The Exeter Advocate, 1889-5-23, Page 3TIOUSHOLT).
incisee deep.. )34Ixe it moderato oven for
about heti an hour. A olsocolate frosting- la
*Cc with thie Caka.
. To Keep Eggs Freeb. Rumor: Ceur..---Two cupfule of Sugar, one
In keeping eggs, a place for tinning them of butter, one of milk, four of our (tether
which Is dry and cool hut above the treezfog Want), four eggs, half a teespoonful of sods,
pohoS is the first necessity. There hi A WI. *DO 01 cream of tartar. Beau the butter tole
feeene,e of opinion ae to which end should be eream. Add the Inger, gradually, lieatieg
placed down DI peeking, goat withoritieo all the while ; then the Od.voring fiemon or
reeomineutt the smaller 01311, 130 A WW1- natmegi, Best the eggs very light. Add
lettown poultry breeder gives what seerna to them and the milk. Meeoure the flour after
he a Beanti zetkeena for packing there with the it baa been. sifted. Return it to the aieve.
!wet. fond down. He aye: The, andmix the Oda and cream of tartar With it.
ellairiber in in the larger end., and if tha ia Sift thie into the howl of beaten ingredients,
placed down the yolk wPI not break through Deith Iriotzly and VigOrOnaly, to thoroughly
and touch the obeli and thereby seed.. mix, and then sten. Take three theet pane
Another thing, if the Air-ohambAr 111 4AWA 91 414 bagte AiWat and in gun of two put one•
the egg i., noe so liable to abrbile awal7. third of the mistime, owl bake. To the
nole two two itoportont romono (wooed other third add four tompoesdula of eimia-
from experiments, and they materially menianePiniof currants, end about an eighth
effeeo the heepiez of egge.,i It viQuid be a ; of a pentad of eitzon, cut fine. Belo We in
pocbmbeme for homohoepoto to try pwoug the remaieing pen. Whea done, take out of
eggs from the same lot each way and noting ...LILO Pshes: ,Sercas1 ..he light cake witit is, thie
Zweite. 4 APIt'r IA JellY4 whole warm. I'lace on Cam
The favorite domeatiO way of pecking eggs the cleat °Ake, and 'Tread with ienY• Piece
and one that keeps theet well for limited the ether hbee, of light cake on OIL LayA
Pe$1444 is Ifith ealt. Pat a layer Ot ala , P3P134. "erAlli 4144 thell ' tfil ebeet* on which
two inchea deep on tbe bottom Of A AtAno3 P44 1 t_WQ ixen40 The cake will pre in Omit
jar and pat in the egg, ends down (select ;55/9 49110,
your own authority as to whish 'end it shall ,,,,-,-.....-eass!••••••••..
be), heieg careful that the ehells do not „,,_ „,„„„ , „,
touch ; ull and cover well with Reit and 4,0 MAUI. egOat of ti e fiienlenclee.
preeeed aa before. Another teethed. eeid / bag,,,i. wen, for on bonot fellow, toa „„
to, keep eggs perfeztly for a year, le the tbv; be wm, 4,17in, his oleo,e with tem
semi, aa the foregoing exeept tnoe each egg howo on tho Aiwa jams. vi:6';;: on -nynthin:r.
before 0144% is rElbliMd 0174. wit4 * Pl000 oho fell upoa the oppos-Ci e side of the gorge.
of fried. IAN It did nee catch Mon But the Meet oatried
A, picas% which, it ie itald, wili keep eggs Win and lak two home and the idedge at
tivetAdY for two FA0 eel. 14144 14 44" QUO wouff over into deep BROW, wberice
ceetifally lava cid tibip 6t rt- in MAO b tjwygriacrod with i. y. megiNtr ma%
aaun one Phtt ef irteah *erica lime 415 W11941 I iingiAb amen va,y feiende here,
Withal( pint of eele to -Caen three gallon* of &me,/ um a spot in tho sohoofigg vtluoy
water ; tubt well. /Save the barrel or tub ci (between Cher end the Streit* Pas) where
in which they are to be kelt; bitlf full et 1 ono if MA temAto routive4 boa two, cm48"
er path
erecklug the OA for if tho den is gawked Rant, 4 q4§,rwr ot au tor btitere. Tbo
he egg N41441301 4.m Piel heeta ebeeldb,e Meet lifted her Into the 144 wept her from
leid ever the lielle el the eaSe *lid 4 I-4441 the reed aid landed her at the top of A lefty
lime and @go, kept npun it, pine, ti' widen Abe dinee with ti
ffi %ha energy
-Other aretheile ere, to 094 the eb44 of &twentieth The mum ruebed under leer
\ with * Wu Sem male Illeelogya with 4 and left at plea stiordieg It met have
tbe iktittit thell With ti Web let the -egge by the lawieen-Denst. Skew* walking te
diruU It, tieVat thy On Mg Ivitimut her herelet baying Wien the enure
nii the dith it 404 clutrcla whea tide happened, no people of
Patti water BO t
title varnish. inede by dire/Jiving gem elicit-
In aloha), or with gresete oral peekiug
there Ia. barn, oak, posedered chorneal
naweleet. Or, metko 4 tlait mixture of fresh
aleeked lion and Wegr. I put yap for 4
few niemente ail the lune eettice into the
Interetices 9f Vita diens; take them out end
beertaa InCOrtdderalikt ANAklattnta. ger
iteigtabOrflon their way back frow. church,
saw her clubbing for bare life to theeleurier
apex et the tree, end reamed her. Mew A. Sag Affair.
