HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-6, Page 71
The Shah of Persia.h Buropee-The Tate
bbia Bright's. WIIl—Another Letter
rretri the lifttbdi.
An Interesting figure we the horizon Is the
degeuerate ocenpeut a the throne of Der
Neer Echdits, Shah of Persie, palled by him.
self and hie Mends The light of the I41011 and
the Sun, who is travelling gradually toward
this town., Resale has been lately enterteins
leg him in the meet gergeoae fashion, and
incidentally frightening hie poor llfejesty as
'Amy as pessible. Thereat:Ida of Cc:smoke
and, endlesa testers of all kinds have been
mede to parade before him ever eince he
creased the Russian; frontier, The Shah
these not seem to like it very much, and it
loolcs as theugh Iteetuest have ded his as.
trologere, who insisted thee the Shale Rhoda
only spend eweety-five derein Eeglend,
lied shall aall home aki soon as possible.
When he gate to London he will go
about A gree deal. The Quell in
atIPP0e44, to pity for hint and ttie sixty
attendents while he le In Leaden, and
the Eoreign Offiee will eepply the money
for hie joerneyiugs eboetootode_Leoden,
rathiceehle faondon la waltiug anxteastly tO
lee What Ina Perm= Mateaty will be 1the
won he comes over thia tine% and whether
he will hamtlearned any maneers. His con.
duet when lege in Irendee would, not; make
Pictish et treedieg, hut it's theughe th At Edith
Neville, the vet* deeeet your% En, gliehmen
who 14 Aeting Al leader to the Lard ot the
Lien entl, the Sao, will heee given hlet lterne
hide. le la known peeltively that he tom
taught luzMojeety to weer pateut leather
Joint Beightt* will hen been publithed.
ITe leevee pereeeal property to ihi attioUnt
of £85,00), and ebewe etrong ieeere to
keep up hie !wily Vett offer death. Su-
440ot-illy he atrongly; recommepda end
advertises hie deceaeed relatIvem Oue nerd,
grepb, roadie,
d -ire to be buried in the little grew
yerd ettsseleed to the FrIeudes Meetieg tuntab
at Ilechdeleealongelde the grave of hiy tete
deer wife. In thee email plot ot laud are
the waves of my greedunnion, of my dor
old aunts Margaret Weed ; of my eest and
gene -tone heater, of my eatoted utetber, of
my dm sheer Sophih, of my two brother
Wittiern. who died in ehildheeel*Ard Bee
jethin, ef her who was my precioet
wife from the yeer 1$39 to the seer 1$11
gad of her whe Wuxi the emar 1S-17 to the
year 1670, Wall tile rife and comfert of my
4S. paragraph was printed eeme tette at,,e
tellies how the Mithdre • steamer bed
eent A letter to tZeceu lmeterse Wadi
wax mut be* ley bet Misplay Inectuum of Ito
Impolite teue. The follewhig la a trantle-
time of * Pelt of the letter, whith
shelve that Khalifft Althrdleh, who meat-
ly, by the vwey. Las bon reeking etnetegie
trovemerate to the rear with great
doce not know how email an individuel he Le
by very loug elide. The letter steete
eieUqU'4 4"„i Met the nee hien /Mahe,. rare
aloe, arie crzo; owe. ate! aleteretaa. hie pro.
p41. Irete het amme:,-,r, et.f. ug,:!,faithful.10:itgi1b.
co Sceofm, Quta 44 Vick rics re Zeeland ;
" is the tecond letter I have Mittel)
you. We beer you ere held in high repute -
tion among your riervaitte a..daubeetite, and
we are pleased that on U elewe we lutve re.
etived good reports of yen. We therefore
couusel you in an amicable meaner at one
to embrace the true faith. In thee Cale be
amured of our aixteere friendship. and be
oertein that you may rely on cur supportand
sestet tile° en edl occasloure But we rezone
mend you at once to withdraw ycnr forces
from the land ef Egypt lest they be deetrote
cd by us with all unhollevera and infidels
who remain disobedient to our mandate. i.e.
1101131 we come quickly with immenee armlets
0 punish tho obstinate. These %het are dis-
obedient will be utterly awept away, but we
shall be inereiful to all those who recant
their armee and embrace the true falai."
Then follows an onornioue quantity of
moat utter both, but It le not insulting, like
the Khelifies to the Khedive. The latter
lito been warned in the meet arrogant style
that he it getting hie leaf; chance. Tho Male
diss successor regrets that ho should have
had to write to the Khedive again on the
same suojecte and is astonished that; Ms last
letter was tot mamma. "I pity you," he
concludes, "in that hour when I altall
come upon you."
Both letters have been returned.
four Oiroee le art lei:unite. Now, yes 311 hh
Dinkelshpiel give me the razzle an' want
to know fwhat bekem av me rat thrap.
That's the only raison 01 trump me head
abeut it at all, at all, bare, MeGlaggerty."
Stanley Confirms the Existence of thesfett•
derful ,akba ripple%
The explorer Staeley bee had an °Kier-
tunity, during his present journey in Africa,
to (maim; the Soutbem limit of thefamons
Akka pigmies when' Sohntelnierth versa the
first to Keay on their northern froetter.
