HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-4-18, Page 1VOL. II. :EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 18,1889. The Motsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital.. , , .... , $2,000,000. Rest Fund,,,, ., 1,000,000, Read office 3iontrean. R WOLPERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GkmetenAL 3ZA\AGER, Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion., Agencies in the Dominion. L. S. and Europe. Open every lawful day from 10 a. m. to 3 p• m., Saturdays lua.m. to 1 p. n. A general banking business transacted Three per cent. -per annum allowed for money on Deposit Receipts and Savings Battik. R. H. ARCHER, Exeter, Jan 28,'88. ;Marla;, THE %Net z gtbra.cate, Ia 11011 liod ovary Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, -••- EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY.; TERM -SOP SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. 01.50 If not so paid. No parer discontinued until all arrearegea aro paid. Advertisements without specific; dlreetaone will be published tilt forbid and charged aeeordturty. Li rail discount ,sada for transcient advertisements inserted for. long periods. Every description of JUA PRINTING turned out in the firmest style. And at Ancelerate rates. Cheoues.money oral- ora. are. for advertising, eta. to lie made Dyable to 'Fi11ialta, Salideal s, Editor Church fl1reetory, Tutvirr Mereottian Cortteu.••itcv. S, S• Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, it .a. in. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.3) p. m. 31s•rilOPI;T enreen-•damn$-se, B(, D. Clement, Pastor. Sunday Services,10.20 a. m. and 6.3) p.m. Sabbath Seliool, 2 p.m. 11tAxrt:S7uss'r—llev. T. Wilson, Pastor. Sun dap ServIces,t6.30It. in. and ISM la.ni. Sabbath Sehoed s,2o p, xn, 1►At,wSnm'rsar,tsfuur1 TI --Rev. W.1tttrfin, Pastor. Sunday Services, It a. in. and 6.2a p. m. Sabbath S0°01,0.45 a.m. Profetsslomtai (!nrtlas. TT L. BILLINGS. Office over O'Neil's hank, Exeter, Ontatrio, Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extraction. H. KINSMAN, DENTIST, L. 1). S1 ex- `WJS.J traets teeth without pain by giving •w J Vegetable Vapor, or using the new A.naostlietie on the gums. :,taltc'n Gobi. k illi Ings and other dental work tho best possible. (loos to Zurich last. Thursday in each month. East side of Main street. Exeter. j n.wHrrET.v, lot.P,.C,3I.. PHYSICIAN and Snrgeon. Office and residence -- Corner i'ictordn and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontari9► A. ROLLINS. OFFICE—MAIN ST. Residence -Corner Andrew and North Streets; Exeter, Ontario. •T A. A;1I0d, M.P., C. M. L.. 0. P., EPTN.; L: . R, C. S., Edin.; L. P. P. & S., Glasgow; L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow; M. C. Y. & S. Ontario: P. T. M. s„ Toronto. 'Night bell at office. Crediton, Ontario. 434 2:2 COWWEN. OPFIGE--MAIN STREET, .+1f Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centra Hotel. Side entrance on south --lames street leading to the Methodist Church. T W. BROWNING, M.D., M. 0. P. S. Graduate of Victoria University. Office and residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. -wrILLIAusWEET, VETER- �VVV inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Office and Residence one block east of Barnwell & Pickard's store. Opposite skat- ing rin t, Exeter, Ontario. TDH. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loam Office—Fa nson's Block, Exeter. T SLLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- JU iters, Conveyancers, &c. Monoy to loan at 6 or cont. B. V. ELL10T. J. ELLIOT L11DWARD N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, NOT- ary .Public, Proctor in Maritime Court Conveyancer. &c. Solicitor for Huron Land Agency. Goderich and hayfield. Mayfield office at Swarts's Hotel, open every Thursday. Money to loan at vary low rates. JAMES ORE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed Comity Auctioneer for the of ,1•,Tnron. Sales promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales nrran ged at this office. BROWN Winchelsea: Licensed Anet- Al. ionoer fox the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of LTsborne. Bales promptly attended to and Corm s reason able. Sales arraugocl atPost office, Winchelsa "El BOSSENBERRY,RensallOntario. Lie - 124 (fused Auctioneer for the County' of Huron. Charges moderate and satisfaction ;guaranteed.. Air.