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The Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-6, Page 4
THE x uu.Lite W. VinstE. S-A,RI?ERS, Editor. Thursday! Annual Meeting of the Supreme Grand. Lodge at Cgderiets Godorieh has the reputation of being one of the most beautiful and prosper - ons places in Canada. He hoped it would centime. They had minesof wealth in the salt wells underneath their town. The Grand Lodge wauld. Trout Gth anon always hold in hind remeinbraaneetheir ! visit to toderic'h. As the deputation #1}ed out non. Macken: ie Bowell remarked that 24 Years ago the Grand :Lodge found it difficult to get a public place to meet The Ociegates lin l4ession•--t liar,:e', Representation- i',:Cur .ton ou thi 4:sm a.:u-' .lmte # liuet-.1, :Riot ltbil'russion ou the, Jesuitg �ata4ersrion Elastase^ Fra" rt aR the committee to strike the or't►acerea. 1?0 Friday, '' The Grand Lodge opened It 3o'clock , s:<anding committees.Thutsd�v. on Tuesday afternoon, May 5th, in the' Bro. Wm. Sanders, Secretary Soa�tlt ,a cotut room fin the county buildin g. Huron County Orange Lodge, lead Friday, Goderich. The following. dele'katars"the following address:- Tiaur ua�, ' To the most w orshi ful Grand Alas#er and Frltl tib', were registered:_ that;raudo3a�Rga�ouig�.of3laitishAnneriCa at :Bost Woxs ii ful. Grhud (?hiders; -W Thursday, p loostworshipsicwrdbsatheriiit abeliatzfo£ J.Pa rkhill, Midland; ilei', It. S. Cooper, the LoyalGonnty Oxana e. Lodge of $Gads Invernlaay • Jas. Kelly St. Jon N. B. Huron, ©ta>`e tlxis ea�ortuni#y.ofeaxesediaag Friday, , , > to i'our auoat w orsf�ipRua btedy. a hearty za;a� +z aInrrsd ay. hour err Carrie • 1i m.And "r-tr ttesisal rseleoAare to tale 'i.ea+a#if141_ xniz>a o f Fr. 011:074'41r. , , `e ?t$ountatavitavl'; Ron i1i;t'l,.t.1 zte BoGo�'er, hr Ini'itlz�, `: 1'.1, afu - War beg to sineerela ,eongra'1;1° -Saga wan Thuxs3ay, (]tt.„.g.li _ "tries ��`aal- i ; t:ao. rrs osgver" eoeditio4a of tl,e ortaar a, r ' it r a AII{A^ :8A S2 ,e x tl r3A� �e as ^GG �,Ia:aasA r �, Kitziggp:.,441:4';iirr:91it,'':cl:f,, 3i 4 441, 1 ,token ' lit a l u._lar d e Bit �, 2E S* - Ri�rlatll'orslaiirfnl Gr;tlitl I..' 'aI tf-ed nau�trstnr c6na ',roar::: 8d:ty,n i'P' &t. a �Are,ate, t•apa{is t b g>CAeeri --•J. J• AIRat9:rwe„ st. Jalen, %.B; ne.il Reg, neeta:ore it1'ordrs th�# tbo+ a'ri- Tlt"'3"r" IFS h c ba 4era�r. Hsi Sex o£ce al *u 1�exe Baa Lam, Toronto.. Stt • n an 1"4.p , Silver , FCC. l lIC ''''" :GA E1ed;111h6 ••I'te .l3 WA' p rat *alms,.�'-u,4,"4 vJags- tJl€,a'an; ,S yerr Sprang; I'i' s¢on and rsieuitisna mgiaag be ci:ct ed. Thursday, D. Stewart, Caralrale; Jahn '1It'C'awrhey Wee to_eN8enal to eciA 4, eel as Qfthie �, C ba W. I1 >i n d 3 ll a mrao,t w.rr�tani,4iat ten41 t ethers a Lode, to h� .lir tM I.. Hugh<s,'I'a.tttlto, W. II 1 z, .t ;J. , s a, a o m rice r B r e a erad.axe aural r d `. :a� sear, 1 q ov '�>• ■■ •'•S a e t t 4 R i r .t � • tt4:. tog e' er tle;tR�i' 114aaa 1't .e l•.. i i t iCb ad C rh. * 1; ta, The Lodge :thou • realuned business, and Major Armstrong, presented the ALLAINT LINE. ROYAL, MAIL S Ai UPS. