HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-4-4, Page 7QR 404INST A =111:41M,
Nevem Derenee ot a ehin Attathed
Aboet leee Captain ,lisea donee [mil
from Wood's Hell at4r4 lacer in the or2
eewaseoelee, Captain coffin; 94 four ye
erteise in the South Pectific Ocean. Tete vo
age was one 4-4 MOOt itnt0}448 exelteme
aed halebreadth edventure, eed, whtle Ce
teen .jeues ft of A tiptoe arid 4444144
charaeter and eo toed of poting hie gfo
before the werid, yo yo Rr corresponde
obtained a story full of interest aecl one th
is nee knewn to have been . publiseed,
though in yeave pa et it wets theree 9# MU
The vested had a grew of about thirty -4
moo, Weiuding eepteen, filet, second. an
third ofiiors, [mei made the voyage moult
Gape Hon •without incident. $he erthe
about the Smith Sews, and when eightee
"menthe oue hed 900 barrel); oi Otte eil in le
"wgzhe 0= NAN TrOe."
Closing in with a group of ielends juts
north of the equateht Captein decid.
ed to make A trade with the oativere The
ship wee hOVe WI, with moat of her hells eete
le; a small by where the eau' water reflect.
ed the Otrip of white sand, green palms and
ttopieel 'haute thet ;skirted Ito mergin es
well as the purple hilla of the toterier.
A heather et netive depute pat out t
the [drip aud mule fast to her chain; an
the savegee elembered over the veeeerft mai
fevorite [signal a &me eell boo fro
tbeir dinky throats, ceuelet the erne ft
thOOQ who eeard. It to trem le and 030
heart° to quail, eu leas time then 14 tak
to Write re the ellifes deeke Were full
IletiVeep and the 1144X131ed crew' mwde for tli
rigging, jihheome foreeeetle, Ezt fee
aleywhere to exesape the bleedehirety ielehd
wohex hues' rrAVArt EArrtat.
The P8ht that 094Cled was A dtaperate an
ledblernalnate Melee. The hetivee lied bee
40 ante of a serpriee filet the had forme
ho plan ef atteek, depending entirely
their overwiteletiug hambere. At the fire
Mode Cepteio Collie* end tlift *mind mat
were [sneezed lez deeperate haud4cellitu
teonillet wieh Rome et the tevagee who ha
availed thenstoelve* c[f the ehiehe oettiog-1
spade; and the poor men were loareechatel
beaked to pieces. Themes Otiford, of
Valutoeth, a [mamas; reede e bee for th
foreeastle •end reeeived Mow feezu a spado
Re carries the smr emcee forebeed t
tile day, end it is meet nupleetiont re
mieder of timt; bloody intweacre,
Cepteht joie; Uwe )91ith 01 abeat
tWetity, found hitamiliverrounded by
be of itierlwati natiuce, each struggling
ler wheek him with tho keen hazed
epedes, manned to perry the Moira.
Janiping Jae the veseere hold artd crawled
move the dere Cale WO the cablu.
ere e Jenne the *Oa aid wed two seamen
on the floor, eavered with eventide billeted
by the murderoue opeeles. The reae of the
up eompeny WOCQ either *dolt or (seeped
up in the toreemitle. In one corner of the
cabiu Wel the =Rade°, contelnIng the
mutkede end ernmenttiou. Seng themes.kets, Captain Jeuee gave them to the wound -
ad men to toa0, while he *et About rescuing
the Awai alto.
atiE AtlAINST A ilUSIntliA.
The netives teme *ter ed over the decks
ateidiug what they could gee their heed* on.
They pluekcil up tlue ringbelts from the
decks mid raile and tugged at them whee
two ton& attain would no hive pulled'
them our. They pried at bolts and etraps,
picked at soil bouts, wroriefteci down kettlee
eed stovepipes awl threw them into the
Tee chief, an VI visaged rascal, was
at Ululate ceadtevouting to beach the vessel,
but be was net up in nevigehhen Firat he
put the wheel clown, and the hills hot fill.
ing he put the wheel up. Slowly the Awae-
honks; heeded off and sabered, headway
toward the beach. An sedum who lived in
Maahisee, roma tem miles Iron here, cut the
braces Ana tho Rana were taken aback. 4
shower of arrows and heathenish mel.dia-
tissue were hurled et him aa ha fought shelt-
er in elle tope The velum' losb 'headway,
but the chief contihned his experiment with
the rudder.
The cabin, where Captain Jonao bed taken
refuge, was lighted by two windows in the
stern and a large akylight overhead, When
the enemy peered into thee& evert-I:tree a well
direoted bullet sent theta away in bob haste.
For over an hoar this skirmish between a
desperate man and a hundred murderers
continued. Aa fast as the wounded men
could. load the muakete Captainjoneutwould
pub their contents where they did the moat
good, and the *slanderer began tohave whole-
some leans of the whxdows, and set about
devising some better method of attack.
Looking up througb, the skylight during
the quiet that followed Captain Jones sew
the chief at the wheel in hie frantic- elides.
vora to beach the vessel. Taking careful
aim at his broad, naked cheat, he pulled the
trigger. The bullet passed through the
deck, and having spent its force, xolled along
the planking to the chief's very feet. The
[savage left; the helm, inspected the bullet
hole, and then laid a piece of board over the
splintered plank; he then returned to the
wheel as unconcerned as could be. Another
beliefs from the inusket pierced hid heart
and the lifeless form rolled into the scup-
At the death of their chieftain the ieland-
era fled panic stricken to the 'ithoret and the
Awashonke was latoriatisly hut to sea. She
soon fell in with a merchantman, Captain
Proctor, andwas brought into Wood's Hall
by a portion of the merchant crew.
