HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-13, Page 2THE AUL FLOOD,
Emus and late:dents u Cciteeetion with
bo Terrible Cata.strephe-
Areal:tam Iowa er Crent revue
end Fracattesie.
The aecoonte met out ef the Jthnetown
irmester are far lietew tbe wildeet eetimatee
pined upon the xtent ef the ealamity,
lanced cf 2,e00 or 3,0e0, it is nrobeble the
doothtlist will rent $.000. many sey 10,000_
Of these 700 Or 8a0 were berried in the
fitly tonne et the vieaoete and 2000,cc Mee
bine been ordered Iar bodiee idrevely emote
Ala new knewn thin two petah
tWO seeticos et the day t xptea, ote the Peno-
*haul% Relieved ton been tbrawn into the
mod4enad. torrent and the natireugere drown.
Them teeing wen held at dobeetown
front Friday et 11 a, in., and were lying on
* sidles beeween jeatmiteWrt aud Com =ugh
The avid torreet come down the narrow
agfits between the mountain/. a clitleeee Et'
lane =ilea and with a fell of 300 feet io that
dwitance mreepeg away the oalegea of
South Fla, Mitieral Point. Weedier& and tine Part a the w°rIcla end thee theY uleY
e ian hoer Infers V
t, weolen mill. where but JAW
A. statilt onatry Filloo tenth write Besets,
Tho contempt!. of the traxeler for wild
beene and his omen fear of the dog, the
frtend of man, were exemplified receotly.
Sir 'Retort Sendemati aud m
1 paecl close to
a wolf, a wham we riaturally took ito notice,
while he slunk away from us as feet as Ida
lege-would %Key bin witiont attraoting too
eattch 4bRrVation hnt few minutes (titer -
ward we teed. an eegagentent with two
shepherele de&S which coutituted a more
*emu encounter. 4. uncer eight Was that
of A trot/004. wilt* the sportsmen of the
party mimed, for it ie no jolte to tear along
roads, on bandana arid dismount to shoot,
Suroeon ander Tayler elute icier met
Partaidgeo. The eventre was
WM OnAVnyannS,
but controvezsy roges amoreg treveieee aa to
whetber, la the dry dietrict which lies be-
tween the Euphratee, tbe QalpiAtta and Tide
bet, coon:woe graveyarde in on almost unite -
belated, district imply that once it contained.
Afar larger populettom Perhaps tbey 40
mean tide ; but, on the other hand, it mut
be remembered that nomadic tribee wander
in greet numbere for enotmou dietancee in
Yettemotight leaving but one bu"en' ttnAltolteletiou here roakea a
ildieg ii?and. have their feverite lairYlod Owe. Thant
teed hunaredzi, and dasbiog en with gaTIVAX4, began" the graves are keat
from time immemoriel. They are merely
Tun r.oeae ER A CarAnlOr heaps of atones, end passera-by fling stones
And ttie speed of the w1444 UP= the fele city auto each cahn, and tt may bo Paid, that no
ola the footbWv,moo oece made le ever Iota Them grove-
Tbe plue %high but ateterday wet rattle ntaYtehaveleenothe Peasege of AleXt
johnitown, site the meontiduelike s jeweatle l weer* tor milieu la eeaer eafdeieetla
in treetee &atm.* The gre4 (Anglo- hooey to elleturb tbe entree. A ewe of the
enurnmun number ° rage which decorate latetop Maher end meter were both aubject wao approachiag, and, pointed- to o strenge
Atent woe**, eel te Ott Flue, and the city be- Paaaer of valuta Peo 10 is to be found lathe
leW it, the the raireed trecke toteeding it et
the bete of tile incentaine on the Naltb.
The Albaey correspondent of the New
York "lievalda bids an affectionate farewell
to the State Leglienture tu the following
terius The peeps of the State of Now
'Weak oan breathe easier. The Legielature
of 1889 is no more. It 03411014 to day at
noon after a session unexampled for the
number of little nitserable 'private Ocala,
strikes, and joke intreduced arid eent to the
Governor. It is true that no very large
echeme for plunder wait ammaisful, but the
pettyo,pilfezings were mere numenus than
eveo' The State deservee 'hearty congratu-
latioas upon the fact that A WM liegielature
iti to be elected next fell.
