HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-4-25, Page 3INTO THE LION'S DEN. THE BOLD ADVENTURE OF TWO NEW YORK .REPORTERS. notice thief, however, He flaw ib all at one glance. eie a moment more he bed eyee for nothing but the ocempante of the cage, "Sand, still there &feedlot the back of the cage in the middle," Said Manager Conklin in a ow vdce. and each of them had eight feet, armed with eixteen marderouselookiog dome each. It wile a rare sight, tedy, and ooe the writer will reot eoon forget As he pushed his heed through the email door. and wondered if he would ever come out of iv alive the e a ne The reporter took one etep backward, ape of hie chticlhood paseed repeay throueti leis ▪ ey Enter ceoes oeWUd reeasts at leer* felt the bars at the rear of the cage touch hie inincl, He thought ef distant friode and mines—one visits the Ilene and the 'mole. Manager Conklin stepped to the things, ad 'woodeeed what wonld be seid Other the Tigers-1AM Story m door which, operated the middle convert- when -the next Witmer ef meat wee gethered the, lee:perience, menb from that in which the excited noes op in Keretueley or elsewhere, for he wasn't The following remerkehle story, which is were confined,• end, pulling the bolt, opened test positive ee to whore he would be found. teue in ereey partieuler, relates toe expert* ence of two roportero a the New ork even- ing San who voltentarily faced appalling danger in quest 0 A new Imre of 'nivel/tune, The reportere were N. A, Jeeninge and W, J. Heine. "May we go in and inrsiew thoee lions aud tigerar What 1" gasped Superintendent Conklin in horror- " Go in there 1' ecreamed Winner, with three exclaneation points underatood, "Ya, dr." Whe4 "Now, of course," "You're jokien. eeen't Ymel" The veteran aeimal mon was exaured that the reporters, were Rotatively in earneet, Sad meant every word thee' Paid- lie Weir a little time ler thought, and then coneulted witleTedy Hatreilte_,n the genial press agent for the big 'thew, Keller, the megtelao, vase waa sage present?, held ep both beetle in holy honor ae the bare thouglet of end) a thing, and begged. "The Evemag Sun" men te get° elle their scheme, More than ecore of the attendente of the tuaireel cage were gathered about, and had heard the uatiegel retreat With borer and eueptiee„ Ent heel been mode in geed etitle eed Ode Mr. Cooklin wm won couvieeed e. "Well, You'll be the We newspaper men who ever luterviewed *Iwo nienale in their house ; mod ltit bet you you'll be the leat for ineny year. But yon have the cenrege te go 111 ge with you eud tithe pm . Willyett A rather faint, bnt PQM/ the lam dietinct "Yes" eseekett double, settled the matter, owl then it wee too late to back out. Either reportex would doubtleset have will - fogey consented to withdraw bad the other made the initial step in that direetien ; but neither would make the first move toweed a hackdown, Supetiutendeet Couldin Pieced two *mai etepleddere ieeide the reiliuge in freut of the cages, tUel then planed ane 0 the leddere te treat 0 the cage coetainieg the Heins awl the ether a elmiler peelteen dthe tiger ate. Re t/IlleCiced the dome, hut atilt lett them fettered and gelled to the fleet reeve ter to get teesly, The Roue were to be Ate, ited firete ausd they evidently knew that eemetithog tetteeuel wee About to happen., Mr. Kellerand felly twenty gentlemen who were lutereated in the welfare 0 the reporter who wee to go in came to titled in front 0 the cage. Keller he& him a grave goolohy end Soperiuteedeut Conklin atvuog tae the heavy iron door. "You had better take your overooat eff," mid Mauer Conklin to the writer. "IV* beet to be *reel/ anything eheuld happen."' The reporter looked at thine two Ilona lo their age long and earneetly. The undo lien, with his it. Antettitr step forward. ad retreat wee eut, And right, then ccourred something wbieh off, for Mr. agalin baegen tee heavy iron the reporter is at a lose to fully explain. The door shuts tied locked ir. newspeper man is a confirmed cigarette 1 Everythieg in tin t menagerie seemed die- arnol'Pri and Ilan been fl3rolanY l?eara, but itj toroed and diatended. Tee feces 0 the re - would certainly Seen! that at that Supreme porter'e friemle outside neeked larger than neement when he woe to meet two terooleoa usual, and tel Arent the seam exereeetwa lions face to face he weuld not heve thought of emoldog. At this writing, several Were afterward, he cermet remember that be thought of it at all. But, be that as it may, he certainly did take a. cigart tte from his pocket and light it. it wasn't a piece of eesesede—he didn'e feel brave at all --it was amply a purely mechanical action, The pared a ale is time he disco -Ye -- red with surprise, after be bad come mit of the cage, that he was smokieg feeshly light. ed eigerette, An soon aa Manager Qonitlin had pulled the bele of door hem