HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-3-28, Page 1VOL. IL
E2MTE,I1, ONTARIO, `11, RSDA ;, MARCH 28,1888,
o -
TheQ�1 Bank a»
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital .. , .. < , 41., $2,OOO,OOO
hest trunci.......... , .... 1000000.
Bead office Montreal.
Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion..Agencies in the Dominion, U. S. and Europe,
=.i'= =i.:. -c=.
Open evert. lawful este from stir a, an. to 3 p.. I
an., `Suturdaye "Oa. co. to I p. an. 1
general banking business. tra.msacted
Three per cent, per :annum allowed for a
money on Deposit Receipts and SaavIngsiO.
R, H. ABettE ti
etear,Jill2S,'S$ ItInuager, f
7 �AIti .1
la I,tiblialieil every Thursday 'Morning, f
at titfOffice*
MAIlleSle IET, --- E `PT R,
ff,ae Dollar per annum if r raid n Advance.s3I.5O if no pat
° a.-
ax��rr�ast., a*` f' r weu.tuu alta.
No rap 'V discontinued until all arrearage
rare petit. Advertisements without, apeettlei
tiireetieree willbe published tilt forbid and i
charged aecor.tiri iyy. Liberal disec,untsza; e
for tea naeiouan adv ertiseiu outs inserted for
iooK •*.lads, Every description of JOE
I"i31,.i` INC. turned out inht1 ' idiaes.t style*
oras.at , fmoderato ttti .cng, bs '.s sttiwis cite o
be tondo iatYaltdo to
Wiliam Sanders, l
Editor. i
ai'Itiia"cii i)Lrct til s. i
'!a1vlTT 'li'.lafilkh'.7. ('miner. --Rev. S. . a
Robinson, Rector, Sunday Services. It a.1fi,
and 7 p. nl. Sabbath School. 23/ p. tn.
MI TItoi.LST Gili'een--Juines-at„ Rev. 1l.
Clement, Pastor. Sunday cervices,rodsaa.m,
and 0.t0 p.m. Sabbath School* al r. era.
Mrs STI1Ea:T. Rey. J. Wih,on, Pastor. Shia
.lav services, MOO aw.rn.and .s.aat0.rn. Ea Unlit
Scftool, °.3" 1..m.
Paritenvxl6RlAlt envegn=-'Riev. '',V. Matron,
Poston Sundav Services, ria.m., and QM r.
M. Sabbath School* I'.I5 a. in.
li�rafetiatlonal Carder„
L. ear.r.Tteas.
Office over O'Neil% Bank, Eznter, °.Mario,
NitrouiOxhle Gas for neinlesa
extraction. 4�
H. KINSMAN, DENTIST, ii. 1). S. ox -
,n.... tracts teeth without. pa1nbygiving
Vegetable Vapor, or 'tieing the new '
Anteatliotic on the gums. Makes field 14111 1
Ings andotherdent al •worlc the best possible.
(loot; to Zurich last Thursday in eachnsonth.
East side of Main etreot.i:xeter.
elIt, wneenr e, M D.. C.)ar.. PI XSICIAN
• andSurgoon. Office and residence—
Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderfch, ,
$. J A. RCL O
S e d and North
Residence—Corner Andrew
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
TA. AMOS. M. D., 0. es. L.. C.P. EMS.; L.
• n. e. S,, etdiaa: L. F. I'. Ss S., Gleeow;:
L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow; M. C. P.& S
Ontario: F. T. M. S., Toronto. 'Night bell at
office..Crediten, Ontario. Jylt-B.
1J Exeter, upstairs, apposite Contra
Hotel. Side entrance on south --Janos street
leading to the Methodist Church.
Graduate of Victoria University. Office and
residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. •
' V hussy Surgeon. Graduate
:44,1,,.''' '� Toronto. Otfico and Residence
one block east of Samwell &
_� Pickard's s store. Opposite sk •
-.1 Pickard pp at
i ng rink, Exeter, Ontario.
., of Sn_preme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veysneer, Commissioner, akc. Yohey to loan
Office—Faneon'e Block, Exeter.
, ftors, Conveyancers, deo. Money to loan
,$t 6 per cent. '•
Aliary Public, Prootor in Maritime Court,
Conyoyancer, &c. Solicitor for Huron Land
agency. Goderich and Bayfield. Bayfield
office at Swartz'., Hotel, op. en every Thursday.
