HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-4-4, Page 844.--1114
Absolutely Pure'
Life -boat Crew.
Advance Council. No. 207, Royal
Tempters of Temperance, intend hold-
ing as series of Gospel Temperance
meetings commencing on Monday even-
ing April Sth, under the leadership of
the Lifeboat Crew, Messrs. Irish and
Mills, to hs held in the James street
Methodist church lecture room, Silver
collectiala each night.. Let there be a
grand rally.
AVoir e ti um Prison,
On Tuesday evenin;^, the Rev. Wm.
Searis, chaplain of Auburn prison, New
York, delivered a lecture 'entitled "a
voice from prison," in brew's hall, un-
der the auspices of tin. Main street
Methodist church. The Rev, gentle-
man is an excellent speaker and all
were well satisfied that they had spent
an interesting evening 'listening to
Spring Show
On 'Wednesday next the annual
sprin ; show of the Stephen S; Usborne
Agricultural Society- gill be held at
the grounds. TheshOIV this year prom-
ises to eclipse those of all former years.
This ,)warder geve,^ ~-(ries. A. marvel of The different stock breeders and own-
pt.rits, atren tlxand wholesomeness, More
rcoseomical t aa- alta asalaas haws, and ers:have signified their intentions of
syanot he sod rrA eorepetitror3 with Lisa exhibiting some of the best stock; ever
=altitude of low test, short waihlsa? csirsrn or shown Exeter. The a �rieultua.al.
phosphate, powders. Sold only rte. sass'
.1ux_a,ll.la.;hsxh l'uWPga caw., ht' \Va1l •t.+.`.1' implements this year will he shoesn an
the grounds. We hope to see a large
EXETER assemblage of the farmers here 10
CARNE �S. witness the show.
fi t bushel, 61 00 to 140 I13la/zeaasinl.
per "40 to X45 , Oil Thursday last the residence of
Barley, , . ` 2ia to 28
Peas , ,
56 to
Clover Seed,.. •i B0 :o 4.70
Eg;gsper 10z,..,,»,,,, 10 to 11
Butter, Roots.. , , - 17 to 18
Butter, Crocks.,...., ».-•. 15 to 16
Potatoes per bush.... . , , .. 20 to 2e
Hay per ton...,., ;.,, 9.25 to 10.00
Oats,,, „
Ladies of Exeter and viciaaity a WYth
take this opportunity of thanking you
for your VERY liberal response at our
3liilinel'y Opt°R.IiR�, during the past
week., and will still continue our dis-
play of millinery until after Aprt1 i0th,
during .which time we will be i�u eiv-
iaag, daaily, the newest, nicest awl most'.
ah ala
lisle and
as French, tel of F ,
-vi patterns r,
Aincrieaan goods,
James Pickard,
The Oki Established.
...aooai ' Te ws.
_air, David, johns bait4 tale; vett
offiee thoroughly renovaa'te*ak.
--Reliable field and gatalabliateeda of
every variety at Richard '.herd's
--During the past few weeks a large
number have left this county for Man-
-.Mr; Rd, Bissett leas a brood at thir-
teen chickens from a settingof thir-
teen eggs, - '
-4fr, Thos. Prier shipped a number
of One cattle tQ the English Markets
yesterday, «
-Ordered clothing a specialty ant),
a first-class fat guaranteed at Richard
-On Sunday morning the people
were surprised to find mother earth
covered with a fine coat of the beauti
Having recently made a large addition to his stock of New oo is now prepared to show
The Newt S les uild Shades in Dre s Goods and Trimmings, Silks and Satin. M i ve1ieux
The newest pattens in Emb>lode:ies. The latest fashions, shapes and shades in Spring
Millinery. The latest styles in Gents Furnishings, Tweeds, Fancy Suitings, etez also Ladies
and Gents Boots and Shoes,
Mr. H, I.+. Billings, dentist, of this
place, :acted as 'best man' for one of his
brother dentists at Oshawa, on Friday
-Tho Exeter spring show will take
place Wednesday next. This is your
chance to see the best- stock in the
The subscription list of the Anvovaaz
is steadily iuereasing,ananynew names
having been added, during the past:
few weeks,
-The members of the Solas of ''Eng -
laud Benevolent Society will meet in
_ their hall on Sunday at 2 e'clock in
Mr. George Sanders was the scene of the ilftcrnoan,
much pleasure, it being occasioned by -The rates of the Great Northwest-
the marriage of Hiss Elizabeth Weir, ern Telegraph ' Company: have been
formerly of this place but now of De- lowered to '75 cents to send as despite
to the north west
L.IiiilluallMen tint, Gatti fano
aspeeialtr,. entre over tl'NeiVs Beale;,
.Eforeezueres Attention.