The Government has, ant emet a cargo of
gate to Sable Island. Tbe consignment le
bighly suggestive of Illeit Wbittington ; but
the oath 146 (leaped to Mil rebeits, not
rem. seema that tbe Waled is aoffering
from a rabbit plague, pet AltEltrallA Inv
lEieei the little anteeelfi reathed the place it attracted the gentlemen to the mieanuy yet,
a nayetery ; but there thee, are, and it le tor every eine averred that Cameron pea was
deetroaing the herbage in ell ProbehilitY— hdaarghtetdenbYThtehepoeoPrirgiirb lohfadallb:etaln driven
Preowned they are doing aome damage—
ar it would nit be Decemerv mit the eats from camp by her enraged father because She
npen them. It is not difficult to foteiee !oven not wisely out tee went
what will haPPen tile near future. JOE! Steeper, a welaknown mountaineer,
rata take rasraalan rIto idaa4 end, who wart pilotiog the party through the
tko iorrb rgelixteo wPeoParr;ttInhgenct7awtellithilar toedaeth% bigiellifeo' braVeonfiteciuneletehnetthtt geyh°401'04itindd Pv7aulwi5tlautie
rebbite that ate the herbage. etreuge apparition before retell:1W g to their
There la eomething borrible in the Idea hemeta t_awat e thioamf and
initforwind by the relatives of mindweedere freclaentPreatole I de et It ranart_etr,rh, tbe
ti ere wee) omit:into tett k
Buleop thee he wee carved op by the IMP. cnnir a .
ewe while alive, Altbeugit In A trance Preetaliate of her ttatn,v4,,,tnlaqoaantaatn:_/_,._
' enuner, Augur! 44, AgRa, Q,,VrsgrIt NTMV
complete eel UP Clan aelentak .
reason, for supposies thee thie condadon area a brave allaa every eeeadeei
A. weird Tare Irons Mc Nog.
"The Wild; Woman of the 104144 ; or
tee Spirit et Cemeron Pass," should be the
.itle of this :tory,. but with the merited per-
versenese of inanimate things!, the types won't
Stand it They may not oltject right ent in
meeting, but melees filed, down they will
ste.adfaetly refuse to enter the headlb-es in
the erder indicate& But to the story, whieh
is zelatedby thatainiableana verameue fund
of reminioceece, W, 0. Hart, the geologist,
In the stoonter of /882 Mr. Hart end two
other eothusicestio oolleceere of epecinteos
were encamped near the lava bode between
the beadwatne of the Cull° de laLoudreBiv
er and North Park. It wee n rough, breten
region, And
THE nESoratTa winoreeress
was heightened by he proximity of the watt
er of an exttnet aleane, while bare recite
and clea d timber were everywhere. Tee hope
of irecuring rare fermations fer their cabinets
was mistaken for actuel death ere that um:mooed that the Writ of Cameron 2aaa
lenge trees wbere they twin. At atm bro.*. to otaleptic trump, wad his mother la pup being which was swiftlo moving teNeArd the
Itit Place, gicl" t9e str,c'a,r4 ewollent, by the of *tem bend preparations being made for camp. The mareteler mum to wlthio 500
a'gitt'a ram, whieh we aato brut thereW" her own funeral, but foetunetely recovered yang ef tbo mere, !ma, Seigog a hallOoh
greet tarnariek tree, eteleibllity in twee to prevent being buried 'veal= had bete Plated on a atone,„
'mime want eeeeto "live. Bishop bineself hes been known to atartea Away with it on a deed rum
wcarom some, hoiy mon hod hoe hurled go Nth one of thole trances!, etc 010 there te Hart Plohed op hiarlfleti anCIE C41-41$ upon
lus mates 09 follow, started to penult of the
At MO an that owfal morning tie* .reti
train paned New Fancily° gest. It wet
crowded whit peeple ftem rata/erg and,
Vices en ronto.ltep14 -lithe were goitig to
the Seene Cf the downer with but ittele be
ileding their it ved °nee Alive. Ricidana
peer wereon board tint irain, ell thinking
cf "Intone *Wagand that Wee What WM
We see? It w44 a bentrezding 4104 aed
not e dry eye wee io the train, Methere
mewled far their eleildreo, huithends rued
the aieles end Wrttng their bands in mute
agenye father; greesed their Inez ageleet
ihe wizelewe in vain endeavor to lee serCe.
thirga•they knew no whet—thot would tell
Mire in a Immure ef the dreselful fete tint
their lewd meat bed met with. fleleug
*le rigirErmernaugh the Wu Moppetl mei
bodies Were taken on the extreme am, tette
weried by the villagers lite were aloes the
tett*, Ati each atep vse nude elte trete
win; utterly cleaerted 44 the peeler/ere,
mixed to Abe ;pit wtere the twain were
beleg takers en beard ze as to tee if,
prAnce, they -could recogein in one of the
tioned corp.esa rebdive.
At Sang Hollow *long stop was ms
and Leine men from aortas the river called
cut; °Comment% ix laid ant, Camtrie City
cue, Jobrotewo utterly detect lobed, ant not
s. Onle etude lo Colville.”
lie and rege—ethietly red, but not alt
were tied toe every hotgb. The cue.
of tying red rep to treea to badt
pecuther noctity is one which Is
et with in parts of the Nivea as
"etant from one anether as the county .of
!tinny, Now-Zetelua, Lithuania, Mena,
aud Thibet. la the attar bedded villegee
ef the valley 1 Wall the "mind/awe
reql(ittS14" wbiele are e,ut up .outeicle the
fortinial ineiceuree. They cemeet of a ilst
nano about the ewe of au Buglieh grieve.
