HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-4-25, Page 1s
N-0. 99.
The Molsons Bank
(Chartered by Parliament, isee)
Paid up Capital... 2,000,000.
Rest Fund. „.. , • .... 1,000,000,
Head office Montreal.
Twenty yranch office n the Dominion.
Agencies tit the Dominion. T..r. S. and Europe.
Open every lawful day front IQ a. rn. to 3 e.
m., Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 pu tn.
generalbanking business transacte
Three per ceut. per annum oeu for
EnetieT ori Deposit Ilecopts antivxngts
Exeter Jan 28, '88. Manager.
Exeter Poem Yards
131aek Red Game, Red Pyle
Game Eggs, S3 per thirteen;
Black Red Bants, Red Pye
Bzints Eggs, $2 per thirteen.
E. BiSSETT, Pop,
ron q,ALE.
neuters, Gardeners And Florists,
a fair size4 trick cottoge contnining
t ping -room, sitting-reom, a eedreeins, en,
%taco boll with twO good cellars -ander-
tivittlt,largo kitchen lix40 feet. with wood,-
' she.i atruchiti, two large arecobouse4, small
I stone ,rood well of water; w)th W.; acres of
- laett, weil feneett woe in eetnittion.
This property is withinfive minutes' walk
' alio Exeter post entre. The laud will he
sold on cosy terins., APPIY ti)
A. A1.1.146, Reuter, Ont.
aeril lt, a in.
exeter 2i,brtvate)
Ts published every Thi i1' Morning,
tit the Office,
A.,11.1" SIM ZT, rER.
fly t.S DF.R$ 1I1L COMPANY.
TERMS OP SUDSCRIPTION. telv. /ferno. reahottal4e. Apply to
Ao.1-3va noted with Mr. Baker owl if any good; giving them alto boat ride tif count.. IV. Treent,
Tim $ale or to 21°24.
than ever in the village this summer,
-We think, something' should be done
about the gap in the north pier. -Plenty
of suckers are being caughstat present
Just below the noll-dam.:.--Thedult
sb.ed sold, by auction on Tuesday, was
purchased by the orporation for $9(1, -
Special services are being held in the
Miss Richardson spent the Easter
holidays at home, near Clinton and
Miss liaise, in Exeter.
Miss Lewis, of St. Marys, is home o
a visit.
Messrs. Jocab Roltzman and B.
Brown, left on Sunday for Berlin.
Letsiieh church, this eseeee_The body Mr. Harry Eilber has returned from
of Joseph, Roth, son of Mr, V. Roth,
brought from ListOwelelast Wednesday Miss B. Eilber strut last week
and interred in the cemetery here.- a Shiplia, 'visiting friends.
Three of the Eshing boats set out for
the north on TueSday morning. -Mas.
ter Fritz. Gemeinhardt had the misfor.
tune to sprain his ankle last week; we
hope it will not be serions.-One of the
novelties at dm Salvation Army meet-
ing last Sunday, u -as a blind girl.
Last Friday evening the Literary
Society held an entertainment in the ,
town hall. Although there was a fair. '
Mr. John Lewis, who has been o
vol. 1, page tiefi, is found thestatement ' tions temperauce men acknowledge
he sick list, we. are glad to hear is le.
'nate was no Serv ZR Ithe GMlifitall/ is fontel -without 1.0.1vular incompet- be the et efforts thiS SNitt mile- be
church on Sunday evieeing last, as Mr.
Stabler was atter.ding conference - •
At the -meeting of the License Cont.
missioners here on Friday last, licenses
were granted to all the applieants from
ere except Mr. Jim, Currie.
Reeve 13eck, of Colborne and Lawyer
Rays, of Brussels, were N'isitors to the
"hub" on Good Friday.