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE O wg's x1rt1#'r, ria 4*rein , cGe+i na. On t o kltirun.i4 mr xd;4}r is o*- • leard,ah,l taA tamp, : izrt Qaa the eMuaQ er erring. Thaae :da Y a P , F I.otltlalu R. I;:Rrilain"'h:ltn "I'atta+3,tf; J. �4aA1lAC*i+P I� F taaRa 4eliteralione I�IP.4 of as r a oa 1f ' Tl -!Clad gra R i 2laitllttltt; (r D ties .l at, 1 n{ ;oda, �" $lee rlArtinl t", "?:a•rc:tit .11t111C+•, RRaROi' `�iFrc4 oda 1ihlhaif of the County= Oran e 14,at6n a3 SSaba Thurso. I• A' ;�,at t e atA , lit LRt E , E�.ta�l It t a PI- a , , 1• I'l. T, D'004 STEAMER, IVEI April 18. , ..., .*'CIRCASSIAN,,., .; as 25 PARISIAN., Maz' 2 1'OIa NI Ir Nfi,,,, it" 10.... , i'CATIIU AGENIAN -' 16.... SARDINIAN. PIAN. Thursday, •� 24.-- 'eCIRCASSS IAN Friday, .t :30 , , - PARISIAN . , , Thursday, June b. - .1 POLYNESIAN. ' �a " .4..,,,, feARTHAGENIAN'' a, 20 SARDINIAN. , , . ; Thursd,'ay, Jelly ::8 . , 'tCARC-ASIAN. . b�'Idny; k July 4 } ARISIAN . .... . Thursday, ec 11... ,'. , ; POLYNESIAN ... August 1 r "• A°J .,., eC'.tIIsTIIAGENIA,N., • 25..,,E SARDINIAN.... �; * 't s 2, . ,.„ 4"III;C',•�SaI A11 #tart t u 8... q PARISIAN • 1"r....,.; /Te'4aRA¶.YN}SIANi. •y 423..;.., CAUFIAGENIAN .a M:.. , .... SARDINIAN. AN . ,., ember to ....., 'e011iCASSIAN ....Friday, �. 12-- .. , , l PARISIAN . . 'Thursday, „ 19... ... s I.'OLYNf;Si..' N . , 44 014 QUWj• .•.»0 Fridaay Thursday t* stay as Juno 44 Thursday', Friday, Thursday, 44 Septet:4 R -ATE$ OF PASSAGE BY LL sora C. [lou, "I Wet tt. W. SA tir'k Ar, C. S e. Caantv it ., , i. i, apace, The Grand Lodge adjourned rned after routine business of a risaatt; na p ssdone. !� 0 a- m. the +Grand. Lodr.o a d and headed by the Godet'.iet Rand marched to the waif and axlaad the Campaua fora sail on the lake. About 000 or 700 availed them. of the opportunity to take au risen of R rlouplo of hours on the the ia'eather being beautiful for xtssiatt after wldelt the Grand ed business at one o'clock akin evasion until evening ge adjourned to attend Ileileva e, i~, * Maus. , i• bral:�a; Aah bat, alet tit this rink. At the rin1: d,Sitta�l sera traaailliti;;taeaa; J, 1i. ' or . an excellent, repast had been prep :tryst, �lSaketield;J:am s' tltoatalt�caaa,' 'l1.1rvn; Alter 3GLb44 preoc►l at` suRKhUt of W. ;lilt. Toronto; �, \1cGl:itas!llin; the good things. County Master Flaw,)* ' onareal;1). McI.Irov, Carpi A. mums: took the ch air and called the meeting Hagers.0 e; h,. C:a mit.had. swayer. to order. The toast list mts as folltaaws, slue,;Jos, malls, Barrios Hands; 1,S*, "The queen" and '"The GoTernor,Gen- e. Heid; Enterprise; F., Lob,rli, E4air; S, a'ratl shish w;aa duly honored. "The Wedmore, Burford; Rec. 31 \v all t r.1 Grand Master,," respondedto by 'Bro. Robinson; Robt. Gleneltie, gat. C:ttirar• c et lad with the names LodgeBro. of llt - _jamall H. ooRet�vtis, ,t,ila:kenuts, Bowel], Minister of Customs, oral, gut, �inrnnto; W. J, Dunlop, Tor.,W anti J. Parkhill. "This unto; N.4. mcoAil, St. Thoth % District ;I�Iarila"rat�J. incest, Lucas; B. town at Gaxitirch, couplaid with the s. Cool;, aFa rdcri¢ li.; ll, ;ll tbor at. Fora,. name of Mayor Buttler. "Provincial wick; ,.Woodhura,Lonsbul�g; E. .Met. Grand I.odge9 ,coupled with thenamets calf, Toronto; G. B. Manley, Clinton; G. I'ett ieee, «'ingliain; A. T. David- son. Lw kgs u JA8. Ii. Freeborn, Purple Hill; A. McManus, Lucknow; John . J. ' essbitt, �1llverton; Tho.y. Steirart,Blue- Taale; Jas Perkins, Gerrie; Jos.Mal- lough, Dungannon; Robt. Scarlet, Win- throp; G.1)cnrnard. Toronto; Thomas aliiller,'.1111h,tnk, Wm.Metntyro 1,roek- �dllo• J•tn.ee Mursitzll 1 Kingston; II Clegg .Floody. 