HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-5-23, Page 1.1
The Molsons Bank. Addttional TeCtettls. ay they read. "Warner's Safe Cure p and going west li nines -we turn south !
saved my life after the doctors had efir ;and take a direct course to Dashwood. Grand Bend.
(ebartevd. by Parliament, oss.) The arbitrators met Ine504101,e on 1st en me up," says John Doherty, 1:;;; N., TIds Viiivige LaS tivo or three saw mills Eisisiwb e is very good here at pres.
Paid up Capital . A • S4,000000 -.1 ) •
') inSti to organize a union school there. Maiu ste Concord, N. II. 4,1 as givell 1 :avol a gust mill and is prineipally !enti '
Rest Fund. — . , .... 1,000,000, All interested sections were represerst, up to dk, with with Bright's Diseese ef sett!: d r kis Fann
rench d Germas. L. , , e
ed --the section was formed. the kidneys. The doeters 2-; lid Iir'y 31 "?;;;Ti. Rail, end Kellerman Bros. run ! Butter 10 cts. per lb and eggs 10 cts.
Hea4 0156, Montreal.
voiad do nathing more for me. A ! gynerel seine. Isere;
-Our Young Dominion may well be' awl e, ANA,t1 loot .. Iltl• doze here.
F. WOLFERSTAN TUOMAS, Esq.-, d ' . ii • ' . - . friend. of mine advised me to ti .1"-er i is kept hv Het lee' Willert. Lena-jun.1! The orchards bear evidence of geed
prole to oui a egrauce W a no, erogn .
Gnal4n.u. M.I.x.anEu. whose good end greleious qualities are tiers Safe Cure: ni,t1 my-Lai:My .at -•:•.:1,•-r : P.:slit-RA. alai- gl Oink; westward an71 eroPs of fr
Agencies in the poodoion, r. s. And. Europe. other and in celebrating Iter birtlid.sy
Twenty Branch offices in. the Dominion. known trona one end of the earth to the cosarglili„:01.1;Virltro;141; 1174..tli;7;asty2:11sr•4 1 t4141 .. 1,!.:1:it/titLI.',..4,1 se:41110 to OrIlt:rdi, 11111.:.ii.1 . T.1,1.e, stay; hfaf :try .has commenced
E.:" ,1 f a a; 1 r• . • -t.f, •
p at Bros
--,e4.„eseneee---eae-", ..ew-eg.,..aerozT, every true 14sal ( ataatlia:a should sank, 4 Dr- ie ll- Urt„re7 a ,1121•01%`e e• Ite /t'a•7•-it'l 1•11S !!:‘• ' V:i'l ir•S r0 g? -}(11 joke to ten! ;Mrs. 4,a3sitie Iliddlev. of Strithroc, is
it a. ko,,k,,eiai 10)14,3„,. No ,„untry il., taw; seys tire: Ware .r.• es !..3 Ze. Cure "3. 7..... .5 :.1:3 •;:ier„.11..:i.::1:4J1.1,:fec,...%:111 LO:trill!)3.170 Vil..1;iteVr•l:i , fizgy;:to,ceifater mot. 1rs",, :{Irs. 40, are (parer,
wi..v than of Ellett s Dtse see.
ts ' •
(4"13 eln7r45-lagelcletler4r°:1:11aihrnl'i"j) 3 P.11' tleisitl`cf•CIVI:rivtir.;:lit.:F, 1.1„:„rd 10151,- wail It strikt•s me tii st ther. is a roll doll !Ktnr„,.. 517.•.1 ..,12 Ice is simr„,nws kia,,44,11 • 14 - _. 4 .
.o. ,Pre.;it (ter a or Impr.svements are
A g.meral banking billSidal•Ss trarssachgl L4iL.,..4,3 be, tbo day. ,v, nen al, toi s4,gt,o, 5 -use la tee cl -ant tesase44 Oa 1- p sa- fee 034 • 1,' ,, .4 r, ,, „.. r.;,4,,,g,. t.,
. . . ,
Tz,„,,,p, ...nt..rilt anTir 3.11,n -cat.. fr,•.1.1-f. tort her requiem. The Sons -----Engan•les ulke tbrd the tlort°1".5 ate' tr••'11.1111;" l• In- e . t' • tOMO fa" CO"h""*t Wit're
44114. �O
Exeter, JOn 2,:i, r&-3. Manage
NO. 1.03.