eke catch the lien spot% Azalea it and forced ie open. He waa closely ft:awed by the Hones; The two great animals bounded. eagerly into the compartmenta where the two men whom they could have killed at one blow were awaiting them, The preeeeee of Wenger eeemedsto mite OM to fury. They threw their Mew Witte age/lett the sides of the No and snarled aud, greVirled rage. Thellou body ;ebbed spent the eeporter'S leg, end as the itionarele of the fereat felt t110 eentact he roared with al tile power 0 hie mighty ia IMAM, lied the rawhide whip which Man- ager conhlie carded OUT KV. eela LION'S neg. UMW: MAIM AND rsOlteR, R1NOLY PAM was lying et full length near the front of the oge. Ria note was resting between his ontsrerched pewee and he rneb thereporterhs gaas with meets a mild, cairn, dignified look tbat at the time it did nob nom as though he wouldl condescend to be ugly ond imago under any circumstances. The Honest, was net so limy nor so dignified in appearance. She was paging beck and forth in the little compartment of the big cage just behind her royal apemen and aim seamed roams and ill at ease. Every now end then also opened her mouth in n moat prodigioue yawn, and thereby !Unload tyro rows of great white, gliatening teeth in anything but a reasour- ing menuer. She didn't seem to notice the reporter at all. "Aro you ready?' iv quired Manager Conk- lin, as he took off Me coat and opened the door to the middle compartment of the big cage. The writer veaen't quite ready to be eaten alive at that moment, but an he had expressed a wide to learn by experience just how it teems to bo abut up in a cage with two Hone, and as it would never have done to have beaked out at that time, be pro. cceded to take off his overcoat. He didn't hurry himself a pertiole in doing this. Undue haste is not dignified at any time, and, besides, he had a faint hope that their majeatice, tlao lions, would notice bis delib- erate manner and set it down in their minds to excessive coolness. But even when one is in no hurry it doesn't take very long to get mat of a loosefitting overcoat, and in much too short a time for comfort the re- porter was obliged to announce that he was ready. " Lcok here. old man, you had better let it go," said " Tody" Hamilton at thia juno- tura, as he laid his hand gently on the re- porter's shoulder. "You know there is no real necessity for you to go into that cage. I tell you honeatly that I wouldn't do it my- self tor S1ee000. But this advice, kindly as it was, came too late. The reporter was half way up the little ladder before MaHamilton had finish- ed epeaking. In another instant he was in the cage Weide Manager Conklin, and that gentleman had dosed the door. Keeping as near the centre of the middle compartment of the cage as possible, the re- porter looked about him. On his right, in the easternmost compartment, was A GREA SIAN-EATING BENGAL TIGER. He was lying close to the bars which sep- arated him from the middle compartment, and the bare were so wide apart that he could easily have pub his paw between them and reached the reporter. There was a wicked gleam in the big tiger's great green eyes, and it seemed to gain in ferocity when Manager Conklin eseual- ly remarked that he was the meet savage 0/ger ha bad ever seen in a menagerie in all his experience. The reporter would have shrunk away from the terrible animal if he had had room, but the middle compartment was only about four feet wide and moving away from the tiger he would have been obliged tb to getalose the lions' end of the cage. This was not to be thought of for a moment, as the lions had become great. ly excited as soon as they had teen the Heller s bald head soon° in the electric) lighe like a. polished doer knob, and was dotted all over with beads of old pereeiration. Poor fellow, he suffered as much from anx icty as did the reporters themselves. The heavy rawhide carried by the Super- intendent waa son at work on the tigera. That Plirticularly fierce gentleman who oc- cupied the eecond fioor /rent made himself felt before the vidtons had been iodate the cage two seconds, A light iron grated door, or mom properly a barred door, for it watt constructed of hell...inch round iron rode, runnlog vertically at a distanee of dye blooms apart, Wile all thee separated, am beast from, Ins coveted prey,. The door was made to swing open in the and i didn'e reach to the top of the cage by about a feet. It was a Break leek, ing with of an affele, and wan faeteeed hy drop holt, Also el haltireh iron, whites fitted into e nigh° in the Ilea. It WU Plain tA be t een anti; it would epee emily under pro - The reeorter tooka plaiti011 in the rear a tho oge and tried to look befit ways at PPM DA Mize would he emaide't keep track of all tee tigere. Their big striped bedica bowled hither and thither, and they Beene • anxious to have 4 %ate of