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The Exeter Advocate, 1889-4-4, Page 5
Eyes Front? Quick•March W. SOUTHCOTT'S Clothing and Gents F1nansIi 'a $TOIM. EXETER, -. ONTARIO. —(0 ) -- Some atbe finest Mt t can 1)e secuxeti, axe arriving ev ex 5 day. GETS' FURNISHINGS IN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICES, A CALL SOLICITED. R SOUTRCOTT Corner Main and John Street, EVER, ONTARIO,. • MARKET SQUARE OENERAL WRE The undersigned would inform t Tubera that he has just rewired his Washingt�n's NEXT VISIT. Throat and Lung Surgeon, To I1%e ter, WILL BE AT THE CERA iIOTEL, UMW, W,.. APRIL II% e WINTER . • STOCK, Unta o'clock, R. m. ,Fist English Church Clergyman speaks Rectory, sow nail i, Oat Dn. W.hsltltuacra:f,— h t il►ualc Si1x,I rut glad to be :ala inform you teat Tay daughter is quirt well aenan, 18 this is the second time INCLUDING A FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, EATS AND O APS, AND CROCK- ERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. CITY HOTEL Those, wishing anythinee in my' lino a,lill filed it to their advantage to call alaad inspect my goods and prices. st Roller Flour always on Malice!. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all kind of ProduCe, J. "P. ROS (I.Q-`,i 2.%) ANY MAN T4ONDCN• ONTARIO. ��. per. 4ay. At Maw, .�' , Props etora. Pounds OF WHITE �'or $1. gOlts Raw Suar Furniture and Undertaking, ,• —GO TO --- Rowe 86 Andrews' BED -ROOM AND PARLOR SUITS, SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION N„„ TABLES, LOUNGES Aa\I) 1 !M i` � EASY CHAIRS, FOR $1. AT THE rgest Waireroors ui town. Rambler, Bees arm. the order now, one every day of the wee.:, i4f r; John & Uoney and fancily, of Usborne, have gone to Mannoh:t, Mr. John Bawdt:n, of Plattsvillo; is visiting at Mr, Samuel Essery's, eery fine weather now. -spring is at lid --farmers are preparing for it, lir. Billy Wilson, of Eliniville has gone to Manitoba. Sueee$ NAY. hfr, Samuel Dempsey and family, of parkhili,are visiting friends in Usborne and, Biddulph, �, Mr. Chas, Lingard, recently a fish never fail to do good. and butter merchant of Centralia, has HeadacIte,1le1 I appetite, fati111re of removed to Goderich, eyesight, tube c sts in firanc, frequent miss :Mary lticl'alls, os" Biddulph, is desire to quinate, especially* at night ' gM of herl dsM loss renr ], • a •s �� o flegs, dills Ottr1 � Vasltto of inea £ t: d 9 if , ' nh ar, • ti e� � C "1 atmr, in McGillivrry and Rrinsley, flesh and dropsical swelling --any one Mr, Jas, Marks, of Biddulph, cheese i or more of the above disorders are synx- naker, is about engaging with the ptoms of advauced kidney disease or Luean factory for the coming season. Blights dtsease,and Warner'e Safe Curt: Etimville is very proud of their should be freely used as to direetiens- chureh choir, and well they may be. ; Wm. H. T hornpson of the 1 niveretty of What's wrong with Centralia choir's the City sof New York, says °'More. eh? vaults are carried off in this country h, chronic kidney disease than. by :tar Mr. Jos. Atlrilasotof 3todulph, has' other one mniail e:,:eept•eonsuinp�iou.' decided trot to go to x)rta aa, a is � The late Dr. Die Lewis, says over his ADVICE TO DOTngits. Jtreyoaadls4ui•beda4nlgbuuuibrokenofyanr a es4, by a $lig c dIc1 suave 1n r •take prying ,viiia pain or cutting tet f If so, send at once and get uI)0n1 ofAles.Weisi,o 5$oQzllalcOyeveer roteCUuD zz$ Ta:aauu a, Itl.i^etluet ie tergalcnL- abte. ltwllt reilerettaa 1,00rlL#tloratfmreaXariauae- dit leiJ , Deemer uPgn tt, motltgrs, them iana tnietaide about it, It sure* ilysautery rent1 year` rhos, regulates the etomech and bowels, onxes wiodooltc,softensrhogerox,eenuoesintie mu>s• tion, tend gives tone and eneri'g�yy to the