HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-5-2, Page 7anirahanniswawAse_valLz
Sir Julian Feencefote has fenr beeutitul
TELEGIiit11110 TIOK13. ,
ashore at a port off whielltiiii ship watt lying,
It is told ot a famous ceptain that geing
.A,n InterestinZ Episode,
King Milan's Subjagation te a Woman— Toronto is to have thirteen additional lele ho fund hia aaliera fraternising with some
The Pa= Exhibition. ter carrion. French seamen and as jolly as sandboya to -
gaiter. The times were critical. and war
was threatened between the two netions.
His Britaonio lel et eAtede (it was when George
the Fourth was King) reprmentative ex-
pressed his surprise, when up spelt° a rare
old see dog; "Sorry, sir, bele we heint at
war now, hut be we are, won't we fight 10
An inoteleab in. the recent Samoa distetter re,
calls the stery. When thestorm was raging
the aerceet H. M. S. Cave was lifted
isthmus, from a low paint in Ireland to Mull •Otptaitt Rudsen, ef the lost ateamelap 1 bodily on the crest of a LAP WAVa awl
in Scotism& The dtatanee 10 only 111 eaileat Denmark, has arrived ie Englaed. pitched down into the valley below
The Aea does not average more than 200 to Yellow feverie reported ete raging terribly wehittph hthaet Pvre'dawdertitgah:' ,:tohneythwe eijra. ga.nwearr.
et BA() Janeiro and Sentoet Brea
— . .' ... Tea conetre miles of tvoodlaud in the vi- onsly near a reef, to get on Whdh Meant
400 feet lo olepth and an isthmus would
ohy or etubmerged Oho reclaimed. Seient9 burne over, 3puors:Iblee elt et"loi ?vile r :o Mb:1440n Ylee8n It
=AIM a vase sumo° 9/ nina at preeent mar-
._ oinletraof Bellows!' lt,dia, Verment, has heel;
engineers my the preject ie. f emable, but: captein of the Cellieme grasped the eitua.
Wilke P. Welch, aged twelve oaltockland, tion and resolved on a desperate effort.
'comment persons place it le the Munehauslaa
entatepe, in wind, a bleep iota% •tea A. merag:.
bee died from knelt:der:4e eigerette Letting ge Altai% teaeberebe succeeded in
Untie hes long °coupled an honored pod- swinging hie ship arouni, and then
etno l
tion. Bev, J, C. Tolmie has been ordeinca anohorlete, Ile crowded on all steam. For
2% young egiisix 49otor recently eaerificad taster of the First Prethytcrien chureh in a few momenta that seemed ewers, the
reattford. good ship limed still as if to ateady eeraelt,
1$a own life and Bayed a ohild'aloy sucking a and thereutch by inch she began to breaat
clogged tracheotomy tube In the throat of the A report front Minneatpolits Bap the s'll'
treet Tod at
mote patient in the het etege a diphtheria, car etagere are returning to work and ae- f4r1 a the gale ma 6134117 wqr i
harbor int
Hie widow raw now read In renew news. knowledge defeat. of the o the open sea. The ow
Morahan* dentmelatione of her noble hoe- Much valuable Umber and cordwood have wahateU.
b wtheodeanieteni,
hand who, it is warted, was net heroic but been destroyed by^ foveae Ocee nor N^Qttit and as dee eentepe away passed, cheats
foolhardy. It seem he amnia belle had Adams* Mame toed and long were heard even above the
readytto hand an effielent retteltenIcal miter. The steamship Missouri, with 361 ot the howling of the wind and the aogry room of
It s certainir an aatnuntiing thing tit" pournarit'S Paatereeeret hos reached ritile. Overeaters, whieli eouncled like the ravine
the meet notable dupes of charlatans are delphia. of Foxy bereft of her prey, r_cea not
men ot ',viola knowledge and striking mental
one, Boetn$ ole,a, tinwel gneipeted 0anatitatione1 prohibition was voted on Captain Kane met his anchors adrift
,6434.4ermved, to a maa of "wawa ?maw. in efoeviachtteetta and defeated by a urge and tetken the heroin memere thee he
majority. did, the Vandals, would eve been
meats, fine of the most acComplitthed Pi Geetiei Bement to la t e n t: mutated right Otero and then, and
modern princes, and a man familiar with it was for this that the Trenten'6 men
saki a me Oesse0 4ng
all the folblee and fellaeies of Pada and helf-bnede teed Iodiatte for wild Weet ehow olieerea, They knew thet if the engine et
Laudon, Ms subservienoy to the big and PurPeseli in Peril. the Cativo Wetted to work, the Are!1, del
tnejtetle Mme, 0leriattele is eheolute. lIe The Deolima of Cambridge left her tuts oged by water, ratitsod to bete, a nett et
rehtticeted kis threne eceordieg to the manse f erten° to her two daughtere, the peete ender ehe tremendous ?memo snap
best informatioa while laboring ander the peel, or the mew foiled to whirl,. the Cal.