Strong efforts: are being made their error, Scott Act for instance. In
GOderielt to induce the Oalte's Organ sonic countries note the wonderful
Co. to remove their worts there.
eliano.es of feeling 8 yrs. ago over
his righteousness, much good must as-
suredly would have been done. Fallen
man is sometimes to conceited es te.
think t hat be could rule this world in
some respects better than •it is ruled,
sometimes the Alniip,lity has allowed
them their own way for the purposo of
giving them a practical illustrotion of
2000inajority for the Act now over
In 011Y's %maim) HasPital. Reports that number for repeals. All conseien-
.• -Simply hypertrophy (enlargement) of she Aet, e failure. This is the thine
the hent,especially of the left ventricle fa:011M that Prohibiton will
Vey. In this', numerous class the onril ' /tom. but by political ilialgin.* and
pie is xeconderv ta symptom) tO the when eeenenpushee will 40 as Knell
Berlin. renal atrection." This explains wh.,) towarsIs supprosing intelorranec
ihdling„ Mr„ Wm. .51:44 Kiel:Ceded, of heart disease It removes from !het, 1,1 Inene a yejoh iti1, n t
in getting. pikem.weighing 14 Rs; W. blood the kidney acid whiee the he,Ir prospeets of women sufferage, when Ite
steed andienee, still it was not as Urge h !leaden, one 1.2 s. tintl J. W. Grant !disoase.
ati it 811011 Id Int Ve been, eoneitleting the ova their uniti41 votes prohibition will be
So.iiie evil dispostel. persen, set the
the progrant and the object to wide
A number ef speres spent Gooll Warner'e Safe Cure is effeetual in eases t svott
trouble that was taken in o'ettluo' ug080
ra e 1 of the land. I have aleelys
Varna. ,il in fa Vor Of women voting, but
t te piocee s ere tO app ed, Indrin eamps, two 111 [I.'S west of here. n hen eonsidiT the Kato( thee took it:
Baiter oeenpled the chair, and after a "lire' -". tinntilY eve'dug Inst. As I A meeting of the Royal Scarlett i the Scott Act, and their presma tineatS
The subscriber oilers fort -14e or to Rent. few prefatore remuirlts introduced the ti,HI °'"113"P"' "v." ,am"Y• v,veqtla"g!Cluspter,of Stanley district. will he held i wleit titk'N' will I ben.tl I I
. ... 1 ii w, ley . l'UVO t le
'it dentle residence on flown street. preo'rem whiell consisted of songs; tat'1!' 1""'"'"°''''‘I w""'"!•r“:""' I here on Tuestiev *tngt• May 14ti. 1 VOtiti'P power. I think under the eir-
og Ofn frame house, with 6 rooms g" ' , . ' ' • . 4...„, . . o. n
land 1,dug lot OS. Possession int- c f %,, 1 . ,,i . we ., ,,,,I it, . st it 1" ...v 1 .. a Ite'vv of fair MIMI-vs down tO the . std t . i
.a good yell of eater, aleatt two eltoruses, rending's. mid dielogrues, all . Twit "i IntriViii "1(03(41 Every Scarlet Knight is respeetfully culust'aices It would he advis ihh•
• l' Mph tit) Ilt 114 to give them the opportunity of again
II( It, 1 it I 4., I N 4.1 t
ElaYMA At 0 Id., ot this office ceptable Manner. The society origi- g riVerside, 011 Fridey, with the objeet.of plunging the minute. in expellee.
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
81,50 if not so paid.
No paper db.continneil until all tirrearages
are paid. Adverthements without
directions, will be 1111 for air!
01(111'24'41. acaOrtlingiV., 14.144•ral 411'44'0141U maa:Itrx
tor I vinsvient tolvertioertientslyst-rit tar
Lt,. rlonlri. Every 411.0,t1.114111,11 IA .1 111
PRINTINtl turn( d 11114...t ntvte,
anti at ritinicrate rates. Ch..ioe,„frc,t,,,v
4r'. &e fs.r advertising, solisyri etc. to
he Mailo pa5able to
SVflUuu Sunders,
, _ ^
Ito:melt Directory.,
TraiTrT MEnottiat, Curia r
suli.lar 11 a.m.
p. Sabbath Sehool, liZok p. tn.
MF.TntinisT Corme11.4antei.st..
Clement. Pastor. Sat nilay Svrviev,..1.1.114 a.m.
mud 61.$ $t.m. Sabbath School,
MAIN STM:F.T= Rev.J. Wilson. Pastor. Sun
dale' rt lees. ilt;sor a.m. and OSA p.m. Said alit
Sehool 2410 p. 51.
PaEsnrTsItilitt CI -Innen -Bev. W. Martin.
