The Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-13, Page 3mony. The morningexperience will Omit HOUSEHOLD, you eat agaio Iter m the forenoon, and you, Let 17s wait. We sow our seed daily "with hope and prayer, Sow deeply with thought and deeply witla cane. gay° faktht do not hasten the blooms greeo, They'll loam in due time if thou patient haet heep. Look to the soil.; be it rich and well plowed, With raisidrope of Heaven eaoh furrow welt sheivereel NhfirSnda aPraf4 di) u°t P") ather by, tia For onicer.worzna come and the fruit will die. If watehfuli You're sure a barvest to reap; Be ever wakeful, nor tarry in sleep,— And as "everything come to those who wait," So with petienee, encomia and joy will mate, To Oarve a Oholren. Tdent up a ohicken lor any purpose, melte with a, aharp knife an Woman in the akin around the lege press alightly away from the body evineh win nrjoint the member, ancl =iterate with cs clean sharp will mentally say to yourself as you sae be tun riding high bathe heavens, Weil, old fellow, I have seen you before to day and 1 have a fe.inb recollection that I leade you good ' Tanned taco and bodewill do you po harm and there is little danger of its growing too deep. In ancient Greece, where the moat ham:ailed, womea ewer lived, the girls Were early trained to out door life. Tbeir games and eports were all carried on out in the open air. As they grew to eventaltheod their household work, certainly all that as toaasportable Ivo performed oub ot doors. And in conecceeence, their lives doting thie period of Grecian hietory wes much naore pure and noble than ib was in later years when, as every student:of history knows, all this was changed. HOYT HE SAVED TRH DAY. The I eaten. Invorite. The nearest fast 'Pa in ladies' late wil Who Otero Whom the r 1C1e of NftlunSs°si doebtleas cause a natter of plesourable eX-- creatry Admired. The Duke of Wellington wee mace aelted who. in his 'opiate% was the bravest man at W aterioo, 4'1 canni tell you than" he raid, "but 1 oeu tell you of one than whom am Bare there was no braver.. ' The fo1. low ng fai the story put in the words a the aveliter There was a private in the artillery. A armhouse, with art orchard surrounded by a thick ledge, formed a most important point in TAB aturisn rostroN, and was ordered -to be held against the eneinY at any seerifine. The hottest of the battle ogee around" doh polo; but the Beglish believed teen, end beat back the French agaie. Bed agate, n'At last the powder and bell were found to Ohoiee fledges. be runnieg short ; at theleame time the heclo teak Are. In the meantime A meseenger CAIEAM OARX.--Stir tvto opa of dont two teaspooefula of baking powder ; rub two tablespoonfuls of better into a- heaping cup of white sugar, add one egg, one onp of sweet ersille and a pinch of seit, A Ailing for the mike in made froni one pint of milk, one egAi two tablespoonfuls of cern starch ; fievor and sweeten to taste. Orn Fasuroauto Waraeow Tarro.--Teleis mak ; treat the maga w the same manner, one quart of black molessee, no on to boil, and then Bever teg and wing from the other when hot drop in klunap °abutter, (teaspoou. eicle of the body. Leave no unsightly, 'rag- fal,) try conetently if done, in cad water. god edger!to bettey your lack of skill. eat When nearly done have com'half pint of wal- the membrane down betereen the ;steal') and nut kernels ecirred 1111MA pour 01%t0a a,lerge tail to the baok bone, and separate usit well battered dish. When nearly firm take below the rite ; find, theta:int in the neck by a knife and divided off in two inch equeree, moving it back and forth nettilit la unjoint- and set in a cold place. 