influence, of sPiritualism, Milan thonAh4 Mrie Stedwiga dacowsky, a POlieb. womeio, lento awl her 00 men were iota errettlev.
Christi* was a 11160411/ 0'01'0 wham 1et New Yorla % years QUI, has ham made ably loot, With the aboadonment of their
he was receiving divine instruCtielle, And igaageby ampid4golgarow4, meteor; they did indeed alineati Abandon
W en he mamma his Abdication he did 1 The steamship truria, which arrived lo hope, for even itt shelter they mold not
SO Ith the manner of a man in * trailC13; New ymit en geeday, had a Neigh yasaase, ban rede At p..eleeA hew then oonld they
Llis eyeze.fweirl teseritnntaaburannweurlitornlenotn`A. Two pas.engers died on, the voyage, hAVO offered reeisteuee agaluet the Morin I It
w a ija"'"J"e"" ' 1 . It le rgpood that the Gaul Ttgek gae wee an hereto and noble act and deserving
or watt that a A man sward by An rrests, , , t, , , , , t ,.. of the cheers that eolieeil over the anger at
eteeen LEO 0.35l. watereoy te welt central the
tible outalde loileence, bluee he has given the waves. Ana Tighe heartily were they
up all cue for his country he halt reargued retUrned, for out of the Awful, darknesa ead
bhPlelf Aheelntely. 0 the nwillurn'e isecitte. confusion emcee the cry "three cheers for
She is rIcla emeteve, awl impressive, no. , the Trenton AndAmerica " and thert fo1.
she has tWeempliebed by A hit of holm pa hriVed the tweed of 600 testi velem in noleen.
as end for whieh Russia has echenied in 1 Who can nay there is wit seinstNing enno.
other wart in vain, When g emu Netalie 1 The Lielert 1440'63 Railway Company hal bling, something ittspiriug in this exchange
ence mere regains her Ref/AMMO In Servie. a decided net to resume the payment of diviof courtesiee in the notelet of danger? Bet, if
u"tter g'f A teW eleetbe eelY now the fell kens. Tea net "Pine during 113S5 ehowa their two patience were at wort hew these
died of the adieu Of be two women in tha a tallieg elf el ,$1,331,933 from that of 16174 Pliant souls would iigitt l
l'ot.tall of Servitto politics. wIll be nen. 1 A. Washington deepatch eaye it 14 pot let- Ileppily however, there appMra jeet now
Peels is graduelly Puely
but r . i
on. /lay 6 readiing prolteble 1114 Canadian freight CM coming to tio Musigr oi 4.1117 Inere serious osismirY
fever heat over the exhibiti
s u
n o the United Scares and ruenzug over thrin that recorded in the collision et the
ej t
a ted Sates rallreelle will have to pay the shiP1 at w4-1. 1mP44a l'5' ttw' 41"'"i''" An
be wade
iiiii:t drVe tyre%rettL)cluisfittreZit u I
day. Imolai. ram of duty at pointe of mc try. -emit Lee been arrived at whereby
abl;;z1 till well along hi the fa lowlog any, England, and the United Stat,
The elty is crowded with people. fletels kr, Toh° 'Fa:1g 114`1Q" "Vatthlil I'Veiline"t4' 1 eich only be represented At Sanwa by
LAST raised their rtes from thirty to two '""' -"twit at n'tfiOnaws Prtaittaittehf the Mobil-
hue4rell per era. shop heeptra have deem, Ighn Salt 43401;litiOn, Will &ail tiliS week for outs ehito ;mut the Teatimes in dispute have
simithatiRten to mare $10.000,006, with been eeetled, Thus mat of the jarring d the
mo„„„ .wilish, m el:Mitt:Ai to die peed aireadv form. b°;211033,b'yt'tgarw5eynlogrecirreibbl;tireljult,
ea thetr prices, and there la an enthuaimitia
movemeet to (moire au the foreign
that drifte Into Pais. AmItl all tide interWt :adt tho (Pt" imh Wad= 4f tilt Li eited iv
Sates eell ha coutrolled. eit, who forgetting their hatred of and
Itioglieh eePiuti' %carrel whin the ettit
ettaeger, iled to the
about the exhibition ae Iltulaeger trial is
forgotten. It leas the sometime' element ' Jaw aro Intareaiad.