These little gypsies of the Africeo foreet are
far nioxe eureeroes me the route Stanley fol-
lowed thee in any other region where they
have been met. Along OO miles of tile upper
Arnwimi he sew about 150 of their viltagee
or campa hidden in the dense formes. Very
few of them go aontle of the Arewitel Rivet.
They call thernselvea the Wambuttl, bet
they are Ideptical with the Alate further
north, of whena the latest Accounts were
watteet by Brain, and published last year.
Stauley's diseovery thee the Aruveirol
limits the wanderinge of these remarkable
nomeds en the eouth shows us thee they are
scattered over A territory about 04e -third
larger than the Stats of New jereey, Sever-
al bUndred
IOUS OF =SSE eenesen
teperete them from the equally 'interesting
Betwa dwarf, who live south of the Mg
northern bend of thetatogo, le la probehle
thae the Alan* equal or exceed the Batwa. in
number, theugh the latter ere seatteted over
an area twice as Urge es diet which the
Akio, inhibit, They may not have met cr
heard of *tact ether kr inauy getieretioue,
lest the aumeroal reepecte lu which they are
strikingly eimiliar Hem teiedieete thet they
bad 4 nentratol (nigh% Living among other
Whets. they have pot adopted the language
cf their neighban. Meey Betsve gen
opeele /Wolf,. the moat prevalent lweguago 11.
their territory, bet no Baled° feterpretee in
theeervice of i xplorere hue been able to core
verge with Betwe in their owu latIgUage.
They halres ehewn themeelvve excesnvels
timid or very fercelons in the prestoree of
white mem and ter Ode re. -on no Betwa
vocabulary time yet hoe coltecteds Wheu
their language become known it will be
letereating to Observe whether the speed% of
the Betts% awl the AMP. afford eddltiouet
proof that ter *eine pet ego the two tribte
were identical.
The Altke bed not atteeked white meu
until they mede the Stanley expeditien A
target for their potioneci arrow. They
rodused a very uureverahle inpreesien
open Steeley who calk thent "a venemoste,
cowerdly, And thievish. twee." Ewan eaya
they are very
40NATE ea:40 VitinteriVE,
'end they became elaugehtnei even 0 the tribe%
etneng whom they live if their rtqueeta ere
uot greeted. Both Akke. aud Betwa are
ustiaily lighter in color thee the careened
Mg people. nether etriking similarity is
thee their woollyheir usuelly growe111 tuft%
Von Frarleata eaw Banta With es ineny
forty Mate on their heathe a1 netted a fiery
red. Beth are cotter eenuthale An Akke
who long eerved Ervin wont bone; OA
bemuse he ell, he wie tired of bet f. "Uere
is meet forn' W49 AIM exclamation Oren,
fell oometimes heard m the Betwa mows
rattled against the meal net wark which
covered lily eteamer. Both Are remarkebly
expert aro huntere, and their udisiou in life
teems to be to provide larger people with
genie, feathers, and *kitei m exchange kr
vegetable produce. Their methods of hum
timr are the Sante, with tho exeeption that
while the Batwa use both the bow and epear
the Akka, accarding to Ernie, make entitle.
axe use of the bow and %mow. Both are
seettered over their countrler In =all earn.
wed often chaugo their place a
abode to go to fresh hunting grounds, Both
intermarry to a conelderable extent with
eurrounding tribes, and
TIM .511Xlini 1.1t00ENY.
are lighter in colour than the largo tribes,
and dwarfish, though eon:Adorably taller than
the pure pigtnice. who ere kora four feet
three incitc!! to four feet and a half in
Ae the szolo rocks crop out hero and there
liko little islands on the world% surfece,
allowing the oldest geological formation of
which we have knowledge, so these piemy
communities in Africa are regarded as vea-
tiges of an ancient and inferior race who
were nearly swept out of existence by in-
coming waves of stronger poptentiohs, leav-
ing to testimony of tnew ancient prevalence
only tho veetiges we find in the Doke o,
Abyssinia, the Obongo of the west coastt
the Akka of the north Congo, the Batwa of
the zonthConge, and the bushmen of South
Africa. This is only a theory, :supported,
however by the fact that all our knowledge
of them seems to point to their homoge
nelty: Undoubtedly the atrongest evidence
favoring this' theory is the Mot that their
largnages, so far as we know them, are re-
lated, and haveno points of effinity with
any of the ether groups of African lan-
The Decadence ef the Bustle.
"Quato thing happirus, Mre. MeGlag-
"Throth're they diz, Mrs. Magoogin."
An' the quarest thing avail, Mrs. MoGlag.
gerty, it the way the bushel is droppin' out
"Is that so,me frind ?°'
"Yie, Mrs.MeGlggerty," said the Widow
Magoogin ; "the bushel is in the lamp, as
me bye Tammy so so far as high-chooned
socoiety is columned at che preaenb toime.
