HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-6, Page 8OVAL ille e 46s e YP The Con,;a» r' ?,Nth aritly-. .—Ask your grocer for London Elect - As the 12th July approaches, it be- ric Soap, come more. evident that the celebration -The wonder of •to•d:i • is London here will be one of the largest ever Electric Soap. held in Western Ontario. Among the-Wesheswoman's friend is London, principal speakers who wil'be present 4tectrie Soap, on the occasionwill he N. Clarke Wale —Mt, Wm. Box ' of Selforth spent lace, M. P.,Grand Master and Sovereign Sunday with ills father, of the Grand. Orange Lodge of British --Mr, N'. Harrison. is spending, a fear America; Rev. Cooper; Grand. Chaplain days with his parents here,' of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ont- --Insist on your grocer giving you arra West; and James L Hughes, Dep: London Electric Soap, it is the best, Orraild Master of Ontario West. In the —Just think washing day made evening a grand Fireworks display by shorter bV- using London Electric Prof. Hand, of Hamilton. It is expect- Soap. ed that an interesting base -ball match —washing made eaey and homes will take place, With the above pro- made happy by using London Eleotrie gram, it will be the gala day ever held Soap. in Exeter. -Don't forget to try London Electric Between, Soap :once and you will use no other On Thursday evening of last week, kind. a number: of our young men met'at the —Messrs. Bissett Bros, have just town hall for the purpose of forming a placed ai $100 rook stove iu the Central baseball club. Mr. N. Dyer .Ilurdon hotel, was appointed chairman and Mr, Jos. —John Heney and Abraham Mills, of Senior, Secretary. The meeting was St.; Thoinns,are the guests of Mr. David opened by the chairman and a club at Mills for a few days. Albscrately Pure a once organized, and it is to be known ---Now is the time to subscribe for i - z es, r tr: s. xxxarv:l of a$ the '‘Exeter Baseball Club." The the Alae uc ere. Only 50 ets. from now s = 4 ',,, x re met 4r I^aR>�oz3x• i+a, mor, 01‘ /111., 0 IBA l Stere the>u elected for till Jaiinalry 1St 100. 4 : t.:.t the oalf..ars kinas. and tiie current ye. it: --.Holt Pres Isaac ---The Guild of the Trivitt; Memorial xx,,,t iF axs '"311"1"11"414 w" rue ,tltx axle of low tens ehert weight alum or ""'"311"1"11"41'"311"1"11"41Carling sr.: Pie'13. S. O'Neil; lee-Preschurch, will meet at Mrs. Trlvitt's, at.r= i m to 'eta'. uz h' in cane t . Dyer Hurdon- Set. -Trees. Jos. Sen- !II o',vlock this afternoon - aa r" Gn1.2'e" .:Wn :'11 ht. ,'.4. Ian COIL D. Tait, J. i:11I(it,. ..af Eaerett Ele(.tiia; Soap is only E Bissett, Geo, E. glider on and "Phos, made by 1), Richards, 'i 'oodstoek, Oke. A committee composed of the 'redo shirk Registered. Pres., \ iee fres, and J. Elliot, were ape - Leyndoii I.lectric. Soak Will iiot in- pointed: to e0 -operate with the commit- jure the hands ar clothes a1*ia do more 1 INTews. 3illli,ag8.11ent1st, Gold flllin ti asererialtl•. Office over O'Neil.'s Bank, , $t. i eon 'Water. The 'Great Health Restorer. If you feel out of sorts, drink *t.1 eon Water. agoodt• Ek.1xlR �'ir.F for T.►s sprltsi;i gild ]'sirs; � made a s.ai t andwith an exeelleiit - iaye ear. Georee aeali(Ier•+, stats of otlicei:s, but it can only be sns- lkpytponed. tabled by our residents subscribing The foot race, �Phich was to leavoI liberally and giving them every pose - The place on Monde evening between I �hle the seas e. is over, are cath e that Oke and 1'olland, has been postpouded when the season n good account the club until Friday evening owing to the bad will hay( given a toad o- s€ tople � �° � selves. We trust that our townspeople Nate of the track. will give the affair ever' possible en. -,glad to hear it. courageinent. and not allow it to be- The Chimp B4Ri 1c- a»ei'ielin gays come bankrunt,sueh as last year's club LW -J. P. ll tlltirlil, An. old Exeter, Ont., boy, is doing; a big business. Ile ship, ped to'(laey ten ears of furniture to d Ii;irs of i ondon Electric Soap for Washington Territory. 25c Lamport was in town this tee of this Exeter cricket club to wait, work for the money, try it. upon the council in reference to recreait !on grounds for the village. The club - Iiir. George Daw lias returned will liriieti(t: (:very Monday, ti ednes- house, and will remain fora few days day and Friday. night. The club has on account of the illness of his mother. ,�.. meetingo 1 A of the South i Huron Conservative association, will be held here on Monday next, 10th inst., in the Town Hall. ri Qola„Bark,. Messrs= Henry Ceatos and Stephen Scatloek, who carne here from Europe a short time ago on ae visit to friends, will return on 20th inst., sailing by the Parisian of the Allan Line, having pur- chased their tickets from Mr. John Specimen, Allan Line Agent, Exeter. ]i4:atrim (mini. