HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-4-18, Page 5ATTEITIUII I GENERAL STORE Eyes Front? Quick March . SOUTHCOTT'$ ciQtning and. Genta 'VANISHING $TQB a EXETER,- ONTARIO. m the tinest goods time can be l urea, C arrivingevery S day. TS' FURNISHINGS 1N THE MST' PRIMES. A CALL SOLICITED. W. SO UT ICQTT5 Corner isatin and Joint Street. EXETER, ONTARIO.. Or. Washington's NEST VISIT. r eon Throat and Lung Su g , `1,o1 +' Ct r. 1VILL BE AT THE CENTRAL ROTEL, SATURDAY, APRIL Mb, o'clock, R. m. The undersigned would inform the Public; that he has just received WINTER - : STOCK! INCLUDING A FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS+ AND AND CAPS,�,=�D CROCK- : ERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. Those wishing- itnythtng in nay line will find it to their advantage to call and inspect any goods and'priees, a :Best Roller Flom: always Furniture and Undertaking. on habil, —GO TO— Highest O---H ghest Price paid for Stutter and Eggs, and all hind of Produce, CITY ROTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. $1 per day. L II L *MARTIN, Eraprietom 12 Pounds OF 717117 • P. ROSS 04.22.,s8.) '88.) ANY MAN Who is Weak, Nervous;, Pebilitated, who ta laic Falb' and tgnorangre into. Trifled way his Vigor otDotty. Mind a,a°l Manheredm MOT exbaacir't- tog drains gri the Fountains or Ltfe. Head. ppo� ache. caek elle» jari'adtul breams. Weakness 1 oi'Memory, a3ashfulness in &eclat . Pimples on the Face and all the effects leading to early Qecey. Censumption or Insanity, will And in our specific No.rl a. postir a CurRw. It int pert* Youthful Vigerrestores the Vital Power in old lid young, atrengthe:aa and invigorates the. rain and Nerve, builds up Om.'tusculav lcysit- m anarouse i into action the awhile Vhyste ener of the human frame. With oar .peenie To. ea the moss obstinate ease can be cored in three mouths, and recent prices in leas than thirty day*, .knelt package con- tains two weeks treavt}neut. Price ?t. Cues ngiislt C arch Clergy alai speaks, e ro s nu 1 <�,o t'�a N°.2_44 ri matter lite -tory, •, Vownwal.l, Unt, oz ie w long standing, Sold under nue written 11r.. Ween =rota - Guarantee toeffietaCure. Pr coals, Toronto IDEM.87R,- 1:ungltd to hes able tea dtatii,anoCa, TAroltto,t)nt, bias- a•a inform ;till tint mn\ daavlgitter is quite 'veli again. As this is the second time AO has 11cen curedof grave bromide! troubles.rider your treat ment when th v t $50 PER MONTH. And all expellees plaid, We vaut inen,. lieu.a1 remedies failed, I write to e\press women, girls and beeei in every Town, lny gratitude. 1'lc tat+ accept IRV AU* Village' and 14=10In Canada, to tae ''ere tllankr. hold of a light, :entree:Ode and perfectly. Yours truly, Cl. B. PI�� I`TITT I3ise inti Turseneii—Cattarrlt of the honorable emptoyinent. It will cost sou nothing to give it a trial. Send for circular, head and Throat, Catarrh Deafness, Address, 'W. II. ROBERTSON, rila'onle Bronchitis, Aytlime and Con-, Peterborough' Ont. htunptton. Also loss of voice, sort H -ess----esesess. ---� tteroat, euhrged. tonsils. Polypus 01 the 1Ios.' removed. Colne early. Con- sIlitsttttnt free. A. few of the many cured by Dx. Waslhiugtola's new method.. W. Storey, of Storey & Son, manu- facturers:, Att I, One, t , also President :ttanufatcturinr Acis. of Canada, per-, nlallenth cured of Catarrh by Dr. Washington, pronounced incurable by noted specialists in this country and Europe. Writh to hila for particulars. Mrs. John 1teKelvy, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John McKeivy, Kingston, Out, Cat- arrh. Mrs. A. Hopping,.. Kingston, Ontario, Ilronclto Ccnhsuntptlon. Mr, D. Scott, Kingston, (;Ont., Catarrh head. and -hroat. l t Mrs. John Bertram, Hatrrowsmith, Ont., Catarrh, throat. Miss Vary A. Bon:boure, Centreville, Ont., Catarrh, hest suet throat. James Mathews, Post Master, Acton, tint., A. E. Fish, geimts furnishings, Belle - Ont., cured of Catarrh, throat. John Phippin, Sandhurst P. 0. Ont., (near Napanee) of Catarrh,head, throat and lungs. Head Office S2 McColl St., Toronto. Consultation Free. Hurrah ! Hurrah ! —FOR— J. G. Smallacombe Merchant Tailor. AK OPPORTUNITY. House ilei htdry.i nal At lrt :it an tk c.