They're not wearin' id no longer, an,' be
gorry,d'ye know, Mrs. MeGlaggerey, there's
some av the gerruls luks loike a eamil wud
a brokin' hoick since they left aft their bus -
hale. Thim that had big bushellooks the
wusht, av course'but dear knows thim that
had little wane looks bad enough. Oi wore
a bushel rneser fur afwhoile, Mrs. MoGlag
gerty, jisht because id war the ehtoyle, d'ye
moind, an' not bekaee 01 wanted to deeply°
annybody about me figger ; an' dye know
now, Mrs. MoGlaggerty, idll almosht break
me heart to have to take id aff. Andher
ehtand me, now, Mrs. MoGiaggerty, that Oi
doon't moind wan bit fwhat thransformatioe
it makes in th' appearance av me figger—
Oi'm not at all proud av the Vanyus de
Bolony oontoor, as Paddy Clancy a brother,
that wint to school at Maynooth an' kern
near to bein' priested, ushed to say—buteda
an account av me feelin's an' iwhatseaeple
id be loikely to my. Parteokly, too, 01 don't
want that bananny-faced Ditch woman, lain.
nery's mother, to have the laugh an me,
fwhioh she will aff she uver sees me wad me
bushel aff. 01 mother bechance, as id were,
in the Parrk wan day, an' she eez she to me,
pititin' to me Toohnoor, as the Frinch calls
the bushel: • Fictive haves ye andher there,
Berdie ?' sez alto, 'Fwhere?' sez 0i, purbin-
din' not to know fwhat she was talkinabout
There,' stez the, pintin' to me bushel. 'Well
now, me foine leady,' sez Oi to mesil '0111
be trery bit as cute as you are, so Oi up an
see to her: Mrs. Dinkelehmele says Oi
sfwbalt d'yo think Oi have there?" A rat
tbrap,' says she. • Fwbat's that?' says Oi.
'A rat thrap,' fez she agin, sayin ' id so loud
that sivsril young frinds av mom who war
paean' by hurd id. Oh, but Oi was so %S-
hamed Oi kudhave sunkroight downthrough
the airth i :but 01 didn't, Mrs. MeGlaggerty,
Oi simply towld the Ditoh cattymantefwhat
Oi newt av her, an' eed that whouver towld
her 01 wore a rt:t thrap ur a burd cage ur
- bushel av anny koind was a monkey -faced
Mar au ' 01 kud fwhip the loife out av her
Against Tobacco.
The Anti -Tobacco Association of St John,
N. B., have published the prizt °stays on
tobacco written by Rev. Mr. Wilson and
Miss Bigney. Mr. Wilson mentions that,
at the lowed estimate, the money consumed
yearly on tobacco would construct ten rail-
roads around the globe at a cost of $25 000
per mile, and leave a surplus of $162,500,-
000. It would, we think, be a desirable thing
to have ten railroads round the globe. pro.
vided the locomotives could be prevented
from smoking. out we are afraid that Mr.
Wileon has left oat of accounb the °amine-
ering difficulties in the way of bridging the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans ; the cost of
which would use up the surpulus of $162
5C0,000. Miss Bigney says that a few drops
of the essential oil of toab000 would kill a
man. The comparatively small number of
men who have met death in this manner
shows the difficulty of extracting the essen-
tial oil. Miss Bigney quotes another writer
who says that if his dog were to acquire the
tobacco habit he would shoot him. Most
men, we think, would do the same. What
eoula be more annoying than to come home
and find your dog sitting on the front steps
and cavity puffing away at the Havanas for
which you pay ten dollars a box? A man
is not bound to find a dog in tobacco'and
if the dog's life is miserable without the
weed, it is the part of Mimility as well as
of economy to shoot him.
How is it possible to expect] that mankind
will take edema when they will not so much
as take warning?
"Beware of collars that are too tight"
is the warning voice uttered by a German
professor ot ophthalmic eurgery. He has
reached this conclusion after discovering
that: some tbree hundred patients whom he
treated for chronic) complaints of the eye
owed their infirmity to disturbance of the
normal flow ot blood by collars whioh gripp-
ed the neck too closely.
Not to 130SM:bed luta Breaking 1114 Pleat
It 95
is only a feweZirtiesincethothe newspap-
ers reported the Russian Entperor as having
knighted, a privete soldier In Siberia for re-
mitting at hi a post during a terrible earth-
quake, when all around him was rula and
consternation. It certeiely was a manly and
heroic, 4014 but it is pot the first instance of
ado sort displayed by A Itnsslau soldier, fore
there was a similar occurtenee in 1821 dur-
ing atrernendonsinundation in SePetershurg,
when a sentinel. at the Imperial Palacteetay,
ing Imo deep in water,
tisruseo TO Luava IBS PoST
even at the eomutand of the Emperor himself,
and rernehied there until his immediate sup-
erior cane in a boat artd released him. Yet,
herence to duty, and even the leer of a rigid
military discipliuemay eomewhat account
flourboinataucea there Veaa 014 a6° it.th t
wee e boy of Iyeats l bow -
%Vet, poor, ignorant little fellow without
Thera r'S esae,
a I
any rratniog at all, OII0 of the so-called
umezike, born in bondage., io the terrib'e
relive of E nperor Nicholas. The lord ef
this boy was Nicholaa' first favorite and
famine victor of Turkey, .Persia and Peland,
Prinee Pokievite Brivaesky, It happened
that at the Prince's aojourn in his rural pea-
seesions Ma children evinced A done to
secure the nest of a 'bird with her yeurig
one, and a specie" efaeer was dispatched to
proenro the covetehl thing from the linemen
bholiog to ger. it atter a. thorough sweetie of
the weeds, the toreater milted the peasant
'40411 2t TriB WOW'S
for bevies, if they knew whine 4 Pelt
to be found, and only one boy, Svleiedeof,
reepeuried effirmetively t but ho redwied to
slum the piece, explainteg that It wee net
clisetwered by Mew% but by 4 friend of
hhe and was ubeWP to him nutter a pledge
of secreey.