01, then, outdo*, to the !may.; cut the wish r eremite/ GalliDLO OAXES,--04e cupful of hone 111 a alonting direction fMn tho brava meal. one Pt Olue, three of bailing bromtbone down toward the neek, n the 300 in the eboulder blade and'seper. ate ;divide the bomb from the hack by cut- ting through the cervilage connecting the ;the ; the bremt should be left whole, ex' oept for hr'Uini or frying! Remove tat milk, two ego, ono tompoenful of malt, one of ores= of tartar, holt 1/. t01181300411, et soda, two talal,espoonfale of vigor, Rove the milk bailing, and gradually pour it on the mEa eal. t the other dry ingredients with the flaur, and rub throligli a sieve, let from the fow Veit MU he 40110 vr.ltb. wilou the aogclea now:4 ;4004 nee to it the ea= and aulnslattitellatt44 ite preporatton; flour and the eggs, won beotee,,, VIRGINIA. BUTEN BISOCIT.-090 and a half pounds oi flour, ens -fourth of a pound of lard, a pinch of salt. Min enough milk and water to meke gtiff doughour, until zt brea h. 13 eat the dou h where 'lice. of eelt pork can be need it lea- flene the Amount of butter needed. The fat takeu from, the fowl can be tried out, and added to the meet drippings used for thenof k many purpoe the kitaben, but nanover , put it witli the lord uoed for patty, forhen pulled. Work out into GOA Won't with oat One for half the chicken flovor will reedily Ise deuatect, w prick *Karel times with a fork, and bake In nerving broiled or roast fowl be sures Bove the quickly. Take smolt pieces 0 the same thet your platter is large enough to dough roll by hand the 'size of a Doable and eitement enema the fair sex. Ladies are always eneceptible to the changes ef a fash- ion plate; the m -are atartling the deputure, the more Potent the gossip over the new mode, De. Pierec'e Favorite Prescription ia a Positive euro for the ills Which afflict femalee ani, make delr lives miserable. This Boverelga panacea GNU be relied on in coo of dleplaeamnente and all functioael derangements. It bulicia up the poor, hag. gard and dragged -out victim, and giveither renewed hope and a fresh lease of life. It is Out, only aledhiee _for. Wolleriee peculiar weakueeses and ailment; sold by droggists. under a pesiiive guarantee from the Mann^ lecturers, that it ill give setiefotion be every case, or money refunded. Beadprint. ed guerantee en bottle wrapper. The Heed If, cep of velvet is fathionable for afternoon drives, matineee, and infuraud IAA been sent to the rear for more powder reeeptmee. and ball and in a short time two loaded The Ontest Thiugs. wagoas eerne gallepieg down to the throe - house, the gallaut defender's of which were "Cute"! he echoed, "Well I don't know keeping up A wanly fire through the flames a,� the adjective would have occurred to me which eurroairded, theapost. The driver 0 in jest that conneetion. Bat if you mean the first wagon spurred his ateuggling home that they do their work thoroughly, yet throngh the burning heap; but the flames make no in3fi about it ; CAUSO a* pain or roe fiercely round and weakness ; and, in *bort, aro everything carver the annoyanee of having his a teee loll on your cloth. There ettauld be a gen, crows allow/thee of room for the meat to lie in order around the carved fowl without hinging aver the, edge the dish. ,fforo annonnoing the dinner he =re and sea that ,fierr, add two toblespeonfulo of yeaot end the thin blode of the oorviug knife is bright Italic with, a little woter ; let it ;avoid allniglit, antlehorp ; the fork ohould be strong, with In the morning add the yolks of two egg*, A long tineganda pod. The work may be pile= of butter the efaa of a walautt end done either atanding or sitting, the' mein sufiliient WAXM water to kneed. Divide fn. point being to do It saintly without scatter- to twelve or fourteen rolls and bake half an ins °Tombs or gravy, and to eithe end divide hour in a hat oven. Do nob aati man& tba meat in Snell raanntr, that each may water the aighb before to Make -like bread, be served equolly well. The wing; and /Pamir meet are conaidered, the choicest