HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-4-4, Page 200,140NEL1 =OE.
A Perinea andlen otheet Itobbeel itto Two
?BARI'S .01" TH11111.
l'Itteney is tee frequently. masts:hen or
An Indian offieer, eaye theSixefaeld (RV) The manliest sirt of wisdom is thinthatad
." Telegraph' me respectable at sane a gen- elteerfulestes,
tleman as ever weot nee to Hindosten to eat
•VarrY and rico and get bitten by oeneipeihis
and mosettiteen Newt meek yoot he wee
not a to=U ot fancies. Ilia Mind had
not been tainted with ehe aliehteat breath,
nor theelmele of the ahadow of the 9tientat
eopereattion of along reeidence in the Rest
amen a half civilized people is aped Werk dna play are ueeeesaey to eacb.
engender. No. he could ;rive a friend a other, but they should la,ot be naired,.
iloartY OP et the hand or ntrlite damn aloe, Gee good thought retained ma oineteouine
and met One Mistake abeut it either. ind ones let go, audwe would be hatter
Wellohe obteirted Iwo on forleugie mut em
wane to Ragland With his gliter,
pretty, dark awed girl of 16„ whom he tied
lotonglit over to complete her edneetio.
She bad ealty given Aligns of a pectielity
foe music, iseneeially that of etrieged rn
Sft'Ulnente, and be father bt tet in
other mattera: dia not etend In the way a
her washea beteg gretided. SO AIM tine
Afternoon no and, oute *trolled atone his
hotel inHolborn end walked. down Ne;v
Oxford ateeen lelehrelyemoking OM fever-
mac Terrible condition pr. a tittle our.
41, peculiar and dietreseing eases has Nme
to light he Pitteaurg, wbieb isbothof intereat
$htme vows to zto matt uraeesba ekesett
N the medxcat tritternity and to the methore
of °Waren who are in the habit of dietieg
lpa it tba way.
et: emseiroaen PeunteS, buttooe mad other
Aemelathea evag mm '' eent tvekt'an'articles of a aometvitall digeatible
temptation la a motoryt nature. This letter rev nowpoint oat this
T'reth tile propersa
ty of e bulivitioel, aecteeth
ue ee e ebaeren as eerrhae exam
but es the treeeore 'oil mete. ple of the practioe of puttleg peneleafz
their mooth, The tie:tin:tin this ease is a
child, hoe Nee yeeoet old, and it la likely her
illeeeit van result fatally.
'Julie Stneop, a 4 yeer•oIcl girl* SWellowed
a penny about four or five months ago aud
Learnito awl act for youth
aelf, Be 16 tv-day 4"ireacg fon..10 reaulte. Her
et pArenta are of German memo.
vtgibine. Keep ahead rattler than fres—ata A, cell wee :mete at the honte the other
the time,
eveumg, bee as tile parents could Dot fully
Nothing is ao cootagioua aa example ; we enderetana the nature of the reporter's
are never either nsuoix mod et, evil without visit, a aalgilbOring lady, who hem taken
imitators. much haterest in the chad, offered an ex-
Contenbnent ie a pearl of greet rice, planation of the case, and pleasantly gave
•and wboever pzocures it at the expense of wbet little information alio possessed, in, the
ten thouaand deeiree makes a Wise artd case. The family oeVer spoke very freely
py patehaae, a the accident, and the details ere meager.
Tat 1 m As: far es amid be Teejems that
He bad eome out: with the intention a Ile who "Maw in hit oendllet justice one day, several meuthe ago the OM was
eelectuiga atimalge ereelbe forbianttu ellda, and charity, aocomplishea the men beAu given a peeny, and as the gad no pockets
end ae Mel works,; the geed men 5, iflhie WV, b d o t -t •
er resit, a e pu er moptb. A
the greetest of all artiate.
TgOreAT Tug rElftlalle eudden, Shook ceused the little One to etvel,
whIcla Might wealtagive leer all the lethertt Good manners te the ab of making tneee low the coat. The cote lodged lo a mo,
asdWbbIe pride in hie deugbtee ceadd, be people easy with wiatine we convene; who- meat in her throat, ana that peened, into her
read in that fine otd sulibtunt face. Hee ever makes theft:tweet peopie uneasy is the atoncich. The child did not complain of
erePt bearing, military gaieema general well- beenbred man in company. feeling ill, aalthough afro. Stxoop was
advised to pheelo her she di4 not do ao,
The coin atilt remains in the Mara etemeeb
or bowela, 4 few cave Afterwera the data
complatned o feeliug ill. The mother
then ht ib Watt enly A alight ailment, an4
no p pitman wae cur:awned.
Aboot a Month ago the eitihre body be.
QUeen'el Beth. cense inaamed, end etton Afterward large
eruptive tenet: broke out over her body.