hie ilmb, While he waggiogerly stepping an inch or o two to the right to mope the formidable Wawa of a glaut peve threat through the partitoe bars on hie lefe he felt a bet breath in hie face, and a geowl or roar temoded in his very eare tbet burly rode his hair etand on cod, Aqui* glove around, mad TERRIBLE BEM JAWS that Partieniarly forme'ous tiger of the second floor were WM !Aeon tem than a feet of his foe, The artireal had avow; at the ewiegieg doom, ought tbent at the top with hie forefeet, and was trying to eat his head through the °peeing over them And he all but =coded, too. To describe the *engine Met flitted at lightuipg-like speed through the reports* brain in that mood of time would be au unending teak. En moved only A little, but enough to es- cepo the threetersed denser, only to look the other way and find the whole tiger household up on the grated doom, Reuling end roaring at him, their little greoniah yellow eyes emitting acintillations 0 pale light, and their cruet white lenge shoaling and smoothing as they anopea their red jeers together in anger and ezeitement. From the nose of the bad tiger, who oc. ouplea the eeoond floor front, to the fangs of his neighbora, who lived in the rear, was juat forty-two Inches. ltbdway between them stood the report- er, dodging hither and anther to coop the muscular pews as they were thrust through bottom the iron rods in the door, in an ondoevor to reach him and reed hint limb from limb. The danger load terror -were further added to by the feet that the Super- intendent accidentally lot slip the bolt on the bed tient* doca in trying to secure it more firmly, so that the ferocious animal so fen succeeded in his efforb to get at the reporter as to force the doors far inward and part them sufficiently to got he head through, bub was beaten back by the heavy rawhide in the Superintendent's hande. The bolt shot to place, and the reporter shot out the instant the outaido door was opened. Theliret lesson in lien and tiger taming had been a sumo, and the reporters are now convinced that they can become adepts in the businese in a ahort time, if they want to—but they don't want to. It was anch an experience as bas never before fallen to the lot of a nevvspaper man, so far as the showmen know. It was exciting in the extrerae, hozeadons and perhaps fool- hardy, but it was done in probsely the man- ner as narrated above, in every detail. ' AN BNGLISR IXE0 (Mali. SINGULAR, VISOOVERY TEXA.S. The Godeiming murderer. suffers Oise Ex. mute Penalty. eaearthIng an 0141 Burial round or Xas diens ss Aztec Oa Wednesday morning, Ebenezer Samuel Jenkins, 20, deteribed ea an artist, was sen- teitedelbtaeaeveeereY,Linimerantensme eare%D3,41elialcei4elmielt. telleed to deeth at the }use Guildford A for tee wilful murder 'of hie sweetle4e8at: fit°,7RnaQafrPaadeil: ateecia0e:reee'eoineatheeeee8n°40ttbieergs,:01; Emily Joy, at Godeleaing, on Jen, 7th, was mooing afrer be had induced Mies Joy to and the Grande. Mr. Vandervonet, who owns a farm near the town meedoned, executed in Wandewerth Ption. The eeeeeelpese him to 1114 etealet be t°14 A man af°14enteonoolltitdoprilevaco!'da f re ea rblicoetlittre wdok.tvdn"QarnEdn leaving the roots exposed. In the earth. loosened, by its fall and upheeveci by the spreading road he notion a round object, whioh, upon inepotien proved to be a human skull. Mr. Vandervort, a gentleman of much Intelligenea and good eduotion, to. gather witb some sliglet knowledge of ain threpelogy, deeided that the Ault was tines of an Azteto which po.seeesta notable pecte liaritio. The farm 'taborets were at once set to work, and after 2 or 3 feet. or sod had been removed, dinnat every uptseavel of the ep tees brougb.t to light a bone, or weaeon, or other and the rellea lajd objeet. The eaith. ws.aisizereTfunlleywroekr:d. over went on for two or three deya, and hundrede fron. the country and neighboring. towns visited the "spot Toe exhumed elate:lefties have been corefully Oozed by Mr Vander - yearn who intends seodiag them to Anatiu to the State Seleutiaa and Glolottleal As. aoolotiou. 'Seem' correspondent was shoarn the eatection yesterday. In all, the ukelele ton - of nearly 100 men bad been dug up, but mob of the bones bad been ranterred. The two abate wilich bad boon kept differ, ed, se widely in shape that it wee pain that they hed belouged to represeetatives of entirely Gill:feria:0 nations, One was Untrlia. tekebly the skull ed an Indian; the other Mr. Vanciervoort declared to be an Azteces, or, at any rate, that of a being much. higher in intolligonce than the Indian, and yob lower thee Ceuemiers, "You ebeerve," he "that I make a clistinotioa between the Incliaes and the Aetece, for, elaseugh, the letter were called Indians, they differed physigelly see widely at they did In babies and =note front the wandering savege aborigines. There were a