HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-3-28, Page 3Adventures of an Aeronaut.
Description of HIS Experience in Prance
During the eataitcePr rattabPt Weg-110
ItIectinge with Gambetta and Garibaldi,
f was eommOsioned by the French ae
Tours, on the fifth of October, 1$70, te build
an immenee and ectatlY balloon for the extra*
ordinary purpose of taking General
Bazeine and several 9f hie officers Quli to
Metz and carrying them over the Prussian
armee which eurrounded that doomed city,
to the South of France. The French went -
ed Bazaine to take command of the army of
the Loire, in the Smith of France. On the
Sal of October my passport wee signed by
tho Freeeh eeneutia landon. On the 4th
areived at Tours, where I called at ones
on Lord Lyon, the British arebaesedor, as
lkfr. Washburnee the American mintster,
waa but hp in Farb!. Lord Lyon e kindly
offered to Interest himself in my behalf and
said that he would Apeak tn 1.Bouree, the
secretary 9f the Defense Hatiouale fear me,
'Mho result of hie LerdshiVe kinclneas wait
that my contract with the French Govern-
ment was signed the same clay and 1 wee
soon on my way to Lyons to purchase silk
for a mammoth balloon, 1 had an order
or cheek. for $4000 on the mayor of Lyons
to obtain aa much silk as waa required for
its construction.
X shall never forgot the immense excite.
merit and entistmlasm,1 withessed °Nosy way
to tho City of I•yonee The railway atalou
There I had to wait several boom during
the night was so crowded with soldiera
that !standing room could scarcely bo founds
mil the dr Wen IV foul thot it wm
sible to remain long at a time in the room.
The weather was too "sold for roe to *ay
outoisle. Forrunotely I Overheard ;some
travelers say that there Weee some empty
railway coaches which would Ittaet to
•Lyorso in the morning. By following them
X had the sittiefootion of obtaining a quiet
sleep during the remainder of the night,
t arrived lu Lyone the next day too bete
to see the Mayor. In the mewing I called
at his ffice, where I found many persons
waiting to ace him. Among them was
Irle4ahdier. Frough among, whom I
know and had called upon at Tours shortly
after he had arrived tram Perla with hio
balloon, and 010 French mail. Ito new
that I hod boan eroployod by Bismarck At
Cologue to omistruot war balloono And teach
the Prussian officers how to use them ou the
battle•doirl, and to make obaervationobeforo
Motu, Strauthurg and other cities. I had
informrd him At Tours Oat I mid my bid,
loons to the Germans and gave up my com.
mission in the Prussian army after tile
French Republic, was proclaimed, bocauto as
an American I would not give my aeraioe
any loeger ageinet a free oonntry, albeit I
was very well paid. The Ftencli aeronaut
watt before the Mayor before I was called
had bean In amuck
ornploy,andanimated by jealousy endeavored
to prevent mo from obtaining an order from
the Mayor on the great silk menufeetuxera
or merchants.
When I at length aaw the Mayor be in.
quirod if it wan true that I had boon in-
otruoting the Prumians In ehe ula of wer
balloone, and whether the French Govern
meat know it. 1 informed him that Lord
Lyons And M. Bootee both know it. Es
said 1 must call again, as he would tele.
graph to M. Bource, 1 welted two days
ann no Ammer came. I then celled on the
American consul for hie advice, He told me
to get all the silki required mad ask the mer-
chant 10 a000mpsny me to Tonto and let
him settle with the Government. I took
• his advioe, purchased $2600 worth of silk
and did not call again on the Mayor. The
secretary, IL Bootee, gave the merchant a
note to be paid in throe months, and told
me that be know it was only the jealousy, of
M. Tietandier, tho Frenoh aeronaut, which
had caused tho delay, and that ho regret.
ted it very muoh, as he was exceedingly
anxious to have the balloon built as soon
as possible.
In the meantime Gambetto, had sailed
gloriously out of Paris and over the Ger-
man army and arrived safely at Tours,
musing there universal rejoicing. I called
upon him to know where was the best
place to construct the aerostat. Bordeaux
was finally selected. I received a. letter
from the mayor of that city offering to
render me every assistance possible for the
apeedy completion of tho work. An ha-
l:once exhibition building was .placed at
my die;
osaL I designed the balloon, the
longeatand the largest ever constructed.