0:,•42:1 eMrt j441, lalOrwrartgZ)
ra0di-,1., t.".- arilay Mter;lielag.
t:.- Afar •.
thefseN1 Cr: e' traten1 Nit et settees's:.
TER Ale -ste seeneentieriaese
0an,4roralz•tlL‘I.h1r,a1• a)S>lr7
a,c4Wenstel urititailarrz
0vet. rti, otr
:;i'4 #t 41 fn serita and
elsott15=1,1!;giV- 14t14'Vtt 41(444.443
4'1' 4‘418*14.44
lana `01,•iata 44
persivg%4 54•4 Ord ill 140
444 4.01041.
etmeett 1$eotory
Tsalvarr mc 444.4.5 4141,rnl.r
Ire 4al .3. 144
444A71.ay. i4 474 Aa ;
Ita Inf 13.111;1,1 sior,t.
beireg made in the way of tIse Wirkatiing
11 Benevolent Socrety have taken at Into: to many fieriest for tramp- c tweet. and 'Mr. I. leseeee keeps zee Nate,- yarn line liteM this SillaHner•
their hands to he the comanitte:t frw eel tgt tt (4t"3" tilt"''''• /..'.'''".!!..* .1''.' ''';''' rZ'' '11 f"v,'' r'.."1:s'•* l c.tt,mads to the wants of the A curiosita- in the sleqp!. of a live
;aarating. here ne Exeter 4r,4 Ilk beer consumption, 'brain. freart aesi nerventa; inner Erne TIPTO IS a 'erne miles,' ' four /egged ehickets was ffisancl oa the
14'14 (FI itcould eeareelt bare reales& diSnrtlerS, 11.1144" tlIPS ate stlVerlogfrora fletory is -ye eweed lse a ilatwaNy • farm of :"...14. Wa r;.! (sliver▪ ilt lived but
i wo should me to see ti,win Ivo ocorit: iii,, , . 414. 4.5 1 ,. , ‘, . . , ,,,...1 1, ha,• A ,... I ' ; ,.. t'Ile,..:4,41.4.4 1ir.,:i011 '' 14 and , a sinait time.
; t.,4 foal eelen (Aileen mien to mann risi„: ALS they s,ty,, Iv ti14 tit -,, 04:•.• ". •,-*; VV. $3.....r's Lth : (.41 :I.:. ..:,..-.1: i:; «.:e t ve.-.1.- i . ,,,ii,,,,...7....pt,,! Tiw se..iling, 151 this 5i...,2 ion is ‘l 151P.
i tors felI as if ist Iseisse. They win then I Kire (. kire ,1511) ;IS 3 resttl:- '51)5 '45
' ' (11'l".fr a (•a•'i•f4'4144,04y.*W.ilTiseW4•"ittira0$la14 5414•S
4..5445„8li„kr4aTtlim 0 011I isthst rearaes4 thereram, tat hqt *45 1* 44 arl.lillan omen's Anue ,eia and the poi is
.t nr.o. 0.103, i,rittg,
kimilte.ss geatorad situ thein out diti, iisuplos,,a1 40 Ise slis. 44 • it, ti44, glit,tc, ;45'4* 11*' ;. -,: gi: mill itterhet its the ele....t. grates Jo 45 nrensielssee
tct.4414.? et -1)-a orx.);,fl rill 4*"Ts!la M.Itsy ' Th ',!'•• t'f'Ir;r: i^ W4'11 idlik 41Z. 143 beiiir, mi,.; Neat Ter:trove seleiwns 1-111itql
rol:1711,71;%::::ir.si II ::;"1";16,1:14i rv:L ViltilluIll:Itit. ut ,.: 44,,-;!.„,1...;
k "„...'i,„• 54til :M.:4::.,. a-wri il.l with inti.:1uisatii!ala,st,w.,4:0:T•1i.en
tyjaagw!h111 earard savees , a 4 a on e 3 este8 IL;41i in 45 I(4 at 14r1
1ze,•iti4; "5 111n.i''.'
tis.i Iti:neett. r . ra.xo -gi.44. tL ala *1* 44' dorti,,-1:, pi 4,id• fries II, Se. ire flarefsf..-. 'eel. the tie- a ...• • 4 , 1 3 4 ,-^ , .r.