One, with ebeethiente ; and the villager*
t to prey 'yen them cue at a tiroO. Itt
bole Of the long dictum fend Qutte
striae of SakbaSerwer I did net sae
reef ecclesiastical building, except
our taro Moslem soldier*. It is
Deluchli are mach bed githennue-
they used not to pray at all until
wo esute, Incl that it le the example et our
more religione unto* eoldiere 'width bra in-
duced them to begin. But 1, think that
le tome exaggeration In tbis state-
ment, elthoueb It le certain that ay Jahn
tbey have lately built a preying incloeure,
like a paella pound, not Invirlog had my
piece of worthip until lanyear.
As outs imitewer52t2w$
enmcfrarn he opposite blink one pcor woman
y God, my babe; are gone I" and Babies of the World.
Una Then the criee m410)11001 It hasbeen competed thet between 36,-
teelOrd/tre bC01111° more terrible, 000,000 end 37,09C,000 of tables aro born
awl when he tram *topped at its destitution into the world mohyear. The zeta of pro.
it wee* "arty sight to mourning luentrafith duation is tliorefore, taxmt tieveety a minute,
that left the cora or rather mere than:one for every beat of the
Death was strewn all "bug the rained ceoeto With the one anainuto calculetion
fraln Naar Florence ta Sang Kelley- Not every reader le ferniler but It nob every
lose than deem bodies were picked -op, who gtop5 osauoate Oehat thlo weeps
while =my others were seen in the tvreok when 11 earn" tole yearee Aupply. And
and river, and atralrn 'den the river hank will probably, therefore, nettle a goad enemy
ens the trasin ruched Simg Hollow a lair peraone to flea on the Authority of a writer
bleak crow sailed out into the very midd a in the hospihil that could the taintu of a
of the boisterous Stream, and dart:Int down, yearbe ranged in o rine In cradles raven
than flew away and diseppeered, but on the .
nom waye the Ix dy of a small child, appeared.
extriclied into the swift wenn, T e crow deep they voila go rowed the glebe, we
hey° the le engem, conclude/A ow that el*
A. will abrlek went up Isom the horrified
paasengen Lad frilly 100 voices shouted to a
number of men who were standing on tbe
river beak, and before the deed body float-
ed down 100 feet further, was overtaken
andtaken from the waters.
The people of ohnetown ere &dually
lien who were yesterday worth half a
ealliton donna are to -day actually pennilers,
=freeing for the necessities cf life. A loud
new of distress is being sent np from the
entire city, and the doleful want ahould
meet with a prompt. response.
The great Ombra, iron works are wreck -
ea and entirely ruined. The tide of the
river le flowing tbrough the great mins.
Ali the banks aro flooded out. The employ-
es of the Cambria, woks would have been
paid to -day, but are now in the altadOWy
alme is where the trains were standing
erten the tide ef water, like a catapult, came
down them eupon with such real/Wean force
thatthe heavy trains, locomoti'ver,
and all were overturned and swept down
the torrent, and were lodged againab the
great atone viaduct along with forty-one lo-
comotives from the Johnetown round -house,
the Insert? meehinery and ponderous frame
w ork of the Gautier mill, the accumuiaikd
debris of more than a thoueand houses,
eannalare, bridges, lumber, drife, and human
The•hw arches of tbe pitons viaclut chok-
ea up immediately and the water backed
beak over the entire level of the valley npon
-which the city stood to the depth of what,
from the water -works, indicate about thirty-
eight feeL In the great sea thua formed
bendreds, perhaps thousands, of people were
The scene was one of the moat harrowing
ponible for the imagination of man to con-
ireive. The accumulated drift gorged up at
the -viaduct to a heights of forty feet and
then took flte from the upsetting of stoves
and lamps.
'Then were strong men made sick at the
eight. As the flames crackled and roared
among the dry timber of the floating houses,
Imman bodies were seen pinioned betweea
the house roofs, locomotives, iron beams,
freight, passenger, Pullman, baggage oars,
and heavy iron beams.
The scene was horrible beyond description.,
1tersons of all ages, from infancy, a few days
old, to the wasted figura' of age, were burned
before the eyes of the beholders, and norescue
from such a fate Wee possible. Strong men
turned away with agonized expressions and
women shrieked at the horror of the serene.
The dead have been computed at not less
-than '8,000 and the number may even exceed
-fits estimate. This seems incredible, but
=tit the waters have abated and the work
of removing the dead from this tremendous
man, le will be impoasible to tell how many
lives have been Ion.
o leneld amiability at the autopsy bevIng
been held no tastily. The resat et the
Feteet 0550 win probably be a cos Mot of
medical teatimony, and vthere dootoze differ
ewe 14 proverbially no court of appeal.