414Ch Caltell Q4414ba MeUtkInfl. Tead' ()WAWA U4y 16.--31r. Sherwood, lete
meter. Dewed SAleriee1Thivr Web* deputy ehe!riff ei Carleton minty, comenitt-
17 laS'3) wail blown ea menuerinte the
nimauso Fnotk Tgs Taa:SHARH.
The Shah of Penis. le on his, way to St.
Mr. Whitiew Reid, U. S. Minister to
France, lies arrived in Park.
Crops in South Carom, are being Bernae.
ly damaged by drought and hot weather,
A. J. Bianca a Cincinnati °tomb* 'eita
hie wife and 7.year-old de.ughtez acd then
t hTobv4te tSs. of stir laeweetixnerporta 4e0Maripineest
Neerly ell the survivore ef the wrecked
German war ehips have arrived at Sycluey,
John Seam stabbed and killed Charles
Brace at Rope, Kenna. Beth were promin
ent men.
Charles Stewart. a telegrapher in the
Weerern Maio= cfae at Newburg, N. Y.,
shot himself yesterday.
A Rio Jeneire paper eve that A COnflkb
is Itninkenb between Paraguay and
and that Breed is prepaxing to Ad the
former. _
Papers tnet proved that St. Petersburg
conspirator* Intended to make an %tempt
eteeeesinate the Case have Wen discov-
Four burelred sizel thirty feet et dm new
dock at Seethampten, England, bee eel-
lapaed, invelving damiegeir to the extent of
Natheit Corwith, sr., formerly a very rich
lend owner, is a± t014 politb Of death tn Chi -
1t le eteted eiret he feet SII.,000,5,5014
fuiu Ueited States gebermen leave been
behevieg in a VtlrY ruMenly inenner at
Ingenieh, C. B., and the Matter has been re.
parted to Ottawa.
About two bur duel male 4114 fereele
of Rov. John Jeeper'eereat V&rgli.
le reyivel were beptined In the Janne river
ist Itiebriond ou Sunday.
deepotch frem Mineice eve fiat a etroas
dow of natural gee wadies-eve/0 by work.
men, who were drilliug fir water ea the
tiew eeyium farra, a tulle and s• bolt west
' ed, euleide eerly the other inernieg by skeet-
ilreY them* then rsek onV &Ake ine4 ethelow Brat in the Z44144140* And tlAVRA tua. mr. shvrwool wo °bowl by Ili,
Bgge for boUlujmay he "CAP4t1" in the
follewiug Man= : Pat t‘vt) eat§ des u
nowly.101 sege at a time in deep rva.
adin PPIttiT owe them ; itt It stand
thirty ands and tarn It all eff. elver
ly with
into ecaupg water, and
teFeA the recon S'a *14dt, Wike neti•Danit,, ira tenaltitaMil Wen all killed
himeelt by ppling to lir tree else he
woold heveVen &shed to piece*
the faced a pteelpice ; le was, he
lest hie hat I two been *hewn a
nese Ems, in the Want valley, abiove Chur,
where a millefa WOO wit* carried todity
igs &Marine three& the efr he the Last -
health a* retire from the sheriff's office 134
all. Sul:vie:wetly Int Went te tlIti Howe,
Rateeat at Guelph, Tiauffeeg Ism
1114gIpsottuu that his peer state of heeltb
W41 lucurable. He returned tin elty:e
few Week§ ego, hie friende helieving that
he W441 eluipletley rentorel. Thit, it has
hesemeevidenr, wee tad the C34.... Sratt•
tog to e friend in the city * few deys age,
Mr. Sherweed leughingly *aid thet tie had
deceived the llomewood people by pro -
Motes himself cured, but that he knew be
was not, and Intended to *hoot hirnself.