. ney as ..ze..- ., ,--; tic mil ell; -•• - • f 143-a )ny '; ;-;• :fos is4a, -. Mr. Is ir iti:.,..4 ir; freak,' ' where site Isectiaa tausla;84:al lo
1,-,":•!,••460:•;" r-l•Ort of 004 [; 484.14,,,.r ,neees 4.•.; sek,-. Ser. VAErov, doret spoken el . s 411trw ne‘t isrtrt for Nerlis arits• of,' tfc. hest 14E-Ale'2 1 t.- •-7,. '-':i', ' 41i:"t
t 11.:..iraa 14 44 on '-',.:A.0'.1-'d '..-ral ' It 'v• din." the i.cople n to ;.4r,-,. ;alli..s.-51 with gl• II:" ' Nli /11/1 *.' ''' Et the llons-.4 of (."441115044505 ili r
ai,','^:1„5?,, ,.tv''tA. . 14..5h.r..t.i.g,,."',K•-',4.n!'' .. ..'.S
-.-- .y•.l.‘ g
tftIeE1."Ia1".h:r",'4ltVel,so'4i i,4rr-
itsi;S4til°aJi:ieltli„!,rl "-:"
, .h•r . ....g.. -, 4.
,e.",...... .. .
it".4a ,• ..7,„ n..,', .„',:, ,
'o:ia-'•V''„:4.f •r4;•S•:",. ''''.a.,,'•'il".4!'l...,1,..',-.",.'..1 el':,e-,.,•n-:. :i..°`ll,••" irtel*eg.
,-.;° '4a • ta, Ieari"1'1n'h'T'4e, 1',,';;,.'''.., ,
r..- T.Nc.I
.h: .•
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" 1 . ,ls.:4•• .e;Z-'i•,.e
4'4,. 4 , •T:,;',_',-,-','-,i't:"i,1, 4
d. -
01.,,41.3':45).»» amc roailrtpisry the ('voof Mr(!onlilits 4eq5a1ds hid 45)55). 4 y
sgentlemen, wilye atill Yolfr flese1bemadPa r I 4r61a3.124 5* 41s (1145344 heoi,,iu trutinazIl r,ir 1out lom to wird r,,,,,„„ya 45li43 4de,t41Itss44ver ppnlr
.14,IT''!Us1rtnengeltaas:s ohc.isnasanieytleinciis reF3W043Vreii W11344, l Id 1ol 11 5'. "4S 51,' say it; she is an theguid autI V * 41 5 11 0rsit, ine wntleeor Nl e al .ii%I31g,3t 1* t, leat t 1144,1144,4.44 IVif11 445 * Tlenserala414naill.r1 arqrit Ieavllof11ei % V1405s reepectaisaed Rs ' vlsen i 40 Ills 4mamat )i' s'. %1 '*54, i1esertet4 51* 4gi.3441we401PC01r52 1V4M Ifor'la eror4 er414, -e,'1, ,. . . .1,-▪ ,4 f1 1131411 „,,li„ ttalt *444 444, 1 tq a ciAAV!"544 14 84 ; 4. 5414* 4 54 44 :t4”44"411"4444're11'bele l Credt 444 4») t1V:-5 '';"; 1% 414-;"h ii'
sw4zeeri I1l 41ax4 Ililv:a gsve :44-454ten1.44-4'443'1 43t1:kv4,1,‘,,J13mad ,„h4.154I41 454•ii47of a trip 4464itagh tte114 1. i4 443 e4:5i4744441141,0334 unitrnen 141l4
1.54.kr1.50iva45450141,i $4010htotatiy1 vh rel nitlA; a i 4 's1se *4 4& 0g 104'1441:144144 i"
I„dimtdi4„Touttie145,tperinet114511 (4 it i41^4i1 where laAaiflaialwes5„4iw441vlte:eeeni!tU414V iusiarIwe ,,3 0441irPltillnIItalg wltwere
3141 .40414ithe 4:41Trfp44 4 f y (15545 It ni a tubsr74ti:iiiktripir14,4au eetieleewese,71ar• r
403:my451v50,:0,,,,24.warnivaiVgqrK"""1411'54Sr:1444mlly swe 1e:elie1t2*winsleeseigiesi44)4151 is Lin, Meiarnegtt e 1414445 JI l 1-vge ctillfr.(vc