Pouter. thltalaN KvrVir 11 kW. M. anti, 641 p.
tn. Sellout. 0.47, O. Ito
PrOresslanal Car ds.
Office over Bank. 1-:cefer, Ontario,
Nitrous Oxide (las for painless
IL R. I NSMAN, mx•rts'e, L. D. S PC -
trail -I teeth without pain by giving
Vegetable Vitper, or using the now
Amestlietic on the gums. Makes t11:111 11111 ;
ings and ot her dental work tile lwst possible.,
ilves to Zurich last Thursday in each mouth.
East side of 'Main street:Exeter.
B. WHITELY, AL D.. C. 31.. 1VIiCF.
f • Mid Snrgeon. Office and tysidems.-
Corner 'Victoria and Elgin streets. 1 oilt•riat
1`01..1. A. RoLLIN's. OFFICE-MAINT.
• Rvslibmve-Coruvr Audzmw Kull North
:streets, Exeter, Ontario.
rrl A. AMOS. M D., C. 1i1. L.. C. P„ EDIN.;L.
. S • Bain ; L. 11'. P. & K. Glasgow;
I,. M., E.linliturgit anti Glasgow: M. V. W.'S:.
Ontario; P. T. 1i. S., Toronto. Night bell at
office. Crediton, Ontario. sTy11-S
Exeter, upstairs, opposite Ct utra
lloteL SW entrance 00 south -James street
leading to the Methodist Churelt.
I- W. BROWNING, 'AL D., M. C. P5.
J •
Graduate of Victoria University. Office and
residence, Don -anion Laboratory, Exeter.
V V inary Surg.vogi. tiradua. to
Toronto. Office and Residunee
one Moak east of Sam well &
-SUP i eh a r s store. Opro.tito skat-
ing rink, Exeter, Ontario.
.1-i. of Supreme Court, Notary l'uldio, Con-
veyancer, Commissioner, &e. Money to loan
Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter.
.12J itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan
at 0 per oont.
• rotenettn N. LEWIS, 13R11.TF!TER., NOT..
1-4 ary Public:, Proctor in Marttnne Cottrt,
Conveyancer, &c. Solicitor for Huron. Land
Agency. Goderich and Bayaohl. Baylle1.1
office titSwarts Hotel, open. every. Tb.ursday.
Alone,/ to loan at very low rates.
f e o
The New York I
Feb. Oth,
,•"rhe question as to I much of
what they protend to know doctors
really know is a very interesting one.
**They pitssess exceptionally great ,
facties for limahuggang, and the
pre,uniption is that they are not proof
in most cases. at all time at least,
against, temptation to mato tI80 Of
t110111. Their profession collies as near ,
being an esoteric one as any that is
aelmoneledged be respectable. But
the revelation as ta their views in the
Robinson arsenical poisoning, casee in
BOStell is startling..
...repro were tive deaths from the
drug, and the doctors in their certill•
cotes attribunsl them respectively to
pneumonia, typhoid fever menigitis
bowel disease and Bright's disease of
the kidneys. The truth Would have
never 1 1,11 known hilt for suspicious
With which the doctors had notbmg to
do. There IN Nut here for reflection -
and for doetors."
The aletve eritielsra f nib- warrant -
NI by the startling' imam:two shown
by the attendieg phyeleian in the
Somerville Cases.
Too often it happens that fatal re-
sults follow en improper course of treat-
ment- -the physician treats 1110 patient
fur eonsuinption, geeeral debility or
for nervoue disorders, whitest tho real
disenee, whieli is slowly destroying the
Ithlueys and lilting. the lisySteM With
.t poltant deadly as arscede, is
altogether overlooked. or does not at-
tract: a ttentiOn Until ti) late.
Phyeleinns too often treat the symp-
toms of disease instead of the disense
It is well estnblished that four-fifts
of the ordinary ills of humanity arc the
results of diseese in the kidneys which
will yield to the curative properties of
Warner's Safe Cure if timely used, and
to it itIone. Inlet app.irelltly dill.
ease in the tither org,Inti iS more often-
times o mere system of kidney dis-
ease, hie+ should be quickly eradicat-
ed by Wartier'S Sail Cure before it se -
clues too firm a bola on those. orgaus.
Eggs are very cheap this spring.
The farmers are Very busy seeding.
