HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-5-2, Page 5li... MARKET SQUARE 1 UNKRAL STORE : yes Front ►1*a. ._...., The uudersigned would inform the Quick March Publie that be has just xeeei;ved his }} SOUTHCOTT'S1ITER + e STOCK, 01othixag and Geri INCLIUDjRG PI 'RNISEII G $ ORiE. EXETJ:R, „ - ONTARIQ. Some of the finest goods that can, be seeured, are arriving every: day. GENTS' FURNISIIINGs IN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICES. A CALL SOLICITED. Wa SOUTHCOTT, Corner Alain and John Street. EXETER, QNTARTO< Washngton's NEXT VISIT, Throat and Lung Surgeon, TQ > getter, WILL BE AT THE OWL NM , ,t�Y&r��il siva»li 1, APEIL ltll, o'clock, p. In, An English Churelt Clergyman speaks, Rectory, Vawxaw+all, OW, D11. Wasuestatta\,- Demi Sar„—I am glad to be able to illforne you that my deug hter is quite well .w:ain. :1..4 this its the Sfvond Gate A FULL LINE Or DRY GOODS,' HATS AND CAPS,: AND CROCK- ERY, FOOTS AND SHOES, Those wishing anything in my line. will •tt l t o t their advantage n#.3 . a a to call and inspect n3 goods d prices. s. Best Roller Flour always oil i* t]ld. Highest Price pail for Butter and Eggs, and all hind of Produce, P. ROSS. (10.22-'$a:) ANY MAN -mot Weak, Nerx+sus, ticlaiiitatesi, wise in his Folly and Ignorance liasTrifled sway has Vigor of StodytMind land Manhoed,causingexhaust- iuig drams u)p,ivr tile Fountains of Life. Hied• ache loackacle. Dreadful Dreams, Weakness of Memory, easntuiners in Soeiet , Pimples on the Face sand all tiro effects leadingto Early Decay. consumption or Insanity, wil A#td in our.. p e lle No. sa postive Cure. let imparts Youthful Vigor restores the Vital Power iu. old and young* strengthens anti invigorates the Strain and 'serve, builds up the Muscular cyst, tel clad arouses lute actionthe whole 1�a�laysio alcnory OL th • lrltrnba#;ntle, liitt0. gn ca our st ecrilc :co.:S rise host pias#ins#e cristae be cured in three, lnontlas. and recent ones in less than thirty; days. Each lutekage cou- tclius two weeks: treatment. Price Sr.„ Cures t7uarauteed. Our speellio :44241s 'an inti.. tido Cure for all Private Qis4ases. a n stette r of how tons ataneiln;A,, rola under our W ri#tert ar guantee to edict b Gore. Price $:t Toronto 'MediaineCla,Toronto* Out. Nov •s she lima been cutlet of eeve bronchial a„„ troubles IMAM' ; alartrentuiettt,when the SWUM reillt salve 1411 d, i write" to express lay gratitude. Please accept my sin. tre're thuts. Yours truly, C. B. PET'I.':ITT. DISD.%SD Tnlw rTcD --Catarrh of tlic` head end Throat. Catarrh Deafness, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma end Con- sumption. Also loss of voice, sore throat, Enlarged tonsils. Polypus of the nose removed. Come early. Con. sultation free. A few of the teeny cured by Dr. 'Washington's nt*w method.,, W. II. Storey . of Storey ,l, Soil, menu- faeturt•rs, Acton, lent.. also President Alauufaacturinpa Ass, of Canada, peri. menently cured of C;atarr..h by Dr.. Wasllinptoll, pronounced incurable by noted specialists h this country and Europe. Writh to hint for particulars. Mrs. Joint McKeivy, Kingston, Cent., Catarrh and Consumption, g. Jo11u lccliel�•y, Kingston, out, Cat. MTh. Mre. in uin Kingston, C rtario, 3ronelao Consul tion Air. I). Seott, Kingston, Ont, Catarrh head and throat. Airs. John Bertram, Ilarrowslnitll, Ont., Catarrh, throat, Muss Mary A. Dombourg, Centreville, Ont., Catarrh, head and throat. James Mathews, Trost Master, Acton, (Mt., A. E. Fish, gealts furnishings, Belle- ville, Ont., cured of Catarrh, throat. John Phippin, Sandhurst P. 0, Ont., (near Napalms) of Catarrh, head, throat and lungs. Head Office 82 McColl St., Toronto. Consultation Free. Hurrah ! Hurrah ! G. Smallacombe, Merchant Tailor. • To Customers and Public at large, here is the place to get yourselves suit- ed, with Suits got up in the Latest Styles, at hard time prices. A fine Range of Goods al- ways in Stock. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Clothes Cleaned and Renovated at Moderate Prices. Up Stairs over Post Office. A CALL SOLICITED. '. G. S nallacombe WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY INDIGESTiON, . FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, • ACIDITY'OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD. T. MILBURN & -00., Proprietor o. $$O PER MONTH. And nil expenses paid. We Want Hien, women, girls and ploys in every Town, Pillage and Hamlet in Canada, to take hold of at light, agreeable and perfectly honorable employment. It will cast you nothing to gives it a trial. Send for circular. :address, W. It. ROBERTSON, Petvrboiaugha On LADIES ONLY. FRENCH RgGULATION PILLS, Far sui ' to , to Ergot. Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide. Endorsed by the thousands (Whistles who use them MONTKL,T. Never fail, relie- ve pain,'tN$1'rt1 eselUZARI ,'Y, Pleasant anii3;ITeetnal. Prme Toronto Meiiicine Co.,, Toronto, Ont. Novezes •—�'{r II,,L. BE AT "I'DI.' ..y, . . Cone ---ON----. Tues. &Wed. May & 2, TWO DAYS ONLY. moil. 8 a. m. TO 5 p. m. Patients please Call early. Thos. Spear, M. D. Stir goon, &c., C P. S. G. 8.. &' L. T C. D. THE CELEBRATED SPECIALIST. For the treatment of all Chronic Dis- eases and Diseases peculiar to Women, Thirty years practice. Head Office- St. Thomas. The Doctor has been educated in nearly all the leading Medical Colleges and Hospitals in Europe, has served as Surgeon in. the British Army in the East Indies, Surgeon in the American Army during the late war, from 1861 to the close of the same, has treated all nationalities and circumnavigated the globe—His thorough education, large and varied practice and experience,en- tities him to rank as a Specialist—Sec- ond to none on this continent—for the treatment ofthose dangerous and diffi- cult diseases that have bred the shill of the local physician. The following diseases with many others successfully treated:—Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrah, Diseases of the Lungs, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Eye, and Ear, Heart Diseases, Epilepsy, Par- alysis, Strictures, Ruptures, Skin. Dis- eases, Piles, &c, Electricity used when required. Testimonials of Education:—The fol- lowing testimonials and diplomas may be seen at my office, with many others from nearly all the leadnee medical schools in Europe; Trinity College, Park St. School of Medicine and ,aeyal Gollege of Surgeons,; Dublin; "Royal College of Surgeons, Belfast, Ireland; Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg and Glasgow, Scotland; Licentitate in Midwifery, and endorsed by the high- est medical authorities in the United States and Dominion of Canada: The above with many letters from different parts of the globe are a; medical past- port—without re-examination doubt or quibble over every sea, and in every land from the rising to the setting of the sun. Consultation free. Read eircailar and remember the date. CITY HOTEL LONDON, ' ONTARIO. 2. per day% J. k d. MARTIN, Piopritlor;i. 12 Pounds W Fi ITE Furniture and Undertaking. —lace TOS,. Howe FOR .. BE :I -ROOM. AND PARLOR SUITS, SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION TAMPS, LOUNGES AND EASY CHAIRS. The LargestI' ''arer'oolllilts town. Undertarking outside of the la"ntlertall;- ers Icing, ,ill all its Branches. Open c and night. STAND—Ogle door north of 1Tolsarl'S 6,an . MAIN -ST, EXETER. EVEREST'S 05UGH SYRUP QANNQT 55.5XOi iL5O. Tr/ tt east es convinced of ata troradertel straths al{#acre trice xs sr ,t?r, 2OIbs. Raw Sugar R ffil. AT THE tor North au kn. s The Subset riber,e wishes 'to inform the Farmers and General Puling that he is I'repered to furnish all Sizes and Kind of 1 1 sr r`eli Digging Promptly .fig � 4ane and at Reasonable till ll tl a t? li'RteS. teideart and S!ll p as :tug Streit, tab hri:hic s Livery Stable. SOLICITF..o. JOHN MOORE. CHRISTIE'S f,Rv ST'11,g Yeasts Liver Regulator or Diremu of the tire:, Kidneys. aa. end Purity - tee of the blood. Price U. Six bottles tor f5. For Site by AUG DRUGGISTS. ¥aautettured only bar QBR, X. ESEiaka,•T, Cutlass, Foams, Oxy. LOOS! If you want a good situation write to MAT BRo'r uERS,Nurseryrnen,Rochester, as *1,t' •aarein wart of honest stmt pili., right salesmen, to sell their choice and hardy varieties of Nursery Stock, either on Sala o Salary r Commission. � 9� inti new and ltd Vla+ liable varieties to offer. Write thernat once for terms; delays are dangerous. Melt. :11, -St. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician wise has had a life long experience in treating female diseases. lensed monthly with perfect success by over 10,000Iadirs. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal wafers and take no substitute, or Inclose post- age for sealedparticular . Sold by ail dru$1. �p1 cists $1. per AddressEUREKA as.Enll"ck1L' CO., Dasaor arca. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. This Year's MYRTLE Cut & Plug g Smoking Tobacco FINNED THAN EVER. See 1 1 IN BRONZE ON Each Plug an Package. The Great English Preseriptilon • successful Medicine used over so years in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatorrhea Nervous'! l�+ Weakness, Emissions, Impotency zfli4 and all diseases caused by abuse. 1(sa1rosx; indiscretion, or over-exertion. (amaze] Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Fail, Ask. your Druggist for The Great English Pro.erlptior, take no substitute. One package Et. Six $5, by mail, • Write for Pamphlet. Address Baran* Chemical Co., .Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter. by Dr. Lutz, and - druggists everywhere.' Jun. -i-8 i RA First Olay RIGS And HORSES. ORISERS LEIS' AT THE UAWIi. SiTA V HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL 13E PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. =army meeteea=0.14.0. Telephone Connection. THE PROVIDENT Life and Live Stock As sociatioll, INCORPORATED, AUG. 1887. Bead °ince room D Arcade. TORONTO, ONTARIO. In the Life Department this Asso- ciation provides indemnity for Sick- ness and Accident, and substantial as- sistance to the relatives of deceased members at terms available to all.. In the Live Stock Department, two- thirds indemnity for loss of live stock of its members. Send for particulars,. claims paid. etc. WJLLIAM JONES, Sept.6,188. MALwINt: DIRECTOR BISSETT BROS LIVERY. First Class horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store; will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE, A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS.. FREEMAN'S' WORM POWDERS Are pleasant fo take. contain their own Purgative. is a safe, sure and effectsial destroyer ofwort s us Childress or Adults. Edel School Report. The following ie the report of our eehool for the month of April based on the merit of weekly written exanlina- ton and regular attendance. PART FI ST.- -Rel, Bunter, Blanche Rook, Jessie Luxton, ,Annie Handford, Rhoda Kerslake, Polly Fisher, Annie Jones, Horner Buswell, May Tiiolnae. PART SECOND—Marks obtainable SOO. Frank Renter, 899; EMIllit Smith, 321.; Myrtle Walker, 813. SEa,ox»,.--.Marks obtainable 575,— Minnie Luxton, 460; Bernice Rook. 897; .Alice Dempsey, 381; Ida Cave, 180. JU'N,Tlirxp,—Marks obtainable 800.,• Nellie Dempsey, 6121 Ulla Hunter, 605 Lizzie Coats, 598; Nora. gearlaan, 578; Lottie Handford, 557; Edger .Buswell,. 588 A � c l 1 lava m D elnpsey,,,s, 7t1, Pere, Lux. ton, 214; Annie Smith, 199. SR. a`tmut.--..Afarks obtainable 800.— Thos. Neaman, 677; Maggie Luxton, 541; Warren Snell 523; Alfred Hunter 479; Jas. Healnan, 347; Thos. Stuitlr,344 Geo, Walker, 255. Fonlrelt,- Mfarlcs obtainable 800,--; Leura Hick; 00, - LauraHicks, 570; Alice Kerelal;e 056- Mfine% Cave, 401, 'p Elem.—Marks obtainable SW-- Addle 00.Ad le Ceti e, 705. Fevre the above it will be seen thee it is very ituportaut, that parents t irouhd atend their children to school as regular ly as possibie,iu order for thein to melte xis r.rphi progress as is usually looked J. A. Deetesl<k, Teacher. BayAQzd, Mr, James Fowler is having a, nen barn erectedon his premises. Mr, Geo. Erwin had the rifortull[ to lose a valuable horse a few days go, The by-laaw, to grant Walser 4 Co. bonus of 2,000, was defeated. by 1 votes, John Day, our enterprising ear- riage rnalker.,intcnds putting up.abriek front to his establistuuent, Several of our young men are vitt to leave soon to take situations on the government survey boat up north. :'dies Philip% who has bee» attendlu ; Helmuth, Ladies College, Landau, home at present for her Easter leo Clays. Mr. Elliott, a young Iran who Is at- tendin; Clinton Collegiate