,,v„atii.r is uet, altddrTee& IPul14451'!")1!'"'11%9"4'i Wheisto sea. lare tui 454 onsnal willharmneelealy that come 11)11111411•4i lEttowrblOrl% FridayIlesideeit:tapintit *1
4444 e„,u,„iycitlaritou4%11.but111KTilillosls in the 4111545 _ ____. TO ha bagelsill 545345)4e5ee1s 1.strith(tor1 I)1 1,55 4-11' ' heel.a here eheneeld Iaiiiis 1 141eEtlShrieuttetwn l'. 54)41 DasimmlTha 14 t prlollattt;
- -ThItan of 1111V41 preached nuLosmolirty. ;a wll awl ftNtratly fr it,One 4)4)44.45' poriiquist rail144 Ail; •• •. ., •3-•
aINSTFrcr v Pas44e. atm
444'*' eteviee 4tawa u4.4411*0 44Z;* r, 1•743"/
P NIIVin cur -1tov. Mar
Rotor- SO403c•ta 141oll4,M. and
en, SalOWh •q144,44-4 a.m.
aisle sermon from lit atit11401814;day oniwn in the. south, I, wing t "leen Mr. Clete :telt irsis1 Lendon a Yielt S East Monti ty evening »idle Mr. l'.
Peofe,44.1earal entree. Churt.h. to the EXelea' intyz% formerly In bueisless here, its 1,1r. It • ll I 1 dravitte. lir W .ber wen Ui
efternoon. It"' I * u1154145 Mi ****)1 4•11 ir.q. of the l'entent:i :I; ;:tal Mr. Me. IaFt weeb. i!.tiirrel and ,Mr. IL Ili 4.14..r etV
310 V01111114.141.9. 1111414'r e4414111b11.4 vmming, yin flut1,04$114)4M.;!, tipap‘,
I au' bogiOr-,je c•tac. Inc11:1 a stray
.t on »as a 541 ret a, . 4 . 1 .
their officers awl he 'sled by 614 ENPUTI, ftirfatinitS ieein to he lively In Bens till
- • serious result
4 a -
Wass Rand, unwind from tho drill tins seam. Leivitie" liens di we swat .Tisspeeser Neel' dropped in to $ee !al , .
Last week we received the s ati news
office over teeatee name, Eceter. OnteriO4 fth4141 to 41W churl+ 1 V: Ar ssF Vietorie strike Kippint. Mr.essiterer, the gelled friel)ds; 114: week.
Nitrou txi le Orin for paiuta-p4 144,d n ha:mg. 11, ett11‘itle.ra CrsoWt.1, liatelko if -r . elder mei' here, alai he xi% Chas. iverhelit paid Str aril a • gig kit% militia.. Aviv. of Rev. II. 11. 1 1 .
eettayttur. in spite ef the r ;he lilted the streetS says linsi.n peaking„ is riSit !Mit "%wk. ' tschinelt. died at 1 /old et 1.•41e.. Ressfrew
and afterwarols liVall the church nhow. 3;04,11, ,A,171. -„r anotlwr 'fussr miles of 1 All the leeel keerrs ore at
- • - traet •4 • 4 • .. ' ' 1, t I* •
• v0ttotame vayor, or n„it.i; tin. ntw tue young men banded tegether for beautiful vosteary, 14 41 tiLl'140 slrtiVe: T
he stone IsIS already stuted to ar-
Amestbilie 014 40' 4'58 nolo'l 0'4-1 1'1111 .the defenee of our contatry. The corn- field, 5n51:10,4 after the II*eet Bruce, tc: rive eor n.44„ wee ulin4
ita. aud otli..r.t.iltal 'work the twit possible.