Money to loan at very tow rates.
TAMES OKE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Sales promptly attended to•andsatisfaction
guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office.
AABROWN Winchelsea Licensed snot -
• ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne.
Sales ramptlyattended to andterms rea90 n
able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winohelsa
rT BOSSE•NBERRY„ Honsa'll Ontario,: Lio-
`i. eased Auctioneer for the County of
Huron. Charges moderate and satisfaction
'TIT HOLT, Khiva, Ontario.• Licensed anat.
YT , ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex
rand Lambtun, and the townships of Stephen
road Rey. All sales promptly attended to.
ITnrenen, Licensee Auctioneer fox. Hay
licohen and MeGilliesey towtf&liiptr.
Fell wheat looks well and farmers
Rre looking for a big erop.
Mr, Edward Knight and wife are at
resent visiting them uncle, Mr. 'John
Mr. H. Passmore hada wood bee an
Monday last, where the boys cut a big
pile of wood in pretty short time,
Mr, ee erre. H, Hodgen sr.,hav 4 reinov-
d from our midst and have taken, up
heir residence in Exeter. We are sorry
a lee* them, hilt what is our lees .tit
laxeter's gamy May they live long to
Sploy theirtetired life.
Wegenem Bear s. --.Ori Wednesday
lSill inst., Mr. John Bell want up before
et•,. C, Tleteher, to answer to a charge
£ winning the affections of Miss Lizzie
xodgert. after a short council stud Ad.
rice trout the Rev. gentleman, they
tit agreed to settle it by joining
tmuds and agreeing to become help -
nates through life. May happiness ate
end thein.
°Fei itaa,
The Crediton arpriug iwltollrr gill. be
acid on .April 11th.
Mies M.. Guinter, of Landon is at pry
znt visiting her parents here,
Mr. Geo. Veale left on n trip to West.
ngton Territory on Tuesday.
twee., self: of Jos. Hendgins is. regover
li g from an attack of typhoid ferret'
R. F. Carter atteuded the funds.'
tF Iiia late uncle Me. Geo. Carter, of St
Dr. Ames. removed a large ex
VIM Jas. Vertnon on Mot:dey. Ho
Jimmie around. soon,
We think in the lutes of improve- Ing at our right and left to -day. Is it
amts Zurich is not ening to take ;t - war? Yes, war of the blood. Blood
back seat this year. Besides ,building ;loaded with poiseii though iwperfeet
a new tin shop bir, Zeller else itltensls;i kidney action. Aud is there no power
to pat up allow snitcher shop. We hope to stop this awful slaughter? ales
tit t we lrlay hear of many more im• e'arner's Safe Cylre, a, !tried specific, a
provements. panacea that has brought Iife and taupe
Last Tuesday some more of our eiti-" to hundreds of thouysandil of dying leen
zeas left for Dakota• Az long the nuul' and women,
l enlisted therfo an the o- . t 1
bey wholeft wore, Mr• liarinlael Jlaist rA, a.� .17m
and wife, Mr; J, Fisher and 31r. A. Ben- of Hoang men and women Witt) have
edict. By all appearance Dakota is lbaren resented from. disease and pretnla-
aping to be settled by Canadian&: Wa" tuiodeath, anal be eternally grateful
wish all those who have gone a he
Grand $end.
James Ridley is at present ih`isi
Is relatives stere.
a,.,- Willlana Talsou has gone tea' ,
1i- Somebody is very sorry„ ;tlr. l' texItiy, Blyth s pope
'Messrs. Thos F'atrrel, Robert rindtalWli lrli#t weawlt,
Pol k :.re llomA Froin titre woods-:atil,'"wl, editor of the ;mei
los Alivttfi1, wait in town ori daty a.
They lopk. hula and hearty. � Ssturd�ay .
There was quite an excitement in' A number' of exeelleilt troupesire
ttitx ti neige the other 3Yiglat when
the " been holding forth ill till. operaHo
ov-champion f ikaulield end the c u _ Qf sato, LTt O llollscs greet thein ever
pion of Grata Ratti lout wttitthe &evlIa' lai�ht.
