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The Exeter Advocate, 1889-4-4, Page 4
THE exact' Abuo, rate + WM. $ANDI".,,1R$$. Editor. Thursday,. April 4th, 1889, . TT.1ER$ IN ONTARIO. Ai o n DING to the annual report of A Celebrated Specialist. Dr, 1'4 a shang ton, tine celebrated and successful sliecielist for diseases of the head, throat and lungs, has adopted.the most scieutiee and natural method of treatment known at the present time for the above diseases. In order to be Lastly .abrest of the times, the doctor visits the 1 urge American eines-as New 'i;orn, Bostoe and, Fbiladellnhia-every feat mouths, for the purpose of gaianng a knowledge of the Latest acrid very 041016E $111 Ya.Luable RealL,Estate IN OFFA,, the t?aaterio Immigration Ilepertment, Ipd:a sense-EnOF seem. Ci�:rT�1I;w lent epee n ikilber of p, rsous 'who settled,; in best improvements len the treatment of th i t, 14" �o� $ �Puiiil of t9aruox Q ,o t throat and lung diseases, and such as t>,e pursued by the highest specialists. ONTARIO 11011 -SE leu �a Dr. the prof i c ' to the year 1888 was 20,- 532, 0; 532, their n itis,^ alkties beteg English, 1lr lam; Scotch, cl,59i; Irish. 2,801; Ger- -*,•an+,'k`►:.I' other rtationalities, 1,150, the. rutted Statesand l pe- Wasltin,gten'is well Isnown as a„ most successful specialist all over Ontario ,Annually the number of Eli= set :and the Eastern Provinces, and len ; cities of see-- ?nite1 ( asfates from . vers. Fir t'sceed:�s allose of any other whichhera.; he has ithe t n his possession hundreds nationality. In no year since 1878- . of letters of ,greatfnl acknowledgement'. ;The report goes :to further bads—have' from the benefits derived fronit his Scotch settlers inOntario reached, 4,OR0, treatment. He hes ht rent...s inNew w lash settlers have not reached 9,000' 1 %or14",110eltester, Califorlliaa, ete•, Os- ' 1 He hes secured a medical gentleman of mvizi e in do Ye" $ilocc i $ h we the the highest stilsad ng in the profession, ,,,,: 'settees es nilmbered fewer than a member of the P.oval college of Sur :j cd 1n.t SL:,as ttatnlale, dated t:. • Dstla )Ylk,1F ,..raga n, . . roughly' dayarmaarch.A. D. 1sso. ant registered the 18$8 With the exception of 18br ;arid gems of Eu�l and, »ho thoroughly ., a s not excel 'understands all the details of of this u u oo e;?a' o etruo tai A'c unless the oonerPlaai. 1888 the, Irish settler did �-->t tkaa- t,,-.. YILLMIE QF OFF., TUESDAY, Theeth day of April, X. D. MO, at the boar oftwo o'clock in the afternoon,cart of Lot �,,o.;4, in the send* Boondarrt; o the town, ltipofStephen.as described by metes and hounds in the rnort, ago thereof :ono .Fran. cis Mahon, and Joi aana ¥oh:,an, hie vvife.to ember 5,t>ala • special treaarweut to assist hitt:, Dr 1,1,. alshiata„ton Ia.Fs Bog~ opened. a preman- (ilea OW at 82 NeCarta :Mee. hours, n: lac,, 9 1911 a, ne, > to 4 ;read 7 to 8 » Iia• ». Washington has been ltuedsolno- ly rewarded for his indomitable and in- (Ielaatigeble perseverance, as the follow ins extracts from Tetters received from p.etite:es in New York and .Rochester,' clearly inditette;:lr. Cr. IL Callum, 232. West st One Hundred and Fourth street, New 'fork. who was not only dared by Dr, Washington's new method. bast writes to the doctor as foltows;',1 would Imo written to you sooner but wee waiting fora atea:Ided answer from aur friend l► Ir. Dawson in referauee to try- ing ;our treatment for his daughter for her catarrh troubles, I finings got his consent by telling him 1 would be coxae responsible for his money if she was not 411r4'd. 1, now pueloso you cheque for the full amount," etc, Miss 1)aawsou. after ono month's treatment, is heard from. Ur, Dawson (of Saw dust $7; llason,builders 236 East Thirty fifth street, New York) writes after one month's treatment as follows: ;'I would say there is little or no smell from the head, This leads me to think that the deseatsed bones are healing up. Friend Cannon has coniilleuce that you. will curs her, Tend I now think you will make a complete cure." Mrs, James Keillvin, of Gal Market street, Rochester New York, writes as follows: a"I do not cough :inymore and the dropping' has almost ceased, I ant very much pleased with your treatment and hope. fully look fora speedy cure." The above patient