HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-13, Page 1VOL, IIL EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 189, The Moisons Bank.. CCharteredbyl'arli;u ent,1&5,) Paid up Capital, , , , .. ,. , . $2,000,000. Rest Fund..., ..,.R, ,.,. 1,000,000, Bead office ¥ontreaL F,WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq,. Geesn.lihr. M..e,TAG ' u. Twenty 3rancii offices in the Doa,rtlion• Agencies In the Dconinion, U.S. and Europe, Open every lawful day from XO a. m. to 3 p. m., Satnrdaya SO alto >< p, „,. A general banking business transacted 'three per rent, per aupnut allowed for: money o' Pgposit. Receipts and Savings Bank, It. Ii. ARCHER, Exeter, Jan 28, '8;3. Manager, Ti omens. WALPER,---111 tt -, .o*:10th inst,, the wife of Mr. L. 11, Walper, of a son, aitLT011-110DOINS----At the Trivitt Memorial ehureli Exeter, o* 12th Inst, by the .Rev:. S. R Robineen, rector, Mr. Thomas G, llalrito* to Miss M. E. Hode:dewe ' of Biddsulph a a. rafiias, Tuesday Inst, 11th inst. She had; been ilt but a short time with inflaination when death overtook her and she crow- ed to those bright shores, iietrel. to return. She was a sister of Mrs. John Hawkshaw, of this pace, wind was well and favorably known here. The sur- viving friends have the syrePethy- of all in this their sad hour of trial and affliction. Siaiz?sQ ,-Iii `e:tforth, on lode, inst., 11irs. Any Sirufason,relict .of the late Wm. Simpson, aged 765 4 rs, 3 mos. 14 days. Greoet.—In Hibbert,. on 5th Inst., Mr. P. M, Gilgan, aged 87 years. In Stephen on 10th ease, Jana, Moved wife of JAule Bob, aged 66 years and 24 days. Liteatn, on nth 'root., Miss Ida Kent, aged 21 years. Is publishe4 every Thursday Morning, at the Ctce, IN-STIE3,', EXETER. ear blear,;VIII:RS'k UDLIS1II:SGCo?l11'.e1.iT. TERNS AF SUBSCRIPTION. Aaio Poiler rn# u of fa aidi n &dvanee. r ><Io paper atseontineed until all urea t►re eeid. Advertisements without s diraotions.wilt ba pta.Ialirhed tilt forbid charged accordin ijr Liberal discount mad fortrausciestt advertisement* inserted for lotqc p eeriods. livery description of JOU TRUSTING tunnel out in the finest style, alai as t madfq1ktitt rates. Cheques,moneyty oro. eget, }ae. fel advertising, aubsuriptioao, etc. to be Mode Maty al,la to 111fl1n tt adore, Editor .d,tit itionUl Locals, Beautiful ;growing weather. Waeherwomen's° friend is Ululate etrie Soap. —The wittering cart was brought to use yesterday. ---The weather has been delightful for the past few- days. --Strawberry festivals will soon :tel he order of the day. —Um Geo. Ander-eon is a►t present. visiting friends and xtr]attive2. alt Fingal!. The new verandah erected by rs. Fenner tiros, hats reeei'¢ed. as at of paint, The Rev. W. 6'f. Martin, B. D, is At nit -attending the aiuti•Jeauit con. tendon at Toronto, Mr. Hugh Spackman received brat !gilt from Massecitussetts A thorough. Italian greyhound. --Buikling operations leave began twin in full blast. Several new resi- dences are fast nearing completion. We uncleratantl that aM1 gemo of intse•ball will be played shortly he - wean the tailors and our town club. —The salivation atnor, of London, tended the Salvation Army tweeting on blondes% The present officers fare- well this evening. The regular meeting of Plymouth Lodge No 63,: 8,0. E„ B. S.,wilt be held on Monday evening, Every member respectfully requested to bo present. —Mr. A. Ross is At present attending the high Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters, as a deleate of Courtllaar- mony, Fxetor, which is in session at London. On Friday last Mr. L. Bnnly, of this -village received notice of the death of his father, wlto has resided in London t',p. Ile hadreached a ripe old ago. -Tho staff of tailors of the Old Es. tablihhed House will hold their annual picnic at Grand Bend, woother favor- ably and 'health permitting, on Wed- nesday next, 19th inst. —A. new shed is being built at the Mansion House, to take the place of the one that fell in. It is being built fac- ing the road, and will be at great deal more convenient than the old. one. ---At the semi annual meeting of the County Orange Lodge of East Middle- sex held on Saturday last it was decid- ed that the brethren of