"she ex -champion of B. surprised, our 5i><; H. Collins, of Exeter, mug
• when he g.tve frim: a side winder
oasn gthood.ajawIt btiurots hedepcuidt edone btarosh ,jTausutt etloaethIursa• iiss caau xcehlleernet, sliansgetrwaenkdisMr.
wilt meet again Etter On. ; sx d et a fine voice.
Wood bees are the :ceder of the tidy ` A leirge crowd ,~care alt aitteudanee t
Mr. Joseph. Breuueir had a bee thda craurt last wt k, Trao catsc of in
sit `l,''ileeda* ill which- lift..0,is ruell
lrnrceelte udnitpol thed uoTtxt slilatinni'b
r wer
part:at which some fine work
vas done cutting and splitting shout The popularity which WOW' c€rliahratt
lords of wood,, lir. Brenner is * ed ale anal perterisgainin,,;issautetbing
ly good fellow aud gave the boas a pphintoutenel, The Hairdo are working
which they thoroughly enfoevd hard to keep up with, the demands.
y long D. anti M. B. Large orders are received daily from
ttei hberaug, towns' This speaks very
highly of the beverage*,
that the aane of life salt .so Coady b(s
'. Whitely has the ncable
team in. town.
Mira, J. Warwielh, of Hendon, who has
just returned from the northwest, is
Waiting at Mr. John Allen's.
, Mr. Thos, Sharp, and a gentleman
from Itagersoil,hevc opened a first class
grocery store; on the aortic end.
Prof, Shrievea of the "Pride of the
Valley Medicine" held forth in the town
Hist .reek and did a great business.^.
31r. bred Neelin, of the Su::, is doing
a large business in passenger tickets
to the Norah. West, 1; -red is quite a live
railway Lean,
$1t' :Sell, formerly of Stanley, Who
telt' took possession of Carrot's Hoiel,
semis to be well aatistled with the pros-
peeis, and reliorte business good.
lets E Doody, the Life Insurance
d inion*, fromCliutan, was in town ;f tat
week aril sueceeded in making (shite
a niimber hippy with Life lnsurepee
Mr. John Carroll the retired hotel-
eeper has sense Idea of going into
oaring An ft large RAID in the Ned's.
st. John is too loyal a roan to go to
United States,
The celebrated case of Dance!' `ie
Coleman which, was to have taken elite
at the Goderich assizes, was postponed
the fall Assizes. The costs wilt be
eery" en whoever loses the tTt
A large another of witnesses wer
ttendauuce at court this week
town its connection with the
eons. A, tL Vale, Egtaond"aa ifionattre
trig ata extensir'e trade in their line.
•hey supply the leading dry geode
euros of Dominion with enema kinds
of cloth, land are gradually extending
their business, Air. W. W. ;Meredith,
the book-kooper, is a very enthusiastic
tory and mstrong believer in the N. P,
Mr. W.Ilawkehew has his hotel fitted
up in elegant shape, I might soy in
city style, and he is building up P. big
trade. Hie manager Mr. N. Strong, is a
gentleman who understan(la his busi-
nes.4 and he is very popular with, the
travellingpublic. Mr. Wm. Tat
looks aftethe outside cls artment ilea
very satil;factory manper.
Peat Huron Conservative Oon-
On Friday Lest a large (lumber of
the Infiueutiel Conservatives gathered
apt Smith's hill. After the hall WAS
comfortRGly tilled, the pro silent, Mr.
Jos. Beck, explained the objects of the
meeting. Speeches were delivered by
liee.era,1'. Kelly, of Distil, H. W. Ball,
Goderich, and severalothers, who
awakened their hearers to the feet
that it was time they were up and
moving. After the speeches the follow-
ing resolutions were cnrrled nasal-
netetreit"that we theLibernl-Cor1servativo
Aimee] Mien of Wes tHuron do heresy oxpros s
our renewed conftdeuco In the administra-
tion of Sir John A. Macdonald and iii. col-
leagues. Wo fool that under their leader-
ship the affairs of our Dominion aro being
ably and candy conducted and wo point with
pride and confidence to the unexampled
progress ourtountry has made, and to the
marvellous developments which has marked
its history under the guardian hand of the
Eight Hon. gentiernan and his able associ-
ates. This association also oz essea its•
entire satisfaction with,the within of the
Dominion Parliamentin giving its emphatic
endor,ation of the policy of Sir John A. Mac-
donald and his his colleagues against the
handing over to a foreign power the con-
tract of the commercial, xlnancral or politi-
cal destines of this country, a country which
wo have all helped to make what it se and
under the Providence of God wo feel we have
the power within ourselves to elevate to a
yet higherosition in the membership of
that grand British Empire which we aro all
so ju.th' proud of whatever our race oraroed
ma be.'