Ita dimensions were 175 feet in length, 50,
feet., in diameter,. with' a capacity of 250, ,
POO cubic feet. I had the material cut out
4.01 had twelve sewing -machines run by
competent women, who worked day and
night. Barrels of oil and varnish were
provided, and as soon as the different seg-
ments were sewed they were varnished and
hung up to dry in the great theatre and
the Protestant Church. The great net and
the spacious ear were soon made ready for
• the voyage out ot the best materials.
I called on Madame Bezeine at Tours, at
the convent where she was staying, and gave
her many pieces of the various, beautiful
and rich sae of which the balloon was
made. She said she would like to have
me take come photographs of herself and
ohildren to General Bazaine. I. asked her
if she thought the General would leave
Metz in a balloon. She thought he would
have no fear of doing it, but that he might
not be willing to leave his vast army be-
hind. I informed her that if I was once
in Metz it would be easy to build a balloon
to carry the General and a hundred of his
officers safely out of the fortreas. Bub the
difficulty was to get into that city. I con -
luded the only safe and successful way
watt to make a governable balloon and use
a steam or electrio motor to Dropele it
through the air on some quiet day or
night when the weather was fayorable fer
such an experiment.
advertised in the English papers for a
steam-engine suitable for my purposes, and
wrote to several firma: in England and Soot -
land.' They all wanted too much time to
construct such an engine as / required. At
lest I found a beautiful engine belonging
to a wealthy Frenchman, who used it in a
pleasure boat. He Was so unpatriotic how.
ever, as not to be willing to sell it without
his boat. The best I could do was to pay
him -$1000 for the boat and engine.
The weather became cold and disagree
able and the room in which the balloon was
being constructed, could not be heated 'suf.
sficiently for comfort. A month had passed
and the work was almost completed when
the terrible news came that 'General Bazaine
had surrendered the fort. I was sadly
disappointed in not being able to carry out
my project. It WaS like losing a dear friend
or a fortune. The 'French people d'eclared
that Bazline was a vile traitor, who deserved
,to be shot. Gainbetta, who remained at
Tours, deadred inc to furnish theholloon, and
have it ready to carry the mail from Ventre
to Paris, for, while it was easy to Hing the,
mail out of Paris with halleona Once it did , thaptaznaganhte. r—He"bliaseereIdelbairhee,,,I, eatenet Marry
not matter reuele where they landed so long Inestrainge,sadetery ei too Deny Women s
as they panted over the Gelman army, it, Father 093at my dear daughter, that
reds.: ' Murders and tali Icrid"reeshia.nd drunkennete go You notice , he is metebald, and m a abort
was exceedingly diffioult to carry gaga's: into ebitcaott doesn% amount to anything- Don't
Along with the stories of woman's infidelity time he will pot have a eingie ted hiir on
Accordingly the great aerostat was coin -
taken to TOM, When I called on Oam.
pieted and Peeked /ate the railway cora and worelear dne.voTtiohil, EirorYolCil, teollid yeotuereis. 9aLtida iliejahpaea:It's formally adopted its new SW
betta he informed me that the carrier pig- pitiful and foolish, stitutien nci the Emperor /tate I ray
mail Thieking on, such storim and finch womert. taken the oath to obeerve all the for s
eom were ros successful in cerryintf the And
that he thought) they could get aloog with- I alwaya wane to kili the latter for being lawalaid down by the Uapanese reformem.
fools and Send them to /Maven tot being From the evidence which has reached the
out the balloon; thet it could, hovrever, be
kept ready to carry hunself or other persons Angola. • outeide world of late yeare there ht reaeoo to
belonging to the Government heto Paris if ee'1win11:4411 and bis .8V44 moved tel3iriningliam hope thab the tooling of the Japenese people
reriuirecl, or it might be used for observatIon e Year° age, They were Plain People le behi°(1 thciC neW °03sLituticm and thni/
on the battle.fields. When General Gad. and the man was 4 irier. bred, brute, esseutioi element of enemas is therefore es -
blot moo t4 figho for the new Republic / He drank and gambled end treated his med. In the rapid progress they have
made the Japanese have taken lesSone in ex,
palmier' from other advanced fornm of gov.