1 littku.: • W. C n, Il 4`sorrie; T. 0 :ale A4 cls, B,tlstani; Wm. Rohinsou, l.i.litun; 0. H. Aentirage, 1 a • W. ,i , . I'ettxrI t. H. Stewart, 11:ati tial., Tues. liilxos, Epping; A. A, Munroe, Wards; ills; Jas. Boyce, Br.tcebridge; T. Stanley, Purple drove; A. Irwin, Dresden; Chas. I',alling,Alland-lo; Mos. Lau* Britoil; Senator Clelnow, (it. news..;Johtt 11.Deratt,lglackstocktl)a,;•id Baskerville, Evelyn; J. $. Armstrong, Guelph; A. H. Ta dal, Walkerton; Jas. Bromley, St, I'ttla.arinest R. T. Wallace. \� oodbrtdg,?r Jac. Titort4d ke, iillbrook lacn Ilam John WM:4 Iresaburn• W. Johnston, aA ll BC➢i X111 f Bros. Collins, tr. M. G. E., W, IN. Intz aid, G. M. O. W., Gordon,,G.M. Que- bec,Major Armatrong,G M. N. B,Stt,w- art Mulvey, G. M. Mian., Jae. T . Hughes; 1). G. M. O. and J. Cochrarn M. P. "Tito 1'!'oss"coupled with the names of 1). McGillikudy,$tgnaal, J. Mitchcll.S(ur Bro. Doran, Toronto Sentinel, Bro. 1). Creighton M. P. P., Toronto .empire „The committee of eutertainiuent" was Gibbous, Toronto; D.1 M. Gernivn,wi;r- duly honored and responded to by Bro. ton; Win. Cherry, . Ottawa; Richard F. W. Johnston. The twist of the ladies Allies, Hamilton. ' a.'lnsett the list. and all joined in sing- Proxies -Jas Brodie. vaiudt;leur; G, lug the national 'anthem, Taylor, M. P., Gananoque; Caleb it. The Grand Lodge at once proceeded ,Simpson, Leamington ; W. �tci.t'11:i :d, : to the court house and business com- Owcn Sound;1, Cochrane' Britton; :1. s mended. The business lasted *11 night, being of n :private nature. The Grand Lodge assembled iu the morning and continued in session on private matters Besides these there were a number until noon. Immediately after dinner ti 10 16 26 (p)-, 6 Some of the finest goods that can be secured, are ;arriving every 14 day. 20 a f IN 2i GE 1TS FURI\ISHINGS THE, LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICES,.. ATTEIITION11cLariliwG Eves Front? Quick March ,TO R W SOUTHCOTTS1 EXETEP T ONTARIO, j¢, Mottling axm}/cyl� Gpetints �,.qr. 1 Has now in stock -.. '.. - ON I.' , , EXETER,TAR 0 � '. SIIMMD11 11 10 25 1 as 1+ 23 29 19 A. CALL SOLICITED. SOU�. T O +h. 1 Corner Min and John Street°. X'ER CNTARJO. ET SQUARE KRAL ORE ,sa tin, , ? 4, t and :al, re4or+ling, to Accommodation. Srrwt►rltat lar ca4b3aa. #fate,$ ty tat rage, Vo. 'towns sist:et.r, Cabin,. t1Q., $1,,S9, ;150,, Tiatttaaae ra�.e. -,. - yir eeast ait r alter extrai..S*teatnirs. �( algsa,:pl,$01, 4110i $Q according to, .taatt.ran+:iiaata•, Po. tit verses, tSAe Return tael:eta, 4.1,?„iaaA,a3nalakt;tta, Irat! 9 a: t'•411,"1'if tri rCIAN gill ata' �.tem or estrrx inn pa she ager. from t slabio Af.ar S eazgers eau mail front /Centre �mta its, S+ east etM ,t 0. front this ride. There will be no 1ls+AM. AngnstOth, September lath, JOHN SPAO MA ,,. the only authorized agent for Faxeter, Ont. The undersigned would inform the • e • Public that. he has just received ! •e-vC d his WINTER_ ! � 9 STOOK as INCLUDING A FULL LINE OI' DRY GOODS, BATS AND CAPS, AND CROCE- E1 Y, BOOTS AND SHOES. F. Campbell,Brampton; A. McKay, M. P.,11amilton; Chas. l:iely, Camden Last W. J. I't