per. Vans, where there are btaiell at the table, „ia• rteor to help them of tide partion: Ea. May ed ving if one willstardi the =Manny of on uncooked fowl in the kitchen departmenh, by dissect- milk to realm a soft dough (*out a pint). ing 0130 for (theme, *cording to the Sift the tlry ingredienus together three d* ectiou just given. Damn to hold the time! ; ruhin the „shortening lightly with the tine of the Augers, ear in the milk, tieing broad.bladed knife ; handle as little its possible, turn out on ft Well.flourecl board, roan) out lightly, out it into rounds and bolo' in a hot oven fifteen or twenty minute% POAOILITA 1£0915 WITM ached, boiled, and strained some Kiinaeli, pen it through a coarse Wire 11115V0 tir0O. put cheap 4,,thig the greater i'art of winter and it into a atew.pan, and etir it on the ere a roll ant get „with the rolling 13131 for wafers, or tide Wen% BlaReNFAST ROA1.2...411X one,halt table, 'spoon of Bitted wilite auger iu two TAWS! of CAUGHT THE BOWDBR that a pill ought to be, anti nottiag that ie whiati exploded, sending rider, bottles an. ouglat no, then agree that Pieree'a Pleav, a 1 n an Poreative Pollete are shout the eUtellt weg0/4 114 fregtnente into the ea, or on instarit the driver of the wend waggon little tbIP'ega "tug 1" paused, appalled by his cortuada'a fate; the Swite helte of ist betide Are worn with aexta olexervitig the flamer; beaten baelt for blook net and lace dreasee, Toey ere pointed rs, moment by the exploeion, afforded biro one back and front, d"Perale chance' aent hie iss3raes Ail the' Don't hawk. 'hawk, and blow, blow, die` • smeulderieg brenCla and amid, the cheer* 0 the garrison1 loaded hie cargo safely within. guiln Reverlib°47' blg 71" Dr' 'Sage.* Ilelsind hint the flamer; edema up ana raged ."4"."'''' ..1°1""7* more floroely then. ever. Tide private never 1:47 , Vanetten, who, .usider the uUa gss tao lived to receive the reword, which iiis at et a miliiiittrs lowindled a widow, tire. merited, but later in the engagement he TIOreer, out of property worth, SOW, at was killed, dying with tho tionsetouvuesatiret "Youtigstown, Ohio, boa been arreeted at To. he had eoved tao dew° PrAttilee wade of Ade net boo for tritont. Fetal Moident, lug xowo, et moire em mktbx ribbon run through GUMP; June 12 L -Edward Iffornuottle, mes°.06. other morning by a neeth bound freleht 4. E. 453, wor)rMart at Rlohardson'a Novel. ty Works; woo ran over and killed the Toronto Doi:Loge of Music 13rown E sYtlinflarEft, mf in AND ma raw my um July ath to Aug, 8th,, ToP" zwam wow, PRINCESS 4 Apeetolsdeelgued tor aeachere ;ma those whO 0411, - notatteon tbe regalar sessions, Instmotion ia all ti perkin 00 dep ir4riente by the aeon eminent teachers. Largo - 5 - , Three DI anual *rpm le Oallegs Mtn for lessone aad praellwa. FollFerni bestirs Ptegther /Ott E. 11.1'05;RING VOA. IllreefOr, Merchants • -Butchers, And Traders generaliTo woyeantos000,KAN faa yOur looality *true' CAluf; SKINS or es. een ler.nishea setiattiotan7 Puma . gto Ern* ros. venoms, V. T. VAN EstC l'ORONTO. COMET NI 6551 OLEN' filide)e% '74.41,41,"rtia w 10,44, pirt$41it. lossiet Euricctiikrowt.etai„ Man! TORONTO. ONT. OWE FUNS FOR SALE IN P.M posies autos to putchase *pond afanuesso Faro, ircer eo urea upwaeds, with havaaddratec paSeeeitun. =II or write to G. 1. leLAILISBON,„ See Artimpoe peak Main et., Winnipeg. betouttiath turnhillerl fro et charge, end artnere roofeead. memos wieetion. 7e/C0.1".311"X" av Coon liems et. Lwow. train on the Week of the We, G. and railwoy, near the junction, in tido oity. The deceased hod the evening before re. ceived two weeks pay, $15 of which he gave hie wife, and took the rest down town with which. to pay some bills. It is supported that heat= intoxicoted, to he well' reinsed liquor by an hetelkeeper about eleven o'clock, wo lost eeen alive by Ur, F. Zeteher, who aecompanied him vett of the way littratt and 'parted with him neer the railway track shortly after eleven o'clock. TO Wain. patted north oboutthrett o'clock p. m.,, eta *bout AA hour later bultedrop to the junction bevies on board the mangled body of the unfortunoto man. Conductor Itom reported 4;14 the train hod but,ouly extoelliale to. Omit hall mix jam aver =mottling About 11. 