Moved by W. Campbell, seconded by W. F.
Johnston, andresohcd,whist this association
desire to express its approval of the policy
presented by W. R. Meredith, Q. C., the leader
of opposition in the Local House,and hereby
pledges itself to use all endeavors at the
next election to send to his support is mem-
bor who will aid and assist in the straight-
forward and honorable course adopted by
him in furthering the interests of this pro-
Moved by R. Radcliffe, seconded by P. Fish-
er, and resolved, That we cannot separate
without expressing our hearty good will
towards the promoters of "The limpiro"
Canada's first newspaper, and oleo to D.
Creighton Esq., M. P. P., for his able manage-
ment, aed would urge upon all conservatives
the needIsity of their promoting theanter
eats of said paper, the true exponent of the
great Liberal -Conservative party of Canada."
Moved ,by M. Mitchell, seconded by Mr.
Lee, and rceohxd, "That we express a vote of
confidence in Mr. 'Porter, our present mom-
After thee thir.Saaeert< Sir Sohn .k.
Afr. Walter Clarke who has been con-
ned to his house for the past week is
bie to be around. again,
The Rev. Mr. Fife has returned trout
as trip, his many friends are glad to
lee Mal ria nlueh unproved in health.
Mr. Walter England ntoeed. into A.
'olloek's house last week.
Mr. R. McPherson has it number of his
In make churns for Rale et less than
ritolesale prices.
Mr, John Sherritt and J. Balser it
ended the Conservative Convention at
Ills Craig last Friday.
Mr. Thos. W. Whitiug and bride str-
ived 140111e last tveek from Mitchell
he boys gave thema. warm reception.
Mr. Henry Millen offers his tailor shop
n Crediton for sale, at a Bargain. He
pinks strongly of going to Washing.
xi r *Otl TeltU y.
Mr, R. L. Wilson has decided to give
up farming. Re bas leased his farm to
his brother C. II. Wilson. He ofriets hia
young team at a bargain.
The man that wanted to have the
reenway correspondent flogged for
eporting the truth, better go and do
fight in all cases, then he will have no
ear of newspaper reporter*
Mr.Wm. Simpson left on Tuesday last
or Manitoba.
Mr, Michael Hall, of Harrison, Mich.,
s visiting his friends in this vicinity.
Mr. Pat McLaughlin, of brediton,was
the guest of Miss Nellie Carey on . Sun-
day last.
Mr, John McLeod, of Parkhill, aceom-
panied by a lady friend. sent Sunday
at the Ontario House.
Miss Ellie Killgallon vflo has been
visiting friends in. Bornisi for the past
two weeks has returned tome.
Messrs. Wm. Roberts and AIM Mc-
Ackin after spending tie Winter in
Michigan returned homelooking hale
and hearty.
Mr. Patrick Carey after spending the
winter in the lifiehigan limber Woods
returned home last weekend looks
though Uncle Sam fed hut on deep
Miss Maggie Quinn afer spending
few weeks at the parental fireside, le
on Monday, last for Deiroit. Magg
will be greatly missed bt the youn
folks as she was a generei favorite.
Zurioh. it'
Mrs. Davis, of Exetea•haa beelike
guest of Mr. Stonbach.
Mr. D. S. Faust one of er enterprise
Ing merchants has a severe cold. '
a cou 'dater o
.r Holtzman, of C
Mr ,
sin of Mr. Benjamin Holtiman, hie ol>)
tamed work•in one of me shops. here:
r painful duty this week tt
isle the death of Robert Lovas arlli
d Oa life on. Monday monde; Shortly siter 11 o'clock Sunday night
haat in Victoria, Britirla Columbia. It lire broke out lathe large building on
is just five weeks since he went there the Huron read occupied by the Huron
for the good of his health being slekly: Soap Contpeny. The flames heti made
Ail winter. Ilewas the son of Mr. and considerable headway before the alarm
Mrs, Hugh Love of 'this place. The Was given, end the building was com-
bereaaved family have the sympathy pletel,w dehtroyed. Treble & Tarr, the
of the entire neighborhood. Deceased :pr('pt Actors of the soap worker, had no
Was 27 years old' and wee respected; ineersanee. Ther) was a small laser.
by all who knew him. Ills death has , tract' on the building. Causes of fire
cast at gloom aver the entire neighbor. unknown.