The NewYork "Sun," which. pale a good
deal of attention to ecientiao matten, eta'
refuel to believe lord Lonedatids etory that
with cm) Itedy eervint end four Fekiteoe he
crossed Benket stole in en opera boat la 36
bonze, It was in the ice of this strain it
says, tbee Par,ry Wei itopzioned for too
menthe. lime *leo Wein* was held feat
for three oewrie Moreover, the teurney
width Lord lemeciale ewe ho ramie from
Cepa Bethursb to Melville ittleod-4C0 miles
le 27 dare through los drift—is the same
%bet Roe and Pollee eucleeeneuzedirc vain Per
many weeks to accoreplith when engaged In
the Franklin eencit. Tao "Sun" sip ;
'Roily it Is one of it* moat rentericable
voyagee "Inca tbe Datcli thippere two cen-
turies ego Sailed to the North perk without
seeing loo, lindly a cake at le. Let envioue
British, cation laugh 11 they will. It is
ressenebly late to mutt thet nee one of
thern can repetie Lord Louedeleat ledven
Miciefgan ban jute placed a local option
mw upon the sneak° book, and as more may
be hunt of it when lb its adopted by name
localitite, the Otztlitio ite nrovitione riven
Wet She—than WerSIUTO Is wai WOM4A
X,ZU =At A rAvEIM naCii
directly toward the lave beds. Being close -
premed, the hunted wenn° dropped, tbe
meet end eped emend to the epitome of A
cave. The penmen entered the cavern oe
the beets of the strange robber and foutel—
werin bedy of A dead Woman. The
frigbt and exertitat bad hen
The corpte Was that Of a girl perhepi 26
yens el age. Her wily alothiug was a
rude gown fathioned Aim Her halr was
very Mug, and the was Elattrut and haze.
feett d. Tbe errata** wen buried elecently.
An expleretiozt of the cave diselona the
fact that it beet for some 'time been used 44
a hahitetiou by the alleged epirit. The
ground was covered vitt tower, and al,
though there wore Melting nien1114abotte te
WAS evident that they bed ruttier been und.
The untortimato gul bad sub/laud en "tole
en meet and roots and imam. Sho bad dried
meat for winter una
For eeverel rote the wild girl wee thought
to be a veritable splrit. Hugely she Welted
cenrips at the cloie of a long eummeoday, wid
it hi emelt wonder tbet hooters fled et her
Improved Business Methods.
ome womeeting Gleaned A Faiationabte Ceremouy weseribedwao
by a unsafe* lratver4ity,
An into:sating investigation upon the
above subject has recently been node uuder
the auspitem of the tesiveraity at Dorpat,
Routs, says the Boston "Medleal Jeurnal."
Some 500 circulars were sent out with a
series of quite definite guestimate wittch were
answered with equal detail by 151 students,
113 other melee, 142 females. The results
Itieermtted t separation,
as eraxteison7wre4suoe atbei ffearteundtetuhtaatfothr me
e4 a homogeneous elan interesting as A spe-
cial tautly. The Stet Problem that was pro.
pond was the relation between the frequency
ehat 62 3 per cent. of those who dream every • each' °thee tin:1°101Y^ Friel:44111Pa °Piing
ancl the vevidnews of dreams. It appeare
Malebo tho ttolce
The lauseitine geoeralAy marry quite you
in the apner eausece and emonget; countr
peeple °Veil Men earlier age; and to t
nOnor of thie moiety be it mon love morn
ages are Oland°, and Marriages for merle
are very rare exceptions. Dawry.hunting
andGirmarriages rbiiagghe s of io el, ;0 thaveonreadilynoet rmoard;Cy
their appearance Russian manners.
youlag efficient of the guard, who furnialt the
largest, contingent of Owen to the belle of
St, Petersburg. Daring the outlive' fetee
the two arndee, the army in pettimats end
the army that wears epaulets, learn to !mow
night dream Avidly, 60,5 per cent, of those
who dream frequently', and only 26.8 per
cent, of these who dream seldom, stowing
that the vividness of dream /acreage very
nattily wtth their frequency. Next,
how la the intensity of sleep related to the
fregeeney of dreams ? Of the etudente
who dream nightly 6$ per cent, have a light
skep (aud only 28 per cone have a deep
sleep); of those dreaming frequently, 40 per
cent; of those dreaming seldom, 4.8 per
cent. Similar percentages for the other
man are 688,42 1, and 09.3, and for women
72 46 andfifty per cent, We cozolude, them,
dim fregoeoe •drealtui are a concomitant of
light aley, though the relation le far from
universal, As regards sex, women bane 73
per omit of their another dreaming nightly
er frequeutly, While 'nucleate have only 50
per mute and other melee 48 per mut.
Agate, 63 per oent of women &sleep lightly,
and Only 42 per mon of !students, end 44 per
cent of other males. We comaudea, them
that women lime a nu math tighter ekep
than men, and tbat Oar anima are propor-
tionately more frequent.
