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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-4-18, Page 8POWDER
,Asoe; u'
The Grroets Act.
Since the repeal of the Scott Act tem-
perance matters have not been so active
as they were, and people have rested
en the enforcement of the Crooks Act.
In West Enron the Act has been fairly
welt observed, and the Inspeetor has
tried to the his duty in having its Vie-
c}uirementsmet. We are told, however,
that there is soma dissatisfaction among
temperance people in the South Riding.
who think the Act might bemore rigid,
l„- enforced than it is, We know noth-
ing personally about the matter, but
` those ,who are in a. position to look into
it, should see how the Act is being; en.
forced,;, and if the Inspector in that
Riding is not doing his duty he should
be )lade ton -Clinton Herr Era.`
—We have: )tit heard any of these
complaints referred to from the South
Riding, nor do we believe that there
are the slightest grounds for complaint.
We believe that the Inspector, Mr. Bal.
'mar net is fully olive to the dirties of,
his position card is performing these
ties gas faithfully as they can be per-'
formed. If those who complain, and utsef.
Some miscreanteueerlyevery evening,
axe writing some dirty and obscene
language on the fences and sidewalks.'
If the perpetrators are caught, they
will reap aa, just and bevy reward for
their troubles- in this direction, the
guilty parties had better take warning
before it is to late,
—As this is a time of year when "a
stitch in time saves AIWA beho' es our
citizens to clean their back yaards and
lanes, and save the town infections ells
oases that otherwise alight be develop-
ed. Itis probable that the Board of
Health., or Inspector, will SQQtt be on
their annual tour of inspection, so it
woluld be as well to bo prepared.
One dac• last week, Mr, A. Holland
Purchased u fine ram from Mr.. Load
mau,London Road. Ile returned home,
with the animal in the wagon having
it tied thereto. and on arriving there
be unhitehed and put the horses in the.
,barn, and returning to the, wagon to
tate the animal out, found it had
jumped out and consequently hung
are aware of ii.fractions of the Aet, will
xfiis mein r tsevcr varies. �1 marvel ca€ five the Intl e or the 11eeessaty itlfQr•'�'� ~'
enrits.sera.ragthand.wholesomeness. More f* Ire
oras icaat than the ortiinslrr. Winds. aa4,e3 mations we ore NWT' sltra” hE'.91ill take'.�`litrl,n'r,- Ill I,alcaxn, Q11 the 1?tll fust•,
Fm , r<:i an .)tetitraata with the"t11S? n es ?I¢,Inl action to tlitliSli tit' the wife of 3Ir.I?:- Vii. T. R,
!eta reit. pc a£ wol;old only
Put n,aea 1s; G guilty.
t . Ill the nn rt } Shipley,
n 6'
�.0 st',atw i^utcala rs tia,l�I Drury tae cans; gni1F�-- �,b the par:leS taxi tlo tills With- it Exeter, of a SOtI.
ta. 8.'.1.LvAa:;u, lcera 8 L , a?., ,t41 Wan It \-' ireting n 'trig.. eaS;,' at all, if
N the law is being violated to their know . YD$c1'ri[hi,
Indent, and they fail to notify the 'aspen,-
nspectesti• they. and nen he are to blame. If lerswnl,i.,--In Goderich opt 14th dist..
$.1,tt11 ,01,04o5 IhR €arils ta, aa4 t a7ad telae inf. rmatioit given, Robt. Buswell1, aged 33 'ears and
. dp to 5a then rte is to blaume. But we 11aTts yCt 5 mouths.
' on to to learn the!: any failures of this nature ',vitt 1F:I+--'On I:anke Road, on rah
ET &.
er busing.
.Aa.. ,•,,,...... 53 (0 53
la ,t a SAO, • • • .. x.00 ttt 4.70
t•,eene nee ilei:.. .. .. 1l1 to i},
utter, Root,: , 17 to 1S
nutter. Crock 1_ to 1t
s rapt; per hush.... ,
Ray per ton....., ....
n be charged ag:►iust him. it is ab- . lust, John Penhale, aged 03 years
and 5 months.
rd to think that one matt can,u titled,
stir alb„ hutt� collz•tli.saec to the tet in . _ ..
1+'ants of. the tdiStrict as he cannot be T
there then one place at the same
What the Ladies gay !.
That RLcllardPickard has the Largest and best assorted stock of Millinery in Town.
That Richard Pickard has the cheapest and Prettiest dress -goods in "own.
That Richard Pick rd's has been the most successful millinery opaline,' yet seen in .To.
In order to accomodate a few o#' our Lady friends the display of Milliner,. will be contin
until Saturday night.
