HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-3-21, Page 5Til Eyes Front? Quia0 March. W. SOUIHCOTT'S Clothing and Gents PNISWe STORE, EXETER, ,. ONTARIO. Some of the finest goods that colt he secures, are arriving ev ory day. 4 ENTS'PURNISInINGS IN 'TIE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICES, A CALL SOLICITED. W. SOUTIWOTTI r• Main d joint street. Corner i n 111; ,Ser t. EXETER, ONTARIO. MARKET SQUARE GENERAL T1JRE The undersigned, would inform the Public that he has just received. his WINTER ; STOCK) INCLUDING A FULL LINE OF DRY. GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, AND CROOK- ERY, ROOKERY, BOOTS. AND SHOES. Those wishing anything in my line will livid it to their advantage to call and i nspec t iny ,goods and prices, Best Boller Flour always on band. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all kind of Produce, J. P. ROSS. r1 Washingto's�v.�._. a (i".12-'88.)_ NEXT VISIT, ANY MAN Throat and Lung Burgeon, To Exeter, WILL BE AT THE CENTRAL RQTE% 7 �{ �{FRIDAY, }}� l tit►tV. 15th,. 5 o'ciock, m. 1I English C t lt C1atgt speaks. Rectory, Cuwnwaf, plat. Dn. W,\surst:T*,;t,--- DMAlt 5114-- I alt) glad to be, able to inform you tint my d tiittltti'r is quite well again. As AN is. the second titin' site this been enrol of gr tee br+tlw;tial troubles nutter your tri ltment, when than usual remedies ftiled. 1 write tit esptre'ess my gratitude,. Meese ese accept. my wile cents tlttnke. Yours truly, C. 13. V1:TTITT, heed TREATED -Catarrh of the ltd tdl and Throat, Catarrh Deafness. Chrdntie BrOltehitp'*. Astlun't and ('on stunptinn. Also hiss of voice, sere threat, enlarged tonsils Polypus of the nose removed. Come early. Con- sultation free. A few of the n1'tuy cured by Dr, Vilishialp;tan's navy method. W. I1.Storeey, el Storey e�. Solo, lnat1i1- filetttr tars, AC`t0n1 t lilt., itla I'tdtsidi'nt ,. nllatttltfutturtll„ ,1,s:+. of Canada, p, r- man(ently cured of Catarrh by Dr. Washington, pire)noune ed tueuntbie by (toted specialists in this country and Europe. ,` t o I o.• e•'e.tai s i.tll.pe 11rl,hs. Min for p ltddtl ar,. Mrs. John McKcelvy, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and. Consumption. John Meiv.elvy, Kingston, Out., Cat- arrh. Airs. A. Hopping, Kingston, Ontario, Broncho Consumption. dr. D. Scott; Kingston, Ont, Catarrh head and throat. s n t o. lIrs. John Bertram, Ilarrdowsndth, Ont., Catarrh, thrt alt. Miss Mary A. Ilombourg, Centreville, (,int., Catarrh, lead and throat. James Mathews, Post Master, Acton, Ont., A. E. Fish, r t,i.ts furnishings. Belles Ville, ()nt., cured of Catarrh, throat. John Phippin, Sandlrurst 1'. 0. Ont., (near Nap1 nice) of Catarrh, head, throat and lungs. Head Office 82 McColl St., Toronto. Consultation Free, I rafl ! HurrahHurah Who 1$ Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, Who in his Folly and ignorance ha$Trifled away itis Vigor of Doily. Mind :anti Mant,oad,e Losingeximust- ing brains a] on the Fountains at Life. Head, ache, fiarckache, 86rt:idfnl ;dreams, Weakness of:Memory, aashfulness In Society, Pimples on the Fico and all the effects leadingto Early Decay, Consumption or Insanity, Win find in our speeilleNo k:SaapostiveOiire, Itinaitrtrts Youthful Vigor restores the Vital Power in old anti salt, tr•'ttgtl„•its (anti invigorates the Brain and Nerve, Lilllila nal the Muscular cyst, tin an4 Arent '.a into action tits' whole physle al energy_ of tit Itrunau frame. With our zpeelfie No. 23 thentt,it ah>tbutt e raeecan be cowl in three months, and recent one;( in 14.'8 than thirty dots. 1tinc11 p:wkage coro taint. two ++•rc•l:s trG at,uent Prom $2. Cures <ivarautet'tl. Onr sp cilia No. 21 i an Ode tnf)iU- Ode Quro for oil Private Diseases no matter ot'how long atandin,,.:iota under our written. Quarantee to watt et a Cure, 's'rlee $5. Toronto Med icitia