12410 north the flour, of the Junction. He immediately bad the TRA Mien vett of flour traits stopped end" beaked, 'when the measured after eiftiag, one teaspoonful of body Woe found terribly up, the wheels salt, two hasping teespoonfult of baking having poised over, it leugthwise. 'Upon powder, lord or butter the Ilea of WO egg, information tonne seat to poifoo loolkartany,, tem Constable lliaromond wont nut asahod, the body, which, he recesses sti as that of Ilornboatle, removed to the drIllehedo inquest will be held. The doomed woo on industrious, inoffenelve mon. He lames Wife and, four young children', knife and fork eesily, as strength le not re. (pared 110 knowledge of fowl arta. =my. IV is best to make your first efforts in the presence of the faraily circle alone. Paddings pad Shortoske3. Sin= orange& have b000me So plenty and sPthig Teri corAMon u5e °au IA woe of„tow minutes with 0, lump of butter, pepper, them. Altheosh eense olahn. they Ara nunsi'' salt, a Philo of Sugar! and * little grafted lietilthy in their natural form it is doubtful -ientraeg. Virhen/thospunsohla quit:Shot, add if they are ever injurious unless too many About four ounoei of batter. Work the condiments 'stir used Whit them. Toe rano whole together with a wooden apoon until sugars butter and splea dearer' the health*, well mixed. When ready to serve, pile up fulness of any &rade of food. the spinach in the centre of the dioh, poach To make an °rause pudding that oan 1a hall edz3n fresh eggs, .trinit them, and thirdly injure the moat delicate person, aloe Idi.n them lightly on the apnoea, and place a few oranges in a nappy after removing the 'between eaoh egg a "crouton” of fried bread ped andomede—it the orMapaa are very Iota in eaoloone above 'Tousle Proportions, "In women, a height in proportion to weight ; a form that will stand the that, for orymmetry ; a carriage that is tree, distinct, and noticeable for that which la rot rather than that which is. The greatest and first essential to physical perfection in- as Woman is a Ague without an angular line. Nature avoids tinnier lines everreheni, but in the large two are sufficient to a quart o m but if emelt four or five will be needed -- sweeten sufficiently toremoVe all acid tote, and pour over it a blano mange melte in the proportion of four table -spoonfuls of cern starch to one quetrfi of Milk with a pinch .of salt, Involving the corm titan% in a little of the Milk and adding to the remain- der when near boiling. It should be made two or three hours before dinner and serv- ed cold. If a richer !yodeling is dotted, use a little leas corn starch and add one, two or thee, beaten oggo to tao .eio„„m„go, hunt= Azure especially. ‘, .WHY Y U SHOULD USE SCOTT'S EICILTLSION or COD zwER, oTh vw.e. HYPOPHOSPHITES. It Is l'alatable as rat, It Is throo times as oMoaolous plait; Coa, Live Oil. It is far superior to all otb.or so. oallei. Emulmoro. It Is a ported Emulsion, does not separate or °hang°, *It is wozdorld azi ilosb, prccor It Is the boot romoay for Consump. tion, Scrofula, Bronchi*, Wad - ins Diseases, Chronic 0341 and colas, sora to ole Sheenier; 50e. min $1.00. Conn all to The Bird= of Health and Toy at St. Leon Springs, (lobe°, June lat-The Failure opened for the re - caption of viattore ; 300 comfortable rooms, Elate bo Nature's =04,ohatnt ing elements, hot or cal& Dotes inederote, amueementa plenty and entiolog. 'W`ritefor partioulero. 