ernreene Ie is remarkable that in treading
soeiety. lie was a rather good-10014ns Atli- the path of democracy the Japanese should
malt, and had a good deal of omit and ge i have latd down their constitutional elmeges
about him. The woman watt plain and ) upoe such comervetive lines as monarehy
An upper chamber partly hereditary and
partly nominative, and a provision 1rk time
of neemeity for the exercise of royal power
hpyaxiitasa :lie: ordinances instead 0 WM. to
be afterwerds, it IS true, confirmed. by the
'The Considerate Parent.
called to see him while he wle entertained wife as au°11 me° ualtelly do, Ile epeculated
by Gambetta, In a few days after the ana4mada 'earl ot ninneY ancl tben b?"
in '
balloon was finished the German Army Ca.° noilni"O°no^ ;He tn °nine ju
came rushing down from the North! the
mammoth balloon and those which came
coo of Paris werepacked up hastily and sent
to Bordeaux. As hundreds of care had
been mpatched in butte it took me several
days to find theme which contained my
As the French Were being otnetinealir
beaten by the Germane and there was but
little hope of using tho balloon, and an
health had Buffered, considerably by the cen-
t:taut strain and anxiety and from exposure
to colrtstd rainy weather I gave up the ser -
vine and went to Italy and thence to Egypt
and Turkey. I had the honor of making a
granp ascension before the Sultan ana his
many beautiful wives at Constantinople.
ILO I Anomeded, in my project of taking
General Bazaino out of Mots, And he had
then balled tiro Import Obis countrymen in
redeeming Franco from tho Et114414144 the
map of Frame might have remained 44 lb
Was before the war. I am conddent if I had
succeeded that far I should have been able
to have alscumnavigated the globe with the
same kind of 411 aerial maohinc.
B Me4134 Of A desirable balloon 8tanley
mighb have been leand Menthe age, 14
1887 a balloon was propelled in n feW
hours by an eh:citric motor from Chtm.
bourg, Iirrnliney to London, aurae the Eng.
lish Obanuel. If a balloon cars bo stared
acrosa the Boglieh 0hanuel it eau Alto be
made to Or484 00 ocean, go reglad the world
and reach either the North or South Polo.
The Germain are now preparing for on
expedition to explore the regions around
the South Pole, They may and balloops of
great benefit totherri.1 would go with tbein.
Leo Congress and our American people as-
coudathine, and he hated and maltreated
her more than ever. $he clung to him
bravely until he gave her a blow an the head
which peoetrated her with brain fever for
some mootbe, While she wasiui lee kept
her in one of the basement rooms of the
handsome hoose he heti There ohe
would have died but for t're hummity of
negro servarit, When Bile recovered' ebe
sued for a divorce* and as soon OS it- wila
grouted she aeb up 4 dressmaking
while her former loved !midland went
to 4 distant Own Ana married a pretty
Veen girl -
The Man showered every luxury ripen, his
4D,reaoluern—g ;!. yllooso, 11114,:°' 4 a I r A
041nadayzankteinedy7ouu gemantee this dog to be
"Ye* mom."
"fisgbly aocompisherlf"
m „
mond wife. She lived in glover, had an **ye; meet I" be 04 do :nnytim,g but
gceooleewagthamnmteaocadteraTirmulagisramirgtohbr:WehdlreeKelLebQh4fali 1 44evIttakirw':101. yon 410 guarantee that he will
remora IA limb= nutil my receptrom are
"How long do they Iriet l"
"Through Ohl menth.."
more ; thet's asking Op o
first wile was her dm:smaller,
Oae evening the peer WO14411 had to briny
perty gown of" my lady's" to the Man‘
The rich woman was to glee A receptien,
aud, kneeling dawn Ppm; the fhor, the toil.