rkits, Gerrie. of visitors from various parts of the; a pheasant occuranee transpired, it be - Province. The Grand Secretary's address was read, and it dwelt with all the business of the Grand Lodge showing the limn. oil standing and the amount of goods &c supplied during the year. Next following was the address of th? Grand Master, N. Clarke Wallace. This ad- dress is very lengthy and it would be utterly impossible for us to give the whole in detail. He dwelt upon allthe questions affecting the Orange Assoc- iation. Bro. Wallace was applauded frequently and at the conclusion of the bulky address tremendous cheers were sent forth. After a number of petitions 1 on various matters were read and re- ferred to committees, Grand Lodge ad- journed for a few minutes to receive an address from the mayor and corpor- ation. The address read: To N. Clarke Wallace, M. P., Most Worshipful Grand Master and Sovereign of the Most Worshipful the Grund Lodge of the Loyal Orange Association of British America, and Gentlemen of the Grand Lodge, I heavereat pleasure as a citizen of God r.rieh, and for the tittle being its ohiefmagis- trate, in extending to you, on behalf of the citizens ofGoderich a cordial and hearty welcome to the county town of the county of Huron on this your second visit as a Grand Lodge. We recognize and fully ap- preciate the honor you1,rave done us in select ing Goderieh a second time as your place of meeting, bringing with you, as you have done, representative men from all parts of our fair Dominion We trust that your stay Amongst us may be pleasant and agreeable, and that one and all of you may in years to come look back with feelings of ,Ycasure to your visit to the shores of Lake Hiiron in the year 1830. It is our hope that your deliberat- atxons as a Grand Lodge may be conducive to the best interests of your order as a benevo- lent and charitable institution Again I bid you welcome to the town of Goclorich, and trust that many of you will be so impressed. with the beauty and appear - 0.3108 of our town and its surroundings that ere long you will see fit to again honor us with your presence I ani most worshipful sir.and ggr ntlenian, Tours truly, Jortx Btrer.Ezs, Mayor. The address was presented byli�ti•or Butler, who was accompanied by l,iessrs. Proudfoot, reeve; Abia ham Smith, deputy -reeve; and councillors Philip Holt, J. H. Colborne, Fred. Pritdham, Robt. Thompson, C. 1L Humber, 3. 0. Smith, Thos. Naftel, David Cantelon, Jas. A. Reicl, high Duulop, M. Nichol- son, J'.Morton. • The Grand Master th•i.nked them -for their cordial welcome, and would take advantage of the opportunity to visit the • points of inter",:st in the tosvn. in the presentation of a handsome silver dinner service consisting of eight ' ra . �� m. White. to ro. $ pieces being presented (in the saivet was the following inserip tion --"Presented. to R. W. Bro. Wm. White by the Grand Orange Lodge of British America its a token of his eminent services as Grand Directory of Ceremonies from 1862 to 1888." The election of officers was then proceeded with by Bro. Mac- kenzie in Bowel], and the following were duly elected and installed: - Grand Mastor-N, Clarke Wallace, M. P., Woodbridge (re-elected.. Deputy Grand Master-B.F. CClarke, Df