Great Bargains in eves partmeut during this and the coming week.
Constipation followed by fitful ditr-
nccea,shootiug pains in the bresats,draw
ingt:. at t.
ins, down�, pains, burntn�, gel
sation in the small of the back, scanty,'
Sale Register, r dark colored tinkers which seald in pass -
. • . 20 t,, Jaz shute', but he eanYlmal:e u,se of inform.-; " °'s' ung, and many deposits -.-sand, mucus,
9.25 to IQ.t)(? ; tion when it Ls gi\ en to hien. If the At. Reynold's hotel, Hensel', on tube cast, and fluids covered by a
I temperance people of the Riding or Weduestlav the 22nd April. valuable greasy seam, any ono of the forgoing
others desiring a rigid enforcement of real estate. Jas. McDonald prap,, signifies advanced kidney trouble, Prof
FIa4* sits nil: arc- saint the inspector of Elliott S Elliott Vendor's. Solicitor. Wm. 'Thompson of the 1. sersity of
fractions of it coming under their the City of New York, says: 4More
r httleu. there' bill be no reason, for adults ,ire carried of in this country
:fat, ±< eon Water.,
iR'; • ` +
The, Great tRent
ere, ret. if vem complaint as the Inspector will be by chronic kidney disease than b'r any
n ffcauuid at an slant." wining' to malas las; other one malady except consumption.'
t;••1 �,1a. a � a,�rt+, drink �t_ Leon Water. ; � � �1,' 1? p
a,•:�,tn v ni•.s-. 4g.'- 11s+ ' i a anal piles; .. Of the inform itit�:n thus given. Mono less folltu h 1 The !apolar, Dlo Lewis, says over leis
.. 1. ' .;: Sanders, than this : h"Raalcl not 1 e expected from p own einovature, "If I found myself'.
fee -Wive a. tang., Cht ci4'..,., irittl 't 1 A i , l 1 4 ra
him. tia' afer,h l.'.t neeifetr. the victim of a erectus kidney trouble,
--The errand di. lety of millinery , -'lie b,�tien,., c t'R'r hotel keeper in
Over the Oataraot,
feu the brave Stanley and his tire -
vein were using their wary
r l
Africa, they a Tune one day
o tits: bank of a mighty river
footsore and weary they quickly
lat1%uclt their boats, and And rest and t
thane's ht floating upon the snnuoi:ln star CON81,,7tIrT1ON lerEE,D.
face of the stream. An old 1aatysician rearaal front prnctice.l►av-
Sooan, however, true watchful. eye of ki lin't Pilact i 3i hia lanaad by last fa; t India
••r;,, ,. aexplorer misionzert tlteformnlaaafaasitnrlatvrgntabhe.
I" '+" "1n'p u " it t 1 u iaa'* Show will he held the great sees umntstaaltable remedy for that speeds and permanent euro of
atR�aila lvt.` yard. London., ne I:irl"t t i
I would use your prepsraatian.'
tcell ii>> vominund until Saturday as O% the South h:idien elide by the lair and
apt ttia;herti Ina:katat's. thus nett itadr natlt,a:s can lit* laid.
AiR'>wprIrefor ►rest;a;,;et44;ttar.--Rtalataftll weather.
Tit.-" Winton: nr'i,e on rectual for a ni)A1st : Dust : Dust
• wan realized at the To i
a�0141a',A hent ' I :+
t :far. signs of the near presence of at cataract C„nKnm taoa Aro'a,•11►ti^~ Catarrh tlsthran
and all t�tront and Lung AiYcetiuns. Atso a
1 term veins Britt It Guiana to' 1
;t:. it;; .-'. 4n a The current grows swift, tiny bubbles , , 1 r
- 4 ; .�ii. ][i, 3itlttn„y, Dentist, Tor the best a , 3 ptasitiv.. •end rarlica►l tura fife lu'rvot % l>l+hilati•
a atnga taf 1.ttl.1g.+�•lcG•=1 tlncrn t:a float by. The signal is given to land
and the }tarty seeks safety on the low,
shelving batik.
,„ , (►ale clalrn spirits however, pushes
har pee, fu,r ,sp Ep;1. r.•�Irs. Geo. Knight, of Ethel, return. + dR his lie d! rintAe into file middle of the it. thin eery ipae, In Ut rmnn. reach ork nail h
tt h forward,
with fall dtecturn'I for preparing, 111 tared using.