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Vail, of this village. was the scene of a very pleas-snt affair, yesterday, it be- fog the marriage of their datugliter, Sarah, to air. James Draper, of Chat- ham The happy couple left on the -evening trains for their future home, Chatham. We congratulate the young couple, and hope that their journey tlixough life may be a happy and pros, p Brous one. T'i:,_e Power of It. The power of advertising is ungues- %needy enormous. It appears Uwe con- sult those who have made success- ful use of this, that the effect of adver- tisement depends on producing an im- pression upon the public mind by itera- tion or by the cvnmtaut repetition of the :same thing. The attention of the pub- lic is got, as it were by giving many strokes of the hammer to compel people to notice what is going on. L tip for th Preachers. Another fake with which to gather in the ,honey has just been inaugurat- eel, and this time guileless clergymen are made to su`ler. The workers are a well dressed man and woman doing the marriage act. They have the Gere mossy perform -a, when the groom hands out a check for $20 to the person oftieiating telling him to take out $10. The groom receives $1.0 in change and goes off to be mirried again. `•Imntlgr.:zat Children." Mr. John Middlemora, the founder of the Orphan' Children's Emigration Charity, London, Ont., left Liverpool on. the 31 ulte hi the S. S. Lake Winnipeg with a party of 30 girls .ancl 50 boys between the Ages of 8 and 18 years, who are brow ;ht out to this country for adoption or hire, chiefly among farm- ers. They are expected to arrive at the Guthrie Home, near the city, on or about the 15th: This will be Mr. Mid- —We are offering special induce- r;':lemore's 16th annuli visit to these ments in our boot and shoe department shores with juveniles emigrants from and are showing goods from 80 cts. per Birmingham, England, since 1872. Al- pair up to $5, at Richard Pickard's. wady many applications accompanied—A regular meeting of Lebanon with good references have been made Forest Lodge No. 133; A. F. & A. M., for the children expected to arrive, but will be held on Monday evening next. more are required. Further pairticul- Every member thereof expected to be ars may be obtained by addressing Mn: present. H. Grenn s, Manager of the Guthrie Home, London, Ont. week. sent. -.0.I:.R11itngs, Dentist, for the beet artinetal teeth. —IL L. Billings visited the Forest City an Monday. —The weather for the past creek has been very unfavorable, —None but first.claes grown sells London Eleetrie Soap. --School holidays start on July 7t1t. The small boy will then be happy. —Our worthy Reeves are attending county council at Goderich this week. --The. driving shed of the Mansion house collapsed on Friday morning; last, —We understand that the wedding bells will ring week. Wonder who it can be? The Synod of Huron will meet for the despatch of business in London Juno 18th. —Ladies, see our beautiful combin- ation prints fast colors, for 8 cents a yard. at Richard Pickard's. —Mrs. Jeroe, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. I. Bowerman, left on Monday morning for home. —It is understood that Mr. D Spicer has the contract for carrying mails be- tween Exeter and St. Marys. Wall papers, window shades, lace curtains curtain poles etc., at greatly redueed prices at Richard Pickard's roads are very muddy at pre. —Richard Pickard has just received Another large consigneeent of millinery in which may be found the very latest novelties. --Mr. Isaac Carling -1r, returned borne from Toronto, on Friday last where lie intends remaining for the balance of the summer- -Messrs. Farmer Bros.. have had a Waxy verandah erected in front of their liquor store. It adds greatly to the ape pearancc of the premises. —Miss 'Minnie, daughter of Thomas May, Usborne, left on Friday for Lon- don Hospital, to have a surgical oper- ation performed upon her for the re- movalof u tumor. —Grand Trunk Railway exeursion from Exeter, on Tuesday June lith, to Manitoba and North.' est end return, $28. Buy your tickets from Capt. Geo. Kemp, town agent, Exeter. ---Dr. Smith, who practiced his pro- fession here a number of years ago, and known to many