...-- beach on tho emotion ett? the storm and
without vadat Paris is bored. It drags gladly lent a baud to rescue the eurvivort
along behind elated decree and sullen tur. front the vet:tole that ware wrecked, Jut
, , 1 an Providence tavod groat Banda from tho
mlaca are all that it glvea me to. Meenwhile --
the 02ners1 hA5 a big he= in Bruateiti, sat en Extract Front A Startling se ion viewer of ele Anomie in the time of good
terve/ma, eight horses, including tho femme Preartwit try the Rev. Itrultonr, or (limn Doe, to did. thnely Interventiou f.
black charger, and mead royal court. Roche- Mimeo. on the Sixth Corns thedays of nor Most Omelette Majeaty Qum
fore and Dalon are alto there. News from mend/neut. Victorie moo a potable coutliet between
the Halftime mita' is teal moat eagerly read "Instance our own city. it by some me- three great redone at SAMOA and brlug -about
In Perla. A privet* latter from a Ream *edible decree all Chi:ago inerderere who an improved state of reletionthip.
Catholio price. hi Fromm tette me tent %lion violate the commandment in letter or apir it
Is moat attidueue in opine:toe:ea to the clergy, were compelled to form in Ilne upon one of
and that Boulanger has promised the (Atwell our boulevards there would be a procession
return to power In tbe State in the event et ot frightful proportioes and of many (Bei-
/ his enemas. 1.Tadonhtedly there is strong sup. alone. At the head et the column there
port among the clergy now, bat how muclo would be the perpetrators of the fifty mur-
pecunimy assistance comae front thin !source dere that stained the good name of our oity
It is impale:1We to my. Dillon% usefulness lett year. Think of it 1 Almoat a murder
is very greet. As a colleotor of funds he ia a week, and only one person exeouted—and
practically without a, rival in Europe. he a young negro without frienats, monty or
political heluenoe. Who does not bluth as
he reads in the nowapapera such a declare.
.EARLS or VIIITH. tion as this 2 Nowhere on the continent is
—.. the person of the diem no inscoure as iu
thie its third most important city. Net in
tho bloodstained communitiee of the lower
Mississippi, nor in the wild and le.wlem
frontier towns is the um of the death -dealing
revolver, the knife, or the alung ahot so
The Gulf Stream has heen lately treated A. Alight earthquake she* was felt in
somewbat disrespeotfully in.Kngleeed, which °altn' Egypt, Yel3terlaY"
owes so much to It. At the keghawg
Mr. Wallacoe Anti -Combines Bill has
the week a lob qf mon eeiehe paaaed it third reading.
to be inaugurated en the grass-
hoA war *s.
4=41 themtaivea with a m°11a 14 and flaw ppere this year in Minnesota.
one John King proposes to 'slont out what H. G. eteeitt!‘ B
he cells Its erosive actionby construeting an cf the Bank etnarint:rffe:1,Qis deade
y 2 -President
dulco bewg alrexcly setae:aptly riot,
In the Istailtet.
A private letter from Chine, tells the story of
a pretty little Chinese girl, the daughtei of a
mandarin of high rank, who Wee ORO of the
yv:ilifel4giroladies tbt thein.werPre e 4te to tit° boy.
emperor, in order that he might Bacot hie
This little Yo Lim it is stated, has
bsen in a cantos of preparation for this ex•
amination for teveral years. Heir, tikih,
mile, figure, teeth And feet have been watch-
ed and oared for with A view to the great
mutest As he day of trial, approached,
the wee bathed in milk each day, and her
flesh was rubbed with perfumed elle to
give it 00f WAD and bloom, A megnifieent
(trete aed jewe's were pareheeed dor her,
0.1 the meruing which was to decide
whether the should remehe °bemire Yo tan!
or become the empress ruling over four
hundred millions of pecple took her
atand uo, a line et aver three'handred young
Chinese ladies each splendidly dreseed, and
hanerdnbsemarein. gag% taa2dteOsnoeWnlatiCh 'WM; inscribed
iroTmh e at eh ealmropvaes wereedago! obsoeseenxteioncr inf us ttui er , coot
sideration, Oar little Yo Lin was one of the
rejected. She, wita her unlucky eompta-
lono were sent home with much respect and
honor, bearing Ivith her A gift Wfliell would
dower her richly on her future wedding.