'e have the best euts to be founts
in the province and we make a. Special-
ty of horse bills. We print them neat-
ly rand cheaply.
i,'resb °raters.
Fresh oysters at Geo. Sanders, by the
quart or served up by the plate cooked
er raw. Just look at our stock of con-
fectionery and sporting goods, all fresh,
new and first-class.
Sermon to S. 0.E.11. S.
On Sunday, April 7th, the Rev. Dr.
Moekrige, of Christ Cathedral, Hamilton
will preach, it sermon to thcsons of Eng
land Benevolent Society of this place
ii1 the Trivitt Memorial Church. The
Society will turn out in full regalia,
and will be :accompanied is church by
members from Clinton and llensall
lodges. The service will take place at
3 o'clock in the a£terimon.
troit, to Mar., G. F Stookes, of the same
city. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev. J, Wilson, pastor of blain
street Methodist church, in the presence
of a few of the bride's most intimate,
friends. The presents were numerous.
clad costly and consisted of silverware
etc, and went to show the high esteem
inwhich the bride WAS held. The
happy twain left in the evening for
Detroit -where they will Make their
.future home. We wish the roun,o
couple every success intheir new de-
parture and hope that their journey
through life may be a pleasant one.
Tow Connell.
liiutatts .of a council meeting held
previous to adjournment at the Town
Hall, Exeter, April lst, 1899. Alt the
members present except the Reeve,
Minutes of previous meeting were read.
and approved, Moved by T,. B. Carling,
seconded by T. H. McCallum that ord'
ors be granted for the following sums,
Brock, $1, Inbar; G. Cudinore.
51,50, do., Mark Clarke, 8%55, eharity,
and Wm. Sutton, $10,charity to S. Ford,
Carried, I), Spieer's account for paint-
ing sign was laid over till the next
meeting. Moved by T. 13. Carlin,
seconded by T I. McCallum, that Mr.
Creeh be instructed to lookup a place for
Mark Clarke, and report to this council
at the next meeting. -Carried. Moved
by T. B. Carling, seconded by J. Pick-
ard, that in caro Mr. Win. Clarke takes
Johnny Clark to Michigan, that Mr.
Creech procure clothing for hien, not
to exceed $10. -Carried. Moved by J,
Pickard, seconded by T. II, McCallum,
that council adjourn till Wednesday,
April 8rd, at $ o'clock p. m. -Carried.
M. EACRETr, Clerk.
The River.
Nearly everybody expected to see a
big flood this spring on account of the
large amount of snow, but it has grad-
ually incited away and so far the river
has not been as high as on former years.
The timid ones have their minds at
rest to a. considerable extent. The river
being clearof ice we do not suppose,
even if it does rain, that the water will
be very high as the majority of the
snow has gone.
We have received from Mr W. Bryce
publisher, Toronto, copies of "Guild-
eroy" by Onida, and "Le Doeteur Ram -
eau '
am -eau" or "A broken life" by Geo. Ohnet.
Those are excellent works of fiction
and are well worthy of reading.
We have received and perused No.
4 Saturday Night series entitled "A
Bad Man's Sweetheart" by Edmund E.
Sheppard. This is a high class of fict-
itious literature and should be read by
all lovers of the same. For sale by all
news dealers.
A Great Clearing le will be held for the next 15dayslan and
to reduce the stock
IMMENSE BARGAINS will be offered in the following >.
Black and Colored Dress Goods. Black and CooColoredSilksand Satin Marvelietix.
Ladies and Children gloves andJLosiery. Men and Boys hard and soft felt Hats..
