HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-4-4, Page 1VOL. IL EXETER, ONTARIO, TIII7RSIf The Maisons Bank., • (Chartered by Parliament, 15554 Paid up Capital $2,000,009 - Rest - 1,000,000, goad offtee Montreal.. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq,, Gneenee MANA0,411. TwentyBranch offices in the Dorainion* Agi encies n the Dommion, IL S. and Europe' Open every lawfol tla.v from in a. no. to •tn., $aturdays JO a.m. to 1 p. generalbanking busluels transacted Tliree per centper annum allowe4. for in.optey OP. Tlovosit Receipts, and Savtugs Bank. U. ARCHER, Exeter, Zion 28, '88,, Manager THE For Salo or to Zior.t. a class 111010 numerous 0.1110113' 111::13ity Wet the people a eatiada iCeed mike to ,1 a the Diocese et Huron, than thst etergy The sulascriber offers for Salo or to Rent, that, ilosireable residence on Huron 5t reeZe ' coasilting of a frame house. with a roonxs therein, a good, 'well of water, Ef.,boat two acres of land, being lot 23. Possession ini- meGiately. Terms reasonable, APPlY to nevem/ 0.11.1., or at this office. (From the Free •ess,) ROTES OF A TRW TO EXETER. A Camel Visit to tondou's Noth- erly Suburb. us Piet:me8:0e Location r.nd per ce--4-st saVen,hasuleti.Engilteliman TrINItt fffttnorial Church- 1110Xs'APhIcal Metch, 011110PIAttaie, t 1 ; theory, he, be,gair to give it a praetieal '', shape. A warm. fyiendsnip S000ii sprang' , up between the ont etiltretWarden awl the new Ineumbent wed the haialsonie perish ehureh te ite deseribed, which . be shown what the Church of 'England i$, to inialte a wonderful revive.' in the history of the churelt in the Domiation. i Exeter being vaealit at the 01110 a his 1 ordination, k;ishop Baldwin made Min lueumbent aud naving fall faith iu bis add the Synod. of aura% Is one of um over- awes of that frievaiship. TIIh noxon's DAILY DISB. Mr, Trivia lives in a very quiet wa a nearly 1d.t.1,000 tci the property of 4,1 1889. NO Beonoi, London. Seats, pul- pit, prayer Oaks, ebair stoolie lecture :ilia communion table, are ell of red well lilted oil finish. The, reredos is. a pauele4 oak, with. Wars, gothic tops, and qmarefoil *mammas in beep- icoef -07,"Ittlite74,L.hren ,tiisasin;vouvitt ninyd worth, of Moutreal, according to sped- ficatione cousidered neeessery for the cavity of the ehureh„ It is played at preseut 1St Nr. 11. Puddleolnhe, aprom- ising yow g pupil of Mr. Sippi, organ- ist of t 1JLLS Oatilearal, London. At the °polies services On Dec, 29rd., it ie estinaRted that fulls- 9000 people were present itd heala ble; Bishop of Reran preach, VW. congregation ia still grOW- ing, arf4 the future of the parteh tarot I.1• a Impel= 0140.10 the RW01 anilCiin- thaanstst-othsr nattt""r " Inherit -mg all 01111)111 fortune, oy van. gregetion. -A. Free PzYS'S represeutetive p3M ful luvestment and simple habits, he is Exeter a CRSIIII1 ViS12 thff otherday. It enabled to indulge his benevolent ideas situatri about thirty wiles north f Lonatin. on the L. IL and lies jisj gOrricate, on a level plain in the County al -limn in the midst of ono of the finest agricul.. tural districts ef Ontario. As one ap- prom:Ilea Exeter on the railway, he is Is published every Thursday Morning, at the 114.A.IN-STREET, EXETER. .4 the $ANDERS' PUBLISHMOUOMPANY. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Gae Dollar per annum if paid in Advance :21,50 if nOt 10 paid. cta 22a.tora c/ss. • ,No ii• t'oer discontinued nutil all arrear AV) ph.14, ertivsment4 witliOnt s dipecttots will be published till forld and charged aecordingly. Liberal discount made trauselent advertisements inserted for long, periods, Every description of 4013 PRINTING turip.4 out iu the finest stYlei and at moderato rAtell. Cheoupsontiney ord- ers, &c. l'or advertising, subscriptions, etc. to be made payable to W/1114111 Sanders, Edltor rel; pirtetory. TRIVITT S, F. Robinson, Rector. Sunday Serviges, And '7 p. Sabbath School, 231 p. eternoeter 0111:801-nionles.st., Roy. B. Coment, Pastor, Sunday Services,1,03) and 6.20 tn. Sabbath Scheel, 2 IN m. ACAUs' STaNr.r.