Most Caeadiangirle on reading title story,
will feel eentempt and dieguat for little 'Ye
as she steed in the row of young WOMele
offering her youth and !meaty for sale to the
the4eltwighialtatinpylele°1foetrwitc-P.114' was
BM here is a companion plater° taken-
nearerhorne. What do they thbok of It
Mey C-11 the daugbter of et New York
tenor of Halted income, and hie Wile a
WQMall Wbeett one aim and hope in life as to
keep a eertale position In a fashiewable eircle.
They have no fertmie to give the girl. If
obis is to live he e gay :set ta the fetnXe* to
dress to drive in her carriage, she
must "marry money." This foot has been
reeognizni by her familY sines tibe was
obild. Her whole edeeetiou. and hone trete-
iog have been intended to lit he to make
41117111:lattinabtOV; t to deueo by the beat
emitter:1; her teeth, hair and hands have
hem trought to perfeetion by explode; she hes
Wen toiled in ramie and in languagee jest
enough to enable her to attraat a:tootle:1 in
°Trilwrede. ettentthe Elgo allet "011110 Oat" at a
great hall given by her mother in a hotel.
The wornmg min detPrihed her dress and
eppearance. Alt the merrlagmble men known
to her mother were invited ; they criticieed
the girl's eyes, color and Agora prechiely ai
they weuld tbe points of A loom, hlvery one
of them knew to dollar what dowry tile
and the other "bush" of tloe season would,
443:17;eae are come facto, bat it Is better to
stete euch hole coareely, that we may nailer.
ettend their tell nivantete
Yo Leo Coal hat et line to he impeded by
one man, with the hope of marrying one of
"-a greet rulers ef the world.
34ey C herself to the inspection af
any nem, with the hope of marryzug Walt
body who will dreee and feed her, and
her tbo luxuritt pertaluing to a faebioue o
s emit%
Toledo, Soginaw and Mackinaw railroad.
Mrs, Merle St. John Sheffield, of New
gave% Qom, Wile had fortune of
000 and WA5 rettelvaed for charitabledeeds,
is dead.
War is an atteinpt to take by violence
from other a a pert et what they home and
we want,—(Swift.
Video is that perfect good which is the
complement of a happy life; the only line
mortal thing that belongs to mortality.—
That pleasure which is at once the moat
pure, the most elevating and most intense,
is derived,I maintain. from the ctntemplation
of the beautiful.—[Edgar Allan Poe,
This it the cruel cross of life—to be
Fall visioned only when the ministry
Of death has been fulfieled, and in the
01 some dear presence is but empty space.
What recollected services can then
Give consolation for the "might have been?"
—Wore Perry.
To make a man of active temper happy,
there will be required, beside health and
the bare conveniencee of life, recreation
for the body and amusements for the mind.
It is the part, therefore, of every wise and
virtuous man to accustom himself to diver-
sions that are both cheap and innocent; to
preserve at once his fortunes and his integ-
eity.— [Steele .
There are few things more wonderful to
me than that old people never tell young
ones how precious their youth is. They
sometimes aentimentally regret their own
earlier days; sometimes prudently forget
them ; often foolishly rebuke the young,
or more frolishly thwart and restrain; but
scarcely ever warn or watch them. Remem-
ber, then, that 1, at least, have warned you,
that the happiness of your life, and its
ower, and its part and rank on earth or
in heaven depends on the way you pass your
itees now.— (Ruskin.
Economy in Farming..