'Sere the suffering truases, evert pronoun oed haematite find rosycheaked health and robust strength. Tho whole organieni is perfected drinking from liature's fount, til sweeter life and heights of 'demure novo before experienced aro enjoyed. St. 1010 is safe and effects permenent curet'. Rind absorbing, ail deadly waste, bbond Poisons, ao., zt). Toning the blood, atim ulathag and regulating the digestive ergo —Eveh Diabetes and Bright% Memo, thts twin terrors, are allayed as water etanotie fire. "Sc. Leon is inimitable, einapproo able by art, impossible to aciy too much i it a praise." So say leatned Motor; Proles sore, Analysts &o., &i. Send orders to S Leon Mineral Water Co., Lya, (atter th head (aloe, Sb. Leon, Qaebett, or the brano effices at Montreal or /Toronto. reserving the whites to whip into soft frost - man be ?' "How tall should the perfect type of WO. Orange shortcakes ate very nice and harm- 1 balm Bed tAt ' li- d ' :big for the top. , " As 1 a 9 nr an weight are Mix tee dough ao. comparative; still, a mean height and weight less WheraP1OlcierlY made. Pathway formed wo- for biscuit with swept milk end cream tar- ilaq'ta'be Clasen. A tar or, baking plwaor, oteinsioet as vague man will stand at the average height °in feeb 6 inches to 5 feet 7 inches. She will weigh without it -stalling; if you have cream add a great spoonful or two to the from 125 hi 140 pounds. A plumb line drop. milk, but if not ped from a point marked by the tip of her we a very little melted butter or perk fat. nose will meet at a point one inch in front of If mixed with *hole anilk and sufficiently soft it will be light and tender with very her great too. Her shouldera and her hips cakes that / will etrike a atraight line drawn up and little shortening. Soggy, gray are fairly heavy with -lard are eometimesid?wn• Her waist will taper gradually to a 13:ze on aline drawn from the outer third of -placed upon the table and styled !shortcakes mei the collar -bones to tho hipi. Her bust will. but they are dangerous, food for tho measure from 28 to 36 inches; her hips -will e healthy people. Baked in flet abeets split and !measure from 6 to 10 inches more than this, open while hot, butter a little if desired, ll for a belt from 22 to spread ineide the oranges diced end sweet- and her waist will oa28 inches. ened. _ These euggestione alea j ast 88 applicable for berry, apple, or any other kind of abort. cakes. If you have never made one with raw blue- point perminting the fingers to mark a point berriea, raspberries, or blackberries, try it oragh, the berries en on just below the middle of the thigh. Her neck and thigli should be of -about the same The arms of the perfectly formed woman will end at the waist line, so that she can rest her elbow on a table while standing erect and her forearm shall extend to a earthen (list and ' sweeten palatably—the wooden part of , an oldefashioned eaueage filler is excellent for oohing them—spread ineidathe,ealit open cake and serve hot. have seen an 'entire breakfast made of such oiroitmferenoe. The oaf of her leg and arm should madame about the same. Her legs should be about aa' long as a line drawn - from her °lain to her Auger tips or about one.half het height, sa.y from 2 feet, inch= Brocades with empire deigns 0 flora scrolls and laurel leaves are made up ove akirts 0 white satilior silk. The Book of Luton. A Man Without Wieelom Livestni a Fool Paradise. A Treatise especially written o Diseases of Man containing Foots For Al of All Ages 1 'Should be read by^ -01 Middle Aged. and Young Men. Proven b hhe Sale of Half a Million to be the mo popular, because written in language pla forcible and instructive. Practioal nresen ation of Medical Common Sense. Valnab to Invalids who are weak, nervous and e hosted, showing new means by which th may be oured. Approved by editorsi critic and the_People. Sanitary; _Soohl, Soien Subjects. Aho glom a description of Spec Ao No. 8, The Great Health Renew° Marvel of Healing and 11.ohd•noor of Me eines. It largely explains the mysteries of life. By its teachinge, health Mop be -main- tallied. The Book will teach you how to make life worth tidal. If every adult in the civilized world would read, understand and follow our view; there would be a EAVER LINE STEAMSHIPS. world of Physical, intelleotual 'and moral. Stained Glass - FOR CRITROVKS, AND PIE31.10 EIRIPINGS. MAUSLAN & 76 K.