• 1'IOLT, IChiva, Ontario. Licensed! suet- . ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex and Lanibten, and the townships of Stephen and Hay. All sales promptly attended to. ter ET.L13ER,LicansodAuctioneer for Hay141.. Stephen and McGillivray townships. Office --Crediton, Ontario. FOR SALE_. rar a s : Gardeners and florists, A fair sired brick cottage �containing dining -room, sitting -room, 51,edrooms, en- trance hall, with two good, collars under- neath, large kitchen idx='0 feet, with wood- shed attached, two large greenhouses, email Bitable, good well of water; with 13; acres of laird, all we11 fenced once= fair condition. This property is within five minutes' walk of the Exeter post office. The laud will be sold on easy terms. A poly to A, ALLEN, Exeter, Oat. April 11, 6 m. For Sale or to Bents Tito subscriber offers for Sale or to Bent, afar desireable residence on Huron street, consisting of a frame house, with 6 rooms therein. a good well of water, about two aeres of laud, being lot 02Possession ha, tucdiately. Terms reasonable, dimly to Rnw, nn ear., or at this office. Air -.3m Ribbert Spring Showy. The annual spring show was held at the village of Steffa, on Friday last. The show was one of the best held for years, and the show of stock was first- class in every particular.. Below will be found the prizo winners:— Iloevr. Deere= A(ann:-1st and diploma, Thos, Coloqulmoun, "Richer - field"; 2m1 Chas, Brooks, "McMaster; Brd Goe. Marten. TIMER 1uAus o.t.D AND 113»3n: -1st Mr. Taylor "Lord Erskine'; 2nd Thos. Colquhoun,':;VIeCregle"; Srd1 Hewitt ' Kay. ItouDsrnes:-1st D. Clark "Well - wood." Rosen alike.—Int J. Butler; 2nd T Hamilton. 2 YEARS OLA:---lst Thos. Russel; 2nd', T. Hamilton. Eight Deaths fr Poisoning. g Our readers aro doubtless all familiar with the Rollinson poisoning cases, which have recently come to light in Somerville, Wass., the suburb of Bos'. ton. It seems that eight deaths have oc- eured frons arsenical poisouing, sown in ane family, and within five years, It is doubtful if the murders would have been brought to justice luta not an organization uI which the victims were insured began antinvestigation as to why so many persons had suddenly died itt one family. ' But the sensation from a. medical point of view connected with the case, took plated in Boston at a recent meet- ing of the Massachuset s Medio -Legal. ;8oeiety, when it was stated by Dr. Holt that there sees general ignorance of the symptoms of arsenical poisoning and because s o suck ignoratnce the liebinsem poisoning eases had gone on without arousing the suspicion of Med- ical men. The Robinson cases were all treated by regular physicians, with correct diplomas, men supposed to know what they were doctoring for, and to know the effect of drugs on Cer- tain di&eases. Yet in tbo five deaths front arsenical poisoning of which eve sp( k, certificates of death were given for pneumonia, typhoid, meningitis, bowel disease, and Brights disease. Is it any wonder that pasients are losing faith in their doctors? In the very same manner thousands of patients are being treated this day for pneumonia, heart trouble, dropsey, in- cipient consumption, etc., when these are but symptoms of ndearced kidney disease, where is but another name for Bright's diseas. The doctors do not strike at the seat of the disease—the. kidneys, and if they did 9 times out of ten they would fait -as they are on re, cord ars saying they cannot cure Bright's disease of the kidneys. Rather than use Warner's Safe cure, a well- known specific for this and all other foriiis of kidney disoase they would- let