Agents are on the war path again,
Mr. M. Fletcher -lost a fine 111ata and
colt last week. The :mined was worth
Miss Aggie IIarrowson has left our
little burg and returned home. We
are sorry to see you leave Aggio.
Mr, Powell, Sons & Co. are doine
eushing bisque -8s this spring in tlie.
having built e buns
and are now busy with the fourth.
Master Amos. Francis fell from a tree
and broke his arm, also dislocating the
elbow on Saturday last.. Irwine
set the fractured. limb, and the little
fellow is doing as well, as can be e -
TAMES ONE, Exoter, Ontario, Licensed Poeta'.
• Auctioneer for the County of Baron.
Sales prom ptly attended to and satisfacition
guaranteed. Sales kt,rxmax gad at this office.
BROW1Ti -Winch °Isom. Licensed .A.uct-
-LI ion eer,ror tho Counties of l'orth and
Middleao7,-., also for the township of Usborne.
Sales promptly ;Lttended to and term s reason.
ablo.Salos arraned at Post office Wincholsa
17)1 BOSSEiNTERRY, HenSall Ontario.Lic
• wised A.uctioneer for the County of
Huron. Charges moderate and satisfaction
ycr HOLT, Eltiva, Ontario. Licensed auct-
V V . tonor for the Counties a iNTidtliesex
and Larnbton, and the townships of Steplien
and Hay. All so.les promptly attended to.
I' TT EILBER, Licensed Auationcer fox !FraY
Stephen and McGillivray townships.
Office -Crediton, Ontario.
We aro glad that Mr. John Morgan,
Who received a severe injury elle t'day,
lest week, while splitting a'. stick of
wood, is rapidly recoveeing. :
We 'hear ReSe Mr. FOrtist has a call
to Walton. The Presbyterian portion
of the community especially be
sorry to. pert with him, whose -labors of
love among them hag' not been in vale
daring the five or six years of his min-
isteting' in this, village.
NOTBS.-Our 'commercial fish pod.
dlere have again started. on their
renteS.-eBer tie Walwin, • yoUngeSt
daughter of Mrs.Walwin, is very
Miss JAPSQ11, of Mount Albert,' is visit-
ingewith Rev. Mr. Foist -Mi john
Swartz is extending. bis Stable aceome
modatioe, 08 he expects More people
has accrued or is likely to accrue tO; 'rue bo it MMre
II thin* weto go mit Orange News.
the piling people of ()twilit:1,v, (PS we in eats not large enough for the whole
. , t fi • -,. ..4 s dow Heti Distriet Iris a wareilut in his pus- I wlio was chos'..41 deliv the Cita-
are certam it will, notwithsenaling the p trty, thus only four cloird ge at one Bro. Win. Crooks, 1). m. of Clothe • Wm. T, M. D., of Chieaga.
1 - lo
cOn• trary) we will MN it to the beholdriver oIl serene, while the remaining. he'ssiOn 11 (5 f`Albill to hisfuht 1 wri_eler lecture eourse In iss3 the
able persverance, the untiring, energy. numbor sit down under a weelan. in Selitenlin'r 1824 kir Enrl Ernest 11114114',1: whit+ till medic:11 rm.
the Wirelllittillo• nal of Mr. Peel-er who willow tree wahines the veva‘sere r47. tlrand Mtistor of Irettla fessioni can bestniv upon any member)
1 ,,
Tim committee for the reception of 118 'o`ming of hoini'Y dis,':ts,N s iFst
the Or.ind Orange Lodge of British the Liter st ige seine ewelling, of the
America niet in Clinton on Friday lost. er'll pronounicial iirops;.•, occurs and
It was deckled to tender that honor -1 PresIsts wall catalalls`41"r7 hYpertivik-
:unlit countless diselinr;if.,rements turn but, darktieSe crept over the
difficulties. turmal neither 10 t1tt 1 bght Rene, end the alai deject -
hand nor to the leftbut kept straight i4 were forced to return Immo without
on mita he had ontaioen, sufficient op eithyr dm boat rid 03 418 eseert. Again
operation to forte a FIIICietty. Honor,we hos trustful; beget 'e'en be-
eiey, to whom honor is dua% trayed. fond hopes wreelied, and man
roted.deceitful-saill it would require,
the on of a locution nicer to equally
The late Dr, Dio Lewis, seri over les aside tee, emnegst, eight eve hope,
own signaturedn speaking; of Worner'S the tl% a *dim) s arrived home safe
.‘hre one, said!: ""I ont Satisfied the with their precious loth
medicine is not injurious, and will
frankly odd that if 1 found myself the
abbe bully rt grand, bi.oquet, 'various Ity of 110 h.' itti$ t•Stablis114." ThiS 1111-
omusements tt uI tithe place for the queetionelde authority meinteins that
entertainment of that body. In disease is the result of the kidney
and it is very plain reasoning tint if
tho kidney disease lied been (eared by
Wut, H.Thoulnt tee0(1110 l'Iliversity the nee a IVarner's Safe, Cure at auy
of the City of Nell York, seys: more t lute before, change in the heart took
adults are muted oft in this country plaee, it would have been prevented
by (lira= kidney disease than by auy vntirt.ly.
