HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-4-4, Page 6DAIRYING IN Noamag. rreteck snot Grenadian Butter rdetedne renewed. Be red.in ACCOrdaPee, With Vie VrPrriSht Act *rod published. oy Pernoiseboo of the amber. wagons from- memory. Two large and overworked and 4411,001ored, end 1 sew eamplea Of thile deecription threwn in with better sample*, having *rich eater. The haskete In Which the butter was threWle were about tyre feet high, about 18 inches across tlte top and 151nehee across the bottom. I give these approximate di - If my tamer frleado will take A Iuinp Of bee— egueeee ateeete were provided for each NOf 144kOth They went drat ,wrung out in cold water, laid in the basket itt A way O. line the Inside of the .bealto and to ;surround, tbe bather and cover its top eurface.—tima afford. log a complete wrap.fer the hatter. Oa a summer a day the butter Whera re- ceived by the bayere is on the warm side; but hard or weft it is unceremoniously lumped. Que piece On =Others into the skets. The baskets am packed full to lee,apieg ten Melees or more above the tOPe and, the encle of the clothe are theta larolight over to cover the butter completely. Straw is laid over the top, on the cloth, and the whole tiled dawn. The lteekehe e_rte reseek..1 hatter ireeh trona the eherse, work it over weil—a little 00 thoroughly --and, without addleg any etit serve it at the table, when from two daYa re 4 Week. 0J44 trhtlY 141 heee Very fain hapreasion of whet sort of butter is eaten ea MOM of the Lend011 Wert, The aVereSe Oallittlibttoq Atooliaans visitor to London will And the butter so 44 flat° and tastelees° that he Will make k preetiee, ler a time at least, of sprielefiug npou it a little salt. When he returns, here he will tell whet creellent butter he ate 'la Loam*. If my readout were to visit Nermandy, in Frenee, where a large proportiou of butter eaten by Loudonere la made, they would find that the betrinsie Taahlty of tide batter to Indicate the geality or grade, then ad - le not better, on the roveme, apperently, dreesed, waded jemectaters eu carts, taken than the butter o..rdinarily made on Canadian to the railway "station, and shipped to the /amnia Yet, when the butter made ore thie head•guartere ot the butter MerOh4Ett, or, la Side Of thO water, whieh fresh helm the tiler werde, to tb0 Peeking or bleeding chum would bepronomiced excellent mI-431? house, which is reached wither three or four don, when Lb has been worked, salted ail houre by rail, will bear, has stood the teat of package Ie warm weather every precaution la traneportation and marketing, and tl_as ,,at taken to Iraq) the batter cool as warble. lest towed its way' to rughted, would oe Even after the haekete are loaded, Into the utterly denied a niece On 4 Leaden table. waver% pailfula of water are thrown over There la a teaching ozt the very surface of ale sip to be sseaked up by the heavy elotbe• all this. E'er 0114 market at least ---end that AAA plAce 1044 firm/tea ttm, wagona sent, one the market of the British metropoye— to the etetien to receive the butter were buttsr be the better liked the nearer it is te provided with high canvas covers—whet on the cheirn, end the freer it za from aelt. the wooers prairiee weeld be called "ech000. It may be an epee queatiou whether Via- Are Via viti and it poeaibte or Prcatable under Whoa the butter MONS UM tetra to the severe conditions of competition; t whieh fele iseet there are wageless in waiting, %stir tothe Lenclen trete. Yet O. etlAdY et 413f1 it is at Me° heeled to the biendieg the butter emeetlen would, have been kora- house. What is there done with it le more Vete without; 44 Inquiry let° the method's of oe to,s 0, 'Keret kept from the geuerelpublie, existing supply. WormarldY wee the rife' We ell know, however, that there it is col - trick widh usetorelly would be 42044.11, for 9red, worked over, peeked, graded and in a smolt inquiry. few tom made reedy for ehipment, and The 'system in Nerrearely i.s peddler, let may, In A moat eatiotrig tett% for melee* tne market towns there to one market dsty We know, too, thetlittle or Mt tdt is loiflO4* la 434011 Week. The market daYa of udicire but that ortifielel refrigeration is provided, tag WWI° ore two deye *pert. Market