P. P., Toronto, (re- elected.) Grand Chaplain -Rev. J.Iialliwell, A.meliasLurg (re-elected.)) Grand Secretary - Thom as Heys, St. Catharines (re-elected) Grand Treasurer -Captain Anderson, J. P., (re-eloctedd t}rand Lecturer. James Kelly, St. John, N. B. Grand Director of Ceremon- ies -E. Floody, Clinton. Deputy Grand Chaplains -Revs. Rural Dean Dooper,B. D., Invermav; James R. Dill, Merriton;William Walker.Port Robinson; J.W. Min •nt, Arthur E. W. Sibbald, Lloydtown; W. F. Wilson, To- ronto; R. Hazzard, Blackstone; F. A. Gooney, Garden Hill; Wm. D.L. Pattyson,W. P. Flewel Lyn, Lakeville, N. B.; Dr. Smith, M. A. Mont- real; David Carscaden, Forest; F. M. Finn, Chatter; Thos. E. Argue, Afanitou• W. H. arrie; Rural Dean Hydand,4Vatford;. Wm. Barnes,McDonaggh, Strathroy; Chas. E. Perry, Angus; .7. B. Wilson,Dunville; IL. H.. Leach, Eldorado. Deputy rand Secretary -Major A. S. Van Ingen, Newcastle. Deputy Grand Treasurer -Frank D. Stewartparman.-Dep- uty Grand Lecturers -Ontario West, Cappt. Whitmore, Burford. Ontario Last, John. McCaughey, Cobour New Brunswick,Wm. H.oxborongh, South Bay, N. B. Quebec, R. McLaughlin, Montreal. Manitoba, .7. Mor- row. North-West Territories, J. Nibiock,. Alberta; Jos. H. Mill, Calgary. Nova Scotia, John C. Gass, Shubenacadie. British Colum- bia, Wm. Johnson, New Westmiaister. Auditors -T. C. McEvoy, W. H. Stewart. AND RARE YOU BUY YOUR Building Hardware,B Twine, Harvest Tools R ANYTFIING IN g STOVES or TINWARE Call and see BISSE T BROS.' large stock and ,gt prices. TURNIP and other field seeds aspecialt paid for Eggs, Hides, S St. Johns, N. B, was chosen as the newt piasmeeting. eof Votes of thanks. were tendered Bro. E. Floody and the County Lodge of South Huron for the grand. reception and entertainment accorded them, likewise such was done to the Mayor and town council of Godcrich. This closed one of the best and most successful Grand : Lodge meetings ever he}d in British America, and one that will be long remembered by those attending. The committee that had charge of the entertainment and reception de- serve great credit, especially' Bro. E. Floody, W. C. M., and the Goderlch committee,' for their untiring efforts in completing every possible arrange- ment to make all the delegates com- fortable. and otter farm produce. Those wishing c.nythin 111 00 it to their ativanta d inspect Baca, goods and sti Roller Flour on band. chest Price para for n my line to call IN 1Kt : 0LLO Ai ING LINES t West of England Suitings and Trolls cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser= lugs. French and English Worsted Cloths AU made )lp in the Latest Bates. at best Ott - s. 3T. SNELL.. L. H. Dickson's T.. t No .2., in the istcasacasslonottbc ton,; lila 1 a1bert,eontaintng taro aleres. 'Bels cin will be sold cheap, and un easy terms e farm la rttuctter( naiuM3 betweettrieeter,th Pai•lin, on the -]Huron gravel nowt, naal3 rAt seed Fel,00l within i(KI yardsa of farm. it the ]testiia the county. fBatter villa s eroperties le on t14«a )aust of tarnis,iu lud{mg some e easiest das{raable reaideenses iu tower. Some props rte=in the willeges of Centralis. tai{, F ar,gaahttr. which an ire boughs cheap. 