The ttleere rapidly apread until ttedey abe
4 nutaa of feeteripg Iltelo Her euffer.
loge are iettenee, For over a week alio bee
eaten arlacoria food, and Walesa to partake ot
any witeu offered to be. Her lite Is ems-
itayie4teemtl.by the iojeotion of 110145 into her
8. physician from the cIty WAS aommoued
about two weeka ago, =a although be has
dome everything in his power to check the
malady and ausMie life, his efforM are
"Pooh,' be seid, terneng up ble ogee and Migesty engaged 124. gettuag outside of his Inv,„vidla frnitletba
addrentino Camel " teeth rubbitan breelefaet, eott au the Note manner it bt teal hee fAMUY ,are ctamerkablate eireum
V etuta tberee is:miner loww, 'ewe Poe the leatolsgmeen four hundred which la per The u44bAla elnP'fl°4 ia ena
been in **tale thla boat tees yore awl 1014,41 to waist fo thia greet teatime of aftbe teettr-by fentorles. 4.a bee beim
know a good leente when Imee one. May. cleeulautot. Beeideo Agee, the prtvileged ut4tg4 Previtlealaa 'the tenalia' are Otamama
he ide benjo
you are Wentiog, eirt" imeetoters cenieleb of tits tonitge allotaters and 'have made but few acatudataatalalis
;.• her elm higiseet efliciele Mid the Fla.
Tog 4r4 mistaken, rey mann' oes of the titteeth The Priam Mktiater eget
the Colonel, "I am loolting at tee French, Resident aloe° are allowed to be
"If lea a violin yea be waotatd teel during this :august ceremony. The
sir* you mule de better 'an 49 qaten terself is clothed MI in ecirlet and!
bOILW Ow trust two Irdautemitallideetteller Mel opon Ted tativtli threeei Corrn
.0344 Ifrehtlealrely, "WI MI just leok at o recede milled off with red curtain, ante
len sir, mid if oott don't like "cm there* behind thie IS rolled a great bath tub
no herrn done, air." *et on wheelie 4 aoterare preeemion files
The was Ea wouldthronh, baseline the Water for the bath,
not mind the walk, he mad. Titelerger the materials for the fire to beat it made directly
cholee the wales It would be to select a under the bath -tub iteelf, the towel*, soap,
good oue for bls daterbter. perfume and various toilet appurtenenoen
"Yee, Or," mad the noun "Titet's our As Noe 45 the water is *affiliated beet-
epecielty ; we have old itundteds title year
Nale Apr/Armee gaote aloe a dist-mien:4W
etre eod =my a foot pemeoger turoedremad
Audi leoktel, at hiva from Mere =amity, A
tameive gold dodo of eratty ludieu work
eperkled an hist dark caehmere weisteeete
Ana two &old rine% were en hle Atmore,
whiele heti bent promoted to him by the
Ilajoix al Gwallee; end in Ilia band he core
tied oeteut tlialarea. eaue, ivory 'handled, The Freeth papers report that tbe Quee
eltomeotly hie eyea emeght eight et oalunt of Madegescer bat: jun taken a bath. Pert
ortnilow 'where au emertment of olellos, haw aerieditout will not at awn quiet rea-
beeitge gltiMee, eta,* Steed temptingly int Ifee the aolemnity and importance of tale
vItieg the Atteetton of buyern belted eteteeneut othweruntg the amulet abhitione
a few otioutmoo the pavement With a vieW Of the Queent which Are the sensation. ef
to 'tweeting the eta* preparatory to walk, year to that distaat island. They celebrate
log Wide, the oeciwien of the "Peetivel of the Beth"
At tilt* moment Man wbo =noticed' with the greateat pomp end eerioueneae. In
hod dogged his footatepe, ea theleekent for the deem of Loma XVI. the faverea of the
'game,"approanberl and *Ise Appeared to multitude were permitted to come la and
gaze et the thew et latternmente, gage with, delight upon. Ilia Moat tibriettan
Life hale no bleseing like an earneet
friend ; thate ix:mewed wealth mote pre -
*AU than the power of roonerthe and the-
PeaPloat loud eppleuen—tRotersou,
ed tleefire le put out, prayers are oak and a
dor ledion ode hyena sung Imploriag. that the Queen Serer
And iso they walkol down,, turned opts no ham inutile= daring act, tted, then, aa
street into another of the *pleb by street*, she disappears bebind the curtain n salvo of
ot vableh there were to =my yettri ago in Artillery za fired. and. the drums beet to an.
thls pert of Landau.
Tbey soon 011ne to 4 hots°, the exterior
et which preeented by no means an appear"
auce of everluivitm heat used its a shop.
nounce to the excited multitude*: outside
that the important pert of the ceremony le
teking place. At the end of a brief fifteen
minutes the Queen reappears, lonnewhst
"Gar narebouse on the limb floor," ere paler in bus, but gorgeottely Arrayed and
planed the mare. 'iland If yen don't mita wearing all the Crown tewele. In her hand
stepping Mt* the office &all soon bring she °artiste an oxhorn ttpped and hound with
yea our obtains, elle" silver, full sof water taken from tbe bath
Saying this, he *bowed the Colootal into juab preview: to her entwine° to it. Bear.