and. uc triWzot rkte tient enough together te AlieW Meat Of the feruier* to Melt two er three znarketa each week. Churnieg days aud narket dart are the Name. Everythteg IS planne1 to do the darning izt the early morning, and the butter is then brought to add ed." Th eaten, it headqnartera at agues early.la the after. noon were at home with thew morning' buying, Tbe following day the butter market oot only frerda from the Chime, bat weulrl be ell prenared for the Louden =P. Absolutely =wilted, and only scluiewilat bet kee aud ebiepeo ),,y railway co ehe pert et aetefie.W preeerv.etien mey be butter. In feet, le is "doctor. market ledetted waa at Cate '1 °Y. Merchants hoodug 1. That the make of butter in e. given die- tadot be of sufficient; quentity to warrant the heldtng of at least two aceeetrilde meekete %soh Week and to datrourage the fleawort, competitiou among buyer'', 2. That a system be "teloptedb3r butter dealers ; and that the butter producers adapt their method's of work to thee peahen. The buyer's mast peewees 'enough eatirpriee to Anda market and 'supply it. The bitter .makers must do the churning immediately previous to marketing to *unsure that the but. terba delivered in afresh condition. The Normandy ayaMm would appear to be adapted to the handling of fresh unsalted Or light 'salted butter, intended or imme- (Bele consumption, rather than for butter to be Packed for long ke.ellaa The drat condition sa a moult one, front doefact that where such a tiptoe's, is moat needed the bad 0044010o of the butter in- dustry has aomethttee domed a largelee di- njdshej production. A good authority in my men h,ownehip. (in the Reetern Tewnshine .—sonsowlaals butter famous/ talc me that fifteen yews; w there were „ three °owe to one to -day. 'ate imanguratielohowever, of is aucoessful 'system, would deadens lead to AA increase of cows and of production. Alales we are at a ditedventage in the fact that ger competitora working) this 'system are but one oighe's sea dietanee from 4 for- eign market, while We are ten days. I have given the detail's of the Normsndy syatem not because I think it praetiostble to 'adept it, but that It may possibly esent 40018 modification el the system eulW to our peculiar conditiona. Witt; our .pleeerot .traneper, tatiele feePitite the Normandy system or any Other modifie Catlett Of It, even If it ceteld be Adopted here, would be suitable trnly.for the pp yef der own low melte* Wheth.er We may serum • time compete..with the Isiermendy peasaute • in the tendon market .depend; on- verions. coudege.aciess, the eseie ones et width are leopeoved ,eeetinertral and *WW1 transport factlities,_ earl .OUr practleet appUtretiers of the woeciertelly effective ,.prittelpleeof re- irigeration, 14 other words, oar Safieela will depend lere ly upon -the :measure of cur intelligence and enterprise. • W. IL 14Yro0tr. February, 18.89. The BlitiBh Navy. Consumption fitVely Cured, The Imposed of the Imperial government To the Editor to 'mane 021,000.00%in blending new ehipe Phew inform your readers that I have Ajoa.etherwrise strengthening the navy bee os1tive remedy for the aim° earned disease naturally called forth meth oritielem sad ISy its timely use thousands of hopeless' even opposition. It has also set the.pens ;of aalifnifilaND been Permanently cured. I ghat the cable corresixmd.emin Way writiug; shout be glad to Bend two bottle* of my remedy I.ord Randolph churchilra Attitude. When free to any of your readers who have eon- eumptieu if they will send me their Expreu and P. 0, address. ftesp'y, T.A. SID MA Od,as 144 WOOt Adelaide St., Toronto. 443 Lord Bendolph was in the etthitteit his *great "holt" was reGrertelireette le the tkeery de - pax -tole*, and that being the case he bee naturally:been directly oppeeed to the pros - eat munater, Lord George Harnilton, sent out of their redetioets 4 greet deal of neatfettee has beim woven. Oleo matt writes that Lord Randolph boa but three followers, another anatp4ecanof .11,42 Anurn ;rant: *0%14 a.nistry third that the two noble &clone of the 0001 teenage of Aleereorn and Idertbore," have Welled up their difforeetses and add a orreferenee of prolonged doretione the result of which both betimes' to tell the foreaohl correspondent, who