HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-6-6, Page 3HOUSN TOLD. great. be of the Iarge Are, the Omaha hush be placed so that friends can carry on their chat: without being overheard by other 'The Kissing Habit ivisitols. unknown tothem, email tables must beat hand for the empty teacups, and. The fact that the hissing habit furnishes ; so on.. Given a fair amount of available •an easy vehicle for the dissemination of dis- !Keeney, and a woman's eharaoter eau be ease germa is of itself a suffieenb reason for 'told by aglence at the room%in her home bo its abandonment. Many instances have been 7 Qeceen. cited to demonstrate its dangerous olteraeter in thia regard, end, medical men have repeat- ediy sounded the warning against its, continuance. A.little thought will emphasize a Row To Prepare Caleilnine. Some of our readers may wish to prepare the point iu th d e tea er Kum 3, The woman their own calcimine, and we give these rules who goes about all her women} friends and for the purpose of enabling thein to do so; acquaintances and their children, old or Soak oueponnd ei white gine over night; -you've, aiok 0r well, regardless of he co l di- thou disaolvo it In boil ing orator and add ton In blood Mugs and0 ointment' of twenty pounds o Barie whitediluting with the possibility that they have recently been wateruntil the mixture ia of the consis- kiesed by a dozea other pereona respecting tency of rice milk, 1'o this, any tint can be whose hygienics eonditicus she hae no know- given that as desired, t ledge, can hardly pleats that the practice to Lilac—Add to the calcimine two parte of innocertt of danger. Fatal diseases may be Frassian blue and one of vermillion, stirring and impact efethe lips and he mingling of ttimes are commuheir avoid too hi hthe te mixture oaQcolory and talking cera to moisture and of the breath, 9tld diaorelees Brown -Burnt umber,' that are less immediate or direful in their Gray—Raw umber, with a trilling amount ef£aots, but noless certainly ttlf he dreaded, of lampblack. aro more easily and often propagated by the Rose—Three parte of vermilion and one of finance" whoa° operations were disaetroae kissing habit. The person whom you kfse of red lead, addedin very email quantities bot4 to himself and other people, has been set may be entirely free from any disease Or until a delicate ebade ie produced. at liberty from Auburn Prison his sentence unhealthful condition, yet her lips may Lavender—Make a light blue and tint it having been commuted by afloat one half oarry apoison recently taken from those of slightly with vermilion. on the plea of ill health. .tincts scepticism another person, You :nay be yourself the straw --Chrome yellow, with a temple of le expressed ae to the Ponndnesa of the plea, innocent means of traneenttOng the disease Spanish brown. germ, from one to another. Poisonous cos- Rod; —Two parts of spruce or Indian yet. meties and fece.p'wdera multiply and low,, and one part siennas complicate the malignant oonsequenees of Bluo—A small quantityPru'ieian bine what is held to be an innocent expression of will give a soft, azure tint. Dark blue ia a reotionate regard, though it meat be admit- never desirable ted that, as usually practiced, the social i i a aof o' There kiss a Eisner the alt k hypo rrBy. h. e bevy net beer. wanting persona eh:soiting tQ +speak wit4 the authority of knowledge who Nava` coutreverted these arguments and endeavored to disnredie the facta apart which. they are based, Bet the unchallenged admission that tome danger does exiat has been sufficient to practically subttantiatothe case against the kissing habit, awl the warrantfor its banishment is being signed and execatod by au enlightened wvinau- hood, The kieeing habit hat been carried to its greetttt extreme among Eoglith=.speaking people, and people of other blood are often amazed acid amused by the universality and oheapueaa of the kiss among the English Fat is hot enough for frying when the nations, It