'what he termed the oface—A email react ing this and eccompanied by the PrIme
°outgoing a Uhl°, a feet stool/ and a large Ministe ,r :the mart:hes to the palace portal,
easy Molar. where the dips a branah into the wetar and
"Pray be seated, sir," mid the Man, sprinkles the spectators se they pass along,
pointing to the large obair. which gives them the eetiefection of feeling
The Colonel tit:inked him* bad his hitt that they have in a Irma:nue altered in the
and stick on the table and walked to the (human whiela the Queen as the bead of the
No eooner had Ito eet himself down when
the chair yielded and down the Colonel
went, his items struggling lutlicrously to
regain more dignified position, Quick as
MU Meat MIMED Ott Mat
and held itim down, while hie confederate,
who had been hidden behind the back of
hie chair pate his arms round the Colonel's
weld and attempted, as It were, to drag
him through the chain
A desperate light ensued, during whit&
the Colonel, though completely taken by
itarprbie caught his first foe a well directed
kick which sane him reeling to the further
and el the room against the wall. Re then
tore himself front the chair, seized Meatick
*tut tante(' oaths aecona man.
lap went the Malawi% cane, its ivory han-
dle shining high next to the lo•ve ceiling: st
moment utore and the man's skull would
not have been worth a second's purchase.
But the first man, recovering himself, dash-
ed at the colonel's legs and sent hitn sprawl-
ing on the ground, his head just saving it.
self against the sett cushion of the chair.
To gag the colonel, bind his arm behind
him and rifle his watch and chain, rings,
purse and every article of value about his
person was but the work of an instant.
In the night he was bundled into a car-
riage and (laved away a couple of miles or
ace When they reached a lonely apot he
was aet down,
saU was namOvan,
and before he knew where he was the men
had already driven away. 'Suffice it nt say,
the colonel made the beat of his way ,so his
hotel with feelings of ill -disguised vexation
and chamen. All eubsequent eflorte ab
tracing his daring assailants were made in
The incident be soon forgot, but the facie
of the man Was indelibly impressed on las
Six years the colonel spent in India. He
then returned to London. The memorable
day on which hangs the center point of Aire
faithful narrative found him with guide „BRITISH COURTESItt
book in hand, explaining to 'his daughter,
ID true John Bull Mode, the history of the
figures in that well-known collection, Mine.
Tea:andel waxwork exhibition.
Entering a second chamber and turning
round, the colonel came suddenly face to
face with his assailant of years ago. A
emend -amid a blow from the 'colonel's
heavy hand bad shatterede to his 'horror, an
unfortunate waxwork inte a thousand pieces.
The fignre demolished by the colonel was
a waxen effigy of the notoriouli Burke who,
assisted by another ruffian named 'Here,
carried on a peculiar system of violence
and robbery, 'Which frequently ended in
murder. These raiscreenti were eventually
captured, convicted and executed. They
are eztahrined in the chamber of horrors.
The likeneee in wax was so good es to
lead the colonel to mistake the effigy for the
living man, with the result above described.
The mistake was made clear Deter due ex-
plenation. The colortel was profuse in his Mies Terry's adoption of a trimming
apelogiat and offered to pay, hut the prop made of beetle'a wings on a cloak she weara
Mainss proteabed that she was amply re- as Lady Macbeth has made it faehioneltle
-paid by so good an advertirternent, for the rest of feminine London.
nation had boldly eonfronted, Cannon are
la'red At intervals of every five minutes until
the is safely back on her throne again, and
the Princes of the rayalfarolly, the reprmene
tativea of the nobility and the foreign Min -
latent come and tender their congratulatione
ad preseve: giftst, express their joy
at the safe conclusion of the ordeal. It is
a time of general feasting about the lalanch
oxen are roested whole and the people send
gifta to one =other in, testimony of the un-
wersal toy.
Great Britain'3 Advantage.
A vigorous foreign policy is wanted by
the Minnettots. Legielature, which suggests,
among other things, approptiations from
the Federal Treasury of money for the
conatraction and operation of steamehip
lines to varioua place& including Japan
and Australia. The Unite& States, how-
ever, appears to be forestalled in this latter
uodertaking, for Great Britain ban agreed
to join the Dominion in subsidizing a
fortnightly steamer mail service to China
and Japan from Victoria, B. C., and the
Governments of Australia and New Zea-
land are to ada other subsidies for an ex-
tension of the service to Auckland and
Australian points, The subsidies for the
Atlantic and Pacific service will amount to
31,250,000 per annum, and a new and in-
dependent ocropany is to be formed bp
operate both lines. The United States will
undonlotedly respire to do.something in the
way of Government appropriations if it is to
compete it all with Great 'Britain for the
carrying. *rade of the world": but the
trouble ot that having no colonies that. dot
the earth our neighbors will have wt11 have
to do everything of their own volition,
while England" has Canada; Australia,
India and the Cape always ready to join, in
enterprises that will benefit both themselves
and the Mother Country. Surely this is one
great. proof of the strength and utility at
the Empire.