straightaway cabled hie exeluilve ieformetien to: half 4 dozen different nevcropapera itt America. Of coarse the thing is outregeowe'y absurd* bat the orseereat feature is that the leading carman= dalltes eagerly mop up and re; print the ;stuff 4 conpleof daYe late. But oue better informed than those cor- roapondents, and well %edified to epee& bast been making ACMO very unpleasant remarks about the government ; prepeettero and the state of the Britieh navy.. We refer to Sir Edward Reed, who wee for years chief eon, etruetor of the new and has also heid (One att * Lord of the admiralty. The eters be, is airaret i4Prengtr. Of PlArtie he is an expert, and his 'testimony mustt be taken with the cantrou we mast alwaya exerrise When reading the (minim) of MOO expert; upon the work of another. Whet he 'Aye to thia I Sinee 1870 the etV4 SpellS upon new ehipe to no leo than ;870.000,004. and most et ebbs vest amount ha; boon soisepeot. Re esr talnly gives MAO dem that Won* cot, rohorate this view,, One -of the triellt enrlpus thingeabeutnavel admittlatostion ittRegiend La that it no4 tit nearly as mach for A ship after It its built as it takes to WO it, Thus 8ir Edward gives u ilat 98 seam ty -Aiwa ship the se rielnalcoet of which wag 412.008,840 het width time tilde oonspletien beset bed *pout upoa them f2,999,093. Some twelve of Ouse vetteele ere atilt comparatively new, and therefore bave net stood In need of inuuh repair yet, het take the seventeen that Are SO oompereelvely new, and her is how the %We now atendetz Orighsel wet' 24701; subsequent expeditute, X3,3$9,. sas;te other words, by the time the Eng. lish bonded" are a few 7e4ril ohl the (*overate's)* hew to speed epee' *hem more than heti their origientoost. thin rate England, In course of *few seem, have a yeyly elm of .£8 740 000 keep In repair X13.500.000 worth of lid *blah hem receotty been mode. gioroa TOR TITX lanil 3utoole Work or a Wild That wool A nal the Orarelit perfeetly worked. It goes without eaylog Cherheisrt. Leavieg Cherbourg in the 4 71417 'Mtc:r"thig Itttl° book fa Glimpse at the Indian znisselene Eield and butter mt. that every lne=0 are U4in = to iroOP the eve:gni_ .feund myself the followsug mono Lem eeeyhunstss by welegjoy Q. Btaey. There are A aorwideralote number of but tl 4°13tkk14‘nlon4 Beglarte 'IA e ,Fatteer°, It coesiate et tte wallet of a trip, taken merchants who attend each of the differen very few Pawn 'rot aa" ""v "°"g"" through variant' parts of India, where the nereheot. Thai it happene that the same zee ti te be little CO then affiCaltarill znisslimarks are to he folud., wrItteu up of prodecers meets the ewe set ot IrtlY • tile ion* Of whielt,_wea elorre, utell in tut) tem or a Journal. The object same two or three threes% week, though only QUM 0 uP ta teetotal wt'x" Au° °"'''' t° be to bring to the atter:41=ot the general a week. at anyone town. The eystern results :I° ""at in the Loudon ularke4 public; the excellent work &mob India by irl aPPearaure azal attraetive ; a° the noble mon and wont= who often sive in au extensive trade, lively market; sad et _ 0 eild'orted reizturre I eaw Pur' u their lives' !nerd= to carry the tateltio gift cempetitiou. chewed be the Norrattudy market*, that cue the hay serenturee te ete utmost comenea It b a novel exPrrIenee'14 Tillit2 t3 411"o! ecMici hArdlY Wile" it 7" reaUY and' tr°137 Aua tbo uped ototoniungcere of better institue these Normandy market 4.owns Oa merket Arn, and the eeemeg I day., The early merolugtreinebring in the many buyers, and the outshone carts beteg in the country penple with their newly churned butter in beekata, tube or penis uoualty wrapped up he demp clothe. Traders' by the note open up atalls in the open equareo or the wide atxeets, trecla sup. plying his own opeeiel line. The peaaant leaves with these teatime A lair ahem at the gold which the buyer peps him for his but- ter. E34311. butter merchant is pxottlded with a, number of 'urge baskets and wrapping elotlw, weilehing scale, all10 a table Or desk, a midi box, and a book of table' for repld calculation. It is satonishh3g to note the rapidity with which the buyer receives, weigine.prme* and pay for the butter, and throws to into the hugebeekets, rimmed tilde by aide, to be filled with