; Co. Rev. U. G. :equal& u4tt Or
Pr.4.81% the IniasZerS Mane Yea
H. ItINs•MAN4 l'ENTlfr• f".4". Ing the interest taken IfY the Weide in: beam:Int read, mid: tlitesigh a rich tied • liaise. up der business. 4
floes to Zurich last Thursday in eachnbouth. 1/111'Y Ifillitit'retl. VI.'1.'y few mom; but those.geotiaild, rpho, pv,t,icle :trout d here art. 1 „
ni,,,t, ,tid,o, or Maio rawer, Exeter. that turneit „ut loelted It ell in their ehiefiv Seoul* etal );4,531 35, very enthus. 1 18 "" " 18 11`. 1114 Plug t'l g'It 1144'1 Coming events eisst tladr eletdotts be -
red MG; and white helinits aontrast- lastly grits altistneeh the salvor Mr. R. post eke is now tin stmeetion.
lug well with the blue undress uniform ;Marks and steel:A.4,es. Themes :inmates, Mr. Wm. Iley is new (11» 544 ft large f°r" thvin
of the vetivers and the grey dress of the are Strong Writ's. Mr. Dixon, of the int.cint'se 4 1fir loal 0311451151 111 is not catching in the tloS line.
baud. &setts Were reserved for the Grand Central hutel was us jolly as Mrs. Green, of Parkhill, spent Sun- IllanY ilsh.
soldiers and 'stud on the right ;eft of ever. Le eying Brueolum %v.. go vest day visiting i45 our village, 3Ir. Jos. Eggert has moved out to
the nave frontln.g the elrineel and and travel along the WeSt Mtql illivrly.
iLv.vr•va Itolds A bran new baby presented itst.11 to
our new dry -goods store I 1st week. Mr. J. Eggert. who haa been vieitang
. . .
• au.5 Sevxcen. Office anti rialLienee-
Corner Vieteria. and Elgin streets, Ooderichs
iiesi•lenee-Vornvr Audrew -aud North
Streets, Km_ ter, Ilattarim
Tho choir sang' oPProPrlato said to be the liavet in Csnaide the
hymns etdieltfiling° with efloti Save the summer time. After four tunes' drive
Queen" in which the whole congrega- we reached Varna. The "Travellers
AMPS. n .f* <I- FIITN4 r•- mon heirtik joined. After the service Ihmea"kept by Mr. Wileen Conk, is a
• R.t .S,Edin.: L. P.P. a sgow,
1„m,Eitildvarah and Glasgow,• e. P.& en the pftrade returned to the drill shed wcil re,orulat.-(1 Irate]. Mr. Csolt
Otaario: r. T. !ALF...Toronto. Night itseiylioul and the boys tlz,k (IT their red costs big stock mister and purresees going to
office. Crediton, Ontario.
and exchanged helmits for the tweed We NorthWest duriug the coming
suits and felt and straw htts and be- SUMIllir for Co purpse of rurch ising
Fax„t,.t., opposite ( entra came civilians again. In this eon- a lerg,'e ranch. Mr. Morrow does a
v.:tramp on smith -James street nection we wish to sty a word for the large general stoke business here. Mr.
'Leading to the Methedist Church.
The public of Exeter have had S. A. Moffat, the palmier general agent
of Messrs. Harris, Son & of Bront-
ford, mettles Isere. Sam is the 'right
bower' of thet institution in the west
Wino. one of the mist successful a trent;
on tlie road. Cloth 0..south on the PaLe
Line we pass the ?arm and residence
of Mr. Jolla Torrance, the popular reeve
of the township. Mr. Torrance is very.
favorably spoken of as the next con-
Servative. candidate for the local
lature for South .1! Mr. Tor -
ranee would accept the nomination he
would. make it warm for either Mr.
Bishop or Mr. McLean as he would poll
a very strong vote among the farming
Ommunity. Passing' on we tome
m440 the neat farm residence of
Mr JosiileFoster, a prominent orange -
man and tory of South Huron. Opposite
this. is the former. residence of Mr.
8impson, the ex reeve. Further on we
peas •Hillsgreen, a littl».. country burg
With tr store, blacksmith shop and. a
number of private residences Crops
Of every kind look well in this section.
Guing. flu:they. south. to -the Hensel].