greet uumber of arrow -heads, both of atone and of glaSS, in the mauuface tare of which the Aztecs excelled, Bet to set at rot all doubts as to whet people the bonee had leologed to a scare or two of the magesmity, the peculier weepen of the AsAtten race, were found. Thle weapon is a alert metal ax, with Medea of Wats. The motel is supposed to be copper, but the speeimcns teat found are ao tarniehed and Incrusted by age and burial that Oda point has not yet been fully determined. Several ahlelda aro among the xelies, awl on Roberb Lois Stephen= le reported to be being cleaned Vera found to be of brass, dying at lionotem, each akillfully orsgraved with the figure of an owl. Copper knives and Ooze tetn, &tanks are abut:Ideate and twenty or thirty head -bands of ebony, /elver and eopper aro in the collesetion. There is elle a helmet or selectee of thin silver with a amen hole in the top The head dress of an ,ezteeen offieerwm a helmet with a topknot of /others, known as a pan aahe. The fothere were, of corn, gone from this, but we may conclude thee the akull whieh still wears this symbol of rank was that of the commander of the party. A pair of al - ver caiehea (armor for legs from knee to ankle) wore touted near the helmeted eked. White Cep outrages have been resumed One bony hand atill clutched a dart with in Indiana, and the reign of terror of last throe copper pointr, and held ib so ficznly year seems likely to be repeated, that it was necessary to keep hand end all. Another ghastly object was a pair of elieoh- ed jaws, holding between timer discolored teeth a small imago engraved °negate. This must have been the likeness of a god thrust into the month by the dying possessor. A number of gold and silver pendants and a quantity of Aztec currency were picked up. This later consists of bits of tin in shape like the letter T. Among the human bones wore mingled these of several animals, too small to have been cattle—horses were, of course, unknown —and too largo to have been dogs. Mr, Van - erre orb confessed himself puzzled. that he eweetteart had Agreed to die together, but that after de had earoped bato the wetter his beart failed hirn. the Man then told him he reuet t ilte hionto the police - station. Upon arriving there the priseeer made a Staternent in which, he admitted hovinn. DECOYED THE woe to hia "studio" on a diem errand, and had then thrown her down, and in a sudden fit of leeriness, strangled her. This statement he repeated, three or four times. The police at once proceeded to the studio, and on en, tering tound the body lying on its left side. The face RAS very much diifieured, and the boa the poor creature wore Wee billeted twice round her neck and stuffed, over her mouth and etose. Iler hencikerchief wee found in her mouth, and her neck was very much bruised. The defence urged at the trial was ace of ineattity, but neither of the docters who were called considered &debut insane. Since laia conviction the prisoner conducted himeelf exceedingly well and paid great at- tention to the ministrations of the Hey G- B. Pe Renzi, the prison ohaplain, He rose on Wednesday morning shortly after six, after passing a good night, and ate rather a largo breekfast. At three minutes to ;ohm a procession, consisting of Mr. 0, T. Abbot, the under sheriff, Captain fielby, the gayer - nor, and the other c facials, was formed out- side the ceedentaed eat, the culpit having QUIETLY StilltlITTED. to the proeeae of pinioning, Jens walked to the eceffold with a firm. step, looking It Was 4 Mel blow, but it wee se necestary vory pale and emaciated, and reeponding one. -fde tbe lion Mt it* Ming he +marled with great fervour to the prayers of the and allowed all his teeth, but he knew that ohaplain. Toe bolt being draw% the men it was hie master who had amok hisn, and seemed to die withoet a etruggle. Berry allowed a drop of Oft. 0in.—The usual he bounded back Into the compartment from which he had come, The lioness lollowed inqueat was afterwarde held on the body, oleo after and the jury round that the deceased bad been executed accordieg to law. There As SQQR as they bed leaped in Mauaoer had not been an execution at Wandsworth Conklin opraug for Ile door to elm it, bet before he gold do se the lion bad dardeed Vt tor nearly four yore. egeluet it epics end was beck in the mid- dle ompertmeut more eureged than ever, This tine the lieness—alte had followed ohne After her mato—domed her ugly dis- position. She limited into the corner of the cern- nartment by the bre of the tigers' den and showed ale leer teeth as ate Amapa her body from aisle toad° as a eat elm when about to aprIng upon A bird. lier mate was bettudieg about the compertmene like a ruh. ber ball. Twice he sprang into the ale as bfgh as the reporter'e head. Hut Manager Conklin knew whore the greater denser ley. Ile appeared not to no- tice the