is not necessarily an argument article shake fmtnediatt iy and rotes at once, in its favor, however, that it is thus foundto be an accompaniment of the highest civilize- -ait retorted tin #oruaa be promptly o t that ro r d la b , 9 p p Y vies au; crime ale° increase with civilization, and that even civilized and refined peoples often keep alive bgrbaroui practieoa, Inherit- od from savage anceatrv, The lose, :its its proper function, hat a fine elgniDcauce, ar'd filmy be anade the vuhicla et the purest emo- tion!,the honest es reeeloa. of Ie iriwate teelig, a greeting full of genuine, voluntary sympathy aced love. The kctang habit is an abuse and a manse. It :bat brought the kiss into disgrace and made it vulgar, cheap and bypooritical, Be it the province of this generation of refincinent and education to rescue it from its degraded eatato and; re• beest thou a neap ratty in his cheek, jiyful *tors it to ins natural element and elevating in rpiritand amiable hi all hie waytl He place and nae in the Social eeuaotny.—[Good bath taken a geed cook to wife. lioueekceping. I OELLA BOTUS. Colne all to The Elysium of Health and Soy at St. T,eon Springs, Quebec, WILLIAMS & C4.0 High License hat reduced the number of j SLATER$ & FELT ROOFERS os,ss+rrRlty. ap n I Here the Buffering masses, even pronoun- "` r bIaxiutastnrera And desist• toltgoting Mater . P Y 4 Salogns in Philadelphia from 1.3,000 to 1,.: a txi Roof, TCleplione t;11. nti &$argeaniousetorTR lFisl'tlf3,'"iLe aoan,atr U r'< i Bios or tncereatan sed incurables find rosycheeked health and wane I3utiding Papers, s'to. ol'rtca. x 4 A¢elafoe BEA t a, CHADWICK, BLAChT1014K Q_ OAIT robust atraA t S• tF.akL't'nr„r*t,,, 'atieto'egtVi'ilitPtRa"1`'lat, u Lt f 1t,4Rfy1, g h. The whole organism is mated 000.. The effect of the electric light' me the k'erfeotett 4riekiag from Nature's foune, tllf IdnlrrtaLcr sift so xeLtors, Eiffel. tower is to illuminate alt 'Ye -AA in g pleaanro nevelt s, ' ifl gtO $t , COr. Wilton, (over Beak .00 Toroatol' s;rreateriifa and nal htis of -_---. TORONTO. QPtiTs a before e$ denjoyed.Leon manner unprecedented. The pit. that is deepest, the pit that is eneermlue all doadl waste, blood aunt y that which i$ the wonder and glory of God's Fvsu Diabetes a ,sl Dright•s Disease, those perfenca are 8n. ' M04"iT'1'3 is safe and Effrots permanent notes. Firstly s j, r, m unexplored and moat unfathomable Ia Leona, de. l ' +r lPo , dta. 1'onfng the blood, atfm IRON on Tri BOILERR i SIZE es , _. thought and hand—our own eou1,-„(B. W. n atiug and regulating the cligeative organs, Beecher. Stemmer r a o to en '8, the wildeof u to in n y? p koka are effectually forestalled ire their a o vo. tof ' onshw i e bigwhich he c t ash they .a cb, by th.. story that owner' from Cape Lookout to the effect that a sunfish weighing 600 pounds has been etrandtd. on the sands near there. It is to be skeletonized. it is further assert- ed, and placed in the National Museum ab Washington, James. D, Fieh, ex.?'resident of the Marine Bank of unhappy memory, and confederate of Ferdinand Ward, that young ".Napoleon The easiest manner of cleaning oily or greasy bottles is to pour into them a little Strong sulphuric acid, after they have been allowed to drain ao much as possible, Tho battle iathen corked, and the acid caused to llallcatti tints it the foregolog varieties flow into every portion of it for about five noinaksmile of calors are Biwa s a reelNe and taatefnl - al ore d then . All with repeat+ and; so great este yrtnutt be fasten that they ed ri a iega of cold eater d.11 ttacea of oil or are riot too vivid. Tho thin will always grease lora. will be removed in a vary expedi• boos manner, and an odour whatever will appear brighter than in a calcimine pot, and the workman or warkwomaa mutat keep be thea the bottle ,after wa>ihiug, this foot in mind when adding the noloring Oklahoma It a splendid country for giving powers, G Ie a good idea to givo the coil+ women a 0114,14C0 Go vultsvaee