the different grades of quelity. The mystery of the epparent inetantane. oust estimate of %fabler of butter, or pricing of it Is explaited when one learns then each merchant has one or more buyer* moving about the znarket among the peaeants,ez arainiog and bargoining for the better and ecretehteg en the butter itself the price per pound agreed upon. The butter es there - lore practically eoia before it is brought to the merchant or his receiving clerk, who has' dens lepers, While we have mutied avian)! for thech to learn from the These ;galena of the heck enterprise of the French butter Those ;galena tette of I wee not much huPrealed th° No" vivito to the latter are °Specially intereetieg. 'with tIn the opening chapter is given a deserite ;newly system as a whole, our, indeed, with tion et the Marines!' at Bombey, where a tile butter w" whieh it deal". 4 year or crowd of lepers live in the mese revolting two ago the Pleuch dairymen were re. meneer. oee hundred and arty a theae ;lie Eakil" market' Now the alma are ft:110011 0 x 8 feet, with nothing to comfort piecing themselves ahem' ; and in Denmerk weir esd uvel, They are is eonetant don this blending re/stern is growing out of fe- ver. As to the ladled° quelite of Normeudy recuteirleyloyi twdeovoplodundost olcrerfoo. alectraintbnaracete puted to be ha advance of All COM titers in or wretoluse occupy the Dhermsale, tWe to the whole community, uiojha eu butter, it is not what, becente of its" repute. or two ploo day. They ore fortura to do tion ha the London market, it is popularly supposed to be. The quelity sus it comes from the churn, and is eold to the butter reereluente, Is net batter then the average quelity of Canadian butter at the BAUM stage of existent°. Yet the one is the noted Not meetly butter nenolt in favor in the Lendou market, and the other is the notorious Care sullian "axle grease" withal take' second place to margarine 1 The great dillerenee is in the aystern of preparing for and placing in the market, and in the length of time which place's it on the consumer's table. To the consummer the quality of Nor- mandy butter appears to be very uniform. A dealer asserted that there was little or no difference between the receipts of Aurruet 31st tied those of December Stet. But their own cooking, and when the dread elibease brings lin final Maga' hire someone to do It for them or " litre are tO be seen wifelem heibtuade, husbandless wives, children without; parents and parent's without children who have New sensations are expected en Oleo aarembliog at the Penton Centuthwien. The heir adornment of the future differs materially from that now in vogue" The newest decoration le e fillet or tercet gold bands ha satin finieh that encircle the heed in tiers, lookingas though theaueleut Greek cutter:ars are to be revived. Miee A. Southworth, who ha* been assistaut myoologist Weahington, is mold to be the first; women to receive au eppolut mime to a solentille poet at Washington. Efer ipeelaity fa fungoid growths, and She may yet be tented loose among the more vertereble of the chronic' place huuters. "The Kerry Wires of Windsor could meereely hews played auch fautaatio pranks had they beets subject to the teeny ills so common among the wotnen of to day: De. Pierce s Zevertee Preserlption is a le,gt. 1 4' timate medieino carefully corn vended 1 been driven out ot &rage ane bOme by titeir an experienced and Annul phyeicien tutd the fell disease had laid hold upon them. ' is purely vegetable In its compdsitioni brightness cameo into their eves. Me. and lb is the only medielne for women, sold an vie tad them a 1, the moneeer ohoultry from the menufaeturers, that it will give of the moat favorably desorthed. The Lepr refunded. Thie guarantee has been printed rown ngin IRON AND STEEL BOILERS ANY SIZE. The more recent diamond hoop earrings TORONTO ENG= WORKS. relatives " cmcm " it boom* known the; adapted to WOrtlart'll delicate organiztion. %silent inetitutione managed by Christiana condition of the eyetem. It caret' all those 8eme °I the Iudiart I°Per "Yluttla are ex and perfeotly harmless' in he effects in an and conducted eo that some sliflat gleam of weaknettes and ailments peoullar to woman Bailey found many of those in his travels by dheeebee, ubrnbat A POSITIVE GUARANTEE and Government Leper Hoepital being one 'satisfaction in every %use or money wilt be Aeylum Celoutta le, only to weigh it and pay the price agreed. Mille one great merit of Normandy butter according to t e on the bottle -wrapper, and faithfully carried Plista tea, 001541.4 littdout c°, Vo.