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The Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-13, Page 5
EVEREST'S001101.'YRUP ..#ANA.for 22 fX0.44f 0. Tse it Rad 1!1r eenalecet of fto woodoxIst ggrr,#ire Propertle Pride ?A rarttn. The i Coat Successfuliiemrdn saver dt>,aov- ek d. as it 1 , certain r ita effects _ad dost not Watt', Rosd,, proal below, KENDALL'S. SPAVII( OURL Omen o,Cais� J,. ! sir, oars Ass Maar- rift .:, D o o Ihnse fowl. Da, B. Yxxaa r*CO. srooP. Irk, fiTAv,7t' 1199. Pear a1ra:I have always purchased sashes dors sp,yd Glee by the Ulf docea�laottlea b Would) ra ralcerhtrrrrgerqu2i ty, 1 1M .k iIis onset be beat ilninsents pa earth. .l i are 4004 cu fpr (tables for tares seers. roars tr�?1y Cau. 4., amtvstt. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL T.,AMW4theC1,, st 1 Last,T4 youtottlpleoal lotrpy as your XeDOWIt$PaY1rt Cure.1b* o fur "reaLtegr:r,eners. Stiff Jaelutiu. riand***dihare ad ccra.lcayg n4sc464041 *owe Trot t."'SUrdr'iatool,a, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE fc.ta1!,JB. aLsp'prlr.0....T ta0. Dro.1l. MB,* ,enrsr Ifeel/traxdatyb) 1s areasNe4apaiaa a $pasta ntT.ttve borers that bNtl't ac{der alit' i AW at41t (u )w; errs,»ar Volute tsar • Everest' Lige" R �rsrs eR list ;Oros Xidnsys, ode , apr41h of ti+a Mood. Prion tri. lis belt/44r Tor Asir t,>t !FFG PAITr ell$$. lllsaufs•tur4 out, lot Imo, se anion maw. Jrorwts, ealr, PRNNYRO AA.L WAFERS, Preserl of a. Pfi a +tom #a a Ws —Pit In t fv mouth woe ION est for Faa. taloa° B41K1L1tilet,,iir We for died 'e V.$ Cb CO.,J or .1 by Dr. Lute:, and dralg J4 STOP AND. READ! There is a Machine Oil called IT ` is L4U"AOPURED SOLELY BY Mct1t.Lk RROS., TORONTO T. See that ,Barrels are branded with. the Trade Mark, L4DDIE If not, do not take it, as it is only spurious oil the, are offering you so as tonake more ,Money out or FOR SALE.BY Biszcrtt B a uiy 2 188, KENDALL'S SPAWN et per bottle. or otxbotnoe too ave torettnitditfar7oa,oclt addrres,odi recetPtofDpicebY rn ti T, .i st (tw,ZuiWtaus ;BT ALT. D tl7GGIST Year's RTLE Continued Froin (paps 4 which must have been uaadewhen.,.. At the irst Bhaek numbers of people who were passing sander the arch, fled into the middle of the area for shelter; those hi two chemises, as ,nosy as could possibly lett out, did the same; at this instant the arched gateway with churches aid buildings fell down and buried every soul as they were Standing here crowded together." Of lata years hundreds have per- ished ie earthquakes, and many:. de- tails might be furnished; but withal, we doubt if history records anythiva more heart -moving than that whirl the whole civilized world is today deploring. MEDICAL, Tar, ©ELE811ATED DR, X 0A/IRON. QF I'.1.ETS, FRANCE, NAS ESTA.RLisldED hN.AOENOY IN TORONTO FQE. TBE SALE 0,P ILIS 1.1EDIQINES. WBIPI3 Alin A POS• ITivE Gt`R1 FOIL ALL CHRONIC, AND PRIVATE DISEASES OF ',ONG STA. NDING ALSQXOMIPITII; INs'O tTION,EA.RLY 3($r! S TC r SffOI"LI'I NVItITR, VON, N. FQI;? AT10N. CQIi S#'Q,'y'I, ENOE CON ADDAXES *Ia. TAIT/318 TO TIIE E B. CuIt» AGENCY, IRON PLACA - . TORON'T Out 4k, Plug eking Tobacco dation INCORPORATED,,t1,L'fat. ISS?. Head d Ogee room D Arcade, i 1e, TORONTO, ONTARIO. In the Life Department this Asso• (tion provides indemnity far Sick. 9 and Accident, and substantirti as, ands to the relatives +nf deceased Tnliers At terMs available to 8ll.. n the %.loll Stock Department, two= indemnity for Loss of live stock aerobe's. Send for particulars, lid etc. WILLIAM JONES, ilflNlAGINC.DIRECTO JI THE PROVIDENT �.d Live Stook urn rri and Clndertakin Q0. TO ER THAN EWER. See & Andrews FOR AND PARLOR sum, 0, 1,DS AND EXTENSION = LOUNGES AND Sr CHAIRS. c eadacheltadre a a bilious eta N44446. E in lir the $i IUCCCM ills A6tsa shots SICK yet (`mast( s Earn i4-vs's Fre y valuable its !'onrtipation. rutin;thlsatiaoyitigeorep(laic rycs tai disordrrr ottaia s' . ,.. Wow and mutate 1.ktl iitTw4 raptaR they only cured HEAD Ache they .could be *tweet pnc.h !