whole s ,Ater#, lits. wniel ow'S Sooxelso grnoryote u$1LD,t Tern earamiapteaseettotriotast:e,snd. the FtgSeription of eon of nie eldest and bee; female nurlas d pbyslei4ena in til; United States, and leastoat saki Ur al l ,i ruggiES tbrpia¢ "tattles world, Free 2a cents sobottie. That tired, languid feeling a.nd dull headache is very disagreeable. Take one of Carter's Little Liver Pills before return°`, and you will find relief. They Mat b He a� g going t0 stay at home this year. Good own signature: "If I found myself idea Joe, au vault. Ire missed. the'. Statim of a salons kidney trouble, ,lir. #rein' Rundell has xetlrrned to I e oulti asst- Warner' f Cara e feral formerly ecru fail b3• ret`, � as though tiff• I Dense :rime year ew rt ea it . are was worth lisixa Take one oft titer's t j1,1 TilEsoN the p resident f The) lual'e one feel dertaking outside of the Undertake- m ors Ring, in all its Brunches. Open. sla*� and. night. F a lite ae&e:ots ldadan o �� "� "' Daeay Oensumptlen or in;:anity, wl l #inti STAND -•--011e door Horth of "Nlolsml's Fawar an ofd Who is Weak, Nervous. Debilitated. who Iia We 1 norance:1ms Trifled away tea Vigor Folly and, e ofBody,f�iindand rttnnhood,autaainge:siaaaist- ing drams upell the Fountains of Life. Head• che. Backalehe, Pretidne. Proems, Weakness of Moutory, eashfuIness, an Society, Pimples on the ace and a a t Early in Coro. It' rt>s ' tl Vital aili=thful Vi or restores sthe e_, 4 _,nils Earlier. Youthtulglgarrnstores e MAIN ST; and young strengthens and invigorates the lawn and Nerve. builds up the 3luaenlar cyst. ti tin and arouses into settee the whole hysio al energy: of the human frame. Ward our cuurred in�three months, and cnate ease cap, reeent ones a less tbau thirty.days. I•+aob puelxase Cures titins two weeks treatment. Price $5. Cures s Guaranteed. Oar,ipeoano No, 21 is an Info*, Able - u -- or all Private Oieeaza 1io matter uarantee a effect Tara. Price 35. Toronto she rias been eared of g,r.,tve bronchial And all ex rases p,li t, Wo wnut men, under your treatment, when the 1 Town, troubles u woman, girls :tad boys in every i � ser .told of a light, agreeablepe €ere thanks. It Ill cast r tiu Yours n ou C. PI:TTITT, you, `Trathing to give it a trial. of h 1 standing; Hold limier our written ediclne Coe 'reroute, Qat. • :for -44 $50 PER M©NTN. usual reluctidt' tailed, I write ea eSI)m ii my gratitude. Please, accept, nab sin- 'Village and Hamlet in Canada, to take 1 T Arid. perfectly Y l honorable employment. i 1 Scud Dl9.r.asle Tttl:,tTene- Catarrh of tete for circular, head and Throat, Catarrh Deafness, Address, W. II. ROBERTSON, Olnoule' Bronchitis, Asthutat and Con -1 Peterborough' sumption. Also loss of voice, sort. AN EIPPQRTUNITY, throat, enlarged. tonsils, Polypus of the nose removed, Come early. Con- To 'Warding House Peitiat+eatoalataai e 8lticatioit five. teen of Verity's Fan ultw, t many eured by Dr. from 1:r to Se itsldttion t bands o tons can. A few of the a proved• A liouan to la i�irasllitlgt011711 )teiF UWthod, able ofarcomodatingssto;oboarders. About W. It, Story, ofSterey;;'Son,mann- five minutes walk front the foundry. Apply faeturers, Axton, Ont„ also President ;iovl-88tr 7i.SrAcxltAN'STin Shor, Maunraeturing Ass. of Ca))ar.n, per- manently cured of Catarrh by Dr. Washington, pronounced inettrebte by noted specialists in this country and Europe. Writh to him for particulars. po nOnt., Kingston, Mrs. John Aicliolvy, A ng , Catarrh and Consumption. John MeKelvy, :Kingston, nut,, Cat- Ca., Taro arrli. Dirs. A.'Hoppping, Kingston, Ontario, —WILL BE AT TIIE-- I3rondho Consumption. .. t Mr. D. Scott, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh head and throat. Mrs. John. Bertram, ITarrowsmitb, Ont., Catarrh, throat. Miss