Cto., Toronto. Ont. Noy -20•8 $50 PER MONTH. Apel all e•xp nt eaS paid. We wont: then, wienaen, girls and hews in every Town, �'illdep;t' ands I[.iudet in t';.tnaetlit, to take hold of a fight, agree:eI)k tend perfectly honorable t'miplovuwnt. It will east yon nothing to. give it a trial. Send for vhentatr. AtIllrt'ss, W. H. ROBERTSON, Peterborough' On AN OPPORTUNITY, CITY HOTEL LAND, QN1 mama -0, $1. r day. J.4 J.AIeMJRTIN, 'roprietorll, Furniture and Undertaking. —GO TO— Rowe & Andrews' FOR BED -ROOM AND PARLOR SUITS, SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION TABLES, LOUNGES AND EAST: CJTAIRS. The Lax ,:4'.iat= etre OOPAs iIII town. Undertaking outside of the IIndertak cis Ring, in all its Branches. 4enclly ancl night. STAND—One deer north of 1loison'.s Bane-. MAIN -ST. , R EXFTF11 12 Pounds OFWHITE SUGAR For $1. Ms. Raw Sugar FOR $1. Entor Nut. Gen. Store. TNESON, The Value of Longevity. Dr, Felix L. Oswald, in writing of the value of Longevity, says: a`Cant there be a doubt: that Burns and O O Keats #or(:saaw the issue of -their struggle . aga-asst bigotry, or that. Cervantes,' in the gloom of his misery could read the I signs of the dawn presaging at sunburst Of posthumous fame? "Spinoza end Schiller died at the threshold of their goal; Pascal, Harvey, Macauley, Buckle olid 'Heist left their inimitable works hatlf finished; Raphael Mozart and Byron died at the verge of a summit wnich perhaps no other foot shall ever approach. "The price of longevity would redeem the mortgage of our earthly paradice” and it can be prolonged, and should be, with emend the use of proper Medi, cine at the right time,. Owing to the streets, the worry, and the annoyane of dray life, there is no doubt but that tens of thosands of men and women yearly All premature graves. Especially after middle life should a f1 careful watch he kept over 0110'a phy= steal condition. The symptom of laid- uey disease, such as becoming easily tired, headache, neuralgias, feeble heart action, fickle appetite, a splendpd feel- ing ani, one day and an all -gone ane ane the ext, presistent cough. trouble in min- tage ete•,should be diligently looked into d atc.aooe" Int and On it stopped through a' dt\ faith illi use of Warner's leefe Cure; whielt las cured tens of thousands of sucit. roubles and will cure yours, Experiencing no p sin in the region of the kidneys is no evidence ,Ila( the are not diseased, as the se ;.,r.;:tt Jul if nes organs have very faev',' 11(ry t a ns Et?ll�Mien, and i►ft+.tt'intes that ;;,hilae are positively 1ti►ttlnz'da and being p, n>a '.t away through the urine before the vie. tial is aware hrIt is tilef eritlg frailer ad- vanced kidney disease, witit•h is only anether name for Bright's Disse see The Subscribers wishes to inform the 'Farmers and General Public that EVERESTs SYRUP>, It( 14 l tepurc'd to furnish all CANNOT RE FXGC•LLED, Sizes and Kind. of Try it and be cons lucid of, its wonderful carotin T�. properties. Price 2Th cents. .d Wellig ' Digging Promptly Dane and at Reasonable Rates. Nino anid t hnpn 1!lS i tti, Mind Cr1?s irer► t.l�llc CALL SI )LIeITi.I). JOHN MOOREI CHRISTIE'S To Boarding !louse 1zeepera--On comple- tion of \c'riti'c Foundry, It, calculate tl ti►at from 1'i tO et :Wit ional Lands artt to he am plot•eti, A Thor:i• to let.aa# a +iva1I rent can - able ofce aolnodating ti to 10 boarders. About Eve minute's wall: from the foundry. APp1y Vovl-- 8 tt: It. SeAett)1.4N'8 Tin She)). LADES ONLY FRENCH REQUt-ATION PILLS. ' Far superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Ovide. Fit ora.vl by the thou Lauds of ladies who use them Mt)V TIi LY. Nt)v+r fail, relit). vo pain, INSURE I EUVLARITY, Pieta+ant anti Effectual Price $s. Toronto Medicine Co., Toro» to, Out. Nov -20-8 —WILL BE. AT TIXE - hitYal Dzotu, —ON_, i' Wed. Feb61� 1889 J ONE DAY ONLY, PROMS