HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-3-28, Page 80.. 01 ee*. POWDER Absolute! Pyre„ Thio w eecouomicai escoot be cell ztaltitade of lc wtest, snort weight alum or phosphate powder* Soll only la cane, 1 or+tr. ixi Rewe'., C49196,'t%Fil St.lr.Y' leaser varies..A marvel of gad whoiesomenefok 1liore k, the ordinary kind*. and fire competition with the; EXETER M, RKETS. facet per bushel , $1,00 to 1,00 rleY..,... , ,,,r, 40 to t,e.w,x ,,..... .... .... . { b tA. Clover Seed.... , , . , , , 4.00 to 4: Fogs per dor ... W to Butter, heels , .:. . , 17 to Butter, Creels..,,:. , 15 to Potatoes per bush. . , , .. , 20 to 25' They per ton....., ,.,. ,0.25 to 10,00 . 18 , by the Qeal Wap b" the Ialate'cooked f con- ry anal sporting goodar ail fresh, d f`arat•tlltw s, Il ayt l 7th, the, rev. Dr. e, ofawl art Cal% rale l alrathen eclr ax semen to the .SettO of ng land Benevolent Society of this Placa in the Trivitt ;Memorial Church. The Society will turn out in full regaliaa, .iird will be :aecotupalnied to church by 'members from Clinton and Mensal] ,lodges. The service Will take place at o'elockin titan afternoon. ill ooat Ace. On Ifoudaay afternoon. Mr.. James Atkinson had his annual wood bee. A large number of our townspeople and a number from the adjoining viein- ;ity were present. A very large quan- tity of wood was cut, split aarrd. piled. In the evening all enjoyed theincelveal In „hater liars „ anrea and amusements until the early hours of morning when all departed for their respective homes well thetiafied with the night's enjoy Anent, Woof liskiest. On Monday.}' evening three foot races Mak place between Squire Leathorn and Samuel Stanlatikc. The first raee was for 85 aside, 100 yards, Mr, Lea. thorn to have coven yards of a start. This wags won by theSquire. The second for $1 and was won by Mr. Staniake and the third for the same amount, sand was won by - the Squire. The race was very exciting and a good deal of mirth and excitement was manifested. Correspondents take Notice. We wish all correspondents to dis- tinctly understand that from now and henceforth we will not publish any 'Sons of Rest' or other scrilliousartieles, .articles of this kind may appear to be a hub joke in the eyes of the writers but to those whom it refers it appears to be somewhat ridiculous and oft times strikes the personal character of someone. We do not want our col- umns filled with trash or to be offensive to any one and hope that in the future our correspondents.wilI govern them- selves accordingly.• ReeularZvaatere vlstt. Thos. Speer, M. D., Surgeon, etc., M. C. P. S. G. S. and L. T. C. D., head office 'St. Thomas, the celebrated Phy- sicianand Surgeon, for the treatment of all chronic diseases pecular to women for which he is so well qualified, will be ,.t the Central hotel,Exetor Tuesdayand 'Wedneaidalr April 2nd and 3rd, from 8 .er'clock a. las, to 5 o'clock p. fir. Persons suffering with diseases that have baffi- aal the skill. of the local physicians Should not omit this favorable oppor- tunity of calling upon the Dr. He has teen educated in nearly all the best etelleges in Europe,has been in the army . df, the'United States and the'British .my, and has circumnavigated the globe. By all means give him a call. Consultation free. Remember the date, April 2nd and 3rd. Patients should call early so as to give plenty of time. A neat Swindle. The Avon correspondent of the Bel- mont Times give the following particu- lars of one of the rankest swindles heard of for some time: -A swindle that leaves the: "Red Lion" a long way behind, hap pend near this place not long ago. On ,Jan. 23rd, an elegantly dressed young siOliple. handsome and gay, drove up to 'wealthy farmer's residence accompani- st]. by a young man whom he entroduc- asRsr. B. -L. Si1115. The young man d the tome, that he *as on his road Inger/Jell to be married, but just a rt distance *rota here they met the niter awl noticingyour beautiful zee the bride relear est that she would her be married out here than go: into ersoli andif he would r xxld allow them to it united In siisrruge in Isis Louse and la4► provided' frith a Wedding dinner," g s would be well rewarded, :The farmer being an aecomwoding roan, readily consented and preparations soon began A groomsman ami bridesmaid we,r furnished, from the good man's family and the marriage ceremony performed. lay the man of much grace, who gave the blushing bride a certificate, but be- ore doing so he asked the obliging host to alga as a. witneas, which, of course was done, A