Six months or more ago, in an artiole
which appeared in Bradatreet'o, Mr. Ed-
ward Atkinton pointed out that the ten-
dency in America was to reduce the cost of
raising wheat to a point wiliffis would abate
ately forbid of foreign competition, no met.
ter what rate of pay might be given to fcr-
eign farm laborers. Indeed, if they 'worked
for nothing, he doubted whether their coin -
petition would be of any special value. We
conclusion on his pert was largely bleed on
the results cf certain farming operations
carried on in California, where farming had
been almost chtmged from an agricultural to
a mechanical pursuit. Within the last few
vveeks this same authority haa received re-
ports from California which not only confirm
whab he previously said, but seem to indi-
cate that the development of American farm-
ing in the direction of extreorainary econ-
omy is going on at a faster rate than any one
could have thought possible,
One of the California farmers, who has
wheat fields of several thousand acres M ex-
tent, has sent on a statement of the coat of
planting and harvesting his last crop. This
was all perfor red, from t'ne ploughing of
the land to the sacking of the wheat, by a
great and ingenious piece of mechanism, and
from firat to last—that is, ploughing, harrow-
ing, seeding, cutting, thrashing, winnowing
and bagging the wheat—the cost did not ex-
ceed eighty cents per acre. The yield of
wheat in California, depends upon certain
climatic conditions. A reasonably wet win-
ter and early spring give to the farmers the
assurance of a bountiful harvest, while the
'absence of rainfalls at critical periods may
greatly reduce or probably entirely
destroy the crop. But assuming that
the average yield is from ten to
fourteen butt:els to the acre which does not
seem to bo an overestimate;the labor cost of
producing this grain under the conditions
referred to above is insignifiumb in the ex-
treme. Eight cents a bushel would be so
low a labor cost that the humblest ryot in
India could hardly hope to hold his own
against it, Mr. Atkinson has received
assurances that the farming machinery which
permits of such results can be readily used
over a farming area which, in the state of
California alone, is equal in Eliza to more
Shan half of the area in the entire United
States now given to wheat growing.
The Argentines have employed the French
artists, Lefebvre, Besnard, Gervex, Robert
Fleury, and ()omen to decorate the pavilion
for their exhibits at the Paris Expostrion.
Whenahe fair is over, the decorations will be
taken down and sent to Buenos Ayres.
.A day or two before the murder, he bor.
rowed a pistol and told a saloon keeper tha
he was going to kill his wife. Nobody paid
any attention to him, thinking his talk was
mere drunken gabble. He did meet his
wife on the street one day however, in com-
pany with two other girls, stopped her, and
after talking with her for a little, drew the
pistol and shot her dead. There was neverany
pretence made that he did not commit a deli-
berate murder. He himself never denied it.
The people in Hartford were greatly aroused.
'There have been so many unavenged mur-
ders of women in the State of Connecticut,
within recent years, that public: sentiment
was aroused to the necessity of making an
example. So Swift was condemned to be
hung. An appeal to the Supreme Court was
mnsumeseful. A petition to the Legislature
for Commutation to life imprisonment was
the next resource.
AND Hypoptiosmirras.
Almost as Patatabte as
$0 disaales4 teat tea vest &Route stomach,
Gan Nice it. Rentaricabie as a r,WIZS,11
ItRODUCOR. Persons GAIN rap-
idly white hiking XT.
SCOTTSSMUISIVii aelneldedge4 br per,
sicianst to bo the FINESTaud preparation
lta gloater Ow relief 0
Wasting Diseastes of Children&
&ha &if D344ffiets, asci $1.00.
4* ADM Street East, Toronto,
Penne-de', for over eve years, Pierielpe, ot the Short-
hand le#trite in connection with the Ofieeellau AEA
nese Umveraity. Tyvewriting department pellet the
management et Ut. GEO. B431001;00. agent or the
Remington Typwriter, App.Y feor oireuler. Alcrition
this, paper in writing
A Novel Idea,.
A. Brooklyn theatre manager has capped
the allmJx of Milani Ott the atage by havieg
a gertaiee ago blown open by vendee bur.
glue in the course of the production of a
melodrama at hie theatre last week. The
gentlemen wham he hal engaged for the
purpose—I' Spike" Hennessey and "Kid "
eleLloy by name—Wel a national reputation
aa artisto le the safttoraoking business, and
the heat proof that they are experienced
burglars is to es found in the feet that they
have each served several terms in State
prisons. Mr. Hennessey is mid ta be a
graduate of Lafayette College, and to have
come from one of the most aristocratic fam-
ilies in Philadelphia. He was one of the
principal operators in tho well -1010m
Northampton Bank robbery. Mr. McCoy
is not so well descended or educated, but he
enjoys the distinction of being considered
by II:specter Byrne, of New York, the most
skilful man in his profession out of priton.