Considering this explimetien as afighter..
fair, aimed to emenee Olt few roptiba,
he watt offered e whole rouble (eopelkes), an
emetint of =nee; rover acne by A reliant
hey in theite grave. But whoa not only A
rouble:, bet twee golden pie (five. realties),
could not *hake the boy' fortitude, then the
fere*ter aud his party beceme iofurieted,
mid after eking the lad A terrible flogging,
with ne hotter leault, they threetemei to
elmot hien. Arid ooly the leterfereeere of the
prince% effiser prevented his death.
Being latermed of the occurrence, Price...
Paskiewita became intereeted irt tbe little
roartyr, but neither hie pereuissiens noz 1114
kiudi Wall of auy Avdi with the boy.
The Beiheesteo tee higheedutledto altesehire,
hut provided the boy with A liberal military
clew...Wein and in the course of time the
peer peasatt aleve beceme 4 inajlr general
of th. 1.aiaa army tied commander at a
We "mg the Stipp..
Mowry, oue of the early v titer* on -the
habits Aud costume of the Africen trbe*,
ells nu Malin *tory of te ladyhi slipper
which by reale thence WWI curled auto the
emmtry haat of Cape Calony, and heeded
about with delight And admiration Among
the Hottentot% It was a balbslipper of
embroidered white sena,
Wheu Captain Moiety *revelled among
the tribe* a year later, he found that every
women of die:lee:len punned a rule indts
mien of this Slipper, made madly of lasek.
She wore it only on occulene of great int
Pentane°, tied to A Mang stud hung boat
her neck, sud showed It eeith complacent
flee to the etrenger1 to prove, that she
kept up with the taehleue *a well as her
tvhito sisters.
This seem elasurd enough to me but have
we not, also, customs that ere quite as ridi-
cutout ?
Tho head of a seminary for girls, in ono of
tho Middle States:, geld, a few months ago,
" FtSlitegliths of my pupils take hams In
music, Of thecte probably, five in a hundred
neer Ways or the Mig Birds I Domestica,
A latter from a medical man living in
South Africa, in Ammer to the questions of 4
friend who wrote to hint in regard to some
ehegreeted statements respecting emelt-ice
proem -ea upon ostrithers by the feether ferm-
ent of that colony, gives ;some interesting
facts as to the prevailing methods of secur-
ing the crop. Efe says:
Rho mile bird Oka AG night, and the fe-
male during the day, aucl this is a rale which
ie never departed them. The feathers are
alwaya wit off, and the remaining mumps are
drawn outabout three months afterward,
never being left in lower, if the stumps
are net teken out, the neZt crop of feather
is not neatly So good, for the young feathers.
push the stumps before them, and they eente
out unevenly, whereae for a good crop it is
eaaential that they all come out at enee, 80
that one proteetatheother, AS it were. As*
eonsequeeee they are much Auer and strong•
If the feathers ole yet:mg bird, are pluck-
ed eut iestead of being eut ff, the feather
prodeeing propertiee ot teet bird are epoilt
for Me. This is much after the style in
whieh the permeneet teeth of cbildrete are
often spoilt by too math force hang ;wed In
removing the temperer.? *mem
Oatriceee are very ettipta, and deposit
their egga he the &end without; the slightest
preouttiou for their sefety. The famine
often have to dig te trench around the nest
order to prevent water washing theta all
away in the rainy ;season. Ceieke betehed
by the iitelbater are wore weakly than those
hatched Ly perm% birds for the firet thew
moolhe, het after that time they bteeete as
litraUg n the othete.
The feetkent sire cat every eight months,
or three time iu two years. The young
birde etieeld elweith he cut at eight moons+,
end not later, for the drat time. The eggs
are from twelve 20 twenty at number. The
birth) eat stash, inealleo, prickly peeve Zees.
Oely well tel birtda pmelitee good feather.
Ostrieltee are very vseletio aud kid; with
teat bras any object in dont et them. It
iiI impaseible for theta to kick leaekweed* OT
eitleways, Therefore, when their telethon)
are cut, they Are driven luta 4 narrow piece
wherethay are apatite to tura, and the putter
operates from behind without anY tleego
to itimeele Extracting the atueope is a per-
feetly paleteee optranou, 41 they are ellaw-
ed to dry theel thrive' up before the 4 :area,
%len ii attempted,
A Japaum Stabblm; gale.