Carpets, Lace curtains, curtain poles, all papers, window binds, rollers, �e.
Boots and Shoes of every description, crockery and glassware, Sig: ercele &. cutlery
Ifou want new and fashionable goods, call at Richard Pickard's.
y if you want cheap Goods and good value call
at Richard Pickard's,
Tailoring a specialty, Goodfits guaranteed at
eler PU1tLU Yards
-Every lady in Exeter alld surround- �►
ing country is invited to inspect our Black Red Game, Red Pyle.
grand display of millinery on April c4a E
-A neaa spaper advertisement "drops. Black Reel l3ants, .led Ryle'
ants E g r thirteen,
the saltie thought into .aa: thausaenad �+a
minds at almost the mama moment."
This is one ebaracterestie of its power
and superiority over all other aadveriis-
ing Mediums.
-Ball programs, wedding cards, bill
heads, statements, trnsiness cards, en
lopes, calling cards, Oculars, dogers,
posters, or any other kind of printing
a and cheapwit the
you any -want, neat
Anvoc TE office.
Nothing has as yet been done in
the way' of organizing our elubaa for
the various sports for which Exeter
has always been noted. Clubs in other
towns have called meetings and organ-
ized for the coming season.
-The Tare escape ladders have been
placed on: all the hotels. The Central
and Commereial have also held bal-
conys erected on the front of ° each,
which adds somewhat to the appear-
ance, and are a great convenience,. •.,
a a Atli as Richard Pacl,aarcls, „9,'„,,s," a p01, thirteen;
ala awl 1
-Monday last was All Fools' day.
L.Billinxss, Dentist, for the bent
artificial teeth.
-The roads are'. in a miserable con-
dition at present.
-Mrs. Henry Hagerman was visit-
ing friends here last week.
-The Rev. W. H. Gane, of Lyons,
Ont., spent Tuesday in town.
-Read the change of advertisement
made by Bissett Bros. in this issue.
-A horse belonging to the editor
of our cotem died one night recently.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Knight, of
Ethel, Ont.,are visiting friends in town.
-The celebrated physician,Dr. Speer,
was in town on. Tuesday and Wednes-
day lest.
-Don't forget that the Exeter spring
show- will take place on Wednesday
next, 10th inst.
-Now 'i' the time to clean up your
back yards and pump out your wells.
to keep off disease.
-Ladies remember the grand milli-
nery opening at Richard Pickard's
on April 9th and 10th.
-Exeter L. O. L. No. 924, meets to-
morrow (Friday) evening. '.Every
member requested to be present.,
-The three farms offered for sale by
public auction on Saturday were with-
drawn, no bid being made as high as
the reserved bids.
-Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wright, of
Alma, Michigan; .were •the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Case, London Road,
on Saturday and Sunday.
-All the latest novelties in English,
French and American styles of milli-
ery will be displayed at Richard Pick-
ard's on April 9th and 10th..
Fall Wheat..
it seems rather early to speak of the
fall wheat prospects, but certainly, to
look at the fields, one would say that,
the plant has escaped totally uninjured
from the -frosts, ice and. mid snow of
i ut f. the. ground
The frost. s o 0
winter. T e
in xnearly all localities in this section, so
there ought not, without very severe
weather, to be much danger of the
plant "heaving." Every day that pas-
ses now- without severe cold followed
by hot noon -day suns, is in its favor..
Old Ma aelr is closed, and April entered
into, the danger should be past: " A
number of farmers` in Usborne and
Stephen townships have commenced
their spring ploughing.
Tho Latest Swindle.
A couple of well-dressed p;lib-tong-
ued young, men 'ale swindling the Mr. Thomas Shute Usborne it. 'being,,*
farmers of Middlesex.by yelline shape of a duck egg. It. is a. large., `th , ,
-Mr: Win: Carling has just received
from the General' Passenger agent of
the C. P. R., a fine specimen of - a St,.
Bernard pup. It is a rare animal in,
these parts.