As Shown at the Funeral or the ?Late Rear
Admirat Chandler.
Weenattmeme, March 30.—The Officers of
the Navy Department are highly gratified
011ie participation of the British authori-
MN and forces in the funeral of Rear Admir-
al Chandler at Hong Kong in February.
More than 700 Highlanders marched in the
proeessictio followed by 1,000 sailors from
English men-of-war, each haying a crape
band:on hie sleeve. A company of the Nor.
thairiptonshire regiment, marines, Artillery
and marine artillery preceded the governor
and staff, the heads of the Government de-
partments, the consuls and a number of resi-
dents. The impressive serviees at the grav
were conducted amid the booming of minut
guns from the ships.
Anzesto:awolz Cozuttfusean:eWmaordtle4Z.04001C404., /10s
A list of Asnericans who are worth
000,000 mob and upyrerds is an isetereeting
comptletion as showing the personal ft:reopen
in the United State?. And it is aninter.
Kiting foot time initside of the Astor teadaVen-
erbilt families nearly all 'the American
who have this much money roade it from the
moat humble beginehms, lo the subjetned
list no man is mentiorted who isnot believe -
ed to be worth Koop,o00 or over ; An, ex-
traordinary coterie of rich men were these
who a few days ago acted as pallbearers
at the funeral of Westen Dobson of Bothie•
ham, Pan himself worth $e 004,000. Heb-
ei:ids pall bearers were thirteen be number
and the average wealth eaolt men represent
ed was nearly $8,000,000. The total wealth
at the thirteen wee $100,000,000. They
were E, P. Wilbur-. President of. tbeLehigh
Valley Railread ; Oen_ Doster, Ro-
bert Ricker Linderman, grandson of the late
Ase Packer; William Chapman, the million-
aire elate manufacturer ; Robert F,C, Sayre,
Samuel PrIce. Leisearing, Stanley
If. Goodwio, George EL Meyere, Robert
Lockhart, ex.Senator Batley Coxe„ whote
fortune le estimated at *20„000,000 4-ohn
Thomas and Daniel Berteb, the two latter
the chief railroad and coal barona of the
Lehigh Velley.
Ex Senator Palmier, of tdichigen monied
fertene, and is worth 86,000,000:
Vice President Morton is worth $10,004.-
000, and did not have a large neat egg to
inert with.
°mown, Washington Tertitoey,
peddled sewittg machines through Oregon,
and le MOW rated at VS 000,000.
L. Z Leiter, et Washington, D. C,. began
life poor, and is neW worth „slo,0o0,00a,
meet° meetly in dry elmats in Chicago,
Celdwell Cole, owner.f the yacht Daunt -
lea, le a bachelor of e5 years, and worth
O5,000,000. Mr. Cole ie Quo of the few etch
men who have iratelitecl most of their for-
Meet Ann on Iftlfatceit.
Clone Sprookies le rated se high as
000tootripe,a Manila:3, Detroit, has made Me
Robo Bonner, New York, began poor, and
bee et,000.000.
Gen. laueeell A. Alger, Detroit, le Worth
$5,00e,000 mad More.
The Aator beim will lelterit $200,000,000
meetly In gilt -edge reel MOON,
the. neledbtiorhoed, and when the accideut phil Armour, Char.:ego, began iiatt as
netnarech °ma' OM net Wm' wham to cal butther boy, and now bass $25,000.003.
n for Achim
jerboa-. Jeanine one of Chicago's olden
reSidente, 1304 mat145,000,0C0 In real eatet
PORRIGIT ROTES, leo° Marthall Field, Chiegge, hegau oet a eler
Potter Paluter's store and los $15,000
Prin Inure de Ligte Vim:tote
joughe fought o duel at midnight by tore Collie P. Huntington, the railroad ma
ligho In a .Frenth foreat. Nothing WM Zolcatroowcr once a poor men, and IS wortl* $10
wouuded except the treee,
J. P. liutehinaon, "Old Rauh," state
The French infaetry are to have :smaller
weepona aubatituted for their preeent style life et the aboemakern bench at Lynn, Mee
Pro ia worth S8,00E1,000.
of revolver, experiments baying I:hewn that
joint Blair Blairstown, N. le wor
$40,000,000, and began bit:deem by isellin
plug tobacco and notiona,
There are .000 women in the United
States earning heir own living.
A woman max keep a, macron but elle gen,
orally thinks it Ina worth while.
adra. Ormisten Chant is lecturing in Eng-
A ninety -foot Greenlaua what*: has me,
eently gone aeleore at Cettegate Denenarn,
the Oret one min in tinifie waters la many
years, althengb mace they w ere common.