Captain Jones was offered a master's berth
by the owners of the whaler he had ao brave-
ly defended, and up to 1864 Jae followed the
dem in that. eapaotty. Three of the crew
now live in,this vicinity, teed two of them
bear roars, that --with tale of sore wounds
received in the fray.
th!g the Plite is dally growing broader in lie° °"a8 toe old Yerkehire town of Bip-
lane us cite and the evil has spread to OMM an 44‘
y. extent that comealment is an imposeitillity. Miss Emily Viorence Ohartrea of Mgt"
et The ePinee emoking hahie hero is mereesiog cheater, Else/and, OS undoubtedly A fiddler
at la retro wen ealoulate4 to create ooneeer. of great OM. She not only obtaieed, the
mg nation among those who have any appreee gele retreat fee violin playing in the Royal
7 *too whatever Oita hoeriehe reeietleos and Academy of Mash, competitien, but ohe has
tee disaidrons alio been created a Licertilate of the Royal
at That such fe indeed the troth ft wen ate Academy of Moak, aocl alto OR asseeiate of
al tested by the feet that during .tbe put Trkity (Wove, Loudon. Theis ft the reii
eh two yore the number of opium joints has titer/ that either of theme beam has 'beee
increased fully Oft, per Oat. notil now ethteined by a worwea for violin pleeing.
vo there are 'upward of a hundred plecee in the An Englieh paper recently published the
d Very heart of the city welfare any on, i9119Wleg 'advertlisement "Notice—To
d Whether male or female, posembig tite peva Veneta of resident : Will any lady of good
ed weird, will be tePreiVOti and either initiated Imolai position reeeive mother in her boom
It Otte the verger/ea of " hitting the 1 e " or a week during neee May, and moot
et And thereby betemleteed, ieta the entretucing her at Oho iftat of tee May drawing moms ?
reelme of e fancy athenlated by the drug? ;Satisfactory terms to be arranged, and
Or If AO 7v4bitue, POTOW4 tOlaule again good references given. Berke coisOdence
t the deedly habit. Will be obeerved.'
1'14646 Je.4ere are to /4.4 H4Vartau437 tenon figIQI:Of tQ 1479.Ve A are.htlett treat?
. ,
ra°14u4r4Ae'a tun by °h.ina'neoi wh° ad() to eyndicate with ;15,040.000 cepital inwthg
the ehtninga °I the weah!_ng end treeing began negotiations to tuy .up ail the work;
atteblfehteent bY eneecrit8e28 a "dee whfch Ave ehilling increase 4n the price per
bathe: Paral.).°1 ln_fta_effec.P4 1,000 is to be the Arab reside of tho echeme.
1:12 ecesoung ot opium m Chicago beeten „„
about be yeere ago. e'reviom to this time, "L" r4163g generatl'n Austral4 de-
Ace°1113og to the °"t"macnt4 tho Fbeil'gre it veloping a peculiar nand twang ja the voice
e wee unknown here—that le to say, previous es.Lbmw.M1.14"2 beeP'; t"(h 44z4letiv° as ,14
e to that e.me it wee praetieedeutirely meow "e° l'an""`' 4v4ug °la eelaerrY'
chiaamen, it having weree,„1 to the whitm wheel teacher t of the eQUIRtrY haVe eteeti
the latter par e of leen the bet that the "betted to 41Tel-ea* the twang.
r habit was contagions was brought to the Mre Frenk ()Grady, while pleylug in
es atteutim FO
the oR§§ ellottinent's and "g .
Vietiou" 4 theetre at
,., *Maeeteetield
f as
ordeal were at mere given to have the placee ace weltea the win83 stooped to *jet
0 "Veiled." The hebit teok net here vety 4r49th,§;" agtOr IA*4 uPee the etegre and ein
reedily, and twit 4 Orin hol4 at on 14Qreo inta her et4eati a,kiktripg Ilevu„/Q
Upe4 introduatim The cigoom utile wow; wee wee eoldleg olle were& oleo
erode by the oineere Appeered to heve hut died hem the wound a few hours litter.