a. m. TO 4 p. m. Patients please call early. Thos1Ri s II9 Sup ;eon, &c., M. C P. S. G. S. & L. T C. D. THE GREAT EAST INDIA —P Lilt— SPECT•A T .TST• F 7 e isc.s and Diseases le In q`+; i se peculiar Ji v ;16(1��t�U�tgs .J Women. Thirty years practice. Head O,(iiee— Can Tailor. St. Thomas: The Doctor has been.educated catedi in aall . leading ;,, nearlythe ltadw�, Medical. Colloaes and Hospitals in Europe, has served as C For the treatment of all Chronic Dis- To Customers and Public at large, here is the place to get yourselves suit- ' ed, with Suits got up in the: Latest Styles, at herd time prices.' A fine Range of Goods al- ways in Stock. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Clothes Cleaned and Renovated at Moderate Prices. Up Stairs over Post Office. A CALL SOLICITED. IT, O. Sma11aoo e n WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY iNDIGESTION, FLUTTERING 'JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, : THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE. OF THE SKIN, And ovary' spooks of disease arising from 'disordered LIVER, ,K.IDNEY.S, STOMA akl, BOWELS Oft BLOOD, T. MILBURN &; .CO., freer oRalaa Surgeon in the I3ritisll Army in the 1 Try Everest's Dyer Regulator ulator For Mama of the Liver Rldnus, &e., and Purify. for of the Blood. 1'r1'e (1. six tattles ter E5. For Sole by ALL DRUGOIST1. Manufactured only by DEO. M. EVEREST, Gut::a,sr, Foe Osr. COOPERgHOP! Mr. Felix Wilds would respectfully •inform the inhabitants of IJasitu'ond and surrounding eoltntry, that helms open- ed out a new Cooper Shop in DAS+a at O V D and is prepered to do all classes of coop erne work on shortest notice. A call solicited. Octl]-- :3rn Frets Me PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician wbc hasbad 1 ad ea life Ioag experience in treating ng female diseases Is used monthly 1p with ported success by over 10 000 ladlxs, Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies askour drug- gist rug gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and takeno substitute, or inclose post - ago forsealed particulars. Sold by all druggists, $1 per box. ,Address EUREKIOMEMICAL CO.. Darner' lien. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan. 1-R This Year's East Indies, Surgeon in the AmericanCut lug & Army during the late war, from 1861 to the clow. of the same, has treated all' nationalities endcircumnavigated t t . tit C �� o� Th b a c c Q globe—His_th0rough e1tCatiOn; large and varied practice and experience,en- • FINER THAN EVER. titles him to rank as a Specialist—See- See once to none on this continent—for the treatment of those dangerous and diffi- cult diseases that liaive baffled the skill of the local physician. The following disetses with malty others successfully treated: -Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrah, Diseases of the Lungs, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Eye, and Ear, Heart Diseases, Epilepsy, Par- alysis, Strictures, :Ruptures, Skin Dis eases, Piles, &c. Electricity used when required. • Testimonials of Eclucation:—The fol- lowing testimonials aan . d diplomas may 1 Y be seen at pry office, with many others froth nearly all, . the leadner neclioal schools in Europe; :Trinity College, Park St. Sehool•of Medicine and 'Y•nya:1 College of Surgeons,, Dublin; ' Royal College of Surgeons, • Belfast, Ireland; Royal College of Surgeons, . Edinburg and Glasgow; Scotland; Licentltnte • in Midwifery, and endorsee. by the high- est medical authorities in the Unitee. States and Dominion of• Canada. The above with many petters from different parts of the globe are a medical past port-without:•re-examination doubt or quibble over every sea, and . in every land from the rising to the setting of. the S1111. Consultation free. Read circular and remember the date. IN BRONZE ON Each Mug and