The remark was taken a; evidenee that he
via* really perfectly nee, eud no attention
was paid to it. lili hilly wee found In the
hush, near Ms inother's house at Mount
Sherwood, tele ether morales, allot through
the heart, a revolver lying near. Ur. Sher-
wood Wan deputy sheriff for the 'wet nine
yeers. Novices to that he was in the hard -
were hostess* lit Belleville, belog junior
partner in the firm el Glees Sherwood,
Mr. Sherwood was for two years an alder -
ma in the Belleville thy council, He Immo
* widow and three ebildien.
4tY* and when cent Fallit in brill, Or 104t. except an old nisra eixty end an infent
The eStle PreiThrea thitt wefr e*nnebe of two year& Agate, I mew mention tivie
treed for cilia!, or say thirig for which tlieY the tQWer Or the =ruler), at fl,aetls WAE
Lav e to be beaten. atone eecatleti Mewl% dean by the setae
mite. Cates are frequently !met with whete
Rag Carpets. wells et Imam witalawre one door' have
been 'meshed by the wind of avidencliee
While a etriped carpet belie nice whin bibug en the Qpv,,,4. ow, at Is narrow
4eWi hlek"5 11""ti ivur"w1411 Mel/ "ad revicus I have myetif Seen 4 wrecked
old. I do not fancy netriug hit er mire and
stripe, in tlni Minn carpet , I teo one writer by Staub -Limbo, Ito reef retuoved lu cue
p tee by deo Moot, oed It% har,:k well iutd
4441lieltta 13" c:4"ing 44V rAfr* u" one vide stove in by the weight of UMW rad
old, faded once, 113 there 'imitator° change *tenet 4w tilos wittab folltmo.
En the appearance ae tinte tolled co ; I should
think she must he a 4 -lemma, for tbet is their Death as it is DeztizeR,
style, or at Wet wao when I lived among
them. I edvito using =my bright eolore, Crotstugeover to Normontly, Pulk toot a
and, aa hit or Wee carpet', for then reetone, boat frem Baulogne to Dover. The weather
that. when new it bloke nlee arid can be turn-
ed over or around, at thereat* no etripcs
interfere, and when it gets old. it looks as
well as that made kern uncolored rap. A
low cents worth of de a vein eouvert old rags
into beautiful colon, nod :my one eau calor
with them by followino the direction&
There is r. good deal ia how the rage two
rowed, whether the earpre k emooth when
woven or not. The ends of the rags should
be lapped about three+ foure'aa of an inch,
and then folded twice the amnia as fora horn,
then three stitthee taken on the /media once,
or one drew, and than one min% to hold the
ends smooth. This done the raga will weave
smooth and it in very easily woe; ono lady
tohl that my instructions would save ber
hours of bard werk, and by doing it my way
it would look better. Rags ehouid hood no.
cording to the thickness of the labia; cut a
strip and tivisb it in your fingera-it ebould
be about the size of a Ni. 10 wire in order to
make A nice carpet. Liege raga make a
thick carpet, but it it; nob co durable. A
pound and. a quarter ofrage will makes yard
of carpet, amt I can sew that amount in an
evening, and a woman eliould do more, for
they have occasion to use the needle more
than the average Man.
Ohoice Recipes.
Cards Liven AND BACOT:T.-Ca 016 liver
into thin slime, let it remain in cold water
for an boar, and then avipe it dry. Boll
each. Slice in flour, and fry in bacon fat.
Pour off the fat, and in a fresh pan fry
shredded bacon and potatoes. Then take
half a pint of boiling stook, and brown it by
adding burnt sugar; add an ounce of butter,
and let ib simmer. Place the liver and
bacon on a dish, pour the gravy over, and
garnish with crimped parsley.
Samar, Ftre140/1FASMON.-To boil sal-
mon in the French way, prooure fish as fresh
as poseible. After it has been cleansed and
scraped, wrap the fish or pieco of salmon in
a well -buttered piece of muslin'and then
place it on the drainer in the fish -kettle,
which should contain sufficient boiling water
to cover the fish. This water should be sea-
soned with vinegar, vegetables, herbs, and
peppercorn. After the fish has been put
into the fish-kettle,,the water must reboil,
and then the kettle must 130 drawn to the
side of the stove, and the steam will be suffi-
cient to 000k the fish if an allowance of ten
minutes to eaoh pound be given.
SPIDER Conx CARE, One and one-half
opps ef corn meal, one-half cup of pastry
Tour sifted, two tablespoonfuls of salt, one
scant teaspoonful of soda, two eggs, two
cups of sweet milk, one cup of sour milk,
two level tablespoonfuls of buster; mix all
the dry ingredients together, then beat the
eggs and add to them one-half the sweet
and the sour miik, then mix all together.
Melt the butter in a hot epider and pour fn
tbe mixture. Let the cake cook a few min.
ubes then pour all over tbe top carefully
the remainder of the sweet milk. Bake
half an hour. The cake should have a layer
reeembling oustard through the centre and
Is the most delioate corn cake made.
