HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-5-2, Page 4THE xct Abroratt. WM- SANDERS. Editor. Thursday, Nay 2nd, 1889 R4 . 1VAY:STAT'L TICS= From the railway statistics of the Do minion, laid before Parliament, it is 'learned the lumber of miles of complet ed track on the 30th,June 1888,was 12, 701; iYun ber of miles of siding; 1,531' number of miles of iron rails in train lines, 1,037; number of utiles of steel rails in main lines, 11.1164; amount of paid capital, $727,180,448; amount of Government bonuses paid, $134,278,214 l amount of Goverurnent loans patid,820,- 920,085; Government suseriptions to sharers paid, 300,000: lnneieipal aid Maid $13,144,224; miles in operation, $12,162, SS; earnings in 18S7-,88. $12.159,152-05; working expenses in 1887.8S, edene2.• 446.03; net eaa'uiiigs, $11,507,106.62; nn itber of passengers envied, 11,414,- 791; number of tons of freight carried, 17,172,759; limber of miles run by , trains, 7,31)140i, 1 11 n 1,.. The Nominal Capital pa'i'l up to the 6 eud of t1n year was divided as fol- lows; Ordinary share e:ti,itstl +l.d,a'le a,tatli. 3.2,; Refcrt glee do 8.1:1,870.4:11.19; Rootl- et). delft 42>>,_,k i7.7'2R.1.7; Aid Dominion Government $15•',155.515.81; Aid, On. tario (tivf•rtuiwut $5,t147,007.5.2; Aid. tluebe;: Government ti8;1511,080.41; Aid, New lrl'ui.Swielt Government $3,122,- 627.54; Aid Nova Scotia Government $1.i)7.`l.&;; 15; Aird. Manitoba Govern - mem 81n i -,e104.10; Aid British Cam- bia Government $17,a3t1R1.00; .:'lid, Minn eiltaalities $1a1,143:2.21.43; total $727.1$0- 448.75. The :,a t e1.al animas cif Government and municipal loans, bonuses, ett;., promises to i',tilways completed, and nu tier construction were as follows: Dominant Government 81ti+r,599,921,- 11;. Ontario (.;oveminent a ta•17,007,i0; Quebec Government $10,974,060.01; New I3ruusw ick Governmeut $4,1112,- 663.00; Novas Scotia Government $1.9.15- .094,114; .1atuitolet. 1.1.15- 94,t14;.gatnitolet. litivermuent $1.945,- 000,00; t l45,000,.00; British Columbia. Government $: 7..x101) (?ll; t lilt trio 1lttnieip alit ie 610,- 005'541.78 ; Quebec 10,•005'541.78;tluebec ntuuieilttlities $1,- 192,274 1,192.2 7.4 00 New Brunswick Mlanicipali- 1 ties V16,500.00; Nova $ otia llunieipali' ties $250,000.00; Manitoba. Mtnuieipttli- i6594,(100.00; t es ri1 r task Columbia Dion icipalities $:17,5J0.(0; North West Ter- ritories .ill nitapalities $35,00.00; total $i77,2i5,564,6Q, A Frightful Disaster, The worst accident which has occur- red on the Grand Trunk Railway for great many :ears tool, puce Sunday morning at seven_ o'clock, about three miles west of Hamilton. The engine of the St. Louis Express, from Windsor to Suspension Bridge, jumped the trade, et the Junetiou Cut and pitched:into a water tank. The baggage hand smok- ing ear in the rear telescoped and im- mediately took fire. Before the passen- gers could be got out or any assistance rendered, the fire quickly conhmunicat- ed to the cars in the rear, and soon four more cars were ablaze, The pass- engers, however, managed to get oat of the latter four, and tried to save those in the burning smoking ear, but with- out success. The wrecking of the water tank cut off the supply of water to a very large extent, aiid what water could be got had to be applied by means of pails. There were oue hun- dred and fifteen passengers and ten train bands on, board, anti of these :'bout thirty passeugeers were in the smoking ear. As far as bas been learned thir- teen passengers got out of the smoker, two were kilted instantly, one :of them being Mr. L. S. Gurney, who ?,r•as on bis was from Chicago to New York, and the other an Italian, name un- known, The remains of fifteen bodies have been taken out of the wreek,which witltthe two killed and thirteen reserved, all more or less wounded, makes alp the thirty who are supposed to be ad that were in the smoker, None of the trails hands were seriouslyitljured, the moist being; Edwin C}t,•tpnan,of London, the fireman, who had his right arm bunked and a scalp wound, "I WAS SUFFERING." Says S. S. Shewfeit, of Kingsley, Man 'From weakness and loss of appetite, with a severe headache, and could scarcely walk, My first bottle of B, B. B. enabled me to walk iabout the house, and when I ltad taken the second bet - le I found myself entirely eared. Special Announcements. Weltad lead'" arrangements with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., publishers