•Toroa to. ATIONVO 1.• rectirfat Patent attoniese sae experts ; asPrpmg.T.z1z=v447 , rJiz VOSIVIS IXOPECTION and 'Asa mar° VOMPAIlly et lanatla• Demi hie gitelneers end Steelton at ^teak/ Teeeterweror. 0, Rtes. Chief ona,Ineer. A. lraasita.SeeplgealA .I.,sEEDs.,1,1tEviAWAY rare seed.444.4449,1tri.f.ill:firb2"siZer'w.e:274.,se:14 w r ver lic ted lle"Tottir $exid at enroll., YhCli*SW4Zil'tice4XICwilt-tik"s17oot apP84:artar ega"I'kti 414iliclil*ANdres8. F:rceer: Twee) Otte AUTOMATIO SAFETY ELEVATORS zak 4,-thawk 4.4.4 Meese eleratere., LEITCH Iftc TURNBULL e4.44.1Vesator Works. Peter sad queen eftreets ValainaTcesa. parn. Oy We Setearteigittentl. Send forint Ae T., le AN 13, a mat. ars 4L scENT—Sootf tor oar ill a testes- Oaltare, Aides, ole., a kinds nioge Agee* for Reeve/tea and DeWitt. NIA3 eittai0 eTrritlit Mee St. NIONEYirdl?;t1C&Iiiii:avriTriakrenorttteekt rtotablisted 18618. 11441gflitPeelrliofetsig ONEY gaurzruarreigerer, low rade or interest ma 41.111.11 clascciceccFOT* 140410 BEATTY, CHADWICK, BLACKSRICK & CUT roungiontalrb'est mot AIM" e Beek crt Tomato TORO' r ON. RHONE FARMS .FUR SALE Ift ALL PAM OF MANITOBA. ttsrtie wlehlog to to chese frosovut ManUoaa Feria.% Imo SO aweupwatds, wite lz Mediate, posseszion. call or 'mite to 0, A• 111.414$01f•11 A.rthues Bente Male et., 1Ni:414181r. inhallatlea furohlied free of charge, and eettlere assisted roaldng selection WS_ClalisTIEllir Wu, 3r-olfai-Es..70 Ar Gomm RAM or Isvoussr oF ALL KINDSt Dealere billed me P4t4r9X4bletOO4 H II.HUHD &SON Nurse ryulen. or lIngton, Ont. A Dozen car Loads Very Floc Native Ost10111. align 1110EIGAXIITT OP 'UNCLE SAAle—Olvee every citizen tight to a Vree F$Tr4 )r4 the poste nee Vea hero long Wended to look Ole [natter up, Why tot 1:1OWT A great body of ?RIM 40‘444444! 4440 b45 just Neu 4Pelted for *stile. meat Wong the Ft. Paul, klioneaprils Manitobe ReilwaY 31eetane. It is rich and gentiy rotting. Pine and bard wood timber la emlly accessible. elkar.treame water Ike cotteirr. le the tiatatal horbe of heves, sheep arid large crepe can bo rtised without ire Raton. Great veins of coal aro lentital. This ib wen WU want. Thi. it the loot o Imo lacd_in the Vetted States meltable for gratioir and agmultural ptsrpeses. Per twitter naNneetien 9 ppty taY Wumort; Ws- and Tielret Agent, SG, Paul. Mem.; or nrosnis. gy*bess Dome fitoclr. Tomsk°. meat. '4in Oates , AMON 04.41e Elbe 15nan a aaned Glass P QM:MOUES, DWELIsINGS, AND roiLIO BUILDING& MTAUSLAND & SON, tv Toto t . pool a 7110$. AKNIGOITGII, Otte.e. Bitooga, Feeeleesse, Seee&etenmer. , 5 BARKER'S SHORTHAND SOHOOL 45,140mstr,,,tr.„,,t, leerier° formerly forever ate pees Priatipal ot the Sliettlie;d leititete *Oro nection with the Cseadien fezeletee Delvereire. Teeritier Pe meat urelerthereenegement 01 leReR0 01.1011, Agent r Meteleglea ritee Ape% reerenerr, litneee toble paper Ming VMS —N ter puler lu cluter.ng opire tee Fathom, eurlawd, ifdltel by Ws odeetlea by nee. 1141:W4D, ted Gews in Prose and roe ibm oldest wetter* ot all Dee MOOS, Publither,Terent (3.1'ErAli elpley NA r ,-Taa rdeh sq'Slaueil,5 Yaw treat eoptera- tar let. The esstcru of educarion 0441;0 It at onee intellectual and eminently practical, meeting in a eery marked degree the reviremente ot this prr gree - *We and sommerclal age Few, if any. of the grade. atom wording to the.chowing at pass results, need to long ueemployed. To mention their training achool is, as 4 nee. 'pawpaw to ellzible and loom. tiro rAltuations. Address, U. MacCoastrog Pricelpa 76 RUM Re W.. auto. R A atone emu • Werk Guaranteed. . P. DAVIES & DO , 52 CHURCH ST., TOR liTO. ICY anan Liu Royal Nail Steamships Getueederiter wi nen from Portland everYThUndsr eed Magee every Saturday te Livoreeal, and ha sum tusr from quebee even, someway ao Liverpool, tract t Londonderry to land moils and passengers for amilend itshodl 4E0 torn Ballamtea Anctsrs rat all sta mostatshe &issue beforists. lax aucC SS, Alm's, N. lo., to Liverpool fortnight') au /vs yam. p mE con lloOserfisi&jofss dmaker's Yeast Os tatted &ler, Mamma 1r*d all Ms rest, Sash* kw*, Ms e &sea [14',1004 tarns isr &sad is Or in. brass cm ais THEBREADMAKE . 