tee county cele- brate. the conning 12th at Exeter as a body. —A meeting of the District Orange Lodge of Biddulph will be be held at Crediton to -morrow (Friday) commenc- ing at 2 o'clock p. In. Immediately afterhe close of the District Lodge, the Royal Scarlet Chapter will be opened and a number will be advanc- ed to tliat illustrious degree. —0n Monday evening, Drs. Moore, of London, Hyndman, of Exeter and McDermott, of Hensall,performed a sur- gical operation upon Mn A. MeDonell. The patient is doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances, and the Drs. have great hopes of the opera- tion prolonging his life. —An exchange reminds us that in 1891 every farmer in the Dominion will be v]<sited by a paid officer of the government, and asked to give statis- tics of his farm crops, stock, etc., for the corning year. To be prepared for the census taker begin now to keep account of all farm operations, and keep it up through, the year. In this way only can the census report have real value. —Many, who drive do not understand that the law; gives the sight of way to to the pedestrian. A man or woman' who is crossing; the street at a regular crossing' is not obliged to look out for the person who is driving the team; but the; person driving is to take care not to jostle or incommode a person walking,. This is law,: and common courtesy as well. How frequently do we see teams drawn up at a crossing and pedestrians made to pass around them. , —We are sorry to announce to our readers, the death of Miss Ida:Kent, of Lucan, which sad event \ occurred; on or, hun(1 b aaolaetii, fi ii p. war, 7fsr ionls'r a urgiteuu- games -at., Rev. Moment, "l, sj mo a.nsap.m.Sabbath Soli000 dafkerJceai rm X. Wilson, Seii Services, p' " FtlxsurrzlIrxzt C:Iuacai, Rev W. ktartln,. mbt hoA3m. and Gel Sbaho AS►m p Omhat:tonn1 Cards. 0 akar, Oats .KINSMAN, DENTIST L.D. S., ex- acts teeth without pain by giving egotable Vapor, or asin!tthe Herr An,e,tlietia en Magmas. Makes hold Fid Ings and other lethal work the best possible. Ooes to Zurich last Thgrstlny In of chmonth. East aide of Mein street, Exeter. 13. wif t:'rwt , M. D 0.'MM„ TRTSICIAN •and Snrgoon. Office and residence-- • ornar'Viotoria andElgin stroota, 0odorieh, Ontario. DR-J.A. IROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN 5T: !residence -Corner Andrew and North. Streets, Exeter, Ontario. T•A. AMOS,1t D., C. IL L. C.P., E*IN.; L, R. C. 5 , Edina L. P.1L & S., Glasgoia; L. Id., Edinhar,1 li ancl Glasgow• M. 0. Ontario; F. T. rt. S., Toronto. 'Night boll nt office. Crediton, Ontario. JylS-S Dir. CO'NEN. OFFICE --MAIN STREET, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centro Hatei Side entrance on south --Jamas street leading to the Methodist Church. T W. BROWiNING, M. D., IL C. P. 5. Graduate of Victeria tniversity. Office and residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. VVILLUJtSWEET, 'VETER inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Office and Residence one block east of Sanavoll• & Pielasrd's store. Opposite skat- ing rink, Exeter, Ontario. TTETERINARY DENTISTRY.-A.H.FITCn, V Veterinary Dentist, graduate ofProf. H. H. Davidson's Dental School, Toronto. All work in connection with horses' teethpronA.- ptlp attended to. Examination free. Office wish Wm. Sweet, V. S. A. IL Erroll, V.D. LR. DICKSON, BARIIISTE1t, SOLICITOR . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. %Loney to loan Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter. ELLIOT'& ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLI[- hors; Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan at 6 per cent. B.V.:ELLIOT. T. ELLIOT' TDWARfN. LEWIS, BARRISTER, NOT - J. ary 'Public, Proctor in Maritime Court, Conveyancer, &c. Solicitor for Huron Land Agency. Goderioh and Bayfield. Bayfield office at Swartz'slfotel, open every Thursday. Money to loan at very low rates. TAXES OKE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed eft for the County of Ilya on. Sales promptly attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. TT BROWN Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- 1Z. ioneerforthe Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and termsreason' able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa _LA • ensedNAuct Auctioneer toll i County iof Huron. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. TIT HOLT, khiva, Ontario. Licensed aunt - V . ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex and Lamb -ton, and the townships of Stephen and Hay. Ali sales promptly attended to, L4 EILBER,Lieensed•Auctioneer for Bay 1 . Stephen and McGillivray townships. pffice-Crediton, Ontario. CQlilm11njoatiol e e S,kilter of Aovucirr. I see by locals in your 1,5sue of last week that re the cricket and baseball clubs that they are about to petition the tawu council for a grant towards pay- , * 5 tiers got a considerable start. They the rent of the grounds which they - Sr. second,---Ida Well, 1095, le craned the fields front S ro. t' avirtaalken for the )Lar. Near, I might .SiPple, 1053; G. Steinbach, 9.2.4; L,° fi d , ouz bSr. p . s to +' it Mr. Papuan's, where there noticed. almost elver surrounding, tavrwn ".I' ,illiazns, 507; Louis roster, fi061 I", 1,v 3Er, El;axu BIItt, the st,a,ltsart ea ion grounds are provided for the i Untie'. 901; table of 1 ippon, Who was coining al€rll, people, Now we are tante des. Jit, sgt*SD---T. Kibler, 1.263; Be the 2 . d t h i with ht peddling weevil, but as he was ne i aware of the dcpi'rclatiou they had; cozy iriitteel, let: allowed thein. to. esca fled he lcnavl'ii Iv wt►llltl tlt+u7itless ear NO, 100„ Ifardy and Alf. Moritz, 405; Lizzie Becker, 390; Wm. Baker, 217. Jn. TiuunD.--Milton Buchanan, 816; el. Well, 779; I. Brill, 758; Alice John- stoln,699; E.Sippe1,6S7; Martha Streinp, fen, 063; E. Faust, 595; W. Derstein, 57il; S. Holtzman, 547; M. Doan, 504; W. Sehoellig, 502; C. Smith, 499; T. Happel, 474; R. Becker, 356; A. Hide. nail, 342, W. Demuth, 330; M. Demuth, .. Beichert, 115; snore i Dlvisxoti. Jr.. entree—et Ilumnlel,12 ; _. Gi er,1086; L. Prang, 960; M.lttlldei.,, .870; J. Dirstein, 713; T. Johnston, ?Of; J, Dcichert, 660; L. laibl-r; ' i}1; .3.nlale Hess, 474E Sala Faust, 435; Ed. Worm, 363; W. Durmet 184; A. Wooley, 78. r Horsey, formerly of this place, charge of Dr. Gnaws practice dux - bis absence in Toronto. Dr. Hor- sey has been, appointed physician for the Caledonia Springe near Montreal, for tini .snlrnlne ', after i,ieli he will le- Bate in Owen Sound, Tuoker th. ,cele a couple of tram entered last DARING Boniiuitr.-One de p pry Qct the, ide ce of Mr. Jamess Sproat and stole valuable watch froin a nail ill the kitchen. As there was no person in at the time the watch was tot inisse I for alae time and coinsegueaativ the rob - The foundation of the W indsor e ast'ia started, A. Famous is talking of going to the North West. Mr. Parsons purchased a'ffne fat heif er from P,- Neil tsf.Bidriallph. fir: T, A. Persus]l had his valist- of clothes mislaid on his journey west. Our Centralia, folks go to Exettzr every night to hear the evangelists, Our cheese salesmen sold May cheese for S, eta. per potted, thereby beating surroundia factories a et- a powid. The 141150118 are getting along nicely with Mr: S. l Windsor's house, run will soon be able to move cuter it Yes. ve already beard from sone lends who- went out wets:. s;ifely..in Winnipeg on ittnt As regard. Ault grounds, Our H1dev,,.tun,1060; L Ailmart,1038; Ed. ' e n cfweevil, a the, Onto t art (if it uiraay. be eaalled me at a .lit Haneb, 943; E. Holtzman, 918; J. Jollrt• is simply an absurdity and it is well stop, 8it6,J, Weber, 6773 S, ?.Hanle that some ground should be provided _well, 74?; Ed, $aliba 1, 565, a, Helldal!, so atilt it keeps the youth off the streets ` 2 t M. Rupp, 130; & leis eercisa if pxoperlty follow wewer sevotete so 2.