The enterprising theatre manager who has
secured their services, "at. great expense,"
claims not only to have struck a novelty in
the dramatic line, but to be doing something
for his country in the way of criminal re-
formation. He states that Messrs. Hen.
nosey and McCoy neither drink, smoke nor
gamble, and that they attend church rev.
Iarly, His undertaking seems to contain
suggestions of vast and far. reaching possibil-
ities. Why' not, for instance, have all the
embezzlers and detaultere now in Cenada
given permission to return to their native
country for the purpose of appearing in their
special lines on the stage?
ktpds,Gioine, ecerd
nd toe. tedetee
seeteeneerszeeett lee ,far 2starc_ps(4 ocaa.)
Every tower haver delighted. Tell all your
friar.da. 0.W.r.smx„r/M2Erre3TRen.r..-
Ce. This notice will net appear again,
kycleNIAt; hand:eine ttSelzeeterstcri.
ansdlart ElWator Works. Peter eel queen streete.
"Me Naked. Truth."
While Truth was cne day bathing in a
limpid river, Pelee:toed Imppeued to pew,
and uottoieg tho garmeetts of Truth on the
heat of theta:tete, ceueeIved the idea of ex-
ohm:ging his taelitiee tar that cot the bather,
who came from tat brat elle unturned the
lots aneteine.o Let, ideleinlog Ratehooato
garb, levietee t pee :Woad through the
world. Whether the oriein of tee expreetiop
—"the Inked truth "—is mythloal or other -
8i80, it fa univeretlly known to ba thenateed
Louth" that DoPierce Golden Medfield, Da -
°every has no cquel as a iterative agent for
contemption (turtaeorof ula), bronchitis,
ahroula meal Catarrh, asthma, and kindred
dlomeets of the thent and lunge.
The violet remain!: the fiewer of the put
ing month.
Ir.-. A Lady or Ger Osman who eCtIF44 Ileht ene
eloement, in welch hai d wore lefties it* reward
esg te seed tor our 1110M-oile4 eeteingee et the
patent Piniess Clothes Line.
TARBOX BROS., loroutof Ont.
$:Walastle "ua
now employed as It Ads -keepers. Business ¥aaare
Sten110re. St)... b)' D43139 of the lar;eat blI4NOS144
bIONVE4 10 C4DN'13. 4d,l, the Unitee States. Wang risen
and ar, men desiring a thorough training for 6It'AetIO
its the so lincs of WOItt. Or a; r II -otters in oar courts
efj orti;:e.a constht their own fot^reets by attending
the titt'lrh lAtaineSe Gotlege Pot term' eel 'tea
etre, eiliew uQCongICK, r4444-11,
im (IT .p,ag,:glizVIZa'AGrA.,10
oNEy liesteyrowietokmors,..,:lat.routell
4„„,*0.014. .44,0114
weeinetoettrerstr. see"ureet" '1* tOCISlierliela417'01I044100;
Li` Lan
fen TE7, VICK
iV iTIT.:56ViLidAS
Get Strong
by =tinning to ti !fell
parties wishing 44 purchae0 itePrOved Manitoirt
Permse from Se acres nrwarde, with is404414,6
pewees:en. eat.' or write to ea 1. llUtreg011, ette,
Arthur's Block, Main at, Ministry. L*orablcs
lerniehed tree of charge, and Bettina anew la
twain; sondem.
3140W133-2- WO EA 01116
AS Crearsr nose or Yernooten
Brom Engines
J. Perkins Go. Toronto.
eetee Faiete, eta ; CeMet Ne. ;119: Cenletp
•Ne. 2, kz; Swift rietzte, 125; Noe Brei, feta,
T. FANE 4 EQ.,
SS Adelaide street wet,
Pearl gray or silver gray and Rose in
Barry pink is a fevorite color combination
in Faris spring millinery.
A triple, or quadruple cape with a double
collar and dolman sleeves, bids fair to be a
— .
popular spun wrap.
• Winn with a Knife.