Another conolueion, the eeldeoce of which
ie toe detailed to present, Is that as we grow
older our defame become lets frequent, bat
One ramp towlines lighter ; ago etteottng the
filterieity of Ailey more titan the freepeeney
of dtecnnet
The Author regards the students as the
period of maximum dreaming (20 to 24 yeare
of age). The deep "Jeep of ohildhood (hostile
to 'topology cf dreams) is then lent Cowl,
ter•balanced by .the leiSelsiug of dreams due
to age. The vividness of drones allow a
amine reletioe to age and atx; the Weluen
decent, meet vividly; the atudentat Info
younger than the other ramehave mere 'dial
dreams. Tbe power of roma:awls% dremze
14 ;deo dependent upon trividnen and fro
gummy of dreamiug; it iniecordinglygreeteet
Irs womett and greeter in student* theu
in mere =Store men, The liveliness of the
emetionia, nanny, a promiaene feature ot
wane= and youth, mane thus to be ranked
out an tbe causative agent in ilea production
of dreems. The duration of iileop thould
=Wally to related to Umbel* of deeming,
but in the mune such relation mut dis.
covered. In the worm; however, it appoint!
thet thou iv ho dream frequently *deep Peaty
an hour longer than those wile sellout dream,
This diffireue le regarded as due total:1feet
tt at men era more under duty to breek abort
their deep and time vitiate the etatiaticia.
Ude corroberated by the Ire geoney with
which themen who dream Lequently decilitre
thenwelves tired in the aternieg, MdiCating
incomplete sleep.
Tee need of sleep greater in women
thut in mon ; the duration of eleep being
up, the young Man pays court, and one clay,
without having consulted anybody, two
fiances come to ask of the parents a blessing
which is never refueed. The church does
not marry during Lent, so tbey baVe
to wait until Baster week. Fashion
demands for tbe celebration of tbe cere-
mony the °Impel of mime private house, if the
couple hew) not suffteieutly lofty relations to
seenre the chapel of the palace. A family
that respects iteelf (night to hatve at its wed-
ding as honorary father and honorary mother,
if not the emperor and the empress, at least
a grand duke and punt &when. The hon.
orary father gine the holy image, which
siome little child related to the familial, carries;
in. front of the Owens. They enter the
church, followed by all their friends! in gebe
uniferm, The ceremony begine ; it is very
long, and COMEl4leated with. many aymbelie
rites ; a email blea.a sort of movable altar
pleeed in the middle of the oratory ; tho
wept° aro ogpsrAted front it by a baud of
rose colored tuttin ; when the priest calla they
mutt advaace, and the on wile rat sets foot
on the bend, ortether hueltanci or wife, will
be the One who will Impel° hie or her will in
the itouseheld. Tale is an stellate of feitit
for all the meteors vase watch them at
*et moment. GU the table ia lensed the
Iltergima fornuilery, the omulleti whioh
they intuit hold, the arena whitile they
will Men the ;Inge whiele they will erk
clause, the cup of wino in which they
will moleten their hp,, and witch is called in
the Slevonie "the cup of bitter -
nese," itegee relieve oath other to °any
with autetretched non two beavy crewas,
whieh tout to held, above the -amide of the
Aartee4 while the ceremony centinues. Atthe
decide° racment, when the priest is pro.
()unclog the words, thittbied them together,
Ibe tittle walk throe time e name -10m altar,
followed by the crown hearere; until the third
turn le completed there Is time to tun bet& ;
After that the elle tient, the couple aro unit,
ea far life. Ttereupon the sin ;en strike up
in their mut airldeut veleta the joyous
hyrau, "Let Isaleh Rejoice, " The bride and
groom then go mid p,reetrote themselves be.
fore tbe Virgin of the Icenostaies, and. kise
ber &Igoe robe, after whicat they pan foto
Jim neighberhig Won, where they imilyolink
gleams et claiimpigne, while the invited
geeing receive boxes of sweetracata merited
with the monogram of the vouug couple.
Influence of Supelior Minds.
No person of superior mind. Cele live in
any sitnettoo without exerting atreng in-
fluence. Obscurity curial; tilde, nor poverty
divest It of ite power. Endowed with a
by the Detrole "Free Prete" will prove Inter. The merchant or meneleaturer who hopea is
greet eout—the most glorious posention of
eating; "lleeidente of any (mutiny desiring to do *Slug() and snoceseful businen to deg
longer end the peroentege of tired morittng humanity—one bee a troaeure that wealth
to teat the questIon of local option Inuit pro. while adhering to the impulse methods of a
not tired. halos 3 to 2 oannot equal, and a power that station can
cane from mica township and ward in the haf century ago, will be aleappointed. And lad 'amain end ef
end 2 to 3 reepootively ne 'tempered with never command.
county patItione signedby not tete than ono so he ;Multi. Any individual or firm vrho
le unwilling to keen Pim with modem pro. than:len. Studente sleep longer and are Ina Whose. ia the governtwegomEnintdheinrettihrect °anti
fourth of the logoa voters of ludIR town or tired, then other mon, The time aeeded to mare neighborhood?