jollier partly never sat down to a, wedding dinner than they, in fact everybody enjoyed a, rare treat. They stayed, nutil about four o'elock, when the groom headed the farmer $40 dollar's in gold to compensate him for his trouble and took his departalre, accompanied ha'his new wife and the Minster. Everything passed of lovely for about a.. veek,w hen C011eetor presented a 0 note due on the 1st of Feb. The farmer was great- ly surprised and it was some time be- fore he could think what note it could be. Pfowever it canoe to his memory that he had a wedding at his house a While ago, and now he had to foot up to the tune of $44Q, There is no doubt laid plot, and had been some time mu - taring, The young married couple and he miuster are away on a visit, CA it not likely they will return vory Poon., Dust? Dust? Dust? —Iowan wants* high school, - Bead G• da., I3y n men's change of Ladies. -Grand display of millinery at our millinery opening on, Wednes- day day March 27th .and three following;% days, The old established James Pick- ard, —Mr. Jeremiah Rolland :and wiffe,Ieft on Tuesday morning for Snowflake, Maxx., where they will reside in future. Fire wish thorn every prosperity in their now home, —.Ladies.—Dont forget the dates of the grand display of millinery at the old established on Wednesday Merck 27th and three foilorring days' Janaes Fief ard, Aa anunxber of our Exeter sports paid Grand Bend a visit on Monday an a wild goose shooting expedition, We. understand they did not et such a' success as they anticipated, ...Some of our young men are iu the habit of running races ori the side- walks, and one evening recently' they knitted .down a young lady. Be more careful in future A. W. 11. Tlae assizes for this county closed. but that the whole affair was a deep on on Saturday last, Iiia Honor I a Justice Street presided. Tlacre 'were noprisoners in goal awaiting trial: and the usual white gloves were presented to the Judge, Bead Carling Bros, change of "hd," his issue, ev e Bo a, Clement and Martin a xw banged pulpits an Sunday. Boilable field eared ,garden seeds of 'y variety at Richard Pickard', Large quantities of grain and. pro- duce ere coming to town every day. --Mr. Egnander, while out shooting, fell in the river. He got a good bath. -Bead Dr, J. B. Whitely's eard,under leeading of "Etofessionel Cards." The weethor has been fine, but co#d north wind lute been blew - Maggie Willis and Lizzie Weir, f? P t Q'ltr A.TOvl lung ?1? the viNage, +-Sea cera; weddings e,ao en the t -yell particulars aa. a will i vaju as t l?a$ h occur, --'Operations aro being cowmen for the building of thax addition to Verity's foundry. -The Brussals Bridget will. appear AO more uuder the proprietorship of A, II. N,. Jenkins. Mr. Geo,Samwell paid a visit to some of his friends in Oxford county last week. —Ordered clothing 4 specialty and a flrst•class fit guaranteed at Richard Pickard's —The Carling Brewing Cos delivery wagon for Exeter .has a arrived. It is rather a stylish rig. —Ladies remember the grand milli- nery opening at Richard Pickard's on April 9th and 10th. —Mr. Samuel Rundle, of Stephen, held a wood bee yesterday. A good day's work was done, —Mr. Thos. Herm, who formerly re. sided In Usborne, removed to the vil. lags an Thursday last, —Bead the advertisement 0 Mr. Henry Wells, manufacturer of ales and porters of the first quality. —Messrs. Richard Pickard, jr:, Geo. Weekes and John Atkinson left on Monday morning for Chicago. .. —One of our uptown pumpmakers made a sudden departure on Monday, leaving many to mourn liis loss. —Miss Carrie Drew, who has been visiting friends in Toronto for some time, returned home on Saturday. —Mr. Samuel Sweet had his wood bee on Thursday last, and had a great deal of wood made ready for the stove. I4r, Wm. Down held a Wood bee on Wednesday of last week at which a large pile of wood Was mile ready for the stove, In the evening the young folks engaged thainselvea at "tripping the light fantastic toe," 1) Sunday last four' young men went to the: sugar hush of Mr, Wiliiarn. Bowtcli#fc for the purpose of laving aaR "taffy off." The Are was noticed awl they were driven away before they had .accomplished their elide —Ladies of Exeter end surrounding country.