HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-4-4, Page 3VE
(PIAX3"1"gp /Um TIlIl RU1NO14 Ilgaras.)
appointed time, and the two were seen
clouted in the Marquis' office.
"Bo good enough, to consider me Amply
As A friend Sir," saidDe Mauves, "and net
au a magistrate, then drawing A little re-
volver from his pocket and laying it on the,
desks' he said
"Do you recognize *hie weapon
"It Bele/3ga to (Myer," ;mid tho Mahehie
All the hairele are etill loeded. Here
another revolver, *eked up by the police
neer the body of your son. There are only
Ave barrels loaded, Do YOU ecoogniee it?
The marque limitated. He had heel! its
°es heed, arid his hands were trembling.
a" Remember whet I just mile to you air—I
aro simply friend, desimus eparieg yoe
The Illerquie VOSO peinfullyt and es Cie -
tilde eautione4 chair, 'hetet with hors
'ror, half-dead, overitheihted by this. (tetra -
*teethe of Wed end amine, he Ogee:hod
oub hie heed to her.
*'Cotne," he said, it la neoeseary, einee
be is &Ad."
She hung trembling on his arm. She
would not have rermined eMnding without
his aid.
Oliver arm laid out on the bed. He ea-
-tabula the mune repilidVe ;MI terrible look
AS he did in the fiwest hut. The half -opened
/Epee diseioeed the blood otainea teeth, in
then frightful grin.
Casey fell on their knees at the "beilsi
and temained there ter a hieg time retitle
One COUR lesVe Bahl they had forgot
Ai, and had fallen Weep thee°. T
officer who 1244 alinenipellind the body an
who was et the further end of the zoo
The Mermeus trembled and rose, "Wile
Was he found? he ealit, "what do 7
know about it 7"
We Were eeekiug Mut, kierers
Mullets, He WAS AO longer to he found
iiargemout, and we thought; he had eroseed
rho order, yeaterday little Felix L
viri told ve he had, taken a note from
liver tuldreseed to Miee Isabel Aletede
Giromegey. That galiO SUP A SeiTiCion,
WO Wieclied the young Wenien all nigh
We SAW 1131' go QUS IA the morning and fo
lowed her without being Seen AS for tie ti
hut. Whim we were certain wits there Oh
VAS soh* we he ug About expecting that M
Oliver wonld ooroe. Weik Widle we wer
thug hidden emu% the Mee that We 44
7str. Jerees Bargee:tont pase. He WAS
atmegely excited eeete, aed watt tensing t
hinwelf, oryies oudgeSitellAtiAg. ITO BOUM
ed to have come from the IMMO plaoe tha
Mies Italia wee going tie Some minute
Wiffer AS We 41,W elId hued nething more, w
wieetin oureolves, and found the young wo
Inan uear the body. Arid elm declared tha
eho had Wiled your see,"
"She!" endear:40d the Marquiri.
Chitilde is toe her feet now, Sui140111
tmea other misforhuies. I am nob bete aa a Mtn
110 iehltratee Yoe on speak, tind whatever
d you say Mc enflame's', will go no further.
M, el have mine thetha to nay to you, but
halt content myself eolely with answering
" your volition. I de recognize thie re -
°a velvet-. It is one I bonghtt for nty Oen
, ;Sanwa wile4 he was sixteen. yeare old. And
a he has alwere curled. its"
"Efits he
au -Teen can you explain, how this weapon
lar wee found near Oliver 1 The Margoie /*lick
q hie heitd and mid, "I could Pot,"
e4 "ahthee Irglinfil CASA upoil MVO Of
.;• lemma t A memeue Of aliget; lit eXoltelnenfik o
—of blindneee, or foreetielnebe---" a
e "Two brother* I," mild Bargemont atill g
° ohudderiug in %Ate of lanwelf. h
e Beetinte of ..biatiere mill eocrieetien, You b
la avowal is not enough t; witehlith guilt and IV to
a mayhappen thet tiespereon who AVOWS VMS g
may SIAM 014 're to innevent, if there are net t
ii ether mete than Me own oonfeseion " so
4 and glee, altar 411,10=141i eilenee the de w
parted from this revolver 2" era
he assured you that his eon had hever been f;mih.ceretinagattitehthlt,7 you recidve them
"1 would tell him thab he was Mistaken.' "Yes," he oiled, bending his heed as an
Yoe persist in your avowel you?'
The magioteate oroned sadly and raid; en,a,vireorutaonetahcohrioznoematieotiten r:
Yes, is was who killed Oliver. "bo what year ilefir0 inspire; whetit
Some days yassed, when one morning Mr. di t e •
de Mauves e a work in Isis Oleo. His
effice boy eetereci and preseated. a card.