ward, or if not of ounfourth of all the voters gresv, and adjustble methodi to the wants of
of the oonaty, as 41011M:tinted by the poll. his age, does not made suceeze ; neither can irsil ealeep iti about the same in ell %lute of home instils high arta noble purporess, that
non. afterward remit in a metal and honored
clasees-20 8 minutes for tbe Ale% 17.1
lien of the lest prom:ding election. The lie reenonably expot tomer° itto any large
unit for students, and 21.2 minutes for the lite! Whosa aotinsitil is moat eagerly sought
°minty clerk receiving these petitions is to degree. welcomed to the
women. In moll case, however, it takes in perplexity I Who le
oat! a special meeting of the Board of Super- Oae of the most important innovations in
longer for thee° who are frequent dreaneersi leoture-room to lament and entertain um ?
visors, and that body ntay order an election. modern butane's is edvertleing. By a very
If ',eel optiazi oarrlea by. *vote of the pm- few it le *till regarded with some aversion ; and light :deepen to fell maim than persons Whole writinge are most valued and longest;
preeerved 1 Whom do we aeleet to guide
pie the Bond of Supermen may declare it but the large rtietorlty of intelligent pueblo! of opposite characteristics. ,Sight per cent
of students sleep unintorruptettly thrush tlie affairs of Stine, make onr laws and hold
a law of the county. In that cue no liquor ere ratite) their indebtedness to advertising
toe mien, 70 per cent of other men, and the scalee Of equity ? Who speak with racist
for much of the valuta* information which
alidaonly 43 per cent of women. Light sleep and tfreet to a nation'S ear in behalf of a nation%
te verietin
they possum &tient the v
positig tbe 1 Etta ones to grow up and the of my kind 1,e to be made or sold m that motes to be about equally dividoa, wo vroula tenuity, except by druggists and. registered
home an army a hundred times as large as pharmeciste. The penalties range from $50
the toroth Of the -British Empire, with a wife to $200, with itripmeonment from twenty
ill addition to every soldier. Tho same writer days to six months.'"
look& at the matter in a !alit more plater- The sent,ence pronounced the other day
etque light. He imagines the boblee being upon the Buffet° murderer, who is expected
carried past a given point in their mother& to be the first legal victim of the oleotrio
charge one by ono, ancathe nrocieseion being current, weans follows
kept up oontinnotiely night and day until "Tho sentence is that or the crime of
the last comer in the twelvemonth has Pee' murder for which you stand convicted, with -
ea by, A *efficiently liberal- rate of epeed in the week commencing Motiday, Juno 24,
is allowed, but even with these babies -ma 1889, within the walla of Auburn State
arm. going past twenty a minute* the re- prieon, or within the yard or inolosure there-
viewmg ear would only have seen &sixth of, you suffer the death punishment by being
part of thteinfantine host file onward by the executed by electricity, as provided by the
other words, the babe that had to be carried Code of Criminal Procedure of the State of
tune he had. been a yen at his poet. In
New York, and that you bo removed to and
wheu the work begsui woula ba ebbs to wad- kepi in confinement in Auburn State prison
dlo onward itself when a mere fraction of until that time, May God have mercy on
its comrades had restated the taluting peat; your soul!"
and when the yearti *amply of babies was Exception was taken to this sentence by
tapering to a (dose, there -would be a rear the prisoner's counsel on the ground that it
guard not of infants, but of romping boys was "cruel and unusual," and therefore for -
fact, out of the maternal arms into the hands biddere by a clause of the United States Can,
and girls. They would have paeseda 10
of the school teacher. Every tnoment of
nearly seven years would be required to
complete tilde grana parade of thou little
one that, in the counts of a twelvemontla,
begin to play their part in the firse age of
• man.—[Leeds Mercury.
He Expected Tremble.
"How much do you gin'relly gib fer job
like this ?" asked a rural bridegroom of the
.aninister who 'married him. t" The law a LiOWS
me e.dollar Well, great Scott, man,
:here's your dollar, 1 don't wanter go to law
it. Reckon have trouble enough
now, anyhow ?
llorrowinr Trouble.
It is uncomfortably true that there is
almost as much distress of mind experienced
in the anticipation as in the realization.
About half of our unhappy days are ocean
ioned by our looking forward to the unhs.p-
pyness of the other half.
"Suffieient unto the day is the evll there-
of." We need never take another job on
credit. In. borrowing trouble, nature]. lawe
are reversed; raere mole.hilla of annoyance
become mountains when viewed at a distance
ahead. Seme persons never take actual
comfort. In tranquil times the dread of a
canting change is always in the way of their
I know of a family who were forever ex-
peoting to move, consequently neglecting to
make garden, repair the house or permanent -
la arrange the furniture. Ab the latest ad.
vures this family had lived hi the game house
eleven years.
If We take things as they come we shall
usually find that they come much better
than we have any right to expect. Our an-
ticipatory • fine of 'dietress may have been
inviting corapassion and flinging paktum of
darkness over many a bright scene for
months, only for us to find at last that we
have been guilty of needlessly, we might say
criminally, robbing ourselves and others of
the happinees rightfully belonging to us and
to therm
'Sorrowing trouble" is sometimes only
another name for selfialinees, for the one
borrowing trouble is seldom satiefied, unless
all within hiss or her influence are inveigled
into the toils. It is holding a dangerous
serpent 'in our hearts, vvhich grows with
what it feeds upon. It is sinful, for it is an
abiding distrust of God goodness.