SiLvEn °AXIL -One ouptul ot sugar, half
a cupful of butter, the whites of three eggs,
half a oupful of corn starch dissolved in
nearly half a cupful of milk, one and a fourth
cupful of flour, half a teaspoonful of oream
of tartar, one fourth of a teaspoonful of soda,
and vanilla or almond flavor. Beat the
butter to a cream, and gradually beat in the
sugar. Add the flavor. itlix the flour,
cream of tartar, and eeda toeether, and sift.
Bab the whites to a stiff froth. Add the
cornetarch and milk to the beaten auger
and butter; then add the whites of the eggs
and the flour. Mix quickly and thoroughly.
• Have the batter in sheets, and about two
was stormy ana Oa waves fa the channel
ran high -neat doubt there waii but the
wage across would be perilous. And here
wo COMO ACrOlia an old, aid atory, yet few
aro aware that It is so old as the beginning
eI the thirteenth century. Full: opoke to
tho amber wke we: to command the ship
that had been. ehartered to bear Wm to Eng
land: "DJ yam kno.e well t'llot bueinens,
and to CSITy pcople by son Into divers
regions I" Deplied the 'trait 41 Truly, Sir,
there is not a laud of nay reuown In Clain
endoni whither 1 eould not cooduct a ship
Well and safely." Then amid Folk ; "Trull.
thou beet a very perilous occupation ; tell
me, fear, sweet brother, of what death died
thy father!" "Ho was drowned et sea."
" Now thy grandfather "Tho CASIO."
"HOW thy great-grandfather 1" "In like
manner, end ell my religions that I wot of
to the fourth degree." " Truly,"said Fulk,
"you aro very fool -hardy that you dare go
to see." " Sir," said tho mariner, 44 whore -
fore Every creature will have the death
destined for him. And now, if you please,
fair Sir, tell me where did thy father diet"
"Truly, in his bed." "Vi7hera tine grand.
father "The aline "Wbere thy great-
graudfather!" " Truly,.all of my lineage
that know died in thew beds." "Then,
in very truth, since ail your lineage died in
beds, I marvel greatly that you have dared
to go into any bed." And so, moralizes the
chronicler, Falk perceived that the sailor
had told him the truth, that every man shall
have such death as is destined for him, and
he knows not which, on land or in water.
Infle Martin OrufOrttles Vino Women* and
Touching Death,
Little Martin Otagban, a trays boy, only
10 yeare old, -was employed in one of the
Pittston mines. The shaft caught fire and
he, with a comrade, tried to escape. Sud•
denly he remembered that some men, who
were busy in a further chamber of the mine,
must be unaware of their danger.
There was but one outlet, but one chance.
He left both to his little mate and darted
back into the mine. He reached the men,
wanted them of their danger and fled back
to the shaft, to find that hope was gone.
Be turned and hurried through the gal-
leries once more, that he might die with
those for whom he gave his life. They had
• banded with desperate haste a wall between
themselves and the deadly gases which roll-
ed thickly toward them.
Even their chance of eurvivingwas slight.
To let him in was to admit certain death, so
they refused his prayers. They heard him
sob and walk faltering away. He was after-
ward found quite dead, a little boara beside
him, on which, with a piece of chalk, he had
written the names of loved ones.
thadenee Begot Of &gee=
The coneeence possessed by the manna
factmere efDr, Segee Catarrh Remedy in,
their ability to cure the worst eaties of nesal
catarrh, oo matter of bow long standing, is
attestedia moat eabstautial manner by
heir standing reward of WO, offered for
many yore Twit,. eor ari incurable exec of
thie loatheoree and dangeroue disease. The
Remedy le sold hy druggists. at °alp 50
STAMPS'Itn31.--couerd-zioPoottri„, or
_ Ana len DT --Mei
etwort7Ok BOX 05, Toropt,o, aut.
'AMU, gle$TIK1104012%.--Seact tor our
iYI Large flbastretee Catalogue of Band Inetru,
menta. Onitme, Flutett. OA, and all kind
ot Trimmloge. Agent for T.. es #nd DeWitt*
Plays. Fil/TLAND$ hil/SIO STORE,. SI Bing St.
West, Toros% Ont.
RAVER JANE wrataisiurs.