the proper elT.ob for A time, t ati tappeer- Avehdoon Colley, preaching 94 SatA4
a 49CCIT, thellge it was no brig before le ewe reeently et SP. Jarnelfa VirtIrCht .ZdarylebORO,
illdiseeirered -Mat the PrAcitlea Waa agate Pi trotalca* rep -lies te IlOoMPArY
Tepee etrence born them who believe le giving the
devil Ms du; exeisimed "Ab, mY friend*,
t ke _V=ote . , e_e. , We gate the devil hie due army ot us
441'" elo'°4‘t"'"tic" 44:4 would he ieleaing," The ewkweerbeee Of the
citgr°enw,w4lientedi MiTrtlta 4p%er%tetalkj 'VIC Pr GI " 8uell a case °ecurreci to
weaetea away with him, the vteveee., myeterloue Wreak bee been dieeovered
tion being that he bed dieelood mule of :13 trkil":1°W4 the "Eqeete," mile
O their eeerete. Ert K* a' death. was reelly te''"emwet"e,,,thenacloTt group, near ithle,rnitehr in
. the Meant of beieging about the practice '''"gs"'"444e" "4" "'" an
o atetointion ot tim aighhiedete, eedety eightem tathents of water.; but her repeal%
here, ae ft inte heel epteCar194% exietenecJh 41/9" 'an'fa", 4'446 folurw°4‘ who
elece and deo not ember, ee as the tled beet te it reporte thee her rade ere
page know, Key Ceimeneu of steedief, Val4tell 'rbkb w°414 14(11c4" *Mt
MOM= orwx Jenne. . 13
Itapid Getter -0i ounce end its Imeanedth
/trent roltee Interference, The curfew here. is $o blownevery night
Tbo e
trail of tbe Morsgolian 'vice -of "hit. t 90'clock by a Man iu uniform at the mar
TriO3F alreTniella 41014 P
leitiestrime 4retruorlysterlylenaeudveltliwilvetizrabiaagoitV aeel4 Well', 4wvediurpdheoboo°eageeeerngeeatoralineuiled17..elublIr.
Postage Stamps of the World,
There are about 6,000 different desorip-
. .n
tions ofl postage stamps Iexistence, The
museum of the Berlin Postoffite alone con-
tains between 4,000 and 5,000 speohnene,
of which half are from Europe end the re-
mainder divided between Asia, Africa,
Amerimeand Auetralia, Some of the stamps
bear a coat of arms lend other etableme sm.
partielly borrowed' from the Ilea -veils
• above, the earth beneath and the waters
under the earth—stars, eagles, hems Iforees
• serpents, railway trainee dolphinis Mid other
"fearful wild fowl." There are, moreover,
the effigies of fivet emperors, eighteen kings,
three queenseone grand .'duke, several in-
ferior titled rulereand many Presidents. •
"Because I heard pa arty that when you
bite the grass we will get $40,009.
Herr Mangler (introdnoing to his family
his second. wife, a lady of 40)—" Come here,
children, and kiss this lady—she. es the new
mamma I promised to bring you." Little
Karl ()militates, and whispers to hie father):
"Papa, you have been done this time—she
isn't a bit new." '
wealth or leflocarce thepreeent time. ti .the 14 gr;e4"1 '''reig" 1"41°441457*
wee fengetly a Nrrafelame 922.4plutiou "d The wreck 'been visible to the keeping Of
held ite nitetiuge in eree's Jarehey, tba Ceequet lighthottee aine Abed b
whet* ,tetiette deede of deviltry ;vete phele suppoited that ill on bond have periehed
nod. ee nothleg bas been beard of their twine
roe e thee the odeettelo wee bad been The Loudon Times" was hoaxed it cene
conduct -lug the jolter,* did a 4' ettrafght" fl -r7 ler me*, tte beeile" ee 144 tbe Pruett
e Nome reined. Groduelly the jeloes oP begoe elution el tho reeoclie Pottier
to @pug op oi4eio, and own afty,i 414%.:114ir," at thee time recorized se an
teen inereeeed rapiely, end irt Adele irtewe. The paper oontained whet purpmeeel
lanudry triremes% and the cigilenee of Ow hnoft bY C1°Par gan forgero 'beget
wore in gull pait Tho Otilneie Autliorlty upon mattera at nternetionel
Ithie an opium demi seemed to rege to be the text of it treater of ?enc. between
the young mat tho ofty. the Prencli repel:ale and t o Boreeerer of
[loomed to ha no determined Wore .Auetrie. A copy was got into the hands of
pert at the police how ' eeer to aup. the correspondenOof the "Thine' at Dover,
eft$ the VICO Alld it epreed with,marvel. end from hint wont to Loodoot. where the
is rapidity. 'There were spenorndie raids alleged treaty wee published In the "Timee,"
by theletneenelne no one eared. for tbet. and MAS ench good and unexpected ZOWO
told various chjoloneu womea elew home th that the *tech market Wont; up with* mush.
them, it was elelmed, divided a portion of It WM several clays before le wee dlecovered
their eernlege with the pollee end Were that the pryer was it forged edition eed bed
not dleturbeth nueetel article when deader been gotteu up by London epeenielore to
courred In ehe dem, the eutheritiels ever° Wen about) it be= in 'deckle.
compelled to "pull ' the place, bet the VICO
In general was not interbred with.
4 :Wit WMQY THIN98.
At the present time there are what are
designated, as opium ream; but they fail to
accomplish much, With tho great clemoral.
izetioa thab exitste in the police force; with
the prospect of it change in the oity wham,
istretion, welch Tonne uumerous changes
In the police department ; with footpads
assaulting citizens nightly aud robbing them
of what they may Wm, and burglaries the
order of the hour, opium joints aro •allowed
full awing, end their proprietors do not
know 'what fear 13. They Wive no maiden
to, for they are safe.
Chicago o Wm joints wro run in a bnainess
like way, in the first plaop, it man may b
sure that nearly every Chinese laundry down
town within it radius of half a mlie of tla
Booed of Trade has an opium den connects
with it. These are frequented in -the main by
Chinamen, themselves, men Around town an
women of the street. They do it thrivin
busmen, and they cam well afford any ex-
pense that may be attendant upon securing
police norhinterference, as the greater parts
of the opium emokedhere is smuggled aortas
the Canadian border free of duty, being a
partrof thet made at Vancouver, ip British.