- St. W. Toronto* FITS N TR MI 0 U S. not ire merellfisi then have them, TO. ICAL G1100. S8 lane Attu% rad lifelong at Pr. the wors well is no reason sena atOtiCe toratreatis io,3170.44114444ce. xtitzlitestrT nattv.illeare,you. Addre BOOT, XII, 164 WeetToAndoelaINTdoe.$ I it= Mae a 1 Online chorine al and iitalltax eve* Mar from qaeboo ere at T. 4looderry to Scouand and Irelarl 7 fax end Lit. Joint% IL r., derhesearner nteeilio. I w Muni eon during whiter Wiwi. Iloilo tor lietweica theagew eel gess and loam weakly. marl eel*, terialghtly. For erelslit, pawnor other A. Sniumarter*Co., Baltimore. fialitax goes * Co., Es. Jnhn's.:N see i o,, 8*. John. N. E.; Au= e a wee. New Tint ; 11. itsobwn Wm Pm* wisa rcrcor.d Beil‘ln Mon lat ..•••••*".•••••••••11..• IllartNn preoursu, teetidtio ring and esparto. r Zercline7. Donald Irldituk di Co., Toronto, CAticErtv,3„--.T.,avz,,," ..„ ...,,....... tr. — 81(C.1.1. INSTR111111ENT4.—Sood fee orit Large Eiratratee (atelogoo or Bend laideri. mamas. ' Violins. Guitars, Phan. ete„, and all kind of Trimming& Arcot for Venetia% and DeWitt's Plays. BUTLANES MUSIC) STORS, 37 Mar 81. yirsok. Toronto. Ont. MEAN HERS can make money dialog vacation .1. by enmesh* for One or Mere °tour vist selling limoks and Bibi. e. especially Eletery ot Canada by W. Ir. Withrow, 0.1) , IWO and' ben =Rion ever published, prices lox, terms literal. "iirite far , illustrated ciro‘dara and terms. Wit. BRIGGS, , Publither, Toronto. , . ' AUTOMATIC' SAFETY ELEVATORS Pat. ltydrenlic, haralaind Atom elavetera. ' LEITCH 8C.. TURNBULt., Canadian Elivator Workas, Peter and Queen atreete, -• LTAIIILTON, ONT IsiOILICEnCIALLND 81101tTIOND LUCCA.. VON is a valuable acquirement tor every • yo nog Man and woman. Address Meow BUSISZSS e usweastur, Futile Library Bundle& Tariintra for 1 particulars. THOS. BENGOUG11. 011AS. R. BROOKS. Preeidenk Seo'y at Manager. 1 r Anirct,ra BESINESS COLLEGE, Guelph, kJ,- Ont.—There are no vacations, tee College bdng in seenion throughout the entire year. 03 graduates are meeting -with distinguished success as book-keep- ers, business, managers, ehorthantawritere, court it reporters, eta Indlvidcal !catenation Is a feature of a the institution. Gradratto a slated in obtaining 11 positions. Address [, M. Mac001111101C, Principal, DARKER'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL a 45 Ring Street East, Toronto, a Formerly, tor over five years, Principal of tbe Short. le band Lastitnte in connection with the Canadian Busi .., gen 'llpiveraity. Typewriting department under the a' management et Mr. GEO. BENGOUG ET, agent for the I Remington Typewriter. Apply for circular. Mention se this paper in writing. ie i. S II I Artificial Limb FOR CIRCULAR ADDRESS, J. DOAN & CO., 87 lifOrtheote Ave., Toronto, Ont, on -4ER $3 00.0,000Asms W. C. 7i1.1.COON g Acr,aaret AND OAPITA).- W, P. ROWLAND, 2resiaeut. !il, ELLIOT. ra nowt; Iticooxsuoi 3rAnozonorscoos. giants. This Book will be found. a truthful Sailing Weekly between MONTRE tat and ;:oteeente,tion of facts, calculated -toile good, , enviettro ea. Saloon Tickets, 810. $50, and The book of Luber% the Talisman of Health l $80. Return Tickets, $80, $98 and MO, according to Steamer and' accommodation. Intermediate $80 Brings bloom to the cheek, strength, to the Round Trip Tickets, $60, steerage, $20. Apply to believe it nmoh taiire healthy than potato from her waist to her feet about a foot more 1 to