Institute, spent his Faster holidays with his untie Mr. Ned Elliott. It is intimated that Rev. Mr. Simpson of Brueetielcl, will occupy the pulpit of St. Andrew's church, on the second Sunday of May. Last Monday I)r. Stanbury end Nicol performed a eriticai op eration on al maid ern lady of this village. Later accounts indieate that the patient is doing ;rice. ly. Air. II. Diehl, who taught school here a year ago,ancl who is at prn'sentstudy ing for the ministry of than Epist op.tl church, preecheil in Trinity church, last Thursday er Cuuig . Mr, John Swartz, of River Hotel, is haviu his laco thoroughlyoroug ily renovated and some of the rooms rearranged. The 11»1111 stairway, which was always in- convenient, is being replaced by one. more suitable. At the vestry meeting of Trinity church, last Monday afternoon, it wase. Quite evident that there had been no retrogression during the past year, as far, at least, as things material are eon cerned. After paying all salaries and aarre„ars,a small surplus remains to start another year. Scott Act are meeting with every suecess, and from the various reports, the Scott Aet will be knocked higher - than "G uilderoy's Kite.” AAWZOE 0 )IATISIMil111v reit byeu s sick child But ffering andoryuigwitk pain of cutting' teeth ? If co. semi at once end, get & tloktte of.M$u W!,H:#,Ow's lto0Tni1lo S7il i' . fo1i OFttnit 1t T• sgTutttil, Ile vtlitre is incalLeti,. able, It willreliar.1ltepoorlittleauliererlu#p . . diatety. Depend upon lit, Montero, there hats - mittaalgeabout it. tentree dysent ryanddRAI% 1ltwa, regulates the stom e11 and Vowels. cur t1ionn id, t i the ac,nr..gy stege a oM . x87 to the whelp ■yyatant., tt ttz. Wing*, SooriEtto SUMP SOg. Glnnitgr.xm 'agaispiea,.lsntTelt tiali&i ., 1.441 i#t the prescriptio#a of ono of the oldest and ba t female nurses sand phy*stela#is in t11e Unison! States, and is for sale by ail .tiriiE isle throng}. 'utile world, l'rioe 24 ocots u Pottle. HOSPITAL �ME 1 ES. Vii; are hey? The growth erietelli7 6eece iu ratellcai uietters bas given rise to' a demand for class of Venulae,"reliable ,#rte Melee. The opportunity of :the rgeerant quack, whet grew r eh curing everything opt r Of a single bottle leas passed. J'4 supnply satisfactorily this &Meted this list of Ten* .dies has beta created They are the fever-- Ito e_verIto preserrptiouaof themost tamaus nedu. praetitioaers of the day, gathered from e hospitals of.Lorldou, kedth s, Berlin and! Vim. wa. i'rescrrpeons which cost the petiente of •tjiesespecialists tratn6.f;: to $IO0arehere ,offereei preParel sand ready for >:.e at the mealiest price Of 9144 daltar eachu. Net era ce them is rt care AR; each ane baas oaiir ale • reasonable power of curing; a siudle duress; tied each ane keeps is ecatreet, SnUerere. from Catarrh, Diseaseal. Lug; Bronchitis, , Asthma. t;orpamplion, Rhetunatisr, Dee. pepsic. Liver alnd Fane ° Lou:='thirsts, Pever encs Agee. Neuralgia, :ln eeicle ii calx tail, Leecerri#ceaer ,°ervettslteuilstiAbe rld..esrd stamp ter descriptive catalogae to Hospital Remedy Ccr., 003West Ring St„ T9mM r, 4en:rda. Ityourslrogeiaat cove uatlacep ;Imo r+ernediee r'emitQ,aseseed we will send direr Ileraugemetlt of the liver. with con- stiption, Injuries the complexion, in- duce pimples sallow skim. Remove the cause by 14Sillg Carter's Little Liver Jlie.. One a dose. Try therm. 1:1:031f CfC.F.AN TO OCEAN. Fishermen and miners in Nova Scotia nlMendes' and farmers in Ontaria and :flee, 1111.1ntera and trippers in the r torte& and gold mitten in British tumble, use and praise Hagyard's ion•tial,the great internal and ex - matt remedy for all painIt euies. • beumatisln, neuralgia, sore throat and is the reliance of thousand, Why don't you try Carter's Littler Liner Pills? They ars' a positive cure for sick headache, .and all the ills pro, duced by disordered liver. Only one pili a dose. We have used Everest Cough Syrupy ala our family nearly two years, and ie has given us excellent satisfaction.