their patients die, and then give a death certificate that death was caused by pericarditis, apoplexy, phthisis or cardiac affection. Is this not the honest truth? Do you not know in your own personal history very many instances where physicians doctored the wrong disoaase,and caused untold suffering, and many times, death? Bayfield. Lenten services are being held in the English church. Mr. Hewson, our druggist, took a run down to Loudon last Wednesday. There should be a large crowd at the Literary Society's - entertainment to- night. Dr. Coleman, of Scnforth, ' was in town last Friday looking after some business. Rev. Mr.'Howie, of Brussels, intends lecturing in the Front road church 'on the 18th .inst. Rev. MT. Jamieson is haying his house repaired, and intends moving into it shortly., Last Tuesday.,Miss Lizzie Walwin and Mary Whitldon took their : depar- ture fer• Detroit. Miss Lizzie Huston has taken upher residence in London, with her brother- in-law, Mrs Nide tyre, who :coved; there recently. , • Mr. Chas. Logan, who has recently beenattending the Collegiate Institute at Clinton, has gone to Milwalkee, Miele, to accept n situation in a drug store there. At a bairn r,'aising; the other day, we understand, there were a few pugilistic encounters. What peculiar character- istic there is about barn raisings to en- gender strife, we do not know, unless it be "hot stuff." On. Monday Mr. Stalker set out for Chicago, accompanied by Miss Hilda Moorehouse, who intends going as far as Piuconmeing, Mich., where she will visit with her sister, Mrs. Caldwell. Mr. Joseph Elliott, B. A, who is study- ing for the Presbyterian ministry, at ,Knox College, is home et present for his holidays, We oust Gong eatulatc hien on the high standard he attained at the recent examinations. The Oakes Organ .Factory, A a,'ttosrr•,rors YOUNG Ncx 1'IIMM.-'--Your representative had the Omura of being shown through the organ factory of Messrs. Onkes, Siva#field Worry, ton, n, few days. go. For the past two three years Mr. 0, F. Oakes, the senior member of the firm, had been manufacturing organs on a small scale and the outcome of this was the form- ation of this company last fall. They at once leased their present premises opposite the Queen's Hotel fitted them up with suitable machinery and are now rushing out the organs. The building is 100 feet long by :30 feet wide and is two stories high. On the lower fhtt are the offices and machinery rooms. Here is to be seen in full blast the latest and most improved machinery for the manufacture of the different parts of this organ. The key -making department is atiso on the lower floor r and is under the management of lir. Chant, late of the Doherty Organ Fac- tory. The upper fiat is divided into three departments, viz; the case mak- ing, the action making, and the finish- ing department. Each of these depart - meets is under the supervision of a skilled workman. The company Irtve also a airy kiln seventeen feet square. The company manufactures every part of the organ except the reeds whish, we understand, they obtain froma firm. in Mnssaehussetts. They make a spec- ialty of organ stools, both round and square. One of their leading styles of organs is their celebrated Piano Case in Rosewood which only' needs to seen to be appreciated. They are now using the celebrated ''Mareey Petite in time manufacture of their instruments whish, it is said, is superior to all other. The company at present employs 1;3 men, but orders aro coming in rapidly and in a very short time they will not only require to increase their staff of hands to probably more than double the number, but also enlarge their premises. This enterprising firm now turns out an organ excelled by none in the Dominion, and we bespeak: for them, in a short time, an extensive trade. "Unman: blindness may occur," is a statement made by T Granger Stewart M.1)., F. R. S. E., Ordinary Physician to H. M. Queen in Scotland, professor of Practice of Physic in the University of Edinburg, in