of eat. Treatise onthe horse and his Diseases" which willenables all our subscribers to obtain as copy of that valuable nork ,free by sending- their address (enelos lug ;a two,cent stamp for mailing same) to I)n.13. J. K7~NDAr.i: Co. ENOSBCO11 FALLS, VT. This bookis now recogniz- ed as standard authority upon all dis eases of the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over four million copies staving been sold in the past ten years, x sale never before reached by any plhblicetion in the same period of time. We feel confident that our patrons will appreei*te the work, and be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable book. It is necessau'y that you mention this paper in sending for the -1.1•a::ttisu." This offer will remain open only a short time. -6t. TIL , ('OTT ACT. As the time advances for therepeal a r vote on the Scott Act in Middlesex, it becomes more evident every day diet public opinion is changing in reference to the Scott Act being a good measure for the furtherance of Temperance. It has now proved itself (Scott anal* that it is tyranical in every sense of the word. To prove this assertion we will ask our readers to weigh these facts in their mind, We will suppose that there be an army of 700 indi- viduals who use liquor in moder- ation, none would be committing any crime in this respect and Scott Act or any prohibitory enactments would not be agitated even by extrcmest. Just as soon, however, as one drinks to excess the principle of the Scott Act brand as criminals not him only but every one of the other 699 who never used but in moderation, as only one person in every 700 of the population of Canada drink to excess. Any act of parliament or any other act to punish 699 admittedly innocent individuals in order to deal with the guilt offone man is something we cannot comprehend. One reason, given us by the Scott Act agitators, is that the Scott Act should not be repealed, because it shuts off temptations for boys and young men. In. the first place the as- sertion is false. It increases the temp- tations instead of lessening them. There is a good deal of pig nature in boys as well as men. They will not consent to be driven. They walk in the paths of good voluntarily, or not at all. The proper Christian plan of edu- cating boys, is to teach then to shun `.the evil of drunkeness as any other evil or temptation. Teach tli.em to be self-reliant following good for its own sake, not depending on the state to keep them from evil. Suppose this one temptatation shut off -what of the rest? When May the 9th comes around we expect the people of Middlesex will throw of the Iron, Yoke of bondage, and once More breathePure air, free from f11 impurities, such as Scott•Aetor any other Tyrannical laws: NOTICE. Theshareholders of tl a .rotes Salt Well h t Ir Forks Co. will lease take notice, that the annum meting meet' ug of the above com- pany will take place et the town Hall, on ];'rids} evelniug, May 31th 1880. By order, T. B. C.tntuYo, Secy. ('1Ot NTr OF HURON TEACHERS' U Examinations 1889. Second and third class non-profession- al examinations at the Collegiate Insti- tutes and High Schools in the County on Tuesday, 9th July, 8,40.a. m. First C., July 16th, 8.40 a. in. Candidates who wish to write at either Clinton or Seaforth must notify D. M. MA.LLOCn, Esq., P. S. Inspector, Clinton. P. 0., not later than the 22nd of May, stating which of the two schools they intend to write at, and those who wish to write at Goderich must notify Joint E. Toss, Esq, P. S. Inspector, Goderich P. O., at the same date. The notice be accom- panied by a fee of $5, or $10 if the Candidate applies for the First Class as well as Second Class Examinations. No name will be forwarded to the De- partment unless the fee accompanies it. Head Masters of the Collegiate In- stitute or High School will please send the applications of their Candidates to the Inspector of the division in which the Collegiate Institute or High School is situated. Forms of application may be had from the Secretary. PETER ADAMSON, SEC'Y. B. EX'S, Goder ich, April 22nd, 1889. Loligivitye Scientific men see no reason why the span of human may not be extended to a round hundred years frons the present Limit of 4exenti to eighty years. From Adam's time to that of 1lle- thuselah and Noah, lieu are recorded as attaining well nigh the age of 1,000 