+ *holm butofoorrttunately heir gokodness does not en here, and those who onto try them will And there little pnlavaluable h? so rumny wept that they will not be willing to do without them. iigt atter all sick head ACFIE he bane or ria man Uvea .that here to wJiere rrla snake otm groat boast Our pills Curt Is rrhtl,l others do not. CAtrrra'Ja Lrrrt.It Lt�"CR I'ILti are vary small and very only to take. Ont or two tills snake a dose. They aro ntrfetly vegetable and do not grille or purge, but by their gentle action please all rrho t them . Ia vI*l. at SS cents: thofaril. Sold evaryrehere, or sent by mad. �II,,,,,,�� 048Ti JIiDICINN RO., ¥1r Tat.. IWii�1 f iW i a THE i.IGHT.RUNNIING SEWING MACHINE HAS NO EQUAL. CITY T„ LONDON, ON'. AR Vn1osks all tlia Bowels, Kidney rand off gradually+ witlsoaat ere tem, all the iit,purities gust Lout 2 u.t i of Lim seoretiane; at thq o:trao tilpo Cor- recttng Acidity of' tho Stomach;, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia,, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the SkIu, Dropsy, Dimness or Vision, Jaulf• dice. Salt Rheum, ErvstpeIass, Sar°. rola, Flutteringof the leart, .Nor* vousness, and Cnerat Debility ;all Mess and many other similar Com In nta d to the leap influenoo of Uj�$ LOOD BITTERS. For Salo by an.Dea?c,, T. iIIa$U Ili&CO.,Proprie#ors, Toronto. LADIES ONLY. FRENCH REGULATION PILLS. Far snpetier to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide, Endorsed by the thousands of ladles who use them MONTHLY. Never fail, rolls* yo in, INSURE REGULAILITY, Pleasant a.rt Effectual. Price 32. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. Nov.Z„s The Greta English Prescription. per da J. IlleMAIiTIN, Proprietors.. ALESME WANTED to cAtavaS4 for the safe of Nursery $took C 1SALARTA;XI"ENSESoretiltIAI SIO Stead' emr�Loytrttntt,, A141Y at once, 9t>Lt. Lng' *go, 1 efer� to thQx Papa. 4. 0, NELLU$ k CO., ltoeltester, N. Y. dense 6r -sty lath Huron Couserva Boers, A 3neetitlg of the Liberal-Consery we ,AsSoci anon of South Huron Iva in the lomat HaII, Exeter, alit [ay' afternoon last. Among those At were, T. Coughlin, :if, 1r., Ofia; Torrance, Reeve of Stanley; T. N. Reeve of C.'sborne; ii. Encrett T, lt. Catlin;;, J. White, D. Mill, W, Bissett, J, Spackman, Robt. S*tuders, S. O'Neil, Hugh Spackman, W, Sande The Largest "'' 'areruo s town. Undertaking mashie of the landerta. ere Ring, an fin 1t4 Rralaciles. Open dal awl night,. TAND. Onesfloor north of Molson5 lAI1-ST; - iI.TF.II. s wishes to inform th General Palle that aures( to Surnish all ii rind Find of t� r sr Well Digging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Rates. Roam and Shop on inn Street, behind Christio's Limy Stable. A CALL SOLICITED. JOHN MOORS. The Grand Union Rotell Enlarged aml Improved. SO rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies rooms. House heated with hot air. Electric bells throttg,hout, Si PER DAY. R. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. Preterit:Uwe. take Do SUbStitlita. 