Silt lttl al•d goes tesol to �etttlvmlfjiltszadlreKrrtn�wtth,ttampmm�-
fy.,wc its'ta,uvla ;it 1:ic11urRl Pick• ;s tile,;. lI. Thorny, left nil Thtlrs with the seemin"'inttention of liiminm inr this parer. 't . A. zaol l:r, tt;a Power's
,r r
thedealer.@�a he iirtlactnl toils,
°Ifs 8aanlil<, dor ,._ rl? T
• g r -• nein hallo: as similar y • =(lralar.•tt elothit.g a specialty,
�tl.ri ;,,, .t. la'll`311 E",i ,• , 1. •,,o . +•�
tw "v ,bas(•• though Ia►t hind I viz til
'fk�alunl . \Yhic11 h ac1.11 t E r, .1 „ •
lendallNervonsCom rlafnts.afterhavingtealt
ofcaases,Laaz€'altithis du ytomake t :mo an.
edits wonderful cum iverowersinthousands
to bis suffering follo\tis.t..Aetu;atctl b.v 1 t'
motive and a a1at;7ire to relieve human ifler-
ing,I will scud free of charge toa11 who desire
a\ i
1;1r rest and cheeps stork of eel home on Thure.lay. .
The r+ l
.ell's. . d;a, ituornduf; fur 1.0S Angles, Cal
whether the river is cavi ;tlalc. Mock, Roc ;ester, N. k.
insefu--Mrs.I� kett.Int'i of i eussa:ls it visit 1 t valid Itis comrades shout and "•est-
ars oylike:nt! a. ee*-s. p , ,>, f . y e river "'Thirteen is a lin lit} lunares mini
:L toylike: in a,"er¢ctill tett tt in the m„ n m nds in town this weld:, icul:tCt, raz;Itili \vi1Ql • itlon the
bank i tot until the loud
ger thought that prisoner, MazinM
Out -2$.S,'
Wert wb 1 netzed tele o? bar pupils to 1 • .Ilon't forget to hear Dr. Burns, .tri n pursuit'.
procure a gYtTnitll il`, recetvca the fol. in ecus t , , , a is ears chi's lie attennpt to turn. verdict `guilty.
♦ gar •'+
en a • •i ' 1
,m n note from tile girl's nen ht r• I 'I'o tnnrraa\► will 8o Good 1'i d ►
II +4`retct' z \5°i z, t in at ivy tort has; •I'he oars are wrenched from. itis
pen the and ,jury as he Iteal•d the
l P .+. thundc r of falling water ben* upon �- 4
l 1 iI) II 11 to-mn reran nt ht
heron d sir tit ,. Matt, eha11 in gage lit 1 E 1 11 tl 1 1' Alas. it is too late. 1
RichardPio . $:arch.
arlij :spring �
"ailt;t . • I i,r,t:air her tU zit ; tgt! _ppq y,. kCsfiau;:as,12lc'atiyt, 4o1R11II11In„IS na• mes, the boat is tossed wildly about,
re pou�fitt ,stttllict;. and earl learn laspierisslt�•. t)ulrr over tl':►cit•rt Iinnk, n in the seething waters, and �,��
7110 n mere atom o
:R': t('+ s'++ai. atml write pr rr myself.' Exeter.
1 lone Went tlir.azt ;it two g•nomuals 1 lir. ,i. v aseyn ebanne of'ine win in the brief moment, which seems an
and can't say as the.: diel rut' no'' aaod•- i appear ear in our next issue. ' Waters for age to the lookers on, it is das s
t' l p pieces against a huge powder oil the
prefer Mettle to inga tt in Gem= it.
8m1 drawing and soil nitt;ic;: oil the E _ •c+r\ i 1 1 1l ti very brink of the friglttfttl precipice.
a?assn.” Trivitt Iii tut rl 1( c , _
- Greet btrg:tins ill every depart. t log during the week. has often portrayed the fearful scourge
nv tit this amid tin coming wet. S. art -.-The Sims of England, of London, that surrounds us, Often we hoar the
I'aiehird i"iekark's. will attend the ;rated denlrnlstration at expression ails this fearful scourage
lied to
cttti airs using ell in to Ill vain our comrades are kindly
,t ':z Chun, every morn-
arning us our danger. .Our columns
Death or Robert Doswell Exeter, on May elltlt. more prevalent than in the okk'u
The death of :lir. Robert Busweli, of --A touple, or perhaps three, wed- times?"
f.oderich, formerly of Zurich, will i, + ding are set down for this spring in '�ti e say "No.”
hard with much regret. The s cl
whit h Ext'ta•r•ites ars interested. Tire recent discoveries of the micros-
cope has developed thereof cause of so
metre terrible fatalities and brought
out the fact that many of the symptoms
which are called diseases are but sync})
toms o£ l idney disorder,
Brower rg 1,esior
to Ela,
0 1
Black Reel Gagne, Red Pyle
Gane Eggs, .3 per thirteen;
.Brick Red Rants, Reel Pyle
Bants Eggs, $2 per thirteen.