---L. »eicltert, jestedisatou h. ,.., a easily- b h e alaid them ed i> good both t!ior,.dly and physically 99911-e Zimmerman, .155, Ii, LCp rt, low 1>sr a etxol a frm ono of rho krtome hem Physically it enlarges the lungs brin s , Wen, Grob, 786;A. Smith, 056; J. y lees he e'frxles from toe kat tin 'i'l'he ford nand Cableigh Ale t of the time buying zals, Rufus his Roth - soap bilsiinees thin the nnuacles intopiagand circulates t tl ,$Clli5alif, 053;` E. Stremiifer, 025; E. lest seen they were going south on the blood makeoun men, throw off the yf sluggish habits which. men, fieae frrnu per. 56 ' Loudon Road near House'', but Mr. petually lounging ou the stet. Mor- F. Hort G R ' h Spxe€zt has pot yet got ally trace of ally it brings them into contact with . Deli Izat ;l^7 I`] $ h 267 them or his watch n heeh he has had for uperards of forty years. !elute and from:theme their minds to Natures God If a young malt celleneo lily Any genet, re _ hall trot Acquired that sax ithont amine trouble. Re hard emit 4mbitiin or ho o K elsetrained 'salon d`sne t Ill his studiesand place d there. Some of Quer leg then lialy a been geed ought over as proper i ariaril very few of pule rat* owls object to 11 small atiltt t in this way. IVho of the old eb *ntB of lir town did riot when. young enjoy some ,game in the held. Then it was easy to get grounds ,at their doors almost for nothing but now very little ground is to' be got even for money. Let all remember the old say- in Alt work end no play,makes Jack a dull boys" T,lwzikiug you for space. MAIMS3l. nly, 616• L.1rang t91 • C. Wtiliames 6;1'1. Dumat, 561; L Brenner, 500; ex, 428; G. eic at, ,587; W. , i . ! N. Buchanan anan Anr swest) so, L --I. Lippert, 6 , Andrew Hess,' 84; K. Treunfner, fa57I a Koehler, 470; W Weber, 410; JL Hardy, 464; V* Geiger, B50, S. Beater, ter, 264; R Becker, 211. Seat J. LemmaTE;IGIiFllS, Sex et. Hent& J Rambler. (To lata for fait week,) 3t. Blob le "pusher and as great ffoliow for ilnprevements. ?1r. Alex. Atkinson, of flay CitytUliclt whol',as been visiting1* and around Lucan has returned to his home. Mr. Bobt. 3fcFalls has reshingled his barn. He intends raisin* it up and putting at, atone foundation underneath l'n Thee. Hennessy and Runny of 2nd son. Biddulph have removed to Luean where they will reside in fu- ture. Oh account of so much rain of :late it generally feared Among the farmers t .L !stege 'text of the 1?latato eropvrllt eve to be replanted, Mr. Jno, E,ssery, of retell, who he been over to the United. States wIth at Ahipinent of horses, has returned home looking hale and. hearty. Eden School Report. The following i b report of that pupils of this school for the month cold ing May 31st. FotTu,—Totatlti00. Addie Cave,450; Eva:Ilieks, 379. Forme -Total 500 -Alice Kerslake, S01;; Minnie Care, 294; Laura Hicks, 289. Sat. Tom -Total 44f3 Thos Beaman, 910; Warren Snell, 595; Maggio Luxe ton, 294; Thos. W. Smith, 276; George Walker, 238. Jn. Tonna. Total 450. -Nola Beaman, 318;; Lille Hunter, 279; Edgar Buswell, . 270; Lizzie Coats, 2.17; Malcolm Hemp I soy, 289; Lottio Mazndford, 147; Nellie Dempsey, 142. Secorto Total300.-Alnia Dempsey, ] 254; Muinio Luxton, 258; Beernicelook, H 222. if PRET SECOND.-TetaI 275-Frauk . t Hunter, 220; Emma Smith, 211; Myrtle s 'Walker, 119. J. d. Denarsu , Teacher. a Mr. Joe Hodgins and wife, of Elinz- villa were the guests of Mr. Me]alls on Sunday, We noticed also that Mr, Oa- Mrs. Brown, of Fergus, is visiting ear Meleilis and wife spent Sunday her mother Mrs. G. Ce. Hamilton at pres with Mr. Geo. Hodgins. out, Corbett The cheese .factory blast now, Mr. Fred More, of Blyth, paid a burg a visit last week. Boy. Mr. M Jana mod family a a': alt present visiting friends and rebel London, The picnic than was to be hold Friday was postponed on aeeount the weather. It will be held zioxt Fri- day. June 14th, if roads and weather permits. it is our piinf v l duty to record th.a death of bliss Bridget Ryan on Setnr. day the Sth inst. Her remising were entered in the Catholic cemetery, Limerick. Friends and relatives mourn her loess. Tho wroll'diggers vim aro engaged. at Fialomi% are 45 ft. in the rock and tto w,itter, they have givenup the welt and will move to I+Ir. Corbett'n thio week 45 ft. Is the lowest they went down around this country, Goer oh, bread in one of the water sera'ieil eollizeetiaazns ocelirred on Sunday. bliss Davis, of Wiznghane, has been the guest of Mrs. F Jordan dtlrlue the week. 9nTbursdaly afternoon a basehell nistelt was pinycd here between the hiweers and tuerehents. The result twat$ in favor of thtr former, Tito jaw Sesaiffns lit #f, Gouutr Court tiptoeden Tuesday, ironer ironer Judge Tani presiamg. A zu*mber e ntertesting eases will be diepoed o