5 daring rammer reentes. The dement rt the 044 tortleral Detrien and ebbadelpble. and d I ow lie CZ 601.4. Mel =on 012,,,,,ar.4,.:izleitiaG=t, timightiy!w Y* For freight, passage or other Information apply to A. Schumacher As QV, notemons ; Cunard o co, san x(loah.that,diaCt; John's c 11;1 • LOVe & la}144 Now 'York ; Doruller, Torotto Mans, Rae 1110o,, Quebec- W. Brookie. rbia ILA Allen Portland Rattan Montreel. writer, very much overcrowded, ea much to out tn. /nutty yehrg, upon. Some of the larger merchants are is its uniformity, yet SW it le brought; la aesisted by one or more clerks, to record market fresh from the ohurn it is allgradesie that there are thonsande to he found in the . streeta, many ot them handling and selling the sales and pay for the butter, and all are of quality, of all shade's of color, all flavors, vegetables to healthy people. Speaking of kept busy for two or three hours until the all degree s& of solidity. What mighe be its tbe total number of lepera in Bengal it is butter is all Sold and bought. It is a scene lack of uniformity if the butter makers had stated that it is very— near 4066 or 12 in of business activity that Inspires a feeling the whole care of it all through—working, 10,000 of the whole population. In regard. of adniiration of tbe bueiness qualities of coloring, packing—if there were no system to the probalee number of those wito are thee° engaged. The receiver deftly turna of puttieg it on tre market ? y a *vethe Normandy butter Is the that. 250,000 or 38 in evereras° 3 mare JeatiVO "to n r.t y. Hie em.ployther directed . slightly touobed with the di it i • the butter out on the Beale tomes the e t Wh t h face that te is taken from the farmers di. weiglus the lump, colie out the number of reedy from the churn, as it were, and falls into the hands of shrewd, skilful business men. By them it is assorted according to quality, handled with all necessary proem. tione against changes in temperature, 18 is well -worked over, neatly: packed, and sent quickly to market to go Into inunediete eofi- gumption. In it ssrord, it is moat skilfully "fixed up," and marketed in a business- like manner. Aside from the merit of uniformity, how- ever, Normandy batter possesses no other striking quality of merit over other butter. It has a oertam quality that almost any butter would have, treated elliffully to pre. sent a pleasing appearance, and consumed tresh—before any defects develop. Being high -colored ana being freah, it takes well in a market like London, where butter is preferred mild and absolutely free from salt. Its quality is rather of a negative than a positive character. It has usually, at least, one positive fault—that of being over-work- ed. In intrinsic quality I do not think it equal to Danish butter. Nor is it equal to samples of English butter which I have seen alongside of it, and whioh were not second to Danish. I have tasted the Normandy butter in the shops when, notwithstanding, its short age, 18 had acquired the sharp taste which characterizes butter when it begins to go "off." It is not subjected to the test which Danish butter has to under- go, and 18 is doubtitd if it would stand such test Let me, in parenthesis, add that it hi due to the Vrench dairyman to say that the es aro mounted in very 'slight settings, so PRINCESS AND FRONT SW. that nothing but the gems are seen. A Bad Spa. A merchant's clerk wrote a °hook for forty dollers, end Tiled the numerical ad. 10,000. Mr. his attention to the error, with °remark, basket and elate back to Hz peasant owner, Bailera little book contain!! a plea for are 46 you seem to have a bad =pa this' morning," pounds---"Vight SIX aevaglatt quartre sous" 24 lba, at 12 peace) —and calla for the next. (The clerk must needs be lively in his move- ments to glance at his reckoning tables, make an entry- of the purchase, comet out the amount in gold, sliver and coppers, and be ready for the next weighing--"Cinquante a vight trois eons." I could not quite understand by what rule the butter was assorted in the