E . Brzst a ', Proio.
•i- ••i- -i• 4- -i- -i- -1- i• -r -i• -i- -F x X X + •i- 4-
Now is your chance to lime � our Spying Goods, at pricey
never before beard of ill deter. Owing to the great de-
pression of trade, and buying for cash, as \re great
w e
have secured some special` bargains before the
present advance of the market, so that we
are able to give our customers the very best val-
ue, We do not advertise our goods at cost, or
less than cost—such advertisements are a fraud.
Our prices are right and will be found gas low as any other
house in the trade.
ry prices
r 1
FACT..,...-••-Thti people say that the ra(t s of Dress Goods, Groceries, . Bnntsa S
Shoes, Prinits, Cottons, &c., &C.. nt PARKINSON'S are better valise than in
all the. combined stocks in Exeter. We have some special drives. 31 c in-
vite inspection. It will pay you to call and envi nine our stock. No trout).
Ie to show goods. Farm Produce taken at Market prices. Remember the
lace—first door north of the Town Ball 3I tin Exeter,Ontario.
p , St., 1 n
The esuite Questio
But the sensation of the day is how SVONDERITLLY cheap
CARLIN(- I3RO; . are selling. See 6u Ready-made
Clothing'; Don't look liken, But it'is, Looks
more like High-priced merchant tailor
work, Wears more like it too, stands wear and
tear, strongly sewed seams, neatly stitched edges,
well cut, well finished, low priced.
Can sell a man's suit worth
aka etas tee:: p'enee lin Sunday hst. Il„ •. —Spring moving is here, so ishousc �' f � $5.25R Boyssuits w rf' h
refit eros were atonaptnle d. to the Gen. cleaning. T'n ye ere unmistakable cavi g c�
erlch tete f�-r slapl arch to Exeter. deuces of lite return of the balmy seas ��' 9L .�.`��.' a� ; "a � � a� at �+ •* g
I " irelative:,
e�y '► dtt,+ I:lita a.+r ti. 1IR`i:l Rail �1] .t)O. $'+1 • (e) S9 50 r�rr7. l:) 83 00 [Incl S k.1,0.
er:d ren her e a f. i onl * 1 'li Ledge. A. F. --_lir. John Vail and family,who have , w ' ' ' "•'
1 d t 1 because of tho
is A. M. The rerntaia s errived here on a been residing in London, for some time b B`' paying the cash and getting the discount we are in
4il.. trails from t ti!',' 114Dlillia1 thRelatirltlll, pat. ;have returned to Exeter to re -
kidneys ulcerating and destroying
their spinal corium) but because. the
poisonous wtlste matter is not extract-
ed from the blood as it passes through
the kieine.ys, the only -blood purifying
organs, but remains, forcing its way
through the system, attacking the
weakest organ.
The doctors call this a disease, in re-
ality it is but a symptom.
17nderstanding this, the reason why
�'V arncr's Safe Cure cures so many tom
mon diseases is plain. It removes the
cause of disease by putting the lidneys
in a healthy condition; enables them to
perforin their functions and remove the
poi snorts acids from the blood and pre
vent the poisonous matter coursing
through the system and attacking the
weaker organs and . producing a ma-
lady which the unsuspeeting victim
fears is, and the heartless practitioner
pronounces,.a disease, because of his
inability to remove the cause.
n;;•{ crRt,: t c is , ere7{ tsa the r';lilR nc i of p ' a position to sell these goods at the above prices. We guar-
3tc brother -in -11w, Mr. A. G. Dyer. _Fishing for suckers has taken the
:r k p1:•ee a t 1.30 and the ,r
Tir-�^uta. t •it•14cfaill�;tt�ed lto thR: Fsetcr � Place Qf m;trbIc ln,,. Theboyscan
i..,ni be snared from monopolization of the
ern et>r by a large concourse of sor-
or- sick\rall;s.
to ~'ung friends and members of Zurich --The: Directors of the Hens:tll Driv-
.nd Li banon Forest Led es, A. F. & 9. , iii Park inte1111 ha\ ing r.iceS on Jul
IKI . s ho of ore; Masonic regalia. The 1st further particulars will be annouti-
jealutifial 'Masonic burial service was ted Etter.
aoitducted by Bro. ' I. 1':acrett, P. lI.;
a t Eaalott Forest Lodge, No: lin, P. (x. —Owing to the presure of job work
D. ., (=, R. A. Cli:zlita r. hating been the AD` 0ChTE is Itot as interesting as
a.1oi d to do so by Bro. Benedict, W. it should be, autd hope our reader-_ __.,,,
el. Of : ,..,iclt Lod ;'e,. Bro. Buswell was bear with us for a few weeks.