►clx To Boarding 1Sou perm -.0n comple- tion of Verity's Boa tat caleulated that from to t : i additional Inds aro to be em- ployed. Houle to a -:;mail rent can - able of ae iomadatin Ill boar,lere, About in Mated walk frank afoundry. Apply aTla Novl�b8tf Fi.S a1shop. To Customers and Public at large, here is the place to get yourselves suit- ed, with Suits got up in the Latest Styles, at hard time prices. A11 Range of Goods al- ways in Stock. A PERFECT FIT . GUARANTEED. Clothes Cleaned and Renovated at Moderate Prices. Up Stairs over Post Office. A CALL SOLICITED. 3. G. Smallacombe. LADIES ONLY. FRENCH REGULATION PILLS, Far superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide. Endorsed by the th.ouwlands of inities who use them MONITifLY.: Never fail, retie - and Effectual. Price U. Toronto. Medicine Toronto, N ov n -1t I. oz . Ont. Co.,, LOOK �RaweAndrews FOR BED -ROOM AND PARLOR WITS, SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION TABLES, LOUNGES AND EAST: O11A1RS, Time Largest W reroou s i town. Undertaking ing outside of the .ndertak- ors Ring, in all its Branches. Q en day and nzght. ST.II`ND•-One door north of Motson Bank. MAIN -ST. - EVERE$TR aO ls4U OA 'WOO s pr*Ra n. leifoA entail 11aw Su.g FOR $1. -AT THE r ?Dh GOA. 5i9; I, MATHESON YR I'lie SubsrTillers wishes to inform Farmers ailed Genaeratl Public that lie 1s Palmed to furnish all Sizes al;ti Kind of 71\ Well Digging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Rates. Rt ilente sad Skop o Sired, Wiiild (llristia' Limy Neta, $01410ITEP. JOHN MOORE. CHRIiSTIE'SS Rv verest's It er Regulator %r Disuse: et lbs Liver ittdnerrs, ate.. end Purny- lag of the Blind. Ira 31. nix lollies lar.1S. rot hats by ALI. DRUlanoTa, Maaol ctured ossa or G70. K. EY.f:DESZCaluitr, Fostyar.Ott. —WILL BE AT THE.— 8 t 1 :lot% ter.. --ON--- Tues. & ed. April 2 & 3,. TWO DAYS ONLY. FROM 8 a.. m. TO 4 p m. Patients please call early. Thos. Sp eari M. D, Surgeon, &c., M, C P. S. G. S. & L. T C. D. THE CELEBRATED SPECIALIST• WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA,DROPSY INDIGESTIO, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE MEANT, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITYOF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKiN, And every species of disease arising front disordered LIVER, KIDNEY' STOMA C$, BOWLS OR BLOOD. T. MILBURN & CO,, pr°Prig, OHTc, OMER. MENIAL) 'EERY 1) °Fr st'rOlass RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT VIE HAWK. - SHAW' HOUSE OR AT TRE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT , LY ATTENDED TO. Viers:; A : St.m..=o xl0., Telephone Connection. If. You leant a foot) situation 'write to 1SAYlillOTimERS,Nurseryinen,ltoeliester, Y as the • are in leant of honest and 'up- right N .. v 1 a m i. to so their e:hoice t s les a t, 11 and hardy varieties *Cannery Stock, ,either on Salary or Commission, Many now and val- uable 'varieties tooffer. Write them alt once for terms; delays aro tlangeroua. arch. 98,-8t_ PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician whc has had a Life long experience In treating female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal wafers tet take no substitute, ortnclose post- age for sealed pparticulars. Sold by all druggists, $i rbox. Ad res■ EQjtESA CHEMICAL CO., Dasher 'ircu. Sold in Exeter by Dr. ,Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan.1 8. For the treatment of all Chronic Dis- eases and Diseases peculiar to Women. This Year's Thirty years practice, Head Office- St. Thomas. MYRTLE Y R TT1 L E The Doctor has been educated in j, nearly all the leading Medical Colleges and Hospitals in Europe, has served as Cut & Plug Surgeon m the British Army in the g East Indies, Surgeon in the American ■ Army during the late war, from 1861 has treatedall me a m �(`nn Tobaccoto the close of the sa ,� 111011111 nationalities and circumnavigated, the globe -His thorough education, large FINER THAN and varied practice and experience,en- titles him to rank as a Specialist—Sec- and to none on this continent—for the treatment of those dangerous and diffi- cult cult diseases that have baffled the skill of the local physician. The following diseases with many others successfully