Rea at all, Tholbooees clahned all hie attention. Lifting that terrible rawhide whip again he dolt flee crouching Homes a blow menthe eyes which brought her te her ouzo in abort order. With. a /Jowl of rage or pain she leaped back into ber com- partment, followed this time by the lion. Manager Conklin bia failed to fasten the door before, but not so thia time. With a movement as rapid as that of the Hone therneelvee he was at the door in a flesh and had sprung the holt The liona were ha a towering rsgo When they found that they could not get out again, and they_ &abed their huge bodies againet tbo bare in a vain effort to break tbrough them, while they howled and snarled and spit with impotent anger. All this performance bad been watched with terrible intereist by the man-estIng tig. er in the other compertment only two or three feet away. rho terror of the India tingle VMS Almost betide himself with excite - merit. His long claws wero unaheathed and hie fangs were running with saliva. His jaws worked convulsively. If he could have only broken into where *ellen tamer and the reporter stood he would have torn them to pieces in the twinkling of an eye. It would have needed red -hoe irons instead of a rawhide whip to have eubduedhim, and it may be remarked that red-hot irons are nob kepenontinually on band in Madison Square Garden. Asthe re- porter lefb the cage the tiger thrust one great paw between the bars and. tried to reach him but the distance was a few inches too groat, luckily. When "The Evening Sun" man reached the ground again Kellar unshed up to him and threw his arms around his neck. The great) magician, who has travelled all over India and a good part of southern Africa, was completely overcome with excitement. His hugged the reporter as if he had been a long lost brother, and when he had finiah- ed hugging him he grasped his hand, and as he wrung it with nervous energy, he said: "I wouldn't do what you did for one mil- lion dollars." THE VISIT TO THE TIGERS. The feelings that agitated the mind of the reporter who had watched his fellow scribe pass through the exciting ordeal related above in his own words, may better be imag. ined than deacribed. The thing had been done and the lions had been visited. But it seemed to him that the lions had done very much the moat of the visiting, and as it had been practically demonstrated that a reporter could go into their den and come out alive, he didn't see the use of visiting the tigers at all. Why couldn't that part of it be taken for granted, anyhow? But a hearty handshake from his companoin, restored from what had undoubtedly been a great danger, assured him, and be wouldn't have shown that white feather if he had been sure of losing a leg. So, when Superinten. dent Conklin told him to get ready, he step- ped promptly to the railing, dodged under it, and mounted the steps. He had been told by the superintendent that it would be im- possible to release the tigers so as to allow them in the some compartment with himself and the reporter, for the reason that they were fresh animals, unbroken to the sight of strangers in their midst, and that it would be suicidal to attempt to handle them in a manner similar to that in which the lions had been handled. He further allayed the str anger come into the cage, arid they 1 reportorial fears by assuring him that tigers were of a much fiercer and more treacherous were snarling and leaping about as though! disposition and were twice tss quick in their they smelled fresh meat and wanted to i movements. The reporter thought that if get at it. this latter was a fact, a Bengal tiger could The reporter looked at them as they dash - give chain lightning a handtcap and outrun ed themselveit against the sides of their dens is, and as he caught sight of the ferocious "Now, when you get into the den look gleam in their eyes he began to think that out for their claws and see that they don't he had better have taken Mr. Hamilton's ad- catch you, or they'll tear your arm or leg vice after all, and remained outside. The only out ot the sooket Be partioularly careful really cool man there at that time was to keep in the rear of the cage and Manager Conklin, for when the reporter cast look out for this big male tiger over a hasty glance at the little crowd in front of here; he's a vicious devil." This was the cage he saw upon every face a drained, positively refreshing. It was delightful. anxious expression. Such a prospect for a few moments' pleasure " Tody 'Hamilton had taken off his hat of an ecstatic sort sometimes turns men's and was wiping his forehead, and Mr. Kellar heads. It turned the reporter% for by the was as white as a sheet of paper. The time he had reached the top step hie distort. " Evening Sun" man had but little time to ed vision saw forty tigers mateed of four, The Religion. of Buddha. Buddhism is