lois taken treatment six. weeks. Then to support these noted � t.. asa.s in the cert rc of scientific tentific advance c went in the c;tsa of Mr. W. J Storey, glove manufacturer, of Action, Ont., and also president of the Manufactur- ing Association of the Dominion, cured of catarrh -after visiting Europe with- out any beneficial results. Dr. Wash- ington will be at the Central Hotel on Thursday next 11th inst. MN. .1010' 1EXTe POP The death of the Hon, John lieur;'r, 'or, which oecurreti on :Monday last, though not =expected for a number] If ll:eys before, will be heard with male e deep fcealings of egret by the ereople of this Dominion. His career as a litl'h ae m,,an has Neon a bright one ,and Ins absence from the cabinet will be great loss. He was called to the oal.leet of Sir John A. Macdonald in 1011 as Minister of Agriculture. The Ooverauleut was shortly after defeated but lar 1.87:1 they again gaain acceded power end the Ilon. Joins Henry Pope was 'hen made 'Minister of Railways ;Ind + Nati?s aril held it tie itheut interruption u$ to the date of his death. . He had ,am A»1etifie4 the goal old age of nearly seventy yearn, and duties; the last four mouths of oine(+ his health became unimpaired theough the heavy toil of 'Governmental work and old age. Tho news eras rceeaved in the House with grief on all sift .s. The interment took plata: yesterday at Cookshire, 'Quebec, the deceaseds family residence. Terms anal conditions Nada :;pawn Onto of oaat% cLOTgING QUALITY ISS THKAT�Rll�ssEST OY A. �. SNEI,I,, J. H. NORTHCOTT Mein St. L. B MONSON, ted at Rseter th t 6a)tieitor for et: Mora+ia kal a f 311or,,.ag <ea. .?:lel,. T ONTARIO, 8as'no11' in stQek BREAD raLm WPM Qat, Di 'T13E FOLLOWING LINES. West of England Sakiting.sralnai Trous erings, Scotch Tweed Siritings and Trouser-' ing,s. FF 'Ouch and Ent lish Worsted Cloths All wade up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. Stephen Council, vermeil met in town hall on April Tet with all memberspresent. Minutes of hast meeting weremad anti signed. Resolved that a culvert be outdo across Vroditon road between lots 10 and 11 or a watercourse along north side of said road. Moved by W. White, sec- onded by J. Sherritt, that Mr. Hogan receive ?8 for use of land on lot 27, S B. for road -way and extra 'trouble in llxing fences. --Carried. The following orders were tenanted; Mrs. Ransom, relief, $8; 0. l4'ille.rt, .culvert, $3; J Mitchell, Crediton Spring Show, $10; J . B. 20th can. work n �Ot $1,50; o , Craig, a Hodgins, Crediton road, $1,50; T. San- ders, culvert C. R., $4; 3. Sanders, 4th on., $1; S. Brown, telegram. and ex- penses to Toronto, $30.40; hart official' salary, $50. Council adjourned to meet again first Mondry in May; reeves and Jerks of Hay and Stephen meet on the 20th inst. an Dashwood. Pathmasters for the following year are as follows: - 1st con., F. Hicks, R. Handford, S. Me- et**, 8• Das is, T. Sweet, G. Floyd; 2nd and 8rd, T. Wilson, J. Brown, H. Bearer, A. Dearing, S. Staulake, J. Wickert; 6th and 7th, J. Wilson, J. Hill sr., C. Brown, J. Wein jr., G. Morlock, J. Bos - ler, Sth and 9th, R. Hodgins, G. Law- son, M. Finkbeiiler, J. Schwartz, J. Till_allon Jos Lawson ll Glanville, diso:Ise• P. Hall, E. Colter, W. 'Holt, A. iVLcCor� This is one case in a hundred, and 1 noick,W. Thompson, L. Deetreich, C. lig I iukbeiner, H. 'Willed; 14th and 115th, N. McLellan, T. Keys, P. Me - Kenzie, 0, Willed, W. Brown; 16th and lath, J. Sharp, F. Heitzman, J. Baxter, klolbine; 18th and 19th, R. Hodgins; fa -_Lewis, D. Sutton, 3.'Lyler, J. Wade; 28th. and 21st, H. Shank, J. B. Hodgins, .3 Allister, L.'Desherdeau; A and B eon.; P. Farrell, P. Disherdeau; 22nd and Salable, T. Mallard, G. Tapson, G. Orranger, C. Bunker, Mr. leading, li Hamilton, G. Spackman; S. B., W. Reely, P. Glavin, J. McKeever, J. McCarter, L Boland, J. Hays, A. Mckinnon, G, Tewlis, T. Wbcicseck, C. B Wilson. :Fence Viewers, T. Wilkes, W Waller, C Christie, E. Dectreich, H. Doyle, Halt, 3. Mollard, J. B. Hodgins, P. Farrell. Pound Keepers, W. Hill, T. Sliapton, J. Wilson, W. Clarke, T. Arley, W. Holt, J. Lane, 0. Mitchell, J. Bren- ner, W. Hickey, I3. Willem, P. Farrell; de bounds for pounds are the same as take school sections. C. Prouty, clerk. L. H. Dickson? kltdolltgforklc, in