HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-3-28, Page 4THE Witter buoratc. West, SA,Ni3.F.•,R.S. auditor•, Thursday, Xaroh 28th, 1889, kindness rind urges his tired horse forward * * * The sky grows ,suddenly dark, * : * The storm nemeses in its fury. * ' * The rider dismountsto warm leis fast chilling liinlls ' ,a * Can scarcely breathe Blindness conies on, Drowsiness steals over hila, The egad is clear. * * * He is lost in the bile• zariil." The terror which seizes the bewilder- ed traveler is similar to that which Tan anneal report a the Minister of orereonies ouc when he learns that be 1Ratil,Wa► s and Oanale contains n larn'e issuferin� froln all advanced Sidney amount of leteresttn ° information- Diseese,4and a$ informed that he is iu I31udn the ;ear thirteen new lines the last stages of Bright's d cease, At -a first he is informed that he has a sll�ht were added to the list of reil'Ca'a,a1'tl i kidney affection Latex he begins to aanS,f 3, Inziki`.nr a total of sixty-four feel tired. Slight headache Pickle companies, Ai the wild of last year appetite. Failure of the eye -sight teres were 12.332 oluea of completefi Cramp in the calf of the legs W ake ►nl,ra , ezts:lusive of Government rail ffulness. DistressiiT nervousness. Rhea, lnntii and neuralgic palms. Occason n g�a i - ere e, of whibh 11,157 were laid with any pain jut the wok., Sea11ts, dark *tool reties The ce,pite.l paid. --including colored fluid, with se tldiug sensation. aovernlaaent bonuses $129,910,633,loa s Gradual failure of strength, t20,so2,o26, and subseriptions toshalre,* e 'in a tht.' tiboye sy pto111s a;ignify ,. kidney At canons, Ilas physical). treats ,Ven.V,0410,e nd,.a 'l eivena Ibv :nallnatnpauit him for symptoms and calfs it a diseases hs 01-2,c 1:2, 3a- aunoua> ¢ed. so $GS3,7 F 3,- i when in reality it is but a symptom of 7.01.93. The gross earnings amounted to 49834%M% an increase of nearly AUCT1011 SALE Va1iblu TAM 'rQ crt o 7. tmnder dud 13, virtue of +.*jIower of Sale coir willed lire a Registered ortgage, bearieg ate the twenty-eigth day of Decernher, A. 18.&5, wade by Angus Ian h McPhee to the enders, there will bd sold by Dft. J,it es 011e y e C 'a ore t `t the o+n _. �@ i l •il 1.tu. lie 'Village A .. r'F Exeter.0fl T-^- At1A e 4f. Jilaro4 30, 1889 t the Hour of two o'clocik, As - 31141.1e 'follow- ing freehold property: Loti�od, in eith noesiore of the ra ng onethe leurghs'ed acrCoeuuty .mordsor less, .ere is upon the pri:nsises one 1!f story roe house and one log, stable, both in a ir$tateufrel'air. Th.a Property is well', aicdd and watered, maid couveeidnt to ,good arket:s. perms and conditions of sale will be made nus n fit Ilio tune of sale, or luny be had oil lDplicc}t;oR A4 Dlesszs, Meredith. 1 Bsber & Diulo, Solicitors, bac, London, Ont., or to ttlxiea Oke,, nctio.eer, Exeter. ----a-a- 1 *There z+riDl be sold at the same place nonmed ugle _fy aarfternrirothe a lrslrty:ve sale the following vat- { 41 Phis 'i:x ,ot N0.4, in the foarteeia#li cora. I ;±float of the Townslai1, of Stephen, contain aiuoil$ liilapcire�l acre*. More Qv less, seventy ofwinoliaro cleared. Naii,ir• Xiot NQ.15.iathe sixth concess- rho l'ownshipQfnay, contaaeiing oleo: 1}ta¢taixania-zes.moreorleSS, eight,.,' acres of !, which are eleare-I here L. rlpari the firstly described Tarred a s all frame bonsa Arid n new frame barn, a Dsa a pool- _young orchard; and upon the i tee a pn y u t11Lt dwelled a 1 ogdfraiiie*iaQtiQd' no bairn iaiid stA ld, ransaiia.eogdiiialseo utsS4 willbe male .t it At tariz•e of FAIQ, or utA'' lit 1i. t! c, lilt. reser& Meredith, eiseer :.. era,&'.,.+magas, Ont., or to Hazier, Exeter, a CLOTHING kidney trouble. He many be treated for Rheumatic or Neuralgic pains, heart ifG, l,4QQ, flit: reinrl,Rira ex las:s lraiza r after&ion, or any Wiley disease which he g' l 'is Most susceptible to. Finally the pat- -a' 1121,624,6,9$. 