years. The Psalmist David, however, says ; "The days of our age are three- score and ten; and though mea be so strong that they reach fourscore years yet is their strength, then but labor and sorrow; so soon pa,sseth it away, and we are gone." This wide margin of longevity, to- getilcrwith proper obeervaiice of men- till, moral and physical laws, leads in- vestigators to believe it is possible that human life Wright be made to inereare in length of days to a full century, at least. Moderation and regularity in eating drinking and sleeping are conductive to longevity, and those who preserve proper habits and use pure and officer - mons remedies wheu siek,lnay 'accomp- lish immense labor with no apptmen injury to themselves and without fore- shortening their lives. Rola 1I. Ii. Warner, President of the Rochester, N, Y. Chamber of Commerce,' ;old marruf.aeturer of the eelebrated 'Warner's Safe Cure, has devoted much', time and research to this subject of longevity, and itis arrived at the very satisfactory eouelusion that life may be prolonged b;, rational and natural means, Thousands. of people are living to -day -.enjoying the blessing of per - feet bealth and vigor --.who will testify tth the magical and efficacy of Warner's Safe Cure in restoring them to physical potency and to the normal type of taonctitbhtion, after they had alwost given up hope of life. After middle age many begin to lase their wonted vigor of body, and thereupon give way to inertness and useless repining, Yet all saaela have within reach, that which both renews youth and contributes to the prolonga- I tiros of life. Warner's tnarvelous Safi Cures are in every drug store, and are now regarded us standard specifics throughouthonG the civilized Cd world. The strong desire to attain old as ge_ _ meantime retaining the virile powers'. of body andmind•-is necessarily WC co n• Cted with the respect paid to aged: persons, for maple would scarcely de- sire to be old, were the age uegglect+ ` or regarded with mere sufferauee. CLOTHING A. J. SELL, ETER - ONTARIO, Has now in stocle S[111111 d�V SaM�l�O -oo=, IN THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings'and Trotls cringe, Scotch Tweed Su1tluo' s and Trouser - 0 Ings. French and English Worsted Cloths All made up i,n the Latest Style, at best Rates.* ILr L. H. Dickson's It aad IWO for Ug Lot N0.23, in the lsteoneessionof the town. ship efMidler t.eentaintng 100 acres- Phis farm wet t s sold ehettp, and on eaSv terms The farm i$ altutkted niday betweenSeaforth find i eblin, on the Moron Clravel Road. Church and School within 10t1 yards of farm. Sit the best in the county. A. number of Exeter village 'properties for sate on the be$t of terms,inciudiltg some of the mo.t desirableresldellcex in tows. ropertvin the villages of Cerhtralia4. `arilnhar, whiclh can be bosght chelilt. nIaunH1=auerlsa� .s -Ott ee mplc. o# Verity's o l r , acalculated.x st kont 15 to ria.ddttianatl l,an.+IllAre to be oat. plore 1 A. Done to legit a Kraals rent can, able ok accomodating8 to 10 hoarders. M&ot five ;ninnies wall: trout the foundry. ,r aapply For farther r � ticttl�rr to D. H. ,DICKSON. It:th,18g). tli,rri.ater..E:aceter. London Huron & Bruce Railway GOING NORTH -TIME TABLE-Pass'nr. London, depart -.8.05 A. x..4.25 P. at. 5.20 5.28 5.45 5.57 6.09 6.17 6.26 6.45 7.03 7.12 Liman Crossing ... 8.47 Clandeboye .8.52 Centralia ........9.05 EXETER.... .... .9.16 Hensall . , ........ 9.28 Kippen ... , 9.34 Brucetield .. , .... 9.42 Cli Ilton..... 10.00 Londesboro' . ...10.19 Blyth 10.28 Belgrave .. .10.42... 7.27 Winghnm . , , , ...11.00.. . 7.45 GOING SOUTIr. Passenger. Wingham . 7.05 A.u:.. 3.40 ex. Belgrave ... , ... 7.24 4.00 Blyth. Londesboro' 7.47 Clinton. ...... 8.07 Brucefield........8.26 5.04 Kippen . , .. 8.34...... 5:12 'Jensen. . 8:41.. 5.19 EXETER8.56.. 5.33 Centralia . 9.07. 5.15 4 Clandeboye 9:18'.. 5.56 c e , •y, Taiwan Crossing.. r ssin 9,2 London, arrive . �. .�.02" arrive :..10.15. ..... 6,45 .. 4.15 4.25. 