Ita }skeleton le to be teat+ to the Copenhagen
lend= her Amerman expenenoe. KUIVISeanualien tile aniversal animal. It le estline
Oldeage dreeioniiker announces Iv:Wien) abed that there is 1,250,000,000 of him on
gowtung and frocking artiet" tte giobes The sheep rank next with 500,.
Mice Catherine T- SiMends of Boston, has 000,000. Three hundred milli= cattle,
been a teacher for fifty consecutive years. 100,000.000 hogs (the four -footed variety)
A bust of Mme. de Steel, by Canova, bas and, 60.0omoo horees continue the lists
in Perla.
hem been disoovered its a iiecond, hand shop enAtierni eottveerer ettirseetelLegadye fteafted oilef 4ineelineflifyin
Tv/gift...one iheeeeee hew, been ehosee the Loudon 'Times for the heavy (Weis:tee
for the Columbia Auuex, whom thirteen ineurrect in commotIon with the Perneia
corrinission. One well-known and wealthy
are womeu.
8000hr:eau has declared his readioess to
Mrs. Annie ttesent, the well-known eon•
fdrettereseohtelleritt aliteettagh. , is a member of the Lon- 1241 bParissbiesto 134.14veQ"0, beauty mum where tha
drat prize will be $0 000, and the public will
Mrs. Elizebeth Thompson, the philan he invited to make bets 'upon the different
thropist, is elowly recovering from 4 para. contestants. Logbern recently had Suck A-
lybe tarok° removed about a Month ago, Show, but the exhtints Were so unsatisfEW.
Bwitfon debatipe eocteey et trying to tory that the audience broke up the affair
Smith." btiyo 'liana Int hge °I; Inelytef stage,41:tatesta100,000 Pe -
unmarried woman physioieu aa "Wee Dr,
decide whether it is correct to address an
It is estimated that the increase of popular
month, exclusive of immigretien, whichlaeb
year was 518,000. The present population
is estiniated to be 64.000.000 and the next
census, to be taken in July, 1800, will pro-
bably give 67,C00,000.
Tract:Nation is conamlsory fit Eagleod an
optional in France- In the large cities o.f
Frauce the number of deathe from emall.Roic
was 1.956, or 0.31 per 1,000 of the living
popelatieu. In the 'urge eities of Nagano'
dozing the game rhe monitor of clothe
woe 331, qe 9,04 err 1,000,
rho poor thildren attendiug the Aberdeen,
Seothuol, public) eel -mole are supplierl with
dueller daily for one halapeony. On the
average Over vf) bundred childree daily
avail thernselvea of the privIlege, A Mere.
is now en feet to eupply tomay bort
and girls attending Scheel With elleep
alvilheW13..are, N. fr., a big eix-pouad get CM
an ow113 a tree mid decided to eat it. So
it Resembled up the tom, and after a 4904 r
sharp Vat, fell to the grouud deed. The
await big clime had been too much for It.
The bird was eaptured, end was found to
=ware aix feet from tip to tip of bat
tended winge.
The Mextmete bave a queer way of burg, -
lug the deed. The corpee at tightly VraPpad
in century plant :netting and platod in
coffin rented for about tweotiediee certho
Otte or two netivette as the time nay be, pleets
the coffin ma their ilead4 atel, go in A trot to
the grave, where the body le intorno), and
tthhee ceotteilleetfesettheeenerheetulstenetelot. aand theseelthroty exuteide
follow betide tbe ear on foot,
.4 Glasgow newapepee tom quite A nto
-kg ?may the neer, beeett hotting cheat the noinetain the coming marriage betweee young
gt differeet poratione held by thetii, When Ifni. "22311ctth,Teltn.e1/' at mn/rutbeZetul/frett4gecgonrelpaan 23714:na.
Erinrelated her experlence when she lived its Clark, a deughter sot one of the firm of
out In a bankerhfamily. The fat:wing die- 41
equelly famcue Atnericen threed makera.
d logue mined;
5. Mre. Erin—"If I had bud little bit more For yeare a bitter rivalry exiated between
eddication the gentleman would have put me the two Iteume, uatil the Scott:harm decide
lu hie office. an a clerk." ed to send an analtateador to Antericit to
One of toe mireeteopid he kee- .40 snake friendly overturee, dffe Was more than
g douate entry, taut r 4'4 8' vt auccessful, and the two greet llatkeea WM In
Mo. E.—"Double intry is ite The divil
double intry had he; he had all great big
foolding dome,"
A Sweet but Vauta)42bin: Vida
"1 hatl deligbtful dream lob t
" What was it, my dear ?"
" dreemea that I had a Directoire
thet ooat $150."