of our readers, and who removed to Loudon, Bug., and very suddenly a couple of weeks ago. --Mr. James Down, of thus e, bas received the appointment for estab- lisping branch Courts of the I. 0. P. Mr. Down is a good hard worker, and we hope his labor will be well rewarded. —If yon don't see the names of visit- ing or departing friends in the A.Dvo- CAT4 please don't say "confound that editor;' just enquire within after this fashion: "Why in the world didn't I give the editor the necessary infor- mation?" -The continuous rain stories of last week done considerable damage through the country by means of rais- ing the water in those small creeks and rivers to such an extent as to sweep away bridges, fences &e., from their resting places. —A Philadelphia man, who adver tised that he "was lame, cross-eyed, had the catarrh and a bad temper, and --Rev. Wesley Down and wife, of was was given to profanity and drink, Haliburton, are spending a few days but wanted a wife," received two hun- with friends and relatives at Devon dred letters inside of four days. Such and Exeter. is the power of advertising. —We understand that Lieutenant —Messrs. Crossley and Hunter, the Dickson, of No. 6 Company,Excter, will evangelists, are meeting with good be acting colonel at Windsor for the success in their evangelistic work 88rd Battalion Large crowds go to hear them nightly, and a number have. professed to have become enlightened. • May the good cause be continued and their harvest be bountiful. While Mr. John Granger, employee of ?Ir. John Gould, was engaged in sharp- ening a circular saw let his hand slip and cut a severe gash in it. —Miss Emma Clarke, daughter of N. J. Clark, of Bute City, Cal., once a resident of this place; returned to Exe- ter on Saturday morning last. An A.wrillJ'1ood. One of the most disastrous floods ever to be recorded swept over Pennsyl- vania on Friday last, in the part known as the Alleghany mountains.. The city of Johnston, on river Conemaugh, was flooded and the whole city, build - os and inhabitants, were swimming about in the angry tide. Everything was swept and scarcely .a soul was left to tell the tale. It was as.: appall- ing sight to see Cho dead bodies of men, women and children being dashed to pieces against sticks of timber in the wild and rushing tide. It is re- ported that the number of dead will reach between twelve and fifteen thous- and. The loss and damage to property cannot be told. Every house that is � left has been turned into a hospital a everything and everytlisn� rs beim;done to re- lieve the sufferers. Relief is being sent from every city in the world aend thousands of people are hurrying to. the scene toassist in extricating the bodies from the mud Mid sand in which they are buried. Frank Pickard, son of Robb. Pickard, while playing with a buck saw,by some means:cut a large gash in the calf of his leg. The little fellow is doing as well as can be expected. —On Suncl y next (Whitsunday) the offertory in the Trivitt Memorial church will be in aid of the .domestic mission fund in answer to the Ascensiontide appeal of the house of Bishops. —Mr. Hiram Miller,of Moorsville, re- turned home from Oregon where he has been for the'past two months, he took with hien a car load of stallions of which he reports of making a good Sale. —Preparations are being made to re- build the church at Sexsmith, the con- gregation of that vicinty having pare• chased the Bethel church, Devote -which they have torn down and removed thi t , her. -Dr. Moore, of London, was called to town on Friday morning last for the purpose of attending Mr. Arch McDon ell who is seriously i11, Up to five o'clock last evening, we are sorry to say, he is not improving but gradu- ally growing weaker. We hope to be able to announce in our next issue that he is recovering. -R. W. Bro. John Ross Robertson, Deputy Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada, will deliver his celebrate'i_lecture "Masonry ' one hundred years ago in Canada," in the hall of Maitland Lodge No. 33,Ooderich, this evening. It is expected a number: from the adjoining ; country will go to hear him. —A meeting of the Exeter cricket club' wee held in town hall on Wednes- day evening last, N. D. Hurdon took the chair, when the following officers were appointed:—Dr. Lutz, Pres; W. J. Carling Vice Pres,; F. Elliot Sec. Teas., Com.