Everybody ie looking forward to the 2th July demonstration to be held at ter: ft is expected that one of the st crowds ever leaving toderieb n will leave en the inorni:ng of e Iti2tli. Ailsa Craig, Mr. Jones, of London, paid #her to a visit on Monday last. !kir. Stewart Hodgins„ of Biddulph. (2nd con.) has erected several hundred rods of the Buasell Ione. Stewart sase'. t motes a capital fence but it is Bard work 0n the hands to get it there. ,lir.. John McLeod, of McGillivray, eft for the Northwest on Tuesday lase e intends to say but a short time, and be likes the appearance of the couu- ry he intends removing there next prhg• It is a mystery what has become of 11 our football clubs this season. Wonder what is wrong with Centralia, airfield and Eden. Come boys! waken pi Get to practice and make up a nlatch for the sake of sport. An event of considerable social in rest took place at the residence of \Ir. as. Atkinson, 2nd con. Biddulpb, on tiVednesday, of last week, it being the arriagc of his daughter, Minnie, to r. Shoobottom, of London. The core - money was performed by Rev. Mr. Ire - and, of Kirkton, after which the happy tropic started for their home in Lon. don. Grand Bend, u The Into rains have done much dant- age to all the farms adjoining the flood ed lands along the riven In many instances the whole farm is covered to with water and have been so fora week past. The strong Current has torn and carried the fences away and in their M places logs and rubbish has been deposited. The Patterson ranch 'con- tains 2500 acres of which about 2000 1 is flooded. The loss of cattle on this c ranch was six head of yearlings. The Benjamin and Faust ranches on the east side of the river ere entirely sub- merged and all the stock had to be removed. Three Young colts were lost on this ranch. Wo are of the opinion that there is• little use to try to keep the flats dt'y hy putting the cut through near Grand Bend. In our estimation, if the crit was put through about 14 miles down the stream, or at the back of Mr. George Tapson's farm. The present plica selected will not. allow the water. tci pass through fast enough as it is like running water out of a bottle's neck, and the country is flooded before ' it can pass 'through. After a careful study of the situation for about twenty-two years we b liege the above would be the most 'bene ficial. Zurich, School Report, , SI'mum DIVISION. FIrrzi.—Geo, Buchanan. FoURTll.—Wm. Hess, 529; Wm. John- ston, 518; Rosa Bauch,503;Edith Stein- bach, 485; Lydia Strempfer,451; Emma Johnston 446; John Kibler, 443; Laino; Williams, 428; John Gies, 386; F. Hess 357; Win. Warm, 828; Annie Lippert, 222. SR. rump.—Nett1 ael W 1, 485;Loitsia: Koehler, 451; E. Zimmerman; 435; Hor- p Clinton. Mr. Nicholas Walton, of Whitesvilie, Mich., is at present visiting his mane- friends anyfriends and ,acquaintances in this sec. tion. Mr. Will Hay our popular printer has at last completed his magnificent boat house and it now adorns the banks of the raging Sauble. The Directors of the Mechanics In•. stituto would like if all members who have books out would kindly bring them in, for week or so as they wish to take Stock. Messrs. McKay, Bowhn, Ware and Hey our crack Baseball play=ers went into London to see Syracuse play* last week. They all pronounce"Connie Mur- phy" an expert ball tosser and an or- nament to the profession. Mr Absohnn Peters, of McGillivray occupied the pulpit in the 5Iethodist church here, on Sunday evening last, in the place of Rev. Mr. Hough who is attending the conference at St. Marys. The remains of Mrs. Lency was brought here from Michigan, on Friday last for interment. Mrs. Lency was formerly a resident of this place and was respected by all who !knew her. Her funeral was largely attended. The Ailsa Craig Brass Band has com Ml'. Allen has removed his barber menced serenading the citizens and by shop to Cooper's new block, the appearance of things they are meet ing with a hearty reception at every place they play. The Craig people evidently know how to appreciate a good band when they have one. Catch biro? Let me at him! Hold him till T slum him, and such beautiful expression could be heard on the street of this