Toronto May 1.—Frank Winn was arrest-
ed the other night by Detective Davis on a
/serious charge. It would appear that last
Sunday afternoon Winn and another man,
unknown, hired a horse and buggy at
Ewing's livery stable and etarted for a
drive, returning in the course of two hours
with the buggy smashed to atoms. Frank
Shea, one of the employee, demanded that
Winn pay for the damage, and succeeded in
getting $5, all the money Winn had on him.
Winn departed with Ins friend, but returned
in the evening with two other men and de-
manded his money, which being refused, he
drew a knife and compelled Shea to hand ib
over. The detectives are hard on the track
of the other two, and will probably place
all three on trial this morning.
UE A1W 00
r SITZIALTE. 05-Xeen7
Weile 04:4V-04tod, Bend ter
H. P. DAVIS it4 00
_tl'uill!-S!r":1* _ -.*:i.:9!u!A!.."*„...„1:.
Send f tr 113.
I 0 ill I. iim3,,,10,21,ix,
Mali Liao Royal gall Stoapithipti
winOr fora 7041tial evcxy etturolay
AV: lb-tttfax es'eri,R.ston2av to IilvertiA, eel In eale.
xe: tunes nebez mon,' Sstarelay to Liverpoz;,1,ca1lhor
.dand, rrs to lair/ ninao an3 p:nnti-,;14-0 for
ond IrnZand ; also from kaP.; Usti
Ind St. Join*, IqV.. lo hlverpri-1 inghtly
:UK 5=4,,rr mmths. Tito tvieninf the tilaa-
r ftero drring winter 9 and :ram.
Itti:Acr. and Pkik.te,p.-11, .a;ntoltAing tsnus.
er between ta.ogow eel Meaty -al weekly ; Glass
ati3 Droleri WEO4:14at Otancw ad eadadel•
nit tertmah'4.
'Cr freight, raltinge or rtlter frofcrmatten apply
A. Santitatter fit., n-.Lina)ro;p.enramt cm,
ealiux Mita 5 Cog St. Jahrie,ACti,, V4`12. Tiramp.
ts Co.. St. John, N.B.; Alien ill Ca., chlegeo;
Wee ellen, Now Tort; II, Bendier, Toronto;
Amanv, Bvi Co., Quehea ; Wm. Brooklo, PhliadOls
p'ala .l.1. Aiion Portland Lizette Horttnat.
suitcuns, DWELLIN,
i b. W. Toro
" What's f.rolle twenty, hut an air eivloe,
Thrill eh whidh tho inlod'a a)l-gentler gmees
This may be good logia in ptetry but in
real life "tho mindat all gentler graces
shine" to better advantage when reclined
in a eound physique. Da Piero:ea Favorite
Preaeription is a positive onto for the mots
complicated and obstinate eases of leueor.
rhos, exceative flowing,painfal =estrum
tion, unnatural suppressions, prolopms, or
falling of the womb, weak back, female
weakness," anteversion, retroveraion, bear-
ing dowu sensations, chronic congestion in-
flemmo.tion and ulceration of the womb, in-
fismmation pain and teuderneea in ovaries,
accompanied ith internal heat."
The drain on Ontario's population tensed
by the attractions of Manitoba and the
North Weat •ferritoriez still continues.
Not a week passes in which trains carryine
hundreds of emigrants to DORT homes in the
far west do not leave the Union Station.
The awe -'ruck audience gazed
On the figure , gaunt and gray;
'Twos the murdered hing, or the ghost of him,
And Hamlet was the play.
HIS hour was brief, he said,
Ile must go ere light of day,
To the place of torment prepared for him,
Till his sins were purged away.
Yee, purged was the word he used,
And I thought what a remedy rare
Would Pieree'e Purgative Pellets prove,
In bis CASEI, then and there.
Dr. Pierce's Pieasant Purgative Pellets
have no copal as a cathartic in derangements
of the liver, stomach and bowels. Small,
pleaaent in aotion, and purely vegetable.
The battle monument at Bennington, Vb.,
has reached a height of 120 feet, a,nd work is
just being renewed on it. Tbe contractor
expects to have it completed before the close
of this year.
Oonsumetien SurelY Cured.
To the Editor ;—
Please inform your readers that I have a
positive remedy for the above named disease.
By its timely use thousands of hopeless
oases have been permanently cured. I shall
be glad to send two bottles of my remedy
free to any of your readers who have con-
sumption if they will send me their Ex-
press and I'. 0. address. Resp'y, T. A.