a subjecb which moat con- tinne for a long time to present the student with a boundleez field of investigation. No one can bring a proper capeoity of mind to such a study, much leo write about it clearly, who bas not studied the original documents both in Pali and Sanskrit, after a long course of preparation in the study of Vedism, Brabminism, and Hinduism. It is a system which resembles these other forms of Indian religious thought in the great variety of its aspects. Starting from a very simple proposition, which can only be de. scribed as an exaggerated truism—the fru- ism I mean, that hIl life involves sorrow and that all sorrow results from indulging desires which ought to be euppressed —it has branched out into a Vast number of compli- cated and self.contradictory propositions and allegations. Its teaching has become both negative and positive, agnostic and gnostic. It passes from apparent atheism and materal. ism totheism, polytheism and spiritualism. Ib is under one a,speob more pessimism; under another pure philanthropy; under another monastic communism ; under another high morality ; under another a variety of meters. ialistic philosophy; under another simple demonology ; under another a mere farrago of supers ' titions including necromancy, witchcraft, idolatry, and fetichism. In some fortn or other it may be held with ahnost any religion, and embraces something from almost every creed. It is aounded .on philosophioel Brahminism, has much in cons mon with Sankhya and Veclanto ideas, is also connected with Vaishnavism and in some of ite phases with both Saivesin and Sektiem, and yet is, properly speaking, op- posed to every one of these systems. It has in its moral code much common ground with Christianity, and in its medieval and modern developments presents examples of forms, cermornes, litanies, monastic com. murales, and hierarchical organizetions, acarcely distinguishable f rom those of Romen Catholicism; and yet a greater contrast thanithat presented by the essential dootrines of Buddhism and of Caristianity can scarcely be imagined. Strangest of all, Buddhism —with no Cod higher than the perfect man —has no pretensions to be called a religion in the true these of the word, and it is wholly destitute of the vivifying forces necessary to give vitality,to the dry bones of ' ite own morality: and yet it once existed as a real powm over at least one-third of the human race, and even at the present moment claims a vast number of adherents in Asia, and not a few sympathizers in Europe and America. 1 sia an 1 she has the $20,000. TELEGRAPHIC BatBri3. Hem Rothe Bontrnuir, of Veneouver Leland, its clod, Water wee let into the lacMne Canal On Saturday. Newfoundland bee passed the Manhood Suffrage Bill, Kaufman, the Brookville forger, has been eentenced to seven yeere in penttentiary. Teo German eourt dress is to be changed to a *esteem similar to that worn during the time of Predericlel. Two thousand emigrants hit Liverpool on Seturdey for America, making 12,000 who started during lett week. John Jackson, president of the Ste Louis Grain Elevator Co.'hung himself on Friday night. lindost on May wheat. The bate Mr. Creighton, of the Bank of Moetreel in Quebec, committed suicide. Tho remain!, win be interred itt Toronto. Although 140 men pedalled in the disaster at Samoa, not more tban forty bodies have been recovered, and those had to be burned whore they were found owing to the heat, Michael Eitenbaugh, of Pelee Mend, while drilling for water struck a gas and oil vein at a depth of 49 feat. The gas was set on fire and is burning with a good, eteady flame. New Every Morning. Every day is a fresh beginning, Every morn is the world made new. Sou who are weary of sorrow and sinning, Here is a beautiful hope for von; A hope for me and a hope for you. All the pot things are pot and over. The tasks are done and the tears are shed. Yesterday's errors let yesterday cover' • Yesterday's wounds, which smartedand bled, Are heeled with the heeling wh ioh night has !shed. Yesterday now is a part of forever: Bound upin a sheaf, which God holds tight, With glad days, and sad days, and bad days which never Shall visit us more with their bloom and their blight, Their fullness of sunshine or sorrowful night. Let them go, sinen we cannot re -live them. Cannot undo and cannon atone; God in his mercer receive, forgive them; Only the new days are our own. To -day is ours and to -day alone. Here are the skies all burnished brightly, Here is the spent earth all re -born, "Wasn't it awful ?" she continued, "but Here are the tired limbs springing lightly the worst of it was the teacher made me To face the sun and to share with the morn recite it before the whole school. But it In the chrism of dew and the cool of brought down the house," and a very satis dawn. fied expression fell over her face. 4vre 0N INDIANS. An