HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-4-18, Page 4rTEE ter, though of these it may justly be ifyeM pr ��.t -r� said that they were in every ease very Grocae poor ones, obtained on poor terms for Wef. SANDERS, Editor. Canada, It appeared at one time like, th11TS( ayl ?Tib 8th f 1$89. iv that be would let the 3 perce+nt.loan effeetcd last year go by default, But OPE-RAT-MY THS ' , recently, he plucked ilii courage and CRIMES made his uusal attael, It required .4CT, considerable fecklessness to attack return as receutiv brought down that to:au, seeing that the best financiel A. he British House on'. Common s slew- cities iia. aaglakkd an<! in Canada re- in t B 1;:•ard it as the very best ever effected beg the number of prosecutions 'under the Cringes 214.et .kIrAlEd) from 11'hit- ray any colony of the Empire. But suutide to the 30th November last. Tht► something had to be dente, According lumber of persons proceeded against in Sir Iliellar:d, on Wednesdan made arras e'49.. Trk 131:::!eases chair'=•ss were an elaborate attack upon the 3 per withdrawn; s in ltia eases the accused cent, ioaan, directing flan nu forco of of lkks onslaught upon a single clause Nvere acquitted and dist hors ged, Oa SOS the per ells anecusetl were corn- 14 th° prospectus,. That thkuse docs r caws were ndinr, not appear in the contract signed b vteted l stud 83 v s k pe the Government of Canada and con- whentht return was compiled. there rained ink the bond, The bond itself l w ere $? akppeals waged in 41 cases new loan: for the old one will at ones s , - s we c fi z z i •ilk td'. taiSe's $llnply 14;"''.1 "'The Gororn>akonkt of balauee the loss on the old by giviug cnatance re reduced; e r k t i, Cu tbt hereae1;nowledges to he in" • � • c Irl • i1 :► c�tsea y � a Mgt on flue raoy,r. Practit•t11y there • utaricos were rednl , i _ debled to the beane'r in the sum of ,, They were reversed; and ill l,l� thaw i , , is nothing y� ii:�tcrck in Sir Richard's meals r e!re pending. The oilinices ; t x1,000, iA10 or 4LQ0, as�the ease may criticism. Had lie understood €ull� l l'e be) pounds eterliuge being part of the were divided as follows: Criminal con" sum authorized to be raised fli virtue spiracy, , 32 eases ---10 withdrawn, 4 of an Act of Parliament of Cannade pas - acquitted and discharged, l? con'!yieted, sed in the infra year of the reign of one peilelisig Intimidation, 130 cases - Her Majesty Queen Victoria, cap, 2, 14 withclzaya n, 33 ,11 ainitte 1 amt asks which stun the said Gos erne eat under- charged, 79 eouvicted, 4 pending;. Riot, 1,00 erases ---25 withdrawn, 44 acquitted ! the o to pad• on the nst,,,„f I.30S� at akud discharged, 31 convicted. i"lnlayv- the office of Messrs Baring• Brothers & fol assembly, 203 cases- skithdratisn. Ca., akaad'+tessus, J1Rils, Currie ,rad Co., kn the City of London, in Englauad,with 34 ACcOlitted an4 d iia i ged, cork• interest in the meantime from 1st July 1 l,emltng, Ta"ulf wreakble , ., 1888, at the rate cif S per cent, per an - " n -t cases ---t:3 witltdrayvn) 14 num, emit interest being payable half ted and (ii' itergrr1, 33ronvieted, yearly uu the first flays pt:January aand or resistance to, shek:i;f, l place o r basil lY, 19S eases`1.(44k.Ju y in each year at the same p c n 32 acquitted and discharged, presentation of the proper coupons hereunto annexed. The principal and a is ted, ,l peudul�,g , interest of the above sum are charge- -.:.: able upon the Consolidated Revenue (()V iet V \'EI!, 1'uuu3. of Canada under authority of the aebove Act." There is tike whole bond. A#rev years of trial the Scott Aet It states first that the loan is to be for and the prikkeiple of local prohibition, 50 }ears, and second, that it is to be up any quantity of the stock, run up the price above par, and then by virtue of the clause in the prospectus, demand of the Government to buy it in; at the enhanced quotation, We repeat, the Government is under uo legal obligation to buy in tilos steel( at any rate speculators may manage, to roll it up to beyond its legitimate 'seine in the money market. That value can easily be ascertained by et:imparing the rte Of the four per cents, with the three. - There is azo trouble about that, Biot"if the