" jamas de Bergemont," the megistente read
on it, end, trembled a little with excitement,
as he aaid quickly to the boy:
"Show him ie at macre, and don't keep
hien waiting."
daritee came in. lie could hardly
etand. Ghastly and emeciated, and with
yellowish., leedee tint on hie face, he was
unreeogineable. He trembled, and in 4
weak wiles asked permission to tilt down,
De Man -ren drew forward an arm chair And
dainea sank jet° At
"Sir," he 'Pia In very feeble veleeP "1 t BY c43rne °t4ii aleh4 ?reel reeerabeet PeCkere in over a
have butt extremely I had even Ion ray eufferio, um,s4 Bufferbeg* ainee fate 4/0es eoe
AmantaimPING /rota.
The rheseciane Astonished that 1610,10"4011
The Came of Wire, Emma Althonse of
, feud the old inana adding mi if to more poggifos go thAA presses. tor she hi atilt
Attie*, IC 'Y., the Sleeping Wonder, be -00)14(3a
" am Se weary. 40 weeny, feel ow, hardly AS feeble elie WAS Sire
aiid as Med :Of yOlithfido0480, A ilttle 40 to intents end piirpeSeli, And *report
"bit are e° fieleg mad, I have even' 4$0. TIM Alla WAS OVOP UP 44 dead,
ClvieeItIrt1;b"1461.elit°19nbeZ 114404 lillgtOlYh"Itticlhi"00: iewilretinelnegtwir:wou,blatientiiiTheerhiTilliw **ohne ry4794afocaltdtealldde‘ha:Lw44huaett
ere:ad rIte;4131"Secl alra8lite leirrigPttege":4 elvjeb'secleeWaa rSkiat'I'91129taat to
talk AbQui) 14"
theeked his mother wide a long affootionete v‘gma. /4 very f 4140,$) ;hearth, ;me
"Thy lifted is made up of kindness, fever
thongot and teedereees," he marmured and
yen ewe now the thought mines to
4( 4 •
vd Jettire" heir with her gape tips as she pawl- mot by tbestoeretessider, bbee Rule Tom;
ie rible to wheiper to her attendante, and the
rigor has relepeed ier OW he mu ;move her
head arid luines, although it is ;tot possible
for her to sit up, indeed be hae net Sue
mama for some days. lb is only a love me- But at least Ow Will be near me, leer preterit conslition le almost of limn -
week einoe my memory returned, I I eltell see he; I shall void; to her. She .heate life, There Is
beim not regained my heelth yet for and Martha will make my parento happier. Ynnigar NOW or swoo,
you see it is- with difficulty I aro shook' 8° let them come, let them °woe tillicid7- or rather a e nhiiiituted _enbetaehoe for it has
lug to you. In 000aug baek to Wet and he in tho afternoon the garehionest went -to ph deteriorated that it ka 'Mewl, ex-
toiligence I remembered What bad taken Giromaguy. ft wan the first time she lied vepr that It ba e ome of It life-sustaining
Owls. I'queationed my father and mother. Welted the tome of the tyre asters, le eronertiee. Her luogs reopeed blower mid
They told inc Oliver dead bed Isabel those feW Months What A neleher et Wears ^ rehmetordy, except when eke le taken everal bc'etemehleS firma fa gehie ere
I know a,bent Oliver's <loth, but it is &lige Rte. Merheutia'a who told hr thisb alao had runtime birmoodo vasessed 914: homplethryeiwpeznocau. 1:hrieoeitle: thah the 4eklehe el dlOtherle had
it le false thatlealiel mordered him," eeee Martha aid Iszkbol* andthee they would tete, mere b had • been diacovered ltY French eased/we was A
ItinUa =ammo,.
There are opieveyere in Newhiork Ol tr.
A New York leder waif lately Uelr wbh *
tiny wasoli set in the back of her glove,
le wild that et A stile of farm stook In
Womelielorf, Pe., 5000 pewees were feet.
The rarest awl costlieet of precioue mettle.
le ealliunt. It velued $3,250 en memo.
A Penteeylvenie meg "mugwerapr
eider; that it, midway between bard altUt
AU the lee hOnSee on the Hedeen Blear
heve hem; Alle4 ; millioe toms have heem
Every civilized couetry in the world is
rept-merited by pendent* at the theleereiey
of Berlin.
Germen peewee; tapped A telegraph
wire and utilized die eleetrieity in curing his
Cent. Briceson died on the Anniversary
of the famees battle between the Monitor
and teeMerrintec.
