The Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-13, Page 6A CHANGED DECISION,
CHAPTER Ili. telligible phrases. Rig wife asked the doo-
Buripg the next few days Redhury was or il these wks al? 'danger of some kind of
feeent hone a nreab deal, To his wile'S la. fever °easing on ; here heti been a deal of it
genies he repeated his statement that he lix theelolghhorhoollO ehd she hod been very.
11,04 Bosse imoormet a:mere geeeteue eg ; ono frightened on aaohnt ot the children.
The dootor amid oho was right. Rot laus.
Ito thia he was in a :lame telling the truth.
Among other things he visited a ahippieg hood woo down with a levet, hat not Of
CiRee in the city ; he saw his soli tor mote the hiud Weieh, as Ile kileW, better than
,than one; he erranged with the exeentere most persOlis, lead been so rife in tile
oe his graadfathaea Nom, „d. ha as with vicinity. Her hosband was Buffering
his friend Ashwell every day, sometimes from smallpox. So, for the Retinae
Frank Rodbury 4 etheme ended. in the dis
twice ia the ,
ao was with him one night, teat before the ease Willa% JAMB to inehire more terror than
eine he had agreed upon to tete Sperle, only any ether of tho maligeent seeurges which
day beinlefafRiet humanity.
one clear g t.
" You do not look well, Cyrus," said his The hone was speedily cleared of all in -
Weed I "yon are lettiny then matters ex- mates neve the sick Marty his devoted wife,
cite pm to 4 dangerous extent:* and a trained nurse; for the Redimeye were
s' Perhaps I am," retailed. Rodhury, for that neiglaboutheed wealthy People, and
vassing his hand, over his brew. He lied could afford all whiela might ligbten or
indeed. it 1,agged, haggard look, which Jona- soothe such an illness. Yet atoll an illnesa
f fid, hie temperas remark. " It Is very well was ;sever yeta pinned lightly through, al-
to adviee me not to allow these things to though in the end Radbnry recovered,
worry me; but just consider for a moment and was as well as before—he used in after -
Islet. 'these thins ' are. No one but a year's to say he was hetter—and al -
*scoundrel could do them at all. I have had though lb bappense with him, as It
emeti a berdeniug oereer, that I meet own T dais new, and than with, such pee
ham really surprised at beetle& enough vital- tients thee he was scarcely marked by
dry he my cousomece to disturb Me," the terrible "eitting" of the disease.
"1 aux sorry to hear you speak like tele," Dr. Ber•ee congratulated 'him, ood.. tog
vopued Ja.oinwti, who wee palpably hoeb by him then he owed his e.seaps chiefly to his
Ids hiend's words. "Yu know, you are wife, ',who," said the portly, genial old
neelesning the girl from a Arden which will doctor, "is the base Aurae I ever new. MrS.
4100A be, if it is not alreedy, hateful to her, Geeminger, whomI meammereled, you
while te von it meet be eitoply meddening, , know', is a sfiret-tate Matas,_ 4.5 peofesethoal
Idea provide heudInamely" Mesa go; hut it is no dierespeot to her
"OI, geeyea i—thati,s ell rightoo inter. to say that hire Bodbury is worth hall,a-
toupted the other; "and yen must not amen of her or Any other pelt Atte:tient."
think 1 iuteided, any reflection 'upon yeti—I Rodbury Weedbe this epthion. Pre
fer tenni it. I 14110W that your advice has knew, and had merited all through, without
been for whet yen felt was the heat.; but prompting, what bis wife Mid (10740;04mm
then, you eee, you. have Apt to atry it out, he was rut of elangsr and conic' think col*
-f eleell be out of the way of her ravirge and lectedly, he did fee think of Rose, and was
Ireney, I know; but I eset picture them, not totteRed with Me eelution of the old
,-atid shell hear them as plainly as though problem, lethint study it at he might.
seho new by my We. Then tilechildren tog
—they are helpless innonnat things, who
reeve done me no berm."
"They will certainly not 1:e more helpless
Withregeleed strength he folts and deo-
httoosif for uo feelleg, bit previous'
horror of hie positIctio and with the moridd
sensittvenese of an invalid mite t even
by your action, 'said Asitweil ; you pro- watched for, the faults and shortcomings in
wide for their estimation and their future. ego woman who ;lad riab,a oar awn seee to
De tl2ink, if only for a moment, of Whet neyo his, and whose petit thin leathree efo
*heY., we'4:43 row ,aP,, 4 to, ,heh with each a brightened tip when abo BAN him smile, end
oneteer amo mote Oconee .041.9WeVOr respeot- who wee " hs.p/„. when he vhowed *rep,
esble accersling te their own standard, tc yoh toms•of retina -lig ;AM gal.
;they wilt be 4 eattateet mime of tottery mei _t
JP% urbm 'OMR • JACUIV Tf.CIA4/%4 4-Y,"^"OP414.441,
aitintieQAtiCila" WA WOW acitleme, And dirroted to fotgaed
‘4C bat is CW8140, Iiierhareen 4 414 later' hanao—euch u arraugement would be lure
eupted the visitor. "I AUX gang o suggeot Itself to leack Bradbury. TMS
thet tssettled. But I am not welt the:tight ; ja a. nem"; ts, Ashwews relief. for he
Pardon, assinning a lightness and indiffer-
en e he was. really fee frees, feeling.