Columbia. There is said to be a &at -abating
depot here for this smuggled atuff, and thou-
sands of pounds aro &mimed yearly from
here to New York, Philadelphia, Boston,
Cincinnati, Pittsburg, St. .LOWG and other
large cities. Not long since & coneiderable
quantity was captured here, but sum ;scour
woes are very rare indeed, the ;smugglers
and their agents here being adroit in eluding
e authorities. le esti; to San Vranomect
Chicago lit the -main diatributing and storage
point for opium in the 'United States moat
of vita* is, or may be imagined, atnuggled.
The estranger who etterapts to enter an
opium den here without proper introduotion•
or credentials will make a failure of it He
well be met by the almond eyed possessor
of a pigtail, who has mastered enough of
the English languish to inquire what is
wanted. The keeper looks in a book, and
if the name of the visitor la not there it
ie "no. go," and he ia informed that the
plaoe it legitimate end virtuous laundry,
where no illegitimate or immoral practices
are allowed. If, however, one of the num-
erous eteerers—as a dozen or more inveter-
ate white smokers about town ere milled;
and to vvhorn e novitiate must apply—his
seen that the name hasheen registered, the
Celestial parts a curtain In the rocim, and
after panting through various other rooms a
nsrrow passageway is reached, on each side
of widoh are Beyond small rooms furnished
with bunks, where the molting is done..
In some ihstattoee the smoking teems are
net so far removed imp the street that the
fumes of the drug cannot be deteoted by
thesepassing along the street, and yet these
places are not raided, though the police
musb know of their existence. As a rule,
theee are along Clark street, jure; vtest of
•Fourth avenue, the latter being a. thorough-
fare ,:almossis entirely given up,to homiest of
11 repute, which furnish a large quota of
Chanad to a Tigress.
A. traveler from the WIlds of }twangs!
has told ne the following weird story ;
natIves wife wax token very 111, and before
she died she told her husband (with whom
8720 had 113e4 on the beat of terra; bearing
him one son) "1 have A acoret to teat%
to you, waleh I never told before tor your
eake stud the child's. Wnen I die do nob
uall up my coffin, but key* it for it time out
on the mounteito Have two live fowli ready
la the bouse, for after 1 have been dead a
hundred dram I will return to the realm of
living mentor a time, ancl came bulk to our
home. Fear not, but if I reek° toward the
oldld offer motto two towle endow Halsey=
e yourself will send the infant, and, the; I need
not be anxious ; that betweexi the dead and
e the living a gulf Is Axed, and! Amen retie
ci among the departed and nee come batik [igen
totrouble the child. I will look ab you fixedly
d for it spell, take the fowls, sbrangle them, and
g begone never to return. My body will not
lie down again In its coffin, but will be
trensfotmed into 4 living tigress, and. if
thereafter, you oome out to the place and
see the clothing lying ly-the ooffitt you
will knour that; my word's have ootne true."
Holding her busbend's hand ;the expired.
The ghost appeared at due date, did as the
living wile had foretold and disappeared in
the jungle, and when the man visited the
cane some days after he found the cast.off
grave cloths and wept when he thou his of
their former happy life together and her
. ;strange fate. While drinking his Ware he
saw a tigress stalk from the juogle rind
knew its was his wife transformed into a
new existence. Gently he atroked its
striped back, and with a melancholy roes
it bounded away. No- deed of blood was
ever known to bo wrought by thio gentlest
of tigresses on the mountain, and the child
has grown up and prospers. Truly a strange
• The commander ot the French National
Military School at Sb. Cyr has issued an
order forbidding card playing. He defends
the order by aseerting flab playing for
money was so common in the school that
young men of no fortune had frequently
mortgaged their pay for five, mix, and even
ten yearsafterleaving the college to pay
ambling deb -
Una Bsperance. •
A gabled cottage nestles 'neath the trees,
A tiny brooklet babbles at their feet
Melodiously, with note of bird and beers.
'Tie happinetes suprerne to me, this sweet,
Fair scene. Ott I would that I could rest
secure •
Within that ivied home. The breezes leap
To fan my burning brain and bid ft keep
These thoughts, that upward fly, so calm,
0221:11: 0.
Bird calls to bird in louder, sweeter song,
Their joyous carols rise to Heaven's getcreet
The bees and brookleta :mingle with one
' tongue,
And my heart whispers with them "Not
too late 1
Look upwards—seek a new and meths fate,
"Thank God I Thenk God, 13 13 hot yet too
• late I" 0
Two Much Affeeted.
• Wife (to holtand who has just returned
from Washington)— "Well, my) dear, did
you get an soffice ?•,"
Htisbarid (moodily) -e" No."
"You didn't ? Did you tell the President
you had faithfully attended every Republi.
can inauguration ilince Lincoln's and ,you
had never asked for 54 ofeee yet 1"
" Waan't he much affected ?"
"He was. He shook me by the hand and
said MY patriotic, friend, permit me to
congratulate yen. I hope you'll be able to
attend many more inaugurations and say
the mune thing to every President "
Ir? IN 141,14,00N.
MATING P9R74 R9744434..