Sago W hetw en 2102(11RIB(X. and
Set*, . Mlids,tioothing, eleensieg, deo.
eorizeig, antiseptic and healing. .,r eice'siiS0, aTireett1.0.tec.f401,701,naza. tod
Chinn eilke Heariette clothe 4 *ik etemeer and 6.000036Pdhdiork,
g ee
h311` peach‘loW elinzles will baenve:yi ranlacal; a°1144 "P Ticket:4 614'. Stec"?' • 41)PlY t4
ON Eywitnzuatralms-
.wrateorrerest nr
asemsawie olitasseenrity. apply 'to
emu, OilikniK BIACKSTOOK 24 MT,
Darristers an 1801101CM
Wsfllogtott 1.ihutcn, Zomb GMTOntiCl
Ilk/ed I." tea gowits end neglige costemee as . riiil: aeggjetaii. att=e4easrg; ANIT0BA.
Well as for afternoon telleta. L 0.11 Alton; in P3.1 Teis.06
0 iistca 04 the breezes Ant v 'ices ern* te-clay.
" Tint %mite Pre$erlpttes' entee Ithere
sey : IC AF LE
ffOXIS rizaz? a wife rod mother, d t la theY AUTO
azz w et MAT
Pat. lavdrealle, haniCand Wan:tem.:atom.
deeters tail. LEITO11 ilk TURN 1314.
nOit be= cf sat/ming women, 0 blessed bats; all riadim Elwater Werke. Pater and gases ettcete,
If evely woman who suffers from diseases
peculiar to her eex, knew of the womierful
euretive. properties what* mighty chsrue
of re3ciewwould be beard throlighont tte IS 14lasuractaters and dealers in It law, .41 zter-
Ungar axle breadth of tbe land. siogieg the $4.:Ar4 Boittlioo, l'apero.__Rto. (ants : 4 -tifelaute
Prat.006 41 Dr. Piercee Fovorite Preavription. at. lEntel, Toronto., Pmerieterd CI Watalune Flat
It In tbe only medicioe for women, *old lot Elatecl li‘oot. Telephest 01.
`lugglatia zw.ler Q. 230”fia ettartvatees hem Wien rixtale teem itY foil:LE $421.-Olves
the nuesefaetarere, tnAt It will givemetiefae- z.. cee*.citlfen ,4 'Ighfi to„c •iFf7 F422 fr:ra the
tiOn ill every asset gr erianoy Ian he refund., p,r11.c farm et d nave Mil . mended ts fix tiej
bottle wmpver, p04 taithfay earziea 0 i Covrasussr 1,acta Me 134 Nevi cpr sled # r edge.
ed. Tx gionon44 has) ,on wintv4 Qn the treper Tat. Nialy net acor 1 4 Wit 5' re
mebt ASPAg.• taw NI. rar3t ...1trAsmir,It3
Baifttew ze, rich end gruzly
rtne wad hdatt weed IA erit5 teceeelltie,
Char ttreame vintet
it caesen. it is fse catz.r4G
Mug, cf hangs. 1hz11) ax -4 et,tzlet. Iszso er-113 c -n
ralso.rtri at.:^D Great v In6 a 0r31 ore
ttenntet, '.14Fs 5 %tot Pans. This thife Ian
for many f.,,41-8,
ehtnesesia matt hes set up a hear rough,
where he feed e eornmeel to the bean ha
trapa, an be would do loge, till thee are
A War Between Banks,
I -
A Philadebble deepetch eays :-The Tee
no Bee's Of LAM.
A MAD Without liViedowi Lives let a Fevre
Weedier. A. Tteative eepecially written on
libitum! el MAU, centaining Znts For Men
of .All Ages I Should be read by OM,
3,liddle Aged end Yeenig Me.. Proven by
the Sale et Half to be the meat
nepoler, tenet* written In lantatsna
forcible g'ttraP
ctive. ractlel eresent.
lethal et ldedieel Common Scute. Valuable
to Invell4e who WM weak, nervone 4%1 ex
beamed, ehowleg uow niaaue by which they
milbe cued. Approved by editore, critics,
aud tire Kepi% Seuittry, aiil, Seleuce
Subjetete. Ake girt a description of Sped -
fie No, e, The lareat Uealth Itenewer ;
Marvel el Waling mid Itoloi-nuor of Medi -
Chun, It Largely explains tho myateries of
life. By its teechings. health uttiy he main.
Milted. The Book will tench you how to
make life worth livine. If every adult Lo
the eiviitTit world wet.iiti reed, tondereteud
end follow our viewo, there would he a
world of Phytical, lutelleettud end moral
giants. This Book will be found A truthful
presentstion of facts, celeulated to do good.
of the City Fietional nutk of Selene
itt prune eonditions when ho Otoughtoro 4g
them, end, !reside* ecillog the meet at high rFoe 14rther
gata.stged many delloxl for eiiele of it t genefah. --nuNtv*
tho rate. rai1l-?er Ileu.e o Tere're
. 1!414.. MbD. ; -
S3Pping Bast the Balate,
gout eaueeating ialtone wbo teke them.
he little emu -caged Grenulealknewn all
yer the bed An Dr. Pierce's Pleeteut Parg.