Old Trapper Kills Moven. etedeklus Macs Ilae. Murdered Ws Orontes.. News of a terrible tragedy hes jaet resob- ed this place, says a Wosliburn (N. Ti ) patch. Ever Since Mcf,san county had a setaer it has been the haat of some few of our cleanse to oo up the Missouri in the spring to trap beaver, Among the mealy who !mop trepped beaver up and dowa the river for the lest eleven years were. M. A., Williams aed his brother, Tql33. H. Williams. Two weeks ago those - veteran 'trappers of MeLem pecked up a few necessary articles and started on one ot their leuets and trapping expedition% They tied been gone two weeks betora Any- thing at all was heard from them. It/icemen th et the boya, encouraged by their good luck Rer Only Poem Made a Hit. A very bright young pirl, the daughter of a Congressman, and well known in Washing- ton society during the past winter, is a great reader of poetry. "1 love poetry," she said the other elay, " and would give anything if I could write it" "Did you ever try ?" asked her com- panion. "Never but once," she said hesitatingly, and with a poetic blush; "never latb oncc, and that ended my muse's career forever. I was in school then, and the teacher iodated upon every girl in the rhetoric class writing a poem for next recitation day. I couldn't do it, and avowed I wouldn't, but she insist- ed, and finally I just had to." "What was the poem ?" inquired her friend cautiously. But the caution was of no avail, and she refused to divulge for some time, but at last gave up. " Well, if I must I must, I suppose, so hero it goes: "'Now fancy my delieht For I am asked t� write A peem for the rhetoric class to -day. My only hesitation To do this for recitation Is that I haven't thought of one darned word to say.' Every day is a fresh beginning; Liston my soul, to the glad refrain, And spite of old sorrow and older sinning, And puzzles forcaated and possible pain, Take heart with the day, and begin again. He Was Governed by the Evidence. A. young man had himself measured for a new suib 4 clothes where he got his clothes from the tailor he discdvered that there was no watchpookeb inthe waistcoat. "What is the meaning of this ?" asked the indignant customer. "Meaning of what?" "Why, this waistcoat has no watch pocket,. "Why didn't you make tho waistcoat like the old one I sent you as a pattern 1 It had a watch pocket." "I know the old waistcoat had a watch pocket, but as I found nothing but a pawn ticket m it for your watch, I didn't see what use vou were going to have for a watoh pocket.; A Good Speculation. Paterfamilias—" I'm amazed, madam, that you should encourage that young man's visits to your daughter." Meterfamilias—"My dear, he has his life insured for $20,000." " Huh! He'll beggar himself paying the premiums." "Just so. They won't be able to keep a girl, and, as our daughter will do the cook. big, it woe% ba long before he dies of dyspep- IN TRAPPING PaestreRe kepton up the river until theyceme to the point where the Little Miesourieraptio Mtn the Great Maddy, Up to this thne they - in their pesseseion something near dEty beaver ekine, and they concluded, from, whet they ceeld see, thee beevere were pleats, up the Little Misdeed. After a three days' j serney up thelitie trthatery to the greet Mislead they found an old de- tested cabin Arad weno tato oemp. Useen the following maculae, they pa; ore alsteat thirty beever traps and !mud ispari going their rounds the foilewing morning twenty. five beavers, making in all seventy -Ave first. class beaver skins. The traps were side age* They were s eia Peneett territerw ouri the by enew it. Oa the Roam/ =ming after the trepe were eot it was found they heel been visited, and tee game ta?rell 41-10, 040 of the leoya resolved to oracle anti gee what became of tee game. The traps were lett again, and Tom volunteered toask as opy. His brother, Whe was an old cowboy end Indian fighter, was deemed at firen but thinking there was, iittle dauger from the Bee, who bad alereye been peeedul, went off CO the cabin, leedelten hie brother on the beide!, of the stream, SOME Tall: DURING TUE NIGHT he woe eveakeried by several ehote fired in doe proximity be the cabin, and sprang out of bed to eee his brother fall acme tent dcorway a corpus. The cabin was surrounded. at once by the rodslater to the number et fifteen, William sew at a gloms *et Ida brother was dead, and what he vrautee was Image. The Boo, knowing that bat oue man twee between, them and a big Weed heaver pate /Mama up to the oabin door Aring at ranideni. Williams remained nu. herb, and taking A Colt'a navy In either hand opened upon the dastardly reds. Ilia aim was enTek, m4 every shot epoke the &Mat at a manila, Ten shots had been fired by the bout man and ten Indiana ley dead. A ?ode eeetned to az s the five whew omitted stud they turned to beet a hasty retreat, Close by the