once quiet and peaceful town. one day last week, all this uproar and confusion was caused by our ex -pool seller attempting to escape with the boys "boodle" which I'm sorry to state he successfully accomplished after a desperate struggle with his would-be captors. We might' also add that the Mr. John Beacom had -a trotter at the London races last week. - Mr. Owens, of Owens & Johnston bar- rister, was in London on business this week. . Messrs. M. McTaggart, Thos. Fair and Thos. Jackson jr., are arranging fox a trip to the old country. Mr. W. Doherty will lay the corner stone of a new Methodist church 'at Westfield, in Wawanosh this week. Rev. W. McDonagh, formerly of this town; has been elected President of the London conference of the Methodist church. printing office is shy one good "compe" 11 is said that fifteen families will re- kettle that he conveyed away under move from town to Goderich with the his Blackstone Organ Factory. Where is. alar l ooni. Mr. W. Smithson was up before the beadle for using abusive language len- gunge last Saturday, and was fined 1_and.costs. Dr. Gunn was in Toronto attending the annual meeting of the Ontario Medical Association last week, and we notice his name on one of the most im- or.tant committee. . Centralia, Mr, Albert McFalls was the „lest of Mrs. Boyle on Sunday last. p Crops in this art are beginning to stiffer from the wet weather. 31r. Spearman C. Kermy left for Mich igen on "Thiusdiy lrlst. He will re- turn in a few days. On Thursday evening of last week, . W. Bro. J. Boo Robertson, of Toron- o, deli~ erect his cekbreted 'lecture, 'en- 1Te".i''Masonry In Canada. one Bundred ago". Large delegates from. Clutton, -Carlow, 8eaforth and Biytltlodges were present. It wale a eery interesting discourse and was attentively listened to by alt present. At the conclusion of the lecture, a hearty vote At thanks wan tendered, to Bro. Robertson, to which lie replied in a very happy mut- arfclu , The annual picnic in. connection with the Centennaryr Methodist church evil! bo bold on Miller's slate on July 1s:. A good, time is expected. The members of Court Parkltiii No. 156, independent Order of Foresters. will observe the ,Anniversary of their Order by attending services to be eon - ducted by Rev. J. S. Loehcad, in St. Paul's elaurek here, at 8 p. at., Sunday 16th inst. On the following Monday evcaing the Foresters will hold =open Court in the Town Hall here, to which they cordially invite the public. An entertaining program will be provided for the occasion. Least Monday morning at St. James eIiureh, here,, occurred the Insrriage of Mr. henry 11: Hale, of Chicago, to Miss Agnes E., youngest daughter of Mr. John Noble, of this plate. The bride is a sister of Messrs C. J. Noble, Bank of Commerce, and W. C. Noble, Regis- ery Office, London. The bridesmaid was Miss Katelena McLeod, of Parkhill and Mr. Fred Chestnut, of Chicago, was groomsman. - .Fay. Geo. E. Sansbone, of Hartford, Conn., assisted by. Rev. M. G. Freeman, of Parkhill, performed the ceremony. The interior of the ebureh was handsomely decorated. A number of friends from a distance at- tended besides the residents of the town. After the marriage all sat down to a wedding breakfast at the residence of the bride's father, where a large number of beautiful - presents showed the esteem in which she was held. The village band. escorted the happy couple to the station, where they left at 1.30 p. in, for Chicago. Zurich. There is some talk of having a school picnic: Mr. Wing and wife, of Dundee, went - home again this week. - Mr. H. Faust and wife who were here attending the funeral of Mr. Fuust,s sister, returned home. Next Sunday evening a Japanese will lecture in the Evangical church. He will speak in the English language. Omru un' --Last Friday afternoon Miss M. Faust died after being i11 for some time. Her corpse was taken to the Goshen Cemetery of the Evangeli- cal vangelical, church on Monday. I actually believe that Everest Cough Syrup saved my life.—Jas Kirkpatrick.; Merchant, Forest P. 0. Backache is almost immediately re- lieved by `searing one of Carter's Smart Weed andBelladonno Bach -ache Plasters. Try one ink be free ,from pain. Price 25 ets.