There is nothing lower than hypocrisy.
To profeas friendship and cherish enmity is a
sure proof of tete/ depravity, --[A. H. Yarz
etitittion, vehich says that "excessive bail
and epeeist features of the goods whicli
they purchase. They regard advertise.
menta as so many speeches raado to them
in wheal the merits or distinctive peinto
of the Article are more concliely and
ntelligently preaented then is frequently
done by salespeople, and if they feel
the need of ;such an Leticia they naturally
ask their leader to show it. Instead of re
garding advertising as suggestive ef clues-
tions.ble quality; they are more inclined to
entertain conadence In then merit, acting
upon the conmeoneenee ptineiple that if tke frequent dreamers. The forenoon seem; in
general tote the preferred time of work.
article were nob meritorious it wetild not
pay to advertise it. The statistics regaxcling nervousness confirm
the accepted fact that this is greater among
It ie true that exaggerations and. miner).
women than men. It is greater among ;An-
resentations are sometimes made in *aver.
tieing, just! as they are employed by some dents than other men at Inge. It is, too, s,
conconiitant of light sleep and frequent
ealespeeple, and some of all classes. The
dreams, As to tampenunente the phlegmatic,
question of versoity cannot be detandmed
quite constently deep sleepers
by the method employed to describe the Peepla tare
goods, but only by the charaonr and princh and mircqueat dreamers- Vinellit, a Can -
between teachers and professors of the
pies of the individual, and there are hosts of treat
same average ago shows the effect ofthe ocon-
honorable advertherr tbe number of which
shall not be required, nor excessive fines um- is daily increasing, who would ne• more
posed, nor cruel and unusual punishments
inflicted." Thispoint will probablybe fought
out in the courts, though it is difficult to see
how death by elootricity could be considered
more cruel than banging.
frequent dreams Morena° the interruptedness right;? Are they not those to whom teed
of aleep. The power of falling asleep at has given great and glowing minds, that are
will is ponessed by few. It it greater in hero always pre-eminentt
youth than in ago. Twenty-eight par cent Ycui—the power of a strong intellect is
of men 19 per cent of students, and 20 per mightier than that of kluge. Wealth and.
cent of 1 women sleep in the afternoon, indi- station unconsciously yield obedience to it.
eating a making up of insuffiaionb sleep on All instinctively ieonor le, aud are balanced
the part of the mere by ite
The effect of dream hebite upon mental Always and everyvvhere, whether ibis used
work is also evident. These who dream nen in a Christian and patriotic spirit, or per-
dom, or sleep deeply are better &spoiled for verted to selfish and iniquitous purposes, ie
work in the forenoott than light eleepere end moulds, guides, and governs with Irresistible
All other earthly power!! combined can-
not withstand its influence. It le, as it was
deeigned to he, the rating power; and when
it shall, be wholly enlisted irs the Benicia of
God and humanity—its only proper sphere
—what peace. happutoes and prosperity will
be aujoyed.—[Transcript.
What is the neevalue of the affidavit of a
Chinese? And if the affidavit of a Chinon
in general is good, what is the value of that
of a Chinese gambler 7 These queries aro
euggeeted by a derliteh IMP New York,
which eines that Chimes gamblers
have made effida.vits to the effect that the
police of the Sixth district have "protect-
ed" them on paymett of a weekly stipend
of $5 for each table. In this way the police
have been pocketing in that district about
$100 a week, and it is believed that the un-
earthing of this peculiar means of amassing
money will be the beginning of a vast ex
postire of blackmail and 'extortion. The
question therefore as to the value of a
Mongolian's oath becomes important.
habits of indifferent hemispheres seem to
vary ; we hear from Louden of tho police
arresting gamblers notwithstanding their
aristextratio titles ; but in Idevr York in ap-
pears that the gamblers want to arrest the
Shouldi l3e11rohilnted.
g'So you have seen Clarence( poeme 1
What do you think of there!
"Well, Tanked °floor two instances of
poor grammar and false meter."
"Oh, he excuses that by saying it is poetic
license." '
"All I have to say than, is that a poet
who does such work ought to have his license
revoked 1" --[Boston Herald.
An Innocent Metal.
"Copper is the most harmless of metals,"
observed the Snake Editor.
"The people who got caught in the recent
collapse do not think so," remarked the
Horse Editor.
• „
"lam speaking, :on general„ principles
though." fr:
"Tion why is it the least harmful ?"
"Because it's in:a cent."
think of misrepresenting in their advertise-
ment than they would in their own °Sae or
It pays consumers to read the announce-
ments of responsible and honorable firms for
the aake of the bueineas information they
gain, jut as it pays them to read the other
part of the newspaper for a different kind ef
Elephants on the War Path.