gnaws retitle, prodeve an effect upon the
**vele very dief.terit fora that a a die
egreeal?ie, violcut purgative. No gripieg or
deeeehieg t4tOWEI4 as IA the ceee of a dreatio
eholagogue. The relief to the inteatista re.
amble* the 44:110it of Nature 14 her happiest;
1:0901341, the impale* given to the dormaut
liver le of tbe levet salutary kin? and is
11144111tY teanifeated by the disappearance of
all Mate Symptoms. Sick headeelte, wind.
tbe 6tenzUby piia 1hVe1g11 the ridiit eiae
and ehenidereidene, and yellOWneea of the
tre4 aeltle be: a4red:r4i4 relutdled bY
Halite tender wrong.doires, of cuey khed
sort ref We:end netare.
The book of Lukasithe Talisman of Health I
N. 47., to accept eertein tenni; of exebaeom Briugs bloom to the cheek, strength to the
offered by theNationel Dank
Voo d'town boilaud jdy to the heart. It is a message
has involved these institutioart in A wAr. to the Wise mai Otherwise. Lubou'e Specie
As the &dem Bink receives on dipolt, 110 No. S, the ti .irit of Health. Those who
deity a large number of Woodatewn 1link
cheques,r. messenger la despatched to
tbe latter place twice e week to receive
the money for tto seam. In order to
punish the Silent people Cashier Flit
croft of the Woodstown Batik Imported
from Phihulolpbta thousands of diver dollars
to :naafi the cheques. Messenger Powell,
who was sent down by the Salem Bank last
vveek, protested agalnat being paid with
silver. When Powell appeared with 64,800
in cheques. Flitoraft wheeled out the money
Inc wheelbarrow to the middle of the bank
d d ib th
an nave on e oor-, cornpelthig
Powell to count the entire amount. When
bags were asked for to carry the money,
Plitt:trait saM banke were not in the habit of
furnishing patrons with purees.
Two Luxurious Brthrooms.
The sootety woman depends greatly on
luxurious bathing to renew her strength.
The Turkish bath must be taken outside the
home, bub the bathrooms in some of the
wealthy houses give evidence of their oostli-
nese and beauty of the part they play in the
daily economy. Mrs. idenry Clew's bath-
room is a grotto of onyx, walls, floor, ceiling,
basin, tub, all being of the sculptured stone.
Distilled and perfumed waters flow at the
touch, it is like a Gehl cave where Undlnes
sport, and no Monte Christo could project a
thing more fanciful and costly. That of
Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt is very beautiful.
The walls are of mirrors, over whioh ru
painted vines of morning glory and passiola
flowers, farming an arbor suggestive of the
bower where Venus bathed, and the re-
fieotions doubtless fitrniati Titionesque hints
of attending nympha. -N. Y, Letter.
Stnokingin Austria.
The Austrian* are,
ib appears, the most
inveterate cigar amokere in Europe. In
1887 every male inhabitant in Austro-
Hungary smoked, upon the average, 67 cigar%
and cigarette*, besides about tea pounds of
tobacco. The reason of the large consump-
tion of cigars lies in !the fact that the Aus-
trian can buy a really very decent cigar for
a farthing or two for one cent. In France
and Italy the verve:eared costa a halfpenny;
and the price is about the same in Rolland
and Germany. Auetria's tobacco bill for
the first six months of 1888 animated to
close on thirty millions of dollars, or to only
about two dollars per mate head of the
population; yet it is estimated that for that
sum each man and boy may hate bought 35
cigars, 15 cigarettes, and four or five pounds
of tobacco. The Berne emu here would pro-
cure only abont 12 eigars, 6 cigarettes, and
one and one-half ram& of tobacco -all of
he most inferior quality.
A Tired Subscriber.
"Mr. Editor, I want to say to you that
We about time for me to gob. Once on a
time I used to think your paper was gospel
itself. but I dee it hain't to be relied on."
"What do you mean sir? Do you in-
timate that we don't teletruth 2"
"That's what I say, an' I can prove it.
It was in your own columna that I read
these very worde-in big type -'Money in
Chickens.' Well, soon as I see thab, says I,
'if The Bassoon says there's money in
chickens that settles it ;" so I went for our
000p, yanked bold of my biggest Brahmy
and turned him inside out ; not a darn cent.
Then I took another and surgioally inspected
her gizzards -no coin thar either, and go on
I went thro' the hull brood, killin"em an'
inspectin' their interiors, but nary nickle
ever have I found. Somethin' wrong 'bout
that 'nonnoement, sir. There hain't no
money in chickens."
Why suffer a single moment, when you
oan get immediate relief from internal or
external pain by the use of Poison's Verviline
She great pain cure 2 Nerviline has never been
IMOW to fail Try a 10 cent sample bottle.