worn woman looped 14o filmy gown About
the foir young creature, bier face was
and rosy as a chitire On 0114144M
Jewel's sparkled upon ha round, white
soak and arino• She smiled down on the
sewing woman and asked:—
" DO y44 tilia I look pretty tomightl"
Dear reader, if you aro A woman don'
you think you would here eprueg up and
strangled that white neck by Ira repo of
3T:the keeelleg woman wee 1.041 , angel,
slat and oncouritge D, Dabeusset iu thecae- and ake went en draping the gown that wee,
Iltrugt4'12 of 1114 Inun°13°? tube and
in aline eloudiese bounty, her own shroud:
ito"nalenigleangtettlth'eveirith. aIfaittlittne4Vaterelltianif lpTiticIpta 110 alt
!re° were 414)Moult3011e(lentnide
ployed, which will lift the mamba machine she puled out of the hoe et light ttud
d*" not "awat't bY-dragau gaa a" be eni-lin the peso* of peiu tor all eternity.
with perfect ewe hoe been emerted laughter, out lute the coma frosty air, wAth
that the brepas employed te keep the tube the glad music crylog like a dirge lu her
from Wismar% by the premiere of the air tam The etara New dewn and memo
will bo heavy that la 'will not AM% If tie /oak log teust, at Ler mockery, wino
that Is tree hydrosen Out cOuld take the
PAO et the Veebeln and braclaRaebo Opened her doer bar little child sprang
, 10 opmother a
order to inflete such A tube With gee an' from tie bed and rushed to itsrms, igICIldn't you bring me something
other tube of the memo dimenelooe, made of
silk, muillin or linen, varnithed or calletil from. the petty V. he cried,
eimuld be pieced within it, which woul thAe Clib4littilIeWyasmilropituaVeri5rtrneomittt bbiustgowlieleenn
form the air out between the two tubes hair was wet and shining with the treasures
when filled with gm. 1 underatand theta
Cot:cream bac offered to give 475,000 to !brought from the met
laser000lal petSe°07raiel YreP'xrdthe e tinhaeniUId o uilefortune his usa' oon'olier!
by cool ti to cool lot° tho 6160 000- -*-- The mao apeouleted and lost. He again
oossors, to oomooto tho grand ootterprioo. i'booms a brute and a gamiger. Ilia pretty
wifo deserted . Ifo was a waif, an
If be succeeds in his groat project it may hlrocutout.
bo worth to tho United Stares and Astain one cam Eight the tired women
world * thousand times more than tho passed through the atreas to her cottage
Statue ot liberty leant by him countryman. door, Boado box gate she atoppita loma,„
,401 a lover of silence and program I inn— thiug human, It was the bandofMOM
williog to give$1000 to Aid the enberprine. who lay losotted on the pavement
antlearnestiyhope that otherAmerlosee She kneeled. down and sought his face,
be induced to sabot:rib° enough to otwxy the and finding it she found the bietory of her
grand project to a triumphant success. Whole lad life. Whet memory WAS upper.
Love aud
elen,q he said, as they 'Attached out -
the beggan elide, "how lovely it would be
if iu all our livoa WO could move awiltly and
tranquility along!' But) just then the tobog.
gate swerved agemse the trecit. It turned
ott beam. ends, and the Vino beart4
exe shot into the air, The yoneg Men
came (111411 arilta making 4 moahloti for hie
beloved, and together they swirled along
the leo. Tho young man came to the 49=14*
SIM that if life altogether like a tehog-
gee elide there wetted bo aortae herd dime,
.... ,
"I:wading, with reluctant feet,
auntie , brook aue river meet
Weetemaset andeteklecee Settle
is a type of theusolida af young girls WhO are
emerging from the cloyealia mega of their
extreme, as they miter upou their
I' teeete4 Hervoue, exalteble, irritable,
red by etreuge, auknowable forces
a in them, elildA a mystery unto her-
.etti., enr.girli need the troth:rat care, the
meet. loving, petient oversight, and the ald
of Dr, Pierce% .b'avorite PrescriptIon, to
mfely wry them through title critical. period,
during which, Iu too many limo, alai, are
Iowa the mod of dietressing forms of dimmest
peculiar to tho female sex, 'Bt*t this boon
to womankind will prevent all ouch disease,
or cure them if they hove already aired a
viotirn, Won= owestit to herself, to ha
family, AO to her seelel etatior, to be wall
and ;strong. Let her then not neglect the
sere mons 0 cum "FevoritePresoription"
a a egitimate medicine, mercifully compound-
ed by an experienced and skilfully phyeleiren
and Adapted towomatesdolicato organization
It la purely vegetable it he composition and
perfeetly harmless in its effeota in any on -
cation of the system.