'leaving the net e;arninge of the, year 11,211,327. Tho number sf pe eeengerx cerrt d wat) 1.0,698,838, and flao freitelit t.raimapo;;ted over these. :mads mounted to •t6,g56.1.15 tons.' The ranee rut by trieiue were 33,833, 748. Tits total number of peeseng ars 104 was ten, death in all eases bsing clue to their own carelessness, The, 004vernumant raailwmys are, the Inter-', colonial And its extentlane, 894 ;allele; tho Feee;ern retention;, 80 smiles; batt ll indser Bratl;c i, it2 nude,; and thiM t hes pulteng under the eyes, slight btoalting of the aukles and legs. His' phvsican informs him that itis but the accumulation of biotxl in his ankles for want of proper exercise, Tisa bloat continues and reaches his body' Then he i> informed he has dropsical troubles, and is tapped uses or twice. Ili alibtiet's it is tlitileult to breathe ow- ing to EW irregular action of the heart, .inti finally is informed that he has ;t slight attecie of Bright's disease, At last the patient sufl'ocatee --is snlathered--and dies from dropsical trouble. Or wellies the disease may Inco rediver I Iel-nnd R'iiiw sty, 211. not taste the -form of a dropsical tend- imiles The total length of the Catnaadian't>ancy and the pitientdiesfi+om aptgitoxy �`aclftti :13ailwaty-, from raiaicanurer fol paralysis, pneumonia or smart trouble. Ira itreael. iii 2,'1 r0 saiies, The GttverI tilwaas aess ria41 at 1. loss hist; 54,82 - ,667 being co 1a the l:;tc-rc ' tEflal. Sin� . i Guru, of the lurking, danger@ of a slight 2$63.34, when the auleeldixing of mile;• ,. <a i ities envenom. 71rav emit 'need. the t.IItyver:iaiaaut: hill He died no heed the warning that a Riad ;o railway companies in accord- storm was approaching. Rita dee1tm d mace with terms ratified by Parliament' the proffered hospitality, and recklessly - 60,188. l %:tint forward into danger. Ho strug- gled rliallfully for a time but hi strength fabled, he great gradually , TRA li$. weaker and he' `vas lost to the world.* Not in a blizzard, but from the terrible in:alanly which is oircllring in event community, and which is doctored as a symptom il.:.tc.u1 of what it is, -a sitor- tzil ill t'aos, ...I Or it make take flies formof blood pals oiling. In each form the end is they same. lend yet he oral his Wends were warned bee the proprietoQrs\of�the e+Cte e- ra#ed remedy Peaty FLtt. n 4Qs �* 1%M eew's Safe INTER?' T.1 referred to by •Ir. Fest() speech is of great interosi u eject of interprovincial trade and journalists lla flit Inaritine provinces have been ha tl habit of doscrib ng confederation attar; ,,,4ka chore for making those provinces ^ ; porserva for Ontario manufaeturers,enul tam National Policy ars another scheme for making the hatter worse. Eva>! i in Ontario it is probably that most part of tinier manufactured goods go to ea ..tern sreFghbors, and ,gets back fish and rcash There could be no greater mi xke• There is not .a doubt that Nova otia end New Brunswick sell mere facture(' goods in Ontario than thee- buy heybuy from Ontario. When the labor com mision was in the east the tiuc!,tions was asked of manufacturers a hundred I times, *Where do you sell your goods?" and the number who replied that, out- side of their own province they found :heir best market in Ontario was sur- TENDER FOR INE WORKS OF CONSTRUCTION. prising. The sugar refiners at Halifax and ionoton; the cotton mills at Hali- faA.z;St. John, 4iarrysville and St. Step- hen,thoglass works and the steel works at new Glasgow; the granite mann- fketurere at St. George, and other in- dustriesof Tess note dispose of large 'Darts of their stock in the upper prov- ines, Two industrial establishments %lone have sent to the upper provinces goods valued at two millions of dollars within four or 'five years. The benefit to the provinces by- con Adoration was intended to be mutual, and it is mutual. Our brethren in the east have probably received more of that benefit than the people of Ontario have received. This province is the Better market, has the larger populat fon and the greater wealth. Hence it it able to buy more than Nova Scotia .and New Brunswick can buy. The cry that those provinces have become a pre- serve for 0 <_ ' : , hirers has cfeceiye.r :rny; but it is a > 1 it wide cif th,-. ='` uth, 3.1111. The Brompton Hospital- for Consum tires, London, ing.,pubiislted a state mout that fifty-two per cent- of the pat: lents of that institution have unsuspeet ed kidney disorder. Prof. Wm. H. Thompson of the University of the city" ofNew York, says: "More adults acre carried off in this country by chronic kidney- disense than by any other one malady ext!ept consumption." The late Dr. I)io Lewis, writing to the'. proprietons of Warner's Safe Cure, said over his own signituree "If I found my- self the victim of a:serious kidney troub le, I would use Warner's Safe Cure." OTGGE SLE! i aIuab Real Estate 1�l OFFA. •. TNPER OWE i (Ti' $, LE, CONTAINED 1 i lu no Asea a diezeinafter =aeration. al, there will besold by Rutile Auction, at ONTARIO HOUSE PILLAGE OF OFFA 0. TUESDAY, Tht±9tb day of April, A.1). iii80. at, the hoar oft s-q?'i+koekin the afternoon, partrof Lot x�in the south Boundary of the towii- faofStci lienar dew{ bed metes etes and' unade in the tieertgAge thereof from 'Fran-. Mohan, and Johanna Wuhan, his wife. to not and Silas 1tanlake, dated the Nth isf Mire A. an registered lir D. 1513H and flf @d filo Fit day flay of March, A.D. a84ri, unless The nice duo on said mortgage latesootlr rSW. Terms and conditions Ankle known o time ofealo, L. 11 I)ICRSON, ted at Exeter?tht ! Solicitor for y of 3tarali 1atS I. Mortgai;e THE LIGHT itUNNING J. SHELL, al= St.. Q VAIl°, Has now in steel: FALL AND um IN THE FOLLOWING LINES lArest of England Suitings;aud Trous erin s g Iti sand _ Tweed Sui tu Trouser- lugs. French and. English Worsted Cloths Ali merle up in. the Latest Style, at hest Rates, SNELL L. H Dickson's Itonalltgo for 341. Lot Nn; 3, in theist conceasionofthe tow ship ofIlibbert.contiiduing len acres. This far will b sold QlicA , and on easy terms Tlofarm is situated #lutgybet wioil�edfortl and Dublin, on the Buren Cravel Read. Church anti School within tee yards of fame. Baia thebuatin the cauliaty. A actinIser of Exeter tillage gropertic- f� sale en the hest of tersaa,Isseinilitig Some tlie tool,t desirableri;i residence* au town. erne propertyin the villages of Centralia and, Foorobalr, which can be bought cheap. Ferrfilrtbtr particulars r .; y to Melt -SON', aQb Ttb,iese. 3farriater. Exeter. S. GIPLEY. THE LEADING Undertaker AND Furniture Dealer OF THE Section of Railway between Annapolis and Digby. Lost in the Storm. One of our local editors clipped from itleadingmagazine extracts from a 'vivid description of a western blizzard tench we take th,e liberty to publish surd suggest to R. H. Warner ee Coe the proprietors of the celebrated War- ner 's Safe ar=ner•'s-Safe Cure, the feasibility of an exact for the introduction . of one of their telling advertisements. The fol- th vine. is the descripion: "Atthe close of a dark day in Janu- seer a solitary horseman wends his way a'eross the open 'Darla in one of our western territories. He passes at long cute rvals the lone cabin of the hardy rontiersman. Two oe three old settlers, of -whom he h.as inquired the way, have warnedhim that a storm is approach. ing, and with true western hospitality, etrge hien toaccept shelter for the night. But he declines the proffered SBALED TENDERS addressed to the under- a a signed and endorsed "TenderforSection of Railway between Annaplis and Digby," will be received at this office up to noon on Monday, the Stlt,lav of April, WS, for certain works of construction. Plans and wellies will be opened for lot. spection at the office of the Chief Engineer of Government Railways at Ottawa, on and after the t'Stii day or March, 18511, when the general specification and form of tender may be obtained upon application. No tender will be entertained unless on one of the printed forms and all the condit- ions are complied with. )3y order, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 9th starch, 1859. Sick Headache and reheve all the troublesinel- dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating fain in the Side, tea. While theirmost remarkable success has been shown in curing 3V eadache, yet CARTER'S LnrLE LIVER PILLS 0. equally valuable in Constipation, curing arid, preventing this annoying complaint, while theyalso correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and d regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured EA fiche they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distres ing complaint but fortunately their goodness does not end Here, and those who once try them will end.' these littleills valuable' fn so many that they will not be willing to do without ythem. put after all sick head le the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CARTIsn's Ix'rms LIVER PILLS are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make 6 dose. „They are strictly ,vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by fheh- gentle action lease ail who use them.' In vialstat 25 cents; Apse for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CASTER biED1OINE CO„ low York. Small Pill, Small Dosrl Small Pricy SEWING MACHINE HAS Na EQUAL. -THE LADIES' FAVORITE. ;THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE THAT GIVES .