'o Boarding iferrse i ae e-vn sem�rIe- tion of b erite's Foaataars,its -eolevlaatett (3 .ti front 3s to ria additional bands Ire 'to be visa. a 44s 44,44 uluAlatamgn at It 'VATS rive tslantes walk from *too tomta lty. frlRrthcr r rtisu1 'e aptly to L.H. DICKSON, Parrlottr. Exeter. Rutter' 3ukr1i Tal‘IM R. and Eggs, and all /dnd of Produce, J. P...ROSS (10.22-'sa) BISSETT BROS. UALITY IS SHE TRII1 TKST OF CI3EAI'NESS. J. H. NORTIICOTT --o--i NOW oFFERa.rG-a- BREAID, . BUNS, CAKES Etc., of Trmm= 323=s2 CAK Of Every Description Made to Order. J. H. Northcott, A - ONE DOOR NORTH OF F�S�N'S BLOCK. Main -strut - ` - Easter. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAN. CUT ' YPE: In ma= from which this.papea is 'printed lied is was supe r the rip FOinitif Dealers ii1 Type, Presses, and Printers' `Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 & 82 Wellington St. west '.TORONTO;, ONT. Up stairs, over II Spackmaza Hardware Store. has in stock some of tb finest summer goods to be round On the market. *A 13CALL�1SOLICITED. OE. Yr 14 ALLAOOMZiii London Huron 4 BruceRailway . GGOING`NoleTlr---Tram T�IBr.n�-Pass ,nr. London, depart... 8.05 A. 1i 4.25 P. lc» L Lan Crossing...8.47 ....... 5.20 Clandeboye .8.52. 5.28 Centralia .9.05 5.45 EXETER 916 5.57 Hensel] ..... -.9.28 6.09 Kippen....... » . 9.:346.17 Brucefield al 12 6,26 Clinton. .. , 10.00. ... 6.45 Lon.desboro' ...10.19, 7.03 Myth... .10.28 7.12 Belgrave 10.427.27 Wingha rnp .......11.007.45 SOUTH. OUTH. Passenger. Wingh im........ 7.05 A.M3.40 P.M. Belg rave .. 724 4.00 Blyth... .. .. . 7.38 4.15 Londesbort' 7.47...:.. 4.25 Clinton. 8.07. .... 4.45 Brucefield. 8.26...... 5.04 Kippen .... 8.84 5.12 Hensail .. . 8.41 .. 5.19 EXETER..... 8.56 ...... 5.33 Centralia ... 9.07 5.45 Clandeboye 9.18 5.56 Lucan Crossing.. 924 6.02 London, arrive ...10.15 6.45 Fon SALE. S. GIDLEY. THE LEADING '[? nd.ertaker AND Furniture dealer OF THE TOWN ? I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I 'hill sell at right prices. Farmers, Gardeners and Florists, A fair sized brink cottage containing:, dining -room, sitting -room, 8bedrooms, en- trance hall, with two good cellars under- neath,large kitchen 15x20 feet, with wood- shedattic attached, two large iden huse, small stable; ggood w, of water; with 1icacres of lnd, ll well fenced and in fair ondition. This, property is within' five minutes' walk of the Exeter post office: The land will be sold on easy terms., . -Aplxl . to • A. ALLria, Exeter, Ont. April 11, '6' m. TO THE DEAF.- A person cured of Deaf Hess and noises in the head of 23 years' standing, by a simple remedy, will send a description of it rrtris to any person who ap- plies to Nicliol',sox, 50 St. John St. Montreal 1).-25-438,--1v. For Sale or to Rent. 11111rtildag & ��bal�attg Tho subscriber offers for Sale or to Rant, that desireable residence on Duron street, consisting ofaframe house, with 8 rooms therein, a good wen of water, about two acres;ofnand Neinlot 55. Possession 'im- mediately. ~ being, reasonable., ,Apply to EiriVAri.0 G x.L, or at this office Ap.1-3m A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited, • S. GIDLEY. IF YOU WANT A f n s kivg QR Neat Nair Cut, CALL AT THE Central Barber Shop, Fanson's Block, Exeter A. Hastings, PROPRIETOR CALL ON E IOR,' ±ox filITISTIO PIIOTOS. FOR PrnURE FRA;ES of every style At Reasonable Rates CALL ON