the most Pelmet ing a aalolntloo two or three ahades Tighter kind of a uelity with user in all the rights metol aa ee the sowoe, n of their deeper seem and privilegespertat ing to the aottleutent thea y ab of the wade, t n}iafi it Ker deeper of a new country. A Mies Neppite Daiay, tongs, The waling vara be calcimined with a boctaeritite so to speak, located a claim, e. lighter tint, and then more coloring. added ' 414 oras iaoiped" by Baa ungallant fellow for tho wells. named Scaf%rd, Mise Daisy while visiting ., her claim wait dred upon three timoa by the interloper, but without being aeriouely in. jared. kir. Staff'rd has a different mole of paying addresses to a daisy from that pursue ed by ploughman R ibert Borns. The United States Government It thought keiy to openSioncre rvB ison mDa ata to general settlement as sissy have done the rlltlaheme. laud mad in view of this itis said, thatadvcnturera are alread; making their svayln and staking elainto in advance of legitimate eauiprarion. It is said, that A Government order hes 4eea hailed eeViegthat aettlere will nee be lnroriered with if they go peaceably, pick out laud and melte ao tits. turbanee. Ae a consequence chem haat been agreat rush of settlers into the beat part':' f the reservation. Mr. WelteroIugram, of the "Iiluatrated London Noma" who watt .killed by an eleph• ant in South Africa, pnieeuudauEgyptiau mummy a short tiano before hie death. Ito slide ono of the cloths a tablet was found„ and on it an insoription to the of%oh that the Mau who profaned the dead would die a violent doatii within tbreo menthe of the sacrilegious tot, and than hie banes would be neutered to the niudt of heaven. v von. SFs. 1 ihn the three months lir. Walter Ingram mot a violent death in South Africa, and, 0 his bones wore not acettered to the winds, hie body suet with terrible Maltreatment!. In the lhltie provinces of Germany and thenelghbourhoo•louetom °rdaine that brides and younv ntarrioi women shall appear in a curlew: ornanaeut of rad coral, ft ie made by stringing Doral boade on a stout eilleen cord, the amalleab buds procurable comin'f eet, larger next, then still larger, ones, until tbo largestof all aroreacbed, Tehe ornament is warn in nett a way that the€ smaller beads aro round the neok, the next' In sae round the abouldera while tbo largest cover the bustand depend down the bank, The coat of a perfeob string of coral Ilke this is over fifty pounds sterling, and all well-to-do families consider ib an indispens- able item of a bride'a outfit. Clads and Enda,. ,Always wait until lard ceases to sputter as ' If it non aLi t e dwater Beatat i iii er ala for fiats balls light with a perforated wooden spoon before forming into belle. When frying ;seething have a sheet of soft paper- laid in a pea, and as the food is taken from the hot fat lay it open the paper which will absorb the renat ::lug fat. For all kitaee of. &eh Indian Meat fa preferable to bread crumbs; a very little tics ins y be added to the nasal, tio salt and pepper, A sett yetpersistent answer turtle% away a borrowing neighbor. A Cobweb Tea• A bazeroalled a''Cobweb Tea" wee held in thoarlors of a largeprivet() p pro to hoses. Over the eurranee to the drawing -room an inscription '.VAN placed whine read thus: "Will you wslk into my parlor said the Spider to the Fly?" and an entering it wee seen that the effe:t of a web was well car- ried out. The walla were hung with white and colored tarletan arranged in apider web form, which was done by gathering rho material upon old umbrella framer. From. the chandelier a large imitation spider wain saapended, and tho doors wore draped with', colored netting. The artialea aoid were dia. played upon table's arranged around the r' walls, each table draped in neb. Tho'"tea." for whiahalt who partook wore charged 50 cents, was beautifully laid out in tba dining. room and consisted of bouillon, tea, sand. wiobee, thin bread and butter, cakes and rl ices, and the ladies who served warn aprons on whloh cobweb') were embroidered. Over, the table a huge 'Iapanoan umbrella was spread, its ribs covered with net, and look- ing lndiorouely liko a spider web. These novel decorations created much merriment, and tho afternoon "Cobweb Tea" the hours of which were from three to seven, netted a goodly profit for the aharitahle object for which le was undertaken.