A Chinon, family's itonsisting aixperoones
can live comfortably for a morith on $7 in
their native land.
ilea tweeted hereelf of having him had happeeerl, so mournful, go tragical 1 feestb a coughing 4k witggo spas aro some, rbie tiering seeding °armee to England, where
beeeuse Oliver bad whilied to al?algism her. The girla were uotat home Bo Art went te ham aevere thee they wonee be Hedy to theY are el"hled eevelt7.
thiele with you air mid Da Meavee. be waiting for leer at their home,
rob 26: when alio awekened from a trauces sPaPer earlerd-
Ali the Merehioness wal prepertog to go laatlng
the good woman haetened to add PeartY twelve days, This folrowed i° estimated thet 40.000.000 See are re
her 410y -five-day aleep, after tk brief inter• tdreelannuallyfor the laity/aye of the world
"They have done beautifully, and are a 1, wben tho eleeper came out of this which will take 000,000 tree', te produee
though tb4V Are net liu,'""Nomau'l giveu her utOurally aud when an ettempti thin 61160,000,00 tone of coil.
everybody ha Giromery levee them. 1)471*4 ivog mode to food lw AvOffelotfy most of .
de :sleeve° bad been °no mistaken la Ar• 34`rti. Altiesumer etents1 factilnee et tieriee II)" 414 1148414211 ead 80ewe areat eaPeeltY
Her avowal didnot satisfy me, and was
seeking other proofs.'
"Dora seek them, it le itseleiet."
"Whya do yeti knew eliything,"
"Alm Alm do I hum", "And euds
only elates up, 4rtu, etreight, and
Yen telth Mile color la hie °heeler, he
aid, "Mee De Mauve; if emu bed bad A
rother Who wee a thief, *brother who wee
forger, a hrether who wari e murderer, a
w know as well rut do gArclAIR$ thAt =era ff4
louloratand lb all, mei excite(' it ell, 4
rother cowardly enough to *now 11,11 OWA
tiler to be emeeed and molted
r the mime, eowerdly eteetigh not even to
eek toddy in flight, Weida you not have
hrewa 4 revolver to him, all reedy loaded,
theta lie could &feud himself le eme he
ere ettaeked."
"Perhape," said the tiegletrete.
"And God, who wiee and knows all
Inge, had made this revolver go off the
4 Mimes added* "ivill you Allem me to be a
, totem/mates elene with Mr. Jamul"
" "He la (1611E104u and could net attend. to he
"What folly tide ?" ehe =immure,
Titer erore her own weraa, said the man
aa he repeated whet Isobel eaid to bim
The Matilda Ard Matehlonme looked a
*AO another in terror.
Rad they heard aright? liad they undo
toed properly ?
" Tuba kill Oliver to avenge hermit fo
betrayal I Whet an nulikely story I"
"We errested her and gave her in chug
of Mr. de Mauvee," Added the officer, as h
bowed awl withdrew.
"Isabel arrested fa it not *mere atory
Suddenly the Abele timeght Hutted
throagli the mind* of both.
Junes perhaps knowa the truth if 114 14 the
eue that he else woe in the but, and That
is the explaution of hie delirium.
They and him out of bed trying to open a
whitlow. The Morquie talon him In hie
arms Ana curies him to the bed aside.
Clotlido embrame him, almost smothers
him In her cermet,
0,71imee," she sem "llama to Ito, minor
us. You alone can toll Uti. Did Isabel kill
He ladies filet at the one and then lie the
other and begfns to laugh. The fever and
delirium are not abmed. If only his could
opeek and tell the truth, bubble Roar moon
is &greeted, and he cannot seve Lobel.
It fe in vain that she pressee him, Inteech-
ee, Implores.
He remeins dumb,
And so the days pus on. The fever does
not diminish. The doctor comes every Mier,
prescribes the greatest ore and oontinuel
watching. He fears that Jamea may kill
Minedf in aome spasm of the delirium. Cita
tilde le with him oonatantly, never loving
1114 berlaide for a minute, She woula alive
thie mu if oho could, this lest one, at the
price of her health, at the price of her own
life if need be. And she beholds him so
delirione, so feeble that she it doubtful.
What the looka atihia cheeks flushed with
the fever, at his oyes so brilliant and yet so
expretaionless„ at the poor young body, onoe
so vigorous, now wmted and miserable she
believes she sem the hideous form of death
there on the bed.
Theday after Oliver's death, Mr. deldwaves
was hurrying to Bargemont. He bad in-
terrogated Isabel, and had. received the
invariable reaponse.
I killed him because he had abandoned
"Did you know that he Wile guilty of Mau.
borgue's murder 2"
"Yea, I SAW him murder the man. Since
Oliver is dead I have no further reason for
"And you did not wish to give over the
man you loved?"
"Yes, you gummed rightly, I did nob wish
"And that was the true, the only reason
was it ?" he persisted.