" You ought to stop readino Hag,
"Why ought I?" Miss A. A. Crisp, 4 protonic:nal nurse WM
"You. would hem) no meth. wildly impro. had served in South Atria, Egypt, and
bible dreemst, my dear, if you dbl."
of the Royal Red Cress from, Queen Vittoria*
Turkey, and who had received the decoration
went to New,Zealand five years ago to teke
charge of a hospitel. She ima just beat
married to one of the doctor,' theme and her
wedding yawn was the oestutne of her pro.
ft:talon, wbile the bridearrialds were nineteen
nurse, all in uniform, mhe crowd at the
church was so great that a way had to be
forced through tor tbe bride to reach the
" Science " says that in an experlineotal
observation of thirty.eighb bops of all clause
of *moiety, and of average health, who had
been naing tobacco for periods ranging front
two months to two years, twenteeseven
showed severe Injury to the constitution,
and insufficient growth; thirty-two showed
Mae existence of irregularities of the heart's
action, disordered momach, conga, and a
craving for alcohol; thirteen had intermit-
tency of the puha:, end one had 2ousumption.
After they abandoned the use et tobacco,
within six menthe onebtaf were free from
all their former symptom!, and the re
=tinder had recovered by the end of the
More lireoious Than. Gold.
Barium aelle for 1075 a . pound, when
it le Bald at all, and eal.clum is worth
31,800 a pound. Cerium le a shade higher.
Its cost is 1160 an ounee, or $1,920 a
These begio to look like fabulous prima
but they do not reach the higheat point;
chromium bringe $200, cobelb fella to
about half the prase of eilver„ while
didymium 18 the Sante price 44 oultutt,
and erbium. $10 +heaver on tbe °untie
than calcium, orjuat 11,080 per meted. se
11 the wealth of the Venderbilte be not
overstated, it amounts to nearly 3200,.
000,000, With this aunt they coeld
purchase 812 tone of gold and bime some-
thing left over, buts they couldn't: bay
two tens of gallium, that rare metal being
worth $3,250 an puttee, Wish thin metal
the bigheat price is zesohed, And. limey
well be called the rarest and mast pros:dons
el metals.
Glut:ham IS worth$200 an ounce; indium,
$153; iridium, $058 4 pound. ; lenthaniunat
$175, and lithium, 1100 an ounce.
hTlebium costa $12$ an omega; a. sedum,
pelladium, plata:tem, peteselom and rhodium
bring respectively $040, $400, $130, $32
And $512 per pound. Strontium coeM
$12$ an ounce ; tenteumt $144 ; telaritun,
39; thorium, 3272; venatliuro, 3320;
a yttrium, $144, and ziroonluret $250 ast
t 1 e
0, Ms Delahle Way.
k A group of girls, among whom. wae An Iri,th
,-, woman, let =Call her lgra. Erin, were paste
tbe amaller Arm le much more Accurate,
Germ= betaken ere said to have aperied
tetgOtiati044 With the Prince of Llehthustein
for tbe purpom of getting a grant of his
land at Vaduz for the establiehment of a
greet, internetiolod gambling hell to rival
that at Monaco.
German cavalry Wagers hereef ter will have
to int:lade eteeplech sing in their etudies.
Female physicians are allow o p
ID Terkel:taut but there be so little demand
for their aromas that they pay patients to
employ them.
It has jusb been discovered that out of
25,000 oative Kanskas in the Llama of
Noumea, 4,000 are edit:tad with leprosy of
the ivorst sort. Efforts to aNp the acourge
are under way.
A young girl at Ujitely, Hungary, has
been to the (looters ab Bude..Peath to be
cured of sneezing. She sneezes nearly all
the time, and recently She kept it up for
twenty-four hours on a etretolt.
Nine pereona were carried a dietance of
one them:and yarde, and four of themitilled
outrighb, by an avalanohe near Ste Michel,
Savoy, a week ago, and on the same 'day
another avalenthe destroyed the village of
Nivollett in the same neighborhood.
France, Austria, and Germany have adept -
ed +smokeless gunpowder for their armies,
and are conducting exparktents to get; an
expletive as nearly no:melees potaible.
A fair degree of success has been reauhed,
and experts have no doubt that b$r the time
Senator Jobe P, Jones came to tide count
try front Wee, And went gold huuting lu
'49, to lo worth $15,000,000.
Holy Itlegler, who built the Porto de
Leon Hotel at St. Auguetine, Fla,„ said to
ID the deed hotel in the world, is worth
George M, Pullman, the palace oar man
began life in a amtal furniture businesa in
Albion, N. Y. Be began on $150, and noW
luta $5,000,000,
Montgomery Sears, of Boston, inherited
$9,000,000 front his father, bete had to coo -
teat the will to get it. He is believed to be
worth 311,000,000. Hie father began life
very poor,
George Ehreb, a New York beer king, is
but 40 years old, and worth $5,000,000. "He
was so poor a few years ago when he remitt-
ed this country that he could nob speak the
&Oil language," is the way his financial
condition watt expressed to the writer.