Whom at liVolvelthtwiloGon. I
TA th§§Opplencentary YollP00 of hie."134.' Beery Po nittPcno °/4"•41' own a- S*3.4'
leen Beporimeee," Mr. Coxweil givea the ard of noteelleme, thee he env biome
followieg graphic account of his famone me' twiner Witb the different breede. If
Cent wide*, Giateeter freer Wolverhamptoe Leghoree are'peefeered the breeder should
in 1869. Oih% AA altitude oteevee 44111WO wibS underetand all the peculitaxitiee of the breed,
reeehed; thet beieg tbe highest ascent, that hie .truet make iiihtt feeeee and be pre.
has yet .beee mede. xr. , Gleleher it: will pared for froZela combs in winter' makes the
beeeemene_beted was for 4 ehore lime keen- /owl! ore , liarrnly housed. They illy
''''''''._ ,- tithee Mr. Glaisher'a irOUblea oogr-.1 ' tent little ever* of relieve Jar e
teepee°. Wes Mr. Croxerell) I was absorbed. White we* r4 for fges '.obuaively
.i9 RIF own clutiee, wbeitz prevented rue give greets ete hdaotion. it Lighe Brahtne
from neticlee my celleague's uneminess. I are chosen, low roosts and fences are in DEEAGE13 044
030140t:that his eyes were dezsd by thee order. "Thie bred * bait been in Ivo for A gentleman itt my pee
eemete,et` ego of 4 Ilene, and did eot peiceiee, malty .,04t4 ADd ie deeti4e4 to hold its me an aeremet of bloomer* I le with
tbe. teeetelitility was appreeeeing. The own for many a deee Teo meet, eerie theee pests, and I eite hied to Pob it tor
Pr""''''''t'rf alfinhtcma were not thought to esonot be givee in materig to bring about the benefit of an etabbage . growere, The
be enething moth than A deolre for * few! the dotted remits. Tim ''Stanclerd requiro worm can Alava he lotted in the boot of •
thomeate ttelets ; and whee I roe ly begin the middle toe heavily. feathered; beak tho cehhage phut; from which ie works it*
to appreheed OM fiemethieg wee melee yellow', with a 4afic /stripe down the upper way out, dote -toeing ea.* 20Af AO 16 get*
X 190140C1 up far above tbe baileoh for mendilde in the rooster—it is notealwaye This eentlemeh and hie ewe little eons found
mepeteurnegteineg be.44111 to
oaedde then t foiled open ,, ha the ben. Thu cooeh eitchtl4lteltett ftePe4t UM wOrr°2 NA WM theok and with a mall
' rather higher in the matte than at the twoop 61Ied the place from wbbh they were
AT TaIS C4ITIOVI.JUN'Orinta front- eer lobes end wattlea rather large heretsweth feash earth frOt9 the eoll arotred.
Deemed neceesery. I heel prevesumy eereeo, Amid bo as Attar else same length of the gi, Urger part Of tile filga to120 W017,41! were
, , „ and of some bright role; The wattlee He found Ine operation Eraueoeseful that ha
otra thick PAir Of 00104$ oo OO to be the bet- ear lobo e as posible. If a peepoteler- menno more, mein eity teems aphearecit he
teromaret" i374341arre 'herPlan4'bagN "4 tho Mme of pullets ei cleared, sia holm ehohld be only had t9 repesE thie elm& and bee
ne n irs nem ote se hande
oa the zing, which r4t4ied, the temperTutre inagavedourwitituad, cockerel. Teke each hi Etre proceee.
turn beck tint feetbere In my gardee . I fouled wood aahos applied
of the air, I foeteithat they were fceee-biettan, of het, body, and if yen dad the ma- to eke butte of tiro cableaset 4 prakection OOPS
vb4intvel,,e10,41t14144.41.wargoat:tihelaingy r.41,1:19054444,_164.141% parr tt,440A1 udperpt3.001OurobtOotbe. tb,r4494Wconit;i01.0104000thyei eth: fwmortne,b eirlituba t ie airs mfiettleah weernteer dtesiata4geoet
grireeroIi4dt,,b,zscre=oap%clutaiegwzeno814tulteteergrabein- mete a ooto of ft. We wfti euppese thee from the home that I colosider it ter better.
the way deectibed by Mr. elelehere Alter. 4eselyeelede°1. ellAgbeoetbkeeemelaa%tdan"rhm"in4ubtalveer 1)Oro4r Twilit% r"ucabliattg°01::k: eintitl,:rmor,144"Peuniertmti :An!
Poaiten ee4 f.eit 44emeao,t ofeentebat viLuqpi ;warty blmk Algbto, ehould be meted with he expeete to get meth better Filmier the
mekleg tble enert I entreated my pee het as to be blefth elate, oval black tail and ecteraging.