speaking of Bright's disease. Renee it is of the r rentest of importance that, on the first approach of dimness of sight of specs floating -be- fore. the eyes. treatment should be in- stituted for the removal of the cause, kidney disease; and, for this purpose, Warner's SafeCure excels all other remedies. Clinton.. Rev. Josiah Green, of Lucknow, oc- cupied the pulpit of the Raattenbury st. Church on Sunday last, Mr. Living- ston being at Lucknow. The funeral of the Iate.Robt. Brown- lee of Blyth who was buried in the Clinton cemetery on Saturday with Orange honors, was largely attended by Orangemen from Wingham, Blyth, Bolgrave, Sunshine, and other places. Some 20 members of Clinton Lodge turned out on the occasion. We regret to hear that the promoters of the furniture factory have let the scheme fall through, on account, we understand of some of the heaviest subscribers dropping out. Its. about time something was done to give the town a boom. It is said that there is nearly 88000 subscribed in town towards the Goderich organ factory. Mr. 0. Blackstou, . the promoter wil',we understand,commonce operations at once in Goderich. Mr. B. Mallouglm, of Lucknow, was in town last week, endeavoring we under stand to purchase a business here. Three men representing the notor- ous Provincial Provident Institution of St Thomas, have being trying hard to boom the town this week. The peo- ple will do well to inquire into this in- stitution before having anything to do with it. The Brussels people have led some experience in this matter, and the Provincial Provident had better not g� back there to o any more business. On Monday evening the following 'resolution was passed by L. 0. L. 710, Clinton,—"That we view with alarm 4 NO. 98. the concessions made and being made to the Jesuits in the Pro -ince of Quebec that theaa greeting of100 the $ 000 to Jesuits, subject to die st f by the Po is in glaring violation of the principle winch finds expression. in the preamble to the Clergy Reserve Bill ---tile separ- ation of Church and State; that 'there can be no justification of a measure which increases the dominancy of the church ofllome;that in view of the his- tory and principles of the Jesuits, the confiscation of their property by the Imperial Parliament teas an impera- tine duty in the interests of good gov- ernment and public maralitv,and there- fore they have neither legal nor moral claims for cotnpensttion, Be it there- fore resolved, that we pledge ourselves to act independently in polities, and that while condemning the 188 mem- bet's of Parliament, on both sides ofpol, irks, wile Voted against (iis•Illomwance and particularly- ;,1r. Robt. Porter M. P. for West Huron, we further pledge our :selves to every lawful elms to have the Jesuits Estate Ad carried to the Imperial Privy Connell awl Have its legality conte:eted;find ttear we invite ea -operation of loyal Protestants and Roman Cattholica+ to drift end." Dr.R. A. Gunn, h£. D. Prof. of Surg- ery of the United States Medieni Col- lege, editor of the ":Medical Tribune," ..Author of a•Cxunn's New Improved Mud -book of Hygiene anti Domestie Medicine,"in speaking of advanced kidney disease, and the effect of the use of Warner's Safe 'Cure, says: "1 lied that in Brights disease it seems to act as a solvent of albumen. to soothe and hal inflammed metebraues and wall out epithelial debris which blocks up the tubuli uriniferi Serine-beering tubes); and to prevent thae destructive metamorphosis of tissue." Letter from Manitoba, Below will be found a letter sent from. a resident of Manitoba to Mr. floury Smith, of Eliu Wille, and will prore in- teresting to our readers:- Virclen,Man., March 213th 1889. Hexer Suvru, EsQ:---Du.tn 'sl.1t.