-Mr. Wm. Balkwill, London Road,
his in his possession a curiosity in the
-Mr. J. H. "ortheott, Qt _
baker. has removed to his newlaci~:
of business and eau be found in Ham -i
lin's old stand. one door north of Fain
sae's block. where you can secure all
kinds of bread, buns, confectionery,
ate. Give him a. call,
E BISSETT, prop.
Erewer aid JilaIsier
-The Committee ler the 24th May
Celebration are making every prcpar
a.tien for the entertainment of all those
who visit Exeter on,;24th. The sports
this year will. celipse:those of all former
years. Everybody who wants enjoy-
ment should make it a point to be here
on. that day.
"Silence Socials" are the latest in
evening entertainments. The guests
assemble and are requested to make as
little noise as possible, Placards warn-
ing the visitors not to "wake up the
babies," and similar admonitions are
hung on the walls. Pencils and paper
are supplied and conversation is carried
on by that means till the hostess gives
the company permission to'gab.
-The Rev. Dr. Mockridge, of Christ
Church Cathedral, Hamilton, preaches
in the Trivitt Memorial Church on
Sunday morning and evening, and at
three o'clock in the afternoon will
preach a special sermon to the Sons of
England Benevolent Society. The Dr.'
is an able expounder of the Gospel and
those who have never had the pleasure
of hearing him can do so on Sunday
-Rev. Father Kealy, who has been
in charge of St. Peter's R. C. church.
French settlement, left for C.orruna,
his new charge, on Friday. Before
leaving he was presented with a beau-
tiful gold watch and nicely . wordei
address by his Zurich congregation
and a tastefully gotten -up, address by
the congregation at Drysdale." The
Rev. gentleman leaves his old charge
with the best wishes of` alt
The body of Alexander Glendinning;
the old gentleman who has been mis-
sing since lalst.No&eml er, .was found
in the Sauble River about three' miles
from Arkona, on Thursday. He had.
apparently fallen over 'the steep em-
bankment at that point�and rolled into
the water. The ' old gentleman`was
partially blind'and unable to find'his
way out. He was well known through-
out Western Ontario, and was the
author of a book of " Scottish poems.
M. S. Campbell, and W. andR. McLean,
Watford, are sons-in-law of the deceas-
-Last evening, one of those happy.
events took place ,at the residence of
e marria e of his dauMhtet Miss.
b e with no shell: and on the inside is '" • y
'watches represented to be �•okl at g�h ��•�• with h 11 Th M ,y A , t M '4Vm' Bx1lrinn The
whatever prices they can get. They
Wells' Celc�ratcl jile a�
XXX Porter a Specialty
smother perfectetia• wi ase • is ceremony- was witnessed by a• numbers
are really made from aluminum an id something" rare
of the bride's most intimate friends,alid
aarticle°that looks like gold. butisabout --Mr. James Robertson; of Coad & was, performed by the Rev i .Grane,of
twenty threes less valuable. Farmers Robertson land surveyors, Glencoe Lyons. The' resents for the .t ccassion.
. y "gold , .. y
who iircha•se - watches" from was it i town on. Tuesday.He will it were nnmcr us and "costs and-'shgw8
P ,will,
travellers -whom they do not know`;' de- is°probable, locate here :and open an `theiiigh'esteetri in whichythe°.bride is
serve to be swindled, and if this para- office. ,We believe there is an opening held by the conimunity. We Wish' the
graph does not put them du their guard for a good slirveyor` here and should young couple every suceess"`through
nothing short of a little experience will ;hedecide to come we welcome him life's journey, and that all theirunder-
do them any good. and hope that success will be his; takings will be crowned with success.
Off at Cost
Furniture at your o
Mr. G. Ingram wishes to retire frog
business and will sell for the next sixt
days, Furniture at Cost. An inspectio
of the Goods solicited.
Now is a chance to get bar
gains as he is positively, go.
lug to retire from business
G. Ingram,
We are receiving daily, our Spring Stock of
Vt Ra 11 ■ 1■ Y Inial lL,
Groceries awl Confection-
ary of the Best
Blest Pig .
Tobacco and. Cigars
Petty's Hams, Bacon and Lard.
Tll.or.Y's� Improved roved Horse
and 'Cattle Food.