teeld,e-tecieleee eemereele tee to erer.ele ehellrelie. gale% with igx Bar eovert,s elightly edged FT0134 one-half .are, be n4444 Afty del,
t4§44 k Put ail '55704 4A4OPtt II§ 1148it 14 _tine, with white, Week VA139, dolt wieg butte, Tare air at elm§ whch eahOego wee low; end
...`"elti'e.. 0:101etrat„eamoaprr-gro.iPgrit .pree4r4"Tv.e.44..." wfbet44110OLtaierlefuoR:tbilit:Betemethaer;e4larb,97010.11; tut': hue;..deuwilagiemlechtelletloht ekpeeeptittorgeutreatetitoet:vilitv-
thet toe Ieweee*e 0 Qf the helleenwee eaPtoIY webs.' for breeding purpose?, ea it will be rails afteg the twat doer of an old telemho
ein the hrioking, atel I board 4 ,oighing all it were ' eeen wbat Au fmtmttint Metter lahMlage le. home, laying a row of tobbeep between eeeli
l'et'w4k 4ntl tbo tuft" botreee °I tbe It ceekerele are (lobed a pee should be tee ottleewhieb heap then* nom toachiug
.1 thee leaked round, eltheegle it . weft ea of eciekerele aed pallefee atter * thecreendi Tee Artie rove impel. AeadtleCra'
411Vitabie Witt ell more gm, to eee if d
aae„,se „, „es_ ___ ._____ „_, „,_,,e_ ,__ ce remen e 0 A *rd. ward, ;met the mixt row ni latd 914 it Odle
bi;',07'izzr,„.izaro,747,"„terti But you eay, " I Am run, breeding for rho 014 and the weedy, mew to eavered 'lightly
end I vould uot P ''"It [thew room," If yet; hews pure Meek wily with straw er dry leaVea. —
WWII PlUar.lOallatiP.1 not mate ft intent (tatty 1 le cots no Mere
te feed 4,. thereUgh r4d than R VieDiplat, Aild
pate bpuoh, My1a hope, the , watt 14,4 certainly t.he high priee held for purebred
eoltiog the reetorative effeeito of e warier, r'INte" ta ank ineenti411" -ri atll 44111441Wben
realm el atmesohere, ttgebt 1 ogned parties; write to cote to [seed a geed Brahma,
happily, wa4 Ample, Noeoe oheu / /ergo; with whiele he le to be meted 14 detalted ? m
at 1
the valve -line, talaug. Mock meanwhile '''"'"evit...W.1441,14 at. gc*ile. "cettert...2 1,19,1!
a the reteree beiteet 14 gore, and tele con we aeiow memo tee peewee 0* 1441 vAvot
tho4o ?gem, neetneete ot doubt eed eeee,I here men *thew pen of Beahmee witieh
poo*o as to Ur. Glatgx0e0 Rata Tama 401 coed net be eecelletl, mid their offeprieg e
nee eeeee to my elueettoee ; / begett:; mode atomise Melee; frenu the feet thee dark oto4 ye ,
tbat eo "we eoeee toe ea,. he= end rootentbed been meted, melting tot eee,P49,14
eadiege, 1 ggutd feel the levivtegg' Al"t gblcikti° outilaY 114'44F hhOK. 11"110 Ltbet'e,a /41 4 4eCt
of a wagmor eetepetetete, eett, Wee hold good in eil the breeds, .eteil if the euileiolf there le
tht oo lipyou of anicambn were Metter of umelog is cerefally emoldere4it le Smell teethe—
; tho hater of the atietem tbet1 4 pleasure to the eee eed a Fent AS well. I to undertelre
led et wal het, tooe/03, 141101E44 tbat feeding bean end ground meet in A other email fruits t
peet of opt balloon bad,. perteatly dry *tete is excellent tor Branum ditioue: First that
ketoeo the gee, e ilea leeho thee aro dIspo•ed to eX04441WO let.
01 MA felt the roll of eir
upwards; but was Mill in
Ir whoa Mr. Glether piped with
h end the next rametnie he drew, Man
:11 u
by the use 49004 ofpeper er Of Pletegie;
When the 'weather will allow pv01)11,44 an
teeing by rehdag the windiew oath, but 4
otroog draught' !hoed he facet .4ed ; and,
whenever the wetather mekee Ole to
do sto, the boxes 'may be Veered exteside,
When the plants aro laree 044990 to hatadte,
Ireeef444O them the box prepared fee the
Purpose, eetteing 'them two l'itielecet evert, If
teebr dos not remove' enough trent tee seed ,
rOW4 to leave the Ideates ewe beleee apertee
thin them one otinoteetly lee" the re
Meaning ones At rem diefereee.
ara—The Bertlett geeerel favor -
1. plierree for the market.
o make* wspecialty of thie fruit, ie ie
nil while fcr the fencer to tient
eeitlem of peer;
o by mime cleated es smell teen;
art eery farm there were
for tbe Where
*Me et %been or other
fee A igrepevhee.
11 not pay the fernier
irate. CurraUta aed
etekt. two cell.
ood at d easily
ebed reirket meriefeeterieg vilerteen ere
ally excellene mato* for bOrrati of all
Jo, The *cooed eemeilteatiou la that
e cee heel/tenet! seitehle taunter Q
re. It le an coy matter to robe a
of amen fruit. bet tweeter it tk11 be
d 41) hut the nett time it is a
and looked at me rather In
mad eald.