Marry A. liouibourg,'Centreville,' Ont., Catarrh, head and. throat. James Mathews, Pest Master, Acton, Ont,, A. E. Fish, gents furnishings, Belle- ville, Ont., cured of Catarrh, throat. John Pliippin, Sandhurst P. 0.On�� (near tiapatnee) of Catatrri,, head, throat and lungs. Head Once S': 'McColl St., Toronto. Consultation Free. E.XETE: The Subscribers wishesi to. inform tit Farmers and General Public that EVEREST'S COUGH SYRUP he is Pxr p> red to furnish :ill CANNOT SE EXcLI ED. Sizes and Kind of wonderful curative Try It req be convinced : of its e vespertine, Price 25 Genn. Ont. '+a writ L sborne some years ane, ales a �' Little Liver fills aftee aeries, it fad to see him back. was fe •ile spepsia„ aid tlig,;stioil gins• Carman John. Iltxl�,in's sale held toic•vt� ne tied vigor to the system. x Thursday last. a Things sold rapidly 9 FRIGHTENED Mf)TIi1;Il, and at very giui g to l k up a little.' ...My little gar1,4 years old, fright.sneti times are beglllir►g' to leak up at 'ear,1 bextmGFsiiishada wood itct hobs!: inc one night by� n (woolly vaugh, but Tuesday. A larat� crowd were in at 1 gave 11' 1' a dosef g, 1 �+ t1i1, which reliever. law at once, and she low tend•uirt' and Ilolx gat al Ingo fail f • •il all eight. I iti t+ since used wood cut. Befit bets he ever Iran. Tao it ill several vises of croup, frost lutes. �•s, e.tc•, alai title it altvat,•s rcil,alile 31r-. Z3 T.7 it II Jigging Promptly tly Done ndReasonable Rates: Q at nee nil Shop oo tea Sheet, behind Ckriaties Livery Stable. C` All i SOLICITF,I). O N MOORE CHRISTIE'S t Y STA of LADIES ONLY. FRENOH REGULATION PILLS. Far superior toxrtiot.Tansy, Pennyrotval or Oxide Endorsed tv the thousands o ,ladies vePain,INSURE REGCLABITf, Pleasant and Effectual. Price 42. Toronto Medicine © lit. Nov- •8 Y• aril viiia• *fever f Who use them MONTHLY. , G011 la G 0 X0 OT, —ON— Tues. Stilied.A.012 &3 TWO DAYS ONLY. FROM 8 a. In. TO 4 p. in. Patients please call early. This. Spear, M. D. HurrahSurgeon, &c., Vii. 0 P. S. G. S. & L. T C.D. THDHurrah1>, ELEBIZATEi7 —FOR— SPECIALIST. For the treatment of atllChronic Dis- eases and Diseases peculiar to Women. Thirty yeaes practice. Head Ofiiee— >.�smallacabe tIercllant Tailor. To Customers and Public at large, here isthe place to get yourselves suit- ed, with Suits got up in the Latest Styles, le S , at hard d time prices. A fine Raine. of. Goods al- ways in Stock. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. d at n vete eo Va s Cleaned and R loth . C C e Moderate Prices. Up Stairs over Post Office. A CALL SOLICITED. J. C. SraUacomb . WiLL CURE BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE, ERYSiPELI,S, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, I1EADACHE, OR RELIEVE DlzzIfEss, V„V, ry FLUTTERING: OF THE WEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS If THE SlfiN, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIV.ER,. KIDN.EY r Sr�DO1T TM LCBS, BOWELS OR BLOOD. T. 1i411JDURlb ( uv., Prop To>:tOrTTO. Everest's LiYer Regulator Yoe pissesseci the LiverKkin•Yl, AC., :and. Puri[Ij!• tag se for Wed. Pries $1. 81x bottles for 36. Per r$ 1s b b&LL. DitU0alST$. ][anuYti qso. K. RYLli1 ST, Cuxanar, town, OIR, St. Thomas, The Doctor has been -educated in nearly all the leading Medical Colleges and Hospitals in Europe, has served as Surgeon in the British Army in the East Indies, Surgeon in the American COOPER SHOP 1 Mr, Felix Wilds would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Dashwood and surrounilangeountry, that he has open- ed out -a new Cooper Shop in DASH it OOD and is prepared to do all classes of eoop erage work on shortest notice.. A call solicited. Oet11.--13m En= WILDS. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician whn THE PROVIDENT has had zi life long experience in 1 treating female diseases. Is used' monthly with gp rlecs success by i oxer SO,DOOladies. Pleasant, sate, effecual, Ladies Ask ourdrug- i OMMERC!AL LIVERY s Class f?fQ$i And HORSES. ...., e Q ,, Iia it e used b • sl,�pt Well w Nelson'elcGee and Wm. Carrel are ate'* Era n'd irrien, :itasn. busily engaged in framing 'a larger I' 'sire* T. RobCrts, M. glivsicalt a' , Ivel, Is• M Jones.College o ant erred Surgeons, i baani' r ,Royal Colli of . ur eiz� ,r a toth a+ . �. fellow ,.lid., C ells 5.9 of gushing, and energetic £ v eersity of London Eng., says: ,Loss anunrbt'r [ jabs on h raid consequently eom• appt'tlte.loss of eycsight,il. apep=ic sytn- Ing $Rainier. ."metre them acre rhos+ a preens, irregulailties of rift" bowels, air+' of Jolla 'Webber, Fite -wart McFalls aur. some of t1a symptoms of advanced Life It lie. dist'zse. Warner's Safe Cure Vargo 1•xeitem + t ad coir. is in a4 frency cause' and fitting the km lit+r s in a zcitalnent ae'ar Cause—A ccs Tacaltlay condition, enables tht•ila to ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK- SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE aSAT3 WILL BE PROMPT T LE LY ATTENDED TO. Telephone Connection, 0 q -, -rt t 1 _ _7.. Asfe - sist for Pennyroyal Wafers and rakenosubstitute, orinclosepost- ago for sealed particulars. Sold by y ail druggists, 41 per box. Address THE,EUREn . CHEMICAL CO., Dzrno! 'firm, Sold in Exeter by Dr. everywhere. Zvtz, and druggists .1an. 1-8. This Yeaes E Cuff & Pug Army during the hate war, from 1861 all to the close of the same, has treated nationalities and circumnavigated the globe—His thorough education, largo end varied practice and .experience,en- titles him to rank as a utiueSpecialist—Sec- • n t --for the this co lx h xonoo Specialist—Sec- ond. to t 0 treatment of those dangerous and diffi- cult diseases that have baffled the skiff of the loeal physician. The following diseases with many others successfully treated:—Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrah, Diseases of . the Lungs, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Eye, and Ear, Heart Diseasee, Epilepsy, Par- alysis, Strictures, Ruptures, Skin Dis- eases, Piles, &c, •Electricity used when required, Testimonials of Education:—The fol- lowing testimonials and diplomas maty be seen tit my office, withcmauny others from nearly all the leading: ;medical schools in Europe; Trinity College, Park St. School of' Medicine ani... T'•�yal Gollege of Surgeons, Dublin:,, Royal College of Surgeons, Belfast, Ireland; Royal. College of, Surgeons, Edinburg end Glasgow, Scotland; Liccntitate in Midwifery, and endorsed by the 'high- est medical authorities in the United States and Dominion of Canada. The above with many letters from different parts of the ;lobe arela Medical past port--vr ithout re-examination doubt or quibble over every sea, aed in every lance from the rising to the setting of the sun. Consultation free. React circular and remember the date. , Smokng Tobacco FINER THAN EVER. See IN BRONZE ON Each Plug and Package. The Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine used over e*o 80 years in thousands of cases. '1 r Cures ,Spermatorrhea. Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Impotency 0`F• and all diseases caused by abuse.,,,. [serous] indiscretion, or over-exertion. Carrie) Fix packages Guaranteed tb Cure when attothcr.. Pail. Ask your Druggist for Tho GreatEnxiaeh rre.eriptlon, take no substitute. One package 51. Six, $5, by mail. write for -Pamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit; Mich. Soldin .Exeter by Dr. Lutz, anddruggists everywhere. Jaa,.