the lsteoncessiaa►of the town bl►apoflriphert,contaaiwing 100 Acre*. This :Janna'AU )x+SOW. Ol,eap, and OR easy terms The farm as sittuatcd ankdaa between •Ieaforth • and Dublin, on the Huron Gravel Rood, Ckureh and School witbilt too yards of Ranier. boil the heron i the counts. A umber ofl:veter village properties for ort of tseetOsome of adcaniderten.1w Some propertyin the 1 villa ca of S'entrAlin ^•�'aaxrlaal;aar,•I�rliieia canbalglaaaa.btu. hes. p. orfaartlier prticulurs apply to Iii, ]'.'PleRS°\., reh ?alai lis'. Bairri tar. Kaactsar. Extraordinary License, •' "remarked one of s seems to lona It e , our citizens the other day, eth it pby. SineIS are allowed extraordinary license in the manner in �rh.'telr the juggle 'with the welfare of their parents." "Now Mier.: is Dr.— who eves attend ing Mr.— up `to" the time of his death and if he treated him for one thing he treated him for a dozen different dis orders. First the Dr. said pneumonia, was the tro"trble, then it was consump- tion, then the patient was dosed for heart trouble, and so on until just be- fore he died it was ascertained that dis- ease of the kidneys was the real trouble and that which had been first treated as pneumonia, consumption, heart disease, Martine, W Rowe • 10th and 11th T. etc., were but the symptoms of kidney L giro ft T C Clarke • 12th' and 18th But then it was too late. ani beginning to lose faith in the doe tors altogether. 1n fact I haven't any need for their services since I. began Warner's Safe Cure iu my house a lit- tle over three years ago. Whenever I feel a little out of sorts I take • a few doses of it, confident that the source of all disease is in the kidneys, which I know- Warner's Safe Cure will keep in good order, and will eradicate any dis- ease that may be lurking there. Had Mr.— followeda similar course, I have no doubt that he would be alive to day; but of .course all people don't' think alike. "One thing is certain, however, and that is .the doctors are allowed a. little too much freedom in the way thc have of pretending to know that which they really know nothing about. If they don't know what is the real trouble witil the patient they should. admit it and not go on and experiment at the cost of the patients's life." THE LADIES' FAVORITE. ear THE ONLY SEWING IVES WilielliNt PERFECT SATI8'F4CTION IINNFAMP a-28GtaDUlt4E,eR±amh•lt, *awn mu t. George Vickers, - Kirkton. London Huron & Bruce Railway IL;r-ANs.-In Centralia,. on 29th alt., the :fie. of Edward Evans, of a d:aug h- -te eCentne-In Usborne, on the 3rd inst., the -wife of James McCurdy, of a son. se GID:LEY e THE LEADING V asdertaker AA'D Suly-268& Furniture Dealer GOING Noma -Tests Tknen--Pass'nr, London, depart.... 8,05 .. es -4.25 r. at. Lucan Crossing...8.47 .. »...,. 5.20 CIn b e 8:2 .,,, 5,8 is ( o , Ie 3 (� .05+ » ,. 5,45 liz .» ,9 5 M Contra EXETER,......, .9.16 ,. 5.67 Hensel ,».- 9.28.. . 6.09 Kippers. . » 9.84 6.17 Brucef'ield . , ..» ... 9.42 6.26 Clinton , » .10.00- 6.45 Londesboro' ... -10,19. . , 7.03 Blyth...... ..... 10.28 7.12 Belgravc.. , ... 1042.. 7.27 `FVinghem .11.00 7.45 GOING Sol;xlr. Passers ger. Ii'.inahlm.». ..7;05 A.M3.40 ran. Bclgrave .. , - » » .. 7»24» 4.00 Blyth » .... » . 7.88 4.15 Londesboro' ...... 7.47. 4.25 Clinton» . ..... , 8.07 4.45 Brucefield ........ 8.26. 5.04 Rippers .. » .... 8.34 5.12 iiens.il l ......... 8.415.19 EXETER.... .. 8.56 5.83 Centralia.... .. 9.0 7 5.45 Clandeboye ...... 9.18 5.56 Lucan Crossitig . » 9.24» .. 6.02 London, arrive.. -10.15 6.45 Too ;.Er.--VVI7r11.-In Exeter, on 28th Marcia, by the Rev. J. Wilson, Mr. G. F. Stooges, to Miss Elizabeth Weir, of Detroit. dt�� A i.- Szivx o.-ln Usborne, on 3rd inst•,by Rev. W. I3. Gane,of Lyons, MIr. Win. BaIinan,to \1lss Mary Ann Shue, of Usborne. Section of Railway between Annapolis and Digby, TENDER FOR THE WORY3 OF CONSTRUCTION. CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS. Q TAILED TENDERS addressed to the uncler- aJ si'nocl anal endorsed "'Tonder for Section of Railway between Annaplis and Digby," will be received at thf.