IttUrn8 (41-1/3"81W3aLS, MOO at that raoment? BcOland was once called Piceland, but
......--0—................... Tile day when he, in his unateined man- the land worth haying was pioked long ago.
red Band, Shoulders, hood, took her ;obis arms and asked her to
bo hie wife. Resolutions,
I bay° mnin a ainiiPilil figure and a lialt*The man's farm wish Wet With teard o 8 Whereto, We aro a free and enlightened
Ing gait, accompanied by the unavoidable d God, see ing how they r Pi ipetinle, attd in duty bound to take the great -
ea hone, too
Weakness of lun a ldontioai to a narrow
chest, entirely cured by the vary simple and theta up to Heaven and made them new gettrt e°raall clantilde ohriotuhratteh: Inc°rIreetudotatisine.
Mara in His firmament, The woman drag -
amity performed exercise of raising one's aelf
several times daily. To take this exorable god this wreck into her bright little room.
Rad he not) been beyond movement he Thordore, be it
Resolved, That in all oases where we are
upon the toes 1 . l i p
nilhthave struck her. afflicted with constipation, inactive or dim -
properly, one must take a peeled position, a put bine on her clean bed, and he mad liver. biliousness derangement of the
With the heels together and, the toes at an dled unconscious of her presence in a week's stomach, jaundice and'kidney troubles—we
angle of 45°. Then drop the arms lifeless- time.—Atlantio Chastitution. will procure Dr. Pleree's Pleasant Pellets
ly by tb.e sides, animating and raising the and use the same innnedintely.
chest to its full c.t.ipacity muscularly ; the •
chin .well drawn in, and tbe crown of the Charily Begins at HUM. Children ory for the moon, when they
head feeling, as our professor used to mit When the Lord Mayor of London opened grow up they want the earth.
it as if attached to a etring suspended from a Manmen House Finid m January last for$500• or Cure Your Catarrh.
the ceiling above. Slowly raise upon the the relief of the districts strickenwititfamine •
halle of the feet to the greatest ponible tin China the "Spectator** raised the objeto era of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are
For a long series of years the manufactur-
height, hereby exercising all the muscles tion that was "no sense in lowering
in Britain, which, can emily ascertain by proper enquiry
thoroughly responsible, financially, as any
of the legs and body; come again into the Ithe reservoir of dimity
standing position, without swaying the ;vast as ib is, holds only a defined quantity, one
have offered, through nearly every news
body backward out of the perfect line. I by an attempb to do what China ought to do paper in the land, a standing reward of $500
Repeat this same exercise first on one .for hernelE" Our contemporary has found for a case of nasal catarrh, no matter how
toe and then on the other. It is wonder- i speedy justification for the stand which ib
bad, or of how long standing, which they
ful what a straightening -out power this !thus took in the enormous expenditures
cannot cure. The Remedy is sold by all
exercise has upon round shoulders and 'upon the wedding of the Chinese Emperor. druggists cat only 50 cents. It is mild,
crooked backs, and one will be surprised ,It says t—t1 On Thursday (Feb. 28) it was soothing, cleansing, deodorizing, antiseptic
to note how soon the lungs begin to 'reported that the diStresS was increasing,
show the effect of such expaneive develo and healing.
P` 1111 millions were threatened with famine, A soldier, who can only afford a pipe o
ment. and that the Emperor was married to a clay, looka with envy on the sailor's horn -
whole. group of wives amid ceremonials pipe.
which cost two millions sterling, raised by a Colt No More.
The sequel to a Sensational ephode in the private and eostly loan." Watson s cough drops are the beat in the
Superior Coma -room in Itleee• e (Ile, Ind., world for the -throat and chest, for the voice
has been brought to light. T ) divorced
wife of Riohare Carr has been morting to My She Loved His Exclaim:1. unequalled. See that the letters R. le T. W.