A43 OUR ISCEttglitit*
but d.d not mom to brave buy deer idoe for
Guerrnett ram Tatia$.
appear to think thee craning, or
Ineculetion, as budding le often gelled, has,
like vambeetiou, In the animal subject, In
esaes reySterioui way the power to so champ
thu nature et the teea that it 15411 boor bet- red Trecs.-1f yours teem!, IA spite
te nit then btfore. We leave "grafted i the protection ehat has been given
hon bang bang' In"be eeenbt 141) blew Peeen 4ed 11 fruit ' and "nature fruit," often used as them through the wioter have been beeked
leeteel the time Mid the remain ef the in' I equivalent to good wed poor !rule Greftleg y rebbite or reface repair the damage eta
arr12M""1 Wheel° atmr dhnut4pg war is *imply Planting 4 cuttiege but hotted el mort am discovered. When) the injury le
en")thu'al leclIngt .1 tow ht'n at Inl' Qw11 plentiug it as 'WO do meet cuttings In the slight a mere esething np with v. mound of
140043VOrd03004 be robbed mei Loud° with On where, under fiavmeble eervettiene, 10 gee that whe etet dry out, eem often, mace,.
braudy. I was so much transported with win tote teat,
delight at Ids recovery that I evened my- the euttiogs are planted In Utile wound Is very extended, a flew . roe
the body, or the wood of an olo tree, wad to the beet remedy. If treee aro atilt to be
;self of hie etre/cal to help me in disohareig irustead of formiug. real, the greto unite* plattni, order them at once end when eeey
51:ude dieDea 19.000 it. „._81 with tho old, and 44 Eakce " ma become's are reaelved, heel theta in, covering their
Tarter o AU hour, end were stilt taltmg in on eeeeooto a next of the It atock," as the root" with soil in a lunch from which they
had provideattelly premed, it Wee better to ovoid kinds of grafting,
l'"P whigh req'the4 °1'"I'ing ; 415 ±110 -"bd'i tree Until- is grated ia celled. There are row be Ideated at leisure,
alit along at our then level, or wo might tik- the mechanical
d too meek lend if we allowed the bee enfeeble varying. but ell having the mime
TWO Ziellthl,
oon to drop another mile or two at th° en., in view --•to convert or chug(' 4 tree
ed from an undeeirable kind to 4 variety wo The capacity for frendehip is one of the
speed web been going down. When the
balloon was brought to herequilibrium there prTefeere'eettinge, or ciente or swell, demand by no ineoneldertable part of what we call,
noblest of human attribute; yet it is Ahmed
kept on dotting down his enervation; end
was A metualexplanation; but Mr. Glaiiher 00 moot, tate in their adeotion u if tboy
rather foolishly, the dumb amble. With
we did nob diecuas the dengere we hest sur. were young trete to be planted, They are them, too, as with htunan belogr, It sotne.
mounted. How teepee and lifeliving wits ovally cut in autumn, after the %Wee Ilikve time, takes it roneeette tex,,,, asthe toilette
the delicious atmoophero as we came near Wien, cO
ord webe d of thesn
hist aumer's kg story* which wo dip from an oxohono,
now ahoots let leeolt a foot long. illnetretes.
the ground 1 We were like aonveleseents Thelvthitoebotad he out from bearing trees, iieblaoltamith named Thomea Rae ‚bought
taking in copioua draughts of seeetir after moing
leaving it pestilential city, eure that these aro of the kind we A little bleak -faced iamb and put lb into e
wiah to convert Tao oions are to be tied— field in which were a cow and* little white
cm hotter secured with smell copper wire, Galloway pony. The barth took no node*
The Thrlity Jape, as string may decay—into hundlea of con. 1..
of tee cow, but soon" began to altovr great
Moab remarkable fitatoments aro thane veniout tete, and ucourately labeled. The foodpou for the pony, woad, „turned It.
msde by Prof. Rein, it scientist, who has bundles tf clone ere Owed ill boXes And affection, and the two friends kept con.
been investigating the material resources of carefully surrounded with sawdust or mos; stantly in each °thole company.
and kept in it cool cellar. They rause be
total acreage, yob its products supporb 380 inepeoted oectutionally, attd if the pecking oeVreenwinthglamb would
e a cart, the Pony was usecl 'for riding
Japan. They reveal a national frugality
and economy of it ;marvelous type. The area material is becoming dry, give it it slighr trot beside it and if at any time the
of Japan intent than that of (intuits. Its wetting. Some peak their Mons in boxes of iamb wu alarmed by people owning
cultivated land is leo than one -teeth of ita
nand or eandy soil and bury,thent below the near to look at it, its would run under
roach of frost, and Where WILLEM will rt012 the body of the pony, and pop out its little
000,000. In japer. 2,560 persona embark teeth,.
from each equate mile et twea land. A black face from -between the fore -legs, and
people existing tinder such circumatancee Some methods of grafti'ng are quite diffi- took about it in conscious security.
must from 2100083117 of preeervation be cult, but the two moat in tufa aro very At night the lamb tdept in the stable, turd
simple ansi every boy can practice them, if *operated from the pony, would mire
provident, painstaking, hard-working ingen-
ious and frugal, The Jape appee.r.to deserve The cleft is the moat simple and the most plaintive bleatingto vthich the pohy answer -
common. The mon is eat with a sharp
all these adjective. Aviculture with them knife, in the form alt wedge. . A branch of
is literally markee.gerdening, becauae the a stock is cut off with a proper saw, and
soil is required to nroduoe more than any ..th I, ;I haife, strnok with a pm Ae t
lin eavy , it
esther place in the ve ald.•
— split or cleft is made. This is kept open
with it wooden wedge, and thevolons; usual.
ly two in it lar e stook are carefully set so
. Sentence of Death on it Womatee that . ig k theti
the nner bar of out portion of the
At the High Court of Justiciary, Edin- cion and that of the ittook will cone in oon.