treated:—Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrah, Diseases of the Lungs, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Eye, and Ear, Heart Diseases, Epilepsy, Par- alysis, Strictures, Ruptures, Skin Dis- eases, Piles, &c. Electricity used when required. Testimonials of Education:—The fol- lowing testimonials and diplomas may be seen at my office, with many others from nearly all the leading medical schools in Europe; Trinity College, Park St. School of Medicine and ;Royal Gollege of Surgeons, Dublin; Royal College of Surgeons, Belfast, Ireland; Royal College of Sur; eons, Edinburg and Glasgow, Scotland;- Licentitate in Midwifery, and endorsed by the high- est medical authorities in the United States and Dominion of Canada. The above with many letters from different parts of the globe are a medical past- port—without re-examination doubt or quibble over every sea, and in every land from the rising to the setting of the sun. Consultation free. Read circular and remember the date. See EVER. 1 1 IN BRONZE ON Each Plug and Package. The Great Engish Prescription. L successful Medicine used over 80 years in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatorrhea Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. fa■roas] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [urrsa] tilt packages Guaranteed to Cure when aR other. Fail. - Ask your Druggist, for The Great English Preserlpttoo, take no substitute. One package SI. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, Eich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan. -I-8 THE PROVIDENT Life and Lite Stock As- sociation. INCORPORATED, AUG.1 Head Office room D A>< TORONTO, ONTARIO. In the Life Department this Asso- ciation provides indemnity ss and Accident, and substantial to the relatives of members at terms available to In the Live Stock indemnity for loss of live its members. Send for particulars, paid etc. WJLLIAM JONES, pt.G,'$S. MANAGING D CURE Sick Headache mad relieve all the troubles Mei- dent to a bilious state of the system, such as pathless, Nausea. Drowsiness.. Distress after eating..'aau to lain i.ie, dais. While their *pet remarkable sueeess tuts been shown to curing le K headache. yet CAsraa's LIV7145 Erma Plass ere eguatly valisable !n C011.40pt eucurac g and reventingfhisannoying complaint. while they also correct ell disordersof the etomach. stimulate the liver rind regulate the be els, Even if they only cured lelE to Washington Territory and the Pael- fie Boast. Messrs. L. If. Dickson, W. Bissett, `L DI. Carling and a nunlber of others At- tended I.0. F. parade on Sunday. Mr, Charles F.ssery' has gone on .zt trip, more or less e.xtemded, to the 'far West. ADVICE TO ,1OTIr.Xnx, Aro yon disturbed atnight nridbroken ofyonc relit by to. sack child sufering and crying with, a pain of cutting teeth? if so. send at owe and get a bottle Of MeRS. WIs($LOW's 5opratxo SYau/ !IOU, eltrr.Rnstr'TssTZIItro. It -value Is incalcnl I able. ftw alarelievethepoorlittlesuffererararue►- ':L- el Depend upon It. rnot)lere.there fano i mistaketabout it, it cures dysentery and titan - rhos, regulates the stomach and borfels, duress; windc41ic,softensthe gums, retanecelnfls s!i 1a- tion, anti gives tone end energy to rite ayholc s .dial. Mas. WttolLore SoorAnce 4rfitu$ rota tit£tr i.RE:6'',1»'E arsl1aG is pleseent to Om haste .and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female riuree alit* pia sieiatls In the UMW, a t t t for k all lru iaate, 113tt1a .. . 1S es n is b R is and a I: At at the World.. I'riraa y.5 Ce1at. a:bgttte%.. Will positively cure sick lieaadaahe and prevent.its res. urn. Cartel's Little. Ache the woiLldbeatntwstreeetesi en thea* 1 Liver: Pill. This i.4 now talk, blit trate.. 'sbo auger frort this di5tressniie compla.i .. tine pill a. it a See advertisement.. but fortunste.S their gecsb:esn dors not ear. I I here. and .these who gree try them will Gad 'r S1lt-:ii pill, Sin:all dos,:. SanaalI pricy. il:etelittle pillavaliaable in s:,Many WaSethat their. mil iia wabllnc 4a do ht. i,ut the:),. It is queer coincidence that reit le Nut sitar at1n ick is .