Paokage. J;'he Great Engiiish Prescription. A successful Medicine used over 80 years in thousands of cases t !, r Cures Spez'matorrhea, Nervous f► Weakness, Emissions, Impotency e nc s and alldiseases caused by abuse. •-�`• imams] indiscretion, or over-exertion. Darras) six packages Guaranteed to Ours when all others Fail. yr• Druggist l'Gne l n,t, h i'reeereytion,AskouCake no substitute.forLe Onerepackalege $t. Six $a, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka Chemicals Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, , and druggists everywhere. - Jan, -1=8 OMMEROIAL) .) First Class 5108 And HORSES. ()RI)IsIIS LEFT AT TIIE HAWK- SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE ASTABLE WILL IiE:. Pitt/MPT LY ATTENDED TO. wetee - R,oae=cm.lolta. Telephone Connection. PROD THE DENT R l Lite . Stock e an Live d �� k AS sedation. INCORPORATED, AUG. 1887. Head Oifice room D Arcade. TORONTO5 ONTARIO.. In the Life Department this Asso- ciation sso- cit n i 1onll es indemnity for Sick- ness Sic:-nis and Accident, and substantial as- sistance to the relatives of deceased members at terms available to all.. In the Live Stock Department, two- thirds indemnity for loss of live stock nmSend of its members. bers. for particulars,. claims paid etc. WILLIAM. TONES, Sept.6,'SS. M1NAGING DIRECTOR BISSETT BROS LIVERY, First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE. A TRIAL , ItiIAL . OLI IT S C Z;D BISSETT BROS. FREElt AIq'S WO�d POd'DER$. Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. .ts a safe, sure and ejectucrl destroyer ofworms in Children or Adults. HOSPITAL REMEDIES. What axe they? Tho ,arts- h of ietelll Bence in medical 1t) ttera has given rise to. . a demand for a sties of genuine, reliable medicine: The oppenunity of the ienotant .quad:,wiao grew each Curing osertithintoat of a single bottle has passed To sanely satisfactorily thhi 'd nuand'this likt a msec- dies hats been created They are the for ie presedi4iQnsiL theaned:xfai11o:1.:,nit;dieal praetitlonerl of the day.. gathered from the of London. Paris, Lid alio incl Vett. iia. Preseriptiaaes'whielt cost the patients olthesespeeiabsts froth *:iii tp $1Allere here offered prepared and ready for use at the nominal price of cne dollar eacld, NOG oneot them is a care alit each ono has only the reasonable powerof eerine a single direase, and each ane kelp is eonctect. Suii(sers. from Catarrh, diseased Lens;:;, Bronchitis, Asthma, e'onanrption, Rheumatism, Dye- pepsic, Liver and Kidney Complain(:,, Fever and Ague tiear(ti'ia, Female Weakness Leucorrhmaor ei'itpnsllobility,tihouldsenti stampfor descriptive eataloime I cs ►t al Remedy Co,, 3O3i West King St., Toronto, Canada, It your ding?iatdors notkcepthese remedies remitprico and we wilisend direct. 1 RY TO BENEFIT OTlii•.p,S. "1 have at very bad pain 111 my side. of which one bottle of litsy:u•11's Yellow f)11 made at templet( cure. I hope this Ina,* be. Of some benefit to those who read it." A. IR, T. Walker, 4.1: high St. City. I'ingyard's Yellow 011 is a Sped, de for milammatory pain. d1"0 THE DEAR'. --A ;person curets of Denf- aess and noistsin the head of es years' standing, by a simple ri'mr+h will send a description of it t RI• u to any person who ap. plies to . tcaava.so:7, .fest. John St: Montreal MANY of the 'recognized authorities in civil as well as nullitery circles s`ty. "The -Innl;arial disease is most danger- ors in fleet the kidneys are most lialllci to break down." Such men as Daeosta 'Atkinson and Pepper. professors in our leading Medical schools. and Sold:dion, SuIg eon (seta pt). the Rnssinn arlu.v, Woodward, Sing. Gen. in our Americaan army, speak of malarial as a direct com- plieation of chrome Bright's disease kidneys must be kept free from disease and the poisonous berm of tn:llarin they must act normally in ebonsing the