Karewo Sawaearo, 34, netive of dopey,
*MO firemen, was broligilt up on retrial
chargeti with terieusly weutalitig Suk Wake,
;soother .lettateee dream, by stabbleg him
on the Zeit aide of the oecice—Proste e'er wee
able 0 ;Weed, and, !twice; tee. -.vont,
in Mitten lathier., by the breakioe of a
*owe; mid he wrie uow stayieg in the
1011t14 Homo. Ou the iihti u.t, he wee in
A liQuee la Liewhoneemaurieway with the
'Firmer stud other shipmates. A quarrel
took plao between hint and the prisuuer,
and tho letter etruck him in the face and
knocked him to the ground. After that
witnese went aud lay dime ou a bed. Fie
afterwards gat up, took A Imp gime, and
etruck the priaaner In the We with it. He
nein returned to the bedroom and 'lay
down, The actitteed Immo in end COratneUeed
titabbillg him with e knife. lie tried to get
t ff thole:a, but was nimble to do so. Atter
P10078 27106 henumemed to raise himielf, and
fell tecli atm tie hmi a deep Cut in the
netelitente afterwards taken to the hem
pled.— Other eviderce lieviog been given,
Mr. Corner, housmiturgeon at the Poplar
Ifespital, staid thew:mouton when admitt.
ed to the hospital, bad A deep, incised
wound outlet lett aide of the neck, and Mao
other irjuries. Ile wee now quite well.
—Inspector Bridgmen said he searehed the
room where the ell%ece wee committed, and
foetid a piece of rag einothered with blood.
beccrae uneticians ; they love the art and, Moe nee clothes %WO Aloe hieed.eeined, and
give to it the large amount of time, letter nnd f he plotted Up SUMO pewee of :broken glue,
pAtieuce it demanda. .) —Sergeant C Price, 6 K, eald he emoted
" Of the others, a fewgirls, after leaving
oohed, keep lip .thr ugh life thar practice
tmongli to sing simple gouge and hymns, and
to play the sweet, tamilier melodies of which
their parents or children are loud. They
are not scientific performers, but their mueie
gives plenum in their homes, and atm
mother. and quiets their own strained nerves.
"But the great majority of girls vtho
learn music only do it because 12 35 consider.
ed the proper thing for a girl in good society
to do. Thew parents, however small them
means, are heavily taxed for years to pay
for their leseons and a piano la purchased at
a largo outlay. When the girl comes home
from school, she has learned, embalm, by the
eaerifire of an hour's labor a day for years,
to strum three or four marches and waltzes.
She plays them until everybody is tired of
them ; but she never opens the piano to
give pleasure to herself or others.
"The same thing is true, in a less degree,
of girls who learn to paint without any love
for the art."
Nothing can widen or beautify the horizon
of a worner' life thine mere nrely than one of
te at Le • faithfully sd and used. But
to waste le ...ey, time nd labor on them
simply to " be in the fashion," is as foolish
in the white women as 12 19 or the black to
hang for show a ball -slipper about her neck
which ehe never can wear upon her feet.
The capital of Tonquin bas a population
of 439 persons, of whom 336 are men, 73 wo-
men, and 30 children. A little more than a
third of the adult mMe population-123.—are
officials, 71 are merchants or clerks,15 opium
ferment, and 14 publicans. The total Euro•
pea.n population o Annam and Tonquin
amounts to about 1,200.
Two applicat:ons for United States citizen
ship, made at Lockport N. Y. the other day,
possess no little interest for a good many
Canadians. The one application read as
follows "Ovide Bertold Seran Agnan
aged thirty four -years, born in Belgium and
foreswore hie allegiance to the Klg of
The other applicant wrote thus "William
Thomas Whitney Mookridge, aged twenty.
seven years, born in Canada, and foreswore
his allegiance to the Qaeen 1 Great} Britain
and Ireland Lind Empress of Indis.."
the pewter. Tno shirt he w is wearing Wift
blood atained on both wriethends.—Mr.
Luehingent committed the prisoner for
Wby Deserts are Barren.
But why are desorte rocky and barren?
Wny emit they covered like the rot of the
world, with earth, soil, motile or dust
One cen see plainly encuoh why there
ahold be little or no vegetation where no
rain falls, but one can't see quite so clearly
why there shout& be only sena and rook in-
stead of arid day field.
Well, the answer is that without vegeta.
tion there is no such thing as boil on earth
anywhere. The top layer of the land in all
ordinary and well behaved ceuntries corm
potted entirely of vegetable mould, the
decaying remains of innumerable generations
of weeds and grasses, Earth to earth is
the rule of nature. Soil, in fad, consiets
entirely of dead leaves. And where there
are no leaves to die and decay, there can be
no mould or eon to speak of. Darwin show-
ed, indeed, in his last great book, that we
owe the whole earthy uovering ot our hills
and plains almost entirely to the perennial
exertions of the harmless necessary earth-
worm. Year after year the silent worker
is batty every night pulling down leaves
through his tunneled burrow into his un•
derground nest, and there converting them
by means of his castings into the black
mould which producee, in the end, for lordly
man all his covertible fields and pasture
lands and meadows. Where there are no
ler.ves and no earthworms, therefore, there
can be no soil ; and under those oiroumatan-
oes we get what we familiarly know as a
She Was Was No Medical Almanac.
Aunt Jerushy nailed the doctor as he
was passing. She was "kind o' [tick all-
" Dootor, I'm troubled with a pain In my
left breast," she seed.