____J tdf ITROYMING MACHINEgRECEMASS. csLE oo -28 UNION SQUARE,NY.• DALLAS, 11 LOVIs no. AToPANTA6GA'SsarnAsca osw George Vickers, Kirkton. London Huron & Bruce Railway GOING NOItTir-TIME TABLE-Pass'nr. London, depart .... 8.05 A. Y .. 4.25 B. M. Lucan Crossing .. , 8.47 5`20 Clandeboye .8.52. , , 5.28 Centralia ...:......9.05 5.45 EXETER .. , ......9.16 5.57 Hensall , .. , ... ,.. 9.28 6.09 Flippen 934_ , ... 6.17 Brucefield . . 9.42 6.26 Clinton , , .10.00 . , 6.45 Londesboro' .10.19 7 03 Blyth .10,28 7.12 Belgrave 10:42 7.27 Wingham .:'.... ,11.00 7,45 GOING SOOTS, Passenger, Wingham , . 7.05 A.a2, 3.40 P.M. Belgrave . .... ` 7.24 - - . " . 4.00 Blyth.. , .,...7.38 4.15 Londesboro' 7.47 4.25 Clinton:.. 807 4.45 13rucefiold .....: 8.26..:., 5.04 Kippen 8.34...... 5.12 Hensel! . . ,` 8.41 5.19 EXETER . , ...... 8.56 5.33 Centralia.. ... 9.07 5.45 Clandeboye . 9.18 5.56 Liman Crossing .. 9.24 6.02 London, arrive ...10.15' , . , , 6.45 WN? QUALITY 1S THE TRUE TEST OF CHEEBS. J. H. NORTHCOTT IS NOW Ott RING-o- ax,EAn, BUNS, CAKES Etc., OF THE HEST 61VA2..ZSY. CAKE Of Every Description Made to Order. J. ...:* Northcott, �1c OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, reet Exeter, STOP AND ]3.EA1..! .I. There is a Machine Oil called RDINEI I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which X Will sell at right prices. Vntirtkin & raltiming A SPECIALTY. An examination of otic Stock Solicited. S. GI]JLEY. 0 nn Cliaue_Hall. Having purchased the EXETER TURNI$ FIIOTORY from Mr. A. Cottle I am pre- pared to do all kinds of Turning on short- est notice. ht9 Lai Bolas ts Ttu•necl out on. the shortest' possible notice. A CALL SOLICITED. 30/1 11 VAS2571, Proprietor., IF YOU WANT A anti taly Shaw Hair CNe�� CALL AT THE Central Barber Shop, Fneon's Block Exeter Hastings., PROPRIETOR IT IS MANUFACTURED SOLIMY BY McCOLL BROS. TORONTO, ONT. that Barrels are branded with the Trade Mark, LARIAlit If not, do not take it, as it is only spurious oil they are °Gering w o4,so as to make more money out of you. FOR SALE BY 13issett E 'o , aGiTEB. 3,TEELGRAINKDRILL Guaranteed the best in the world. NO OTHER DRILL made can ba instantly regulated to run atany desired depth without stopping the team. NO OTHER DRILL will sow all hinds of grain thoroughly, even, and properly: covered at a uniform depth in all hinds of soil, NO OTHER DRILL commences to sow the instant the horses commence to move, and misses no ground when startingin, after turning, NO OTHER DRILL equals the Hoosier when used as a cultivator and no sIngle cultivator surpasses it, thus combining two implements in one: NOXON'S NEW STEEL BINDER See the greatest invention of the age in our new linotter - hieh cuts but one cord,nnnkes no waste ends and:saves cord in bindin;,also Improved Mowers and Horse,Rakes. HENRY JONES, AGENT, All Communications, address to HENRY JONES, Exeter, Ont. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT Ty Ft a,. az ow from which this paper is printed was supplied by the TOMOTYPE FOONORY Dealers in Type, Presses and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 & 82 Wellington. St. west TORONTO, ONT. Ingoessemateeereealevissmos.o -11111111 The Grand Union Hotel, . CS-S1,11COST, - ON'S'.AR20 Enlarged, and Improved. 30 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables suppli d with all. the ,Delicacies. of the seaso 3 convenient sample rooms. Ho a heated with hot. air. Electri bells throughout. 81 PER DAY. R. J. TUFTS, PROPRIETOR, 8 to• sell choice SALE S: i d® NlrsergStocic LIBERAL PAY G ARRANTEED.WEEKLY No experience req erect. Commence at once and success assure. Write FRED, D: YOUNG, Nurserymen, Rochester, 23% Y. .e A FE 8x10, 11x14 and 14x17 PUFRAMES PlOTOGRA rRAMES -o--JUST IN AT o - NI '• z.t r m Dont fail to see them. Also a New lot of Chromes and Oil Painting's, stitch as you have never seen before in Exeter. The highest finished Cabinet Photo's in the County, so per doz. au. erg 3az�.