—Some Decorrc • tion, Parity of Weddingp 'Mugs What is a wedding -ring 2 It it a pledge of affection --a symbol of matronago—a cher- ished possession. But what characterises it t Manypeople have been much surprised to learn by the decision in a recent case that there is some legal standard of purity for a wedding -ring. We all know that the usual fineness of a wedding -ring is 22 carat—only two parts of alloy being put in, that being necessary to enable the gold to bo worked. When the ring is put en a young maiden's fingers, it is lovingly hoped that she may Live to wear it for many years. Therefore, the gold of which it is made is as fine as possible, so that it may wear the some in colour and brightness all through, till the tiny thread that hangs on the aged•matron'e finger, though worn away like her yeah and her strength, is still as bright as her honour, as pure as her tried and tested love. Yes, for practical and sentimental `reasons alike, a wedding ring aheuld be of the fin- est gold possible. But the jeweller who has been fined for selling plain gold rings containing a large proportion of alloy was, probably as much taken by surprise as moat of the general public at the discovery that there was any standard fineness for wed - <ding rings, Homely ,!looms. When we consider how great a part of an nglish woman's life is spent within the 'tour walls of her home, it becomes a matter of little wonder that she should lavish so much of her time and attention in rendering it attractive. During the winter there are days when the comfortably blazing coal fire in the pretty tilted grate forms such a happy contrast to the diem's], damp cold without, that no one, unless compelled, or drawn by strong inducements, will arose the threshold ter encounter the foe. She is antagonistic to the appearance of homeliness which is the • .greatest charm to English eyes. One of the worst difficulties experienced by architects, it seems, it. to design a'Iarge room that -shall at the same time be cosy. Noeka and fancilullyahaped tamers are introduoed in the endeavor to attain the longed -for effeob; then the decorator comes and the walls are thong with rich tapestries, satins, or hand- some wall papers ; heavy draperies are hung .at the doors, all the colouring is harmonious, and yet there is something wanting. ,9.asur- •edly that something is the touch of the ihousewife's inimitably homely taste, "- With - eat it mansion and villa are incomplete. She feels instinctively the need of a screen to keep the draught off the musician seated at the iano, another to ward off the too Give not that which is useful to the pigs, neither caeo away ,tale bread which may pus teas the promise and potency of a good pud- ding. Ib e E Ow r ago hat o bane o n an rabl nem nd. le not to be derided; novertheleaa the clothes. wrringger and the carpet.oweepor are very popular in thfa country, The foolish woman darkenoth her house to save her etapet and keop out flioa, and be. hold her ono ren grow pale and dieeeee markotb her for its pray. To remove a tight ring, use the fined silk or thread ernsiatent with etrongtb, Pate the end, between the finger and ring, keeping the spool or unlimited end at the aide next the fingertip. Then wind downwards to- wards the tip of the finger for about a quarter of an inch ; then wind oil from above by tbo short end about half this amount. Prroeed alternately winding on and off, always leav- ing about one-eighth of an inoh in breadth wound beneath the ring. When the knuckle is passed, tho ring comes off staidly. Oil or Ito ,p the thread well, and push up tbo ring before