( made from madder, and bulls tare Invade . madder h'r yeti. Iain from indigestion, dyspepsiaa,allaa tiiel!aneaal'solran iiyestli stilet• isv hertz a talo hearty eating, em relieved at once by we mote our :tea t >*m ill a curd a while others do not.Gilsill one of Carter's LittleLiverl'ilis C414sR a I.r.toaat .eyCit Pl4IA areveIT,iuuell immediately after dinner. Don't for. gust very easy to take.. O One or two ilk d do g a dote. They ere strictly vegetable end ,do et this. not gripe or purge, but by their gristle active piesse Alk vrlbn 140 thein. 'In Vial* at 24 c+'Pte: The man who is t11(' most, fins ouS to Elva for QA3ns }S1iDilit�41<4,, U Sold evt ryavher4•, 1$aE or seat��L.by mitt, borrow i8. the loot villin;; to pay. �If ,Toll are tired taking the large old M Dill : I ball rim; fasilei'med griping pills, try Carter e �...._�.. _-.- Little Liver Pills and take some cotn- Olaudeboye. fort. A Ulaau can't stand everythingGne pill a dose. Try thele TWO 0flODDGIltLSlit,::E.---Tile peAti9.e of this place were greatly surprisedoil Domestic felicity is disturbed when . Tuesday morning on learning' that Dr. ,lai'l)1 Itasat wife elixir- Williams lixir:Williams and Miss Mary ;ilellltargy, al- Mustard's Catarrh Specific cured ale of Catarrh.—leis, If. Slipper, forest F O. tilt A cal -haat ought to -bei god in thin caaro u3ll. tt, low the village. and of course1 till their brines. From what your Wilt FIVE YEARS. co rrecapolllleat cut learn is that the For overfive year:. .we lave tired couples chive to IlnndUR on New Ilagvard'ss Yellow Oil in ovir. family for 11 ear si defy, slid r're thP11` secEetti ',I coughs ai:d colds burns :and sore throat 'married. itliss II,,t:Ielt�irgy 1.. lent 1itFIN 1 au our experience is so aaattisfaetory that we recommend the invdit4ue to any rson " .11ra. F. ;Sanderson, Bee- wortYa, Ont. 'I' Ins-- "What slid your mother do for your elft finger?" Little Julhlaney— M4Licketl me icor cutting it. Everest Cough Syrup to ahead ofatt other Cough Replevies. --D. Stewart,, Forest la.h�. Polish elps; a man in society, but not et hen it is o1} leis coat. This is to certify that I have usct , Everest's Liver 1iegnlattor, end Bait it the best�I ever used. ---P, I3. Itust+,nberrse Johnson of kings College, London Eng. ` L. D. »..3 Arl.ona,tlut. says: "There is wide -spread enlarge- What is the shape of a kiss? Roun& )lent of the muscular walls of the small . of cource. Oh no? It is a lip tickle. SAID TO BE SPLENDID. LAs- NNW Mr. Ben ;fiery and Miss kmllha,Forte re united in the twly bolds of wed - k. The libast surprising feature of is that the two lads were about of alae, and for some tittles part has been engaged at telegraphing,. hiss Porte is the daughter of Ur. Cleo. Porte, hotel -keeper. Both of the young ladies are highly re pmlctee and will be gr'. *t- ly missed. We wish the both happy couples every success. O THE DEAF.—A pt rson cured of :Dee e nese and noises in the beat of :0 pieta* mending, by a Ample remedy, will solid a dtee-Option of it V1ttat to any person who Ap- plied to :i 1enOr.titi:t, ao t, Jo1us rd. Montreal P 11-22.18riv. inniarheumatism rht um are prevented and removed by '*Yar- ner'sSafe Cure. Why? I)r. George 887. H Arcade. T i ARIO■ ci, for Sick- ness as- sistancedeceased m all.. Department, two- thirds stock of claims IRECTOR BISSETT LIVERYII--�ROS First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMiIfiERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS. • FREEMAN'S- WORM REEMAN'SWORM POWDERS Are pleasant to take. Contains their own Purgative. Is a safe, sure and effectual destroyer ofworau tea Children or Adults. arteries in chroule Bright's I)isease,not vs but only in the arteries of the kidneys also in those of the pia -matter (invest- ing invest- ing-ihholnbinne of the brain,) the skin, the intestines and the museles, as a re- sult of a morbidly chained condition of the blood duo to kidney disease."