0120 package CommERciAL) LivERy FL Six SS, bY mail. Write forPamphlet. Addrers Eureka. elatnihrail Deiroit. Mich. THE. LADIES' FAVORITE, :THE ONLY SEWING MACWNE THAT GIVES PER E' ry A%tNCT/OXY NEW HOMEt GMACHINE GMR�NGE,MO'• CRICAco -28 UNION 6QUARE,N.Y,• DALLAS; foLa is Mo. A7LAN7w GA"snxFRANC1 to si. George. Vickers, Kirkton. ANY MAN Who is Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, -who in his Folly and ignorance has Trifled away his Vigor of 8cdy, Mind and Manhood, causing exhaust- ing drains upon the Fountains ofLife. Head- ache, Backache, Dreadful Dreams, Weakness. of Memory, Bashfulness in Society, Pimples on the Face and all the effects Leading to' Early. Decay, Consumption or insanity, willfind in our specific No.23 a Costive Cure. it imparts Youthfu'Vigor restores the Vital Power in oltl and young, strengthens and invigorates the Brain and Nerve, builds up the Muscular syst- tm and arouses into action the whole physic al energy of the human frame. 'Withour specific T o. 23 the most obstinate case can be cured in three months, and recent ones in less than thirty days. Each ptc]tn.ge con- tains two weeks treatment: Price $2. Cures Guaranteed. Our specific No. 24 is an infall- ible Cure for all Private Diseases no matter of haw long standing., Sold under ocr written Quarantee to effect a Cure. Price $9, Toronto medicine Co, Toronto, Oxit. Nov -23-8 ous GILD( Co Pi LL 0. CU RES six baxettfor $800,postage *Semite extra. Why pay so talledppecialista freer $10 tO $60. when yen tan be anted for $6 t OMER ,PrIca 81,00 per box, postage 8 Contsextr's: al.tboxeafor $6.00; postage 16 tents extra. six horse cures the worsteens No. 3 INSURES REGULARITY Is sato and always reliable. Better than Ergmt, Oxide, Tansy or Pennyroyal puts. Price $200 per large boi, postage 0 snits extra ; 8 Oakes $5.00, postage 18 con ta extra. CU Flan, 2711(1NC ST...t.TNIONTO articulate sent ou retain. o...taalp. First Class RIGS And HORSES, ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Telephone Connection. 12 Pounds OV WHITE SUGA For $1. 20ths. Raw Sligo FOR $1. THE— Dzetor Goa. Stoll. 3i VIIITHES 00 Here? If you *want Bargabas in qua Rollers, Gates, Hay Racks, or Rakes, —call. at the- 1otgr tuning ractory. Handles of every description. always on hand. Turning done to order on the shortest Repairing neatly and eheaply done. Circular arid band sawing done. A miniber of bee hives on hand. They are the best and handiest bee hive made. A. quantity of excellent machine oil for sale. Dry wood taken in excltange. BISSETT BROS LIVERY. V:Iy.st (lass Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS. WORM POWDERS ilre pleasant to take. Contain their own destroyer ofwonns Children or,eldults. axed are a;iao happy to find that on the trade gxleetien of the day they stili stand on the :old ,platform that lee been sa universally successful, 0.14 resisting all attempts to Tnislead, e electors, That while wiIliag to trade) with the Mated ;Statesin a fair and equitable way, they resist all attempt;~ to place our entire revenue,. trade soua. freightage in the hauuis of a' fore ,gra country. ,Ansi further resolved, that this As- sociation of the South Riding of Hume hereby concur with the actions of Mr.Meredithautl the Loyal Opposition in the Local Legislature in their eetione during the past session in exposing the present school system, considering that in a British. Province like Ontario no public school should receive any funds from the Treasury of this Pro; (lice unless the English language is taught therein. The - ssoeiation eons demntl the action of the Local Legit) lafiuxe in the present system its filing the