the Wise and Otherwise. Lubon's Speci- and joy to the heart. It it a Ineese.ge 11. E. IMERRalf, General Manager Canada Ship. ping co., 1 CUSTOM HOUSE 80,17ARE. DIONTERAL, Or a cake by a farmer's family in haybree and ' ' to 2 feet 91 inches. She should measure body and salt pork, hana or saueage '. floating • fie No. 8, thelipirit of Health. Those who to Local Agents in all Towns and Edam. than from her waist to the 'crown of her head. Her neck should be from 12 to IA inches Omuta, her head ereot, and on a line with the central plane of the body, and her feet should be of a size and shape to conform with her lands. in grease. Pineapples make a very nice sauce for breakfaat or tea, ,an( when plenty are cheaper than strawberries. Slice them thin, cut in emallpieceseoweetenohagreeably, and set in a cold place' over "night or several hours 0 least betore serving. '• Out Door- Life for Girls. posed of the most powerful pain subduing \ Pain Cannot Stay Where Polson'S Nerviline is used. C Spring, summer and autumn are now be. remedies, known, Nerviline cannot_ fail to fore US and cluring the nextfew months girls give prompt relief in rheumatism, neuralgia, shonici'live Mat in the open air as much as cramps, pain in the back and side, and the possible'. Meltea special effort to rise some host of peinful affections, hiterned,or extern - morning and fic4nnt on a distant hill and °a° al arising from infla,mmatory action. A the sun rise, and we woure you that g you le' (sent ample bottle of Nervilhae will give have any love for nature and rts beauties you will see old Sol rite on a good many .morn. ings this summer. Tbo exhilarat., ing influence ef such a sight Is like a sermon —we mean no distespeot to the mimater erhoni you Joao and reepeet, but if you knew the truth, some of his best ormolu; were born -while he leas worehipnag et the shrine of obey the laws of thia book will be crowned with a fadeless wreath. Vast numbers of men have felt the power and testified to the virtue of Debella Specific No. 8,- All Men Who are Broken Down from overwork or other causes not mentioned in the above, should send for and read this 'Valuable Treatise, which will be sent to any address, sealed, on receipt of ten cents in atainpseto pay postage. Address all orders to M. V, Lebo% room 15, 50 Front Street E., Toren, to, Canada. The exoesees of youth are draughte upon our old age; payable with interest) about thirty yore after data—Nolton. • sufnelent Proof of its eupetiority over every Constuription Surely 0-arede known remedy. Try Nerviline. Largo k To the Editor :— betties 25 cents; trial bottles Only 10 cente. T f d tt. t I h just Sudden Enough, Fond Lover (after a long delayed propos. al) —Perhaps I've been too sudden, darling.: Early morning rising will seoure for you Darling Girl (regaining her composure t lire. with a mighty effort) —Yes, George it is the pureat air, the sweetest perfume ot the very, very sudden, but (and here she'became flowers, and 1or your entertatement a chorus of birds whose songs make one divine har faint again)—it'is n°t 1°2 sadden. ease n orin your tea ero A Pore a poeitive remedy thr the above name disease. By its timely use thousands of , hopeless eases bave been permanently cured. I ;Mall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your -readers who have con- sumption if they will seed me their Ex- press and P. 0. addrees. Resp'Y• T. A. Slocum, M. C., 164 Weak, Adelaide St., ARMS IN MANITOBA Scottish, Manitoba and North -Wed gSTATE CO., LIM. W J Akin, Ngr, 357 Nain St, Winnipeg lands in all puts of the Province. Low Prices. Easy Terms. Lists Sam and Fullest Information Far- nished on Application. Send us vour name and we -will mail you our descriptive catalogue. Tap ON. EN OLE, SAIL—Gives every dtizen a eight to a Free Farm from the , publics land. You have loog -intended to kok this matter up. ' Why not now A great body of FRES 00yERSUENT LAND has Net been opened for settle- ( =Tit along th St Paul, Minneapolis & Man' toba o WON LOGS ARE HELD UP FOR WANT OF SNOW Take your Saw Mill to the Logs, by purchaling one 0 our Portable Saw lalk °E 12 to 4° li°13°4.'