•-. Your favor of the 15th received, and in reply would say th'Lt eonsider.tble activity is expecte(' in building operat- ions in Virden this summer, but the trade has not been opened out yet. The x .axes,number of stone houses in rase of erection, and a number of ft acne buildings .will also be put tip di. ring the summer, Von cans pur- el?tase lots in Virden at from $20 to $300 liisSr lot, according to location, sidiug nett flouring from $J3 to $130 per thous- and, stone $G per cord, lime 40 ets. per bushel, brick: $20 per thousand.shingles $3.50 per thousand. Masons get form $275 to $3 per day, carpenters from $2.25 to $3, ordinary laborers about $1.15 per daffy. Thera is not the de- nmattd for men now that there has been but farm Mends are being.; offered $22 e month for six or seven months. I might also add for the information of those who may wish to some out here. that there is plenty of lanai for home- stead entry itt this district, good land, but the greater portion of it is from 12 to 20 miles from the town. We have a very tine district hers, aunt enc that offers many inducements to the incom- ing settler. Plenty of room for the en- ergetic sons of toil, come froth where they may. Trunking you for asking for information in connection with our district. I remain Yours truly DANIEL 11eLI au,Viralen. 48, Fits, convulsions, dizziness, and lte:mcl ache are prevented. lied cured by using Warner's Safe Cunt. Wliy' 1.)r. Owen Ress says: "'rhe tenuity (watery con- dition) of the blood in Bright's Disease products cerebral symptosis, the serous (watery portion) is filtered through the blood vessels of the brain, causing anemia and subsequent ]head symp- toms." This is why these symptoms yield. to Warner's Safe Cure. It gets rid of the Bright's Disease and pre- vent the blood from becoming watery Crediton Spring Show. Ou Thursday last the ani:ival spring show took place at Crediton The show was one of the best ever held in the vil- la ger and the nnuuber iu attendance larger than any former oceassion. Be- low we give the list of prize winners:— HEAVY DRAUGHT IiLPOItTED,-1St Dow &i Willis, "Turk' 2nd Dow Willis,"Silver Times"; 8rd Geo. Coward "Randolph King. 8 YEAR OLD. ---1St 'lm'.: Welsh lsh, "li:arl: well"; 2nd P: Hanlon,''Prince Gordy". BLoon.-1st W. B. NCLeen, "Clear Grit"; 2ed. J. Ruby, "Young. Clear Grit?' BOARS TE a. -1st .1. Al cIsaa e "Royal George'; 2nd Jas. Ilannoti, "Vold Leaf." Slime -1st Fotheringhai n Bros, "Success." Butes 2 -epees oto. -1st J. Pedlar, "Billy"; 2nd John Schrader, "Prince of Crediton." • "HOLSTEIN. -1st, L. Stahls, "Young Chimes." Dever °juulgo a man by a colt ho seems. It may be borrowed one. Liberal Cous6rvativea, The annual meeting of the South Perth Liberal Conservative ;Association was held at Fullerton Corners on Thus day afternoon April 4th. The 'attend- ante was large, about 80 delegates being present. The President, Mr. A. Carman, took the .chair shortly after two o'clock, and after the confirmation of the minutes of the last annual meet-, ing and two subsequent special aneet- ing, declared the nomination and elect- ion of officers for the ensuing year to be in order. The following; were elected; President, W. Re Davie, Mitchell; Vice -Pres., T. 1, Key, U:sbot'nc; See'd T. D. Stanley, St. Malrys; Treas., Rem- ben Switzer, Iilalnshard, A large executive committee. cam - posed of three gentleman from each municipality were appointed as for-'. lows, St. Marys, Messrs. Moir, Moyes, Rob- bins; Mitchell, Messrs' Dogherty, Ford, Dent; RI:anshard,Messrs. Betty, Breth- oiu', Hutchings; Fullerton, Messrs. Francis, Jackson, Robinson; Downie, liessrs.Steele, Clyne, Sankley; Hibbert, Messrs. Jefferson, 'Xilliarnai, Burns; Us. borne, Messrs. Hunter, Clark, Stewart; Logan, Messrs, Pttshelberry, Green,!, Stewart; South Ensthope, Dr. Whitney, D. Newell, P. Fruyfogle. The uewly elected president was then conducted to the chair, and in a neat speech thanked those preseute for the honor conferred on !Lira by mime monsly electing him to the position of the chief executive officer of the Liberal CPa'onitservativeh. Association of South After a brief diseussitut a motion to the elect that the convention proceed to the selection of candideees was car- ried by what was practicality a unani- mous