commenoin' to wind. When a woman Masa hen to drive into the coop she taker, hold of her skirts with both, halide, shakes them quietly at the delinquent and says "Shoo there r The hen takes one look at the object to assure herself that it is a woman, and then stalks majestically into the coop. A man doesn't do it in that way. He goes outdoors, say- ing: "It's singular nobody can drive alien but me *1" and, picking up a stick of wood, hurls it at the offending biped and yells: " Gat in there, you thief i" The hen immed. lately loses her reason and dashos to the, other end of the yard. The man plunges after her. She comes back with her head down, her wings out, and followed by a mis- cellaneona assortment of stove wood, fruit cans, clinkers and a very mad man in the rear. Then she skins under the barn and over a fence or two and around the house back to the coop again, all the while talking as only an exoited hen oan talk, and all the while followed by things convenient for throwing and by a man whose coat is on the sawbuok, whose liat is on the ground and whose perspiration is limitless. By this thine the other hens have come to take a hand in the debate and help dodge missiles. The man vows that every hen on the place shall be sold at once, puts on his hat and coat and goes down town. The woman comes . out, goes right to work and has every one of those hens housed and counted inside of btvo minutes. twin terroas, are allayed; as water quenches G.WIOICE FAIRS FOR SALE IN ALL PANTS OF BAaTiQit4*ITO min wets, . PRINOESS A •D FRO” 1323 Tattles wishing to petei+as't improved:. eeeeli PtC, a uxe r c es r -o 0 a ar,M w Ey, i -,,`,.., 1 1 r ttp aP i b i)i,,,edlato, pa €aslon. esti or write to et. z tlflb *7LSOI , % - ,AreboVe 131crck, i'atn at., Winx4pe .fotorwmt,ioo tut ed fres of bage and se ...Wish c settler* saotsted: , - te n. • se o @t :oaakiKr ...oil 1 ZIE 0 I 'Y 'Z' 0 X.0„41, Z' fire- ` At. Loon ca inimitable, neepproavh• 11 , 1 'II td l .' ab P , Q e 4 T. art f a ' 4 I tit 8 'GO y v , ble . t s o c , _o u i? m h . o. y its prates. So say learned 13aators. Profen• cors.:Analysts, &C., &o. Send orders to Se. Leen Miaeral Wave Co,, I,m'd, either at the heed ado, , St. Leon, Q.rebeo, or the branch cffives at Montreal or Toronto. They Batik it 'p. The superior merits, as a blood -purifier and invigorating tonie, possessed by Dr. Pierce's G.dden Medical Discovery, warrant ha manufacturers in selling it (as they are doing through druggists) under a positive guarantee that, if given a f sir trial, it will careen diseases arising (corn a deranged or torpid liner, ae indigestion, or lysprpsia, and all humeri!, or blood tainha, from what ever cause arising, as akin soalp and eeroful- one affections. Tire terms ars, a benefit ox cure, or money returned. Chartreuse axed Abel -nth° remain among the fashicr-abie greens. A. 1, 452 The Book of Lubon. A Man Without Wiedcm Livoein aFool's PPradiso, .A Treatise especially written on Diseases of Man, containing Facia For Men of All Ages I Should be read by Oid, Middle Aged and Young Men. Proven by the Salo of Half a Million to be the most popular, beoauae written in laugnage plain, forcible and instructive. Practical present- ation of Medical Common Sense. Valuable to Invalids who are weak, nervous and ex hammed, ahowing new means by which they may be cored. Approved by editors, critics, and the people. Sanitary, Social, Science Subjects. Also gives a description of Speen: fit iNo. 8, The Great Health Renewer ; Marvel of Healing and Koh-i-noor of Medi- cines, It largely explains the mysteries of life. By its teachings, health may be main- tained. The Book will teach you how to make life worth living. If every adult in the civilized world would read, understand and follow our views, there would be a world of Physical, intellectual and moral giants. This Book will be found a truthful presentation of facts, calculated to do good. The book of Lubon, the Talisman of Health 1 Brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the body and joy to the heart. It is a message to the Wise and Otherwise. Lubon'sSpeen fie No, 8, the Spirit of Health. Those who obey the laws of this book will be crowned with a fadeless wreath, Vasb numbers of men have felt the power and testified to the virtue of Lubon'a. Specific No. 8. All Men Who are Broken Down from overwork or other causes not mentioned in the above, should send for and read this Valuable Treatise, which will be sent to any address, Cost to the British of Foreign Cemeteries, sealed, on receipt of ten cents in stamps, to pay poatage. Address all orders to M. V. Lubon, room 15, 50 Front Street E., Toren. to, Canada. The "muzzle veil" is the deatinedaucoeseor of the Reding or Empire veil, so called. Consumption Surely Glared. To the Editor :— It is not generally known thab the British Government is wholly or partially respon- sible for the maintenance of several eemeter. iea in foreign lands where English soldiers and sailors lie buried. The House of Com- mons recently granted a sum of £819 for this purpose, the money being thus appor- tioned :--Bospborue, maintenance and re- pairs, £357 ; Crimea, maintenance of consoli- dated cemetery on Cathcart's Hill, . £200 ; Barcelona, sexton's pay, £3 ; Bayonne, care of Guards' tomb,£1 ; Corfu and Ionian.cem- eteries geueraljy,repairs and,guardianshlp.of, £150 ; Tripoli, care of burial' ground, £5 ; Trinie, ditto, £5 ; Anglo-French Cemetery, Pirnas, moiety of wages of onatodian, £17 ; St. Domingo, maintenance and repairs, £20; Canton, ditto, £10 ; Gallipoli, ditto includ- ing wages of caretaker ; £17 ; Lissa,main- tenance of seamen's graves, £5 Beulah, maintenance and repairs, £20 ; South Africa Izendhiwana, ,caretaker's wages, £2 ; and Suakim, maintenance of oemeteriea, £7. The Far Reaahine Perfume of a good name heralds the claim that Patnam's Painless Corn Extractor ie a sure, certain, and painless remedy for corns. Fifty imitations prove it bethe beat. Take no acid substitutes; at druggists. Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless oases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two battles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have con- sumption if they will send me their Ex- press and P. 0. address. Resp'y, T. A. Slocum, M. C., 164 .. West Adelaide St., Toronto. The Henri IL cap of velvet is fashionable for afternoon drives, matinees and informal receptions. Dr. Pieroe'e Pellets . cure constipation, biliousness, sick headaohe, bilious headache, and all derangements of the stomach, liver and bowels. Fine homespun remain in favor. $500 Offered for an incurable case' of Catarrh by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Remedy. 50 cents, by druggists. I CON$U PTION BROliCIIITIS COWES COEDS Wasting, E;seaies Wold :xful Fleei2 Producer„ . cv#t n ' I'utnleiQn is not ta.,erret remedy, Coatainihn the aliiiiriintit e Ilvlatilrhos- lelaitte meat bore Norwegian e'en fewer r 011, the pot:ney of both tieing largely ie.- ' eased- ii'eased, It. ie used byPbvhaelats all over eil+l. - PA;LATASLE AS AMILK. sage t.;/ -" IArtr;f'irte. Mor. and $r.00. CANCER,,,. aretal a?r nii'a r C. tt@ tftraE2 ^Bra O3 W» aa..&liiaGirn.Ii.7 STS mAiMM rIVrE1t.-erlleltjaa el pa!tage. 01 oil Canadian or American. Addrers Ceereree Csz ata, T'crcnto, Qns, reie AND MANTLE M tItEitel.»'rhe kis• i,n,eta a fartraretlerattlo'• maehuie, lathe nest. 7, Simple, Cemnlete, Artistic, Rapid and Doe aisle Mttiloal ever invented. Write for eilaular with lull oarticelooe Sole Agents. TOilONTQ CUTT1'Ct SCIIOQL, 4 ,Adelaile tit, Sweat, T routo, Ont. I%ICAL ieniniit7SIE.' T'ie—goad for our li Lento Illastrltea Catalogue of Bawd lustre - menta, Violins, Gullies, Mettle ate., and all kind ot-Trimmtnes, i',aoat for Veneta's and DeWitt, Plays. Illll'LANtt8 IIUSIO STARS, 97 Xing tit, Nest, TareetQ Out. lSA.('tltiitL' cin make money durinr vacation by cauvese ee for see or mere of our 'teasellin n,ak, and BIN e. especially Ilisttry et t anad,a, by W. 11' Withrow, 0,1) , latest aud best celtion ever ppublished, pieta low, forme il' cral. 