Slocum, M. C., 164 West Adelaide St.,
A. P. 447.
Information Verified,
Henpecked Husband (reading the paper
and rocking the cradle) --Ahem 1 the bustle
is going out, J. tee.
Vixenish Wife (who had juat finished
dressing)—You bet 15 18, and I am going
with it You take care of that baby till 1
get back.
Is sometimes called the sincere form of flat-
tery. This may account for the number of
imitations of the original and only positive
corn cure—Putnam's Painlees Corn Ben:mot-
or. All such fail to possess equal merit, so
when purchasing get the geneine " Put-
nam's.' Safe, sure, and painless. All drug.
gists. 0
The British Budget ietrodneed in the Com.
mons yesterday shows a surplus of 42,586,-
000, the largest einee 1873,
nATIENVS proeured, Patent Attorneys, and experts.
rEst'd1867. Donald C DIdout es Co., Toronto.
TikrilUSICATA INSTRUMENTfi.--Send for our
eage Large Illuetrateo Catalogue of Band Instru.
ments. Violins, Guitars, Flutes, etc., and ail kind
of Trimmings. Agent for Trenohe's and DeWitt's
Plays. BUrLAND'S MUSIC STORE, 87 Ring St.
West, Toronto, Ont.
g oath, Yanitoba atal North -Mt
WJ Akin, higr, 357 Main St, 'Winnipeg
lands in all puts ol the Proving!, Ltiv Prices. Easy
Terms, Lasts Sent and relit* booruattan FOP
mailed on Application. dond us goat; name
and we will nitel you our descriptive toasty us.
AitmiTA—SuNumat9 FOR run lima, to iffinninsto
tne pathway 11 life. Giving the best thoughts
of Masada h cheating words, to comfort, encourage
and iwpiro the fathers, mothers. sons, mad dassAters
of our land. Edited bv Walter Sott Vail, w tit o't
introduttion by Bev. John Hall. WU. A volume of
275 selected Gems In Pro -e And Poetry, from the wilt.
inn of the ablest authors of lands, Terms liberal.
W31. BRIGGS, Pablishcr, Toronto.
every citizen a rlght to a free farm from the
public land. You have long intended to lock this
matter up. Why not now A great hotly of vets
}VIIIINMENT LAND has Jet been clamed for Seale.
ment al ng the St Paul, Minneapo 13 & Manitoba
Railway- in Montana. Ms rich and gently roling.
and Lard wood timberis eaml, accessible. Clear
streams water the country. It is the natatal home of
hones, eht op and cattle. Large crops can bo raised
without irrigation. Great N eine of eoal arc pleotPul
This is what v n want. 'Maio the I set body of free
land in the United States suitable for griging ani
agrimiltaml purposes. For further information apply
to F. I Wutisisr, Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agent, St.
Paul, Miun, or J M. licesarts, 4 Palmer House Block,
Art ficial LIMBS. For ch-
ou j1.14r33,0aAdIrern
Toronto, On
VON is a valuable acquirement for every
yo Ing man and woman. Address CANADIAN BUSINESS
UNIVERSIIT, Public, Library Building, Toronto, for
President. Seo'y manager.
Merenants, Butchers,
and Traders generally,
We want a GOODMAN in your locality to pickup
For IE. dash Furnished on satisfactory guaranti
C. El. P.A.. C-133,
HYDE Pam, Vermont, U. S.
81 6 Oneen eleret Veto. Toronto
'When fay Cyan L do not mean merelyte
stop them fora time, and then have them re-
turn again. I NEAR' A RADICAL ounr..
1 have made the disease ot
A Me long study. I WA.RRA.WT my remedy ta.
mete the worst cases. Because others have
failed is no reasonfor not now receiving a cure..
Send at once for a treatise and a FREE BOTTbla
and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a
trial. audit will cure you. Address
H. G. ROOT, 31.0.,161'West Adelaide St. of
'Mg TEE 2E11
er tion ite
3EfC CD WiaC atel 'MC
SIR. W. P. HOWLAND, President.
Amway. f viou-pittsiDmiTs. MANAGINO DIRECTOR.
Sawmills, Saws,
Shin& MIR ,s
Lath Mills;
Veneer Machines;
Enoines 9 stationary and Portal
All sizes.
Bailers, ilTdra
nn Work.
and Moulders.
Saw Gtunmers and
Saw Swages.
Send for Circulars
Engine Works