John D. Rockefeller New oth, began
life as a book-keeper It:Cleveland, and ie re-
puted to be worth $60.000,000. He le dill a
young man and ono of the brainiest and un-
assittning of America's great financier& Hie
brother, William A. Rockefeller, is worth
James J. Hill, President of the Manitoba
Railroad, who, nob many years ago,
paid Norman W. Kitson 33,500,000 cash
for one-fifth interest itt the road, began
the next: Europeen war begin, the smoke
and noise of battle will have been doneaway eatning Tn°110 by working on the St. Paul
with. It is alleged that the French yid levee for $50 a month. Be was afterwards
suffer most bet this, as' the men of that na- agent St.,Paullor a line of river :itemizer&
M w ,
OoLossAr, ZOldtaliS,
Warner Miller is worth $5,000,000
Secretary Windomis worth$5,000,000
Leland Startford is worth $40,000,000.
P. T. Barnum began poorrai He has
tion are are least able to wittuitand. the terror -
thing effeot of being mowed down by eilent;
missiles trom unseen etuimies.
Dr. Kayser has succeeded:in obtaining a
photograph of the aurora borealis from the
summit of Monte Itigi, in Switierlaiad.
This is an interesting fact, it having hitherto
been regarded as impossible to photograph
Samuel A. Scott, Kansas City, has $10, -
sensitive to be bnpressed by its rays.
the aurora for want of a plate sufficiently
Gam. 000,000.
ID worth lege than
ther, in hie well-known physical geography, Joy Gould can not
graph the ennui; the most carefully prepar-
. 375.000,000. •
declares it to be utterly ampossible to photo
Russelt Sage fa 70 yearn old and worth
ed plate remaining neutral when expoeed to 800o0,000-
supra* ellmagoeyredreo8°ortoedlerebdo worth $6 000,000.
Charles Pratt, the Brooklyn oil man, is
dry plate—the amain troelcernplatte. , Charles P. A. Remiche began as a clerk
and now has.$5,000,000.
The "Army and:Navyt Journal" . prints -a 1.... . _ .
letter from a natiel„ officer, wild auggiette Ex -Gov. English, of Uonneotiont, has an
that the enchants, who
oiling troubled waters, learned this method Jahn Wanamaker. the new Postmaster
knew- the. ,value of estate valued et $5,000,000.
frezn observing ths. sea birds. All fish eat. General, is worth $10,000,000.
ing bird, cape pigeons, petrels, and the Senator James G. Fair kept a saloon for
like, eject oil from the mouth when captured, miners, and le worth $20,000,000.
In the South Atlantic and South Itamfic the J. W. Mackey, $30,000,000 was a ship
writer had witnessed sea birds floating i
al builder at dAys'wages before he was a gold
specee of comparatively quite water when 1.,„„tit
the sea around was rough. The unusual
snaoothreas of the water was evidently due
to considerabM guantides of oil delateited now $5,000s000-
nati, born in a otthin in Ireland and woeth
-"David Sinton is the richest man in Cincin-
by the birds. .
Andrew Carnegie, the iron king, is worth
The work of cutting the Perelroa Cabal; $10,000,000, and dame to this country from
by the BUSSialr Government, is now well Scotland a poor man.
under way. Tide camel is to extend across
the Isthmus of Perekop, connecting the Sea Sidney Dillon was 011 one time a brakeman,
of Azof with the black Sea. et will be and had no regular education. His fortune
seventy-four miles in length, and is expected is estimated at $15,000,000 to , $20.000,000.
to be completed in about three years. Aa Thefour male members of the Vanderbilt;
with most Russian work, the main object, family are rated : Cornelius, $110,000,000;
in this case is military, namely, to enable William K., 385,000,000; . Fredrick Otte,
war Steamers to pass from the See of, Azof $16,000,000 ; George W., $15,000,000.
, , , „
to the forts and' docskyaidee of Odesaa, with- itiere are eeveety men, all American °W-
ent circumnavigating the Crimea' °r aacaing zone, whose fortunes aggregate the big to.
through the dangerone straits of Kertob. tab of 81,413,e00,1300. Thin exceed a by
The canal bas also commercial iMportanne, 331.000,000 the total money oironlatiOn of
as the bulk of the trade from the Don River the United States on the fiat; day of the
and a great deal of that from Upper Volga present month, according to the Treasury
goes to °dem, so that the new canal will endemene,
very muoh Shorten the voyazefor all au ves. h. J. Drexel, of Philadelphia, is worth
eels engaged hi that hashless• As the canal $20,000,1)00. He is the son of Francis Mar -
presents no special engineering difficulties,
the cost will by to Illealla be eXOPOSiVe.
tin Drexel, who wasborn in Austrian Tyrol
1792, a portrait painter of naerib, who came
to tads country to avoid one of Nrleon's
*tutted, by InerriAge in June.
Jaishop Whittaker at Penusyleenie, who
bas reecutly been in Cube, reporta Met the
Baptista ere conducting 0 very eultoeseN1
tubed= in Havana. Re hi (Meted elf sling
the!: "many Inoadreds, tired of the exectIone
of the U0alart Catballa (thumb, aro welcome
Ing the eimpler end plainerservioefurnhated
by the Baptieta, Considerlim Cuba mi
field for Protestant work, lb low he saki
that the people deeire Proteetatit Invitee to
that: extent:that no morehopeful ground foe
efforb cen be found aitywhere."