--TleV. 3. Wilson, Pastor. Sun %lay Services,10.20 a.m. and.O.SO Shbbath School 2,110 p. P1018112T111tIAS, Cittittca.-Rev. Martin; Pastor. Sunday. Services, 11 a. rm. and 040 P. m. Sabbath. Scliool, 0,45 mtn. rrotetkatorosa Cards. T.T L. BILLINGS. 4-1-* xaweese=am. Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Nitrous OXiii0 Glita tor pain ess extraction. in whatever wax. he ceusiders his itut,y lighting ail things is the Stewart of God A scholarly man and tvail theoloee hue he holds decided opluloasili both polities And religion. .?an aviary What with rere birds shows Ids two for ore- atruck by the rseemtoes pepnlous and tthology, ;ma nil ONt011SITO grtlirtaltons,t solid appearauce of the place. The enables him to keep Ws friends well- milway reeS parallel with the main supplied With aortas. So much for the streeedistant about a quarter a a mile donor, Aral now for a The 6tat1011, iS placed in an unhandy spot. It IS far front the leading hptels • nuseime TIIL CUL ROL P'- of busluess, accomaamilug. which has cost him, so much, money. It . KINSMAN, :DENTIST, L.D.S., ex- tracta teeth 'without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor, or using the new Amestbetio on the gums. Makes Gout Filli iog and other dental work the best possible. Goes to Zuriehlast Thursday in each month, East siao of Alain street, Exeter. .11•11 411 aaaaa iic1titer farmer nor merchant. But. once is 0^ sileehriell (4. eftrlY Enfrush IR the mein street, and you see signsef strchiteeture,Intilt form plans furrnshed videut prosperity, comfort and enter- by and wider the supervisiou of Peters a prise. Here alulthere nre piles of brick. Jones and wr.rhle, of London. It has n and lumber, marking the places where ANNATO tower b2 Wet high; surmount. age new buildine's will soon he in course of ed hY four Vomeleg Olde tmlidetauell rection. Although fully 2,000 In pop. ulation, Exeter lesetisned to call itsetf village, and go an in its steady way, while pbkeee of half its population and abeut A quarter of its wealth call them - elves townteanil not/riot& semi-urhan grandeur, with a mayor and. full array of concillore Exeter is perhaps T1121 MOST BN(11.11311 PLACE IN CANADA Ono hears the broad dialect Of Devon- shire and Cornwall, from the laborers heaping up the corporation mud that luta been gathering all winter, and it greets you from the merchant 'behind his counter,anil the butcher at his stall. It stares at you from the liusineas signa 11 sego It "ing. f tiers started t ielbridge has all hoes- obluson had three hives di a had winter for bees. as Cook moved to as get week. he liftti Wen Anted here and will be lent lose contest until the -word teas given raise the plate, when Cobleigh's side began to sleek in speed thus they got so far behlud thanthe victors had eaten their supper before their oppoeition had aie elate raised. You must be careful after this Cobleigh, eta elmae hQlfsre. Wopapagsirtiteer 1;4te., nzdeSueMr0;111 the Wye first. 'Air, Eliza Miller, a clerk In fr. Dr. T. herean Brehmer, eattinent Foust% store; visited benie * °Aroma antheray, stt,nk; "Coneumption As"' 's elways due to deficzent nutrition of gee glad to see thatMr P the Inngs, caused by blood? At the Palest, our post master, go Brompton Heapitel for consumptivee, cold again. lieGnnenddY; h.:.faxanieg and PeeT* J, Liyingstone were the judges. Zurich. London Eng.,* statement has been Puh$11 Father Keabe has 8:weve4.1 olu- 11$11e4 that 52 per cent. of the patienteef neat= with ihe tenigregatien here. that Institution. have unsuspected kid- Ifis successor has arrived, Pr"Pl'et"I's WArner's'Slfe Clura enlie . home AS her inettiee RI; We that they reveives many