One Sunday, as a certain Scottish minister are *damped on each drop.
every legal recourse to see her children, and
during the proceedings in court her baby was returning homeward, he was accosted When a little man is hopelessly in love ib
recognized her and leaped into her arms.greatly increases his sighs.
by an old woman, who said: "Oh, air, well
As the sobbing mother was led into an ante. do I like the day that you preach." The
room the court was moved to grant a tem-
minister was aware that he was not very
popular, and he answered: " Sly good wo-
porary privilege for the mother to have the
man, I am glad to hear it. There are too
ohild from 10 to 4 o'clock yesterday. Thia
was complied with when it seems she secrefew like you. And why do you like the day
when I preach?" " Oh, eh," she replied,
ly left the city with her babe, and her pre-
sent whereabouts are unknown. When it "when you preach I always get a good
vrab not returned last night officers were sent Beat" 4
to look for ib, and to these the detectives and
police have been added today, but to no pur- A Dandy-Lyin.
pose, mit ie plainly evident that the mother
He—" Do you know, Miss Lily, that your
and ohild have flown. Tae sympathy of the personality weminda me vividly of the flow- Be kind to the little eines. 1 ou can't de -
community has been largely wrought up in de-
er you are Named awfter?" She (who goes velop children as you do corns—with a boot.
favor of the mother. All of the parties are in tremendously for botany)—"Indeedn And A.P. 442
highly respected and wealthy people. While do you know, Mr. Gilly, that when you
the matter was being reviewed by the Court fleeter one like this you also remind me of a il Send for 111. Catalogue,
fight in the court room. i ,, u-ANOES.
this afternoon two of the attoreeys had a WM. ENCLIS111, reterlboro, Ont.
. flower—of the genus LeontodonTaraxatium?
I He
mean it! What flower, may I ask?,' She
(delighted)—" Nawi you don't weally KNITTINC1::girttionwn,r4ttMACHINES
Out of 419 swords recently tested in (softly)—" The dandy-lyin I"
England only 363 passed the standard.; _ ..... and Tumors CURED; no knue i
The 1VIadrici physician vho made the post. CANCER
„SEEDS ?,11511 Attigein, a
twenty-five were broken in the stulking test. book frac. DRS. McMICHARL,
Ill Temper No.63Niagora St., Buffalo, N.Y.
mortem examinable:: of the body of Pigott Is more ram improved by relief from
elly i e kinds, Beam, and 10c, Certificate for
seeds. vour choide, all for 8 stamps (4 cents.)
dadarefl that he never jaw such a well- P
hysioal suffering than in any other way. Every flower lover delighted. Tell all your
formed Skull and brain, the latter indicating Step on your 1r:end's corn and the impulse
. d
a man of superor /owe of dharaoter and to strike is tatrongest. Putnam's Painless t
imagination. Corn Extractor, by quickly and painlessly arise Prompt. ems Mier wilt appear but twice
The American boodlera now residenb ' imitations prove its value.e Beware of ESIIIDAL INSTRITMENTS.—Send for • our
Large must, Med Catalogue of Band Instru.
removing them, insures good nature. Fifty
Canada are reported to be getting up a eubstitutes. " Putnam's," sure, safe, pain- Inents, Violins, Guitars, Flutes, etc., and all kinds
, tkTsert.irmTfrolfTngle crMaleratia a37 King S1!
purse to defeat Mr. Weldon's Eetradition less.
Bill. The effect '' of this report will - pro-
bably be to insure the pissage of the bill by . • A GIMES —Ha ?lug purchased,.at a low figure, the
WI :y 4 e,? 4 ill'Yno4Ivr tivi:_i 'i)T:1!
jay Gould began his bueine-e career by ...a. entirestock!11. tro,17-
exciting the alarm and indignation of mem-
posed to it. The Amencau gentlemen will ly he eleaned- our the broker:
' i6lonnx inal c re, Ae Source. of the Nile." W. have -
bets who might otherwise be honestly op- sweeping out a brokers' dila; Subsequent.
spehd their money more wisely in compre- • He is aewisepoet who knowshis own poem made a big redu,otion in the retail price. This work
contains maps, illustrations and over 1 000 pages and
raising with their victim,: while there is yet after it has been copied half a dozen times in cloth. •rt is nearly nine inches long, 61 ins,
, bound in
time. I the newspapers.• — ;'eidrme a71°e;:eir,'2:49.4124eekA eAdiesireeTeerotg;`.