Why Wasn't He a Comet?
Young Mr. Stayiato was sitting in the
dimly -lighted parlor the other night, watch-
ing& 17-3 eanold girl trying to keep awake
tong enough N me the morning ober rise.
They talked astronomy.
"I wish .was a star," he said availing ab
at Ida own poetic: fancy.
"I would rather yon were a comet," ahe
said, dreamily.
His heart beab tumultuously.
"And why 2" he milted, tenderly, at the
Mae time taking her miresistbig halide
in his own. "And why," he repeated, im
periouely. •
"Oh," she replied,. with a brooding cern-
estness that fell on /am soul like a bare foot
on a cold ell cloth, "because then you
would only come around once in every 1500
years." '
Degrees of Intimaoy.
Pyppyne—"I Oalaq ge that fellow Soaker
He's puffeck bwute," , A hitherto =published fragment by Sir
Syppus—"How so 1" Walter Scott will appear in the April num-
Pyppyne—"Why, Itve only known him a ber of "Harper's Magazine." . It is the be.
couple of meths, and, bee jaavve, al the ginning of his "Iteliquitte Trottoosieneee ; or
club,' was tawking to him and the boozy Catalogue of the Gebions of the late Jona-
beggaw went to sleep vvight tefaw my eyes." than Oidbuck," planned by him in his Imp-
Snyppytte—"He probably thought; that so pier days, but deferred and finally left int
far he was online, noddine acquaintance." complete on account of. the press of graver
work. It describes the intemonof Sir Wal -
tor' i home and some of the euriosities 11
contains. Lady Maxwell Scott, iu a brief
introduction, Nye that it is a pleasure to
aid in publishing these papers, " because
they, illuetrate so happily Sir Walter's favor-
ite tastes and pursuits." Six illustrations
of Abbotsford will accompany this frag-
• ----
Over 75,000monkeys were killed in Brazil
lasat year and the pelts shipped to London
to be made into f ars. If .the fashion con-
tinues the monkey race will be thinned out
anumbigly in the next two or three
For a long time the fox-hunters of AMont-
gomery, N. Y„ have been annoyed by far-
Story Prom Cardiff,
mere who shoot foxes front in front of the A Cardiff correspondent; Bends the fellow -
hounds and make away *with them. It is ing extraordinary story :—" A moat singular
very demoralizing on the dogs and exasper- experience has Jett befallen a Rhondda °el-
ating to the hunter. lien named David Davie, of Treherberta sfe
was one of the many sufferers by the memor.
able explosion at Peri7Y-Craig colliery in
1880, for four year's after which he was con-
fined to his bed. He gradually gob
about, but always remained absolutely deaf
and dumb from the shook. The doctor who
attended him advised him to try 4:shook
somewhat similar to that whith Mimed his
infirmity. A little while ago he placed him-
self as near tui safety would allow to where
Six shots were to be firmi in the Huta Pin.
Treherbert ; and strange to say at the sixth
shot his hearing returned to him. Still he
was dumb, but on Sunday, the 3td
the Rev. E. Rowlands, missionary to the
deaf mutes, said something to Deviesewhich
putatim in a passion, and he involuntarily
or Metaactively macle an attempt to extensa
hisatuger. To his Amazement the power of '
speech came back, and he now talks freely.
He, however, says that speaking makes his
throat sore, and his tongue is made sore by
his teeth. He was engaged to marry a deaf.
mid -dumb girl at Llandaff, and the marriage
has just been celebrated before toe registrar."
It took Lecaron fourteen days to tell Ida
story. This is, remake TheChieago Herald).
probably the longest lie on record.
An African trader has so trained a young
gorilla that it follows him around like a
dog. It recently accompanied him on a
tramp of twenty miles. The animal does
numerous trioka, and is so docile that ite
master doesn't hesitate to allow it to sleep
with him. , ,
Information cornea from London that the
proper dog now is the greyhound. Grey-
hound pups have recently fetched as high
as 850 guineas, that price having been paid
at a London auction for the puppy Fuller-
ton. Sixty to seventy guineas is said to be
a common print for young dogs with any
claim to blood
0.0. Brown, of Duluth, Minn., recently
unep,rthed a, genuine freak in the ehape of a
mammoth Cooltin rooster, which has foie
distinot Wings, two in their natural places
and one at the knee Joint of each leg. The
bird weighs about ancteen pounds, is alive
and well, and Uaefl all four wings when fly-
ing. An offer of $250, made by o Chicago
party, was refused, and the bird will be ex-
hibited throughout the country.
A, club of twenty Baltimore damsels . is oonscriptiona. He engaged in the anking ,
going to "do" Europe next summer without businese, =dills sons inherited e consider- The nearest epproaoi to pe
relatives or chaperone. ebbe fortune. is the jaws of a gum-chewing1.
tual motion