-1 ofli,ce• up to noon on Monday, the 8th flay of April, 1889, for certain works of co ns trtletion,. Plans and proifles will be opened. for in- spection at the office of the Chief Engineer of &overnment'Railways et,Ottavra, on and after the 28th clay of March, 1889, when the generalspecification and form of tender may be obtained upon application. No tender will be entertained unless on one of the print ecl forms and all the condit- ions aro complied with. By order, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretory. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 9th Marclt, 1589, URE : SicItIieadaehe and relieve all a h e troublesincl• dent to a bilious stateof the -system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating Pain in the Side, &c. while their most remarkable success has been shown in curing Headache, yet CARTan's LITTLE LIVER PILLS are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while, they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the' liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless to those who' suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those whoonce try them will flntl these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not bo willing to do without them. But after all sick bead is the bane of so many lives that betels where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not, CARTER'S LITTLE :LIVER PILL', areverysma11 and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable ar.d do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action lease all who vse them. In vials at 2,', cents; five for $1. Sold everywhere,or sena by main CARTER MBD1CiNE 00., Now York, S Ell Small Sma11Esoai IS NOW OARING - CAKES Etc.d AKE Of Every Description Made to Order. Northeott OPPOSITE P OSIT TOWN HALL. �WF Elute TOP 'AND REA There is a Machine 011 called RDIN IT IS A' UFAOTURED SOLELY BY McCOLL BROS. i TORONTO,0 See that Barrels are branded with the Tide Mark, LAR If not, clo not take it, as it 1s only spurious oil the}. are o el'1ng you so as to make more money ,{� out of you. VOR SALE BY Bissett Ria OF THE TOWN I have an imracnse Stook of Furniture and T'nder*t4.ing Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. lIntitrttititg !nilalming A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GITLLEY. Having the TIIRIJU y HOOSIER P14UHJRAMR GRAIN DRIL Guaranteed the best in the world. TO OTHER DRILL midi can be instantly regulated to run at any ties' depth without stopping the .team. all hinds of thoroughly, elven a NO OTIIER DRILL will sow grain thoroug1 properly covered at a uniform depth in all kinds of soil. NO ©TITER DIULL commences to sow the instant the horses commence move, and misses no ground when starting In, after turning. NO OTHER DRILL equals the Hoosier when used its a cultivator and single cultivator surpasses it, thus combining two implements in one, NOXON'S NEW STEEL BINDER b •1 cuts which �• ln/,Iter �Y 11 Sect the greatest invention. of theagein our no one cord,anekes no waste ends and saves cord in binding,also Improved Mowe and Horse nukes. from Mr. A. Cottle I am pre- pared to do all kings of Turning on short- est notice. ktol, Lad 'Rol loTg .14fJ. Turned. out on the shortest " possible notice. A CALL SOLICITED. ` ABET, Pimpxietor. a, IF YOTJJ `WANT A 51nn Neat Hair Cut, CALL AT THE A1lCommunieations, address HENRY JONES, ADEN IIINIt! JONES, Exeter, flat. Central Barber Shop, Fuson's Bloc, Exeter A. Hastings, PROPRIETOR THE BEAUTIFUL A,JD CLEAR CUT --TYPE:— from which this paper is printed was supplied :by the mem TYPE FOUNDRY Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 & 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. The Grand iltion Rotel, s, — ON' TSaA. FE z.i=C, Enlarged and Improved. 80 rooms elegantly furnished. `' Tables supplied with all `the Delicacies of the season. 8 convenient sample looms. House heated with hot ear. Electric bells throughout. E;1 PER DAY. R. J. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR. S to sell chtoiockce TEIM iTEESL'Y LIBERAL PAY G CTAR1:tA1T No experience reorired. Commence at once and success assured. Writoh'Iclt0 T 1OL\u, Nurserymen, Rochester, N, Y. Sx10, 11x14 and 14x17 PROTOGRAPRFRAM -o-JUST IN L E S E unseen~ SAT-o- Dont fail to see them. Also a New lot of Chromes Oil Painting's, such a s yo have never seen before in Exeter. The highest g'hest finished Cab Photo's in the Count 83 per doz. a'. en i