"Yea,the only moon. Does ib not mem
suffieiet 7"
"Oh yes, I daresay," he said, with a slight
Did he believe her guilty, or had he ether
He hurried away to Bargemont. He
wished to question thromarquia and his wife,
to see the corpse, and make a close examine.
tion to satisfy himself ib was not a ease of
When he would have questioned Olotilde,
she reline&
"I can geese what you wish to ask me
eir. You would like, to know what the
relations were between Isabel and my
eldest son. These relations only existed
brit very short time for Oliver only re-
tained to 13oagenioni: this winter, and had
been away for years. Isabel was only &child
when he left. Intimate relations between
vhe two can only have established themselves
since the month of August, the time that
Oliver returnee to the castle. I have the
greatest confidence in her. I know the up-
rightneas and dignity of her (diameter, and
I don't believe it possible that there can have
been any thing improper."
"Then what is your opinion on the mat-
ter ?"
"I don't know whet to think. I am un-
able to ram° just new, rilY head has been
so weak for some time."
"I beg your pardon, Madame, if I have
fatigued you with my queetione assure
you I had no other end in view but to spare
you a fresh trouble in being useful in some
way to your adopted daughter."
Mr. do Mauves then withdrew. He was
anxious to see the Marquis, but the latter
excused himself from seeing him on account
of fatigue and suffering. He did not wish to
insist that day, but wrote to the Marquis
that it was indispensable to have an
interview with him, and leaving to him.
self the choice of a day. Bargemont
ealewered and fixed an hour.
Mr. De Mauves presented himself at the
"Who knowa 1" le
7 "Ile le Wry WI and the leg* Wipe may br
emelt it touched the ground, the but-
t, striking the guilty Man full in zho
eut, had put Au cod to the Ornate mei
*weir, would you believe youreelf piny 1'
'240, sir."
Wella then," mid I: You know
now. Igebel frigidity el eothing. She
was not there wine Oliver died, woe
one with my brother, mid white took piece
tut aa I hove told you,
The Megistreto Advanced with outstretch-
ed tenth to Jamen
"I have eireeily Said that you had
y eyeripuby mad than I pitied
front the botteni of my bout. your mind, not even as a rummy. Tot nte obtained for the aeklug. Ai; Mr*. TOWS
it Abeo ution or gerelernuatiou hews remeinedyourmothen lifil!argemorit purely physieel, the Spiritaallete got little
"Ile/love tee that I *hell prudent.
* "Very well, sir."
The megietrate vine Out when 13*
uddenly tuned mei duped Bergernent'
end, eaylog,
" alwaya as the friend of th.e Marquis
ef Bargemen; and note* megistriibe that I
going to quieten your seri" meet
builkgdidm with A gesture and do hia
weed out;
° Clotilde was with tjerneS
eitterad the zoom. The Marge Ilea
called Away so that de hslauves r
alone with the patient.
Ho approached the bed. Jennie wee not
loop. Ho looked the magistreto with
largo elating eyes, and then turned over on
his other stile without the slighteet look of
to meke every effort' to lieten to me, and
eu e."
mule movement, hub de Meurer
b diacouraged.
" wish to know from you what took
plate' in that ,hut in the forma You wen
there, and we hero found there A revolve
tlust belongs to you. Do you uncleratam
me ?"
"Yes, I underitaud. rm. You aro aPaait'
Ing of & revolver,"
"Well, this revolver, who wise it; that
made me of lb ? Wu lb you, or was it your
brother spinet himself 1"
"Who ? ' *tam:tared the poor fellow, with
his eyea ateadily fixed ou the magletrete
now, and making vieible efforts to recover
himaelf, And rekindle the faint opark of in-
tellig,emoo which had escaped hire.
"Way it you t" de Mauves repeated "or
was It Sashed
"babel ? Isabel ?"
"Do you remember 2"
"Who made use of it 3—They Are my
"No, recall your recolleotion. You were
not at the fort that morning. You were
alone, walking in the forest. You were in
the ruined but. What took place there 1"
James now had an astonished look.
"I don't know, I don't know—my soldiers,
my soldiers."
"Think now, sir, that you can be very
"Be kin enough. Airs" ifnli de MOURN
dillgeet end ekiltd et their wee; 0404171>W, trace her fete teemed ueled. Ewen the Peet Ayrtoe mitimetee that the newer
OW have 4olvh h matell coaragai P4144 alv little ecurithmeut whieh *he had meted et Niagere. Fella ieeeeeile that which
mahleg ever7 ofiort td alhlear cheertai tr4evieutty edittorhed when 'melte eeuld OOt eould produaiel by the alma ceneurn
pethfoukidellr4etptat4feir4h4erer N44zzatiotrdaingamotheenfit jtechatedla.k. clvDarr,mitelekl r. eatevlialhwed94ttibet treit; Shesell'inelnagk' 4.1411:ear :atigrze'caleol/y//td: paetilliig•1444recvAcgre,rYcearla:
did they believe her guilty, end shim Mr. young womee bee oeteeed wog.
reetIrta the Maretit, theY 'Nora 11° aat'eth 'teem undimmed, hat while awake She ie free fur 44147'
lolled to see him mistaken second time. A4
the WOMen OSnie re embreee her. As for
the hoy; ehe has ody to flay the werds end
toet1900 w She Mild IMO ton heahatide, and
Sen* of the richeat ferment In the iteighbitur-
hood* to)."