The committee for the reception and
(rurrrtatinrent of the GrandOrange
Lodge of British Anldrica, convened
he3 on. ..: Saturday. t
rdm •. h .alt t
sat ra a time
i ITI'netiee, E. Fl iudv,'C< M. Clinton, W.
r. Jas. Watson left on Mondor fora S;tnders, Co. Secy., Exeter, R.Tichborne
Co. Dir. of Cer., Joe. Beck, Saltford,
Henry Eilber, Crediton, James Wells,
Saltford, Jos. Foster, Varna, John Reid,
Goderich, Capt. Mallough, Dungannon,
F. W. Johnston Goderich, end several
others. The principal business trans-
acted were making, arrangements for
the coming Grand Lodge meeting.
The committee will meet again in Clin-
ton 011 Good. Friday.
We are informed chit efr. Jas. Gullet,
of Staffs, intends removing to Dublin.
iifr. Simon Chappel, of Woodlhaln, waat
the guest of Mr. John Herb= on Sun-
day last.
Rev. Mr. Haugh, of Staffs, gave a
fine sermon on "dancing" last Sunday
Mr. Jos. Upshall and wife, of Tucker -
smith, were the guests of. lir. A. Vin-
cent on. Sunday,
Mr. A. S. Case, general merchant of
Cromarty, has disposed of his stock to
Mr. McDonnel, of Hensall. We feel very
sorry to loose Mr. Case as he is a good
citizen and well liked. by all, withthe
exception of his opponent Mr. Hislop.
A. very pleasant time was spent at
the residence of Mr. Wm. Towcrs,of the.
14th con., on. Wednesday evening, the
20th inst., it being the mnrriaa of his
two daughtbr Miss Aggie to Mr. Jas
Hocking of Hibbert, and Miss Annie
Towers to Mr. A. McCurdy of Usborne.
About 150 friends and relatives Wit-
nessed the
witnessedthe event and a very enjoyable
time was spent. The nuptials were
performed by Rev. P. Scott,of Cromarty
On the same evening about 80 gather-
ed at the residence of Mr. Thos. Laing
to witness the marriage of his eldest
daughter, Janet, to Mi. Andrew Hod.
gert, of Usborne, the knot was safely
tied by. Rev. P. Scott. The presents on
both occassions were numerous, which
shows that the bride's were held in
high esteem by all.. We congratulate
the bridegroom's on taking to them-
selvesl three of Hibbert's fair sex, and
trust Haat the tt t . ny and
Mr. Schnell vim eras a employee ot`
MrHees for some time hi obtained e
Situation in Blake. He has returned.
Last Monday Mise Ferguson former=
elly•a teacher here, paicii. short visit
to our aehooI. The llroy/nand girls were
pleased to see her. S
We are leased to ha that lir r
W pleased
who is irel known in that
icinit ;and who, taugit • school her
for some tirne, has passel; his 6011'14
011'1 -
♦ton and has been adz.itted to the bar:
Vivid Writing,
little descriptive piece entitle
"Over the Guns,'.' from the Detroit Fr
Press, of which we gave a paragraph;
reminds us that great advertisers, Iike.
H. H. Warner & Co., proprietors of War
ner's celebrated Safe Cure, might get a
hint from it.
Here is the paragraph:
"Shoot to the right or left, over the
guns or, under them. Sirike where you.
will, but strike to destroy Now the
hell surges eventhewindows
I down, w to
of the old farm-house—now-back under
the apple trees and beyond them. Dead
Men are under the ponderous wheels of
the guns, mod devils are splashing and
shooting across the barrels. No one,
Teems to know friend from foe. Shoot
;lash, kill and— ,
'But the hell-isdissolved. The smoke
s lifting, shrek's and ,screams grow,
It is reported that Mr. T.I. F. Hillard
intends leaving town.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moore are -visiting
friends at St. Marys.