testimonials 16011e tQ4i0 her 600n, neY 4isnnier* T/lis "Plains whY the .1517 Bean, a musie teacher here, was whielt they have not pulatished, be‘ milt 1011041, Th,,,e ground is ilf.fo'lin voyetv4 witi, OnliiiI" Of the ineredulity they would be reeeh•ed were it claimed i ?now, hitt hlr„gidl n,PPearnnee there wilt ;het Warner's Safe Cure cures censunip i no no roore sleltilanK this bowl). • But the fact is thit if z;our kid- I On Tuesday last, Mr. Wrn.Trettraner be cured anil pnt in a healthy von area married to Miss L., Wegner, both • '1On they expel the pric.. acid and oof thia vieinity. Tile cereiarmy was i ' now mote matter, and prev.wat ' performed by the Ilev. T. II-onielr. rritation of the &licit° Allbstimve# May their life be a long end happy ' lung's; therell:T removing ti -10, i! 'This geoson our ladies will he able to Whett the etrert Is mnoved the esattafy their longing: for &Ike It itse In of ItidacY disease; vtlen W bounets ilic. MebSrs, liap I and hem have procured the servites of Mist; fle.wiey, of Toronto, es wiliner, Mews, J.eald V. Marilee, Miss Stoma hewn, r , Mr. Steitthach and Mise Markle, e.! Won. Richer/104We young colt an (ley test week. It ran four being atoned. No dam - and a flagstaff. The elt=1). nik3SUri. Soh* Report S. 8. No:2 Ray,. e lamtired end sixteen feet in length eve eixty feet, transepts seventy feet long /mil thirty-four wide. Thu elm- ' rises three eteps above floor of nave with organ loft and vestry door in the north. The northern entrence of church is through a handsome open porch through the °peed doors, the ellitet of archway and segment. of roof, la very striking. All copings, buttress caps Nvitulow and. label moulds over windows, are a mit sandatone. Gar- goyles 1.X)6Sea are handsomely cereed, and the impresaion received at firat glance is that of a eahstantial and beautiful church, worthy of any city on where such „names as Sienneeetehel the continent. The brown slate roof Is Bawden, 1Inin1in, brimbacombe, Snell relieved at the sky line of nave, trail- Trevethick are doing their share septe,ana clamed, by a fretwork of red to Perisctuato the IllenwrY f °hi Exeter cresting, battlemented The main en, Barnstable, Moulton, North and South, trance is iu the western side of the Crediton, Portsmouth and Truro. tower through au arched :doorway of 'The main attraction of 'Exeter is, saildotone, of lofty height and Wadi- certaWly its Episcopal church. Its fully moulded. Thianrch is Supported on red granite pillars, with carved cap- itals resting on moulded bases and sandstone g1AllitO steps. The whole church is open to the streets which sur- round it, and vide sidewalks lead to the three entrances. The tower is as- cended by means of a turret winding stair to the ringing chamber, and then by flights to the clock dumber, bell chamber, and those two others to the roof, from whieh the whole town, lying with its streets, buildings and gardens can be seen, as well AS parts of the tps. of Usborne, Stephen, and Hay, for miles 'along the London and Godericb road. Inside the church,standing with in the southern swinging doors and looking towards the chancel, the eye rests upon the mullioned eoof and the lofty arch formed by the diagonal trus- ses they carry the transept roof from the drop of which, the main chandelier hangs. Each truss supporting the mas- sive timbered roof, which shows the stained rafters and sheeting, ends in a corbel gathered nito clusters of two and thee where the ,chancel, nave and transept meet. Thostsoof of the chancel is paneled in squares, and painted blue with gilt stars, forming, a grotned arch Anassive tower mud gables loom up picturesquelyt from the railway, and are a central point for miles from north south, east and west, This church is lige no other in Ceneda, for mini' reasons It Was Mum AT TUE 1:1X1EINSE OP THOMAS TRPVITT, T B. WHITELY,D_,. 