burgh, the Lord Justice Clerk preeiding, loot. The wooden wedge, being carefully
Jessie King, residing at Stockbridge, Edin. removed, the spring of the stook will firtn.
burgh, was °barged with having murdered ly hold the clone. Ali the bare places, on
three children by atrangulation and suffice- both stook and °ion, are covered with graft.
tion, the first ohild being le months old, the Ing wax to protect them from tain ana
second six weeks, and the third five months. air;
The children were illegitimate and had been Crown grafting differs in cutting the don.
adopted by the prisoner,. who received sums upon one side only, to form a half 'wedge;
varying from £21 £5 in each Cage. In a The bark of the stook, it being out off as
declaration made by the prisoner in Novara- before, may readily be lifted with it wedge
ber she confessedthatahe strangled one of the of i. on or hard wood thrust hetet:ewe the
children, and that after getting the second bark and wood, to idles's' the cion to Slip in
child she brought it home and gave it some between the two. Tlie bare surfaces the
whiskytokeepitquiett Thewhiskytookaway axed as before, ' • .
ito breath, and white it lay gasping she. DO — •• ..
her hand upon ite mouth and choked it. THE Mean= Wnenow Box.
At the high court • the prisoner pleaded • -
"Not guilty."—Evidenoe was led at great Of coulee any other window will . answer
length for the progeoutien, inft there was no OS well fOr what mighb he termed the
evidence f‘r the defence. The Solicitor- "Ferrates Hot -bed," but the kitchen
General withdrew the oharge in the third is more oonattently warm, and there is quite
case.—The jury. after • being absent a few sure to be some ouetpresent to give any pare
xninutes, returned it uncial's:tours verdict find. that may be required. The boxes ishould be
big the acouaed Guilty of murder.—The
Lord justice Clerk passed sentence of death
,in the usual form.
There is a great deal of arrant nonsense
.put forth in the name of hygiene end, with
• the air and the name of authority in its sup.
port. Amongst this kind of nonsense is the
talk about raising the hearb beats twenty or
thirty time a minute, entailing extra work
on the heart and so "wearing ib out" and
[shortening life. Football, and in fact every
exertion raises the heart impulse and often
not merely without injury but with positive
benefit,. The heart, like other organs of
the body,'saysti leadingBritish physiologist,
is something like a low Pressureongine, and
ie not ordinarily called upon to do the vvork
it is capable of doing without injury. This
is a Merciful problem' in our animal econ-
omy. But, of course, the, line must be
drawn [somewhere. .
of the length to fit the window, about a foot feel called on to remark that if Esquire Jones
wide and four inches in depth. TheYeshou14 was soaked in the meek for about four days
be filled to within an With of the top with
he d be more worthy of the confidence of our
people. ' We don't say that he sold 'himself
f r tour gallons ei whiskey, but we are ready
to form one of a committee to wait upon him
and.prove that he has been drunk ever since
the ease was ended.---tArizona Howler.
ed by mournful nelghings. And tuab as the
dogheaves the society of his own kind to
followman, this little lamb forsook ite own
species that it *nightassociate With Ito
friend, for on one occasion, when the bleck-
smith was riding the pony, the Iamb, as
usual, trotting beside it, they posed through
a large flock of sheep that was being driven
aloug the road, the Iamb never heeded the
;Sheep, bat went straight through there with
the pony.
Another time both pony and lamb etrayeh
into an adjoining field, in which tbere was
a flock of sheep feedbag. The lamb joined
them for a shorb short time, but as soon aa
the blackentibli came to drive out the pony,
the lamb•followed without once looking beck
at its natural companions.
Not a Crete' dem.
' In a law atilt- before Esquire X01113 'last
vreek 14 reputable witnesses 'swore to seeing
Pete Jackson oarry off a rifle belonging to
Abram Weeks. Jackson himself didn'tdeny
• the fact, refusing to plead at all, but his
Honour discharged him. • Why? Because
Jackson's brother Jim sent four gallons of
whiskey around to his Honour's shanty the
day before the trial. We don't propoae to
critieise the judiciary of thes town but we
good sod ;.probably some soil was, prepsred,
and placed where it would -not freeze, for
use in a hot -bed; otherwise it may require
Some ingenuity to procure the needed
Besides the box for sowing the eeeds 'there
will be needed at least one other into which
to transplant, the ;seedlings. In sowing the
seeds the early cabbages'04111111i:sever and
lettuce will be best for the first • sowing;
tomatoo and other very tender Omits may PORT 'PERRY, March. 31.e -A fatal accident
be e0WH ME weeks before ib is sefe to set ocourred the other day near Greenbank, •a
them in the open ground. In:sowing seeds small village about five miles froth her; • A
it ft Well to take sotne trouble to drop them fire broke out in the residence of Mr. James •
an inch apart; at transplanting, each alter- fronside, ocoaeioned bye, defective chimney,
nate' pleat is taken up; this will leave those and whilst in the act of putting it out from
remaining in the eoitbed at the right dise inside the house, Mr,'Ironsicle slipped and.
tames. • Of coarse the plante(and the soil tell' headlong down the etaire, breaking his
before the plants appear) must have the neck, • Deceased ie a much respected farmer,
needed watering, and if the atm is so hot a and his untimely death has oast ahloom over
tnidday QS ±0 oe.Q88 the plants to wilt, shad the entire vicinity.
A Farmer's Fatal Pall.