"1 cseme up te see how Rea wee getting
on," resumed Sperle. "1 was up two or
three time while you were ill, asi 1, suppoe
Two lremarhaine Whinges teem Me i The British IS1le1e Society, a which the
orient. Earl of Hareowby k Peden, reports en
aiyinovic:kinnarof aa, ot t Behraset 1140ahrir thelbetof rbgeoselavtg,:n7e,o(ty4i kesaner ee;, 0Ap an t !elide eranzon, Ita:Lerwrlie efelf rclieurgintgo tthhee et:1r: ,ear2e4n6doir froerf o rl 814! vout eL odLis. tr6 b,utssiogu,amso
pin to =Irene bolta dense
Thia speech; was "enough to stegger most
men, Te find his meet inteutionjai aceur-
eta), divined, and etrangor cot whose
very ezistence he hed beenignoreet Ie re.
gelled his limiest nerve to repeat hie care-
rible terte $030an. ;waters, the war veie lithlea OK' fell 500.0C9* from 4**0°ClAil
rweelsre° drieVbie to certain dearnotioh and "-MAT/WM XegOtlie tome ttheet $eg7
what seemed ceetein death to all en board lend now, attraetiagsvery little attention,
upon the cwal reefs which eleirted the bar- In Birmingham reaeXitly she and her corn,
hor of 4.0a, the Brindle Ship Calliope, by peahen, who is said to be the doughter of..
virtue of 'superior power, was fightieg her The Bake di Beetaini, "an Amerthan hely,"
. t d ee
ir id tity
f Qs
3,500,000, They wete in. 287 langtotAes•
less Login and to ireenire ; " What next way loot by feet: *pipet the ragin Waters. an cou
Am I going to take the stook wadi me, or
do I mean te melte Yea A present- of it ?''
"I had thought of thieta," geld Soule, after
a pause; "and em gled. hiser you speak
ao easy about in We. have never been
exactly chums, yen know; but I did not
believe yeti were the man for such conduct.
Bat here is another point ; why don't you
come out pendia and sly who you are, and
what your friends are? You never told us
why You rotated your bey Dims; you never
even told as what his right name was. I
found out, however, that he was regisatered
Leunceston as well"—
• bu'rou slid, did you interrupted
"Yes, I tell you straight did,' returned,
tete companion; "and more than that, I
found there ways a place of that name down
below Plymouth ; ane I tient a Man as had
been in the police, all the way down there to
lequire alter Any 0yrusee and Rodburya
what he might find. It 00.4 Itie ten Pounds,
it cost me a nanny, and all to no good."
'That WaS a pity indeed,' Rola Redintry,
as the opeeker pmeed, teeti far Wolter
Om Seethe and bed rue swiftly over the
probubte consequenceo et this activity the
part of hie breteersin hew.
"Now, don't seeeret & loneness anxiety,"
reeareed'SPorle• "I have AO reIatione ia
the world tut My Asters, And I woold do
anything for them ; yes, And for your child-
ren, Freels. Yee may =Mink Mt
ant very feudal them as well, Ana x w.nt
thorn 114 Well as Reao to be het Straight,
Peeially 110W+P
es -
X ehiver one moment, ace feel all OA lire the fatly thaught thet his friend bed gopeahroad
two d°Y3 e=7° Pmt- ErerYthbff ready, atrange, without taking fu remotion et
=ext. I 'hell not be better until the next without iieemg etem ogelet eri ye fog wee lig
and tonnoerownielit I eteire f10111 Boston' V. .,„1,.,4/„,,,, Be,R„,..11„.,,i, ts.a _ea
i -Spume. I will tell you. bow I tete arrang- eiS00--ioss—wvol-ge,'"" eall—""ere"hrheeThrath
nod.' ur aeon a le woe ale for hire
hafo went OA to detail certain piton, 0041 te on out, and contult him as to
emoted, as the varier mutt long al_noe MimeI whet should now be done.
veto:awl, with the abandonment at his wife Never before had Redbity kuown such a
And eliadren. He was Selow Ahreete ilI le oonillot in his mind as to what he should do
leaat h
year, PethePe to° Yearel.".4 m4"te and whet he ourthe to (ie. What he 'should
even be for ever •, and a 546t"-33°13 ti" " and what he ouglie to do was, it was true, selicitor, we may be bum t ohfsay oeesiderea as regarded, his own weh
—would explein table wife that the merrtsge , taro and comfort ; het yet arena minor
beti!ff Illegal; alla Wag at liberlY to xnary.! amount of thought for °there mliagled with
*gem; that a,... Rodney was gone, never to 4, thle awl greatly Aidecl to trouble him, All
return, but that ahe was lett Independent, eo through eh we be had been acoustomed to
were tim children. This hendeome mode of oorastitt only the gratification of his own
dfseling with he would effectually ale y eufrott rtml to me os tooled moo agreemble
anger at the deisatien ; and. lereg ere Cyrus to himself, so that even eta much weverbeg
=Mulle4 from his tour, her wealth would. as tene was a gag ee improvement.