0.11. PHYSICIAN 1. and Sargeon, Office Mina residence - Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. • TNR. L A ROLLI7+1S. OFFICE -MAIN ST. Residence --Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. rirA. ADIOS, M. 13., 0. M.U., C. P. EDI.; L. • It. C. S. Dim.; L. P. P. & S., Glasgow; L. M., Edinburgh aral Glasgow; M. 0..P.'&S, Ontario: F. T. M. S., Toronto. Night bell at office. Crediton,. Ontario. 3y12-5 DR. COWEN. OFFI0E-21AM STREET, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centro Hotel. Side entrance on sontli-Jtories street leading to the Methodist Church. j W. BROWNING, s. Graduate of Victoria Univeisftir. Offies.and • residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. WILLIAM SWEET, TETER- inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Office and Residence one block oast of Samwell & Pickarre store. Opposite skat- ing rink, Exeter, Ontario. H, DICKSON.; BARRISTER, SOLICITOR • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyaneer, Commissioner; &e. Stoney to loan Olffice-Fanson's Block, Exeter. ELLIOT &ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors,,Cenveyancers, &c...Money to loan nt6 per cent. B. It. ELLIOT. J. EnnioT 161.1M.A.SD N. .LEWIS BARRISTER, NOT: .12.4 ary Public, Proctor in Maritime' Court, mveyancer, &c. Solicitor for Huron Land ,t4ency. Goderich and Bayfield. Bayfield office at Swartz's Hotel, open every Thursday. litionOv to loan at very low rotbs: whose family name it bears. The congregation furnished. the site seating organ and nil things necessary for the service of the Church of England. A fine deeptoned bell sounds from the tower for each service and negotiation are now going on for the purchase 'of a peal of ten bells at no distant date, The last feature is all that is needed to make the church, one of the finest in the Dominion.. The donor of it, Mr, Trivitt, is well worthy of a biography. Almost any _morning a medium-sized, erect, English -looking figure may be seen going tothe Post Office, with the light, springing step of a practiced walker, and the youngest child or old- est man knows that is Mr. Trivitt. A stranger at a hasty glance might say that he was forty-five, or possible ten years older; but ha reality he has seen half a dozen over the three score years and ten, of "Man's Allotted Life." Away back in the early times, when English history was taking worldwide fame, when Planta,genetdind Lancast- rian Kings were either killing French-. men, or cutting each other's followers to pieces, and stirring ecclesiastics Ile - TA.MES ONE, Exeter, Ontario, Lieensed 11.1 Auctioneer for the •County of Huron. Sales promptly attended to and, satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this' office. Tr BROWN, Winehelsea. Licensed. luct- .1.1.• ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, 0186 for -the township of Usborne. Sales promptly a ttendod to an4 terms reason able. 1.1.es arranged at Postoffice; Winchelsa , sOggENDERR,Y, Bengali. Ontario, LieJ2i- . ensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteet. Nvioneer for the Counties of 'Middlesex HOLT, Khivii, Ontario. Lieensed'auct- • and Lainbton, and the townships of Stephen d Hay All sales promptlyatteuded.r,„, The fo1lf4ing is the Iderch report based on tWattembince, punctuality, conduct and diligence of the pupils. The nairica are in order of precedente, 3lio. Chapman, Albert}lac- "tetim Campbell,Ilomer RUSSO!, Daniel MeColl. Jr. soteme-Willie Murray, Ross Holland Neloon Northcott. Talane-Ellen Sidney, Clete Chap- man, Chas Aldworth. stearsnie-Aggie Sidney, Kate Clat• maan!serela n !k;Atinereatett. et -Mary Jeckso Alice Gould, Teen jaCkson. Jute fistOoltD Tame -Maud, Rum% Jesettn1414'.' atnejeasShirray. ' SRN. PiltherKlat•-40Seph NOrtileOtt$ Nellie, Gould. Ralph Olitipman. JUN- rimer teateei-Becide Northo Aiktreh Northeott, Willie Jackson. le eousumption, disappears :and he irritation, .whielt vlle4 it. Edell SohoorReport. - _ he followlog, is a repert of Ug ot the pupils in their fever* lk ssee of our sehoel for the math o based On the met of written ination`and regale attendance. iu-Total 1000.