where he will remain for a couple of months. The Rev. Mr, 0. Neale, of Forest, oc- cupied the pulpit in the Itaptist church here on Sunday last. We understand that the Orangemen• of this place intend celebrating the coming 12th at Exeter. Hensel.. Large preparations are being made for the coming races. The races this year promises to eclipse anything held in the West. A large number from here attended the funeral of the late Archibald Me- Donell at Exeter. Mr. Geo. G. Waugh, banker, Est: nidge, Kansas, is here at present on ra visit to his brother Mr. W. A. Waugh, of McDoneil and Waugh, hardware merchants. Ile is greatly taken up with this part of Canada and expresses a desire to reside here. On Sunday, BOth inst. the members of the Sous of England Benevolent Society so ill attend divine service in St. Pauls church here.` :It is expected, that a number of the Exeter brethern will be present. The society -which has only been feoaned a short time is ploSpering and shortly will rank Amon the leading lodes of the vill- age. 1t is one el the best societys Canada, and one that every English- man should become associated with. Everest Liver Regulator workeai... wonders on ice and made me feel like a new man.—Levi 73. Slipper, Forest 0. tM.11c.s�s e ofw weak or lance back, bac! - ache rheumatism will find relief by weah'inff one of. Carter's Smart Weed: and Belladonna Plasters. Price 25 ets. Try them.