1?. L. of ';uricii Lodge, and was always
a ,good livingman and a thorough
t, silo.
—The m sons have commenced work
on the foundry. It will be a large ad -
(Talon and consequently will fill a want
s3 a�Is3a'. Patent in their constantly increasing trade.
llh clear, haat this —Educattonnl sermons were preach
ant0ke hurts Inv eves, ed 10 the Methodist church Parkhill, on
and baby catches a Sunday last, by Jasper Wilson, B. A.
fresh cold every time of Min st. Methodist church, Exeter.
he comes into this kit-
it -
clan.). Everything is
dripping with steam.
It seetas strnn •e, Hen-
ry, that peer ill' can
invent so much ma-
chinery and not be
able to get a vcntilat-
-. or to remove smoke
• 7:)x1 Statin fi•on1'ai kitchen or laundry.
No:w Fanny, do hush, for 1 just today
sale one of WEt,Sn'S VENTII,AToJtS- in
Mrs. Thompson :s kitchen that works
like a charm. In three minutes after
opening the slide, not an atom of
emoke or steam remained in the room,
and besides they are 80 cheap, only
Fouzrpollars. Mrs. Thompson says she
eivnt know how she lived without it so
1"onb l Well henry} whydon't you order'
one at once? I am sure we would save
it in doctor bills in one month. This
:is the way they all talk about it Cali
and see one at Bissett Bros.' hardware
atore;, Exeter.
—The ' Rev. Dr. Burns, of Ilamiiton,
will' Bold forth in Diewt Opera House,
morrow (Good Friday) evening,
--We notice by the Deloraine (Man.)
Times, that Mr, Shoults, who left this
section some fon' weeks ago with
eleven fine mares, has arrived there
-On Tuesday evening, some un-
known parties entered the barn of Mr.
Elijah Jory, of Stephen, and took there-
from ai quantity of oats and a pair of
The oddfellou's will attend Divine.
Service in the Trivitt Memorial church
on Sunday, at 3"b'el001 tt wliieh the
Rev. Mr. Martin Past Grand Master will
—The residents of the tp. of Stephne
an especially those who reside on the.
Lake Road, will be sorry to learn that
Mr. John Penhale has passed over to
that better land. He had reached his,
sixty-third year,
—The 24th May Celebration Commit
tee will please meet at Eliiot's law of-
fice on Monday evening next. ` Every
member thereof requested to be pres-
ent. • As no drill 1vill take place until
aftar 24th May celebration.
Mr, Hugh Norris, of the Coonlarty
line sold a 1?w year old Stone Clover colt
for $200. This is a good figure and
the animal an excellent one.
R. A. GUN:', M. D.,Dean, and : Profess-
or of Surgery, of the United State Med-
ical College ;Editor of 'Medical Tribune'
Author. of "Gunn 's New ImpgrtedHand
book of Hygiene and domestic Medicine
says over his own signi'tlaa e. 111 speaking
of a severe case of kidney disease: °'A
chemical and microscopical ''examinat-
ion of the patient's urine revealed quant
ities of albumen and granular tube
casts, ,confirming Bright's disease
After trying all of the other remedies
in vain, 1 directed him to use Warner's
Safe cure. I was greatly surprised to
Observe as decided improvement withal
a month. Within four month no tube
casts could be found, and only a- trace
of albumen, and as he expressed it, he
felt perfectly well.
Ceigintog filo nil
11Ra" E
XXX Porter a Specialty.
goonies and Confection-
onfectio ,-ary of the Best
uall y,
Bost Pipes
Tobacco and Cigars
Petty's Hams, Bacon and Lard
Thorley 's Int i oved Horse
and Cattle "Food..
Dashwood Rollet Flour for
h laztee satisfaction in these goods or no sale, We solicit
a call toprove what we say is correct.
No trouble to show goods at
We are receiving daily, our Spring Stock of
7 SH
`{rte y.,., t�+ app//y��,yy.�'' h
1, ° � , b i ,CY 1 'EY,Y 44 ,r{ 9 d
Which we are in a position to offer to the public, at the
*IV Pncos:For
we have also on, hand a full stock of
fl..apgha 1 Jrwar4 PRIM. Visq ' g s9
iT:aa� 7 Y
Of all kinds always on hand at prices that defy
competition. Sew ; g Machines, , Baby earriag,es,
Field and Garden Seeds. Eavetlouahlnm sec
altl66 •
., Cama