rate of three pertents, isabove par, at any time, thou will be a good time to float's. a new loam, Thus if speculators man- age age to give a fictitious value to the three per cents,, the Governlrneut need not buy it in. if the ennbaneed value ie connsequeut upon the increased credit of Canada, then the substitution of a at least e11 a small scale, have been vondemike(1, 'amt we venture to say finally condemned by the people of Ontario. The result is just what Might have been expected amt what was ex - what he was talking about lie might Wye made it Brant against the Govern - went for allowing the clause to be earted in the: prospectus, thereby re - duchy,: to some extent the average price obtained., Frederick, T. Roberts, N. Profess• or i.n the 1'niversity College, Loudon, Eng., Essanniner in the Royal College of Surgeons,. calls attention to the feet that headache, dizziness, brouelzitis, in- flammation of the tutees, derengeuu nts of the digestive Sirgesesatre conntnoil ;cynk ptors of kidney disease. Warner's Safe Cure cures; these symptoms by remov- ing, theeause and putting the kidney in a, healthy -condition. The motto of the Anarchist; -O country, ono flag, one pocketbook. CLOTHING A j Ii all , St_ EXETER ONTARIO, Notice to Creditors In the matter of John llodRiiu, of the chargeable to the Consolidated Ire- Township of Saddle iph, in tit* t:ountyOf Md., venue Fund. That is the legal position dlNott r cs hereby and vrnver, un Insolvent. � Notice is hrrFl;v ghee that the above nam - of the bondholder's. Ha cannot compel ed John ilodt ins ha* this day mania Alla 14S - of to *fall his eioate and etreet.a the Government of Canada tok him in'trust for the benefit of his creditors, iu topay pursuant of chapter IN, of tiro Revised. Stat. anything till 1933, aukd he cannot cone was ofgntart,,, lien, A meeting of flan creditors of Lha said r,r ]►e.ett t1 by many ci:nce rc fr ▪ en4is of tela- pet the Government to pay him from solvent will bo held in my office, in the Vi.l, ner.anee. It is pretty clear that It i4^ any other source than the Consolidate laFuofExeter, ran son's �liock, an physically impossible to prevent then . Itovonue rand. i Under theso circum• Saturday too loth day of April, introduction, into a ;ivru district by , stances, where here does Sir Riehard Cart- for the unnIeinttinent o'clock in the an °giv`- those .who wish itofa portable ,. ,, , i„ gtirrectionswithreterenceto'the disposal p wright f#n(i rrottlxl for his statement of t to OSt. O. And notice ,a hereby further given t: t nil persons having ciaims Against t ii•.i.1 Join, tiudgins,are r,+tar red to Fend to Orr h poEtt' prepdid, on or before the 15th tiny of April, ;listing. their name:, and uddrh ssea in lull, and ri,rrticulari of their claims duly verified, and the securities, ifany, :held by them. LEWIS 1 .7)ICXi! O- Assignee. fd6t�9N� WI�TE� CFC)=S, IN TIIE FOLLOWING LINES West of Euglaud Suitin s andTrous Brings, Scotch, Tweed Suitings and Trouser- inn&- Freneln and Euglish Worsted Cloths All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. Z SNELL whose manufaketure and usr, are that speeulators could buy up these 12 permitted In surrounding districts. It per cent. bonds and raiz up the price is also clear that any and every attempt above par, and then demand from the to punish as a 'crime inone small sec- Government of Canada pay lneut of the tion of the country that which is legal saune at the artificial price thus created? and respectable inneighboringsections It required considerable ingenuity on must of necessity fail, It is no less the part of Sir Richard to find his dear that the attempt to treat as a crime, by virtue of the vote of a bare l,opnlar majority in any community, that -width -wlaca largeaa influential min- ority rrityof the people regard as harmless,' respectable and moral, must fail, wheth- er that community be large or small. No legislative decree can make that a frame which is not grind Ina in itself, flare's nest. He found it, howover,not in the bond, which sets forth the legal obligations of the Government, but in the prospectus, which merelyindic.attra, without creating any legal obligation to do so,ythat the Government of Can- ada purpose to devote