The Marehluese left the good woman to
her chatter and heeteecel to the home of the
At quite a dietenee she iieW watching
for her at the drew.
They threw tlienamilvee lute her Arms ex-
" Mother I mother 1"
Alter thia feud embrace. Clotilde clasped a uper e mother, ivtio ia juet eoevaleci
qeently in whet Spirttualiste would eel( 4 glrl vibe had bool' l'reabled for loag
betr4papegale9;44eijetWeThereSheee 8d8etnulo hetoorneres oel/ itsibiwwwoma."Al4M4Qiemel4awc4iiith4ditixliee.beoYI4d8wwaBt::
er owe. condition. Rooentiv 44414 spftf, lay it emu her eye*. She did se, end
albite elute dawn from Becheiter. and W"'s C94141:443etY 4/1"4,
bhrou414. the influeoce of a yourag Attlee The kangaroo is said. to have gob 14 mime
weman who la acqoainted with the family, in thie weir ; Capt. Cook Bret dlicevered ttaz
succeeded in entering eve hick chamber, to, animal la Australia. Whim inqoired its
which few etraegere have twee admitted! mule * netive the letter replied, "Ran-
eine° the waters cleteeted Seine thee NOW had Werore' whicb irt the Auttridism ituguathe
They tried to convince Mre, Tome, th iie jg
The 4ret beak in the Ifelted &Mee WAR
ATTEXIIV) To route; sererxee soe now,
he Beek of North Auseriee ehar Wed 'hy
their kends in. bee* ;end uld ; trout * broken leg, exit Mae Altbouee h
bly deeghters, my dear deughtere, I am
the mesmeger of the emit of newt. Now do
not rehiee eie, or you will melte me the en-
baheleat of women. Come back to the asie
the Let ell be forgetter), like AA evil dream,
err uightinue, lot it no longer dwell in
mimed her rebel= end ought to have bee
a Spiriteelistic mediette They &ceased herd
of nein reepozeihie for the girl's helpletiai
emolititm, which, they eald, wee due to berg
not laving received proper adviee and Add! tp
from Spirit -4414M, whieh could heve beim'
Cargrese At the instence of Ilebert Morris
780 And by the Stet. of PeiniVINAZHA
7S1, with ii eapital of *MAO, ie
exigence le Philadelphie.
II, little ftkii knife of your comatenee ink° you haek. You aro my rieughtera. I 111/17 eatibtled that her deughterhi ailment is
thet eou .as from my cousiciimool" you ill And the mime care, the seine *fee iteliafecrieu.
rue, thui o mime tendon:tee" The Spirituelisto heves, however, become
tIebeolve you, sir. Will you he my ii hi .:her 1 mother I" they repeated heal. greatly interested in the case, and A WOMAU
friotidl" tetlegly, :es they bent their head* auesdeee ; Whig hear hero offered to cure him. Ala
Jeulee burst oub gobbing. An hour after- "11 wo were happy hers, wo might reinee house if thefeinily would cement to peer the
wards be wai on his way hack to Bargemeate to torn; but we ere ao wretched, and have experlite of bringing Medium Eddy from
nth Emil for affootion." Bestial to aid her. Ile offer never reached
They wept; they were conquered, the Tome family, for the person Mao wax
" Teo pot is forgotten, wild Mukha, aeked te Andre it 'aid nothing about it.
Axil o beck with yeti mother, shell we no WHAT T
and the same (wetting Imbel rejohaed her
doter at Giromegny,
caana. VII.
Two years hews reseed sine* therm events
happen' -d. James has leib the Army. Ile
r knew tine; hie mother, After *o many Mame
tare, could not exiet apert from hint. And
then he blushed for his brotherti laulte ab
moot as if they had been his own. If them
Write Immune linos= to his comrades, they
would, uot continuo to give biro their friend -
.hip, nor oven their sympethy. So he pre.
fere to live A lielitai7 life at the Stone Giant
with his &filleted family.
Winter is paleIng mew. Already the
cold be less 'lover°. The mow lies cileappeer-
ed. The firs on the mountain Mee wave
their verdure triumphantly through thew ke
and other treee as get allow no agree of life.
All the dwollera in tho Stone Giant are
mutt ohenged.
The Marquis has grown atrengely old.
ueeful to this y:aung girl 'by tellin the triith
Isabitft" • -
Isabel trolled She knew very well
why hlarthe Accepted ao seedily. Wes she
net i'Mlitit176111rfght of hew 'motet dealt -en
Wm elle nob to see Jemea nein ? Mantle
would he happyethough she izereelf would
Ime her peace of mitut
(en as CONTINUED )
A Mazarin Bible brought $10,000 at e. e.
cent emotion sale in Laudon.