havegnined her an all Imace Inbar own sphere 1
But he Rill.4 heir to a largo fortune; there
and all inguiry for him would have aimed, 1
' was a no leortee in one of the most heatitital
'01 emir" tISSIS4 we" au lafialiq 0! actiglat) of Burnish countlee awaiting himgor scenes
Eilrinllinff one oi ench a eaherne " this; e a gaiety and htillisnoy itie foreign lands
=earl diehonourahls 'scheme, in which, but might be his, should he prefer to seek them ;
sfor the facility with which, the best of us End and &goo his bettor but leebler Self,
mrgitments to testify our wrougdoing, it: the loathing of hie Present home—
airould have been wonderful to see each al ape horror at oho idea ef reebg from ft seeh
-men as Ashwell allowing bland' ta take an i a. woman as Rose to ahow as his wife—rolled
AetiVe part,, 1 back upon him like A tide, and he dotermin-
Aker a long interview' whiat wal rar ed to oarry out his old xemolve.
front tending to compose his nerves, Bod• 1 "It trill be better for her as well as my.
bury went home, conaelous that he was in.: self?' wee the ready sophistry whieli rose in
dead "out of sorts," as ha phraecel it, and , his „ibid. " She will be a good deal bap.
'conscious too, once or twice, that he had for. 'pier in her own sphere where she will never
ogotten where he Swale and even where he ' wage; and the childen—well, she, would
was golog. Re rallied from this immediate I not like to lose them." So by the time he
Is; but them' were -ugly sTelPiculls" anal was fairly oonvaleacent, his plans were in
estenh moment ho felt that he require& el much the same position as before his ill -
greater effort to throw them off. "I shall' gem
ke glai when it Is done," he muttered, as I .
km turned into his own secluded street. "I' Ho ima been out several Hines. On the
whedlnot, I hope, then feel quite so much of first oecaeion Rose went veith hi:lifer a ride.
the hangdog and the sneak as I do now. 1 Thla Yraa in a eorrieg°hireall'm tit° neareet
.oan hardly bear to sea the light in the vain.' liveryestable. They traversed the West-Eadof
dew where I know Rose is meting for met a London—Hyde Peale, Buokinghten Palace,
listening for my step; and listening, too, ' Regent street, Oxford Street, and the like
for the alighteat none from the room where ' hang ineluded. in the tour—thus affording a
%any harmand poor Rose
he ehildren ere sleeping. They have never, treat of thehighest kind to Rose, who al -
Oneness , has str.v- I though a Londoner born and bred, had not
emir, the beat of her power to make mei aeon thin fashionable, this aristocratic), this
., hem. ,Egad 1 I am a model husband and fairyland district in, shorb, half.ecdozan
: father t
Then, he sta-eted. to find himself wander*
timea in her life.
She was delighted with the eneursion,
ag into a wholly different train of thought,
For a libtle *bile Bei/bury osfa nothing;
his companion had unconsciouely supplied
him with, Additional reasons for carrying out
hie plane without delay. Sparle's guest
had luckily failed, in one instance; hut
some unfortunate aeoldenbroight betray him
—Rodbury. The Iteowledge of his son's
wend name, given WheA be never dreamt
of the Intenitietee which had einOS heeeUle
Min "lathe heatowal ef which he now bit-
terly regretted, ehowed hew deegermet mob,
inmalielee might tomtit%
Well, we will go in now 't beg= at
leek " it you have quite field:4*B you heve
ID my."
"All right; I entierstand you," retorted
Spezia. " Imre pretty nigh bielied, ro
we will go la. You have not been home all
']ay, I believe V'
"No, Ihave not. You aro correcbln that
belief', Al IA ao veiny other things," replied
Beabury. " Moe you enythbag to smy
about that 1"
"Wall," Sperle loosen slowly, After a
brief pens*, "not a greet deal, only you
heard -me gay teepnoially now,' when 1, want-
ed things putt -straight, slid you not!"
"X did; and wondered why it was es-
pecially now, as you seem to bevel been
meddling in my- affeire for a good while
piasiVl_ was the gracioes answer of Rodbury.
"Whet I meat was tett /Ado," oontinuoi
the other: "you hey. not 'been home ranee
toward the open see and soden/. he har- eauran 41) o
rewly eecepagintinnipg down the American being anipated. The Beip,rends ebony
cruiser Trento*, and 44 she P44444 aleit Waikillg'4Uar ead darkened eyebrows are
within touching distance the sailors or the her noticeable feature*. She. iseelne IP 14-,
Trenton, driving as they were to destruo, gelient snirite.
tion, set hp a hearby, spontaneous) ohoer in An arrangement between Lad Mandeville
recognition of the pluok and the seaman- and hie meditate, whieh PrOmioto to he an'
!hip which combined to save their Englhle ceptableeto the latter, provides for the ex
brethren. Every ore remembers the story Relation to -a ;legatee on behelt of the. credtt-
of this cheer end every Amerian remembers ors of A mortgage on the fee of needed
the thrill Of hrlde with which' he read that estates inleelseid of the Balm of Mewsheater
the breve fellows could elms ery out their for an aritenoteet which will !Sake Ultimate,
Mori -turf ee ea/Women in the midet if the ly to pay, twenty el:linage, in, the Pennell
driving and ehrieleing the searful gam. without ihtereat within e Team After the de.
That (Meer ease of the preseht Peke. The lareest
and so pleased th know thee her husband
and although his feeb had mechamcally, as yeas able be out again and sit by her
-fb were, carried. him to his own gate side, looking as handsel:tie as ever—hisbeanty
' must be taken on Rae's estimate—that her
poor eyes, weakened, it naught be, by the
fatigues of nursing, or perhaps by some hid-
den cense, filled ever and anon with team.