different baskets. Generally, it seemed to he done according to price; but watching closely, I noted some exceptions not easily accounted for. limey either have been a mistake on the part of she receiver, or it may have been A difference in judgment between the buyer (who fixed the price) and the receiver who weighed and assorted the butter. Again neither the prices paid nor the as- sorting Of the lots as received accorded with my ideas of quality. In my humble judg- ment the butter was graded on a different standard from our ideas of butter quality, and on a lower level than that upon which our finest qualities are judged. I observed a 'buyer toss one lot of butter which was possessed of a fine tinge of color into a bas- ket containing batter of a dull, dead color. In explanation he told me that " robe" did not count—they'judged only by the " °deur" (odor.) The fad that the butter was to be artifi- cially colored, was doubtless one reason why so little was made of color. Yet, the natural color or appearance of butter ought to be taken into account,. as being in itself oue Indication of quality. The use of the butter winch I have been describing is not term "gilt edge" by Americana applied to the finest butter made in France. The the very fineat quality of butter, is a just finest of his butter is sent to the Paris mar - appreciation of the importance of color or tinge, or blush, as an indication of intrinsic quality. I noticed, however, that consistency, or solidity, was taken into account practically in the estimate of value; for one buyer, with his hand, squeezed out a heavy pro- portion of water, and fixed a low pride, giving the valid reason that he waa "buy. ing butter, not water." The ocoasional tasting of batter by buyers proved that the churn is equal to the butter I saw ha flavor also appeated in some degree to Normandy fresh from the 'churn ; and that bo tonsidered, 4E, of course, it should be, if our butter could be handled like the Nor- mandy butter and as quickly marketed and consumed, it would deserve and obtain as good. a reputation. If this be true ought we to adopt the Normandy system? The conditions of a successful working of that system are very difficult to meet in Can- ada. The Normandy system involves t leek I was assured of this fact by a butter merchant in Normandy. Prof. Long, of England, says very truly. : "He sends to us his second quality, and for this we pay a very good price, and consider it superior, especially if it is well displayed by their retailer and labeled l3rittany or Normandy," I feel confident that I speak correctly in saying that much of that which we now call "axle -grease" when it is first taken from The !polity of the butter, as a whole,. in rn3r mind did nob averege very high. While few of the sainples were exception- ally fine, some or there were exceedmgly . . popreesemetimes flat and flavorless, other tired; with a poeitively objections.ble flavor.' Some of the butter appeared already to be eistance in the great work done among the to welch the clerk replied, "sure enough.; leprous poor of India and the necessities of kw, eat ea the ...h. "1 Let, ue hone the more missionaries. lb isinteresting reading clerk eenr etinfartg,ratnendidnerthege`apille and although simple in style conveys most meanwhile, if any suffer from a "bad apel -useful information. f PORTRAIT OP POE. Aninteresting Picture Drawnby a "VadY Love." Mr. Poe was about five feet eight inches tall and had dark, almoat black hair, which he wore long and brushed back in etudent style over his ears. It was as flee as silk. His eves were large and full, gray and piercing. He was then, I think, entirely olean-shaven. His nose was long and straight, and his features finely cut. The expreasion about his mouth was beautiful. He was pale and had no color. His skin was of a clear, beautiful olive. He had a sad, melancholy look. He was very slender when I first knew him, but had a fine figure, an erect military carriage and a quick step. Bat it was his manner that most charmed. It was elegant. When he looked at you it seemed as if he could read your very thoughts, His voice was pleasant and musical, but not deep. Ile always wore . a black frock coat but- toned up, with a cadet or military