Dashwood . Roller ' Flour for
pelt want a oo.1:`sitn►ti n Write to
MAY Bacerl lis, Nur'ssrymenslaoe tester,
N t4,;nw. tlttey airs an want of lsoaest and .up-
right, salesmen, to ;iJell their eiriuee and;
henry farIntiesrflinniol'V Sfoek' either on.
&Clary or e,omin"isiorr. ; .Ara#v. new *naval,
sable varieties to offer. Write diem at once
fot terms; delays ate dangerous: etch
and other Fence Wies,
Which we are in a position to offer the;public„atthe ..;
+Tke Yer FiResi Prioes For Gas
We have also on hand a full stock of
Sell 01Builgiag ilargwark Pakts, AIS. :Ojass, kb
.0f all 'kinds always on hand at prices that defy ,
competition. Sewing .Machines, Baby ' Carriages,
Field and Garden Seeds, . Eavetroughing, a special
•i•+7+•i-++-1'++ 1"-F+++x Xis++++++++++++++++
X X 1t 'X X X X X k X X X X X X X X X X X X x x x x x x x X X X
aav0l'4r isW Clllli'
never 1f41'e»hcaaxi
press=. 0nof
less than
Our prices
Shoos, Prints,
all the combined
vite inspection.
le to show goods,.
place -first
chance to secure your Spring
of i.. Exeter, Owing
trade, and buying for cash,
secured some special 1,xtrgains
advance of the market, so
able to give our customers the
a do not advertise ourli goods
cost—such advertisements
are right and will be found as
house in the trade.
people say that the prices of Dress Goods,
Cottons, &c., &c., at are
stacks in Exeter,' We have some
It will pay you to call and examine
Farm Produce t:lken at tnarket
door north of the Town Ilall, Main ,St.,
Goods at prices
�, to the great de-
as we do we
before the
that we
very best val-
at cost, Al,
are afraud.
low as any oticr'
Groceries, Boots &
better value than in
specialdrives, We in-
our stock. No troub-
prices. Remember the
Exeter,' Ontario.
Our Hat stock
Felts and Straws,
Another new
Gents' Socks
and coloro, 'both in
fast. Call and soo them,
Socks I
I fiats I
is now complete in all the latest styles
at prices that will daze you,
Ties 1 Ties 1 Ties
lot of Gents' ties, choice paterns, selling
! Socks !
1) three for 25;cts, only,
(a goods, pair
Tweeds ! Tweeds 1 Tweeds !
Pantings and Suitings remarkably cheap,
Dress Goods ! Dress Goods 1
Dress Goods in the newest shades and colors. Trimmings to match, at the
` very lowest possible prices,
Try our new season Teas, ranging in prices 25, 30, 40, 45, 50 and 65 cts.
i No trash in these goods, and we guarantee them (a 1) or no sale. Our 25 and
30 cent teas have no equal. A trial package given free. For n daily Raking
Powder try "Carlings' Own"
2S., Call Solicited..
We are receiving daily, our Spring Stock of
Vt Ra 11 ■ 1■ Y Inial lL,
Groceries awl Confection-
ary of the Best
Blest Pig .
Tobacco and. Cigars
Petty's Hams, Bacon and Lard.
Tll.or.Y's� Improved roved Horse
and 'Cattle Food.
Dashwood . Roller ' Flour for
pelt want a oo.1:`sitn►ti n Write to
MAY Bacerl lis, Nur'ssrymenslaoe tester,
N t4,;nw. tlttey airs an want of lsoaest and .up-
right, salesmen, to ;iJell their eiriuee and;
henry farIntiesrflinniol'V Sfoek' either on.
&Clary or e,omin"isiorr. ; .Ara#v. new *naval,
sable varieties to offer. Write diem at once
fot terms; delays ate dangerous: etch
and other Fence Wies,
Which we are in a position to offer the;public„atthe ..;
+Tke Yer FiResi Prioes For Gas
We have also on hand a full stock of
Sell 01Builgiag ilargwark Pakts, AIS. :Ojass, kb
.0f all 'kinds always on hand at prices that defy ,
competition. Sewing .Machines, Baby ' Carriages,
Field and Garden Seeds, . Eavetroughing, a special