door Steed il double- barreled shotgun heavily loaded with buck- shot, and AS the five Indiana ran down the river bank bath barrels were emptied irt, their raid. One fell mortdly wounded, but the other four gob away, carrying leuekehott in their red akins. WlUUms, eeverely wounded as he was, managed to bury his heather on the banks of the Little Mimouri and to drift down to Fort Stevenson. The Panama Oanal. The captain of a British steamer who has recently inspected the line of the unfinished Panama canal reports that) along the banks are scattered many pieces of valuable ma- chinery that have never been used,and over which the grass is growing. This shows that the administrators who control the affairs of the bankrupb company are as care- less and derelict as the efficers of the com- pany were throughout the years when the canal diggers were at work. Large quitted - ties of very costly machinery were brought to the isthmus every year, only to be left to rot in the mud. If the inside history of the company could be laid bare, almost un- equalled extravagance, carelessnees, and even corruption would undoubtedly Ise re- veded. The money paid for supplies and machinery that were thrown away or never used would yield now a dividend—Small, but still acceptable—to the swindled holders of the canal obligations. If there still re- mains on the isthmus any machinery ot value, the administrators propose to let it rot, and thus the enterprise will to the very end continue to be marked by the scandalous extravaganue and careleasness that °seised its failure.— (N.Y. Times. Sages, cashmeres and camel's Ihs.ir are the woolen stuffs which will be used for spring dresses. Toques and turbans are the most fashion- able and the most popular het% A °anima Darky. A colored gentleman knocked at a white man's door, The matt came oat and mita the negro what he wanted. "Ia (let ye' dog in de yard, oh ?" tt ymn 44 Wentaah, he dun treated me mighty shabby." " What did be do V' 'Jumped ober dat fence jes' now an' tore my garments. Look yere, jea' ruined din noel" "Wby, I am very sorry." "Yon ain't ez sorry az I is, eah. All do coat I's gob, au' I hale ter go termer wifede fund die ebenhd," "That is bad. Let me no if I can find. you a coat." He went back into the home tend soon re- turned with an excellent oat. "Hero, old man, take this. I can't spare it very well, but as I have been the innocent ouzo of—et "Oh, don mention it, ob. Thankee. Neber seed doh er fine coat in all my life. Good day. Huh 1" grunted the old fellow as he turned a corner, "Dat dog couldn't t'ar er hankerobuck. Bub er Man has ter take kere hiesen deze days." Realized His Loos. Miss Ann Teak—I met your old friend Mr. Warble last evening. We had. quite a con- versetion about you. You were engaged once, I believe?" Miss Fatandforty—" Yes." Miss Ann Teak—"Efe grew quite remin- iscent, as it were. Said he never would hae e - quarreled with you it he had realized how much he was losing." Miss Fatandforty—"Really?" Miss Ann Teak—'Yes. He said you only weighed about ninety pounds then, and yen must weigh at least 175 now." Miss Fatendforty—" Oh, you heteful thing!" Smarter Than the Doctors. "Yes," said old Mr. Jones, "the doctors are getting smart nowadays; why, they'vm got instruments and things made so that they can see clean throrgh yon" "Humph," replied old Mrs. Jones. "I don't see anything particularly smart in that.. Tye been married to you for thirty years, but 1 saw through you in two weeks after the wedding." M.on' es rubbed his bald head for a, moment' and thoughtfully resumed his reading. The women in England exceed the men by 3,000,000, and yet Englislaman come to Amerma for their wives. So completely have tne events in which Louis Kossuth played a prominent park passed into history that the intelligence that the Hungarian patriot is dying will doubt- less ;surprise many who have thought eine dead. It is fifty years eince he was first. imprisoned for high treason, and he was then nearly forty years of age. It is over forty years since he made his gallant fight for Hungarian freedom, and for twenty years past little has been heard of biro. Like that of Garibaldi, however, his name occupies an honoured place in history. V) hat may the bewildering influences ok the fair sex not accomplish? The young women students in Montreal some years ago pinedfor higher educational advantages, and. the Ueiversity of MoGill threw open ite doors to them. Lately they have taken it into their attractive little heads that thgy must have medical training as well. Sea utt response to their aimed, twelve thousand dollars for the establishment of a womanee medical college has been raised, and the be- lief is freely expressed that the hard headed commercial men of Montreal will cheerfully furnish the needful, and the dear girls will have their way. What a world it is 1