Longfellow's Maiden,
Stole Her Own Child.
Consumption Surely Cured.
To the Editor :—
Please inform your readers that I have a
positive remedyfor the above named disease.
By its timely use thou:lands of hopeless
cases have been permanently cured. I shall
be glad to send two bottles of my remedy
free to any of your readers who have con-
sumption if they will send me their Express
and P. 0. address. Resp'y, T.A. SLOCUM,
M.O., 164 West Adelaide Sta., Toronto,
AI most as Palatableas MU"
o disguise_ 4 that ,ise most dateate sten:ash
444 Owe it. .11.smearirghze us a leeRrig
rittengliget.ulateertaertinyteiziele rap,.
SOOTrfi EMULSION is sudsnowledged, 1%y Taw,
!deism' to be the FINEST and XiSsT preparation rue intnrestfmagge
of its class for the relief of vi 400.11.1 cItts& eo .I)
* ()KEY ikzyystc,..,4,7::. !,z7,71,Y,:,,,T
cotisumpTIoN, SCROFULA,
Vorallting Dlassnaisa of Childress* llarristers and Solicitor%
sod by all Druggists, 50e. and $1.90. t Lc:elle:09n STe.0073.0aitra,7%,),Woveepinrat otZeree40)
rifeeDenteres etrwiNee eel/JOON.. ,-, SAMIJSI#
.1. CORRIGAN. Prop, 4 Adsiaide street west, CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE IN MX PARTS OF
aotenueoati4 Reliable Systems taught. wherebyer-
fect Pitting, etaltat esentents are produced,. Write mAN IT
tor circular with. full info manon. , , 1 0134‘.
BloyoLEsno tZalleigean4" :arum wahlog to *et ,eteat Imrro'vrtifrod_tota
A., PE .JE, A iv it. SAM; IMO Or' ACM* upssmusadit 1 on;u4avo
''''',„"' ^"" Poseeemo. call or write to es. n. staxisios, sie.
VQ$4ztua s(94 etxtttueeltacek, mate st.. Winnipee. intenuation
mformehatiegedsotereeetior charge. and setnere Penned
rat.. kdrauso maid siee gem, owe*" 61 AfiCCDISilErlir WC,"411
-AT Cetterar Rom 44t INTATIST
y OOK ropr Fort VAIxs• t eatlierBelting
..4 ..i.„ Imre the nank at Mull 1 et our BEST YAWN tea TIM DOMINION.
trgvam,:itritt; '''Is.law..,,r: AV:, A1.4,1 F.E.DIXOH &CR, MAXERS,, 70 KING ST. E„ TORONTO
No one 04 &et MP a room or Wilding withctit Seed forPrics Lirts and Plow:tut&
alarmlag the whole rietgbborboot Can he put up
in a =agate catallierCIal Men ran artneb one to aqy tememeaspeetemeseseaseeemaseassees
door by simele cleolee it, nem pet nem the deor in
tee lest Tbit iii is toy, but A welkcade article,
Made, pateeted ane geld by a weli4unasu Rouse.
A,le year isartisrato dealer Vireos, sari he ante rei
; awe la ou it, or Bald 4l1 Arai XtCeire One tree, Good
Agents wicited la every piece. 14, 8. 10118ALL,
r_.*_isoLO45, Salesroom 57'r Ccalz St— Meszasio4. our Annual DESII
is lo.:w reedy 4,34 !ABLE SEEDS
rtlgano 111ustraterk
Catalogue of
O p ma, gintst vouteseatuecto4BrE • le coniainaauc_,c-i-2,4:7--g
cllgovrocr.41/brtermalli ra'sela.t3.bejMea7teittgeieTareeer, eieirealtategeter:ines34-ait. viestaweaeree
nmleksryln',u o a; inti4SLY...4.11,_,S._Everaparruer.
ii t1,11URD &,,,SEIN Zralttilatq,11:i7.1%72,r4". !•;j1;f:ylti4.1r (;;Zora;
'irremoitie 1r
144114;VO4A J.41 RI,..,,. IcniyiLING Street,
Ausl arPcse CseArsIAti.a.e
'0 SOVA-
'", STP-0,•51,PUREVArci3e$1
E. D. DIctletim, Ykusheisi
mONEy dnrisa=v-zwrotata..