blood for 65 gallons of it passes through them every !lour. People in real rht localit, ies recover from both the cense find ef- fect of matariaa by using' 'Warner's Safe Cure. Ever: person, in the spring, or all, wao has either kidney disease or. malaria, should. use Warner's Safe Cureas a precautionary measure. THE LETTER THAT CAME. From Mr. J. Hayden, UW Chatham St Montreal, says: "I was troubled for years with billiousness and liver com- plaint, and I never found any medicine to help m&li,ke B. B. 13., in fact one bet• tle made u complete dire. Harsh purgative remedlits are fest giving way to the gentle action and :mild efiects of Carter's Little Liver Pills If you try them, they will certainly please you. EIGHTY PER CENT. Of the human race, according to a high authority, suffer from one or other form of blood taint. Never a]lovv this latent evil to develop into serious dis. ease while the blood can lie kept pure and the system clean byproper prccau- tions, such as using; B. 13. P., whenever any scrofulous symptoms appear. No medicine equals B. B. B. as a book elenser.. R. A. Gunn, M. D., Dean and Profess. or of Surgery,of the United States Mede ical College, said: "I `;nm wilUn to acknowledge and commends thus frank- ly the value of Warner's Safe Cure." The late Dr. Dia Lewis, writing to the proprietors of Warner's Safe Clore, said over his own sigeiture: "If I found my- self the victim of a serious kidney* troub` le, I would use Warner's Safe Care." If.you ]lad . taken two of Carter's 4Little Liver Pills before retiring you would not have ha d that con ted tong nice 'or badtaste in the mouth this morning' eep a vial with you for'occassional ufe. ADVICE To AIOTf]71tS. Are you disturbed at night anti broken of yore• rest by a sick ohild suffering and cryingwitlt gilts of cutting eceth ? If tad,scion ivt once incl get a bottle of .21R,i, Wlsst ow's Sooxlln 0 $T1rOr p'on Cusaveslc Tasrnilo . Its yafuo isioealent- able_ ltwillre/ ievethepaorlittiesui eicrunme. 1 Mutely,. Depend u on hers t11e •e sal : diit mot x # t, 1 R yy, mistake dott a e an ( - mie . e;a'h it. 1 oar,* drys nLGrY � 1tar- rlicaak regulates the stotnaoh and bowels, cures wind colic, softensthegntn4, roducesinftattcrea.-: %ton. and gives tone and energptothewllole s stem, Ritts, WI*rssow's Soot• nsetereury x unseats :researitses pleasant tethe totite,and to the prescription of one of the tattiest tend bea:.. ifetnaale nurses anti physicians aft the lJnited, States, and is fe Salo bar an drug .ts t'hrougla•. eat the woad. Pries 20 news mottle. . Tones: "I suppose you have read that new book, allow to Llve at HUIldreft feats. " Robinson: "les; in feet, 1 knew the author of it very well;' Jones "knew him? Don't you know him now - Robinson: "'Well you see he died since his bout was issltettl, IL WAS very sad, poor felly1 He wasonly 41 years of age. Anncompetent authorities, promin- ent among thein being F. F ;Roberts M. D', Professor of Chemical 'Medicine at I. ni,••ersity College :hospital, London Eng, says «,$rights dis.;.Risi+ has no marked symptoms of its own, but tapes elle s ynaptonts of other (so-called) itis- ea>es, If yen have headache, fickle appetite, failure of eyesight, tube east in urine, gradual loss of Basle and drop - steal sweliting. extreme wakeful ess, . lilts"1•cs'itap; Itexs<1It.4atd4; do net neglect . ' tint It osylu1ttnut+, or you will eventually have Bright's dis;'ase", or same dither ,,�i � :t• lei%clef neglected h1[l➢e. 1, ..a Take. Warner's Safe filar, tut.' only es -cogniz- ed . ate , �r d d, . etii r tin [ I df1 I A(lit'Enguisllldl t•i't9'tSsGas' 1atp5 nna.tl,ini tlt::t is bi'autilVd." ',L.1nsr :1/4•011111f4 l tlt-'S, who ,art. Hoe yr'l t , raw brat sloit it is hie intifni tido -1nzt t«t:l+ir d.11+:;:Iii lir not 1111p r: o't'tl l tit -"74.1[y, .A. 1.11'1'; 14'' 1..\ . 