-E4ie BnliWC11, (Idle Cave, $18; Chao, Coats, 704; ' Hicks 004; Erenk Coats, 547; - 228 °BOOT. Itseoull.-The folleWing aze manes ef the pupils in each 041* 1310111C4 tht "bighes: latrahlv see for tile utontlee of'March. The,y AngOtt in, order of remie, (L 8s. -tee. Buchanen. MTN c s.-'3tln Eib1ez WII/1 OC.S, Ton Jollugou Tutun entitou.seliorece Entallv, Net- liavertisers. Reliaers of the newspapers of the; day cannot full i be impressed with the Met that the radlern advertiser is pro- gressIve. The value of printer' ink judiciously employed eannot be overestimated; it is the medium ;whereby a iteritorious discovery is mind from local flint° to a position in the publie .estram. Hence the colt:imps of the newspapers are daily used by hosts of advertisers and in the compition wffich is indulged in to attain the desired end, the reader is often times amused. The greetest of Ateeriean advertisers and it may as well be said in the world. is H. H. "%Fernery, of. Rochester,. N. Y. whose nanie, has becn. so familiar in connection with Warner's Safe Cure widely advertised because of its merit in the preveution and cures of kidney disentket, By printer`eink.this great discovery has achieved world wide popularity and thousands feel grateful for the know- ledge thue acquired of this, gratest of modern relftedies. V VCURTIR---Total 825. --Laura Bieka, tle Well, Louisa Koehler and Liaz,ie 485; Ante Kerslake, QS; Minute CAve. Deeker. TIIIRE. JUNIOR.---XiIton Burbank/en 035; John Hera/ten, 237. man, ca, Alfred Hunter, 03; Thos. SEN. 7.50. --Thos. Ilea- Tilke Wel1,6Exemoesliaa 1101:5;0;10N. Smith i369; Warren Snell 1,124; Jas Ilene Triittu juNem„.,L &Dowel vitt • 492; Geo. Welker, 351; Maggie Johnston, !Janie lammed, sten, 259 Setl'ON» NTQ -C1 u ppe 2a4 Jus, T111110. --Total 800.--Nor4 hew -Well Leslie winianm 665; rernY L'utn; 686' Lig4i,(1, Sneettu JUNIOR. -Tillie Kibler, Joh* aso; Edgar Buswell 509; Aunt- weber, Reinhold mdenum. over the organ loft. The church. is Furthermore, the public has been lighted, with gasoline, the chandeliers taught that disorders of the lungs,brain falling from the drop in each, truse and heart and liver which has hitherto been rising in the chancel and towerlute regarded and treated by the profession six lights eath over the alter railing, as distinotitte diseases are not so in fact thancel arch, and entrance to tower but are theSatteeding syniptoms of dis- arm north and 'porch The fareeces/ eases of the kidneys; thereforesthe con - with coal cellars and gas machines/ sbniptiva, the apoplectic, the paralytic, claring that the English Churchshould. aresall in the crypt, where the tempor- be .as Magna Charta pronotneed wec's tree from Pope and Ring; then Trivitts (as Frossart's Chronicles tell am) were mailead soldiers and commanders in - chief of the army' in France; jurists, atifd'Lord 'Clianeillors.tkf England,' or learned priests writing history in some quiet convent, the quaint records of which are preserved to the present day But that was long ago, and. for many centuries they have been quiet country gentlemen. of Somersetshire, and, -like their Exeter decendane,retain. of world - inith 544; Msin°1m Domey,583; PART IL -Rosetta Lippert, I'.11alette Quance, 477; Ulla hunter, 472; Delppety 40; Utile liatalford, 141114 DinrueeNioenr-vivIstow.. NI. • Sneone:--Total 600, -Bernice Roo, PART Lippert,11. hardy, 999; Minnie Luton, 92; Aiwa Demp- Wm. Geiger. y 203; Simnel Chance, 1118; Freddie Pant L Demuth, It Strove arsons, 277; Edaverd Luton, 228. for E. Axt, PART se:eke:tor-Total ria0.