'Vine for iUustratel ciranlara acd tern,a. 1v31, biMOUS, Publisher, Tarentt. AUTQMATfl SAFETY ELEVATORS Pnt. hydrauliqehaod:and steam elevators. LEITCH & TURNSUL.L, Canadian El,vator Waits, Peter and Queen streets, lih.)71I BEAVER LIN "STE&MSUIPS. Saiites Weekly between 3IVINTRE Or and LIVEItt'OUL, Saloon Tickets, 410, $;0, and 00. Return Tiekete, 850, 5e bed $111+, according W steamer and uccomuindatiou. Intermediate 830 Round Trip Tickets, $GO, Stssrage,$220- Apply to 1I. E. MUKIt►Y, General Manager Canada Ship. ping vo., 1 CUSTOM Hoose SQUAas, Mo friixtt, Or to Lem' Agents fu all Towne and Cities. LeatherBelting t REST VALDE IN THE DOM. 1ON. F,E,DIXON &CO, MAKERS, 70 KiNC ST. E. TORONTO Send for Price Lists and Discounts. HEBOILER INSPEOTIfN - AND INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA. Established for the prevention of steaa, boiler explo- sion by proper inspections. SIR Amur CAi@BKLL, E.C.M.G.. Lt: Gav, oI Ontario, President, Mead Office.2Toronto St., Toronto, Ont. CONSULT ING ENGINEERS and SOLICITORS OF PATENTS dao. C.Roas, Ohief Engineer. I A. t'nAsaa. Sao y.. KNITTING;MACHINE Send or Illustrated Catalogue and advertisement with your order for our NEW iLIBBBtER and we will allow $1O PREMIUM DISCOUNT OREEL1114 N BROS.,1 I'I"gs. GEORGETOWN, ONT. DR. DORENWEND'S Restores Grey Hair, Stops 'ailing Out of the Hair, Removes Dandruff; in Bald. nese where the roots are not gone, Maio will produce a fine groat. It is unfailing Try it,' All druggists every. where. A lt)VILENWEND, s Sole Manufacturer, TORONTO, OMT., OANADA, ARMS air. IN MANITOBA $cot4,is ,, Manitoba: aid NortbJeat REAL ReTes e Co, Lll'a.. J Alin, Mgr, 357 .lain St, Winnipeg lands be ell parts Melte Province, Law Prices. Eaay Terme. Lists Sent and F'oiteet Interen:Aien frac« orehed on Applitatiao. SRO. us -oar acme and we will mad you *ur deseeptive eatala oe,. ON 00Y'$ VJt1 RU a1aE TOPS. Thee ell the lateat imps lar durability, style and ec Carriage G:tllhere sell Om. RUT- Ido oT#ig-It. tsan4 ate aa%tinalle eiitenes Tee leadto AT Cr nia'-er 'RATES OF TrITAR mer. Tny ruz CiSeeeereeTEle EMPIRE BLEND COFFEE, Geerraateed fore. Ellis & BI'... 1e A - Toronto. BEG T,FANEla€ TORONTO, sod Pecri for li.fR wNig,qvit Whaley Royce & Co Dealers in all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Agents the BESSON and HIGHAM Band In- struments. 8' SHEET MtSIC and M118I0 BOORS. Manufacturers 1 the "IIIIPERIAL" BAND INSTRUMENTS Best in the world, Eight Year.' Guarantee. Send, ..,,for Illustrated Catalogue and Tea,imonials. 283 Tonga 84.. TORONTO 0 0 0 C.1 1011 FIT.S! when I SIay(lt'RY I d° not mean merelytt at+ail thein torn *hut', and Own here them re legoin. T mews A xt;tDICAla CUD& 1 have made the dice ase 01 ITS, EI:11.B1'SY or '"'ALE1INi STU:NESS A llfolongatndy, 1WARRANT my reetedy tt' MHZ the worse eases. ECCM15e others have ranee la no reason ter uottotreceiving acute. Sendatmove fora treatl50 tnd,'aPItF.F.fi°'TLIt Of tu' ilii seientat Iir,ari,rr>.. (wive E tppreee and 1'ost Mee. et coit-s•ou milling ter d trial, as.d it still eine you, ,A,ddre 13, O. BOOT, 11.0., 164 Weat ddelafdo St. TORONTO. ONT. supsermammaimmatir y a St smallips Saul wdnrre„, waste. tort 1"arbian* every lbtiradtly' iw hattfair •+er tsars-' y to LX.erl:wc'L end In AAA,. nietfrrrn(Z:,cut-Qe;err a n,atsyti.14terpoci,eatilne at I .doai,erry to sand ..ails ant pastarkserr dot i3.c:'a,a3 nr 1 fe11.7.+- AIM lr.,a 2 t htc,te, via gala tel: rel»:l 8t. eeen c, !v I ., to Livetit':.1 fortntybtly 4 it ei a -racer ca -0os. Tee eseaserrect the Oh*. gsw ,ice se, ) seeress, e na0 Seem 1eseese.clareerr"aubrt4w,eAeo.Oas.,wl er:;Icdlpu;at:raiwrirg pilea•,a. env and Rotfca wseuly, aro Gtasitaw and L"htladd- ptio' .,"ttigtatty, Fer'rtS'ht plaer re c t "' ear tat rniatich agpty, A, fit',t^,.t<'tee Fb.. S ,B i r r ••; ,, ('ataor=t a Cgr. U'A Yt a Slaoa,t..s., Si S ti.a'...hr:3., 'Wirt Thtrnp. son Ca. St lchn, "t ft. Allen. 