1: ai.3S te, 1'rriKaaa fratz1s I.all,ia.fiiat,sty-:-1 Ir:tl..uclt a cpugh I et, ;l4 iia, se.-pt;tl,d was ft'- Y,i➢i ; I t^ to consum i"inan : 1 tri °tl e a cry :hili j .I enttitl he tr of a itioni' vile:, hist whet l g' t t u y.:t�i's,l't'a•t41 a� P#i. it. 1 ar,.s gOr de1,i1a+, It i. t t pt, eta («a•ittr 1 d t,► r tll,dl." 1.1zzi They have ?elite queer t. 7t rpt_'r of th et el!'y glkAt:➢1.V,tlaelntt t inti"ter f nd't,er . girl•. title inv.Irri Joie titss1 i:ver•'s Syrian ddt' in'.st i',..41ttl4' ➢.a_ tlitG ➢t)6 11►a litPaler, Ft:,re 4 1*. (4, MUSie lac a1 rimer, gar' at 'evi it -'1•. i1 e WO witty(' that • it'e,'•.'9tl 1 des th;tom aro alviay nigh toned. Warner's Safe t't7r,• r.teev e , Iaeed- tidal', tt'afEt".. bitids.'aa tilt[; i-ten\'11f?69197!+, Aline? Iie'ettts;' iheste trtillid'c • 0r;• • e.a t,tp°.toin': of tial tri t .:Stt'ie acids poison. tat ➢tit: ?. 'pRt'yitelar' etesati ,lf'Me.di,_33 e' •tlfvsaffireS lltpt11.u4.dtfnraet:tii •Tits. tue1:aIh' begin ald.+(di]el)t'!• dr'.. with lit•�3tp- neltI anal vomiting, followett by Wall- , •ss, _"tvi-ae's, il.(ii`ierence and sotnunle'net. silt"• (wiled il► d by general teinvulr sans 71::11 come." Tt"n'her -Why is it yen, Ie :iiia your Smithy School 1d'ss;,tiaa :is you (V+ those on week 8•tys? 1114 I it'tlo Tout— ( ente aut- (au'e you e nI't Iklc tt feller at eeu.(lay School. Ilusba td st rani, ,.Zest't that a rep a set tl'a:• ti's i' ' Wife -"Yes. You hid I Melt.- .(r.I)r gr. ,r for it dialing. I hid it S.•lit C w \ MEN I\li'a 11RT 1Ir�` "1`t f'i'I,'ttlll'1Nirfi.N ll .t .i'tiz'iia, Ine'e h ataie.s and 111 o rit:ce melt areliableto Sudden tteeidlents !arid Injuries, as well as 1)111111111 cords, still' joints and lameness. 'To all tints troubl- ed we would rt'eo,llinend Il:t'e nrdl', Yellow Oil, the heeds• and r,'lithlt' pilin curie for outttnrcl and internal use. ALL compctent:luthorities say Thighs disease, has no symptioms of its own. but presents the symptoms of Other symptoms of other 1t1t d etc1 :. 'Warner's Safe Curd' is universally rsallt reeognizedl as it specific for Bright's disease. That is. why it cures 50 m my other diseases, which aid.au,. dl it • I kidney c t � t 1 e 1, lnd+y affect t- ions. It restores the kidneys to healthy action: Wife- -1 u't it a feet, dear, that Aland g • some net men are proverbially disagreeable Httsbinti -Well,' don't know. I always try to be pleas utt. This is to certify that I have known the most beneficial result t to accompany the use of Everest's Cougar Syrup so ex tensively in'tnufnetured and sold by him Rev. A. I. Snyder, Wyoming P. O. A great m'tny girls says "no" at first but. like the photographer, they know how to touch their negatives. A'FEEBLE FAILURE. Many persons become feeble, and fail in health from dllseas> of the blood,liver• 'kidneys and stomach when prompt use of 13,B. 13., the grand purifying and re gulnting tonic, would quickly regulate` every bodily function and restore to perfect health, IIe is a wise poet who knows his own poem after it It s been copied half 'a dozen times in the newspapers. ' Wit. ROBERTS, lr. D,Pltysician to the Matches ter, Eng, lnf]ruanry ' and. Lu- natie iiospitial,:an,d Professor of Medicine in ()wen's College, says: "Deep sleep, nere-oils or rapidly failing eye -sight, nttr't•ottd, n_ >.;apl<lly-failfn,; eye -sight, tilt opsey of the lung- s.or a violent iniiatm niation,' anyone of therm, is a symptom: of kidney trouble." Warner's SafCCure is tine only reliable, and guaranteed remedy for Rideej- disorders. tel Sale Register. On Monday, March 25th, on lot 3, L R. T., Sauble Lite, Hay, farm stock and ilnplelnents etc. E. Bossenberry, • auct.; Jas. Pollock, prop. On Lot 14, S. B. Hay, on Friday' March 29th, farni stock; &c. Jas.• Oke: allot; E. Harris, prop. On Lot 14, con...,13hld;a]lph on Thurs clay March 2St11 farm:,stock, &e. Jas. Oke, and. John Hodgins, prop, •