—In thanking you_ for your very liberal patronage in the past, would be pleased to sea you iu 1Q in - epees our millinery .opening, cortimenc• ing Wednesday March 27th and three following days; James Pickard. —On Monday last Constable Davis, of Centralia, brought Mr. Chas. Lingard to Exeter, to appear before Magistrate SneII en A chmrga of inanity. The ma istr7ate committed hint to Goderich goato,await an examination and if ;lr ;► 4} int be scut tazttebtrndtara asylum. tapir. This Is the second or third tlin4 Mr, °s' Lingerd has been sent up. Miss Inman, milliner of James Pick- ard's has just returned from a two weeks' purchasing tour, and havin bought some of the latest novelties an most stylish goods from the best milli, nery houses in the Dominion. We feel confident that our goods far the corning season will be the nicest ever yet shown to the ladies of Exeter and vicinity. The numerous friends of Miss Eliza Jane Bulkwill, will be sorry to learn her death, which sad event took place on 24th inst., at the early age o twenty -arse years. She Was much re specte*dand beloved by both ,old Aird young. The parents and other nee friends have the sympathy of the e tire neighborhood in this their trial' `of affliction. The funeral took place yes- terday, and the remains were followed by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives. ,x.,,>a It UX14. Fr r tx.--Nzwxox;—At the Trivitt Memorial church, on the 27th March, by the Rey. S. F. Robinson, Bettor, Mr. James Flynn, of Che- boygan, Michigan, to Margaret A., daughter of the ]ate Mr. Newton Clark, of Stephen. —Mr. A. Cottle and family, left on Tuesday morning- for London, where they will permanently reside in future. —Mr. Dan Dyer left on Tuesday morning for St. Paula, Minn. We wish him a pleasant trip and every success. -Mr. Alex McPherson has n large number of stuffed birds for sale. A call at his residence will well repay you. Messrs. L. H. Dickson, R. H. Collins, L. Braund, C. Darwood and William Sanders were in Goderich during last seek. —We are indebted to Mr. .Harry Hems, of Exeter, England, for copies of the Devon Express and other notable papers. Beal Parkinson's change of "ad" in this issue.. • His -spring goods have just arrived, and the low price for such will astonish yet. --Read E. Bissett "ad" in this issue. He has the best bred poultry in town, and all in need of eggs will do well to purchase from him. —John Morgan and John McDonald left this week for Manitoba. They purchased their tickets from Captain Kemp, G. T. R. agent: If'yon, wish your shirts, cuffs "' E, Ordinary physician to H: 114. the 11 iwr Geratc9 DE &Tlis. BaLKwill.—In Usborne, on 24 h lust.. Miss Eliza Jane Balkwill, aged, 21 years and 8 days. A Deserving and Friendly Letter to D. Speer, Dr. Speer.— Dear Sin I feel happy and hasten to inform you that my leg is entirely heal ed, no pain of any kind except a IittIe itching where the wbrst sores were. I cannot be thankful Enough to you for healing it; as I told you it has troubled me for more than seventeen years. It is only two months since I began to take your treatment, I am now attend- ing to business as usual; in fact I never altogether quit work, as you told me I ought to do, but my business did not permit me. I did not give you justice, but you healed it after all. I told you I had been doctering with five different surgeons before I went to see you, and for the last two years with doeters of all kinds. I was' told about • yon but was discouraged to go; I eoncluded I must go and am happy to say I struck the right man, and should advise all others before giving up to do likewise wish- ing you every success, I remain ever your friend, &c., ' MICHAEL W. ASH, Jan. 2nd, 1889. Sebringville, Ont. Dr. Speer will be at the Central hotel Exeter, on Tuesday and ,Wednesday April the 2nd and:gaiataaaaa . vere T. GRANGER STEWART, M. D,, F. R. S. collars nicely Laundried, leave the' Queen in Scotlaand,Professor of Practice with E. 11. Fish, agent for the Parisia;P Physic in the University of Edinburgh, team Laundry of London, in an article on Bright's disease„ sacs, s ai a 9 by the tin pa it is' universally acknowledge that: brigade. They did not succeed in se- Warner's Safe Cure i t •' curing any of the "Root of all evil `' r m d" fie only tellable —A1t the latest novelties in Ennis `"Dysptiaaa (difficult breathing)' is ire- n styles es of mill' ry and tench and America t 1 ' quently met with in ilrfiammatro cry will be displayed at Richard. Pic be in tic forms of the diaease'ameq rd's on April 9th and 10th. , be independent of any local' lebion,., -Every lady in Exeter and surroun ' being probably a result of 'araemic poll ng country is invited to inspect ou ening." And. poisoning ois o it is well from kidney that rand display of millinery on' Ari Po s much knowarises . remains th and 10th at Richard