"Pleurisy," crisply replied the deo*.
"1 haven't no appetite."
" Dyspepsia.'
" My feet swell occasionally."
" Gout."
Mrs Charles Casperd one,living near Man- 1 "I've the baokeche a good deal."
dan, Dak., heard a noise in her ben -house the "Lumbago'
other night. Her husband was away, hay-
Ing gone bo Mandan to spend the night"Softening of the brain."
, so " I git dizzy spells."
she seized an ax and hurried out, very seat- That was too muoh for Aunt Jerushy.
tily dressed. When she opened the door of " Ole it is, eh ? ' she said, as she reached
the hen house a wildcat jumped at her and for the rolling -pin. "Take care I don't
tore her left arm savagely. Puehing it off I eaten your brain! I'm no medical alman-
she struck ib on the head and knocked it "
lifeless. At that instant; another oat sprang The doctor thanked hi
at her, grasped her leg, bit it severely, and found thee he had escaped serious injury.
s stars when he
then made off. But there was atill a third
wildcat, aud this one attacked her, and near-
ly stripped tier clothing off before she could
get in a fatal blow. The cats thus disposed
of,Mrs. Casperdone fainted, and was earn-
ed into the house by a neighbor who had give me some little hope? lour father,
been summonedI by one of her little boys. am sure, looks with some favor on my suit,'
She was 40 severely bitten and clawed that "1 think your are mistaken, sir. I
h la 5 t t in bed several da ii. is of poor quality and ready-made, too."
A:Famous Hunter Dead from the Effects of
a Bear Flaht ne )144 lkt Months Age,
Nick Vierning, the king af the bear bun-
ters of the northern West: Virginia mom
tAins, le dead. He was 70 yeers old, and
had roamed tbe wilds of West Virginia eud
eouthere Pennsylvania ever since he was
big enough to carry a gee or set a trap.
Time is no record of the member of witd
beams he had slain and captured duriog his
career in the woods, but m must have beeta
enormoute He was especially laments as a
bear hunter, and his death was the direct
but lingering result of a sangukary engage -
meet he had with a big bear ite Nieleolais
county in the fall of 18S7. QU the last hunt
he was ever able to perticipate in.
Fteuutag had been housed up for four weeks
immetlietely preceding his lent bunt, hexing
been nearly killed by a she bearin November,
tsse. Ifp to the day of that bear fight he
had killed ttvolve beam that; fall. It was
while followiteet the emit of hie teirteepth,
in Novemher. that he fell in with the ugly
she bear. Hie dogs had struck the trail of a
twee and were a longdietenceehead of Flem-
ing. He was fallowing them as feet as he
could, ‘vhen he was suddenly confronted by
Another bear, whoee scent the 4040 bad no
winded In their eagerness on the trail ,they
Were following. Se abrupt was the meeting
of Fleming coddle bear teat he bed no those
to fire at her before the had charged _epee
him, She fell the old hunter to the ground
with one blow of ber nave, end, while he lay
half attained on the ereenul, tore at him with
her teeth and claws.
Before Flemireg recovered himself And
atruggled to regain laie feet, 1de elething wars
ripped into ellthela, ikod the flub on hie lege
was badly lecereted. In otder 0 get to bie
feet he wail obliged to turn overon hie htunill
ad knee)), altdal he did le thebearstruck
with both of her fore pawe hetweea the
ehooldere, siniciug her long. sherp Ouse
throuell his thick hunting clothe% and be
his them deep In hie Bleed; g rnete
A great effort and rose to his feet, tile bear'e
elewe strippiug off hie clothing Awl teerieg
galhee in his flesh ae he row.
At! meta as Fleming wee equate on hie feel
he drew his kid% Aud tamed to dekod hint
oelf with it, but the beer threw herself npou
him agein And bore hint to the grimed. The
kink waa forced trom the launterh bend by
the fall. Tim beer fell upon Fieutieg tete
her great weight knocked the breath out ete
him, The old beer killer found drat lie bad
met his math mad he geve himself
Up as bet het at that erideal monteot he
heard hie deg; appreething, yelpieg en the
treat Of the bear they. were kilessiug, which
heti evidently turned, aud was retaralue
alumat upen Ito former ttadl. This ten
reeked by Fletniug m he lay helpleehbeueeth
the ehe beer, seed not mere than ten feet
away. It did not stop to Lama handle the
fight, Iseviogeneogit butineai of lee own 04
hand in trvies to etcapt front the doge that
were pressing km. cloeely. The dem were
oat malty Ite?.•=1* behind the hear, and the
trail broeght them open the beer that wAt
threeteniug their maeteret life. They forsoeli
the trail At ooze and sprang upon the bear
that stood anerlieg over the preetrate taunt
er, wIth her pews OD his breaun
The eppeararce of the dogs on the reene
changei. the eituritIon Immetlitstely, The
bear left Fleming tied turned on the atteek
Ing demi. The ohmage ileum jutit in time to
Neve the hunter's life. While the dogs were
haraseing the beer, Fleming dragged Diemen
to whore bit gee lay, AMR to 4 eietieg pea
ture, and, taking careful elm, fired a ball
through the beer's brain, killing her elmest
Iestentlye Fleming was unable to got up,
and again hie dogs mitred bine They le le
up 4 peculiar heating, haying, and yelping
that attracted the attention of twe wood.
choppera who were at work In filet vicinity,
And they cerried the injured hunter home,
where he was forced to reinein until the
middle of December.