*oad we folio* it west- and • soon cense
0 the village.of .Zurich„ the 'German
-. wn of Huron- and • noted r for its fall
T W. BROW:SINE- , D., 14.0. P. S.
Graduate of Viet oria t*niversity. Mee and
residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter.
'-1:11 V V Wary Surgeon. Graduate
414 Toronto. Office and Residence
one block east of Samwell &
Pickard's store. Opposite skid-
ing rink, Exeter, Ontario.
V Veterinary Dentist, graduate of Prof.H.
H. Davidson's Dental School, Toronto. All
work in connection with horses' teeth prom-
ptly attended to. Examination free. Office
with Win. Sweet, V. S. A. H. PiTc14,
of SupromvOourt, Notary Public, 0 on-
veyancer, Comnussioner, &a. Roney to loan
Office-Fanson's Idock, Exeter.
atG per 051454.
B. V.Er.rmyr. J. ELLIOT
itors, Conveyancers, &e. Money to loan
Au Prootor in Maritime Court,
Conveyancer. &c. Solicitor for Huron .Lancl
Agenoy. Ooderioh 821C1 Bayfield. Bwyfield
office at Swart' (4 Rotel, open every Thufsday.
Monev to loan at very low rates. •
TAMES OKE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed
55 kiietioneer for the County, of Huron.
Sales promptly attended to und satisfaCtion
guaranteed. Sales arranged at this offi e.
- JJBROWN Winolielsea. Licensed net-
. ioneer or the Counties of Pert and
Middlesex, also for the township of Us rn e.
Sales, prom ptly attended to and terms r ason
able. Sales arranged at Post office, Win ielsa
"E4 BOSSENBERRY,Hensall Ontario ^' Lie -
.121• .ensea Auctioneer for' the Cour4y of
Huron. Charges moderate and satisfuction.
'IIT HOLT, Xhiva, On-tario. Licensfecilauot-
V . ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex
and Lanibten and the townships of Stohen
and Hay. All's,ales Promptly attendedifo
KIDDED, 'doomed Auctioneer fiRay•
ce-Crediton, Ontsris.
• S4Then and' McGillivray town hips.
• t,
Owls...services so long at st low rate
that they do not properly value the
efforts of the, young men who are al-
ways ready and willing to furnish
music for every public ocension, but
once they are allowed. to disdand all
public displays would soon follow in
their wake. Trained musicians are
not made in a day and once broken up
a band is not easily gethered together.
They knee coneert on the evening of
Queen's Birthday and let the public by
their patronage show that the music-
ians living in their .mitlet who have
labored so long under mitch discourage
ment have friends in Exeter who are
willing to aeltnowledge• their services
by a patronage that - we
A Qttery.
What 'Subscriber, would like to know
We have secently received a letter
from one of diir well-known subscrib-
ers. upon a subject which -we prefer to
publish for 'the perusal of our readers
anticipating that in so doing some one
will relieveals of the. ro onsibility of !exhibitions. Mr. Grob keeps the pin-
Seipal hotel nere to which he is now
!building a large addition. Zurich is
.1a lively little place and everybody
auswering "Subscriber's ' questions
Here is 01(3,164ot ..
"MY DEAR Etomons-2.For several
pamphleteassued. from time to time by • seems to be full of • business, Messrs.
by Messril H. H. Warner & . Co., of 'eliappel &- Cleghorn , and D. S. Faust
Rochester N. Y.' which, in addition to run large general stores and both firms
coutaining an extensive treatise upon seem to be doing an extensive business.
kidney disca.se, its origine-usual symp- Mr. Happel, by the way, is the popular
toms and groweth also includes nunier-' reeve of the township of Hay being
-the only man, it was thought who could
defeat Mr, Rennie. Mr. Happle is a
conservative in politics and is spoken
LOf as•a possible. candidate for parlia•
ent in the near future. Messrs. J. A.
'Williams & Co, do a large flouring.
usiness and supply flour and feed
erchants allover the county: Messrs.
lohnsonBres. do -a large trado in the
Woollen mill business. Leaving Zurich
ous testimonials from pa,rties whose fac
simile signatures are attached thereto
attesting the statement that the have
been individually relieved by the use
of persons so afflicted.- Now Mr:Editor
1 would like to know.if the statement
made by those .partio who testify to
the great , good which Warner's Safe
Cure has dense, care -be relied upon.