Of a serious kidney trouble I The Lzte Dr. .tustin Flint. professor other one malady eXCA`pt Consumption, ,
Would useyour penetration: In. Belleque Hospitel Medical College, itud. yet mane people look upon asset
ellow of the Now ork. %u4utii, kidney difficulty as little ..ons.. qnence.
Mollie Island, 5lass1e11usetts. ete.' sitys Others take Warner's Stife Cure and.
In spathe,of advanced kidney dis- remove litlY Possible (14inger. When
ease ;or 13rig1*t'et1 '•11.'atal termination kulney dtseese becomes chroule,
THE enOSINo einnesrs: ae. No. ft. --On is I • v tiros 411(4
to periearditis 'Bright's
..51onday evening the :Lind hist, the we need! aesieisea At 4; mlexen difficult Matter.
turn delnite between the Forest neeeteneeee neui se hee,neetenngetee
and Hensa11 Didettilles sot letys took leo e, „teems of ins.tasee, Th•lt being
place. in S. S. No, le There was n largn etisti'tlier0 is limiting absurd in the
attendance of eager listeners and the
best of order was maintained. The
president Mr. D. JAMMU neeupied tite
chair. The subject diseusseil 'teas elle-
solved that the intemperate use of al -
catholic liquors has preduced more mits•
ery in the world than the wars ofcivil-
114011. tuitions. Messre.L. Herold and J.
Stelleinall, of lieesall, and the neg-
ative by Messrs. T. J. tibillinglaw and
W. Doig, the Vice -President and Secre-
tary of the Forest Home Debating So-
ciety. Messrs. J. T. Wree, P. Kelly
and D. McKay were appointed judges
to decide as to which side would ad-
vance the better argument. Before
the speaking began the musical part
of the prOgramme was disposed of.
Several very line selections of vocal
and instrumental music were very
crelby the proprieoeo
imeeethe cam,. 02 see mwhn -
seeureda contract on thLBiamph
limmaie 111 !!*1 Tommv Johnof thTown Line, has
'$ Sfr Cure. WhBetlue 111eondonbranch
1 New Forestry Report.
et nu Fonnwrs.
tkl'e the Editor of the AeA
. Slit. ---There IS ono pOint irl WIliclh
, with your leases. I Amnia like to say
sometitiog to youe readere; ualnele, the
advisability of doing teliet can by .doxw
-to retain in good condithin the portions
of forest winch here and there yet exist
1 in M
cultivated (Metrics A faemer will
often have thirty or forty :tete:4, which
carefully preserved would, in a. few
yeerst, 113AT rondered the farm tine Of
the most valuable in the neighborluted
A season C.MieS when uothhee else, is
pressieg, he needs some money, and
forthwith sells in cordwona ten or
twenty acres of Ids little reserve for a
very poor price. In fact, it is often
sold for little more then the vest of ela-
ting and haulings the itrice, being kept
down by the fact tine other people,
equally in need of meney, aro also sell-
ing' their reserve of thither for -what
it will fetch". Now that should be rein
enthered. that good weeds are getting
searee. Good clear beeswoud, once so
plenty. is now hard, to get, soft elm.
whieh we used to consider quite worth-
less, being used in. It5 plaee. For a
walnut eured a- pil es w: t inches through
they now 11.5k fifteen ceets a foot run••
thug measure, or at the rate of $tet) a
thousand. Yet one eau remember when
walnutwas burnt in log -heaps. This
is the result of the careless pr uning of
valuable timber on the marken,to which
I Lite referred.