^it King Street E., Toronto
Csalitlinn gloater Works. Peter guess street.
20,11ON00 11.N0I1M WORM
3, Perkins 00;
To an 0
lione genuine but the Rolla. l'rePhreci by
Ellis & Keighley, Toronto
j Riau Lino Boyd Mail Stoamatipt
Vain; derlue Meter Item rertienderertithuniday
and guilt= every Saturday lo Liverpool, and them,
awe freiamery Saturday to Limped, calling
at Loolcolcrry to land maga and plunge:a tirr
segtorlo lod Ireland ; alio iron; Baltimore 'Oa Ball.
het arl$ EA. Jabal, N. .P., ta IiieerPoC1 41-41441117
during egrurner 47,ontbs. Tee ettemers ed the aim,
gnw Ilues sail define winter ta and front HOU;
1 Portland, Ponca arid Philadelphia; and dal, turn
ear between elogew met Iftntreal weekly ; 0„atrow
and Bolton weckly, and cilar,row and Plitiadciphia
For freight, pesesege Of ether Information aplitY tO
A. Schumacher & Ca., Baltimore c 8. Cunard re Co.
Ifallfax; Shea A Co., illt. Jelin't,,, Ned.; Wm- Thome.
son at Ce., at. Abe, N. AI Allen 4 co.. Ottle3ito
Love 4 Al3to, New wog; u. Bendier, Tomato
Angie Rio is Co., Quabee; Wm. &colds, Phi Adel.
phi"; u. A ASV, Portland Boston Montreal
Hair agto
Restores Orel' Ilfdr, %CVO
Filling Oat of the II.
moves Dandruft ; 14
nets wben thornobil are ti
one, 31aglo will praline a
no growth It **unfailing.
Try rt. AS eirtiggisti every.
Set. Manufecturew
emettra OW, CANLIA
Work Guaranteed. Send t r Catalogue.
Dealers In all kinds of
Agents for the RESSON
and 81017.A.1.1 Bond In
strumente. sarSIEfEET
BOOK, . Ilanuineturere
oi the
Best in the world, Eight
Years* Guarantee. Send
tor Illuetrated Catalogue
and Testimonials.
283 Tonge St., -
Wi are thilatrest rho sheerfellyjoix in the chores
Wiieu Breadmakees Yeast is the *West before
Mamma triettalAxel:vestals shriancakes she dareset beforests.
l the rest,
Ph) corm in°,114:1;$7: Ifef VSZ: let &Jet
Have all the latest improvements enders unequalled
tor durabilitystyle and convenience. The leading
Carriage Builders Bell them. ASK FOR TBEM and
When I say CURE I do not mean merely to
stop them foe a time, and then have them
turn again. I 1MEAN A RADICAL CURE.
I have made the disease of
A Me long study. I WARRANT my remedy
CURE the worst eases. Because others hex,.
failed is no reason for not now receiving& cure,
Send at once for a treatise and a Pram Boterr...
and Post Office. It costs you nothinp for a
trial, and it will cure you. Address
IL G. BOOT, N.C., 161 West Adelaide St,
a Valuable Food for Dyspeptics
Because ib can be so easily diuested i hat the weak
et stomach ean retain and thoroughly ass.milate ib. It
OHNSTONS FLUID ElEa_ imparts stimulus to the system, strengthens and
enrithes 'Dna mood, invig oral es and nourishes the body and builds up a strung,
robust constitution.
• Sawmills, Saws,
Shingle Mills,
Lath Mills,
Veneer Machines,
Stationary and
aArlyi yzdsizes.
and Moulders.
Saw Gunancers and
Saw Swages
Send for Circulars
Engine Works
B =Word,