registrarslips, shrievalties and other public olliees with worn out political hacks, when the tonal burden. the salary has to be borne directly by the people, who should have the appointment of sue!) officials,, and heartily- approve of 31-r.:Vieredith and the Local Oppositions action in these measures.' It wee moved by G. E. Jackson, seconded by. Thos. Coates, and resoly- eel,—That we the Liberal•Conservatiya ,party of South Huron do hereby express our appreciation of Canada's greatest ewspaper, the Empire; and we fur - attest oar confidence in said sp.zper so long as it continues to orate Collude for Canadians. There sire many forms of Nervous bility in ,nen that yield to tits use. of rter's Iron mills. a Those who :ire oubled with nervous weakness, night ts, ets., should try. them AnyrcE To sio,t:4i;1;'gtit. rey'ondistr-bed atnl htnett rokeltofxoue t by a tick child annoying and (trying with of euttin teeth 3 If so. *end At ones add tattleorXis.x1.1KaLow"asrioxr4140St'gar nam Texersieo, its raids, is inoalcui- °1lrollers t spoorlittlesufferermama- pend upon it, ruotiioIA, there is nes taoutIt. It curse dysentery and tllar. rruaic, ragitll.teq dist catAInAc1ttand bowel,, curer cane,setterstits 41,,rarfuco w is.uataro. G. assn, & r;ixeartart4 nu4 enorgytatl untzle ss,41 r. 3(.111, ifi l..�t1ra'" "!t $o4FHLNli "lc'wJO r& tart`ha is 1lrttaeron o lie urtho oldest a =( (baso Jac (eta ei rtnnn4 11. forowidilc bs R14 ail; i.iatib ou las, tthe world. lyrics3ticents Rb0ttju. T. Dyspepsia in its worst foetus rail( m• yield to the use of Carter's Little Nerve k Pills, aided by Carter's. Little Liver of Pills. They not only relieve present e, distress but strength, its the stomach. to and digestive tipper ttus. and D. Jacques, Exeter; Geo, E. Ja son, W. I.I. Hastings and F. G. I�Teel Seaforth; Jas. Clark, J. salols and s Calc, llaborne; 13. Coughlin andYearly, Stephen. At 2 o'elbck p. Mr. Geo, Jackson, the president, too the chair and explained this objects the ,sooting in a few brief words. ii next dwelt upon the public; i1iwstio of the slaty, also drawing :attention the loss to the .Association by the dean of Z‘fr. Geo. Case, of Scafarth, rind. D. M. Mollie, of B;tyfietd. After glean deal of discussion this follow/ 1 oflieers were elected, President, Jo_ Torrance, Stanley; Vice Pres., Jell Cox, Goderieh t'ji; Secy, M. J. (Whit Exeter; Tress., .1:13. Carling, Bute Viccc,Presidcnt>iz, EXETER, Dr. Rollie 1V.. G. Bissett, and J. Splel:lman; U. iionNic, T. M. Ray, Jas. Clark and W. Holman; STAIIrEN, John Sherri.. 11. Eiibcr and B. Coughlin; TUONxlt Warn, Jae, PiclIard, Samuel Walla and Robert Newel; STANLEY, W. Gr. - ham, S. A. Moffat and John Stevensol. EIAs, Jas. Petty, 1I, Happle and Josep Gill; Bxrl'Ixr ii, John Pollock, Georg Castle and George Wood; Gonznic "p, J. Beacom, G. Elliot and W. Crook_ SEATonrlr, F. G. Neolin, W. II. Halting, and J. Roberts. After the above elec tion of officers .a Tote of thanks was tendered the retiring president, Mr. Geo. E. JIleksolt. The following reso• Iutions were unanimously adopted:— To Mas. D. It Macula. DEAR 11f.DAai:—At a meeting of the Liberal Conservative Association of the South Riding of the County of Huron, held in the village of Exeteron the 10th day of June,the following res• olutiota was passed 'unanimously:— That nanimously — That whereas, since our last' annual eeting, it has pleased the Almighty o remove from earthy our late esteem - d husband, a member and ex -Pres(• ent of this Association, and always a aunch supporter of and tut energetic orker in the great