If people who own small woods would
keep cattle out of them, if they are yet
so good es to be worth caring for, plant
young trees here and there to till up.
1 spaces, and cut nothing' but nature
timber, they would. find in a few years.
, that the wood lot wes the most valu-
i able portion of a farm. It 'would in -
1 stead of a dried up tied scenty assene
1 blage of half dead trunks, be a close set
!forest of eseful i'llil suitable wood, and
I Moreover i.lorl. a pilace for rest and re-
creation very different from a woodwhich has been C111813-4811' used. A
piece. of woodlaed yet retaining its
numerous young trees, its trag
vines, its pretty dowers, its carpet of
fallen leaves is beautiful. The seine
forest, culled of its best trees its soil
hardned by tramping beasts, its seed -
tinge gomeits large trees bark rubbed.
is is but a miserable caricature of its
former self.
The forestry report for the year is
now bang distributed, and. Will be sent
to all sending me their addreeees. It Le,
a plaiphlet, cireuleted by. the Ont irk)
government in the intereSt Of tree pre-
stieVati on and planting, itiid is Steit tree
there is no cletrge for the' book incl.
none for postage. I treSt that all who.
raceivc it will do wh-tt : they can to
mike this a tree planting epring. -
. :Yours, &n,
' - R. W. PHIPPS
, 238 Richmond street, TorOnto.
:April 17th. 1889.
Disease, it becomes a soden:, •
mete is removed the symptom called a
diseave is cured.
of the 0, P. R.
The Spring of 1889 will long be re-
membered as a remarkably line ono.
Seeding commeneed earlier than usual
and the weather has been line for seed-
ing since April 15t11. The fall wheat
in gement looks mita better than for
some years past at this time of tho
John Hudgins, well known as Carman
John, a farmer on 5th eon., Biddulph,
(owing to the general depression mere
deeply felt by farmers who purchased
teed when at the highest some years
since) made an assignment for the ben-
efit of his creditors on Tuesday last.
John is considered by all who know
him as an honest man and has the
sympathy of meny.
Mr. Samuel Mende intelids building
a new $aw mill this summer.
T111. String Band of this vieiuity nis
ited Exeter ou Good Friday and report
of having an excellent time,
Mr. Jas. Foster has left our midst an1
took up his abode in Exeter where he
is now engaged. We miss you Jim.
Mr. Herb. Foster intends going to
Taindon where he hes secured a per-
menent situation in one of the leading
ably rendered by Messrs. Dobson and
fouluiriets of that eity. Sucteiss Herb.
MeKav, the Misses Dobson, Forsevthe
Bros. and Miss Brownlee, nil of. which
W1114 duly appreciated by the audience.
The debate was 0 very interesting one Mr. Ism Martin is about to set in
throughout, and both 'sides did their operation his cheese faetOry,and people,
utniost to win. Each speaker was al- ean rely on good cheese, purchased
lowed twenty minutes to reply. The from Mr. Martin.
judges, after weighing all the argu-
ments that had been advanced by both
sides, decided that the negative had
won by three points. On motion of
Messrs. J. Dojo- and Shillinglaw,
hearty vote of thttnks was. tendered
the Bewail dehaters for the manly and
courteous maimer inewhieh they cot: -
ducted the debate; to which Mr. Stone-
man suitably replied. after which the
meeting wits brought to a close- by all
joining in singing the National Antle
Jim s tys there is another huge pine
up north.
T 0 iteetenn STEWART, M. D., F. 11.
E., Ordinary Physlean to H. M., the
Queen in Scotland, Professor of Practice
Physic ie the Univereity of Edinburgh
writes: "The nrteries aro selerosed and
atheromatous in the advanced etae'es
of the in ihnematory andin the cirrhaie
but not so snuff in tho.. waxy disease.