collar, a low ourned-over shirt collar and black cravat tied in a loose knot. He did not follow the fashions, but had a style of his own. His was a loose way of dressing as it he didn't tare. Yon would know that he was very different from the ordinary rim of young men. Affectionate I I should think he was; he was passionate in in his love. My intimacy with Mr. Poe isolated me a good deal. In fact, my girl friends were, many of them, afraid of him and forsook me on that account. I knew none of his male friends. He despised ignorant people and didn't like trifling and. small talk.. He didn't like dark-akinned people. When he loved, he loved desperately. Though ten- der and very affectionate, he had a quick, passionate,ternper and was very jealous. His feelings were intense and he had but little eentrol ot.them. He was not well bal- mend ; he had too much brain. He scoffed at everything gamed and never went to church. If he had had any religion to guide him he would Mese been a hotter Man. Be said of ten that there was a mystery hanging over him he could never fathom. —[Harpers Magazine. oheadache, superinduced by constipation, ask your druggist for Dr. Pierce's F1em3ant Purgative Pellets. Entirely vegetable mild, prompt and effective, and a most ed. oient remedy for derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. Nice ouff buttons are them fashioned as oval bloodatones, iet in chased silver set- tings. If you have the bron2hitie, you often are hoarse, Your throat's raw and smarting; you're hacking, of Wine j Ara if you're not careful, the first thing you know, Your lungs are attacked and disease layeyou low. By using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, bronchial affections and, all kind- red complaints can be cured, but if negleoted, they often terminate in consumption. Black knot is said to be creating great havoc among the plum trees of Ross county, Ohio. Coif No More. Watson 8 cough drops are the beet in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. & T. W. are stamped on each drop. WHY YOU SHOULD USE SCOTT'S EMULSION " COD LIVER OIL wITH HyPopmospHivEs. It is Palatable as Milk. /t is three times as efficacious as lain Cod Liver Oil. It is far superior to all other so- called Emulsions. It is a perfect Emulsion, does not separate or change. It itwonderful as a flesh producer. It is the best remedy for Consump- tion,Scrofula Bronchitis, Wast- ing Diseases:Chronic Cough and Colds. Sold by rofl DrugglSts, 000. and $1,00, J. Perkins & - Toronto. MERCHANT& BUTCHERS wed Traders generally. No want a GOOD MAN in your locality to -pickup gladallb3L13EvM11FrIFIRTM or us. Cosh furnished on catisractor} guaranty Address, 11753 PARK. Vermont, IL S. 1111111111111111112111111.11MomillallEMINIM I CURE FITS! When fsay CURE" 1 do not moan merely te step them fora time, and then have them turn again. 1 MEAN" A/LADD:Xi. cjliim Ihave =de the disease of PITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING sromeg .4.11fe long study. I WAltitAIM my remodyto Guam the worst eases. Becalm° others JIM failed is ne reason for notnow recetvinga cure. Bend at once fer a treatise and a 2nao Baen01 a criciragenextr14n trial, and it will cure you. Address E. 0 BOOT, M.O., 184 West Adelaide St. TORONTO, ON?, 1111111111111•1111111113=11111=Feteele Johnston's Fluid Boot It Makes a Palatable and Invigorating Beverage Itt containe all the nutritious and life-giving elements of meat in the .aaa, most digestible form. The G-roat Strength -Giver urwiDBEEF CrH E 8 R EAT MENUS GIVER itj PERFECT Foo FOR THE SICK 'l'iWARMING & pUtSITIOUSOEVERAGE POWERFUL INVIGORATOR It Supplies Concentr at ed Nourishment and it is the most Strength Giving Food for the sick OVER oniqs-EEttipott Zite '3e° NE Me XL Co it& M CD 331/1:11 INT "Sr . $3) 0 0 0) 0 0 OASSETS AND CAPITAL El IR. W. P. HOWLAN D, President. 1 17. MAEDoNAID,) WM. ELLIOT, E. RoOPER, j J. 11. liAtifaalitAT*0 AOTTIATI.Y. f Yras.pnesresnrs. t MANA41;•4 DIRIWiTena ' WHEN LOGS ARE HELD UP FOR WANT OF SNOW Take your Saw Milt to the Logs, by purchasing one of our Portable Saw of 12 80 40 Horse -Power. FrIVI.11,139.° iff/ it Most Practical; Efficient' and Et onomica5 Mills Built. Send for Cirouln,rg. WATEROUS Engine Works COMPANY. 13PANTFORD WINNIPEG.