Toe Ale would not go for a eecond drive and
was indeednigrelanguid and weak than even
. he had, for the last minute been in
s. fancy walking* over the well -remembered
downs and hollows among which his youth
lehedilleen paned. "Another week of this
Ivoired 'kM me," he muttered as he opened
door; "almost wish I had not como
I her receht fatigues would. account for or than
s he had divined, Rose was awaiting ihis I suited her brsk, energetic tensPermenle
Rodbury saw this bub decided it would
eretare, and had prepared some deli:way—HI
messed fa a delitney with her friends—for I Pa" at' wemen were elYwaY0 nervous, or
erhPPet. When slue found he would not
defiant, or excited. These, or one of these,
of esecotuated for ell her symptoms to one so
trench the little repasts, and complained
adz head, her wifely anxiety took alarm; eatilY diel'eaed to he satisfied- •
ashe noted how Inaba and strange he Again the eve of his intended departure
hooked, and insisted upon his lying down MI arrived; again he had an interview with
ennee, then busied herself in applying cooling Ashwell, when he boastfully contrasted his
•lcition to his trow, end made him a cup.. of Innovated health with the wretohed atate in
'tea, midnight though it was. I Which he was when he paid his previous
She was a good nurse, and a loving tender , farewell visit, twit was intended to be. Ash-
en:die, deepite her faults and vulgarities, for well was less enthusiastic; he had been
',which, indeed, she was in novena reopen. touched by whathe heareiht Reset) conduct,
assible. She had been taught no better; and, and had once or twice ventured upon a sug-
liaet her character was such as Rodbury geetion, or an approach to one, by which he
-well knew ib to be, proved the goodness of , hinted at Rodbury's taking hie wito abroad
the heart, whith could nob be materially with him, where nobody would know her,
inSented even by suoh trailing AP hers had or be likely to find fault with her; but this
keen. I was not well received, and so was not
"91 you are not hater in the morning presSed.
;Beanie," she said, as she sat by the heed of Going home from this final interview—
se bed and looked anxiously into his flash. home for the last time 1 after that night he
faeo, "we must send for Dr Bergen_the ' would be free from Ali theee sordid sur
first li1ting."1 roundiugs—he was startled by coming and -
"I than be all right in the morning, denly upon Mr. Spade, his partner, who
eseid Rodbell? ; but his words were hardly was eanntering slowly tip and down a
distinct; "only' feel so chilly now." neighbouring Aran and evidently waiting
• .She knew he 'could not be euffering from for him, Be was dreesed respectably after
great cold, yet laid more olothee on him, . his fashion; but this was a fashion -which
rand then las few minutes he complained of almost proclaimed his trade, and ' he was
'the heat, and reproached her with mother- smoking a short clay pipe. •
Snag him under so many blanket. I "1 thought you were a Illlndred miles Off,
All his utterances Wandered . away into Jack," said Rodbury, overcoming a strong
herokeninoomprehensible speech; end thus impulee to shudder in disgust ; "1 did not
it continued ell tight, Rose never slacken- dreani of eoeing you here"e
Zing in her attention, or murmuring at " No, 1 daresay you did not," replied
the irritable, often unkind remarks he Sparle ; "but somehow'I did not feel easy
'elude. It was - a lone night, yet about Rose, and—and there were two or
Anon:Ling came at last; but no oath on the three other things weighing ef good dead on
mart of Rose, no change from night to day, my robin, so I have eim up, yoh see—No;
hoed benefit Rodbury, and Dr. Berge had I am not going in yet, nor you neither," he
ID he sent fon 1 continued, as Rodbury was about to turn
By this time the invalid had ceased to into the street in which he lived; "1 want
oepeali, or at •auyeate, spetak distinctly, a little talk first."
hael though 'he ahnost constantly uttered unne "Talk away then 1" exclaimed his cora-
AatTG ABOUNA TELE. Wenn, ereffitenabahet eigtoified their aPprovelo
and wherever heats an Anglo &Zen heart,
he ib twder the flag of Begiend, or of the
Called States, the pride of 14404 to gee!),
men was the same and all eiald that; no me*
ploit upon bleed -stained decks in time of
aotion could be grater or more heave.
At Molokai, one of the 8111%110st of thellA,
waiiau group of blends, heglated hoti.
elven-eta by alt emend men a the enebodimeht
of tho epirit of patileheea lived) or 'tether
existed, the poor wretches who had been at.