= Rev. A. L. Russell, Petrone, P. 0. You can't do anything without money in Dakota -except get in debt. I was very batt with, diarrhoea, al- most belle. when I: tried a bottle of Everest's Extract of Wild Strawberry and one dose cured nue—John Mitchell Jura P.O. There is at man in the moon—in the- honeynioou, aulveay. I used one bottle of Everest's Liver Regulator and gallica two pounds in weight—It cured me. -Thos. Sutcliffe, Absredor P. 0. Dr. Win. 11. Thompson of the Univers Sty of the city of New York says: The. symptoms of diseased kidneys will Orst appear in the extremely different or- gans of the body." Treat the kidneys and not the effects of kidney disease, by using Warner's Safe Cure. AN UNWELCOME GUEST. Disease in any of its myriad forms is never welcome, and the end of its. visit is always at. B. B. B. causes all diseases of the stomach, liver bowels- and blood, giving life and hope with every dose. Wm. Roberts, M. D. Is, R. C. P., of the University of London Eng., says: -Pas sive congestion of the kidneys may be present, in which the urine contains not a trace of albumen, while thesymp toms of intense venous congestion, dropsy, orthopncea and pulsating jugu- lars are present. The urine becomes• scanty, high -colored and dense." War- ner's safe cure has cured. thousands of these symptoms, often called diseases, . by putting the kidneys in a healthy condition, STRON- RESISTANCE. A healthy human body has strong • powers of resistance against disease, bat where weakness or lack of tone ex- ists disease quickly assails it. Keep the systom clean, the blood pure and the vital powers vigorsous and active by the use of B. B. B. the true true vitali- - zer and restorative. QUICK TIME -48 HOURS. "I always use Hagyard's, Peetorial " Delman for colds and it cannott be beat en. It has always cured. me within 48 hours, which no other medicine will do and I always kept a fire by me." These. words from Chester Miller, Lieury, Ont, prove the efficacy of a popular prepar- ation. Oorbett. 1liiss Deckle Taylor spent her Easter holidays at her home here. Mr. Jas. 'Maim has moved from here to the farm lately occupied. by Mr. H. Joyce, near Moray. Rev. Mr. Lochend, of Parkhill, and Rev. Mr. Carrie,of Grand Bend, will ex- change pulpits next Sunday. Miss Nellie Davidson,' spent her Eas- ter holidays at her home in Strathroy she speaks of having spent a very en- joyable time with her old friends. As Miss Davidson has already matte many friends in this neighborhood we hope she will soon feel as much at home here as in Strathroy-. The meeting held in the cheese fact- ory last week was not a success,as there were very few attended, very few of 1 the routes have been let, any person wishing to take it milk route should see the directors at once. The farmers are nearly through seeding around here, Mr. Robert Taylor, of this place, is at present attending the Parkhill High School and will write at the coming examination. We hope he may be successful. Our cheese factory started on the 1st of May. George is a first-class cheese maker. Our well diggers •are again at work. Mr. Gainey, of Clinton, is again en- gaged at Mr Poliock's blacksmithshop. It is reported that he is,a great Scott Act talker. Mr. Wm. Holland, of Parkhill, visited our town on Saturday. Miss Ryan intends leaving for Ailsa Craig this week. Mr. George Alexander spent a few Rays in Watford visiting friends last week. . Mrs. Mutton left for Toronto this week. We are very sorry to loose her from our midst. Mr. Janes Oke, of Exeter, was pur- chasing cattle in and around here last week. The committees for the repeal of the The Brompton Hospital for Consump tives,LoudonEng published a statement that fifty-two (52) per cent. of the pat- ients of that institution have unsuspec- ted kidney disorder. Professor Wm. Ii. Thompson of the University of the city of of New York, says "More adults are carried off in this country by cliron lc kidney disease than by any other one malady except consumption." eiiihe- late Dr. Dio Lewis, in speaking of War ner's Safe Cure, says over his own sig, nature: "If I found myself the victim., of a severe kidney trouble; I would use, Warner's Safe Cure. SEVERELY BURNED:' "I burnt my hand severely, and dict not know what to do till a friend rat.; in with some I-Iagyard's. Yellow Oil and- applied it,and it drew out the paid and' healed it." Mary Leyitrd 59 Cecil St. Toronto. •