the various Sinking Fund accumulations to the purchase and retirement of the 3 per or 'which is not recognized as criminal cent. bonds. These Sinking Fund ac- hy the moral sense of all, honest and cumilations amount at present to £350 - virtuous citizens. This being a first 000a year, and will be more in the principle in the science of Government, future than in the past. it follows that the attempt to enforce such a decree by police methods must be productive of evil, and that continu- ally. Such an attempt tends to confuse the moral sense of the community. It sets a snare for the consciences both of those who believe in the law and try to enforce it, and of those whose sense of justice it outrages. In proportion to the energy with which the attempt to enforce such a law is prosecuted will be the ingenuity developed in devising modes of evasion, and the ill -feeling and antagonism aroused between the honest fanaticism which strives to en- force it and the honest sense of injury -which prompts either to evade or defy it. It is to be hoped that the friends 'of prohibition will study well the ex- pensive lesson set before them, and will again revert to those unobjectionable and excellent methods of moral suasion which were plied with so much success before the compulsory tactics were adopted. When the .great majority of the people have been persuade -i to become total, abstainers on principle, then, perhaps, it may he in order to talk about sweeping measures of pro- hibition, though then, happily, the chief necessity for such measures will no longer exist. The repeal vote takes place in Middlesex on Thursday, May 9th, and it is generally understood that the people of that county will vote to have .the ufiuseful and evil act struck off the statutes. Dated,F.xoter, April lith,1&O, THE LiGHT.RUNNING 1.. H. Dickson's List aiRc/l ;tD for 54c. loot No;;2, in theist co ncessionof the town c11ip osH,bt,ort.contateing Ion acres. This faro, will be sold cheap, and an easy terms The farm is situated miiduy bet ween tieaforth and Roblin, au the Huron firatvol Road. Churel, and. School within ken ,yards of Arra. Soil th@hctitri8 the.tn uty. A number of Exeter village properties for le on the best ofterms ,iu(in l„dg some of, must desirable rcatd,e lveaiiiatown. property iu the villages of Centralia orad b�aty,uhar,which OAR bo lotghtcheap. For further particular.* away to 14,11. UlCli WN, ah 7th, 3W, BioriAter,Exetcr, S. GIDLEY. THE LEADING Undertaker AND Furniture Dealer OF TNF TOWN? It was but fair that the Government of Canada should give full publicity, to their purposes, because investors like a long- loan. They object to a short. one. They don',t want to make fre- quent changes in their investments. If this statement had not been in the prospectus, investors might justly take exception to the retirement of these bonds before they were due, and might charge the Government with want of candour if the purpose of applying at least £350,000 a year to that end had not set forth. Possibly without that clause the bonds might have sold for a higher rate. But Canada does not de- sire to entrap any investors into the purchase of her bonds by with -holding a fact which the sound moral senti- ment of the country would feel ought to be made known. Sir Richard would like to have had the clause giving information of the purpose of the Government witheld. No doubt if it had been witheld he would at once have charged the Gov- ernment with shocking the moral sense of Canada by devoting the sinking funds of the various loans to the pur- chase of this stock without having given public notice of their intention at the time the loan was placed upon the market. He is hard to please. But it is better to be honest and square than to obtain a somewhat higher price for our bonds. The Government as usual took the right side, and Sir Richard is correspondingly angry. This is viewing the loan from the only side the Government could view it -from the side of the permanent in- vestors- and not from the side of the speculators. Sir Richard affects to believe that speculators can form a syndicate, buy THREE PER CENT LOAN. -Sir Richard Cartwright has deemed it his duty as Opposition critic of the Government's financial arrangements, to attack every loan the country has effected, excepting of course the loans obtained when he Was Finance Minis-• THE LADIES' FAVORITE. THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE. 4 � - THAT GIVES_• PfBfECT S'AT/SFACTION WillETEG MACHINE EKE CSO -28. UNION SQUME,I1X• OALLl64. fiat Louis Mo. ATLANTA` bac ,e • 6AL George Vickers, Kirkton London Huron & Bruce Railway GOING NOIITFI--TIDIn TABLE-Pass'nr. London, depart.... 