Melted by the dreadhli emerge of OEM region
—leprosy The bland IS a laalrette to which
these hapless Mita were sent and there left
ID shift for theeetelom and to eustaln AS host
they might the romialeder of their ueheppy
Left there without a ray el light to miti-
gate their unhappy condition, dee-arta of
mon and seeMingly to tlieln of 034, herded
togetleer—mon, women And robildren---in
shAmelese commenity, tale In body for the
meat; idle in mind, gave When. they thought
of their lot to 011010 A—NVIllt weeder tbet
they yielded in desperation to vime which forwend like leether, and be seinected to
preinieed thorn at least e few being of divers- verY 0000lderable tensile strein with impel,'
ion and forgetfulueso, luta ;emitting, drunle, itY 4 is eleo a1mob as trertelnenut as Lau,
erineni mad all manner of debauchery merle eall ot 4 Pleaatng alMbar, "14; varying 10
thole eunda and nerds a tutelar; ,44 thrtiC from vetht light geglolt tel Vele worn*
dimasedliodies. Tile hub of the materiel is so web of tine
14 emelt a condition were theeteerreteliee in troll wire* with warp and welt threads 0200
1873, Andel:lob it would new he but .for the 0,e_lae•tireellth that ePerti *hie helog
idegiteheerted heroism 044 IAA% 'whose 4140 tk y in ikinIntr% in 4 knelt or .oroholurothli
work in the -mutest religionmoratity aud. Walk Pt W1/41014 tha baso is 4114441
humanity haw lett been crowited by mertyr. !There Is no resiro or gum in tho varnish, and,
dom. Thiswea Fr. Demien, A Fronfattpask4 baming beoow.o d it lo oldlehle
radius beet and. damp without madergoing
broikfasb,tio4� not know everytidng. If I
wax itottoue ebont Rae before, I am more
anxious now, for while you wore out, the
got worse. I. went for Dr Berge, and he seys
ehe is vary ill. 'In feet, ,Xrank Ilefintry,
your wile ts took with the evorsb-kra of
smallpox, and I don't think even you will
sneer at time,' ;
"Bose Attacked by innelipor 19 echo-
ed Rodbury, who was almost stunned for
the moment et heating thin while a host of
:alleges latently Realm& throuelt his mind.
"Yea, site" replied Sperle gravely; "your
wife is took with the smelipox, and Dr.
Berge says it will go bleed with her"
(to nn cleannestrzn)
MieTienua Tramway company Patatt to.;,
a Ana osettlemout with its striking .drivete .
on these teriAS. The working day weafixed
et 12 hours, fneludtrog mut freehonr for
Middisy mane and three ellaSktea Of wages
Were sleeted 'ett fee men 'Who had imeeed
mote, th'..en ten yeare,(2)mare then five years,
end (3) lea then .fiee yeere .zeospeetivotlY.
The htelmet Otaw te to reeeiVe 1 tierhe 70
loretitesteo or *tent 05 Otte e dill the
emend dem 1. dim* Ott kreeteore, axed the
third clue 1 Aerie. 50 'literitets, Dedneo
tient .W111 be mode .for the eiek and poosioe
tondo,' hot the dtivere Are. to remive Mpay,.
for one day ei atotelete mot an of the were
he Teta ofpay for overtime work, which '
io never to be -compnleorye Will he *OW
Vie new tlrersibleent eabitgleil fatended
AP aanbiti1ubc for -glitet hoe been eitiolectorlo
ly Adopted ID some of the public beildlege
of 1,endom, tend witetitadveittogea Stre.CIAIM, •
.114. Wit, tepees theee beteg enCit k demo
of pliencer thet IDmay be bent lieokwera And
wesesiptien ot the eel:Inds upon winch
*rove enplane Weeneit handed fits Ship-
wrecked Fasseners.
Tee ielands extend in an oblique line from
northweee to sontheeee, between the
allele. of 37 degrees and 40 degrees 'meth le
titude, and between 25 degrees and 31 de-
grees west longitudes • Geograplaloally they
May be divided into three groups; the Rho
or enaterly group cornprieetessn Micheers
and Se, Mary's; theiecend or eeettal peep
certiTereeiriOresie5t Oaarle,1,ico:xdtAraayhuettotb44rwrtr.
group ceasksbi of the lonely Wands
of Flores( and Verve. They are all very
email pleas; a very good w4ikpr might al -
meet go round the biggest of them ta e day,
Beery Melt of them, with the exception ot a
a9hurelL°4roliedttr,thebisit7 c'oltt Sartied14Aroec°04f1241415thereen*Ofnllet,
APO% to anything we have M this pant of the
world ewe 4 forge heap or a elog hili. Rsoh
little island presents a solid front of herd,
black lava agaleet the revagee oi the greet
ocean whjc hmodexe as the hese of eliffe
and preeiplea bendretla of feet high. Even
On the stifles% day the black rocks aro
edged, With an ever moving frinho of vvhite.
aurf, whittle leaps up against their obdurate
feco or sullenly roils in. among the ceverae
at their bag. Marvelously fertile, too, are
these Weedy; Almost anything will grow
them if It can bet 113413fige to gi!P shelter
/cern the violence of the liVioter winds. The
hillvorys, Otofripnwimitelet ancod:rioadnere.aaresamgrr anted. ix
the lower lends and hem gehee.00d
plame grow rich crepe of mete) teed grain,
beard!, tObaece, and Preetpetatqlti kiovery
little glee may he eoen the bright green
thieldethepod lemma sof " eeleeno," together
wlth enormous pendent fropis, see and eight
.feela long, ot the Weedwiu-die fern, springing
from a -Carpet ehlele dale, of tho dimwit and
greenlet lyoopedlam. The lava wellwhich
flee the Towle soud merit cff the fioldo are
green and grey With MOM and ilOhen. Here
mid there Are bread berme* leave* and the
;rumpled leeme of " Pierre peer Above
waving 10W1-0143440eisolke, Theblear:Wear°
riols in ell mama of kindly trete). The
vino end tig tree straggle iu oll dirootione
over the *Noy aide; of rioo 3 there are
emplane and, pine epples, passion Rower
nit Ao,a, pomogronotoo; the reediest are aif
an the blitelobertim, nd orange;
and aprioete are to be had for the Wang.