vote, whereupon on motion. of Captain Francis, of Fullerton, seconded. by .Alr. T. M. lay. of 1'sbarne, it was uu animously resolved. amidst the great- est enthusiasm, that Mr. H. Fred Sharp of St. Marys, be the standard bearer of. the party at the next election for the House of Commons. Mr. Sharp, in ae. cepting the nomination briefly thsnketl the to others of the convention for the expression of continued confidence in, hint and spoke of the partes future , prospects in South Perth in the most hopeful terms. On motion of Wm. Johnstone. of. I.3laushard, seconded by Mr. Ileo. Moir, of Sat. Marys, Mr. W. R. Davis, of Mitch- ell, was unanimously nominated to con test the riding; at the approatehing' election for the Loral Legislature. Mr. Davis accepted the nomination and expressed the determination to do 1 all, in his power leg itmably to secure the success of the party till the last vote was polled on the evening of the election. life pointed out the fact.thtt in 1588 he was beaten by only 200 votes. Since that time the addition of Logan whiled out at least 1130 of these. and left an adverse votes of only about 50 to face. Thisbe was not afraid of and ILL felt confident that Liberal Con- servative banners Would be pia ced on the enemy's ramparts when the ballots were counted next election day, let that time come when it may. lourselves to use our utmost endeavors to securo the:election of the Liberal Conservative e<^t didate of this riding n r g; to itAlllliart him at the nest; local elect- ioml. Moved by A. Dent, seconded by J. A. ' Watson; That this association express- ° es its entire appreciation of theenergy land ze'tl displayed by the Rmpin, Pews," paper ews- paper of Toronto at all tittles advocat- ung and championing the interests of this country and the Conservative (:cruse, and that we re eommend it to the favorable consideration of alt true !Conservatives and others who have the prosperity of this great country at heart. Moved by G. Leversege, seconded by 0. U. ` Tawrie; That this association beers to glace on record its sincere re - grit haat during the past yeerthe Cab inet of Sir John Macdonald has suffer- ed by death the loss of two of its very I able members in the persons of the Hon. Thus. White, Afilliste'r of the Iu- te)inr, amid Holt John Henry r011e- Minister of Ralilways:Intl Canals. A resolution was passed fixing the , date for the anima Lnec'tiug for Jail. Iith,'';iaacelonaldet day" it being th,. aunivers cry of SirJohn s birth. A vote of thaeeka was tendered, to the retiring president. and with three roue ing cheers for the Queen, Sir John Jl;;cdonai(1 and the eaudid.itesthe meet ing adjourned. W m: T. Relfir:al, M. In., :+atr;rt'nn tok the genito.ininary dep+r:nient, cent rill i)fsl'eus.lry. . C'hiealg)) says s `The diagnose; of Brights die et a is often er- rtuaeonsly untie where they eNists tin inll'ttn'Ltinu, but simply 1'enon9 con- gestion of the Rebate•s." Neglect in these elevs ofeong estionallowsorganic, chauges to take plat.'. thus Bright'• ti ells, 'S? is developed, which result may he avoided by the timely use of Warn- nes Safe Care. This retnetly removes the obstruction and equalizes the t'ir- culattion. Tire following, resolutions were then unanimously passed:•-- Moveel by Wm. Johnston, seconded by Geo. Moir, and resolved: That we, the Liberal Conservative Association of South Perth, in convention assembl- ed, desire to express our hearty approv- al of and continued confidence in the Government of the Right Hon. Sir John Macdonald. The marvellous pros perity of this Dominion for the past ten years as compared with that of any other country during the, same period, the oflorts to open up and settle the boundless prairies of the Northwest, complete our magnificent canal system and develop our unlimited mineral wealth; firnulcss displayed in the main- tenance of our°fisheries; the determine' tion to retain at all hazards the, right o °very free Parliament to the absolute control of its own tariff~, and. the earn- est