You will find it PA as reoommended. Neu-
ralgia, tooth-aohe, cramps, headache, and all
similar complaints disappear as if by magic
when Nerstiline is used. Large bottles 25
cents. Test bottles 10 centre at druggists and
country d
obey the lave e this book will be crowned
with a fatleleett wreath. Vast numbers of,
moo have felt the power end teeiifiee to tho
vkteo of tabon'e Speedle No. 8 All Men
Who are Broken Down from overwork or
other <mutes oat meutioncd in the above,
should send tor and read this Valueble
Treetiae, whica will be tent to any addrete,
sealed, on receipt of too cents in stamps, to
pay pontage. Addrees all ortlere to M. V.
Lubon, room re 50 Font Street E., Toren-
The most Conscientious mechanics have
their little vista.
Consumption Surely Cured,
To the Editor :-
Please inform your readers that I have a
positive remedy for the above named ilieesee.
By its timely use thousands of hopelee.s
cane have been permanently cured. 1 shall
be glad to send two bottles of my remedy
fres to any of your readers who have con-
sumption if they will send rile their Er -
profs end P. 0. address. Resp'y, T. A.
Slocum, M. C., 164 west Adelaide St.,
Parties wishing to pnrehase frepetwed ANattertt
Fame, ft zat avrt.t. ar 9, 1,•:tel • telfaen
pfteensicu, or ar.tu 2. DIALLS11010$ *Mt
Arthur's Blez*, felald , nteripeg. f•,;•.4 treatlen
furnished free of charge, and tendon ataleZed
makieg eeleetien.
74.(C01•TM-2"' .m XI
AT crraer.r OP INTIM oe'l
R»DF AND 0""1844,
Um.staesa a SM -173.47.77 ••• • e "NI. BAND WHE/516
Wounlf vat Csr-Jci•zs.
tr. Ilturch Street. • Tomtit', On.
n gIillri4A.
„EDWIN &CO. MAKES, 70 NINO ST, F, MONT(' 1 • r "
?cue f -r Pn eUwsxwit inixtr-uno• rafioNT0,
row, Engines!
TOR‘VTO ENG= mere?.
Pfiklla ' 4 N.
I s • TOMO*
3au Iiu i1 Steam.141
leo naves! inf.. OW* leue:4Te
" aTak el'eseattortee clIa•
It-te ,ttire= ee?rv 6at2e1ay tolirerp• :Acerstie
•.4e.r.d1rq, lzaA ord. Fat.,senAle 122.
Otz.4.7.1: tt;.= 141.1;;;rc, - I
1 ht. 401 -ii -C4+,, Na.. 0 Lacqzs tie.reetine
smear rrn!‘,4.. eintmers et t:•'
iwt t.-1" *31 !1.4.1r7 Irg
El' • ' ion fluz:
ug.i -iargjr eel are'eagai uteue enee-
gzivaT.1C,:t1=..wezdt15'. cal Phitztel•
Phi 4::41411.
F40 nre21111. yoz,sitae or otter leetametten env
A. Ethan:weer a CTN.. .:_:r.:8. C`..r.714-1 -a
StE4 Jetif0., NCI. Ws; Dr InP--
nes CN, Jet D. N. B.; :Wm Cr,, crlorase;
4%.31 Afe"iFet P?ltritlfirC
Tr, n.t, . n, , • It
111. A. Ailra ezniarer treeteu tre-ousa..
Soottiab, Nanitobl anti North-West
Rua. Eiontre Co., L$31.
Wj Akins Mg; 357 'lain St r Winnipeg
lapis fn11 p irtt nt flor PrItiv& LoW Prkva. Saw
Terms, Luta Satz ill Falferit latoonsem Fo-
nqattd en Arele Awn Semi 1111 '0141 11AUle
WI so% 114t..Is •••1 v 110‘o.o.11-4,,.,,,,;
air Magic
4B014,0706 11414.S:41
Palnug 11,3 HI%
Itettn‘ 09 113Adraft in liald•
nate where the mute Me AM
' gone. MagZe u.fl ptOduct 3
111kci mew ts. it 14 unfailitg
Try It. All dr moats every -
e here.,
sou Manufacturer.
Timm), Ono CANAVA.
A Heedless Suggestion.
"I think an egg would make that coffee
nettle, Mrs. Scadgers," said the impecunious
boarder, heedlessly -"If tbe recipe ie a euro
one, pray let me offer you an egg, Mr.
Sleeve," responded the landlady severely,
and then the conversation languished.
D.. P. 450.
After spending Ten Winters South,
was Cured by Scott's Emulsion.