and. grove*
Fleet= Fortunate Fields—like theee of old
Sought in the Atiantle maim"
then yoltug, WA°, heeriog of the Oita cote
dition of them parielee la the yaw Aimed
tookto the Mend the Ingo; of 1144411101
youth, the activity of hie keen mindeed;the
cheep, :wither Imedeelng n.5rbocomtag
the menufecture SOCKS,
ed by dipping the !beets edgewise into
Maki of vernith, and then ellowlog the
AZVOTION Or MS KIRI, IMAT, miming Which they thee Motive to dry In*
laying them all 04 the shrine of,duty to ble were), ethmephere. It requires nomewhat
fellows. Ile know that his life mud be Palis- more than* deem of them dip) to brieg the
ed amid, the reoat horrible ourtouncliogliatel sheet to the required degree of thieleneet,
nulightlabYe°1iriuiblPQrttil"ti*udlwbeuthl"ll4nlcormlielib:dltb,pleaeurs,bntthedlaot stoPliete7o. materiel ID atrredfor etlersoete o ior
Ha knew thethis death must in the nAture oueloy got,
of thiege boas Ioetbeome Ile that of the poor Another device or method has been Added,
beinge whom he went to aid, but this did to them heretofore proposed teo pronto) the
not deter him.
(Mee among the abandoned, he heron -like , Vh 644144011131 aTroteleguyt5ola bn4o1;11 b4Viavgellriftiorn-
AMA 01 20010 to bettor their Materiel *Ott- I ward consiete in wrapping each halo of oat -
Melon, 'working with his own hand to cover ton io wire gaitee bottled of the usual atm
theit•nekednete, fill their oteumoles end pro. lag en ente negfhtee Oe has hem, it le olefoo
vtdo them with shelter, And atimulattifigthem ed, entheeted to all Meth ot Mete, butudin
• to seleltelpial effort; in the same (Breeden. hookeencluarepreselon, and, it it ;alleged, bas
ire was their physicden, :lure°, teal:dm, ad- proved tieelf amid la ell respect* to tete
shier, friend, servant. Sometimes hishAnde Bagging. The principlea involved iii that
cooked their food, and again he dug 'thot inane will net peas through very tannin holes
grave and old, on elm; NTA4 mortal of the according to the weals:town tionstruotIon of
doto, faits final ratting place. the Deey saletylamp. Cotton peaked in the
Proceeding from the material to the hold of a vend will when ono 013 fire burn
morel, Fr. Damien taught hie wads elem• mom or toss slowly for week,, even when
Mess, sobriety, continence and honesty, the hold ie flooded with sea water, and when
and his words, aupported by his deeds of -removed the cotton will burst irtto flemee,
practical benevolence, wave him smell In* buraint fiercely and inotb destvuotively.
fluent* that ho reformed '
ewe set cousteraer, ' , blaziog away when theovert overboaed
eatablishing Aeleempeot where there had ' after Wert taken from a burniog yowl.
been a sullen abandonment of all efiert oas of ,i, In thie eime the cotton bereantetheated ohnoot
all hope end bringing out of tho chime Of to the alluring Point by the 'erg continue&
debencliery a deeint order. Then, an tho fire °lot° hY!! Bab with) snot) wire eloth
bates of materiel comfort mei moral cermet. might stand a oorisiderable degree of beet
istands as his noblest monument and gives to
which for some time, sooner or later the motel will
oxidize and fall in -pieces. It euggested,
nese he erected a religions edifice
his flock a hope for the future wok& ig no, therefore, that jute bagging might be treated
tiled them= tide world. - waith silieete Of sopa or mom fireproofing
At last hie contacb, daily and hourly con- t Leaterelless," fel render the fabrio non -
tinned for,yeers, with the terrible airless° lm'emmume-
brought the inevitable end four year's ago Hints for driving of an unusually mithorie
he beanie a leper. Re continued hie work, tatxve charactonar0;found in the.Beadminten
however, until sixanonthasince, when weak- Sari"' IMAM° on that art, from the Pens 01
nese comPelled him to &shit, andoen the several contributors of novelized conmet.
10th of April he laid aown his life. Surely, enee. TheDnke of Beaufort, for instance
greater love hatinnomanthan thiii. sage thit the whip should beheld at the col'.
• Voila *sit .0eet
A well known Scotch bishop never
married. While he held, a certain ace 110
was of course a subject ot considerable inter-
est to the celibate ladies of the neighbour-
hood. One day he'reeeined a visit from one
oethem who had reached the age of deepen. -
tion. Her manner was solemn, yet 'some-
what emharrassede it was eeident from the
first that there,was somothinsnyery partioular
upon her mind., The good., Mahon Voice
with his usual kindness, and encouraged
her to be communicative. By.and-by he
drew from her thee she had had a dream, or
rather, as alio thought, a revelation from
Heaven. Oa further questioning, ober con.
teased that ithad been intimated to her
that she was to be united in marriage
to the , bishop.. ,One may ima,gine
what a start this gave to the quiet
scholar, - who- lead long before married
his bookseand ;Avert height of any other
bride. Be recovered, however, and, ad-
dressing her very gently, Bad thab doubtless)
these intimations werenot to be despised.
As yet however the designs of Heaven were
but im-perfeetly explained, as thary had been
revealed to only one of the parties. Be
would wait to if any similar communice-
tion should be amide to himself, and when
ID happened he would be sure to let her
know. ,
Cause For Offence.