-Myrt1e RPJtT I au. -M. Detnittle O. Peln, Walker,391; Frank 1Tunter,373; Emma •ch. Smith, 339. and the sufferer from nervous disorders can loe'restored.to.liealth by.' ..Warner's Messrs. sferland Bros. have purchas- Safe Cure which will remove the true ed the bankrupt stock of It M. Racey cause, restoring the kedneys to healthy action, _ The ativertishee methods employed by this greasest of advertisers are in - Variable instenctive and, although the reader mai sometimes be "caught/ in reading advbrtisomeut which was not at first tuck there is nevertheless no time 10St SiliC0 useful information is invavia,ble gain conceroing Itfe!s great problems ft..gry vestry also is 'placed, nudes' the 6r-, gan loft. Perhaps the most beatttifttl fedture of all is THE STAID GLASS vensnows The east Viadoty contains three ' large featuree in its pan.els, and gronpes of smallenones above, where the windows break into trefoils and quatrefoils. The centre figure is the Saviour, in the right panel David, and the,left St. /Tete The detractor for all glass was Mc- Causland and son,of Toronto. The,`cir- . 2, PART IL -G. Rees, H. Wagner The average attendance for the 0 Kleghorn- month was 99, No. I, PART IL -E. lionher, E. Dern - at ADeneesur, Teacher. inert, A. Peine. • The average attendance for the It A: Guess M. D.,Deen, and itrofesse month wns 1•8'. or of Surgery, of the United State Med- Seet.J. Leerre, "1 leal College;EdItor of 'Medical Tribune' Seekt.M. Hensten, )- TRAC Autlkor Of "Gunn's New Imported Hand Joisfs Coetaxs, j book of Hygiene and domeStie Medicine --......-.... speaking -with reference to Warner's Safe Cure said over his own signiture: 3:tenn1". q perscribe it in full doses in bath acute .7.___... and chronic Bright's disease, with the The Bible Soesety which met a few. , most satisfactory results. I am willing days ago, adjourned to meet shortly. to aoknowledge and commend. thus A. few took advantage of the slight frankly the value of Warner's Safe fall of snow'and had a good cutterride Cure.' If you are gradually loosing in the rand. . your strength, have extreme pallorof The Ministerial Assodation met last face, puffiness under the eyes, Persist- Monday and we understand sotae . ink- ent swelling of the joints, abdomen and portant business was transacted. lege, unaccountable shorn pain in the The bills are out 'fdr the Hewedl heart, shortness of breath, being tat:- sprig show and. as large prizes are of- ing warner's Safe Cure without do fered we have no doubt but that it will lay. be a good one. Clinton. Barrister Johnston, of Blyth, was in town on Thursday last. Messrs. A. Kelly, ex -jeweller o• f thie place, Thos. and Murdock ticPkersoa left Tuesday for N. 'W. Territory Others also went to seek fortunes indif ferent Western localities. Messes. P. Kelly, of Blyth, F. W '''.e.very city, toWn, village and. raspy Johnston and Dr. Holmes, of Goderich, country places have societies of one e kind or another and.Hensa,limay justly welrfer.iTn.tIow. np. oHn.u.Furaild;,yb . arrister, has feel proud of one known as "The Young . gone to Morrisl3urg where he will people's Mutual Improvement Society practise his profession in future. Which Walt organized last Dec., the first meeting of business wee held taw Jan. 7th and to day the society has an at the rate of 42i cents on the dollar, enrolled merabership of 107. That elm ople of Hensall fully appreciate Ite Mr. W. Sanders, of the Armee:Lee Pe efforts of the society, cultivating Intel - Was, in town' Olf.Thursday ,evening last lectrial power, was manifested on Mon - attending a meeting of the 'Sons of day evening last, some 250 or 800 pee - England. ' _^ pe being present to hear the debatebe- - Mr. Chas. Wilsol“has decided. to . e tween the "Forest Home Debeting Se - so• ld to the ,gnbet northwest. He ciety" and three representatives of elite sold his furniture en the markeesquare iety. The subject was:-Reselved. on