An elephant stampede, which was nearly
taking the same disastrous turn as the one
-which occurred recently at Munich, is re-
ported from Riga. Eight trained elephants
have lately been exhibitedottheSalamonski
Girona. .a. few evenings ago one of the ani-
mals, instead of going quietly through the
performance, raised his trunk suddenly and
began to trumpet Hie comrades beoame
unruly and made for the door. One of the
grooms closed it, but the first of the eleph-
ants burst i* open without trouble. A lady
who attemted to run across his path was
aeiasel gently roundtho waist by the animal's
trunk and safely deposited on the side.
The huge iinadrupedm burst throughanother
door into a passage and found their way to
the box cfficie. This seemed to excite their
curiosity, and they examined it minutely.
They then entered a tonal courtyard and
began a regular war dance, uttering
piercing cries as they pranced about in their
wild antics. Eventually they were'master-
ed and walked off to their quarter% Two
of them, however, again got away, and,
curiously enough, trotted bank towards the
circus. They missed their way and rushed
into the yard of a neighboring house to the
terror of theinmates, who were roused from
their elumbere by the elephantine minute
I* took several hours to recapture the fugi-
A Natural Thought.
A very small boy was recently preeent at
a balloon ascension. As the gigantic bird-
like machine sailed up into the clouds with
its human freight, the small spectator pulled
bie mother's dream excitedly and exclaimed:
" What will the good God say when he seer"
that necoMing
'ration. The teacher, with bis daily toll, has
a lighter sleep and mere frequent dreams,
while tlie professor, leading a comparatively
congenial and worriless life, is a. deeper sleep-
er and a less frequent dreamer than the
She No Doubt Understood It.
"What's all this I see in the papers about
the Samoan quotation ?" asked Mrs. Bixby
of her hatband the other evening.
Hisby, delightad Mohave Itis wife interest-
ed in public affairs, began at the beginning •
and carefully and elaborately detailed the
entire -arab to his wife, and when he was
through he said: "Now, do you understand
I,mv dear ?"
"Yeoes, I think Ide, George; only rve
,Jan thinking--"
"Thinking what ?"
"Thinking for the last ten minutes that,
after all, I'd have cardinal instead of let.
tualeaf green on my new bonnet. Wouldn't
you like the cardinal better, deafest ?"
The Study of Lansnages.
Estimating in the June "Forum" the rel.
ative inmortanee in the education of an
English-speaking ram of theancient and
the niodern lenguages, Prof. 'John Stuart
Blaokie sayst — 'While Latin and iireek
will never cease to hold their place in the
front rank of educational agents it is an
anachronisni of the grosseat kind to insist on
a prolonged etuely of these two and languag-
es as the neeessary basis for the general cul-
ture of a well-educated gentleman in the
latter end of this nineteenth century; the
more so, that' experience has taught that
nineteen on of twenty young men who have
been driven through this routine of the dead
languages at schoo1 in after -life make no use
of them, and the fruits which their boasted
classical training has to show are in the La-
vern ratio of the labour spent upon it"
.a. young Man From Berlin who Jumped
From a MAL% Train.
Semen, June 13.—A passenger by the
name of Michael Dunn jumped off train
No. 41 while coming into Sarnia station the
other evening and fell under the train and
had one foot taken off. A young -man by
the name of Patterson heard his cries for
help and went to the place and found him
sitting holding Ids leg. He said to Patterson
that he wee bleeding to death. Mr. Patter -
eon ran up to the station and found Night
Agent Chase and told him what hadhappena
ad, and he got some rope and told him to -
take it and tie it around his leg while he
(Mr. Chase) ran for Dr, Ponsette. The
doctor came at once and then Dr. Fraser
arrived, and after a consultation it was
concluded to remove him to some comfort-
able quarters before they amputated hie
It costs us more to be miserable than ,
would make us perfectly happy. ---[Dr. F. 1
Cashier George Jessup, of the Scranton 1
? '
Pa., City Bank, was placed under arrest at '
the bank on Saturday, charged with emb;z- 1
sling $135,000.
Whence Come the Flies?
From where do *lithe files come? The ques-
tion is often asked, and seldom reoeives as
satisfactory an arisvrer ashes been given by
a contemporary: The common fly lays more
than 100 eggs, and the time from egg laving
to maturity is only about two weeke. Most
of us have studied geemetrical progression.
Here we see it illustrated. Supreme one
fly commences' "to multiply andrepenish the
earth" about Jane L June 15, if ell lived,
would give 150. Suppose seventy-five of them
are females, July 1 would give uv, supposing
Io rn:wPeroh7rnntovardtm
625 of these are females, we might have July
15, 843,720 flies. For fear of bad dreams I
will not calculate what might be by Septem-
ber 15.
We paint oureelves in fresco. The soft
and fusil plaster of the monument hardens
under every stroke of the brush into eternal
rock.—[I). H. Cudihee.
The "most valuable catseye in the world"
has come to London from Ceylon. It weighed
originally when found by a laborer 475
carats. He sold it for thirty rupees. It has
been out and now woigha 170 carats, and is
insured for 30,000 rupees.