-1-8 l�,$I soma on. ex. Robert 3lel:ills» tllt'4a` trtlttl►li'S, late itis,' it ttarnoxr9 tit:• ' o , in ,alien lady over atel)pang her 4 pel the poisonous or waste matter from the system. This is why Warner's Safe Cure cures So 'nntny s; li)' tons they °ire called diseases. HOSPITAL REMEDIES, royal ,rerogetive and trying to govern despotically the whole neighborhood, known as the Falls settlement. The latest racket is about a scrubbing bee which was held recently, Alice say she diti'nt say anything, but others seem to think she had something to do about it, however, the best way to do, is to boli the whole thing down and be- come good friends again. There are, however, many bickers on both sides and it is not definitely knownyct, :.but it is quite possible, it nifty- be settled. only by siin tight gloves bare or knuckles. 3' esu and noises in the head of 25 Drat. O THE DE k '.—A person cured of t. n byrt :amnia remedy, will send a description personap- plies - to an • rr `t • i,,ii 5 iaN .1 fa Fuels r d race t 1 ra�o `t. 3lont. plieawo NietioLSo:t, iia St. John b INCORPORATED, AUG. 1887. Head Office room D Arcade. TORONTO, ONTARIO. In the Life Department this Asso- ciation provides indemnity for Sick- ness and Accident, and substantial as- sistance to the relatives of deceased members at terms available to all.. In the Live Stock Department, two- thirds indemnity for loss of live stock of its members. Send for particulars, "claims p.i • id etc. WILLIAM JONES, Sept.6,'88. MANAGING DIRECTOR Sale Register, On lot 8, con. v, i'p of Bakldulph on sock am le - Friday April btlx, Farm stock, P Talents and household furniture. John Dickins, prop.; Jas. tike, auct. ":rhe disease procecdes silently amid apparent health.' This is what Wan Roberts, M. D., Physican to the Man- chester Infirmary and Lunatic Hospit- al, Professor of Medicine in Otven's Col- lege, says in regard to Bright's disease Is it necessary to give use Warner's Safe Cure before your kidneys malady becomes too far advanced. BssETr BROS LIVERY. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL Tv'fl N. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention, TERMS REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS. FREEMAN'S- - _—- WORM POWDERS flre'pleasaattto take. Contain their own, Purgative. is a safe, seise and effectual destroyer of:Verna in Children or,eldults. What are they? The growth a: intel i gena in medical lnattors has given wise to a demand for a class of genuine, reliable medicine. The opportunity of the lI.norant qu ek .' ho grew rash outing ova thins out of a tangle bottle has passed. To supply s,atisfaetorile this demand. this list of reme- dies haus been crtnted They tut the 3;►tot- ite prescriptions of thernost fattens medical ppreatitionera of the day*: gathered from the. ltaspitals of London, Paras, Berrie and Vien- ne, Prescriptions which, cost the patients bi thesespemalists.from 1)16 to'd100ate 'here offered prepared and ready for use at the nominal price of medullar each. fiat one of them is a cure all; each one bas only the rcaaonabla power of curing a singIe disease. and each one keeps is contract. Sufferers from Catarrh,. Diseased Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma. Consumption, Rheumatism, Dys- pepsia, Liver and It Rimy Complaints, Fever and Ague, Neuralgia, Female Weakness, LeucorrheesorNervoas Debility,should send stamp for dasciiptivo catalogueto Ho spitel Remedy Co„ 3031a '`Vest Bing St., Toronto, Canada. It your druggist does noticeep these remedies reniitpriae and we will Send direct. THE SAFE PLAN. When suffering from a troublesome cold, a hacking cough, hoarseness asthma, bronchitis, or other forms of throat or lung troubles, is to Ilag yard's Pectoral Balsam to loosen the hplegnt and sooth and heal the inflammed