1w.,Terearo; wrlckao; Altana, pos.Leve >t Alum, "Jaw yotk; i1, 'fertilirr, ; r ., ! a: ,tor: ww. Extolcfo, elsiledel. p','.a to a , , C'rve'lsnd l:o,!trn inortesosi AINTING BY USING- OUR Pure Pre pared _s'tt;ani>I!`+r' They are warranted niacin tr :tu Firs WbSte Lead and Oxide rat S: ne, ground iR beet'y.tality i ireeed oil and bele; shut uerey mixed and gr:'ucd h.'too ,atcat imarea(' 01 , •ht.erv, r e v tara:rrxe Uwe-uperlir to auyot masa fled nixed paints tiered (whish arc lair it chcroce,'ie pr p}"!itl a':<t 8,11 ;nerrnt.•e our Pant t" cover fa rty 5) psi Mt. mire surface .Ail niartrial u.ed « f the h,i;;tcnt ee'a,s, re ;gallon et our Paint wilt cover250aq feet—two era's. Ityour local dtalerdosnetkeep ,bearinmet!:, write direct to us, TILE TORONTO LEAD AND COLO' ; ., Sole ilI:uIIIfIIetItrcrs, Toronto, Qift. Planers, Matchers and Moulders Combined. OIIE.'1I'EST„ TUOxtoi omur GOO» 11L1tCUIINECie JUJ T. ' SBING'LE, LATH and VENEER maims, POST BAND -SAW, SAWNI E LLS. Leorylevatingand Wnveym& SAWS, GUMMERS, SWAGES. Send ter a^eeivysitir Sin de. enle^ Eels"n's Snrksf.'omezny, Braaiford evict Wfnnrpeg, • LADIES. The Only Appliances ABSORBENT QUALITIES. QUALITIES. 4- .ara A New Lease of Life. A Cure Without liedicille, An Diseases aro Cured by our Medicated Electric Bolt and Appliances. On the principle that Electricity is Life, our appliances are brought directly into contact with the diseased part. They act as perfect absorbents, by destroying the germs of disease andromovingall impurities from the body. Diseases are successfully treated by correspon- dence, as our goods can be applied at home. READ OUR HOME REFERENCES; =NWT CONWAY, 44 Centro Street, cared of intermittent fever in ten days, one year's stand- ing; used Acting and Belt. MRS. S.M. WHITEHEAD, 578 Jarvis St., a sufferer for years, could not bo induced to part with our Electric Belt. ,IIIc. J. ,FULLER, 441 Centre Street, coughed eighteen months, cured in two treatments by Acting. J. 11e(U AIG, grain merchant, cured of rheumatism in the shoulders after all others failed. JAS. 1YEEKS, Parkdale, sciatica and lame back, cured in fifteen days. Wel. NELLES Thessalon, cured of lame back, painin breast and dyspepsia, after being laid up all winter. MRS. J. swum, 87 Agnes Street, cured of sciatica in six weeks. D. K. JiELL, 135 Simcoe Street, cured of one year s sleeplessness in three days by wearing Lung Shield and using Retina, T. D. AIcH IY, Queen Street, tobacconist, curod of head. ache after years of suffering. MISS ANNIE WRAY, Manning Avenue, music teacher, finds Actina invaluable. MIS. 4'.2tEEN, Thessalon, cured of pain in the back and kidneys, said to be Bright's disease. E. IRIGGS, 220 Adelaide Street West, cured of catarrh by Actina, G. S. PARDEE, 51 Beverley Street, cured of lame back after all medicines had failed. MISS DELLA CLAYTON, Toronto, curod of paralysis after . being in the hospital nine months. NI1tS, ANDREWS Thessalon, cured of rheumatism and hip disease ; could not walk without a Dano. JOHN THOMPSON, 109 Adelaide west, cured of a tumor in the eye in two weeks by Acting. Miss E. M. FORSYTIH, I8 Brant Street, reports a lump drawn from her hand 12 years' standing. MRS. MATT, 342 St. Clarence Avenue, Toronto, cured of BLOOD POISON. "Your Belt and Suspensory have cured me of impotency," writes G.A. "I would notbo without your Belt and Suspensory for $50," writes J. eleG. "For general debility your Beltand Suspensory are cheap at any price," says Mr.S. M.C. These letters aro on file. MIs. McCLINCIHT, Thessalon, cured of rheumatism in back and legs, very bad case laid up a long time. Many more such testimonials on file. Catarrh impossible sander the influence of Acting Actino will care all diseases of tho eye. Send for Illustrated Book and Journal giving full list, Free. No Fancy Prices. Combined Belt and Suspensory, only SS.00—Certain Oure. NO VINEGAR OR ACID USED. W. T. BAER, c 00., 1E1tUON THISPeftEe. 155 QueenStreetWest, Toronto!