In that affection the small vessels , in
other 'Serbs are frequently the Beet of
the waxy degeneration.' From this it
will be seen that in the three forms of
kidney disense elassed as Bright's dis-
ease, the arteries suffer changes, alai
Matters nOt whether , they ' undergo
suieroticeath eroin a tous or waxy change
they ,rt re so weakened . as to endanger
rupture wider any increased -pressure
This explains the fray-El:neer of apop-
lexy and paralysis, and as clearly dem-
oestretes: tnat the only preventive of
these disestrons ruptures of the bleed
vessels is the timely use Warner's Safe
Cure to keep the kidneys in ahenithy
Miss Eliza Winer and Mrs. Babcock,
daughters of M. Wieer; ere hoine from
Michigan on a visit.
Wee Roberts, M. D., Phyeleian to the
Manchester, Eng., Ietirmity and Lun-
atic Hospital, Professer af Medicine in
-Owen's College, in speaking of kidney
disease, says: "one-third die of uremic
(Uric acid) 'poisoning. A cobsiderable
number of dropsy. one-tlfth from .sec-
ondary pnemnania,Nricarditis(inilam-
motion of the heart sac.) or pleurisy, ex
hatstinn, indigestion, or the complica
flans of apoplexy, harlming of the
liver, bowels ulcers, etc:" The fore -
ping are only a few- of the common
syStoms of navaneV.11 kidney disease,
and -this expleins .why Warner's Safe
Cure cures so maey di:Tercet symptoms
ealled diseases, and why it his such
popularity. Ask your friends and
neighbors about it.
Three funerals took place in town on
Thursday lest, viz: Adain l3ryden, S.
Fitzimons sr., mei Nr. Kompton, of
It is said that a new legal firm will
shortly hang out their shingle here..
Mr. E. °woes, Barrister of London,
was in town on Saturday. .
Messrs. AV. Sanders, of the A woo Aeon
and A. ISTI Hothem, of Exeter, were in
town on Good Friday.
Messrs. F. W. Tohnstmie, R. Tieh-
bonnie, J. Reid and. J. Craige,e, of Ged-
erichwere in toesil 01.1 Friday. attendhig a meeting of. the Grand Lodge
Reception Committee. •
Mr. T. M. Cirling,tho county auction
eer, had a., large furniture sale on the
market on Sa turdny last.
Mr. II. S. Cooper, leeves for Chicogo
this syeelewhere 1111 leis obteined a good
Win. Roberts, M. D. Physician to
the Manchester, Eng., Infirmary and
Lunittie Hospital, Professor of Medicine
in Owen's College, says: "The attent-
ion of the patient is awakened some'
months, or it may he years, after ad-
vanced kidney disease exists. If you
think it unwis43 to take further chances
use Warner's Safe Cure befor0 the
malady becomes any further advanc-
To the Editor of tho Anyoc ATE.
I would think thee the promoters of
the Scott Act, would by this time be
convinced that not only the Scott Act
is a failure but that any coGrSive Incas
are must neceSsarily meet the serne de
liveranco. The Scott Act undoubtedly
originated on the principal that "might
iS right" ignorant of human natiire,im.
acquainted with the makings of respon-
sible, governMent they thought all that
was nuceSSalry to be (toile, was to hare
the Scott Act placed On the statutes
books, and all would. be well. To this
end the Temperance patty" put forth
ever- energy to secure the passage of
the Act in as many municipalities as
possible, ministers appealing to their
congregations, piMieularly the female
portion, by their preaching aroilSing
their sympathy,. by heart rending
tales, by uSing p'1.1.11Sltble erg -temente
iestead of poiuting over the eesil diffi-
culties that they wouldeie the nettral
(tom's° .02 things lifIVe to contend
Against instead of this the pulpits cry
was, give us the Act and we will vouch
for its successful workiog. Christ's Nen
men4 to his disciples was ego. and
preach the ,gospol to all , natioes" with
ctileiilolunetioe "seek ye hest the king
God and every 'roo0 th g will
follow; had the time, telent, energy and
money, which the :Scott Ace tele cost,
been directed in trying to peyertede pee
phi to senk just t1ie. kin gdon of God and
Boar for Service,
genes undersigned, having purcbaSed 11
ti,} or o ugh 'nod boar, intend., keeping the
1010 0 for 4-114 improvement of stook, 00 Lot
8, 0011, 4-4 Stu ph 00.
1*4.1./1114- :HILL, Prop.