desire to foster friendly relations among all the inhabitants of the sever- al provinces in order that the Whole may be blended tate elle great nation, all give evidence of sound stateman- ship and triiepmtriotism, richly deserv- ing the hearty thanks and a support of every loyal Canadian. We desire also to express the hope that the- veteran Premier m•ny be long sp trod in health' and strength to continuo to guide the affairs of State with his visa council and superior judgment. Moved by' W. G. Holman, seconded by A. Carmen, ;Ilid resolved: That this. association take this opportunity of e pressing: our entire satisfaction At the str.tight forward and Manly Mune pur- sued by'W. It. Meredith, Q. 0, M. P. P., loader of the; opposition ill' the • Legisla- ture of Ontario; that we cordially en- dorse the feerless,and outspoken man nor in which he has at all times de- ilouneed the encroachments of the. pres eat Mowat Gov rinnont upon the liber ties of the,poople, in this province in the arbitary zinc( i,artisait aclmiustrat-, ion of its public affairs, And that we ex- press.the hope that the days is not: far distant triton the electors Of this prov- ince will place him in that high posit- ion which his honor and integrity en- title him so well to Mill as Premier of this province, Th•t we further pledge Loan Spring Show. The annual Lltean Spring Show took place on Friday last. The fair was not so sucecssfuil as on former : eer owing to the very rainy and disagree. able weather. The following is the prize list; UMW I>n, riniTlu1'ORTELs. let, Boyd & Henry; 21:d. T. U. McRob- erts; Jird, Jas. Brooks. 3 YEARS OW'. lst, Pat, Ryder; 2181, Pat Ryder. Real.- s'rng, let, John Beacom; 2nd, Hiram Clarke; ,rel, Wm, Parker, Iat'I.1.s, 1 rt. Frank Abbott T. (buxom S• 1;st-e v, M. D (ordinary Phy siren to H. M, the Queen in Scotland, Professor of Practice Physic in the I uiven:wity of Edinburgh, says: '•1 'eritt'hitis IS occasionally the cause of death in all formas of Bright's disease, It may result from local af- fections, or Exon time state of tit,' bland.' Warner's Safe ('ure nets as a prevent- ive ify curing than kidney disease anti removing; the con antiunion iron tha blood. Perhaps the tmtos. potential letter of the alp Ibet is "n," becaus., it can make a man of ma. South Enron Spring Show, The annum Spring Show under the auspices of the South Huron Agricul- tural nl Sot iety, was hid in the village of Brucetleld yesterday. The weather was all that could be desire(i but the attendance was very slim. The show of horses was larger than any previous year. The astral number of machine agents were. present. Below we give the prize list:-- III;.avY I)IL'rt;]IT :Lctnli.---1st; Thos. Colquhouu, 'Jlicherfield'; 2nd, John McMillan, 'Ring Leander'; Ord, Berry & Miller, 'McAlpine. I)RAtrttTir STALLJOx FOALED i\ 188ti. 1st, McGregor & McIntosh; 2nd. C. E. Jitltln,,'Gallant Prince', Ord, (writ• Taylor, 'Lord Erskine.' 2 sv.tt.a; OLD, 1st, ,J. McFarlane. 'Glenappin'; 2t:d, C. E. Munn, St. Step- hen'; Brd, Med ra'gor & McIntosh. I)nPLolca, ImEST nortsn ANY AGE, 1st, McGregor & McMillan. Cexeenex nit i.tT(ttiT ' 2 YEARS_ OLD, 1st, Tiros. My Miehael, 'Young McCart- ney'; 2nd, John Avery, .`Jubilee; 8rd, Stern McKenaie, 'General Scott.' Alust, t'arr.IAnn HORSE, 15t, Alex. Davidson, 'Gen. Withers'; 2u1,.1. Berry, `Fearnaught• Chief'; 8rd, L. Kennedy, 'Oke Gruuty' 2 YEAR OLn. W. 13. McLean, 'Raven.' Dirnolt:t, Alex, Davidson. Aunt) ROADSTERS, 1st, W. B. McLean, 'Hensall.Clear Gxit'; 2nd, J. McIntosh, 'Canada • Southern';` 3rd, P. McGregor. 'Cranbrook,' - DIPLC2,CA, W. B. McLean. 3 YtARs one, 1st, Jonathan Miller, 2 vans OLD, 1st, Peter McGregor; Saint Blois; John McKay 1 Sens, Young Fulton.' BULLS, WED DURHAM., Robt Charters, 'Prince .Albert Edward', Tobias Nash, (tFashion's Duke.' 2 >: napes OLD, Thos Russell, 'CIear the. Tratck.' • 11) \RLINCr, Thos, Bussell, 'Ti' t•crsidc: Hero'; H. & f), Smith, 'Grand Trunk'; - I -1. Chesney, 'Brown ,Peerless.' D1z'r mIA, Trios. Russell.