They seem' honest enough from the
her sinughter Detant during the
Mrs. Bowman, is, we are glad to
repot, able to be around once more.
Mr. MeeLeed, of Stmthroy, paid
friends here a visit on Tuesday last.
past winter, returned home.
Mr. Robe English has built a new
Own. Bulltsek a new woodshed. W.•
J. Wilson a new wendshed. J. Wil -
The "eel ler knee a game arranged son a new chimney on the Gillies
with E4derly:4 on the 7th of June. house,
Mrs. Althouse, ofthis place is at tires Mr. A. W. MeWilson entertained the
ent visiting •friends and relatives in Boston Methediet Sabbath Ss:bassi on. the
Parkhill. • lfith inst., by a detailed account of the
Mr- Um Pool» received o severe plan adopted at the S. S. convention for.
wound. het week by running -into it conducting and teaching 4) model Sab.
weed pile. Be careful next time Jack.
Mr John:McKay went to London on
a wild g04)88 431143844 on Saturday last in
connection with the Parkhill .cricket-
Mr. Elwood Lewis cannot find any-
thing that will cure his sore hand can't
somebodeethat knows whets the matter
with.hith fix him up.
The base ball club for this season
organized last week with the following
members and officers: Capt. J. McKay,
Man, C. Walker, Sec. and Treas, D.
McKay. Ohl My Won't we make
things hum on the 24t1? Look at our
new- suits.
• Brinsley.
Mr. John Thomas lost a fine young
foal Infew days recently.
Mr. Jas., Cockwill is putting a cellar
under his house this summer.
Mrs. Jos.. Wasnidge presented her
husband with a fine bouncing baby
boy on Monday, May 1841).
Mr. Brown's old stand was used as a
polling -booth for this division, on the
day of the Scott Act election, May 9th.
and not in tIle schoolhouse as formerly-,
The remains of Mr. Thomas Maws=
were interred in the St. Marys church
cemetry on the lath inst. The bereav-
ed. family and relatives hat -elite syme
pathy of the community in'their sorrow
and bereavement.
-11IND.-V0LLDT5.-In Durham, OR the
21st inst., by the Rev. J. C. Moyle,
Mr. Geo. Hind, of Exeter, to Mrs.
Rebeeca Vollett, of Durham.
bath School
poor old man and woman passed
through here Itionday lath iest,quareh
ling and using such bad language that
complaint was made to our J. P., they
carried a bottle and after regaling
themselves for a short time, moved on
to the north.
Miss L. Patterson is home again from
Kansas where he has been for the past
'Messrs. James James Steep -and
William Muir are home again rom
Mr. W. C. Searle received by mail
last week, a stuffed. gopher, fr4m a
friend in Manitoba. e,
Rev. Mr. Howell, .of Seaforth, o eupi-
ed the pulpit of the Ratteubury Street
Church, on Sabbath last. '
Dr. 3.11 Steep, of Selkirk, Main, is
home on a visit. He reports things
stirring in the Prairie Province. f;';
Mr. Arthur Cantelon is gettine ;nut
a patent for an improyr fence whi,ch
Ise expects to:supersed all others. .
An interesting game of crkket wal,
be played here on the 24th of May, bet="
ween the Paris Juniors and tbe Clinton
Victoriaefuniors. A good game is.,...
pected and we hope our boys may all
break the goose. eggs.
Dr. Hunter was greeted with a full
house on Thursday evening last, on
the (secession 01 1118 lecture on the Jes-
uite question. The lecture gave a
complete exposition of the question at
issue, and in the course of his remarks;
showed up the inconsistency of the pol-
itician of the Rykert stamp.
lPiet•eeScrie.'.ts:ng 1e4a1mte-
Ctee••1t-neiittotei ret-arl.hlaie:-a
Mr. WM. Boyle D. fe
eB.t7••v. r‘;ersei-.4eeo_s.
mrcn- °
tl spendingtheir24th ss Grand Bend.