_ If the kidney disease is not cured, apop- lexy, pneumonia or rheumatism wi.11 result. Warner's Safe Cure does cure kidney disease, thus enabling them to take out of the blood the morbid or un- healthy matters. •`+I aril pleased with B. B. B., because it cured my rheumatism completely- My ompletely?tf * son son also, eta many other people in this vicinity, have used it and say it is splendid." firs. 0. Perrault, Rat e P �nt, t78 t<`t a,i (. It must be very exciting for the in- sect world to see an antelope. OUR VANCOUVER CORRESPOND- ENT. From Esquinhalt, B. C., Mrs. A. B. Cameron writes that being very muck Biddulph. troubled with dyspepsia she tried. two bottles of B. B. B., which gave great re - Mr. Sant Dempsey and family, who lief, and hopes that others int - be in - have been visiting in this vicinity, dated to try it also receive like bene have returned to Parkhill. fits. Mr. John McLeod's sale, which WAS held on Thursday last, was a great success. Everything went to its very highest value. Even to the large buck goat which was bidin by Robt McFalls at $150. Bob must be going to Bay City again with a load. Mr. Joe Hodgins had a sale on Satur- day last. As the "crater" was passed around freely, things sold very high.. Joe is a goodhearted, business kind of a fellow and should do a good trade. Quite ,a number from this neighbor- hood attended the "Busy Bee" social in Centralia last Tuesday evening. They report a good time. Farmers are very busy around here seeding. The land works beautiful and ere long seeding will be finished. Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Paterson, of Grand Bend,were visiting here on Sat- urday. Mr. J. Owen, of Ailsa Craig, was in town on Tuesday. Mr. Scott, of Scott, . Gillis & Co., Strathroy; was in town on business last week. There was a large attendance at the German church, on Sunday evening last, when the Rev. Mr. Staebler pre- ached the anniversary sermon for the I.O. F. His subject was "Benovelence," taking his text II Cor. The sermon' waswell received anti highly spoken off by all. Division Court was held here on Tuesday. Judge Tom's presided,when several disputes were settled. A large number- attended the Spring Show on Thursday last. The exhibits far surpaseed any of the former shows. Mr. Wm. Sanders, of the Sanders' Publishing Co., was in town on Thurs- day last. Mr. R. F. Carter is giving up the butchering business,owing to ill health: Messrs. B. Brown,S. Wood, S. S. Nash, and M.Morlock,meditate taking a trip THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Cannot pass a law that will prevent people having coughs, Bolds, asthma, bronchitis and lung troubles, but Hag. yard's Pectoria Balsam does away with the difficulty by promptly curing al affection of the throne and lungs. It its the pleasantent and safest cough rem- edy in use. LIKE HALF A DOLLAR.. "About 8 years ago my feet and legs became poisoned,and came out in great sores as large as a half dollar which ate it almost to the bone. After the failure of other remedies, the sores were com- pletely healed. by one bottle of B. B. B.1/ Joseph Goyon, Tupperville, Out. LIFE AND LIMB. Are often in jeopardy through vale- ous accidents ou land and water. A prsmpt relief and sure cure for all pain ful wounds, bruises, burns, cuts, scalds, rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat and croup is Nagy aid's Yellow Oil known as reliable over 30 years. Keep it in the house always. HOSPITAL REMEDIES. What are they? The growth of intelli genre in medical matters has given rise to a demand for a class of genuine, reliable medicine. The opportunity of the ignorant quack, who grew rich curing everything out of a single bottle has passed. To supply. satisfactorily this demand this list of reme- dies has been created. They are the favor- ite prescriptions of the most famous medical practitioners of the day, gathered from the hospitals of London, Paris, Berlin and Vien- na. Prescriptions which cost the patients of these specialists from 125 to 3100 are here offered prepared and ready for use at the nominal price of one dollar each. Not onecf them is s, ctire all; each one has only the reasonable power of curing a single disease„ and each one keeps is contract. Sufferers from Catarrh, Diseased Lungs, Bronchitic, Asthma, Consumption, Rheumatism, Dys- pepsia, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Fever and Ague, Neuralgia, Female Weakness„ Leucorrhtieaor Nervous Debility,should Ben& stamp for descriptive catalogue to Hospital Remedy Co., 303,} West King St.,Toront%, Canada. It your druggist does notkeep these remedies remit price and we will send direct.