Saturday. ^ , • that the United States offers a better Mr. -Jas. Moore, of this town, hastens- . field to the emigrant than Canada. the family coat of armsenow painted in ecclesiastical designs, surrounded with ed'a hotel in St Marys. a model hotel man and knows the Mr. Moore is The three representa.tives of the Forest Home D. S. were, Messrs Shillinglaw, ly greatness only ample fortunes and cular windon-e in each transept bear tbe center panel of the west window of richly colered glass. inc glass in the business from. beinning to end. captain) Doig and Johnston who took Ce4tralia,. the Trivitt Mentorial Church, Exeter. penes under each circle is on it Muth The ---------..merchants deserve credit the affirmative. The negative Wag The Pariihnf Exeter has for a Callad- paler tint with a pattern that emu/ all for the liberalsmaHaner in', which the resented by , Messrs.. K., Buchanan Bonne thirty years in length. It num- foils of the transept§ are the embleeas itself is evidenee ,Of their ente a Ni,110 ably rePres6ted and • these ptain):Iterold, and Stoneman. Both Ian one, quite a beg histerya that is ateend the church.. lil the fel* Tinter- , , , patronize the AnvoCere. This, . ex -M. P. P. for South Huron; Wne Case, 'et.ofeas 41so ere are the palleIS of 'three Messis. Centel= Bros. are a, to ence that "Yoling Canada" is fall of Trivitt, Dr. Hyndnian, Isaac Carlieg' tededowa ate esed for ventilatine' the Joseph Case Thos. Fitton, Samnel and lights in. eaeh able The ' levee St • side of the street in the s,tee% of D. shall yet be felt for engd in this land of remove their bnsiness to rise,. 0 esite energy, and intelleetual power whiek' Ur, Olmn. Lingard jr. of Granton is at present visiting our, town. ' Mr. Jas. Neil, of 1,h1 placs, left oe 'Monday lati for ICIaBit0ba where he in- tends Spending. ibe sninmer. Jim will missed among til&bovr.. Mr; AIM Persona sr.; has Purchased frOrff Rollins a house and lot,and it is thought Albereirill teke possession dt0000 as he intenas taking anti) him - bets among its church wardens, Thos. of the Evangelists. The. clerestory and business ability, nog Canadians proved to their andie John Spaelmeo and A. A. C. Donovan has for a. cenoe piece the pelican feed- Canteen. ii'Ve have not yet heard who all lands the g,reatest, The judges 1:9ngest of anY ono church warden. The eagle rising, shied Argent ih cheyroe self It we. The" entertainment of the High School favor of Canada by two two 150ints. Wen Thos. Gidley', B. S. O'Neil, RSV. 'Elliot, Castirines' wheel; in the westernWindoW patties well bnown in the county of ins' voting. In the centre pa- n'el etinder -will occupy the premiSes to be vacated were Messrs. Rev. J. S. Henderson, Ce. by them McKay and G. NeRwen who decide in Present Rector, Rev. S. F.' Itehineel, an rieple,leith three trevetssseble- motto '`ite,,Geoi,Nsgeey'elieeey stable we titerary Society, in the tewn hall on done Hea.sall hovel A votc of thanks , Buren. Mr./ Trivitts, held office' . the it is the narish coat of arm's: creSt-ean d to s 10 their pre - under graduate of the „, ttufortunatt "Salvas in Igne." The lancet ;lid reiaed oneiThure‘et"tiake,lasat/s -it 'en*thtell,rht Vsureidee7s. eveneinge ala? wwaseendecided n tenvseanseeandr•eeble thepa 137 stla ken, WI hit4 was WeatetnUniVertity is One of the Httron en'fae windows in tower and tnrret veey x eeieln ea, w Th d b t bet the ick Offico--Crediten, 01:Awns. P of R. Cobleign'audS,,Keuny, beizig a su te , f G d. d t re. ably respandedlo by Mr. Johnston an Stoplion and MGIllitsray towns Ise. 1885 He holds with furniture is from the factory ,were ed twd rorn o tele en in o a I a favor of Clintoo Messrs. D. for H • • ' ' • ' o' -chosen. which EILBEH, Licensed Auctioneer u.aY College students oidained be the Bis- stairway, ale also all of stained glees. two caPtit tr re , , lf of the I. H. D. S, ho of Huron in