The Lover's Mistake.
Impecunious Lover (dying for the all -
wool heiress) —" Oh, Miss Minnie, won't
t 1 form into almost all of the hats and bonnets
furnished by them.
A. day or so after Fleming waa able to get
about again, bang atilt weak Iran his hum
confinement, be made a trip to the woods
for the purpose of looting some Merman
place et a beer family, so that ho could
swore them in their fine winter coat of Inc
At his leinure. He bed no Moe that he
would run acme any bear out of winter
quatters, as the snow was deep and the WOa.
cher very cold. Ilti went to the :same looab
ity whore ho had his Adventure with the
she bear the mouth before, und within three
rode of that spot he came upon a track that
had just teen made by a bear ahullling along
through the snow, as if it had heard the
hunter's approach, and was hurrying away
out of possible danger. Fleming folloeved
the track and overtook the bear in a hollow
in the woods. The animal made every eh
fort to get away, but W415 BO badly handi-
capped by the snow that its progress, was
2111)vifemiog's bunting instinct waa too strong
to be resisted: be pushed ahead after the
bear, and, coming close upon it, gave it a
shoe. Bruin fell, and the blood from the
wound Fleming's rIlle ball had inflicted wes
soon dyeingthe snow. The hunter sent
another ball into the bear's body. The bear
had succeeded in getting pert way up the
slope on one side of the hollow, and Fleming
stood twenty feet below him. As the bear
lay in its death struggle, Fleming started
up the rise. The possibility of the bear
ever rising again was not in bus mind, but
suddenly the wounded brute did rise, and,
half springing and half tumbling down the
slope, threw itself full upon Fleming, and
bear and hunter fell headlong in the snow.
Fleming's gun lay directly across his
breast, and the weight of the bear
held it there, while the infuriated an-
imal clawed fiercely at his breast and throat,
and tried to tear him with its teeth. Flem-
ing prevented the bear's jaws from seizing
hie throat by quickly thinsting his arm,
wheel was covered and protected by tougb
and heavy clothing, into the animal's open
mouth. The bear closed its jawe on the arm,
and in spite of the heavy covering crunched
the bones of the forearm as if they had
been brittle sticks. The sudden great pain
caused by the injury to his arm was more
than Fleming in his weak condition could
bear up under, and he fainted. How long he
remained unconscious he never knew, but
when he came to the bear was lying dead in
the snow by his side, and he was drenched
with its blood and his own.
Fleming got to his feet with great diffi-
culty, and after taking a few unoertain steps
he sank exhausted in the snow again. After
a few minutes he was able to stagger on a
few steps furtner, and in this way, some-
times dragging himself forward for rods at a
time, and then staggering along on his feet
until he fell again, he at last reached home,
nearly two miles from where he encountered
the bear. The old hunter's injuries and ex-
posure on that unfortunate hunt were more
than he could recover from, Paralysis of
the rigot side and leg ensued, and he linger.
ed a helpless sufferer until one day last
week, when he died. He was the last of
three generations of a family of famous
Indian fighters and hunters.
4 -.01114,1111A. -
English milliners introduce gold in some
An Exciting Time With aElsts Nearly as
Xerox As 4 Man.
PeRtaearrizistlYCrieweka,sfisPbuititigngforineluldrriaftn7rture°uT ab
anything else. It 18 a tide -water stream,
emptying into San Pablo Bay, and during a
good portion of the year it is frequented be a
veriete of salt WORM 044P0,.. The eturgeola is
4 sly biter, and ecmtitnee "menthes' the bait
ten or fifteen minutes before taking hold.
On this ocee ion I had baited with e small
smelt and tnrewn lot° deep water from a
email tvhart. The wired was blowing a gale,
so it was hard to telt whee ore, had a bite.
'Cho pies were scattered along the wharf tak-
ing care of themselves, when one of theta be.
gen to Act queer. The line weeld slacken
slowly ;several inchee, then grow taut, the tip
of the pole beetlIng, then the Nee woeld 4134 -
en agent. It did thie for several miento
witless:it elmoge, Artd Imelda not make up my
mind whether to pall or not. Then trudelenly
the tine slackened severe/ feet. This ia almost
4 sure indication of a sturgeon. theick 44
possible I streek aud felt the hook enek in-
to somethiegcliettessingly like a snag,it sem-
ed so heavy and sluggish; bap you "cen't
moat always stometithea MAL" '
Slowly evreetiaieg below seemed to wake
FP, for all the world like A lozoiriotive new -
mg a heavy train. Tnen, is itgained head.
way, it got madder and ;madder, and The reel
bummed lender smcl bousber, until it isereeet-
ed like a. little fiend. TWO 114Acirea feet of
line ran cue in few seezade,4nd thm5 with
4 spbeh as if A bore had fallen int% the
seater, three feet of hie, drab-eokred fish
plunged iota the air. aa Wals evidently reCo
big to jarnp nut edi oece. Then he taart-
ed freek up *tream, aed, In RAW of altthe
trail; I dared beek ou him, ran out ueerly
every feot of the Rae from the reel. My
heart WAR in my :meant for leer of An AG.