muc- ous surfac:;s. It cures where others fail To get relief from indigestion, bilk- onsness,constipation or torpid liver with out disturbing the stomach or purging the bowels take a n. few doses of Car- ter's Little Liver Pills, they will -please you. From the writings of H, M., the Queen's nsPhysician iaS Scotland,T. nd, T C x n - ger Stewart M. D., F. R.S. E., on kid- ney disease, the following statement is taken: "Dropsey in the form of anasar- ca is almost constantly present in the early stage and during exacerbations nse liCnt- of the inifamatory form." Consequent- ly o q ly the attention should be turned to the restoration of the kidneys to a healthy condition on the first appear- ance of and puffiness or swelling about the rye -lids, ankles,`or any part of the body. It is not difficult to make a sel- ection of the remedy, for Warner Safe Cure has long been before the public and given university satisfaction ULCERATED STOMACH. "For three years I Wes unable to work, suffering from ulcerated stom- ach. Medical aid having failed, T was told to try B B. B. of which 7 bottles made a premanent cures This wes two years ago; ,and I feel I have to thank B. 13. B. for being alive and evell to -day Mrs. Rose Aim McCloskey', Marmora, Ont., T. GRnxc na Ser wnitT, M. D., F. R. S, E., Ordinary Physicau to H. M., the Queen in Scotland, Professor of Practice Physic in the University of Edinburgh, writes. of Bright's Disease as follows:. "Catarrh of the intestine also occasion- ally occurs, sometimes producting aan exaneting diarrhoea. Warner s, Safe Cure cures the Dierrhoee by first 're- moving the arise T firmly believe Everest's Cough Syrup saved the life, of my wife,—Jas. A. Gisher, 'Camiachie P. O. The Reference Handbook of the Medi cal Seience, speaking of kidney disease says: Often Symptoms on the jrtrt of other organs, palpitation, dyspepsia. difficult breathing, headaches, or weak vision first impel the patient to seek advice,' The symptoms misled both the phy sic:In and patient. The only safe method of treatment is a faithful use of Warners Safe Cure. It not only secure healthy action of the kidney's but cures the symptoms of disease. Mr. Everest, Forest. Dear sir. -Please sand me three bottles of your Cough Syrup; nothing seems to eure me but that. --firs, Westhoover, Goodhincl P. 0. Mich. FATHER IIAD QUINSY We find 13. B.1',. excellent for weak- ness, and equllly so for headache. Father else suffered severely from quinsy; which B. B. 13, by its tonic and petrifying properties, completely cnr.cl .” Prof.Sennnola of the University of Parris, in an article published in the Gazette Medicate de Paris, ways: Dry- ness of the skin, imperfect digestion and transformation of aalbuniinoid food are present at the begining of chronic Bright's disease." Warner's Safe Cure removes digestive disorders. Why? Because it. enables the kidneys to per- form their functions in a healthy man- ner, when Moth eatuse and reseltingsym ptoms disappear. A CtJRE FOR LUMBAGO: That painful complaint can be claire- ly cured by the right remedy, Miss Mary Jane Gould, of Stony Creek, Ont. satys,s•ay s.:"I was.trroii.bled with lumb- ers°, and could not get relief until I used Hagyard's Yellow Oil, one bottle cured me entirely." I have used Everest's Cough Syrup ire limy family for two years, and always found it an excellent remedy fox Coughs, Colds, &e.—J. H. Pettypiece' Forest. THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. And on its purity largely depends the general health. No one is free from danger, and nine -tenths of humanity actually* do suffer from one form or other of impure blood. No one remedy has such a wide range 01 curd tivo pow- er as B B. B. that best of all blood puri. lies and tonics.