Prof. A, M. Shrieves did a big limi-
ness here
uai-ness,here for a few days this week.
The Hungarian Gypsy Bandhad a
good house here on Thursday evening
A Dairy Maid's Social: 'wilt take place
in the Town Hall here on the evening
of April the 16th.
Messrs, S. Cooper, S. Wilson and Fos-
ter were in Goderich last week attend-
ing the Assizes as jurors.
The stock and fixtures of the estate
of R. M. Racey was advertised to be sold
on Wednesday (yesterday)
Mr. A. J. Holloway, Merchant Tailor.
has sold his stock, to Messrs. Jackson
-Bros, and intends removing to the North
W est.
Messrs. W. T. Whitley, E.Floody and
Arthur Cantelon attended the Conserv-
ative Convention at Smith's Hill on
Friday last.
Clinton L. O. L. No. 710, intends get-
ting up an entertainment of some kind
shortly at which come of the Grand
Lodge officers will deliver addresse`i
• Mr: ft. J. Tufts, of the Grand • Uni
started on Friday morning last f
Massachussetts, where ho will be
some time. He is looking after so
.property there.
Mr. Thos Jackson, sr., the noted
goods man, intends going to Mani
ppr a trip this spring. He has a
fd,rm up there, which he intends
pig this season. ^
r. Jas. Churchill of Goderic
lef here with his family on Tu , ay
The me ". i
1. " for Douglas Man. r.
of t• 0. L. No. 306, Bayfield Line nd-
ered him a complimentary snppe : on
Thursday evening last he being a i,fst
Ilister of that lodge. There, w. e a
large number present and a good ime
The yellow fever scourge in the
South, the Ohio floods, the, fire disaster;
of Rochester and ethereities awakened
his profoundest sympathies and in each
instance his bheck for from x500 to
te5,000 swelled the several relief funds.
Where other wealthy ?..nen give teazls
and hundreds he gives hundreds ansa;
The world has need. of More such.
An incident led :Bina into the =tune
facture of medicine. Sei;ed sortie
tw elve yeara ago with what the abut
phy'sieans termed fatal kiduey •disease
he was miraculously restored to health
by z+ hat is new known as Warner's Safe
Cure, At once he resolved to snake
known the merits of en potent a rem-
elti-ed , anti, the consrqueiae a 1$ that to -day
he bas iuunence laiboreturIes ansa warm
houaies in the United ti rites, Camel „
England: Germany, Austria, Australis!.,
Burrneh. Sides of his Safe Rentediee
are enorinous,anti their power everdne
alae eirclly marvelous.
The merit of production is in 'exact
keepin ; with the eb;arateter of its pro-
ducer. with
honest anti reliable mann
himself,. Mr. Warner drakes Honest atm
reliable teedieines—a, fact abundantly
attested by their pllenomesral efficacy'
d popularity.
fainter,and twenty or thirty living men
pall she efid bodies away -from the, i ,
l ' �s., Mr. Jas.
• on a single acre. They tell of war to n, '
and 'for Look over hell's a -Cie and' ` r r. Simpson havingppurchase
find he latter." Ai d'ixi just assdeed1 e' Hotel, ill be le
J . Y antra Parkhill,
a strife,though Hole s as men fall- 'ln few days.
ele s a
�4 y
d . Reid of Walkertown is vi
guns. Three hundred dead and wound-' ns. on Reid miller, o
to meet Din at the
A Public Benefactor.
"Who is H. H. Wainer, of Rochester,
N. Y, whose Safe Remedies, especially
Warner's Safe'. Cure, have attained
such success aped celebrity at'home and
Hon. H. H. Warner, then, is a leading
and honored resident of Rochester, not
only, but a prominent and influential
citizen of thUnited States. On sever-
al occasions chosenbyhis partyas it
National deligate to nominate a Presi-
dent of the Republic, he has been a
member of the Republican State Com-
mittee and of its Executive Committee
He is a member of the American Testit
ution for the Advancement of Science;
President of the Rogester Chamber of
Commerce; a successful and . upright
business man. He has given .array
fortunes in charities. The celebrated
and costly Warner's Observaitory of
Rochester was conceived, endowed, and
is maintained by him, His 'munificent
prizes for the discovery of comets has
been at once the wonder and delight of
the scientific world.
seting of tate
rvatives of North Middlesex or
t the Treasurer's statement
411ted, and showed a baiter -At
on hand after paying alt
liabilities. President Fox then .called
upon John Morgan, of Adelaide; De.