Mr, Wear MCFalls and wifewere the
guests of 3r. T. IIdges on SUEdaylast.Miss Jennie Polack who has been
engaged with Mr. A. Glanville, eft on
Vol:dee last for her houe at Gram/
Beed. She wil be missed in Centralia.
peeial Auneuncement,
had inele rtaoses:vwith
Dr. B. J. Kesel Al puno"A
In slise on he 11»r- .s ases”
which will enabe all our subseribeas
to obain a copy of that valu ablework
free by s '*4s* 14r adlres oneles
a two centsialoporsat.ilingsame
PP J. F1"%ili. nctzunia
Fam.s. T. "fild itAk is lr neeegni-
sas a
eeees tne as a's
silo attebts, over four trahlon
a s3e r.. elev.
.rielteati nt 441 ono pris.d t;f time.
\14.' eel vositeleet grpee
apprciete eh•ere.e • •;
avall dole -v••••e the4
a vainelne Isoate
:itatro, thst yen isteetientlifs
penesseadiae fur the
Tis:s •%-r will rein in 001rnly a
Cr4 V.34 ; r 14,-.4s 14
1'.t*- lee? • 11,!!3.*"". ,; fa •
me, 1k:A
I,as7 itb 41.
1414 lays...
Pref. T. A. ILiviLia,s, sifmat
ii:attara fr'eat,•,ls ia
• • • - • • •
MiFi •1'.1.7 • (- 114.414-P: 1.415 r --ti*
vieitingeher mei,. Me. .ree „.•
the ltnit eon.
1414'» suthtI SI at't • 1:1
Mrs. 'Wm Tholorna, 44$14;'24411:34.,,45h,Vatra•
the gsteets of Mte. Wm. I
sipil tint:.
horse ton attrell buyer fer the ORM
Of -$:1/71. Tillta 54. vounied a very hand-
some sum.
A te 4 itieettisg• win be heist in the
11 at St.; Mt, (ala Ileatila, itt Of.011ill'etiOn
with. the Engliell Chervil, are
eordially isecittel to attetal set a. gie-ei
time is exetseted.
The ernps in this vicinity are
ing in a tionrehieg conditien at proem,
Mr. Cherles Wateon asised a large
barn ou Saturday lest to wide's, were a
lerge numher 111 attend,mee.
Messrs. Snell and. White, of53'Exeter,
• "s ' s
for the purpose of purehneeing horses.
The Dairy Maid social got up by the
young ladies of the Methodist- chards,
here on Friday May 17th, was a grand
sttecese. Everybody, aftertioing just-
e., returned home well satisfied with
the programme.
On &tturdly last a luneee belonging
to Mr. Melicalf, while drawing milk,took
fright and ran away, scattering the
milk cans in every direction, and coin.
pletely wrecking the waggon. The
horse was captured by Mr. tir Nichole
after 'running ttbout a mile. No ser-
ious damage was done.
Messrs. Thompson, Caywood and
Downing has:completed their first svelte. -
in this season, for J. McGregor. The
well is 1414 feet deep and has splendid
good water therein which raises witilin
(35 feet of the ton. The gang are now
moving to -J. Piekeeingeeefsim on
the 1.fstireon. of. Stephen.
Warner's Safe removes headache,
deafness, nausea and convulsions.
'.hy? Because these troubles are symp
tains of malaria (uric acid poisoning.)
"Reynold's System of Medicine" says .
of the symptoms of nrminia; "They g•en
eeallyebegin Insidiously, with headache
and vornsting, followed by heaviness
indifference and somnolence succeeded
elpy generateffirettlaktre lftnettrffiV'4"aeteea
The late Dr. Dio- Lewis, whose name
is a household word all over the globe
warmly endorsed the use of Warner's
Safe Cure in eases of kidney disorder.
He said over his own signature: "If 1
fcotuuu,ecl.,:nyself tile victim of a serious
kidney trouble, I would Warner's Safe •
2.-,..eenasitig-iiii1A6 'of 'soft iron is the cheap
ekjewel for pigs▪ .'
The Canadian Pacific Railway have
arranged for three special Colonist
exclusions to leave on June 4th, re-
turn.' until July 14th; June llth, re-
turn until July 21s4; June 18114, return
July 28th. For full information apply
to W. 3. Carling, agent at Exeter.