eirleot, but he is -hived juet et tLe righethrie.
aeb fought lihe & dereou Inc One hour
and 4 luat Aetna' thne, pod seemed determih.
ed net to cerne to gaff. A Frenchman hep,
petted along just them end .1 beggedhire to
Pee the self. Ile etepped en A re* near the
water edge, but tt,to Esta omost up, and,
eviniogi_y With mance efetethellghteWith PAO
flip Of lisle tail wet the l_te AMp§r from
head to rapt. fro +stepped up And Oa as
greeefully poseible. The Ash wee Meetly
lauded awl mead to weigh exactly. forty
peinnie awl to trieunre iifty eight niches
in lergth. W'hile making st slower fight
than cue trout, the etorgerm'e mad rushee are
thrilling an exeiting, eed I believe the meet
fastidietis apgter will vote Ma ageme tieh
itifilhecr thAettilret, ouctilee4a felh,
low wit
tikt qouttueteIhYpilitilb5Areve bt?oefilly tbrotr, thQeuettei".
feat gut Leek. tatcd Witle Werta, Uet, their
fight is pertimalerly nleiming, but A weuld
cet cute to try ore ar..ve four ife:: Itegth
oo, that Wed t f teelde, es belt8 elay is tea
lees, to tato in jeuding one fish.
Banier Deereel.
"hie one cau bah° any denthe to.day but
thet the pettier hi dosteed, and yet it is
arenvieg to see how erraduelly fasoionables
are recenciled by their easterners to its
tame. Alt I Lothian end her employes
re elate wary, lied rarely indeed oprIng
upon the world, A new thing. Little hy little,
by one imperceptible atep setter another, Are
we lured Aimee the debatable land, awl bo-
rne We tlre AWAre are we leaded in "tt newe
eouutrieS. whore feehlone eurroundeti tut ,tf
which we lento rover more then dreamed.
Sold M. ---- them would 111 know him too
well if liernhelle to14 his naintY 14 ow,
madame, of COUrt30 you want to diteard that
extenders in the back of your draw. but ra
hardly advise you to do it at once—let—mo
—nee-- Ah I I hey° k. I will make a
deniheemen costume for you, and it shall
have st end and one very abort hoop;
then melte your Indicts, crepes and sum-
mer thinge witheut the sign uf a panier,
And so you eau gradually aping it on your
friends that you are bound to have your
Ramie Oleg as closely as vonr grandmother's
did. HOW do you liko the idea, madame?"
hlamhtelle gives you the epeech as 'twas
seid. Take the hint and not upon it. Make
your frocks clitig and outline your figure
like a silken sheath.
Are Women Increasing in She?
With regard to the income:laze of ladies'
gloves the explanation of economy aeons, on
reflection, hardly A eatiefactory one. Gloves
will split oceettionally, as we all know, to
our mizery, but loose ones are by no :mans
durable and the unsightly wrinkles and
fieby fineertips, sailed and frayed, are
terrible, so that after half a ds zen times
wearing they look only fitter an area sneak.
It seems more likely that ladiete hande may
have kept in proportion with their general
stature, which is certainly on the increase.
One eau scarcely mix in any crowd, especial-
ly et the welt.to•do elaes, withontremarking
giantesses in the hand—fine, well•grown
vigorous creatures, who, judging by cora-
'mason, seemed to have developed all the
beight and strength whice ought to have
been their brothels'. The happy change in
public openion. too, which enables women
of all minim to work with their hands and
take pride in doing no, may also not be with-
out effect in enlarging these member&
A Oity With a Ftrtare.
Great Falls, Montana, has a great future.
With a water power ettimated at one million
horse power, the entire volume of the great
Missouri fella a distance of 350 feet in four
miles. There is now available at Great Falls,
157 feet of this fall in two miles, making it
by far the largest in the world. "Cataract
Milt" the largest and most complete roller
mill in Montana, has been in operation a
year. There is now under construction large
copper smelting worke. One fourth of the
plant of the largest gold and silver smelting
works in the world is in operation. With
three linea of railway, coal and minerals in
abundance, tributary to the great Judith
basin and San river valley it is destined to
becotne a large city.
The expected visit of the Shah of Ps.rsia,
to England recalls the fact that no Persian
monarch ever had gray hair. Gray hair is
by universal custom prohibited in Persia,
rand is never seen.
Some of the American trunk railroads
should put their own houses in order before
attempting to interfere with those of the
Canadian roads. At one of the seasons of
the Sewer Interstate Commerce Committee
Mr. Herack, who represented the New
York Produce Exchange, testified that
western grain cost more in New York than
in London. The roads made a grain rate,
he said, from Chicago to Liverpool at 19
cents, while to New York it was 33 cents,
and he had known flour to be shipped from
the wese to Europe and brought back to
New York at less than the railroads chargee
to bake it direct to New York. This is die -
crimination with a vengeance, and so long
as the American oads continue thus to
place their chief seaport at a disadvantage
they should refrain from laying complaints
, against the Grand' Trunk and Canadian
' Pacific.