The Emprese Frederiek has been eleotel
•vioepretsident of the Soldlera and Smilers
families Astoolation.
The Doke of Weetminater hes-mice bed
Butyeatorday SO atria and hearty, he la the yetiden ay of movement for eatabl
nowbroken down and br eathless, aubject ea 2o yttahnio Imeltute for South-, West Lon -
sudden trembling; eveu whou wettable him dim
aelf beside the drawing -room fire. The thaeen hst eent a donation of 430 to-
Clotilde also is unrecognizable. Wrinklea wArd Bishop Stirling e fund ror the erection now. Hers ailment. is an ulcerated eon -
have seared that face which was so delicate of church at Stanley in the Felkland dition of the stomach and tho membranes
anti high bred. She reMins her look of dia- land, of the abdominal cavity, / am told, britI
Onetime higher great eyes are dim and -red, A Squadron of the Gth Hussars and & bat- am not treating her and don't know. I do
ehe has wept so much, and weeps so snitch ealion of the 49113 Line Regiment are to be not see hove she exists."
atill. the guard of honour of the Queen during her
James also has tiled II 1 h
Hit st,zarau HUHSULT
nrt 14 an leaf; 1 CoUld. %let hIATat for the careen ; and understanding of hie adversity
men engaged a cafe concert
rtein itio gueeta et e recent
, before the meeting WA: (MeV
heritorte of 30 wen the beerti of
of the house, and eloped with
ny were At dinner,
There are three :hinge in epeeell thet
ughe to be comidered before wee* tbinga
are spoken, the manner, the pima and tbe
God wilt pots suffer mate to have the
knowledge of things to come ; for If lie had
pratelerice of his prosperity he would be
sitters who take turns in Wistchieg the and- he would bo setuieless.—tSt. Augustine.
f- rer, refuse to elk or Allow such quo:Atom
to be' lulked. As near ae they would go to- of Vilhoodenathaonoourr retrusuistryar,aliltel cwinitnhotth boo is,t4ows
ward it was to aiik the patient if the tiniest-
od to o into enotber keg trainer very s tithed • hat when the dietetes f
cor, mue c e
She sri cl she did. not, but ahe could not tell
raneh about it..Heereply wax in &milt* wide -
per diet it was hisrdly audible to the sister
who wilted the question, Mrs. Althonee WAS
in much eppuent prostration *lit even thie
quationing and the effort at a reply seemed
hotter are contrary to those of reliaiou and
equity, they are the great deprivetions of
human neture.—tAddison.
Had not exercise been neceasary, nature
would tot have given such an activity to
the liege', And Sea A pliently to every port.
cruel. Shells only slcm. deep and bones, aa produces those compreseiona and exten-
weighs about 85 pounds. A dcotor V4.141014 necessary to the preservation of mach
has made II study of the ease mid; "Mrs. I & syetim.—[Addison.
Althenee has bed two long -dances, one of It is no more potable for an Idle MAU to
thirty-three and tne other of thirty-iive days keep together A eartaluatook of knowledge
duration. There have been many shorter than leis postible to keep together a etook
ones, Wheezer she wee wake or asleep I of toe exposed to the meridian, Bum Every
the loam of viral power which haa been going once ; And the only way of preserving the
on over eighteen months. I thought at first hulk and value of the pile is by contently
it; waa hamlets, but I don't believe so adding to it_cpow, Sydney smith.
do not see how her system :has withstood day delltroye a, foots rolution, co an Ian.,
znstaat Biarritz.
ore now. T °raise vrays the same thanght y "Niagara in London" show 114 14 have
f the truth is indeed what I conjecture." in his heart, the loss of his love and the lose a phonographic reproduction of the real
"The truth! Here itis. My soldiers march, of his honor.
obey, are devoted to me to the death. thunders oir the cataract to implement the
We find. them once more together near pietoebei attractions.
They would allow themselves to be killed to
the last roan if war broke out."
"Look at me, listen to me well and try to
the fire, anent and meditative as we saw
there on the evening whet, the Marquis was
merited. Oliver alone is absent hut hie
recognize me, I am Mr, de Mauna with minxiory remains hateful, for ib ia he who
whom you hadan interview the other day. has broken these three lives and oast dark
But James closed his eyes, his face appear- shadows on these faces.
ed as that of a dead man. It seemed as if as Suddenly the merehioness rises and ap-
Mauves would geb nothing out 01 131111. preaches her husbaud, Pawling near Jame;
'Unless the boy recovers his senses very she stoops, kisses him on the forehead and
quickly, he said to himse]f, or if Isabel does, whispers
not decide to make more explicit confession, "Youtivill sustain me if necessergre—
obeli always remain doubtful aboub this jamee does tot understand and looks at
whole affair." his mother with some ourpnie as ehe goes
Ile came back several times eerie!, James's and kneels down by her husband. She
illness, lint the dookor forbear. .ey more looke mournfully, The old menes trembline
questioning. He began to have borne Ova -
miring hopes of recovery, and the phyeician,
in whose skill reposes the life of a man,
has the right to lay his counnande even upon
the law.