Bellies, of Exeter; : Messrs. W. Stanley,
I. Stewart, B. Stanley, Dr. 1). IL Pipes,
C. Walker, henry Either, J. S. Ouse*
anal others to address the meeting. 'Thu
chief topics of tiieseverilapeeekersevere
Conunereial. Union, Unrestricted ..Reel-
procity, Political L"nion. and Annex-
ation, all such hobbiesbeing severely
denounced -a fact which receivedthe
unanimous approval o! the audience
But the subject most impressed An tiro
members was that one and all should
give their earnest attention to the ze
vision of the voters' has for the Domin-
ion arid Local elections; that they
should use every endeavor to leave
no man eligible to vote off their respect-
ive fiats In each division tonin;; under
their control.
Mr.. T. M. Bowman, barrister, Lucan,
s appointed. solicitor to the Asseel-
on for the ensuing year. A vote el
thanks to Mr. Coughlin, 31. P., wag
moved by Dr. Hollins, and seconded by
Mr. A. Robinson, of MacGillivray, fora
his courtesy and promptitude in attend-
ing to all the business entrusted 'to hips
at the Capital during the several Par
liamentatry sessions which lie had at-
These two resolutions were thea
submitted to the meeting, and. carriei
3foved by J. A. Rollins. seconded by W. H,
Hutohina, and resolved, that the Liberal -Can
servative association of North Middlesex,;in
convention assembled. desires to express
approval of the general course of the present.
Dominion Cabinet since last election. We
aro happy to find that in the matter of
the fisherydispute the Cabinet had sufficient
backbone to be neither cajoled by Battery or
frightened by bluster, and also happy to
find that on the trade questions of the day
they still stand on the old platform, that has
been so universally successful, and resisting
all attempts to mislead the electorate. That
while willing to trade with the United State.
in a fair and equitable way, they resist alt
attempts to place our entire revenue. trade
and freightage in the hands of a foreign.
Moved by Henry Eilher, seconded by R.S.
Hodgins, and resolved that this Association
of the North Riding a the county of Middle-
sex beartly concur with the actions of Mr
Meredith and the loyal Opposition in the
Local Legislature in their actions during the
present session in exposing the present ltq-
norlicense system and t1b�e present school
system, considering that in a British Prov-
ince like Ontario no public school should re-
ceive any fund. from the Treasurer of this
Province unless the English language is
taught therein. This association condemns
the action of the Local Legislature in the
present system in filling the registrarshipp.a
ehrievalties and other public offices with
worn-out political hacks, when the total
burden of the salary has to be borne directly
by the people, who should have the appoint-
ment of such officials, and heartily anppraw
of Mr. Meredith and the local Oppesition'a
action is these measures.
The meeting also passed a vote of thanks
to the president and secretary for the .very
efficient manner in which they performed
their duties during the year.
The proceedings were brought to a. close by
singing "God Save the Queen; three cheers
for Fier Majesty the Governor-General, Sir
Jobn Macdonald, air. Meredith and Mc.
Sale Register.
On Lot 14, S. B. Hay, on Friday
Marek 29th, farm stock, &e. Jas. Oke
auct, EHarris, prop.
On Lot 14, con. 5,Biddulph on Thurs-
day Ma•eh 28th farm stock, &c. Jas.
Oke, altet. John Hodgins, prop.
On lilt 8, con. 5, t'p of Biddulph, ea.
Frids 'aA ril 6th. Farm
stock,ionp i;e-
yl. p
menta end household furniture. Joh
Dicki, prop.; Jas. Oke, suet.
On'at half lot 20, con. 15, Stanley
on Ti gsday, April 2nd. Farm stoc3 ,
imple .gents, &c. E. Boaaenberry, aur ,
Chas. = ieimar, prop.
At illert's Hotel, Dashwood, on.
Wedn qday, April 3rd, farm stock area
•ample "ents. 'Wm. Holt, auctioneer.
HenryKellermann, prop.
I find Everest's Cough Syrup an ex:-
cellent ;'remedy and can heartily recom-
mend it. -P. B. Rosenberrg, L. D. S. Ag
kone, P. 0.