4.45 URE SickIIeadaclteand relieve ail the troubles Incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, such es Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress atter eating Pain in the Side, &c, while theirmont remarkable success has been shown In curing SICK Headache, yet Caesar's Lusts LITER PILLS are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying com plaint,while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels, Been it they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost prleeless to those who suffer front this distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. But after all sick head CHE is the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure a while others do not. C.UeTEa's LITTLE LIVER PILt s are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents- five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail: CATER BED1CINE CO., New Yak. Snail la Small Doss Small Price. THE LIGHT RUNNING SEWING MACHINE HAS. NO EQUAL. GIBLEY. THE LEADING Undertaker AND Furniture Dealer OF THE TOWN T have an immense Stock, of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on. hand, which I will sell at right prices. Vntkn & hlitiq A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock. Solicited. S. GIDLEY. IF YOU WANT A ha Lis Sh�V� OR Neat Hair Cut, CALL AT THE Central Barber Shop, Fanson's Block, Exeter A. Hastings, PROPRIETOR i'THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE THAT GIVES, •____�' PERFECT LSAT/$FACT/ON. itifingaNG MADArgligiCE, 3, CHICAGO -28• UNiON SQUARE,N:6 DALLAS, I. we L is"4,Q_. ATLA A A.sANF.RANcts a CAL. George Vickers, Kirkton, MEN OOR GILDED PILL No.1 CURES NERVOUS DEBILITY Lost manhood. Semina Weakness, Sperm. etaahree, Vericoaele and all diseases re• tniting8 from the Errors of Yonth, Indisoxe• ions, a oe, per b orwork or Exposure. Price 51.00 box, postage cents extra, c six boxes for $5.00, postage 16 conte extra. Why pay so calledspecialists from $l0a0 580 when you can bocureonradfor 55? WOMEN No. 2 CURES FEMALE WEAKNESS. General Debility, Nervous Headache, A:e. Price 81.00 perbox, postage 0 cents extra, six boxes for 56.00: postage 16 cents oxtra .• Kix boxes cured the worst cases. No. 3 INSURES. REGULARITY I. safe and alaayd reliable. Better than Ergot. Oxide, Tansy or Pennyroyal Pills. Price $2,00 perlarge boS.postn5o a cents extra, 0 boxed 55,00, postage 18 cents extra. MeV PILL CCO.1711INC Si VYtTOR3 TO QUALITY IS THE TRUE TF&T OF CEMAPICESS. H. NORTHCOTT BREAD, BUNS, CAKES Etc., >F TH£ HESS CdVALSTY_ J Of Every Description Made to Order. J. . Norco', ONE DOORNORTE QF : AN ON'S BLOCK. Nain-otroot Exam, STOP ANOFEAD! There is a Machine Oil called RPINE! IT IS MANUFACTURED SOLELY J3Y McCOLL BROS. TORONTO, ONT. See that Bu'Tels are branded with the Trade 5fark, LARDINE do nottake it asit is only spurious ()i . If not, � o (►1 � � l )U 11 they are oaring you so as to make more money OUt Of you. FOR SA LI 4 13Y i ett Bras., July -2$-'88. HOOSIER STEEL FRAME 1RAIN DRILL Cuaranteed the best in thie world. NO OTHER DRILL made can be instantly regulated to run at any desired. depth without stopping the team. NO OTHER DRILL will sow all kinds of grain thoroughly, even and properly eovercd at a uniform dteptil in all kinds of soil. NO OTHER DRILL commences to cow• the instant tlw horses commence to move, and misses n0 ground when starting; in, after turning. NO OTHER DRILL equals the Hoosier when, used as a .t'ultivetor and no single cultivator surpasses it, thus l'olnbining two illlplelneut.S 111 olie. NOXON'S NEW STEEL BINDER See the greatest invention of that age in our um Knotter which cuts but one eorg,mllcs no waste ends andsaves eord bindingenteo Improved ved lfowt,rb and Horse Raikes. HENRY JONES, AGENT. All Co*nnnu*ieatious, address to HENRY JONES, Exeter, Ont. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR BUT --TYPE:- from --1 i P :--- from which this paper is printed was supplied by the mono TYPE FOUNDRY Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. The Grand Union Rotel, onan TON', - OnTT A.RSO Enlarged and Improved. 30 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies of the season. 3 convenient sample rooms. House heated with hot air. Electric bells throughout. Si PER DAY. R. J. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. SALESMEN Nuslche rsery Stoc c LIBEBA.L PAY GUAILRA.NTEEDW.EEKLY IVio 7xperience regnired: Commence at once and success assured. Write PnEn. E. YOUNo,. Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. A FEW 1IDRE COZEN 8x10, 11x14 and 14)0.7 PHOTOGRAPHFRAMES -o-JUST 1N AT -o - 'eels\ I®fg $■ Dont, fail to see them. Also a New lot of Chromes and Oil Painting's, such as you, have never seen before in Exeter. The highest finished Cabinet Photo's in the Count $3 per doz. Jse• G n'i r.