—N. D. Hurdon, F. W. Collins, A. J. Davis. Another meeting will be held at the same placeou Thurs day evening next at 8 o'clock, p m. -A New puzzle has been introduced in the east which is receiving more at- tention from those who have seen it than did the famous thirteen puzzle in its day. Seven spots are made in a row, tarns:—"e e e x o: o o." Three cop- pers are placed on the e's and three dimes on the o's leriying nothing on —On Friday morning last, Mr. John, the s. The puzzle is to place the o's Stanlake of the 2nd con. Stephen, alis and the dimes on, the e's by 'removing covered that his sheep .were being war- the coins and jumping one copper with tied by dogs, and repaired to the spot one dine o1 vice versa, never moving just' in time to save thein from their a coin backward. It can be worked. destroyers. Try it. TSIS I T at Richard Pickard's is the cheapest place in town to buy your Dry Goods, Boots and shoes, oto. We quote a few of our prices:— Fey Dress Goods for 10 cents per yard All_ wool tweeds tt 35 " 4 Fine Combination Prints for S cents per yard Boys' Shoes for 35 cents per pair men's k g 50 i a a< Good. Factory Cotton for 8` Cents per yard. Pure Linen Tatlings k 20 Children's' Shoes 0 425•u pair. Ladies' Shoes as 37i. Tailoring and Millinery always a speci- alty wi ecialt. th us and satisfaction guaranteed, in each department. At Richard is d'. HENRY WELLS, £rewer Jilaisier GODERICH, o------o---�-- UFAGTIIRER OF Wc�s' Ceigkatei aid PORTER. -----oma- XXI Porter a Specialty. C. AIIIYNDMAN, KEEPS 0ro0e1ie0 and Confection - a17 of the Best Quality also, Best Pipes Tobacco and Cigars —0— Petty's Hams, Bacon and Lard Thorley's Improved Horse and Cattle Food. Dashwood Roller Flour for sale. G. AQ HYIiDMAN. dew 600T & IIODE011D tt wishes to announce that he has opened out business in the stand recently occupied by the ADVOCATE, and is pre- pared to manufacture first- class BOOTS & SHOES for all customers. A CALL SOLICITED. Our motto is good work and square dealings.. W. H. TROTT. CONSU iPTIORT ECII3t1FD. An old n. hysician .retired from practice,hav- ins ]last planed in his hands by an East India mvssionary the formula eta simple vegetable remedy for the Speedy and permanent cure of Consumption Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Dung Affections. Also a positive an.dradical curator nervous Debility aud NarvousCoaft test mu g edits wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, bas felt i his duty to make it known to his sufferingfellows. Aotuated by, this motive lint] a desire to relieve human suffer- ing,t will sencl'free of charge to all who desire it, this recei pe, in German, French or 1'anglish with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail byaddressing with stamp nam- mg this papper. W. A. turas,, 149 Dower's Block, Rochester, N. Y. Oct -18-8 B FUHTII, It is saki that every person has a chance onee in their lifetime to make a fosnnu>, and if they allow that time to pass may never have the opportunity again. THAT TIME HAS OM You can depend upon it that everybody purchasing their goods at Parkinson's saves money, by doing so will soon make their fortune. His prices are always down. 'au are not asked high prices to snake up losses, for debts contracted by bail untov customers; don't a 'c u Se there here i. thousands i �cl nit, Parkinson's Steel; is new and consists of Dry -Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glass- ware, Tweeds, Boots and Shoes, in fact everything usually kept in a first-class General Store, ice his Black and Colored Cashmeres front 23 ets. up. You can get the cheapest nil, wool snit in Exeter made too der .23.,T--ZCT',�.�a. Make no mistake. Consult your own interests and examine his stock before making your purchases elsewhere and you will soon save enough for a fortune. You can do letter at the Cheap Cash Store than any other place in Exeter. Highest market price allowed for thrni produce at PARKINSON'S. First door north of the Town Hall, ,Exeter.. AVE KNICK PRICES itt aceed at. THAT'S WHAT WE SAID, and that's what we did. That's what weurpose to do when w e offer d fine goods and plenty of them and the rush doesn't omee know there's a nigger in the fence and HIS N . 1;>ME IS Then we go for the nigger. That's our way and it wins. Now we can strike you at all points and We'll `47tri e y si te. We have knocked prices down, now we want to KNOCK THE IDEA INTO YOUR HEAD. that you will never get a better chance to' buy good goods so cheap as we are now offer- ing. fer-ing. Weave di ing big things in business and we gum it up by s,.:ying : .•..�. ,i �1.. r .�' �(!,ti 'rte,,. " ,''' PRICES �: ALYED aria. . e Public is pleased 11 �^7,� S� J.`C,.