Insulted Montanaian (to tenderfoot news-
paper correspondent)--Lookee here, young
man, you want to be a little more keerful
how you write things -that ain't so to them
newspapers back East. This is a high.toned
town, by Jinks, and the boys won't stand
Terrified Tenderfoot—Why, •I—I—what
have I written - •.
• " Why, yon writ to a Chicago paper that
,wnlynehed fourteen men here inenth,
and its a lie."
"I—I----thought it wistruegor I—I—"
"Well, it wasn't. We didn't lynch but
twelve and we only rid the other one on a
reit and peppered him a little with buck -
1 Cotton Ales heve even been known to filet
Prelates who wean the escarthe and fine lar, the diner pieta about 10 inches from the
linen of eae, she meg fir every to,oe who end. Twe handeci driving Is protested
repine under amell diaeomfortra or are exalt'
. &gehapt. "The right hand has no wire of
ed by their Own potty virtues should re- holiness to touch the reins, except for the
member the leper priest mid be bumble; and . purpose of shorteninger lengthening one or
from these two heroic examples. wlekh come both of them, or of supporting the left hand,
to us in a year of peace,- the world should. should it require assistance," sue,h as hold -
gain thankfuless end boutage ding a puller or in turning. ''Por driving
. •
Hoer We Taste.
Strictly speaking, with the tip of the
tongue one Can't really taste at all, -If you
put a small dropof honey or oil of bitter
almonds on that part of the mouth yon *111
find, no doubfto your great surprise, that
ID produces no efreot of any sort; you only
taste it when it begins slowly to diffuse it.
self, and reaches the true tasting region in
the middle distance. But if you put a little
cayenne or mustard on the same part, you
will find that it bites you immediately—the
experiment should be tried sparingly—
while if you pub it lower down in the month
you will swallow almosb without notioing
the pungency of the stimulant: Th,e rea-
son fa that the tip of the tongue is supplied
only with nerves which are really nava of
taste, properSthey'belong to a totally differ-
ent mein branch, and they go to a different
centre in blinbrain together with the very
similar threads which supply the terve of
smell fornmustard and pepper., That, is why
the smell and taste of these pungent eubeten-
oes are so much alike, as, everybody must
have noticed; a goodsniff at e. mustard pot
!producing aimost the same' iaitating e d tti
ao an incautious monthf I • '
IWh -d 11) t •
shot. Stick to facts, yesung nosio, thet e ell u
we askeif you;
en one strying e era expern Flagler one of the Standard .011 king. He
four horses "the driving hand (the left)
should be straight in the centre of your body,
with the knuckles of your 'hand th the front
and your forearm exactly square to theupper
arm." Then, "havingseated himself on the
box, the coachman should put both his feet
Acne together. His „left hand should lee
about s where the top ot his trousers would
come—that is, the forward pretty nearly or
absolutely horizontal—the hand adman ie
not quite, inthe centre of the ' body, with
the back of his fingen anti hie knuckles'
straight to the front." Another contributor,
Lord Algeinon St. Maur, says, 4111,1 to your,
reinsehhey should be held as near your hare'
as poesible, if you, happen to have one ; i
not, where your heart ought to be." The
expoundereof tandem driving is Lady Geon
'gine Cams].
00M% Nagtt .41vat Fun.
The followleg Is an extraot from an
yiew in the Wineloog Free Prom wl
D. D. MARA tbe welidenown railweY 004 -
treater, who.hee lost returned from a visit
ID Setth. Americo :.—We remained ',week at
Wiser, the priPelpal sea port of are. We
went from there to Dime, the 04144 of the
xopublio. 0 wiug earthquokoi moot of the
building; IA Telme are only ono ;throw high,
nil none eve over two storeys. Rain it
enniosity in this pert of the cannery. The
Omit allowoo in *even yams felt during our
vieit. The netionel debt of Peru is so heevy
thet the entire minter hat been rendered
ocowerlees duce !the Wor with Chilit The
People seem to home Pit -embition,. and. there
le very little doing in the oountry. Been
the tnterest on the ;notional debt bee not been
paid fox year', ited the Golverement have h-
oned millioue of dollen!' of piper money
which they tow repudioote, end vrhieh may
bo bought in the brokers' elfin* for $ or 4
onto on tlio defier. Soma of the petiole had
millions of dollars of this mousy on their
hsnds at the °Mee ot the war, and the above
pommel:age Ito all they aim Teethe, Oa DIOR.
Ata Liremeve darketts4 an seem) and weed
up the Oroye railway. The seenery on this
line Is nrobehly tho grandest in tho world.