8.05 A. g..4.25 r. M. Lucan Crossing...8.47 5.20 Clandeboy e . 8.52..... 5.28 Centralia... ....9.05 5.45 EXETER ...... .9.16. 5.57 Hensall . 9.28 , . 6.09 Kippen 10.34.. . 6.17 Brucetield .. , .. 9.42 6.26 Clinton ... 000:. .6,45 'Londesboro' 1019 .7.03 Blyth... 1028 7.12 Belg 1 ave :. 10.42.: 7.27 Wiiigh•a m . 11.00,. . 7.45 GoINci SouTn: Passenger. ` i'ngham. 7.05 AM... 3.40 roc. 13elgrave ......:: 7.24. , ,' ... 4.00 Blyth:.. . 7.38..,.. 4.15 •Londesboro' . .. 7.47. 4.25 Clinton ... 8.07 . 4.45 Brucefield ........ 6.26....... 5.04 IC ppen.. 8.34.. .5.12 Hen.sall .. 8.41.: 5.1e EXETER.. .,.. 8.56.. . 5.33 Centralia .. 9.07. 5.45 Clandeboye . 9.18 5;56 Lucan Crossing 9.24... . 6.02 London, arrive 10.15.. 6.45 QUAUTYI THE TRUE TETO? crMArrrEss. J. H. NORTHCOTT -o-IS NOW QT' FRING-- o -- BREAD, BUNS0 ES J.,. C ' Tom= Z3T Of Every Description Made to Order. .. .N rh of .. ONE DORNORTH OF FAN ON'SBLO K. Main-stroot aztor. I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand,, which Y «'ill sell at right prices. Vthrtftkin! & Em6a�iag A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY. Chad Hurls O Having purchased the ■ EXETER TURIIIWI! EROTORY STOP AND REAB! There is a Machine Oil called T,A11DIN IT IS MANUFACTL D SOLELY BY McCOL BROS. r TORONTO, ONT. See that Barrels are branded with the Trade Mark, LARDINE If not, do not take it, as it is only spurious oil they ace offering you so as to make more money. out of you. 1?OR SALE BY Fossett Bros., from Mr. A. Cottle I am pre- pared to do all kinds of Turning on short- est notice. dates, Lani Ro! lers Etc. Turned out on the shortest possible notice. A CALL SOLICITED. J OEN VAET, Proprietor. July -26288. HO IE VFFLEL FRAME RA.111. DRILLI Guaranteed the best in the world. NO OTHER DRILL made can be instantly regulated to run litany desired depth without stopping the team. NO OTHER DRILL will sow all kinds of grain thoroughly, even and. properly covered at a uniform depth in all kinds of soil. NO O'.l'HER DRILL commences to saw the instant the horses commence to move, and misses no ground when starting in, after turning. NO OTHER DRILL equals the Hoosier when used as it cultivator and no single cultivator surpasses it, thus combining two implements in. one. IF YOU. WANT A Con Day Shave 0 ; Neat Hair Cut, . CALL AT TRE Central Barber Shop, p, ' Lock g'xtsOr. � Block, , Exeter A. (Hastings, PROPRIETOR NOXOSI'S NEW STEEL BiiNDER Seethe greatest invention of the age in our uew l.notter which cuts but one cord,makes no waste ends and saves cord. in binding,also Improved Mowers and Horse hakes. HENRY JONES, AGENT. All Communications, address to HENRY JONES, Exeter, Ont. YON 1, THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT from which this paper is printed was supplied by the TORONTO TYPE FavxoxY Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. ,JOE NSTON, 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. The Grand Union Hotel, •� a m.rwo T, - ONT-MRS= Enlarged. and Improved. 30 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies of the season. 3 convenient sample rooms. House heated with hot air. Electric bells throughout. Si PER DAY. R. 3. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. fir 11 SALESnnii.I'1 g to'sept choice f'curs cry Stoair LIBERAL PAY GUARRANTEIiD WEEKLY No experience'regnirecl Commence at once and success assured, Write Fnan. TS. YOUNG, Mnrsorymeni Itoehester, N. Y. A FEW lIORE 8x10, 11x14 ,and.:14x17 PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES -o-JUST IN AT -o - N o n' as Dont fail to see them. Also a New lot of' Chromes and Oil Painting's, such as you have never seen before in Exeter. The highest finished Cabinet, Photo's in the County, $3 per doz. J.: Senior. F- A ae a OP yrs