So Mr. de Mauves came back no more.
Isabel continued to reply to him, "114 was
I who killed him, Do not look for anything
else. How do you expect both to judge and
condemn me 7"
The English Treasury Department
contemplating' the issue of SI note; as
remedy for the depreciation of the gol
currency by constant nee.
The Queen has subscribed B25 to the
filed being - raised for the restoratiou o
Weirford +Church and the preservation of its
antique and beautiful window.
Adapting Thinself to Ohnumetenees.
First Drummer—Alfa°, Sraith 1 I
thought you were going to meat me in MI.
Waukee lest trip?"
Second Drumnier—"I was there."
A First Drnmmers—" I did not see your
d name on the hotel register,"
Second Drummer—"Oh, well, you see,
when I'm in Milwaukee I always write my
f name "Schmidt;" it commands more rearreet
up there."--eAmerica.
Something tobe Thankful For.
One Dr. Tem, in England, is advocating
the sting of bees as a remedy for rheumatism.
He declares that he has treated with success
173 oases and has given in all 39,000 stings.
A marriage will take place shortly after
hands are resting feebly on the arms of his Easter between the Bishop of .henrith and
chair. Louisa, third daughter of the bee Rev. Pen.
She takes one of his hands and kiates iti
. nsrman VhartonWorsleyeCanon Itesidentiary
of Ripon,
eLswrenoe o wish to Lug you something., The English Patent Office is about to be
"Speak, Clotilde, what do you wish?"
gin the lame of a weekly newspaper, the
"Weare so sad,
Lawrence. Don't you "111uatrated Official Journal," whioh will
think a sight of hearths and Isabel would contain information as to patents granted
lighten our suffering 2 They have never been and applied for.
'timothy of our affeotions. Isabel showee
" just one thing, Miss Merode." how much she loved us, by the sacrifice she
"Well, what is it ?" was willing to make of her honour, her repu-
" The recovery of James de Bargemont." tation, her liberty. Lawrence, do you heal-
" Is he eiok ?" tate to recall them 7"
" He is dangerously so. Brain fever. "Not only do I not heiiitate," said the old
Alraost insanity, For fifteen days he was man, "but 114 14 long since I went to entreat
delirious and I could get nothing from him" the children to return to Bargemont."
"What did you hope ?" "And you have concealed that from me I"
"To get the truth from him." "Isabel sheeted even more devotion than
"The truth is none other than what you you believe, for she was in the forest, and
already know." was a witness of Mauborgue's murder. She
The Magistrate looked at her for a good saw the assassin. The magistrate knew ehe
while in sileneei and bhea said gently. had, but in order not to dishonour the name
"Who knows I Come, Mies Merode of the family who had unjustly expelled her,
"Jut explain how it was you made use she braved everything. She wanted to keep
of the revolver to kill Oliver de Bargemime" her terrible secret to herself. Up to the
"Bub, Air, this revolver." very last, she told nothing. And I entreat-
" It belonge to you perhaps 7" ed her to return, saying that our arms were
She la confused, and looks at the magistrate opine,.
in evident terror. "And what answer did she make?"
"Yea, sir."
"That by work they had both attained
"013 I and where did you buy it 2" indek)endence and preferred to keep it, that
"1 did not buy it, was given to taw" we had expellee them without telling the
"By whom.' reasons, and called them ;hack without ex -
"By James," she mid, with some hesita.
" A singular present for a young man to
give to a young lady, a brother to his sister
—Don't you agree with me 2"
"Yet eir.---"
"And had it been long in your peeeee.
Yes, for a few weeks."
"And how would you answer the Marquis
The Prince of Wales will represent the
Queen at a banquet which she purposes to
give at St James's Pale.oe on the 25th woe.
to the members of the Council of the leoyal
Agricultural Society.
Princess Christian's weekly dinners to
the poor children of Windsor consisted on
Euesclay of peasoup, bread, rioe, and currant
pudding'. Her Royal Highness, who usually
serves, was swain present.
Scotland has a gold fever, the discovery
of a bit of gold in the gizzard of a duck re-
cently killed on a farm in Forfarshire having
been followed by the finding of gold -bearing
quartz in the same neighborhood.
The London and Northwestern Railroad
haS pub a dining car upon -one of it trains
and the whole English nation is open-
mouthed with wonder at the progress rail-
roading is making in Great Britain.