Pickard'e. p disease,', zeSo knor►n, it —One of our 'it to recognize. the: fact that, to temedy an c hens' who lives nee effect the bhe river, was 'serenadede must li¢ removed, and Having recently made a large addition to his stock of Now. qoods is now prepared to show The Newest S les nShades in Dress Goods and Trimmings, tS' - M- and mss, Silks and Satin It . :"vt31iG'lm The newest patterns in Embrioderies. The latest fashions, shapes and shades in Spring Millinery. The latest styles in Gents Furnishings, Tweeds, a ' l and Gents Boots and. Shoes Fancy Suiting etc, also ladie r A DAYS SALE 15 Great Clearing Sale will be held for the nit 15 clays and in order tos,reduce :the stock I MENSE BARGAINS will be offered in the following lines; Black and Colored Dress Groocis. Black and Colored Si Satin To dies an d Children loves lits and ltiat'velleu . gloves and Rosiery. Ten and Boys hard and soft felt Hats. Carpets, Laee curtains, curtain poles, wall papers, window binds, rollers, &e. Boots and Shoes of every description, crockery p' y and glassware, Szve>.waxe & cutlery If you want new and fashionable call at Richard Pickard's. youIf want cheap Goodsa. d s pn good value call at Richard Pickard's, Tailoring a specialty. Good fits guaranteed at R1OHD PIOK:RD'S lPoultrg Tanis Black Red Game, Bed Pyle Game Eggs, 493 per thirteen; Black Red .Rants, ted Pyle Banta Eggs,$2 per thirteen. E. DISET,ak, o HENRY44 WELLS Biewer RI JI1ai1e: Early Siring foods BARGAINS THAT ARE BARGAIN x ow is your e1> alarm to yol r grin Gooc zt p1 G never before heard of in Ere i r ry tirr lie gre: GODERICH, ONTARIO. MANUFACTU OF #I8 PORTER. XXX Porter a Specialty. SELLING Off at Cost ---0— Furniture at your own Prices. 1 ,Mr. G. Ingram wishes to retire from business and will sell for the next sixty days, Furniture at Cost. An inspection of the Goods solicited. Now is a chance to get bar- gains as he is positively go - lug to retire from business. G. Iagiara, BENSALL, ONT. C. A. HY.NDMAN KE.F.Ps Grocerie$ and Confection ary of the Qu$eSt also Best Piper Tobacco and Cigars Petty's Hams Bacon and Lard `Thorley's Improved Horse ' and Cattle Food hwood Roller Flour for Sale: 6. A. HYNDIIAN. Mar rIgNht4 id **bib' forte an want •aood eItnaatian write to o`rlila6, ]f rserymen, Rochester, the Wei WAII A• A $ t of ho IIe etq • •icemen,.to een their tee. innori lues of i Q Stook, /titer on r Commie.ion. anyy n»w 'and ,r,1 flutter to offer. Write them 24 onto ; delays are dangerous. Etch. ae,-Bt. XrcxacxXXX pression of trade, and buying for cash as ve doom have secured some special bargains before the present advance of the market, so that we are able to give our customersthe very best val. ue, We do not advertise our goods at cost, or less than cost—such advertisements are a fraud. Our prices are right and will be found as low as any other house in the trade, FACTS --The people say that the prises of Dre'sa Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Prints, Cottons, &c., .' e , at PARKINSON'S are better value than in all the combined stocks in Exeter. We heave some special drives. We in- vite inspection. It will pad- you to call and examine our stock. No troub- le to show goods, Farm Produce taken at market prices. Remember the placer—first door north of the Town IIall, Main St,, Exeter, Ontario. J. PARKINSON. fiats I Eats I Eats Our Hat stock is now complete in all the latest styles and colors, both in. Felts and Straws, at prices that will daze you, at CARLING BROS. Ties !' Ties ! Ties Another new lot of Gents' ties, choice paterns, selling fast. Call and see then, at CARLING BROS, Socks ! . Socks ! Socks ;! Gents' Socks (a 1) goods, three pair for 25;ots. only, at CARLING BROS. Tweeds ! Tweeds ! Tweeds t Pantings and Suitings remarkably cheap, at CARLING BROS. Dress Goods ! Dress Goods 1 Dress Goods in the newest shades and colors. Trimmings to match, at the very lowest possible prices, at CARLING BROS, GROCERIES ! GROCERIES GROCERIES Try our new season Teas, ranging in price's 25, 80, 40, 45, 50 and 65 els. No trash in these goods, and we guarantee them (a l) or no sale. Our 25 and 30 cent teas have no equal. A trial package given free. For a daisy Baking Powder try" Carlings' Own" A Call Solicited.. CARLING BROS. great 30 Dai saffi! HARDWARE TINWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, X Cut, Saws, Axes and Handles for 30 days only. BISSETT BROS. P. S. Owing to a change in' the Firm we must have ' alb` accounts settled either' by Cash or Note. poliqiitedt C eo•. & Ed 3 issett, Props. e