Thom is prectleally no'erAtrel au the
way, as the portion that now built lo use-
less until the reed. ia extended to the Oroye
mine, which le alibied to be enrounthin of
efivor, Atka coneIdered one of the richest
mince la the world. The mountain* on our
trensoontinents1 lines here are as footlights
compared with the mouetains on the Oroya
reilway. The track is laid to 'Chicle, 130
kilometreafrom the mist. Tho grade can
be imagined when we trevelled up 12,220
leob in three _hours. Tho ilue up this ceny-
on is a series of owitch.backe and loops al-
most; the entire distance. At plaoes there
aro four tracks immediately o,boro each
other, sometimes passing through a ancces-
talon of tennels which are oho ono Above the
A Lucky .Pliyaioian and His Fee:
A 'New York homeopathic physician has.
recently been the recipient of an allopathic
fee. Eighb yeiirs ago Dr. Shelton graduated
from,r. medial college nob a young m -Se by
1 .
any means, but full of hope,if without me
fluencese It *as up hill work at finale bob in
'two' years he was in partuership witha lead;
Ing cbllege professor and, last Wiener Hew
him. in attendance upon the elhughter of _Mr.
meats) on the .1411.bject, in order to test the
• vary!), oeesitiveneief os the di rent parte
Didn't Like His Looks. to different enbettineen . it is necessary to
keep the tongue quite dry in order to isolate
Hadji Haseein Ghoely Idhan, the Persian : the thing you 'are experimenting with and
Ambaseador at Washington, a man full of I prevent its spreading to all parts of the
adventures, had anotlaer one the other day 1 mouth together. -In actual practice this
at the" nation's capital. He called at the result le obtained in a rather ludicrous
the door hell, and was reeeived by Biddy , tween ee h . g, - , d f
Mrs. 0 (Me seeming v foolieh sail un.
en huge:nee, He -tendered e °arc' re he di nified x dient does the pereust of
ietrea. BiddY assured ?' Ge 'II --.. i
taken to hernn him nuenee len. e me s °hot let.
tlaat bee inistmee had nothing to say to the ern P Y og
house of n distinguished lady P 1 fi I manner—byblowin uponthe ton ute be -
T a excinerimeet iwith a pair o bel -
with Mirth contempt. - She wanted to,know le
zons�f 1
ctourasnh'iotai'd'Irthhei7Ialtheka door - Bright Boy: tri:ehip of the old block;
anyway. The Ambassador rushed away in ain't I, Pa ?" Fond Father: "Yes, my son."
a towering rage, and it took all the diplom- R R : "An' you're the head ot the family ;
acy that was lying around 'loose in Wash- ain't you, Pd F. is. : "Yes, My, ion.",
ington to pre'vent hisnlemanding his pile., B. B. ; "Then you're a blockhead; ain't
t Nebraska' State e Journal. you, pa
deveted wholeeimete his patient, acconee
panymg her to F ori ase ahd was with her
when She died. '„ He had ins reward for his
faithfuthess. achnewledgment of his ser-
vicee Mr. 'Flaglet pre:tented the phyeician
with Standard Oil:certificates of stale to the
amount OfS50,000, which are worth in the
market ' ter,000, It was a lucky windfall
• fort ie oethr, • who • was sta. a poen man
on'y pix yeerinege—at least this is the way th
whi,Jo phybichiii epcalL of it—and 11
nets ordinary people to wondering whether
the latternre liable to go on a strike at any,
time and. give a boom to the price of consul..
tenons. The ciisthmef engaging t tervicee
of a dcgtoe for,sesingle exchunvely is
ooming Maenad more intionathien, and the
,mahe of people 'Means yet In doubt whether
to rook ppon the movement ae anevil or
bleseitogo e • •
A Ntithiteohapel
Tim Pell Mail Colette soapn—In bit speech
at the Presbyterian Synod the other whining
the Itsv. John created quite a
sensation by tolling the following tale: Ho
waa speaking of temperance and tad that
lase Settadey, when he preach:id a temperance
sermon at the Tabernacle, be received a
letter that harl been written by a lady on
the, danger of the =use at communion of
fermented wine. The lady in her letter
told a Bad 'Way of en" inherited passion for
drink.' There were our or five of them=
several brothers! and two sisters—the chil-
dren of intemperate parents. Her sister
had unfortunately inherited the craving,
and before she was " fotirteen hed aken th
drink. The othelis became converts(' and
did all in their power to cure their' sister,
but it was of no nee. The sister at length
married comfortably and children were born.
But the craving for drink grew greater and
greater, and at lanai -she was sent•to
honie for Inebriates, where she stayed a
year. 'She len apparently, said tho sister, a
changed woman. Soon after, however, her
husband caught a severe- cold, and before
going out one morning drank a glass of hot
whiekey--taking care, however, not to do.
so in the presence of hie, Wife. Then
as waa his custom beftire leaving he
kissed 'wife. At Onee the fumes
of eloohol parsed into her and in an hour
alt wana drunk And roaring Woman. She ,
went trona Worth to worse and it last, 'left
her husband and her children, one of them
a cripple. through her drunkenness. e The
limbered died two years age, a evhite-haired
and broken-hearted, man, though enly forty-
five yeare old: "Need I add," said the
015101 -10 her letters, " what became of her ?
Herhebay is *and Annie Chapman, one of
the recent Whitethapel victims.. Thal) was
mY deter r
Much excitement was created at Bala,
Merfonetheliire; thio other 'Sunday, ' her an
accident which happened on 'the Berwyn
mountains. ' Mr. Ismael Roberts, engineer
at Liverpool Waterworks, VyrnlYY. was,
driving over the raege from LlanwYddyn to
Bala, and onreaching Rhew Bement the
driver was seized with 'a -fiti and fell from
the box. The horses an ,over a precipice
200 ft. deep and were killed, the carriage
being smashed to atoms. Fortuneately, the
passenger had 'discovered. that, something
was wrong, and leaped from the carriage
before the horses rushed -over the ravine,
The driver was dia.:eared alive en the