cause of Conser- atism, and who was always beloved 11d respected owing to his genial, ex. client rand superior qualities in'and it of office; but it is resolved that the eartfelt sympathy of this .association tendered to yourself and . relatives the sad bereavement. We, the embers of association, while submit ng to the will of God, deeply symnapath e with you and pray that this, the our of your affliction, by the sustain - g power of God, you triad realize His eeious .promise to be a husband to e widow and a joy in the time of sor- w. Is a; Sulatirers are not generally an are 87 that these diseases are contagions, er len taring parasites in the lining mem- Microscopic researehalowever, has may - nese end hay fever are permanently e cured in from on.e to three simple ap- ti plications made at home by the patient rhal discharges peculiar to females - (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining' this new treat- ment Is sent on receipt of ten cents by St, Toronto, Canada.—Scientifie Alum- st a 01 be in ti iz in pr th TO TO THE RELATIVES OP Ten LATE GEORGE CASE. South Riding of the County of HAMM, held at &rater on the 10th of June, the following was unanhnously adopted:— "That the heartfelt sympathy of this Association be tendered to the remain- ing relatives of the late. George Case, Esq., in the receet removal by the hand of death of their beloved relative, and a consistent, energetic and devot- ed member of this associsition, and ex -- press the hope that their bereavement may lead to their lasting good,and that a copy of this resolution be sent to Resolved, that the Liberal Conserva- tive Association of the South Riding of Huron in convention assembleca ugd e aeSnbi nre ea tItcsoio ,t• al eel 110:f: ttS 1 eeiltepsertenisoPe.ities.rt°Dv Iaolimre°ifn ohrnee happy to find that in the matter of the fishery disPute the Cabinet had suffic- ient backbone to be neither cajoled by flattery nor frightened by bluster, Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should carefully read the above. I had a bad cold on may Iona for two years; everything I tried fail& me till I oat Everest Cough Syrup, and. it cured''me.—Mrs. D. A, Fraser, Parkhill Kirkton, The anniversary services of the Presbyterian Sabbath school will be held on Sunday and Months-, 10th and 17th inst. Dr. Roger and bride are spending - their honeymoon at the residence of his father, Mr. Wm. Roger. Miss Kerr, of Bowmanville, is also visiting at Mr. A meetincr was held in the vestry of the Methodia church and. it was decid- ed to hold anniversary services in con- nection with the Sabbath school Ohl Sunday 80th lose, and a strawberry festival on Monday, 1st prox. The frost of last week did a. considee- able amount of damage to the fruit crop, especially currants, gooseberries and cherries. The following morning beina cloudy sayed the peas and bars, leyacut there has been no aerowth since, the weather remaining eold and wet. The followine. is the report of Kirk - ton public scho3l for the inonth of May. The report is based on attendance, punctuality, conduct and recitation& FIFTH CLASS -1st Eliza Tufts. SR. renarn----lst Lilly Kenner, 2nd. Nor- man Tufts. Jr. Fourth -4a Harry Robinson, 2nd. Lizzie Shier. an Third --1st Recite' Kirk, 2nd Josie Donis% Robert Elliott, 2nd jennie Grimmet, 3ra Hugh Hazlewood Second Class-- lat Plwebe Tufts, 2nd Emma Vickers, 3rd Marth Vickers. The average at- tendance for the month was sixty. Everest Liver Regulator worked wonders on me and made meafeel a new Man, --Levi H. Slipper, Forest P