°Nver. Most Practical, Moat and Evinced* Milis Built. Send tor chealau. WATEROUS. Engias Works GOINPANCY. BRANTFORD' .57rg• WII NIPEG., The Only Appliances —2343:17X1Rella-- ABSORBENT QUALITIES. towseeeseemesamil emmewoonsisomomerseera• A New Lease 'of Gure 'Without Medicine, All Diseases aro Cured by ens Medicated Electric Belt and Appliances. On. the principfe than Electricity is Life, our appliantea are brought directly into contact with, the diseased part, They act as perfect absorbents, by destroying the germs of disease andremovinge.11. impurities frorn the body. Diseases are successfully treated by correspon- dence, as our goods can be applied athome. READ OUR HOME REFERENCES: Railway in Montana. 10 is rich and gently roiling. i Pine and hard wood timber ia =ally accessible. , Clear etreaans water the country. It is tae =tend I home. of horses, sheep and cattle. Large crops can ibe raised without ink atian. Great vane of ooal ore i plentiful. This is what you want. TMs is the last I body of free land in the Vatted Statee suitable for ; grazing and agrieultural purpatee. l'or further " iiiformation apply to 1' I Wirrrrin, Oen. Pass. and / Ticket Agent, St. Paul, Minn. ; or J M liEumnets, T t IFENRIt CONWAY, al Centre Street, cured of intermittent fever in tan days, One year's standr Ing; used. Actina and Belt. MES. 5.111. 11,111111/11EAD„ 578 Jarvis St., a sufferer for years, could, not be induced to part with our Electric Belt. NIL 3. FELLER, 441. Centre Street, coughed. eighteen months, ouredin two treatments by Actin°. .1. McQUAIG, grain merehant, cured.of. rheumatism in the shoulders after all others failed. JIAS. WEEKS, Parkdale, sciatica and. lame back, cured in fifteen days. Will. MELEES Thessalon, cured of lame back, painin breast and dyspepsia, after being laid up all winter. HRS. SWIFT, 87 Agnes Street, cured. of sciatica in six weeks. D. R. BELL, 135 Simcmo Street, cured of one year s sleeplessness in three days br Wearing Lung Shield and using Actina. la E. MelfaitY, Queen Street, tobacconist, cured ahead. ache after yeirs of sneering. MISS ANNIE WRAY, Manning Avenue, musie teacher, ilorlq. Actina invaluable. DIR. GREEN, Thessalon, cured of pain in. the back arid kidneys, said to be Bright's disease. B. Mace, 220 Adelaide Street West, cured of catarrh. by Actina. G. 5. PARDEE, 51 Beverley Street, cured of lame baok after all medicines had failed. MISS DELLA CLANTON, Toronto, cured of paralysis e,fter being then hospital nine months. MRS. ANDREWS Thessalon, cured of rheriniatism and hip disease 'a coda not walk without a cane. JOHN 1010.31PSON, 100 Adelaide west, cured of a tumorin the eye in two weeks by Actina. Miss FA M. FORSYTH, 18 Brant Street, reports a lump drawn from her hand 12 years' standing. MRS. MUTT, 342 St. Clarence A.venne, Toronto, ottreclot Brame Poison. • .• "Your Belt and Suspensory have oured rne of impritency," Writes G.A. "I Woul& net be without your Belt and Suspensory for $50," writes J. McG. "For general debility your Belt and Suspensory are cheap at any price," says 1VIr.S. M.C. These letters are on filo. MR. 1McCEINCRY, Thosselon, cured of rheumatism in liack and legs, very bad case ; htid up a long time. Many more such testinninials on file. Catarrh impoSsible natter theinfinenee of Actina Aotina will cure all aiseases of the eye. Sond for Mustratocl Book and Journal giving full list, Free. No Fancy Priceta Combined Belt and Suspensory, only $5.00 —Certain Cure. NO VINEGAR OR ACID 'USED. W. T. BA cSz CO• 9 I provrioN Tins leArEn. 155 Queen Street West, TorontQL Toronto. 4 Palmer House Block, oron p.