145 Centre St., New York,'
June 25th, 1888. 5
The Winter after the great fire
f:..-thicago I contracted Bronchial
affections, and since then have
been obliged to spend nearlyevery
Winter South. Last November .vas
advised to try Scott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil with HypophOsphites
and to my su rprise was relieved at
once, and by continuing its use
three months was entirely cured,
gained flesh and strength and
was able to stand even the Bliz-
zard and attend to business every
day. • C. T. CHURCHILL.
Sold try all Druggists, 50c. and $1.00.
Dowell Garment Drafting Machine is the naost
stylish, simple, complete, artistic, rapid and durable
method ever Invented. .15lrite for oirculare with full
particalars. Sole agents, Toronto Cutting School, 4
Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Ont.
A GENws-Sestsems roa. mmi Home, to illuminate
the pathway of life. Giving the best thoughts
of alt lands in cheering words, to comfort, encourage
and inspire the fathers, =there, Sons, and daughters
of our bmd. Edited by Walter Scott Vail. with an
introduction by Rev, John Hail, D.D. A volume of
275 selected Game In Prose and Poetry, from the writ.
Inge of the ablest authors of lands, Terms liberal.
Wit. BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto.
Beaters in all Wulf of
MAU INSiailetele.
Agents the BESSON
and RIGHAlf Baud In- co
tutunenta. Z.1 -SLIEST
BOOKS. Manufacturers
f the
Best in the world, es,
Year.' Guarantee. Send tes
Illustrated Catalogue
'and Testimonials.
283 Yonge St. lo
I,1cnulacftreu by
Ellis 86 Keighley, - Toronto.
COMET r492
Nv5., n r,at war* werelett
stop Mild to 11 1;ti 1t:::1,0815IMP
j MC . ALIS:(1.4.3. C..' CT-,
1 to -4d s ..4
PITS, EnI,E1'S'Ir or
A lire 1 tt .11 Yr int re- ode •
ste oosinee. • tt ere hap
herd 141,', Is 1,441. nf.ts.-w
sem; mow.. ir ta 11v au 1 a 1:1:14.s.tit ;so
1.5co r'f8
;.nat rtnt c' Nta van ninthly; tor a
trial. Mid le ail Atatirois
IL G.11001', 11.0.1 164.. West Adelaide gt.-
ToRzWrO, ON*e.,
All Size% awl
Send ftr 130
Page Catal-geo
on llelethetieg.
Pickering Spring
uillustca to d419'
SpeeirGraalitiesfer beak.
nag has reduetal prices.
Agents Wanted Everpliero
to oere4 us in securing mad egents to
introduce a tc1ca.aztin orderto
protect us against speeuk.nrs and
dealersordering largoomr.tities.ira
require every ono ordern•g, non:this
r.dvertimment out and send with Our,
ender, agreeing to try nal matte sa
from our mammoth caste:up which m
scut free with everywatelt. On receipt a
fifty cents in postage stamps,asagnara0..
tee of good faith,wo will send the watch
to you by express, to
examination. If found perfectly
satisfactory and exactly as rep.
resented you can pay the 64-
anco8.5.3/andtaire %benumb,
othenviso you pay nothing.
The teSo is warrantott ctt
(WWI& &composition met-
al which can not be tall
from pure gold, except by
experts; 11 57 richly en.
graved, with solid cap*
solid bow and crown, im-
ported French crystal and
is warranted for 20 years.
The movement is a genu•
ine imported expansmo
balancoomick train,hand
fitted, adjusted and regu-
lated, fully warranted,
with fair usage will last e.
lifetime. This is yonr last
chance to gat a 830 watch
for 85.07 and one free if you
sell 6. A. 0. ItO3MliCK .1.
C Oln P NT, 21 Si 60 Ades
hide St. kant, Toronto, Can.
Whenever goods are to be seat
Have all the latest improvements and are uneqn ailed by oasb in hal Must no.
company the order, as no goods can
for durability, etyle and convenience. The leading be smithy mall C. 0, D. Whorecast.
Carriage Baden, sell them. . 'ASH YOE meal rind in full accompanies the order wo mod
HOY NO OTHER. ' Szto olloo roll•plated chain. Mandan this parer.
Pure Prepared PaintsnEwaimi
Mgr are warranted made from Pure White Lead and Oxide of Zinc, ground in best quality Lineeed 011,
and being thoroughly mixed and ground by the latest improved machinery, we guarantee them superior to
any of the so.oalled mbted paints of/ered (which are largely chemically prepared), and will guarantee our
Paint to cover fully 50 per cent. more enema. • All material used is of the highest clam One galon of our
Paint will cover 200 sq. feet -two coats. It your local dealer does not keep them in stock, te us.
THE TORONTOUBADDITHOLOR, OIL Sole ilianufacturera, Toronto, Ont.