A commission has been investigating the
expensee of the royal honsehold for Queen
Viotoria, and extensive reductions in the
nutriber and salaries of the attaches of the
planations, that they would not return in court are expected to be made AS a result of
any case until, they were made acquainted their recommendations,
with thesereasono,"
The Mardi:limiest iieighed deeply and look-
ed At dames, who WAS paler and paler, and
whom love was oonsta.ntly tormenting1. .
Lawerence," she ssAci, "they resisted
you, but -perhaps they- would not
resist her whom they have always called
mother. Are you willing that 1 should
An Englishman has produced a piece of
Mechanism containing four hundred figures
representing horses, cannon, attillety, in.
fantry, and a band of filty.two men, each
with an instrument. 'A tiny windmill turn.
ed by the current from burning candles fur.
nishes the povver to move all the figures
"Have yon done anything for me 2" asks
the condeuaned men, in pitiful tones, as his
lawyer entered the cell.
"Yes, indeed," said the legal gentleman,
gleefully. „
Oh, what is ?" demanded the murder-
er, " &pardon 2"
e N0.11
"4 commutation of sentence?"
is logo
"Then in mercy's name what ?"
"I have succeeded," said the lawyer,
"in having the day of your excution chang-
ed from Friday to Monday. Friday is an
unlucky day, you know."
Make a Note of This.
Pain banished as if by magic. Poison's
Nerviline is a positive and almost instan-
taneous remedy for external, internal, or
cod pains. The most aotive remedy hith-
erto known falls fer short of Nominee for
potent power in the relief of nerve pain.
Good for external use. Buy a 10 cent
sample bottle. Large bottles 25 cents, at
all druggists.
Por certain crimes, such as assaults upon
women, it has often been advocated in Eng-
land that a freer use ought to be made of
flogging as a means of punishment. They are
singularly slow inputting the suggestion into
practice but the oat as a corrective has not
dropped 01114 of sighe for the Earl of Milltown
has a bill before Parliament providing cor-
poral punishment for persons attemp" ng bur-
glary and found in possession of ti arms.
This proposition is probably due to the bur -
glom scare which swept over the country a
few months ago, when the burglar, like
another unweloome visitor, beat with equal
foot at poor men's doom and kicked at the
gates of emperors. 'Ihe experiment will show
whether the burglar scares as easily as the
public. How would it do to extend the pto-
vision to cover those householders who retire
at night with doors and windows unfasten-
ed, thereby almost asking the burglarionsly-
inclined to practise their profession?
Brief 314 Pointe<I.
A very busy young Math the week of whose
wedding had been decided upon, wrote to
his flatcars cm a postal card ; "What day,
Toms rt The atenver mime back promptly
aim on a postal c.rd: "No, Wed 2"
Ella. Wheeler Wilcox says she vill never
atop writing poetry until she reaches 40.
We may expeob to see her 'eras for the
next three decades at least.
Sarah Bernhardt has wielded more 'an-
imate over the world of dress than that exer-
cised by any other evorean in the world
since the diva of the Empress Eugenie.
A:Parisian critic, who had never been
near Ireland, writing of a new composer's
music, said that in ib "0140 seems to hear
the patriotic songs of an unknown nation."
An innocent amusement—Deacon Dry.
bones (at a meeting toproteat against ht.
anguration balls)—Dancing, my brethren and
sistern, is simply hugging to musks. Unso-
phisticated sister—Is thet all it is 2 I got
an idea 'somehow that dancing was something
"Tell your mother, Johnny," said his
kind naaiden aunt, as she placed a pieoe of
cake in hie hand, that I was very sorry
your sister couldn t come." "And what
will I say," replied little Johnny, with an
air of strategy, "11 mums asks where is
sister's piece of cake 2"
Lord Wolseley has been writing an essay
upon the English swords, that proved in
recent battles in the Soudan to be no bet-
ter than sticks, bending and breaking under '
the most ordinary strain. He says that the
present style of sword is too light by two or
three ounces, and too thin in the "fuller,"
but he thinks that one main trouble has
been that the weapons were weakened by
the testa to whit% they had to be aubmitted
before acceptance, and he sagely suggests
that it might be better to accept the swords
without testing them.
The negro exodus from this State is about
to take the form of colonization of negroes in
Arkansas. The nogroes are holding -MASS
meetings almost nightly, and negro orators
and preachers of this section are especially
active in the matter, and issued a =miler
yesterday calling a main, to organize the
"North Carolina Emigration Association,"
for the purpose of securing organized action
toward colonizing all the negroes in the State
of Arkansas, where they are offered lands
for a trifle. The circulars 8147 that while
people do not want them bare, they have
determined to go. It is complained that
the election law, school law, and other laws
passed by the last General Assembly were
passed to 'crush them out. They propose
to colonize on unoccupied lands in Arkan-
sas end follow agriculture.